Ctu-Pec S.Y: 2019-2020 Output IN Environmental Science: Submitted By: Adonis P. Masanit

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S.Y: 2019-2020



The Different Types of Natural Resources You Ought to Know
We're amidst a variety of natural resources that occur in nature, where man makes the

most out of his surroundings to be able to sustain himself, and those around him.

Natural resources are what occurs in nature in their original, untouched form – unless of

course man disturbs this. They consist of all things that do not come under man-made

creations, where what we see around us that takes its course without the intervention of

humans, is what would account as a natural resource. From rivers to mountains, to

precious stones and minerals, the earth is abundant with resources that develop on the

planet using its surrounding environment to help it thrive or take form.

There are natural resources that we are all familiar with, where we’re taught in school

about these in much detail.

List of Natural Resources

Forest resources (pertaining to plant and tree life)

Aquatic / Marine resources

Hydro geological resources (water bodies of all kinds)

Animal resources (domesticated animals, or those that can be easily approached by

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of

dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes hydrocarbon-

containing natural resources that are not derived from animal or plant sources.

Conservation of Fossil Fuels:To conserve fossil fuels, reduce your use of plastic items and

recycle or repurpose the plastic items you do use. You can easily conserve energy by replacing

the incandescent To conserve fossil fuels, reduce your use of plastic items and recycle or

repurpose the plastic items you do use. You can easily conserve energy by replacing the

incandescentlight bulbs in your home with energy-efficient LED bulbs and by turning off lights

and small appliances when you're not using them.


hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially

as a building

material."the houses are built of stone" ·

Preservation of Stones Preservation of stone is essential to prevent its

decay. Different types of stones require different treatments. But in

general stones should be made drywiththe help of blow lamp and then a

coating of paraffin, linseed oil, light paint, etc. is applied over the

surface. This makes a protective coating over the stone. However, this

1. Reduce the wattage

An overly lit room not only wastes power, it can also make you recall places that

are over lit for functional purposes, such as factories and offices. Choose bulbs

whose wattage matches both the purpose of the room and the atmosphere you

would like to create.

2. Avoid multiple fittings

Don’t be fooled by the idea that you can trade a single incandescent light for

multiple lights with low-wattage bulbs and come out in front. You almost certainly

won’t. The more lights you have, the more power you use.

3. Use multiple switches

When installing lighting in a large open-plan space, install multiple switches to

cover the different areas. That way you can restrict your use of lighting to the area

you want to use.

4. Install dimmers

Dimming reduces the amount of electricity a light uses and increases the life of

low-voltage lighting such as halogen downlights. When you buy bulbs, check that

they will work with a dimmer.

the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen

and nitrogen.

Ways to Prevent Pollution

Every action or inaction of any person has an effect on the environment—be it

good, neutral, or negative. By becoming aware and doing the right thing, we

choose to be part of the solution. Here are some things you can do:

Stop Smoking

 Stop smoking or don't throw your butts on the ground. Cigarette butts are not

biodegradable and contain extremely toxic soluble chemicals. One butt thrown

on the ground can remain for up to 25 years, leaking chemicals like arsenic,

ammonia, acetone, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, lead, and toluene into

the environment.
Use Eco-Friendly Transportation

 Drive an electric or hybrid car, or at least choose one that uses unleaded


 Keep your car in good running condition to avoid emissions.

 Share a ride or carpool.

 Choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible.

Dispose of Waste Responsibly

 Never use open fires to dispose of waste, especially chemicals and plastic.

 Adopt the 3 Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

 Use sustainable, reclaimed, or recycled building materials.

 Start composting leaves and clippings from your yard and food scraps from

your kitchen to reduce waste while improving your soil.

 Take care to properly dispose of your pet's waste.


Animals are used as food, and their waste is used as fertilizer for crops.

We get fur and hide from animals which are both used for making


Animals are also used for transportation.

Natural resources can further be defined as renewable and non-

renewable resources. Renewable resources are those that can be

produced again, for example, plants and animals, whereas,

nonrenewable resources are those which cannot be produced again, for

example, fossil fuels. The latter is exhaustible and needs to be carefully

utilized to leave enough for future generations.

We need to make serious attempts to use natural resources in an efficient

manner because in recent years, these resources have depleted as a result

of their careless use. The seriousness of the problem can be understood

from the words of former American president Theodore Roosevelt, “The

conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we

solve that problem, it will avail us little to solve all others.”

Conservation of Animals

We must conserve the species by protecting their habitats and providing

them the place wherein they are comfortable and fitted to their needs

specially the food they eat. We must protect the endangered species in

order to prevent exhaust of the number of species.

Land is
used for
farming from which vegetables, grains, and fruits are grown.
Land is used for farming from which vegetables, grains, and fruits are


Wood from trees is cut and processed to make furniture for homes and to

provide for construction materials.

Vegetation used for cooking and also as fuel to produce heat for warmth.

Clothing – clothes are made from cotton.

Plants are used as an ingredient in medicines.

Plants Conservation

There are many ways to conserve plants for the long run like protecting

it from destruction, take care of it and giving attention. Most of all by

planting a lot of trees and

follow the replacement method when cutting trees in order to maintain

the appearance of the forest. Providing enough and healthy fertilizers in

order for it to grow healthy and protected by insects that can cause a

massive damage to the crops.

Minerals can be defined as naturally occurring substances obtained from the

ground. Some examples are coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron, copper, gold, etc.

They are also absorbed by plants from the earth’s surface, and are transferred to

humans through food.

Minerals Conservation

Used of minerals in a planned and sustainable manner, recycling of metal, use of

alternative renewable substitutes, improvising the technology so that low-grade

ores can be used profitably. By re-using, recuperating and recycling methods,

materials can be manufactured from minerals, and by replacing others materials as


The water from rivers is used to generate hydro-electricity.

Water is used for drinking (only 0.0007% of earth’s water is suitable for drinking. The

rest is salt water, water trapped in glaciers, or polluted.

Freshwater is used for irrigation of crops.

Water Conservation:Water conservation means using water wisely and not contributing

to unnecessary wastage. Using less keep water keeps more in our ecosystem and helps to

keep wetlandhabitats topped up for animals like otters, water voles, herons and fish. This

is especially important during drought periods and in areas.


Soil is used for growing crops (only 10% of the earth’s surface). It can also be used for


Many tribal people around the world create shelters with the help of soil.

Soil Conservation:

Soil conservation is the name given to a handful of techniques aimed at preserving

the soil.
Soil can be conserved by avoiding doing burn clearing methods in forest that can often

cause deforestation it can loss soil nutrients. Avoid over use, salinization and chemical

contamination to prevent losing of soil fertility.

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