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Water Resources Development 25th Nov 2016 Shift 3

Roll No: 107020

Test Center Name: One Direction Skill Solution Infotech
Test Date: 25/11/2016
Test Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Marks Obtained: 74.00

Section : General Awareness

Q.1 Green House effect occurs when---

Question ID : 3396881851
Ans 1. Earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation
Status : Answered
2. The Green plants are placed in House Chosen Option : 4

3. The plants are cultivated in Greenhouse

4. Earth's surface absorbs solar heat

Q.2 The Governor of the state is appointed by

Question ID : 3396881833
Ans 1. Prime Minister of India
Status : Answered
2. President of India Chosen Option : 3

3. Chief Justice of India

4. Chief Minister of state

Q.3 Find 'x' if slope of line passing through the points (4, -3) and (x, -1) is 1/
3 Question ID : 3396881856
Ans 1. 11 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
2. 19

3. -11

4. -15

Q.4 Basalt from Deccan trap is basically------type of Rock.

Question ID : 3396881868
Ans 1. Metamorphic
Status : Answered
2. Sandstone Chosen Option : 4

3. Sedimentary

4. Igneous

Q.5 Find out a missing Numerical :-

24, 49, ?, 94, 15, 31, 59, 58 Question ID : 3396881853
Ans 1. 93 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
2. 99

3. 95

4. 98

Q.6 Choose correct word for the sentence given below :

The------- arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impre Question ID : 3396881858
ss anybody. Status : Answered
Ans 1. Spacious Chosen Option : 4

2. Convincing

3. Intemperate

4. Spurious
Q.7 As per modern Periodic table the fundamental characteristic of Element
s are based on Question ID : 3396881862
Ans Status : Answered
1. Radius of Atom
Chosen Option : 3
2. Nucleus Size

3. Atomic Number

4. Atomic Weight

Q.8 The only Indian to win the Nobel prize in physics is

Question ID : 3396881832
Ans 1. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
Status : Answered
2. Dr. J.C.Bose Chosen Option : 1

3. Dr. C.V.Raman

4. Dr. Homi Bhabha

Question ID : 3396881843
Status : Answered
Ans Chosen Option : 3


2. None of these



Q.10 If Diameter of a wheel is 2.8 m, how many round it will take to travel a di
stance of 8.8 km Question ID : 3396881837
Ans 1. 500 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
2. 2200

3. 1000

4. 100

Q.11 In a Right Angle triangle one side of Right angle is 7 times the other sid
e, then Hypoteneous of triangle is ------times of smallest side. Question ID : 3396881845
Ans 1. 25√2 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
2. 3√2

3. 50

4. 5√2

Question ID : 3396881871

Ans Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 4



Q.13 A Athelete from Jamaica who set the world Record in Men's 100 m even
t is------ Question ID : 3396881865
Ans Status : Answered
1. Bo Jackson
Chosen Option : 2
2. Micheal Jordon

3. Phelps

4. Usain Bolt

Q.14 Slope of line whose inclination is 45°

Question ID : 3396881855
Ans 1. -√3
Status : Answered
2. √3 Chosen Option : 3

3. 1

4. 2

Q.15 The United Nations conference on Enviornment & Development (UNCE

D) was named as Earth summit and in 1992 it was held in--- Question ID : 3396881863
Ans 1. Paris Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
2. Rio

3. Brisbane

4. Kyoto

Q.16 If length of the side of a square is 25 cm, the length of its Diagonal will
be Question ID : 3396881836
Ans Status : Answered
1. √1250
Chosen Option : 3
2. √500

3. √625

4. √25

Question ID : 3396881870
Ans Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4



Q.18 Values of 'Z' are 1, 3 and 4 and frequencies of occurrence of these value
s are 2, 4 and 6 respectively. Then mean value of 'Z' will be Question ID : 3396881841
Ans 1. 3.16 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
2. 4

3. 2.66

4. 4.75

Question ID : 3396881842
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1. 43

2. 47

3. 41
4. 51

Q.20 The Finance Minister of India subsequently became the President of Ind
ia, Namely---- Question ID : 3396881850
Ans 1. Shri. V. V. Giri Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
2. Shri. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

3. Shri Pranab Mukherjee

4. Shri. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Q.21 An Uncle is now 3 times as old as his nephew, 10 years back he was five
times as old as his nephew. The age of nephew as on today is Question ID : 3396881839
Ans 1. 20 years Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
2. 18 years

3. 15 years

4. 12 years

Q.22 Marathwada region got included in the state almost 1 year later than Ind
ependence of India because of Question ID : 3396881834
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 4
2. British policy

3. Goa Mukti abhiyan

4. Hyderabad Neezam

Q.23 The ground for playing Hockey is of the size ----

Question ID : 3396881847
Ans 1. 300 m X 180 m
Status : Answered
2. 91 m X 55 m Chosen Option : 1

3. 60 m X 30 m

4. 100 m X 100 m

Q.24 World AIDS day is observed on--------

Question ID : 3396881835
Ans 1. 24th October
Status : Answered
2. 1st December Chosen Option : 2

3. 8th March

4. 10th December

Q.25 Select one out of four alternatives, which best expresses the same sent
ence in passive/active voice : They will laugh at you Question ID : 3396881860
Ans Status : Answered
1. You may be laughed at by them
Chosen Option : 3
2. You can be laughed at by them

3. You will have been laughed at by them

4. You will be laughed at by them

Q.26 In Indian Armed forces order of wear, second top most Medal is---
Question ID : 3396881844
Ans 1. Ashok Chakra
Status : Answered
2. Padma Bhushan Chosen Option : 3

3. Maha Vir Chakra

4. Param Vishisht Seva Medal

Q.27 Complete the Given series of numbers by choosing the correct alternati
ve :- Question ID : 3396881854
6, 8, 11, 16, 24, ?, ? Status : Answered
Ans 1. 37, 51 Chosen Option : 3

2. 27, 56
3. 37, 58

4. 47, 64

Question ID : 3396881869

Ans Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 4




Q.29 Choose synonym for word "CAPTIVATE" from following---

Question ID : 3396881857
Ans 1. Despice
Status : Answered
2. Scorn Chosen Option : 1

3. Lure

4. Offend

Q.30 Zero Degree Meridional Circle poasses through--------

Question ID : 3396881846
Ans 1. Allahabad
Status : Answered
2. Washinton Chosen Option : 1

3. Greenwich

4. Moscow

Q.31 Length of An arc with angle 60° and radius 6m is.

Question ID : 3396881861
Ans 1. 36π
Status : Answered
2. 12π Chosen Option : 1

3. 3π

4. 2π

Q.32 Find the Principal Amount, if amount received at the end of 9 months at
simple rate of interest of 12% on it is Rs. 21,800/- Question ID : 3396881838
Ans 1. None of these Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
2. Rs. 21000/-

3. Rs. 20000/-

4. Rs. 20500/-

Q.33 "India Home Rule Movement" was started during the time of first World
War by-- Question ID : 3396881866
Ans Status : Answered
1. Dr. Annie Besant & Lokmanya Tilak
Chosen Option : 1
2. Lord Hesting & Lord Karzan

3. Mahatma Gandhi & Lokmanya Tilak

4. Lala Lajpatroy & Bipinchandra Pal

Q.34 As per United Nations World happiness report of 2016 'Happiest Countr
y' in the world is---- Question ID : 3396881864
Ans Status : Answered
1. Switzerland
Chosen Option : 3
2. Iceland

3. Norway

4. Denmark

Q.35 Choose correct pair of words for the statement given below :
The war-------immediately after the cease-fire proposal was-------bilate Question ID : 3396881859
rally Status : Answered
Ans 1. receded ; exchanged Chosen Option : 1

2. Started ; prepared

3. Ended ; accepted

4. Extended ; mitigated

Q.36 Solve the following simultaneous equation for values of p and q :

 (p+2q)=1 and (2p-q)=-3 Question ID : 3396881840
Ans 1. 1 and 1 Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
2. 1 and -1

3. -1 and 1

4. -1 and -1

Q.37 The largest Iron ore producer state of India is ----

Question ID : 3396881848
Ans 1. Orissa
Status : Answered
2. Goa Chosen Option : 4

3. Karnataka

4. Jharkhand

Q.38 Find out the similar Term :-

G, H, F, I, E, J, D, K, ?, ? Question ID : 3396881852
Ans Status : Answered
1. B, M
Chosen Option : 3
2. L, A

3. C, L

4. B, L

Q.39 Modern Alternative to conventional 'Fuse' to cut the domestice electrica

l supply in case of current overrun is------ Question ID : 3396881867
Ans Status : Answered
1. Induction coil
Chosen Option : 1
2. Transformers

3. Transistors

4. Miniature circuit Brakers

Q.40 ISRO with----successfully launched eight satellites in a single flight in O

ctober 2016 Question ID : 3396881849
Ans Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
2. PSLV-C40

3. PSLV-C35

4. PSLV-C32

Section : Civil Engineering

Q.1 A concrete mixer is specified by

Question ID : 3396881916
Ans 1. Speed of mixer drum
Status : Answered
2. Volume of concrete mix discharged per batch Chosen Option : 3

3. The volume of mixing drum

4. Horse power of its prime mover

Q.2 When an irrigation canal crosses the drain such that canal bed level is s
ufficiently above HFL of the drain, structure provided to take the canal a Question ID : 3396881903
cross the drain is Status : Answered
Ans 1. Super passage Chosen Option : 1

2. Aquaduct
3. Syphon

4. Inlate-outlet

Q.3 Co-ordinates of stations A and B are (30 m North, 15 m East) and (60 m
North , 55m East) respectively, then length of line AB will Question ID : 3396881877
Ans 1. 50.000 m Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
2. 26.458 m

3. 114.018

4. 51.478 m

Q.4 Degree of workability required for mass concrete, lightly reinforced sect
ions, hand placed pavements and canal lining is Question ID : 3396881894
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 1
2. High (Slump 100 to 150 mm)

3. Medium (Slump 50 to 100 mm

4. Low (Slump 25 to 75 mm)

Q.5 Super passage is the cross drainage structure provided when---

Question ID : 3396881904
Ans 1. Canal bed level is just above HFL of the natural drain
Status : Answered
2. Canal bed level and drain bed level are approximately at same le Chosen Option : 1
3. Natural bed level of a drain is sufficiently above FSL of the canal

4. Canal flow is to be flumed for measurement of discharge

Q.6 At a curved section of road not provided with super elevation, deteriorat
ion of road is most likely to start from Question ID : 3396881928
Ans Status : Answered
1. Anywhere on the road
Chosen Option : 3
2. Outer edge of the road

3. Inner edge of the road

4. Centre of the road

Q.7 Cross sectional area at one end of earthwork is 7 Sq.m and at other end
of it is 9 Sq.m, if distance between two end sections is 6 m. Area of mid Question ID : 3396881884
section is 8.5 Sq.m, then volume of earthwork using Prismoidal formula Status : Answered
will be
Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. 50.5 Cu.m

2. 50 Cu.m

3. 49 Cu.m

4. 49.5 Cu.m

Q.8 Which of the following is not a function of a berm of an earthen dam

Question ID : 3396881905
Ans 1. To intercept seepage flow and divert it to surface drains
Status : Answered
2. To protect downstream casing zone by reducing velocity of rain Chosen Option : 1
water flow
3. To provide sufficient cover to phreatic line

4. To provide passage for movement of vehicles on the body of da


Q.9 If net rotation of a fluid element of a flow is zero, it is called

Question ID : 3396881920
Ans 1. Uniform flow
Status : Answered
2. Unsteady flow Chosen Option : 2

3. Steady flow

4. Irrotational flow
Q.10 The process of shooting dry concrete mix from pneumatic gun with a w Question ID : 3396881918
ater hose mounted immediately underneath the gun nozzle is called as
Ans Status : Answered
1. Slip forming
Chosen Option : 3
2. Shotcreting

3. Gunnitting

4. Colegrouting

Q.11 Number of cement bags required to produce 20 Cu.m of compacted con

crete with a concrete mix having cement factor 5 is Question ID : 3396881893
Ans 1. 25 Bags Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
2. 4 Bags

3. 100 Bags

4. 15 Bags

Q.12 The set of nearly parallel and equally spaced contour lines represent
Question ID : 3396881876
Ans 1. Plane surface
Status : Answered
2. None of these Chosen Option : 1

3. Undulating Surface

4. Levelled Surface

Q.13 When hard strata is available at relatively more depth, the foundation m
ay be provided in the form of---- Question ID : 3396881917
Ans Status : Answered
1. Sheet piles
Chosen Option : 3
2. Sand piles

3. Friction piles

4. End bearing piles

Q.14 Field test to judge toughness of the burnt bricks is

Question ID : 3396881889
Ans 1. Any of these
Status : Answered
2. Striking two bricks against each other and listening the sound Chosen Option : 1

3. Dropping it on ground from height of around 1m.

4.   Scratching the surface of brick with nail

Q.15 Lateral earth pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall moves
in to the soil is known as Question ID : 3396881887
Ans Status : Answered
1. Total earth pressure
Chosen Option : 4
2. Active Earth pressure

3. Passive earth pressure

4. Earth pressure at rest

Q.16 If project irrigates 5000 Ha. of crops having field duty of 1250 Ha./Cu.
m. If the efficiency of system is assumed to be 80% then design dischar Question ID : 3396881901
ge will be Status : Answered
Ans 1. 6.25 Cumecs Chosen Option : 3

2. 5 Cumecs

3. 6 Cumecs

4. 4 Cumecs

Q.17 If size gradation curve matches with the specified size gradation curve,
the soil is Question ID : 3396881882
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 1
2. Finer than the Specified gradation

3. Of the specified gradation

4. Coarser than the specified gradation

Q.18 Critical Velocity of the canal flow is

Question ID : 3396881902
Ans 1. Is the velocity at which no scoring and silting will occur
Status : Answered
2. Is the minimum velocity of flow required to maintain desired dis Chosen Option : 4
3. The velocity which maximizes the flow carrying capacity of a ca
nal cross section
4. None of statement is correct

Q.19 When a fluid flows through a tube of varying cross section

Question ID : 3396881921
Ans 1. pressure head increases with decrease in cross sectional area
Status : Answered
2. If cross-section is reduced velocity of fluid increases Chosen Option : 1

3. Velocity do not depend on cross sectional area of the tube

4. If cross section increases velocity of fluid increases

Q.20 The carry over factor for a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is
Question ID : 3396881911
Ans 1. 1
Status : Answered
2. 0 Chosen Option : 4

3. 0.75

4. 0.5

Q.21 The maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam of span 4
m, carrying central point load of 20 kN and uniformly distributed load of Question ID : 3396881910
10 kN/m is equal to Status : Answered
Ans 1. 20 kN.m Chosen Option : 3

2. 10 kN.m

3. 40 kN.m

4. 30 kN.m

Question ID : 3396881931
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Ans 1. 10 weeks

2. 4 weeks

3. Zero weeks

4. 3 weeks

Q.23 The path of a water particle through a saturated soil mass is called as
Question ID : 3396881885
Ans 1.   Hydraulic gradient
Status : Answered
2. Equipotential line Chosen Option : 4

3. Flow line
4. Any of these

Q.24 Casagrande’s Apparatus is used to determine which one of the Atterber

g’s limit of the soil Question ID : 3396881880
Ans Status : Answered
1. Plastic limit
Chosen Option : 4
2. Liquid limit

3. Shrinkage limit

4. Any of these

Q.25 If book value of the equipment at the end of fourth year is Rs. 6,60,000/
- and end of sixth year is Rs. 4,90,000/-. If estimated life of equipment i Question ID : 3396881915
s 10 years, then salvage value of the equipment at the end of 10 years u Status : Answered
sing general straight line method of evaluation of depreciation is
Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Rs. 2,00,000/-

2. Rs. 2,50,000/-

3. Rs. 1,00,000/-

4. Rs. 1,50,000/-

Q.26 The earth’s water circulatory system is known as

Question ID : 3396881926
Ans 1. None of these
Status : Answered
2. Precipitation cycle Chosen Option : 4

3. Ecological cycle

4. Hydrological cycle

Q.27 The property of soil contributing towards settlement of earth structure i

s Question ID : 3396881883
Ans Status : Answered
1. Both (a) and (b)
Chosen Option : 2
2. None of (a) or (b)

3. Compaction

4. Consolidation

Q.28 The work order for starting of work to the contractor after accepting of t
ender is issued only after payment of Question ID : 3396881898
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 4
2. Liquidated damages

3. Earnest money

4. Security deposit

Q.29 The most desirable method of calculating mean rainfall in a catchment

area is Question ID : 3396881896
Ans Status : Answered
1. Isohyetal method
Chosen Option : 2
2. Arthmatic mean method

3. Unit hydrograph method

4. Thissen Polygon method

Q.30 When nominal shear stress in a reinforced concrete section exceeds sh

ear strength of concrete, shear reinforcement shall be provided in the fo Question ID : 3396881913
rm of----- Status : Answered
Ans 1. b) Bent up bars and stirrups Chosen Option : 3

2. Either (a) or (b)

3. Neither (a) nor (b)

4. a) Vertical or Inclined stirrups

Q.31 Which of the following point shall be given more weightage while select
ing site for a major bridge with length more than 300m. Question ID : 3396881930
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 1
2. Alignment of approaches

3. Good site for bridge proper

4. Both alignment of approaches and good bridge site

Q.32 A soil has specific gravity of 2.5, water content of 10%, voids ratio of 0.
25, then degree of saturation is Question ID : 3396881881
Ans Status : Answered
1. 1 %
Chosen Option : 1
2. None of these

3. 100 %

4. 62.5 %

Q.33 A differential manometer is used to measure

Question ID : 3396881919
Ans 1. Velocity of liquid
Status : Answered
2. pressure difference between two points in a pipe Chosen Option : 4

3. Atmospheric pressure

4. pressure at a point in a pipe

Q.34 For a transition curve radius--------

Question ID : 3396881879
Ans 1. Is constant
Status : Answered
2. None of these Chosen Option : 1

3. Changes suddenly from infinity to some finite value

4. Changes gradually from infinity to some finite value

Q.35 The Back Sight taken with staff held inverted on Bench Mark of 'RL' 500
m above the line of sight is 1.750m, then 'RL' or elevation of plane of col Question ID : 3396881875
limation will be Status : Answered
Ans 1. 498.25 m Chosen Option : 2

2. 501.750m

3. Any of these

4. None of these

Q.36 For a reservoir FRL, MWL and TBL are 80 m, 83 m, and 85 m respectivel
y, then maximum flood lift will be Question ID : 3396881900
Ans Status : Answered
1. None of these
Chosen Option : 2
2. 2 m

3. 5 m

4. 3 m

Q.37 To find out differential elevation between two stations with an Electroni
c Total Station (ETS) and a prism reflector, one must invariably provide t Question ID : 3396881878
o an Electronic Total Station (ETS) - Status : Answered
Ans 1. All of these Chosen Option : 1

2. Elevation of station occupied by the ETS

3. Height of ETS axis above station occupied

4. Height of prism above the object station

Q.38 Minimum cement content recommended by IS 456 for reinforced ceme

nt concrete works under mild exposure condition is Question ID : 3396881895
Ans Status : Answered
1. 300 kg/Cu.m
Chosen Option : 4
2. 320 kg/Cu.m
3. 360 kg/Cu.m

4. 340 kg/Cu,m

Q.39 What will be length on map plotted to scale of 1:25000, the line showing
3 km long irrigation canal? Question ID : 3396881872
Ans Status : Answered
1. 60 mm
Chosen Option : 2
2. 240mm

3. None of these

4. 120mm

Q.40 The speedy and cost effective method of excavating long tunnel in hard
and compact rock is Question ID : 3396881929
Ans Status : Answered
1. Needle beam method
Chosen Option : 4
2. Compressed air method

3. Shield method

4. Tunnel boring machine

Q.41 "Wilting point" of plant growth is a term related with---

Question ID : 3396881923
Ans 1. Depth of roots in the soil
Status : Answered
2. Temperature of the plant Chosen Option : 3

3. Water required for growth of plant

4. Moisture content in root zone of plants

Q.42 The nature of force developed in a member running inclined from centre
of a tie beam to principal rafter of a king post truss subjected to vertical Question ID : 3396881909
downward loads at all nodes on principal rafter is Status : Answered
Ans 1. Tensile Chosen Option : 1

2. Compressive

3. Shear

4. Torsional

Q.43 The apparatus used to test the fineness of cement is

Question ID : 3396881890
Ans 1. Vicat’s apparatus
Status : Answered
2. Le Chatelier’s apparatus Chosen Option : 1

3. Any of these

4. Blain’s air permeability apparatus

Q.44 Specific gravity of dam material is 2.4, permeability factor is 0.15 and fr
iction factor is 0.8. If base width provided is 22 m then dam will fail by Question ID : 3396881906
Ans Status : Answered
1. By both no sliding and no tension condition
Chosen Option : 1
2. No sliding condition

3. No tension condition

4. No statement is true

Q.45 Which of the following cement shall be used when more freeze thaw dur
ability is required? Question ID : 3396881891
Ans Status : Answered
1. Ordinary Portland cement
Chosen Option : 4
2. None of these

3. Rapid hardening Portland cement

4. Portland pozzolana cement

Q.46 Moment of inertia of a rectangular section about an axis passing throug

h its CG and parallel to its breadth is ------ its moment of inertia a about Question ID : 3396881908
an axis passing through its CG and parallel to its depth Status : Answered
Ans 1. Less than Chosen Option : 2

2. Greater than

3. None of these

4. Same as

Q.47 The ----- method of plane tabling is used to locate distant and inaccessi
ble details Question ID : 3396881873
Ans Status : Answered
1. Radiation
Chosen Option : 2
2. Traversing

3. Intersection

4. Resection

Q.48 Hydraulic mean depth for a pipe flow through 10 cm diameter pipe, will
be Question ID : 3396881922
Ans Status : Answered
1. 2.5 cm
Chosen Option : 1
2. 3.33 cm

3. 6.66 cm

4. 5 cm

Q.49 At Vena contracta

Question ID : 3396881924
Ans 1. None of these
Status : Answered
2. The theoretical velocity is less than actual velocity Chosen Option : 1

3. The actual velocity is less than theoretical velocity

4. The actual velocity is same as theoretical velocity

Q.50 Under natural condition of flow on polluted rivers would contain

Question ID : 3396881927
Ans 1. More dissolved oxygen in summer than in winter
Status : Answered
2. Least dissolved oxygen during the floods Chosen Option : 4

3. Less dissolved oxygen in summer than in winter

4. More or less same amount of dissolved oxygen in summer and


Q.51 Back Bearing of unaffected line 'CD' of an anticlockwise traverse ABCDE

is 241°30’. Corrected interiorly included angle 'D' is 75°36’. Then Fore B Question ID : 3396881874
earing of line 'DE' will be Status : Answered
Ans 1. None of a or b Chosen Option : 2

2. 165°30’

3. 317°06’

4. Any of a or b

Q.52 "Surge tank" in hydro power plant-----

Question ID : 3396881925
Ans 1. Is provided to trap sediments from penstock
Status : Answered
2. Is designed to store water flowing from tail race channel Chosen Option : 3

3. Is provided at downstream of the turbine so as to control 'surge'

during its operation
4. Is designed for protecting the system from water hammer effec
t at upstream of turbine

Q.53 For a Soil unit cohesion is 10kN/Sq.m, Unit weight is 18 kN/Cu.m and A
ngle of internal friction is 45 degrees. Its shear strength will be----- Question ID : 3396881886
Ans Status : Answered
1. 0.56 kN/Sq.m
Chosen Option : 2
2. 28 kN/Sq.m

3. 8 kN/Sq.m
4. 180 kN/Sq.m

Q.54 Loss in the value of property due to its use, wear and tear, obsolescence
etc. is called as Question ID : 3396881897
Ans Status : Answered
1. Salvage value
Chosen Option : 4
2. Book value

3. Scrap value

4. Depreciation

Q.55 Quarrying for building stones in hard and compact rocks is usually carri
ed out by Question ID : 3396881888
Ans Status : Answered
1. Wedging method
Chosen Option : 2
2. Blasting technique

3. Channelizing machines

4. None of these

Q.56 If actual neutral axis of a singly reinforced concrete section is greater th

an its critical neutral axis, then such a section is said to be Question ID : 3396881912
Ans Status : Answered
1. Over reinforced
Chosen Option : 1
2. Under reinforced

3. None of these

4. Balanced

Q.57 If Delta for a crop "A" is 60 cm and that for a crop "B" is 75 cm then, ratio
of duty of crop Ä" to crop "B" will be Question ID : 3396881899
Ans Status : Answered
1. 0.75
Chosen Option : 3
2. 1.5

3. 0.8

4. 1.25

Q.58 If the resultant of the two forces has same magnitude as of the two forc
es, then angle between those two forces will be Question ID : 3396881907
Ans Status : Answered
1. 120 Degrees
Chosen Option : 1
2. 60 Degrees

3. 30 Degrees

4. 90 Degrees

Q.59 Bearing stiffener is provided at

Question ID : 3396881914
Ans 1. b) At sections of concentrated loads
Status : Answered
2. a) The support sections Chosen Option : 3

3. None of (a) and (b)

4. Both of (a) and (b)

Q.60 Compressive strength developed by concrete made with ordinary Portla

nd cement at the third day after casting is about ------ % of its 28 days c Question ID : 3396881892
ompressive strength. Status : Answered
Ans 1. 85 Chosen Option : 4

2. 70

3. 37

4. None of these

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