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Reflection Paper

Generally, a biome refers to a community of similar organisms that are found in a

particular climate zone. It is living spaces of life and it describe communities located
across different regions across the world, looking at the interactions between climatic
factors, living organisms, and substrates found in the environment. The videos showed
different types of biomes and its benefits to Earth and human beings. Rainforests
maintain a delicate ecosystem balance, it have secondary metabolites that protect
plants from insects and disease. The tree species in the taiga remove CO2 from the
atmosphere. The large roots also help to prevent land erosion. Humans use grasslands
for grazing livestock and to growing crops because of the high fertility of the soil.
Mangroves protect fish populations from predators and human interaction such as
fishing. It is filled with native trees, grasses, and brackish water filled with nutrients
where animals can thrive. Freshwater ecosystems serve as a source of freshwater for
humans. They are also used recreationally by humans. Freshwater biomes supply us
with our drinking water and water for crop irrigation. 

Biomes are extremely important to continue life on Earth as it is known today, as

each one helps to balance other biomes through climate and variation, and provides
unique necessities to human. It play a critical role in the understanding of ecology
because they help scientists study not only a specific plant or animal but also the role it
plays in its community and the characteristics that it has developed to live in its
environment.  Conservation efforts and sustainable development programs of
government for biomes are not going to be cost-free. Some other funding strategies for
consideration are payments for ecosystem services, commodity roundtables,
ecotourism, bio-prospecting fees, and corporate sponsorship. There are also further
steps once a specific biome has fund and these are expand protected areas, increase
surveillance of and patrols in protected areas, build research facilities for training local
scientists and guides, establish programs that promote sustainable use, compensate
displaced people, promote ecotourism, ensure economic success and encourage
entrepreneurship. With the cooperation of people, these government programs would
be successful and able to improve these biomes.

Over the past several decades, increasing human activity has rapidly destroyed
or polluted many ecological habitats throughout the world. This activity has recently
been affecting biome, which is a concern especially as energy use and greenhouse gas
emissions continue to increase. What we have to realize now is the fact that humans
are not the sole inhabitants of the world biomes. The world biomes are also thriving with
species of plants and animals, which we share the world with. Ignorance is no longer an
excuse for allowing it to continue. All of us have the ability, the opportunity, and the
responsibility to learn the facts. By educating people about the consequences of our
actions, we can all gain a better understanding of how to preserve the earth’s natural
biomes. Those areas that have been destroyed the most will never regain their original
forms, but conservation will help to keep them from getting worse. If everyone is doing
their part in preserving and conserving biomes, then human, plants and animals living
out there will able to thrive.

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