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BLOKLAR: Ingliz tili (3.3)

Test topshiruvchi:


Test topshiriqlarini yechishdan avval savollar kitobini varaqlab, unda har bir fan bo’yicha savollar soni
to’liqligini tekshiring. Agar savollar soni kamligi aniqlansa yoki savollar kitobi raqami bilan javoblar varag’idagi
“savollar kitobi raqami” bir xil bo’lmasa, darhol auditoriya rahbariga ma’lum qiling.
Savollar kitobida va javoblar varag’ida test topshiruvchining familiyasi, ismi, otasining ismi
to’ldirilganligiga va imzosi qo’yilganligiga e’tibor qarating!

433 Ingliz tili 28.07.2020
Let's make a bargain. I'll tell you what
INGLIZ TILI you want to know ... you don't breathe a
word of it to anyone else.
A) unless
1. Choose the answer. B) as if
… people who voted for her in the last C) provided
election will not be doing so this time. D) in case
A) A good deal of
B) A great deal 7. Choose the correct answer.
C) A great deal of What did she mean … leaving so early?
D) A good many A) about
B) at
2. Tammy responded … that at least she’d C) with
never lied to her parents. D) by
A) that she said
B) by saying 8. Choose the answer which correctly
C) to say completes the sentence.
D) with having said There was no-one in when she got
home, so she made ... a cup of tea and
3. I’d rather … there by car, if you don’t sat down to watch TV.
mind. A) him
A) go B) her
B) to go C) herself
C) going D) themselves
D) went
9. Would you care … to have a look at my
4. Choose the answer which correctly latest report?
completes the sentence. A) had
Growth rings in a log are often so B) having
clearly visible that they … reliably C) have
indicate age. D) to have
A) should
B) need 10. Choose the answer which correctly
C) can completes the sentence.
D) must "If you ... all summer, you'll starve in
the winter," said the ant to
5. Choose the answer which correctly the grasshopper.
completes the sentence. A) singing and dancing
"Can you tell me what the time is ?" B) would sing and dance
asked a man. C) sing and dance
A man asked me what ... . D) will sing and dance
A) is the time
B) was the time 11. The teacher was lucky to get the truth
C) the time was … of him.
D) lime is A) out
B) on
6. Choose the answer which correctly C) away
completes the sentence. D) up
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433 Ingliz tili 28.07.2020
17. Choose the answer which correctly
12. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
completes the sentence. – Native English speakers sometimes
I'm completely fed up with your poor misuse the word 'elicit', thinking it
quality and service, so I'm going to take means the same as 'illicit'. – … .
my business .... A) So do we
A) wherever B) So are we
B) nowhere C) Neither do we
C) somewhere D) They don' t either
D) elsewhere
18. Everyone enjoyed the party, … ?
13. Choose the answer which correctly A) didn’t they
completes the sentence. B) they did
The polar ... worst enemy is not cold, as C) did he
most people believe, but wind. D) didn’t she
A) explorers's
B) explorer is 19. Choose the answer which correctly
C) explorers completes the sentence.
D) explorer's They tried not to swallow … water as
they swam across the river for fear that
14. Choose the answer which correctly it might be contaminated.
completes the sentence. He could feel A) some
sweat . . . down his back since it was a B) any
hot day, and the work was hard. C) no
A) trickled D) none
B) to trickle
C) to trickling 20. Choose the answer which correctly
D) trickling completes the sentence.
Kamola said: “I’ll tell Ann I saw you”.
15. Choose the answer which correctly
completes the sentence. Kamola said that ………………………. .
The Indian tribe lived by the sea, ... A) she would tell Ann that she had seen
provided them with their main source you
of food, salmon and shellfish. B) she would tell Ann that she had seen
A) where her
B) which C) she would tell Ann that she had seen
C) what me
D) whose D) he would tell Ann that she had seen
16. Choose the answer which correctly
completes the sentence. 21. Choose the answer which correctly
Alfred is so forceful and ... that some completes the sentence
people accuse him of arrogance. We were late. When we arrived,
A) confidently everyone … their lunch and they were
B) the most confident sitting in the garden having coffee.
C) confident A) has had
D) more confident B) had had
C) was having
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433 Ingliz tili 28.07.2020
D) had A) because an unknown planet had
been detected from various parts of the
22. Choose the answer which correctly world.
completes the sentence. B) when people saw the new planet
An airport should be planned in a way approaching Neptune.
that residents of nearby areas ... as C) as soon as newspapers published
much as possible from airplane noise. about a forthcoming collision of two
A) are protected planets.
B) had protected D) as many phenomena had been
C) will protect observed in the skies organ January
D) protect 3rd.

Read the text. Then choose the correct 25. The word “vague” in the text is opposite
answer for each question below (23-26). in meaning to.
On the third day.of the New Year A) hazy
newspapers began to report that B) modern
strange things were starting to happen C) clear
in the heavens, and everyone grew D) obscure
excited. “A Planetary Collision”, one
London paper headed the news, and 26. It is implied in the passage that the
proclaimed that a strange new planet whole affair of planets colliding ...
would probably collide with Neptune. A) was apparently only of interest to
The leader writers of various other the newspapers.
newspapers enlarged upon the topic. As B) was based on real scientific facts and
a result, in most of the capitals of the observations made by reporters.
world, on January 3rd, there was an C) was all fictitious, and was made up
expectation, however vague, of some by the newspapers.
approaching phenomenon in the sky; D) aroused great interest among
and as the night followed the sunset thousands of leaders in the world.
round the globe, thousands of people
turned their eyes skyward to see, Read & choose the correct answer
contrary to what they had expected, for (27-30).
nothing more exciting than the old Steven Crane is known for his ability to
familiar stars just as they had always combine realism and symbolism in a
been. unique manner. But it has been said he
wasted his genius by living hard, trying
23. According to the passage, all that to pack his life with experience,
people saw on the night of January 3rd including too many unhealthy ones. He
was... seemed to believe that he had to
A) the familiar stars shining with experience what he wrote about first-
extraordinary brightness. hand. For example, he wrote a story
B) a new planet colliding with Neptune, about sea voyage before he experienced
C) the sunset round the globe. the shipwreck. The story was not
D) the usual night sky. published at the time, because no
magazine would take it. But the
24. We can infer from the passage that realistic story entitled "The Open
there was a great deal of excitement Boat", which was
everywhere ... written about the shipwreck he
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433 Ingliz tili 28.07.2020
actually experienced, was considered a A) composition
masterpiece , and the actual facts B) product
were described with brilliant C) work of art
symbolism. Crane's novel, "The Red D) edition
Badge of Courage", was a best
seller in the U.S. and England and gave
him immediate fame. While "The Open
Boat" is a factual account, "The Red
Badge of Courage" is fiction. Critics
were shocked to learn that Crane was
born after the war about which he
wrote, because the description is so

27. According to the passage, all of the

following are FALSE,
A) He never experienced what he wrote
B) He put his life under the threat.
C) He was afraid of everything.
D) He wrote short humorous stories.

28. How does the author describe Crane's

writing manner?
A) He never wrote about anything he
did not experience.
B) He wrote only one story about life at
C) He wrote with realism only.
D) He wrote about the sea stories
before real practice.

29. How does the author contrast "The

Open Boat" and
"The Red Badge of Courage"?
A) One was written while Crane was
young and the other
when he was much older.
B) One was written from experience
and the other was not.
C) One contained symbolism and the
other did not.
D) One was highly acclaimed and the
other was not.

30. What does the word "masterpiece" in

bold refer to?
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