Mechanism of Machinery Test 1 2010 E.C (Summer Students)

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Test 1
Course title:-mechanism of machinery
Course code :-( MEng3071)
Total marks: - 15%
Instructor; Haile S.
1st semester
Exam date: 11/12/2010E.c
For Summer students
Time allowed 1:20 hrs.
Name: .
ID No: .
Stream: .

✓ Read the question carefully and write your answer as recommended briefly with neatness!
✓ Switch off your phone!
✓ Any cheating will disqualify your results!
✓ Review the weight under each question!
✓ You can start form any question!

Set by Haile S. “Mechanism is the heart of machine”! 11/12/2010E.c
Part I: simple concepts
1) Write the differences between machine and structure? (weight 1%)
2) What are the characterstic of the kinematic
links?(weight 2%)
3) How motions will transmit? (weight 3%)
Part II: problem solving suported by concepts
4) Find the degree of freedom for the fig. 1 using both
gruebler’s and kutzbach’s equations? (weight 2%)

fig. 1

5) A mechanism to spray water onto vehicles at an

automated car wash is shown in Fig. 2, is designed to
have the lengths of a=12in, b=1.5in,c=14in and d=4in.
a) Classify the four-bar mechanism, based on its
possible motion.(weight 2%)
b) Draw and explain the possible motions of the
mechanism by fixing the link a, c and d turn by
turn.(weight 3 %)

Fig. 2

6) Calculate the transmission angle for the four bar linkage

mechanism shown in the fig. 3?(weight 2%)

Fig. 3

Good luck!

Set by Haile S. “Mechanism is the heart of machine”! 11/12/2010E.c
Set by Haile S. “Mechanism is the heart of machine”! 11/12/2010E.c

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