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Question 1 of 30 1.0 Points

Which is not a parameter for judging acceptable viability benchmark

D. gap between IRR & cost of funds
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Question 2 of 30 1.0 Points

Restructuring of advances can take place without formal consent (application of the debtor)

A. true
B. false
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Question 3 of 30 1.0 Points

Track II of review of stressed asset speaks of

A. review of doubtful/loss AUCA with focus on quick recovery

B. review of SMA & SS with focus on restructuring
C. Review of standard TL accounts
D. Review of standard CC accounts
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Question 4 of 30 1.0 Points

Whether restructuring process of advances involves relief’s/ concessions

A. yes
B. no
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Question 5 of 30 1.0 Points

Implementation of restructuring/ rehabilitation package of advances involve

A. framing of specific time schedule

B. no such time schedule as the scope for repeated restructuring is there
C. time schedule is not requested as the package is a continuous one
D. all the above
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Question 6 of 30 1.0 Points

Conversion of funded interest/ term debt into equity is permissible under restructuring

A. true
B. false
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Question 7 of 30 1.0 Points

time norm for the review authority for approval of action plan

A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days
D. no such time limit
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Question 8 of 30 1.0 Points

Process of restructuring of advances can be initiated by the bank in deserving cases subject to customer
agreeing to the terms and conditions

A. true
B. false
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Question 9 of 30 1.0 Points

Time norm for completion of viability study, if necessary and submission of restructuring package and
obtention of sanction

A. 5 days
B. 50 days
C. 60 days
D. 45 days
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Question 10 of 30 1.0 Points

SAR stands for

A. Stressed Asset Review

B. Standard Asset Review
C. Substandard Asset Review
D. all the above
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Question 11 of 30 1.0 Points

which is untrue as regards reliefs and concessions from other agencies?

A. exemption from excise duty for a period of time

B. sales tax loan at nil or very low interest rate
C. rationalization/ retrenchment of surplus staff
D. none of the above
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Question 12 of 30 1.0 Points

Restructuring of advances can be considered at how many stages

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
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Question 13 of 30 1.0 Points

if the unit is found viable after review report the step already initiated by branch will continue (name the

A. concession in interest rate

B. holding on operation
C. concession in LC margin
D. none of the above
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Question 14 of 30 1.0 Points

In restructuring process of advances irregular portion of cash credit account is calculated as

A. advance value less drawing power

B. drawing power less limit
C. limit less advance value
D. principal dues after reducing drawing power realistically
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Question 15 of 30 1.0 Points

WCTL stands of

A. working capital term liabilities

B. withdrawal of concessions in term loan
C. working capital term loan
D. all the above
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Question 16 of 30 1.0 Points

Restructuring of advances can be done with retrospective effect

A. true
B. false
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Question 17 of 30 1.0 Points

Aim of review of stressed assets is

A. to examine viability
B. to approve the action plan for proceeding with restructuring plan if found viable
C. to give direction for recovery action if not found suitable
D. all the above
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Question 18 of 30 1.0 Points

SAR report would cover

B. sub standard asset
C. loan outstanding of Rs. 10.00 lac and above
D. all the above
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Question 19 of 30 1.0 Points

Restructuring of advances can’t be considered as

A. standard
B. sub standard
C. doubtful
D. loss
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Question 20 of 30 1.0 Points

Restructuring is

A. a method to help borrower facing cash flow problems

B. a method to help borrower to over come financial distress
C. a method to improve & restore liquidity
D. all the above
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Question 21 of 30 1.0 Points

Promoters contribute is not considered while drawing a restructuring packets

A. true
B. false
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Question 22 of 30 1.0 Points

Whether grant of reliefs / assistance from State Government/ Central Government are considered

A. no
B. yes
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Question 23 of 30 1.0 Points

Monitoring of the progress initiated as per approved SAR report is done by the branch by submitting report

A. Fortnightly interval
B. Monthly interval
C. quarterly interval
D. once in a year
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Question 24 of 30 1.0 Points

As per the recent RBI guidelines, Non-infrastructure units taken up for restructuring must be

A. viable in 5 years & repayment period for restructured debt should not exceed 10 years
B. average DSCR should be more than 1.25 and more than 1.00 in any year
C. promoter’s sacrifice/ additional fund to be brought in should be minimum of 20%
creditor’s sacrifice
D. All the above
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Question 25 of 30 1.0 Points

Track I of review of stressed asset speaks of

A. review of doubtful assets for quick recovery

B. review of loss assets for no recovery
C. review of AUCA
D. review of SMA & SS with focus on restructuring
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Question 26 of 30 1.0 Points

The first and must important parameter for taking up of restructuring proposal is to establish financial
viability and reasonable certainty of repayment

A. true
B. false
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Question 27 of 30 1.0 Points

Which account is ineligible for SME debt restructuring

A. accounts involving fraud, malfeasance, diversion of funds

B. loss asset category of account
C. only (a) above
D. both the above
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Question 28 of 30 1.0 Points

What is the incorrect step to be taken in case of an account not considered viable

A. restructuring process should be initiated soon

B. recovery measures should be initiated soon
C. Ever greening attempt should be initiated soon
D. none of the above
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Question 29 of 30 1.0 Points

No concession is allowed in respect of TL in restructuring process

A. true
B. false
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Question 30 of 30 1.0 Points

SME debt restructuring is considered for units where bank’s exposure does not exceed

A. Rs. 5 crore
B. Rs. 10 crore
C. Rs. 20 crore
D. Rs. 50 crore
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