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Business Intelligence and Its Applications:


- Serve customers eiter with products or services
- Industry domains,
* Retil, banking, manu., transport, energy, etc.
- functions
* Product/service research
* Product manufacture/service delivery
* Quality assurance
* Purchase
* Distribution
* Sales
* Marketing
* Finance(vitamin M(vitamin Money))
- Ex: Medicine.(Compare with the functions for progressing)

Business Enterprise Organization:

- Extended finctions:
* Support
* Planning
* Human resource management
* CRM, etc
- Support/Business units:
* HR, Training, Finance, Marketing, R and D, IT management


Malcolm Balridge Business excellence framewor:

- Introduced in US represent the all allied countries of them
- Based on this many platforms iniatiated => ISO

* Criteria:
1. Leadership:
- Senior leadership:
* Guide subordinates
* Comm. b/w them must good
* Motivate subordinates on every hard situation
* Performance is #1 priority
- Governance:
* Proper adoptation of transparancy, accountability
* Performance measurement. Eg: CEo analyzed by Market Board
* Ethical aspects of individuals and legal methods
- Social Responsibilities:
* Community support by employment
* Corporate Social REsponisibilities(CSR)

2. Strategic Planning:
- Strategic Development:
* Timeline key objectives
* Balancing need of all stake holders
* SWOT(Strength Weekness opurtunities threads) => issue
identification is easy
* Solution of risk and identifying the cause
* Updation in tech, market competition and regulary envi.
- Strategic Deployment:
* Action plan for dev. and deploy. not some plan
* How many involved in product! Resource allocation
* Goals of short and long time
* If performance is not in excepted level, then fill the gaps
with something other to product enhancement. Or else may lose the market

3. Customer Focus:
- Cust. and market knowlege:
* Target customers and arket trends identification
* Customer feedback
- Cust. relatioship and satisfaction:
* Check for customer expectations to their satisfaction
* Manage the complains of unsatisfied feedback and comments. Eg:
Swiggy late delivery

***NOTE: These three are THE LEADERSHIP TRIAD. Must have for a successful

4. Measurement, analysis and knowledge management:

- Organizational performance:
* Performance measurement:
- Collect. Align. Integrate the data
- Tracking all overall performance
* Performance analysis, review and improvement:

5. Workforce focus:
- Workforce envi:
* maintaining good envi
* recruiting hiring retaining emps
* managing and organizing the workforce
* workplace health, safety, security
- Workforce engagement:
* Org. culture
* training and edu. (both in tech and non tech)
* reinforcing new knowledge and skills on job
* dev'ing personal leaership attr.

6. Process management:
- Work system design:
* Core competency identification
* key proceses
* work procss req.
* design and innovate work process
- wor process management and improvement:
* IMplement work process
* control and movement of work process
* preventing defects, service errrors, re-work
7. Results:
- Product and process outcomes
- Customer focused outcomes
- HR outomces
- finance
- leadership

***NOTE: These are the RESULT TRIAD***

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