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Mobile Application Development:

Linux Kernal:
- The foundation of android platform
- level of abstraction b/t hardware
- H

H/W Abstraction Layer(HAL):

- Stanard interfaces that expose device H/W capabilities to the higher level
Java API level
- Multiple lib modules(interface to hardware components)
- API makes a call to access device H/W

Android Runtime(ART):
- Each machine carry over a task
- Dalvik VM is a JVM kinda machine specially for android
- Whenever VM created, some amount of RAM and Storage will be given to that
- It's written to run multiple VM on low memory devices by executing
DEX(Dalvik Executable) files
- All .apk contains DEX files. VM executes them

- Linux kernal there is a set of libs
- WebKit(browser engine)
- SQLite(db for repository use and app data sharing)
- SSL libs(for Internet security)
- To record audio and video
- Native libs written in C and C++ are accessed via JAVA API
- Ex:
* application model)
*android.content(comm. b/w app components like msg an content access)
*android.database(access data through providers db)
*android.opengl(3D graphical usage)
an so on
- Libs updates with android version

- All ur window in the app is Activity
- Activity manager: Controling app life and activity stack
- Content providers: allow app to share app-app or app-OS level data sharing


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