Third and Fourth Year Curriculum For Civil Engineeering

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Rationale: To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in mathematical methods to
enable them solve problems in mechanical operations.
Objectives: On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to to solve mechanical problems
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables to solve problems in Mechanical
5. Apply vector calculus in studies of motion
Learning outcomes:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to solve problems in mechatronics
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables in Control engineering
5. apply vector calculus in studies of motion

Course contents:
1. Laplace Transform 1, Laplace Transform 2
2. Fourier series:
Trigonometric form of fourier series, Half range series, Complex form of fourier series,
Practical harmonic analysis
3. Fourier Transforms:
Shift theorem, Spectra,
4. Multiple Integration:
Double and triple integrals, area by Cartesian and polar coordinates, centroid of an area,
volume by triple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per wek
Laboratory: N/A

Continuous assessment (CA): 40%
Quizzes 5%
Assignments 10%
Tests 25%
Final examination: 60%
TOTAL: 100%

Recommended textbooks:

1. Kreysgiz E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, john Wiley and Sons, 2006
2. ErMengJoo, Engineering Mathematics with real world application, McGraw Hill, 2005
3. Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum’s outline of calculus, 5th Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2009.
4. Vairamanickam K., Patchagar N. P. Thillaigovindan (2005), Engineering Mathematics
Volume I
5. Bird J. O. and May, ATC (1994) 3rd edition: Technician Mathematics.
6. Kaufmann E. Jerome (1987) College Algebra
7. Stroud K. A. (5th Edition) Engineering Mathematics
8. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres (1987) Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications


Civil Engineers will at times work on a construction site. Works on construction sites follow
systematic guidelines to ensure quality and sustainability of the constructed facilities whilst
issues of health safety and environment are also addressed. This course therefore, equips learners
with the basic knowledge on construction practices, laws and regulations, safety, health and
environmental requirements that come with working on a construction site.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
i Understand the construction site
ii Identify and select suitable equipment and plant for construction
iii Explain and exercise suitable methods for construction
iv Explain laws regulating construction practice
v Identify and explain risks, safety and insurance requirements on construction sites
Course contents:
1. The Construction Industry: An Overview
1.1 Key players on a construction project
1.2 Site organisation and personnel
1.3 Materials
1.4 Temporary works
1.5 Site Safety, health and environment (SHE)
2. Regulatory framework, Standards and Sustainability
2.1 Building Codes
2.2 Land law
2.3 Construction law
2.4 Environmental protection
2.5 Maintenance and sustainability
2.6 Social issues (HIV/AIDS)
2.7 Facilities for the differently abled
3. Construction and Plant
3.1 Construction site planning
3.2 Site Preparation
3.3 Construction Plant and Equipment
3.4 Earthmoving operations
3.5 Substructure works
3.6 Superstructure works
3.7 Concreting practice
3.8 Underground pipe systems and tunnelling
3.9 Special Construction Methods
4. Quality Control/Assurance
4.1 Standards and specifications
4.2 Control testing
4.3 Material inspections
4.4 Site inspections

5. Construction Risks
5.1 Risk identification
5.2 Risk mitigation
5.3 Safety requirements (training and first Aid)
5.4 Insurance

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 30 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Prescribed text books:

Chudley R. Greeno R. 2006. Building Construction Handbook, 6 th Edition, Butterworth-
Recommended text book:
 Chudley R. Greeno R. 2006. Advanced Construction Technology, 4 th Edition, Prentice Hall
 Allen E. Iano J. 2013, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, 6th
Edition, Wiley
 Mamlouk M.S., Zaniewski J.P., 2016. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 4th
Edition, Pearson
 Harris F., 1994. Modern Construction Equipment and Methods, Latest Edition, Longman
Scientific and Technical


Information Communication Technology (ICT) is at the centre of all aspects of society today.
Equally programing is a very important component of ICT and is a now a cross cutting field in
all aspects of engineering.
The goal of this course is to provide students with the ability to develop algorithms and write
computer programs. The course is designed to demonstrate the philosophy of functional
programming. Students will be equipped with fundamental concepts of programming and they
will be able to use the knowledge in various engineering applications.
At the end of the course students should be able to
• Formulate algorithms using block diagrams and pseudo-code
• Explain the main features of programming languages
• Write computer programs to solve specified problems
• Interpret computer programs
• Debug and test computer programs

1. Introduction.
1.1 History of programming languages,
1.2 Background and goals of programming languages
1.3 Process of developing and testing a computer program.

2. Control Structures
3.1 Sequential Control Structures,
3.2 Selection Control Structures;
3.3 Repetition Control Structure;
3. Memory concepts.
3.1 Variable scope and lifetime;
3.2 Pointers and pointer arithmetic;
3.3 References;
3.4 Dynamic memory management and allocating to arrays;

4. Arrays
5.1 One dimensional arrays;
5.2 Multi-dimensional arrays;
5.3 Sorting Arrays
5.4 Searching Arrays
5.5 Data manipulation

5. Operators, functions and types

5.1 Variables
5.2 Expressions and statements; Functions; Operators.
5.3 Simple types
5.4 Declarations

6. Input/Output.
7.1 File I/O basics;
7.2 Read and write data to and from the file system;
7.3 Reading file into an array and working with directory information;

7. User Defined types:

9.1 Data Structures;
9.2 Sorting and searching data using linked lists;

Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Practicals: 3 hours per week

Continuous assessment 40% (20% practical and 20% tests)
Final examination 60%

Prescribed Textbooks:
Deitel and Deitel (2007) C How to Program. Pearson

Recommended Textbooks:
The C programming Language
Engineering Geology provides information to civil engineers on rocks, soil formation and
geological features that impact on civil infrastructure planning, designing and construction as
well as stability. It also gives engineers volumes of resources such as aggregates and borrow
materials required for construction.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the geological cycle
2. Identify different types of rock formations
3. Explain geological processes and how they affect construction projects

Course contents:
1. Introduction to Engineering Geology
1.1. Types of Geology
1.2. Geological cycle
1.3. Methods of site investigations
2. Minerals and rocks
2.1. Physical and chemical properties of Rocks
2.2. Origin and Types of Rocks
2.3. Origin and Types of Soils
3. Geologic Structures
3.1. Foliation and lineation,
3.2. Folds, joints and faults.
4. Weathering and Sedimentation
4.1. Aeolian processes
4.2. Glacial processes
4.3. Landscape evolution
5. Geologic hazards
5.1. Plate tectonics effects and zoning
5.2. Faults
5.3. Landslides
5.4. Subsidence
6. Geologic Maps and Stratigraphic Sections
6.1. Geological maps,
6.2. Interpretation of geological maps and reports,
6.3. Stratigraphic Sections
7. Introduction to Structural Geology
8. Geology and engineering works
8.1. Geological factors in foundation engineering
8.2. Geological Considerations in Tunneling
8.3. Geological Considerations in Dam Construction,

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Laboratory/Site visits: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory/field visits 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text books:

F G H Blyth and M H de Freitas: 1984, Geology for Engineers 7th Edition
Rahn P.H., Engineering Geology, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986

Supplementary readings:
Waltham A.C - Foundations of Engineering Geology; Blackie Academic & Professional


Fluid Mechanics focuses on the fundamentals of fluid behaviour relevant to a range of
engineering applications and is essential for Civil Engineering.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1 Demonstrate how fundamental principles of fluid mechanics are used for the design of
hydraulic components.
2 Design simple pipe systems
3 Determine losses in pipes and open channels
4 Apply the principles of force balance to solve engineering problems associated with
Course contents:
1. Properties of fluids
1.1 Units and Dimensions
1.2 Manometry
1.3 Forces on submerged planes and objects,
1.4 Buoyancy and flotation
1.5 Flow characteristics of ideal and real fluids
1.6 Steady and unsteady flow
1.7 Uniform and non-uniform flow
1.8 Reynolds number and classification of laminar and turbulent flow
2. Control Volumes
2.1. Stream tube, Streamlines, and pathlines
2.2. Euler’s equation along and perpendicular to streamlines
2.3. Bernoulli’s equation and its application to orifices, sharp-crested weirs and venturimeter
2.4. System control approach
2.5. Control volume and control volume equation
2.6. Continuity equation and its applications

3. Applications of the Control Volume

3.1. Application of control volume equation to the linear momentum equation
3.2. Impegement of jets on fixed and moving vanes,
3.3. Forces on pipe bends, nozzles,
3.4. Obstacles in natural streams and channels,
3.5. Turbo machines and rotating systems.
3.6. First law of thermodynamics,
3.7. Application of control volume equation to steady flow energy equation
3.8. Hydraulic and energy grade lines.
4. Ideal and Real fluids
4.1. Concept of ideal flow,
4.2. Rotational and irrotational flow,
4.3. Stream function and velocity potential,
4.4. Laplace’s equation, flow nets.
4.5. Real fluids, boundary layer,
4.6. resistance in turbulent flow,
4.7. Separation, drag, application to falling sphere
5. Flow in pipes
5.1. Laminar flow and turbulent flow
5.2. Friction factor, Moody diagram,
5.3. Head loss in single pipe system, equivalent length,
5.4. Compound, looping, and branching pipes,
5.5. Pipes in series and parallel,
5.6. Analysis of pipe networks
5.7. Use of computers software for network analysis.
6. Flow in open channels
6.1. Chezy and Manning’s Formulae,
6.2. Specific energy diagram, Froude number,
6.3. Tranquil and rapid flow,
6.4. Critical slope and critical depth,
6.5. Hydraulic jump, non-uniform flow.
6.6. Gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow, and surges.

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 5%
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %
Laboratory Test 5%

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

Webber, N B, 1971, Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, Chapman and Hall
Rajput, R.K, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Supplementary readings:
Massey, B S, 1989, Mechanics of Fluids, Chapman and Hall
John F. Douglas, Janusz M. Gasiorek and John A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics
Streeter, Fluid Mechanics
Vitor L. Streeter, E. Benjamin Wylie, Fluid Mechanics, Int. Student Edition, 1979
Dake, Jonas M.K. Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics, ANSTI, 1972.


Rationale: To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in mathematical methods to
enable them solve problems in mechanical operations.
Objectives: On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to to solve mechanical problems
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables to solve problems in Mechanical
5. Apply vector calculus in studies of motion
Learning outcomes:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to solve problems in mechatronics
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables in Control engineering
5. Apply vector calculus in studies of motion
Course contents:
1. Vector Algebra:
Scalar and vector triple product
1. Vector calculus:
Differentiation of vectors, divergence, gradient, curl, integration of vectors, line integral,
surface integral, volume integral, Gauss theorem, Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem
2. Partial Differential equations
3. Functions of complex variables:
Mappings, analytical functions, complex integration

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per wek
Laboratory: N/A

Continuous assessment (CA): 40%
Quizzes 5%
Assignments 10%
Tests 25%
Final examination: 60%
TOTAL: 100%

Recommended textbooks:
1. Kreysgiz E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, john Wiley and Sons, 2006
2. ErMengJoo, Engineering Mathematics with real world application, McGraw Hill, 2005
3. Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum’s outline of calculus, 5th Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2009.
4. Vairamanickam K., Patchagar N. P. Thillaigovindan (2005), Engineering Mathematics
Volume I
5. Bird J. O. and May, ATC (1994) 3rd edition: Technician Mathematics.
6. Kaufmann E. Jerome (1987) College Algebra
7. Stroud K. A. (5th Edition) Engineering Mathematics
8. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres (1987) Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications


Geospatial information is required for construction and engineering projects. In this course
students are provided with principles, methods, and applications of surveying as well as
comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
and remote sensing required for Civil engineering practice
Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Use survey equipment such as Dumpy Levels, theodolites Total Station and Differential
Global Positioning Systems (DGPS) to collect spatial data
2. Analyse, Interpret and present spatial data
3. Manipulate and apply spatial data for construction and engineering projects
1. Introduction to surveying
1.1 Definition
1.2 Scope of surveying
1.3 Units of measurements
1.4 Measurements and errors
1.5 Maps and plans

2. Chain surveying
2.1 Principles of chain surveying
2.2 Linear measuring equipment
2.3 Inclined measurements
2.4 Errors in measurements
2.5 Procedure in chain surveying
2.6 Obstructions
2.7 Plotting the survey

3. Levelling
3.1 Principles and definitions
3.2 Levelling instruments
3.3 Field and Office work
3.4 Sectioning
3.5 Trigonometrical levelling

4. Angular Measurements
4.1 Principles and definitions
4.2 Measuring Instruments
4.3 Measuring Horizontal and Vertical angles
4.4 Errors in angular measurements

5. The Co-ordinate Systems

5.1 Rectangular and Polar Co-ordinates
5.2 Co-ordinate Calculations
5.3 Plotting

6. Traversing
6.1 Theory of traverse
6.2 Measurement Procedure
6.3 Calculations
6.4 Plotting

7. Areas and volumes for earth works

7.1 Regular Areas
7.2 Irregular areas
7.3 Earthwork volumes

8. Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing

8.1 Spatial Information
8.2 Representation of geographic information
8.3 GIS Functionality
8.4 Data Acquisition
8.5 Remote Sensing basics
8.6 Interactions of radiation with Atmosphere
8.7 Interactions of radiation with Earth surface materials
8.8 Satellite Remote Sensing systems
8.9 Global Position System (GPS)

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory/field work: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA) : 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 5%
Tests 20 %
Field assignments 10 %
Group Project 5%

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

Bannister A. and Raymond S. 2002. Surveying, 8th Ed. Longman Group, ISBN 0 582
98862 4
Supplementary readings:
1. Kahmen H. and Faig W. Surveying, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin. 1988
2. Shepherd F.A. Engineering Surveying, Problems and Solutions, Edward Arnold
Publishers. 1983. ISBN 0-7131-3478-X
3. Uren J.,and Price W.F., Surveying for Engineers, 3rd ed. MacMillan 1994, ISBN 0-333-
4. Schofield W. Engineering Surveying Volume I, Butterworths 1984.
5. Schofield W. Engineering Surveying Volume II, Butterworths 1984
6. William I & Maclennan F, Surveying for construction, 5th Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2006,
7. Ramsay J. P. Wilson, Land Surveying, 3rd Ed. Macdolnald and Envans Ltd, 1985,


This course aims to equip learners with knowledge on soil properties, behaviour and foundation
design. Civil infrastructure has to be supported by the soil on which it is built. Thus before
building, one has to understand and be able to predict the behaviour of the soil on which the
structure is to be built.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
i Identify different soil types
ii Understand physical and mechanical properties and states of soil, soil behaviour
under load and the effect of water on soil properties
iii Explain the design basics of shallow foundations
Engineering Geology
Course contents:
1 Fundamental concepts of Soil Mechanics
1.1 Nature of Soil
1.2 Soil Formation
1.3 Types of Soil
1.4 Soil Characteristics
1.5 Phase Relationships
1.6 Soil Classification
1.7 Compaction

2 Stress increases due to applied loading

2.1 Total Stress
2.2 Effective Stress
2.3 Pore Pressure
2.4 Stresses from elastic theory

3 Shear strength
3.1 Shear failure
3.2 Shear strength tests
3.3 Shear strength of Sands and Granular material
3.4 Shear strength of Clays

4 Foundation Settlement
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Immediate Settlement
4.3 Consolidation Settlement
4.4 Consolidation Test

5 Permeability and Seepage

5.1 Permeability
5.2 Bernoulli’s Equation
5.3 Hydraulic Gradient
5.4 Coefficient of Permeability
5.5 Laboratory Determination of Permeability
5.6 Field Determination of Permeability
5.7 Stresses in Soils due to Flow
5.8 Seepage
5.9 Seepage terminology
5.1 Quantity of Seepage
5.2 Flow nets

6 Bearing Capacity & Foundations

5.1 Bearing Capacity Terms
5.2 Types of Foundations
5.3 Ultimate Bearing Capacity
5.4 Allowable Bearing Capacity
5.5 In-Situ Tests for Bearing Capacity

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3 hours per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Prescribed text books:

Craig R.F. 2004. Craig’s Soil Mechanics, 7th Edition, Spon Press.
Recommended text book:
 Smith G.N., Smith I.G.N. 2014. Elements of Soil Mechanics, 9th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell
 Das B.M. 2006. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 6th Edition, Nelson


The analysis of the behaviour of various structures when subjected to loading requires basic
understanding of engineering mechanics by use of the relationships between loading, material
properties and mechanical deformation; equilibrium and compatibility conditions.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
i. Analyse relationships between stress, strain and displacement in deformable bodies.
ii. Determine the stress state of bodies subjected to axial, torsional, transverse, and/or bending
iii. Determine the displacements of bodies subjected to axial, torsional, and/or bending loads.
iv. Transform plane stresses into a different coordinate system
v. Find principal stresses for a given state of plane stress
vi. Describe widely used failure theories for ductile and brittle materials
vii. Determine the stability limits of members subjected to axial compressive loads
viii. Analyse structures under ultimate conditions
ix. Conduct experiments involving load, deflection, and/or strain measurements, analyse
experimental data, and write concise laboratory reports. 
Course contents:
1 Review of Statics
1.1 Types of members
1.2 Determinate and indeterminate structures
1.3 Types of load
1.4 Solving problems in mechanics of materials
1.5 Free body diagrams
1.6 Application of relevant equations
2 Flexural members
2.1 Classification of beams
2.2 Relation between the intensity of loading, shearing force, and bending moment in a
straight beam
2.3 Pure bending of beams
2,4 Shearing stresses in Beams
2.5 Distribution of shear stresses in a thin-walled section and Shear centre
2.6 Analysis of stresses and strains at a point
2.7 Elastic strain energy of bending
2.8 Beams of composite materials.
3 Torsion
3.1 Deformations and stresses in circular shafts
3.2 Solid non-circular members
3.3 Deflection and stresses in closely coiled helical springs
3.4 Strain energy of elastic torsion.
4 Compound Stresses
4.1 Superposition of stresses and its limitations
4.2 Unsymmetrical bending
4.3 Combined bending and direct stresses
4.4 Thin-walled pressure vessels
4.5 Combined bending and torsion.
5 Structural connections
5.1 Bolted connections
5.2 Welded connections.

6 Theories of failure
6.1 Maximum Principal stress theory (Rankine)
6.2 Maximum shear stress (Tresca and Haigh)
6.3 Strain Energy Theory (Haigh)
6.4 Shear Strain Energy Theory (Von Mises and Hencky)
6.5 Maximum Principle Strain Theory (St. Venant).

7 Deflection of beams
7.1 Differential equations for deflection of elastic beams
7.2 Solution of beam deflection problems by direct integration
7.3 Virtual work/unit load method, Moment-Area Method
7.4 Conjugate-beam method. Simple statically indeterminate beams
7.5 Deflection of trusses.

8 Elastic buckling of columns

8.1 Stability of equilibrium
8.2 Analysis of buckling behaviour- Flexural Buckling of a pin-ended strut and
generalised Euler formula and limitations
8.3 Strut with eccentric load
8.4 Secant formula
8.5 Perry-Robertson formula
8.6 Strut with lateral load.

8 Plastic theory of bending

8.1 Assumptions in the plastic theory
8.2 Plastic hinge and moment of resistance at a plastic hinge.
8.3 Collapse load and Load Factor
8.4 Regions of plasticity
8.5 Combined bending and direct stress
8.6 Limit analysis of beams.
Prescribed Book
1. Gere JM and Goodno BJ (2009), Mechanics of Materials, 7 th Edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN
13:978-0-495-43807-6, ISBN 10: 0-495-43807-3
Recommended Books
1. Case J. and Chilver A.H. (1988) Strength of materials and structures, 2nd edition, Edward
2. Popov, E.P. (1978) Mechanics of materials, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall International
3. Ryder G.H. (1983) Strength of Materials, 3rd Edition, Macmillan (ELBS), London.
4. Todd J D. (1981) Structural Theory and Analysis, 2nd Edition, Macmillan

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 5%
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %
Laboratory Test 5%

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %


The course is aimed at providing the student with the necessary knowledge required to estimate
the cost of executing a construction Project. It also equips the student with the knowledge
required to perform an economic analysis and be able to advise on the economic viability of
engineering Projects.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
(i) Interpret a working drawing and take off measurements
(ii) Estimate the material, labour and financial requirements for construction Projects
(iii) Prepare bills of quantities for construction projects
(iv) Perform economic analysis for construction Projects

Course contents:
1. General descriptions, terminologies and standards
2. General measurement and the application of mathematical formulas
3. Interpretation of construction working drawings
4. Taking off
4.1 Building construction projects
4.2 Transportation projects
4.3 Water and sanitation projects
4.4 Dams and bridges
5. Methods of estimating
5.1 Unit pricing
5.2 Cost
5.3 Overhead
5.4 Profit
6. Quantity, cost and duration Estimation
6.1 Transportation projects
6.2 Building construction project
6.3 Water and sanitation projects
6.4 Dams and bridges
7. Preparation of bills of quantities (BOQ) for construction Projects
7.1 General format
7.2 Preliminary and General items
7.3 Main work items
7.4 Ancillary works
7.5 Testing and quality control
7.6 Day works
7.7 Contingency
9 Economic Analysis
9.1 Cost benefit analysis for construction Projects

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3 hour session per week
Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 30 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %
Prescribed text book:
1. Cartlidge, D. (2006). New aspects of quantity surveying practice. Routledge.
2. Seeley, I. H. (1984). Quantity surveying practice. Macmillan.
3. Kelly, J. R., & Male, S. (1988). A study of value management and quantity surveying
practice. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors by Surveyors Publications.
4. Turner, D. F. (1972). Quantity surveying: practice and administration. George Godwin


Rationale: To impart trainees with numerical, computing and statistics skills
1. Apply numerical computing in mechanical operations
2. Carryout statistics in mechanical operations
3. Analyze statistical data
Learning outcomes:
1. Apply numerical computing in electrical operations
2. Collect statistical data and calculate central tendency, parameters and measure of
3. Analyze statistical data
4. Apply appropriate statistical probability distributions to engineering problems
5. Solve non-linear and transcendental equations using numerical methods
Course contents:
1. Numerical computing in Linear algebra:
Jacobis, Gauss Seidal method, Numerical solution of equations, Newton Raphson
method, Bisection methods, Eigen values and vectors Numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations. Interpolation
2. Z – transformation:
Sequence generation, Difference equations, basic Z-transform formulas, solution of
difference equation of first and second order by Z-transforms

3. Statistics and Probability:

Presentation of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, Probability theory,
correlation and regression.
Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per wek
Laboratory: N/A
Continuous assessment (CA): 40%
Quizzes 5%
Assignments 10%
Tests 25%
Final examination: 60%
TOTAL: 100%

Recommended textbooks:
1. Jonson Richard ArnoldBhattacharyya Gouri K., Statistics Principles and Methods, 5th
Edition, John Wiley, 2006
2. Milton J. Susan and Arnold Jesse C, Introduction to Probability and Statistics:Principles
and Application for Engineering and the Computing Sciences 4th Edition, McGraw – Hill,
3.0 E Ward Cheney,David R Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 6th Edition,
Thomson Learning, Inc.l, 2008


The course focuses on continuity, momentum and energy equations in fluid flows as well
machines that transfer energy between a rotor and a fluid.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Apply fluid mechanics theory to practical civil engineering fluid flow problems.
2. Explain the phenomenon of water hammer
3. Select pumps for particular use
4. Explain the phenomenon of the hydraulic jump and its importance in energy dissipation
5. Design open channels

Course contents:

1. Unsteady flow in pipes

Introduction to transient flow

Incompressible or rigid column theory

Water hammer
Slow closure: unsteady incompressible pipe flow

2. Hydraulic machines
Classification of pumps and turbines
Mechanics of hydraulic devices
Performance of machines from model tests
Specific speed and selection of machine type
Pump and turbine positioning
Pump-pipeline systems

3. Open channel flow

Classification and types of open channels
Properties of open channels
Friction formulae for uniform steady flow
Optimum design for channel section
Specific energy concept
Rapidly varied flow – hydraulic jump
Gradually varied flow
Classification of profiles
Methods of solution of the gradually varied flow equation
Critical depth meters

4. Hydraulic models
Geometric, Kinematic and dynamic similarity,
Models of rivers and channels
Selection of criteria
Parameters and scales
Distorted models
Erodible bed models,
Hydraulic structure models
Experimental techniques and analysis of errors

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

Webber, N B, 1971, Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, Chapman and Hall
Rajput, R.K, 1998, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Supplementary readings:
Massey, B S, 1989, Mechanics of Fluids, Chapman and Hall
John F. Douglas, Janusz M. Gasiorek and John A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics
Streeter, Fluid Mechanics
Vitor L. Streeter, E. Benjamin Wylie, Fluid Mechanics, Int. Student Edition, 1979
Dake, Jonas M.K. Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics, ANSTI, 1972.


Theory of structures involves the methods of structural analysis used in the determination of the
effects of loads on physical structures and their components. The results of the analysis are used
to verify a structure's fitness for use, in terms of strength, stability and deformations.
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
1) Translate a stated problem in theory of structures to an analytical form.
2) Apply appropriate solution techniques to a problem.
3) Identify the limitations of the methods of solution and the outcome
4) Solve for the unknown quantities in a given problem.
5) Compute the load effects
6) Draw Axial Force Diagram (AFD), Shear Force Diagram (SFD), Bending Moment
Diagram (BMD)
Course Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Historical review of structural analysis
1.2 Philosophy of structural design
1.3 Structural forms
1.4 Analysis of structural behaviour
1.5 Engineering structures and types of loads.
1.6 Ultimate and allowable stresses, and Factors of Safety
1.7 Practical and ideal structures
1.8 Equations of static equilibrium
1.9 Stability and indeterminacy of structures
1.10 Free-body diagrams
2 Analysis of statically determinate systems for stationary and moving loads
2.1 Analysis of trusses (application of method of joints, method of sections and
2.2 Two-dimensional rigid frames
2.3 Review of shearing force, bending moment, and axial resisting force diagrams
2.4 Influence lines for beams and girders
2.5 Alternative approach for determination of influence lines. Muller-Brestau’s principle.
3 Energy theorems and principles
3.1 Virtual work concept
3.2 Reciprocal theorems
3.3 Strains Energy method
3.4 Castigliano’s theorems
3.5 Complimentary energy theorem
3.6 Potential energy theorems and applications
4 Force and displacement methods of analysis for statically indeterminate systems
4.1 Compatibility Method-Flexibility Method
4.2 Equilibrium (Displacement) Method
4.3 Slope deflection Method
4.4 Moment Distribution Method (application to beams and frames)
4.5 Influence lines for statically indeterminate Structures
5 Introduction to Matrix methods
5.1 Matrix Force Methods-Flexibility Method
5.2 Matrix Displacement Method-Stiffness Method, applied to trusses, beams, and
5.3 Use of computers in structural analysis
6 Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures
6.1 Influence line by successive position of unit load force
6.2 Muller-Breslau’ principle for obtaining influence line
7 Introduction to limit analysis of plane structures
7.1 Elastic-plastic behaviour of structural systems
7.2 Principle of superposition
7.3 General collapse conditions
7.4 Determination of collapse load: lower and upper bound theorems
7.5 Elementary mechanisms.
8 Introduction to Approximate Methods of Analysis
8.1 Indeterminate trusses
8.2 Single portals and mill bents
8.3 Laterally loaded rigid frames (Portal and Cantilever methods)
8.4 Vertically loaded Rigid frames
Prescribed Book
1. Hibbeler R. C. (2011) Structural Analysis, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall
Recommended Reading
1. Laursen, H.I. ( 1988), Structural Analysis, 3rd edition McGraw-Hill Book Company
2. Norris, C.H., Wilber, J.B., Senor Utku ( 1988) Elementary Structural Analysis, 3rd edition,
10th printing, Mc Graw-Hill.
3. Marshall & Nelson’s (1990), Structures, revised by P. Bhatt and H.M. Nelson
Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %


The course involves management and analysis of basic management functions:  planning,
organizing, leading, directing, and controlling for establishing and accomplishing business
objectives.  Case studies are utilized.  The scope of this study will also include aspects of the
principles of management on individuals and organizations.
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Relate, discuss, understand, and present management principles, processes and

procedures in consideration of their effort on individual actions.
2. Participate, summarize and/or lead class discussions, case problems and situations
from both the text and student experience that relate to the text material.
3. Have the knowledge and understanding of the Principles of Management will enable
the student manager and/ or employee and gain valuable insight into the workings of
business and other organizations.
Course Contents
1. Economic Concepts:
Introduction to micro economics: elementary theories of demand and supply, factors of
production, production functions, diminishing returns, comparative advantage.
Introduction to Macro Economics: Circular flow of income, Gross Domestic and Gross
National product, balance of payments, economic planning, public and private sectors,
economic theories of development. Domestic and foreign problems of development:
economic growth, income distribution, poverty, population increase, education,
unemployment, urbanisation and rural migration, agriculture, public spending;
international trade, foreign aid.
2. Industrial Development
Defining industry, industrial transformation. Industrialisation strategies, capital
accumulation, developing industrial sub-sectors. Global industrial trends, Trans National
Corporations, the role of government. Limits to industrialisation: deterioration of
environment, sustainable industrial development, the concept of cleaner production.
Manufacturing development in Zambia: national development plans, nationalisation,
structural adjustment, liberalisation.
3. Technology
Defining technology: Indigenous technology development: R & D, innovation, education.
International technology transfer, technical assistance. Introduction to Accountancy
Balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, appropriation accounts. Entrepreneurship
4. Engineering in Society
The scientific method. Engineering as a science and an art. The engineerin profession,
professional bodies.
5. Communication
Technical writing, Communication skills, reports and papers. Oral and visual
communication, meetings and discussion methods. Video conferencing.

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: N/A

Prescribed Text(s)
1. Lapperre P., Ng’andu B.N, Van Englen D., Gaillard H., (1999) Engineering and
Society (I): Economic aspects of Development, (Course reader produced by UNZA,
School of Engineering and Eindhoven University of Technology)

Recommended text(s)
1. Todaro P.M., (1997) Economic Development, Longman, 6
Ed., ISBN 0-582-302579

Further reading
1. Evenson R.E. and Anis G., (1990) Science and Technology Lessons for Development
Policy, Intermediate Technology Publications, London, ISBN 1-85339-062-3
2. UN/ESCAP, - Technology Transfer, an ESCAP training manual, booklets 1-2-3.
3. UN/ESCAP/APCTT, (1989) An overview of the framework for technology based
development, volume I, Bangalore, India.
4. Dijk M.P. and Marcussen H.S., (1990) Industrialization in the Third World: the need
for alternative strategies, Frank Cass, London, ISBN 0-7146-3406-9


Highway Engineering is a facet of Civil Engineering that deals with design and construction of
roads. Road transport is arguably the most dominant mode of transport of goods and services.
This may be due to the fact that roads provide door to door service and can be accessed from just
about anywhere. These roads have to be designed, constructed and maintained regularly in order
to continue being effective.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
i Explain road pavement terminology
ii Explain and predict behaviour of road construction material
iii Select suitable materials for road construction
iv Explain concepts and methods used in Road Pavement Structural and Geometric
v Explain methods of road construction, maintenance and rehabilitation
Course contents:
1 Introduction and objectives of Highway Engineering
1.1 Introduction,
1.2 Purpose of road,
1.3 Road classification.
2 Pavement Types and elements
2.1 Flexible Pavement: Structure and Elements
2.2 Rigid Pavement: Structure and Elements
2.3 Composite Pavement: Structure and Elements
3 Road Construction Materials
3.1 Subgrade
3.2 Unbound sub-base and road base materials,
3.3 Bound base and sub-base materials.
3.4 Methods of material testing
4 Geometric Design
4.1 Road classes,
4.2 Traffic speed, design speed, operating speed, posted speed and average speed,
4.3 Design vehicle,
4.4 Sight distances,
4.5 Vertical and horizontal alignment.
5 Pavements Design Methods
5.1 Overall concept of pavement design;
5.2 Mechanistic and empirical methods;
5.3 Road traffic surveys;
5.4 Subgrade strength;
5.5 Pavement structures
6 Construction and Supervision
7.1 Client - Consultant - Contractor relationship and responsibilities.
7.2 Construction Staking
7.3 Material spreading, levelling and compacting
7.4 Unbound materials.
7.5 Bound materials.
7.6 Bituminous road bases,
7.7 Surfacing material

7 Drainage Structures
8.1 Design considerations
8.2 Culverts
8.3 Bridges
8.4 Drains

8 Maintenance & rehabilitation

6.1 Distresses (Pavement and drainage structures)
6.2 Condition survey and analysis
6.3 Maintenance
6.4 Rehabilitation design.
9 Pavement Management Systems
8.5 Network Level vs project level,
8.6 Pavement condition analysis
8.7 Priority assessment
8.8 Network optimization

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory/field visits 3 hours per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory/field visits 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Prescribed text books:

SATCC, 1998. Code of Practice for the Design of Road Pavement, Division of Roads and
Transport Technology, CSIR

Recommended text book:

 AASHTO, 2008. Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials.
 Roads Department, 1994. Recommendations on Road Design Standards; Pavement Design
Guide. Government of the Republic of Zambia.
 Roads Department, 1994. Recommendations on Road Design Standards; Geometric Design
Guide. Government of the Republic of Zambia.


Masonry and Timber are major traditional structural materials used in the construction of
buildings, bridges and other structures. To ensure adequacy of structures in terms of strength,
stability and deformations and sustainability requires knowledge on the various design

Course Objectives
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
i. Explain the fundamental concepts and design philosophies related to timber and masonry
ii. Predict behaviour of masonry and timber members when subjected to loading
iii. Design and detail masonry and timber structures and components.

Course Contents
1 General Introduction to Structural Engineering
1.1 Introduction to Structural Engineering; Components of a structure; Analysis/Design
concepts (Elastic and Limit States designs)
1.2 Introduction to Codes of Practice; Partial safety factors for loads and materials; Load
2 Structural Masonry
2.1 Introduction to Masonry as a construction Material; Masonry units and Strength tests
2.2 Load Types on Masonry Structures; Codes of Practice in Masonry; Partial safety
factors for loads and materials; Load Combinations in Masonry
2.3 Load Bearing brickwork, Blockwork, Brick/Blockwork combination
2.4 Frame Analysis in Masonry
2.5 Flexural members in Masonry; Laterally Loaded Walls and Shear Walls
2.6 Control joints
2.7 Design for Accidental Damage and Robustness
2.8 Design of Buildings in Masonry
3 Structural Timber
3.1 Introduction to Timber as a Structural Material; sawing processes, treatment
processes and seasoning
3.2 Analysis/Design concepts (Elastic and Limit States designs) and Load Types
3.3 Introduction to Codes of Practice; Partial safety factors for loads and materials; Load
3.4 Design of Flexural Members
3.5 Design of Compression members and anchorages
3.6 Design of Trusses members and connections
3.7 Designs for termite attack and other common damage and serviceability requirements
3.8 Building Design in Timber.
Prescribed Books
1. Bull, John W. (1989) The Practical Design of Structural Elements in Timber, Gower
Publishing Company (UK), ISBN 0 556 09028 7.
2. Hendry A.W., Sihna B.P., Davies S.R. (2004), Design of Masonry structures, E & FN
Spon, ISBN 0 419 21560 3.
Recommended Books
1. Morton J (1978), Limit State Philosophy, Partial Safety Factors and Design of Walls for
Compression and Shear, Based on BS5628: Structural Use of Masonry, British Standards
Institution (BSI)
2. Andrew Orton (1992), Structural Design of Masonry, Longman ISBN-10: 0582091012
3. Morton J (1978), Accidental Damage, Robustness and Stability, Based on BS5628:
Structural Use of Masonry, British Standards Institution (BSI).

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %


Construction activities affect the environment and as such aspects of environmental protection
need to be addressed in Civil Engineering. Exposure to Environmental issues related to Civil
Engineering is essential.
Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Conduct an environmental impact assessment
2. Distinguish between EIA and environmental brief
3. Design solid waste collection systems
4. Identify common water pollutants and mitigation methods
5. Apply measures aimed at protecting the environment

Course contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 Environmental concerns in perspective,
1.2 Environmental engineering as a profession
1.3 Pollution, Environment and Public health
1.4 Ecological concepts, causes and impacts of environmental pollution
1.5 The role of the civil engineer in environmental health
2. Solid Waste Management:
2.1 Characteristics of solid wastes
2.2 Collection of solid wastes
2.4 Solid waste equipment and labour requirements
2.5 Disposal of solid waste.
3. Water Pollution
3.1 Sources and categories of water pollutants
3.2 Types of water pollutants
3.3 Pollution of ground water and surface water
3.5 Methods of Analysing water pollution loads
4. Air Pollution
4.1 Characteristics and types of air pollutants
4.2 Sources of Air pollutants
4.3 Effects of Air pollution
4.4 Air pollution meteorology
4.5 Air pollution control

5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

5.1 Definitions of terms
5.2 Key elements in EIA
5.3 Tools and techniques for an EIA,
5.4 Scoping
5.5 Predicting impacts
5.6 Evaluating impact significance
5.7 Avoidance, mitigation, monitoring, and follow-ups

6 Cleaner Production
6.1 Waste reclamation
6.2 Reuse and recycle; reuse of wastewater

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory/site visits: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 10 %
Tests 20 %
Group Projects 10 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

1. Sincero, A.P., and Sincero, G.A. Environmental Engineering Prentice-Hall of India

2. EIA-Process Zambia, Environmental Council Of Zambia,

Supplementary readings:
3. Masters, G.M. (2000). Introduction to Environmental Engineering Prentice-Hall
4. Tchobanoglous, G, Theisen, H, and Vigiln S. (1993). Integrated solid waste management
5. The Open University (1993):- Air quality management- UNITY 14 -16 The open
university Walton Hall Milton Keynes UK
6. Weston (ED) 1997. Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment in Pactice. Longman
Transportation planning and Engineering is a component of civil engineering that plays a vital
role in the economic development of a nation. Therefore, this course aims at providing students
with the knowledge required to plan transportation systems and solve problems related to
transportation such as congestion and road safety. Further, the course introduces students to
traffic analysis and the principles of traffic signal operation
Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Design and Conduct surveys to provide data required for transportation Planning.
2. Forecast travel demand;
3. Explain the impact of transportation on the environment
4. Explain the variables of traffic flow such as volume and speed, traffic flow theories and
identify basic traffic variables and their relationships.
5. Analyze a variety of traffic facilities and evaluate capacity and level of service (LOS).
6. Design signalized intersections
Highway Engineering
Course Content
1 Transportation Planning
1.1 Introduction
3.1 Characteristics of transportation systems
3.2 Functional classification of roads and railways
3.3 Urban transportation planning
3.4 Highway capacity and analysis of level of service
3.5 The Role of Transportation Planning in Economic Development
3.6 Survey methods for transportation planning
3.7 Highway and Railway asset management
3.8 Transportation Planning Regulations
2 Transportation Engineering
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of pavements
2.3 Performance Evaluation of Highway and Railway Systems
2.4 Traffic characteristics
2.2 Traffic flow analysis.
2.4 Traffic Flow management at Intersections
2.5 Design of signalized intersections
Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Practicals/software: 3-hour session per week
Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 5%
Tests 20 %
Practicals/software 15 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %
Prescribed Books
1. Garber, N.J. and Hoel, L.E., Traffic and Highway Engineering, Fourth Edition SI, 2010,
Cengage Learning. . ISBN-13: 9780495438533.
2. Khisty C.J. and Lall B.K., Transportation Engineering: An Introduction, Third Edition, 2003,
Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 13: 9780130335609
Recommended Books
1. Mannering F. and Washburn S., Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis,
Fifth Edition, 2012, John Wiley and Sons. SBN-13: 9781118120149
2. C.S. Papacostas, P.D. Prevedouros, Transportation Engineering and Planning, 2005,
Prentice Hall. ISBN 13: 9780131973091
3. Myer Kutz. Handbook of Transportation Engineering, 2003, McGraw Hill


Hydrology looks at occurrence, movement and distribution of water on, above and below the
earth’s surface. Understanding the occurrence, movement and distribution of water is important
as it affects engineering infrastructure as well as human development. In the context of hydraulic
design, hydrologic analysis provides estimates of flood magnitudes.
Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain hydrological concepts, processes and tools
2. Apply unit hydrograph model to analyse streamflow
3. Describe various ways of flood and drought control
4. Analyse stream inflow and outflow data and estimate flood magnitudes
5. Describe basic concepts of groundwater hydraulics
6. Describe various ways of borehole siting and drilling
Course contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 The hydrological cycle
1.2 Inventory of earth's water
1.3 The Hydrologic Budget
1.4 Hydrology in Engineering
2. Precipitation
2.1 Types of precipitation and Measurement of precipitation
2.2 Missing data, Double mass curve analysis
2.3 Interception and Depression Storage
3. Infiltration
3.1 Factors influencing infiltration rate
3.2 Measurement of infiltration
3.3 Infiltration Models and Indexes
3.4 Soil Moisture
4. Evaporation and Transpiration
4.1 Evaporation
4.2 Transpiration
4.3 Evapotranspiration and Consumptive use
5. Hydrometry
5.1Stage and stream-flow measurement
5.2 Water depth and bottom level measurement
5.3 Rating curves
6. Hydrographs, Sedimentation and the River Basin
6.1 Basin characteristics affecting runoff
6.2 Rainfall-runoff relationship
6.3 Components of a hydrograph
6.4 Unit hydrograph and hydrograph analysis
6.5 Sediment transport and Measurement
7. Floods and Droughts
7.1 Flood frequency analysis and Theoretical distributions of floods
7.2 Hydrologic routing
7.3 Flood control
7.4 Low flow analysis
7.5 Application of low flow analysis
8. Groundwater in general
8.1 Importance of Groundwater
8.2 Groundwater and the World’s Available Fresh Water
8.3 Groundwater Usage
9. Occurrence of groundwater:
9.1 Rock properties affecting groundwater,
9.2 Geologic formations as aquifers,
9.3 Types of aquifers, storage coefficient,
10. Groundwater movement:
10.1 Darcy's law and permeability
10.2 Determination of hydraulic conductivity
10.3 Groundwater flow directions,
10.4 General flow equations,
11. Groundwater and well hydraulics:
11.1 Steady and unsteady flow in confined aquifer
11.2 Steady and unsteady flow in an unconfined aquifer
11.3 Groundwater recharge estimation,
12. Wells
12.1 Investigations of groundwater: surface and subsurface methods
12.2 Pumping and recovery tests
12.3 Well Construction
12.4 Lining of Wells
12.5 Protection of Groundwater Supplies

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 5%
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %
Group project 5%

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

Subramanya, K., 2010. Engineering Hydrology, New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Supplementary readings:
Brassington, R., 2007. Field Hydrogeology, 3rd Edition, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bureau of Rural Sciences, 2007. Science for Decision Makers: Groundwater Recharge, Bureau
of Rural Sciences, Australian Government
Healy, W. H., & Cook, G. P., 2002: Using Groundwater Levels to Estimate Recharge,
Heath, Ralph C., 1983, Basic Groundwater Hydrology: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply
Paper 2220, 86 p
Management and analysis of basic management functions:  planning, organizing, leading,
directing, and controlling for establishing and accomplishing business objectives.  Case studies
are utilized.  The scope of this study will also include aspects of the principles of management on
individuals and organizations.
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Relate, discuss, understand, and present management principles, processes and

procedures in consideration of their effort on individual actions.
4. Participate, summarize and/or lead class discussions, case problems and situations
from both the text and student experience that relate to the text material.
5. Have the knowledge and understanding of the Principles of Management will enable
the student manager and/ or employee and gain valuable insight into the workings of
business and other organizations.
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Management:
Management: definitions; objectives (profitability, time effectiveness, quality).
Engineering as business: Organization structures; shareholders, boards; executive
management; functions of shareholders, boards, managers.
6. Functions of Management:
Planning: definition; objectives; feasibility studies; time scheduling, critical path
analysis; introduction to management accounting, project evaluation using discounted
cash-flow, risk analysis;
Organizing and coordinating: definition; good conditions – unity of objective,
efficiency, lines and levels of authority, accountability, delegation, communication
channels, division of work, separation of conflicting objectives, flexibility,
Organizational structures – function, territory, and product based; advantages and
Staffing: definition and purpose, establishment and job descriptions, appraisal criteria,
recruitment methods and procedures, training
Leading: definition and purpose, leadership principles, motivation theories, job
enrichment team work
Marketing: definition and purpose, methods of marketing Production And Services
Monitoring and Controlling operations: purpose, cost control, progress control,
progress measurement benchmarks; forecasting, progress reporting, progress meetings,
controlling/managing changes.
Quality control: definition and importance, quality costs, quality management
principles; quality management systems.
Productivity; product design; utility services design.
Industrial Relations: Definition, manager’s interest and constraints, worker’s interest
and constraints, industrial action, trade unions, government roles, application of labour
Industrial legal Aspects: Contract law, labour laws, professional negligence, alternative
dispute resolution, patents and companies registration, tax laws, business and industry
regulation laws Applications to Project Management
Project feasibility studies; project launching; project planning and implementation;
project appraisal case study.

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory/field visits 3 hours per week

Prescribed Text(s)
1. Carto S. C. (1992) Modern Management: Quality, Ethnics, and Global Environment
Allyn and Bacon 5
Ed. ISBN: 0-205-13154-9

Recommended Text(s)
1. Behrens W. and Hawranek P.M. (1991) Manual for the Preparation of Industrial
Feasibility Studies, Newly Revised and Expanded Edition, UNIDO E.91. III.E.18,
ISBN: 92-1-106269-1
2. Freeman-Bell G. and Balkwill J. (1991) Management in Engineering: Principles and
Practice Prentice Ball International, ISBN: 0-13-55 023-2
3. Meredith J.R. and Matel Jr. S. J. (1995) Project Management – A Managerial Approach
John Wiley & Sons Salamon M (1998) Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice
Prentice Hall Europe, 3
Ed. ISBN: 0-13-150947-0

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