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Welcome to ‘User Defined Screens’ learning unit of the Process Workflow Course.

this learning unit, you will learn about creating workflows in T24.

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After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:

• Create user defined applications

• Write a routine to validate data in the dynamic application

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You have learnt that to create a process workflow, you can use standard applications or
VERSION in T24. In the account opening process that you have seen, the initial activity or
the interview form is neither a standard application nor a version in T24. So then, how
do you bring that into the workflow as it is not an existing T24 Application or version? To
overcome this limitation, an application EB.TABLE.DEFINITION can be used which helps
the bank to create user defined screens which can form a part of any process. Once the
record in this application is authorized, all the settings necessary for an application in
T24 will be automatically created.
The screen that you create using this application behaves just like any other application,
only difference being, no code written to create it.

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T24 application are developed by writing code. EB.TABLE.DEFINITION is a
application available in T24 which helps a non-technical person to create a new
customized application without writing code.

You will now learn how to create the interview screen to be given to the
customer as soon as he walks into the bank using the application
EB.TABLE.DEFINITION. Before creating the interview screen, you must decide on
the field names, type of data that can be stored, minimum and maximum
characters in a field, vetting tables if required and validations on the data

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You have learnt creating user defined applications in T24 by just inputting and
authorizing a record in EB.TABLE.DEFINITION with out writing any code or creating any
records in other applications. What do you think actually happens in the background?
On authorizing the record in EB.TABLE.DEFINITION, T24 creates all necessary
components for an application without which an application would not work. T24
creates the records in FILE.CONTROL, PGM.FILE, STANDARD.SELECTION. It also creates
the Insert File (I_F.<application name>) and Database level files prefixed with ‘F.’ or
‘FBNK.’ depending on file type. Note that the application name here is only the record ID
in EB.TABLE.DEFINITION and is not prefixed with the value in the field PRODUCT.
Example : I_F.TRAINING

However, T24 does neither create any code pertaining to the application nor set up Auto
ID generation.

All the information related to the dynamic application is stored in EB.TABLE.DEFINITION

as there is no code attached. ‘TEMPLATE.D’ is the routine that is internally called to
gather all the information related to the fields and display the record to the user. The
Type in PGM.FILE is ‘D’ , as this application created using EB.TABLE.DEFINITION is
dynamically created using the underlying code in TEMPLATE.D

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Now that you have all in place, you can input a record in the dynamic application
created by you to check if all is fine. The field level validations based on the data
type entered is taken care of. But what if you want to perform some extra
validations on the data entered? For example, if COUNTRY field has a value of
‘US’ then the CURRENCY field must be only ‘USD’. How can you achieve such
validations in case of dynamic applications?

In the standard ‘TEMPLATE’ used to create applications, code can be written in

such a way that validations take place at different stages while inputting a
record. For example validation can take place as soon as the ID is entered, after
tabbing out of a field to validate the data entered, while committing or
authorizing the record.

So then can you write code to validate data entered in dynamic applications?
Yes. Can you attach the validation routine to EB.TABLE.DEFINITION? No. There
are no fields in this application that allow you to attach code that can validate
the data entered. So then where do you attach this routine.

The application EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES is used to add validation routine for the

dynamic application and also allows you to tell T24 when they need to be
executed. Note, a dynamic application will still work fine even without a
corresponding record in EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES application.

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You will now learn the contents of EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES application and
the various validation routines that can be attached to be triggered at
different points in time.
ID: The ID should be the ID of the dynamic application created in
EB.TABLE.DEFINITION prefixed with the value in the field PRODUCT if the
field LINK.TO.WRFL is selected. If not selected then the ID is only the
product code.
PW and if LINK.TO.WRKFL is not selected then EB.TABLE.PROCEDURE will
have its ID as PW
and if LINK.TO.WRKFL is selected then EB.TABLE.PROCEDURE will have its ID

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Routines can be attached at different levels like field level, record level, before
authorization, after authorization to validate the data.

The routine should have an entry in PGM.FILE with TYPE set to ‘S’. Some routines
require an entry in EB.API also

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You can also use the ‘Business Tools’ option under ‘Admin Menu’ to create or amend all the PW
related applications.
‘Table Fields Definition’ is used to launch EB.TABLE.DEFINITION
‘Table Definition’ is used to launch EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES

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The insert file will be created in the Temenos\R17\Env\Slot01\Data\T24\UD\BP

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The insert file will be created in the Temenos\R17\Env\Slot01\Data\T24\UD\BP

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1. EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES is used to design a dynamic application. FALSE

2. EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES can be used to attach any validation routines. TRUE

3. On authorizing the record in EB.TABLE.DEFINITION, all the relevant files are

created automatically by T24 TRUE

4. The routines that are to be attached in EB.TABLE.PROCEDURES should have an

entry in which file? PGM.FILE

5. User defined applications cannot be attached to a process. FALSE

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In this learning unit you have learnt about the Process Workflow in T24

You should now be able to

Create user defined applications

Write a routine to validate data in the dynamic application

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