Proper Hiring of Employees Is The First Step For Organizational Success

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COURSE TITLE: Human Resource Management


Assignment: Proper Hiring Of Employees Is The First Step For Organizational Success

Submitted To
Md. Musharrof Hossain

Founder President, Federation of Bangladesh Human Resource

Organizations (FBHRO)
Founder General Secretary & Immediate Past President, Bangladesh
Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM)
Immediate Past President, Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resources
Management (APFHRM)
Head, Human Resources Management

Submitted By


ID- 2193021008, Batch- 50th
Program- MBA (Regular)

Submission Date: 24/04/2020

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Letter of Transmittal
This is to certify that this assignment entitled “Proper Hiring Of Employees Is The First Step
For Organizational Success” is done by the following student under my direct supervision and
this work has been carried out by him of the Department of Business Administration under the
School of Business of Uttara University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Master of Business Administration. The submission of the assignment is 24th April 2020.

Signature of the candidate


Md. Sarwar Hossain Ripon




Md. Musharrof Hossain

Founder President, Federation of Bangladesh Human Resource Organizations (FBHRO)

Founder General Secretary & Immediate Past President, Bangladesh Society for Human
Resources Management (BSHRM)
Immediate Past President, Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resources Management
Head, Human Resources Management

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Table of Contents

Serial Contents Page

No. Number
i. Introduction 04
ii. History Of Walton Group 05
iii. Recruitment Process 06-12
iv. Methodology & Limitations 12
v. Literature Review 13-14
vi. Vision & Mission 14
vii. Employment 15
viii. Wealth 15
ix. Findings & Analysis 16
x. Recommendation 17
xi. Conclusion 17
xii. References 17

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Hiring the right employee is a challenging process. Hiring the wrong employee is expensive,
costly to your work environment, and time-consuming. Hiring the right employee, on the other
hand, pays you back in employee productivity, a successful employment relationship, and a
positive impact on your total work environment.

Hiring the right employee enhances your work culture and pays you back a thousand times over
in high employee morale, positive forward-thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging
goals. It also ensures that you are making the most of the time and energy that your other
employees invest in a relationship with the new employee—a costly and emotional process,
indeed. Human resource planning ensures that right kind and right quality of employees are
employed so as to achieve the organizational goals.

Recruitment helps in creating a pool of suitable and interested job applicants, out of which few
are chosen for the further selection process. Hence, it forms a base for selection process. If the
recruitment process is carried out properly, it will help in employing workforce that suits the
organizational requirements.
Selection of candidates begins where their recruitment ends. In other words, it is only after an
adequate number of applications have been secured through different sources of recruitment –
internal or external that the process of selection begins. Recruitment & selection is one of the
important aspects of human resource planning. Human resource planning ensures that right kind
and right quality of employees are employed so as to achieve the organizational goals.

According to Edward Flippo, ―Recruitment is a process of searching prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs.‖ According to Dale Yoder, ―Recruitment is a process to
discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate
effective selection of an efficient working force.‖

The process of searching suitable candidates and attracting them to apply for the vacancies in the
organization is termed as recruitment. It is the first step for selection and appointment of right
employees for the organization. The organization publicizes vacancies in the organization
through newspaper advertisements, online job portals, consultancy services etc.
Recruitment helps in creating a pool of suitable and interested job applicants, out of which few
are chosen for the further selection process. Hence, it forms a base for selection process. If the
recruitment process is carried out properly, it will help in employing workforce that suits the
organizational requirements.
Selection of candidates begins where their recruitment ends. In other words, it is only after an
adequate number of applications have been secured through different sources of recruitment –
internal or external that the process of selection begins.

A detailed hiring process is a necessary element for organizational success. Devising and
implementing a consistent hiring plan will help optimize your ability to identify the strongest
candidate while also create a clear understanding of your hiring process in the event you need to
improve it. Moreover, hiring does not end with a signed offer letter. The transition from the

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accepted letter through the onboarding process and into the early period of employment is vital
to long-term organizational growth.


Business started since 1977 and early 2008 WHIL started manufacturing of Refrigerator,
Freezer, Air Conditioner, Compressor and now onward expanding its operation in Television,
Home & Electrical Appliances. Walton & Marcel have become the most trusted and prestigious
Brand in the E&E industry in Bangladesh through its strong manufacturing base, quality
products, competitive price, extensive market coverage and last but not the least, the prompt after
sales services. As a result, within a very short period of time, both the Brands have captured
substantial market share and positioned itself as the most dominant performer in the Electrical &
Electronics sector in Bangladesh. Product portfolio of WHIL includes Refrigerator (Frost &
Non-Frost), Freezer, Air Conditioner, Compressor and Television.
Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand
with one of the largest well equipped R & D facilities in the world carried out its production
through different subsidiaries under the banner of Walton group headquarters in Bangladesh.
Today, The capacity of yearly production is 10 million units based on the market demands.
Walton is the giant professional manufacturer in the relevant industry and has gained high
reputation in terms of its unbeatable capability for producing Electrical and Electronics goods in
the most competitive way in aspect of quality, cost, design and innovation.

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 Recruitment :

The ideal recruitment program is the one that attracts a relatively larger number of qualified
applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization,
when offered. Recruitment programs can miss the ideal in many ways: by failing to attract an
adequate applicant pool, by under/over selling the firm, or by inadequately screening applicants
before they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach the ideal, individuals responsible for
the recruitment process must know how many and what types of employees are needed, where
and how to look for individuals with the appropriate qualifications and interests, what
inducements to use (or avoid) for various types of applicant groups, how to distinguish
applicants who are unqualified from those who have a reasonable chance of success, and how to
evaluate their work. Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so
as build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five related stages. They are-

 Planning
 strategy development
 searching
 screening
 evaluation and control

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 Planning

The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning involves the translation of likely
job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs into a set of objectives or targets
that specify (a) number, and (b) type of applicants to be contacted. Number of Contacts:
Organizations, nearly always, plan to attract most applicants than they will hire. Some of those
contacted will be uninterested, unqualified, or both. Each time a recruitment program is
contemplated, one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with
qualified people.
Companies calculate yield ratios (yRs) which express the relationship of applicant inputs to
outputs at various decision points. The yRs must be used with circumspection. No yRs will be
available for recruiting employees for the first time, or for recruiting sources or methods that
have not yet been tried. Recruiters in such cases have to depend upon their counterparts in other
organizations or make their own guesses.
Type of Contacts: This refers to the type of people to be informed about job openings. The type
of people depends on the tasks and responsibilities involved and the qualifications and
experience expected. These details are available through job description and job specification.

 Strategy Development

Once it is known how many and what type of recruits are required, serious consideration needs
to be given to (a) make or ‗buy‘ employees; (b) technological sophistication of recruitment and
selection devices; (c) geographic distribution of labor markets comprising job seekers; (d)
sources of recruitment; and (e) sequencing the activities in the recruitment process.

„Make‟ or „Buy‟: Firms must decide whether to hire less skilled employees and invest on
training and education programs, or they can hire skilled labor and professionals. Essentially, this
is the ‗make‘ (hire less skilled workers) or ‗buy‘ (hire skilled workers and professionals)
decision. Organizations which hire skilled labor and professionals shall have to pay more for
these employees.

‗Buying‘ employees has the advantage in the sense that the skilled labor and professionals can
begin the work immediately and little training may be needed. But the high remuneration that the
skilled workers and professionals demand may outweigh the benefits.

Technological Sophistication: The second decision in strategy development relates to the

methods used in recruitment and selection. This decision is mainly influenced by the available
technology. The advent of computers has made it possible for employers to scan national and
international applicant qualifications. Although impersonal, computers have given employers
and job seekers a wider scope of options in the initial screening stage.

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Technological advancement has made it possible for job seekers to gain better access. They have
begun sending videotapes about themselves to a number of companies without wasting time and
without spending money on travel.

Where to Look: In order to reduce costs, firms look into labor markets most likely to offer the
required job seekers. Generally, companies look into the national market for managerial and
professional employees, regional or local markets for technical employees, and local markets for
clerical and blue-collar employees.

In the final analysis, organizations recruit where experience and circumstances dictate likely
success. Recognizing this, many adopt an incremental strategy in which initial efforts are
concentrated in regional or local labor markets and expanded only if these efforts fail to achieve
the desired results.

How to Look: How to look refers to the methods of sources of recruitment. There are several
sources and they may be broadly organized into (a) Internal, and (b) External

Internal recruitment seeks applications for positions from those who are currently employed.
Internal sources include present employees, employee referrals, former employees and former
applicants. External sources far outnumber the internal methods. Specifically, sources external to
a firm are professional or trade associations, advertisements, employment exchanges,
college/university/institute placement services, walk-ins and write-ins, consultants, contractors,
displaced persons, radio and television, acquisitions and mergers, and competitors.

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 Searching

Once a recruiting plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. Search
involves two steps (i) source activation, and (ii) selling.

Source Activation: Typically, sources and search methods are activated by the issuance of an
employee requisition. This means that no actual recruiting takes place until line managers have
verified that a vacancy does exist or will exist.

If the firm has planned well and done a good job of developing its sources and search methods,
activation soon results in a flood of applications and/or resumes.

The applications received must be screened. Those who pass have to be contacted and invited for
interview. Unsuccessful applicants must be sent letters of regret.

Selling: A second issue to be addressed in the searching process concerns communications.

Here, organizations walk a tightrope. On one hand, they want to do whatever they can to attract
desirable applicants. On the other, they must resist the temptation of overselling their virtues.

 Screening

Screening of applications can be regarded as an integral part of the recruiting process, though
many view it as the first step in the selection process. Even the definition on recruitment

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excludes screening from its scope. However, screening is included in recruitment for valid
reasons. The selection process will begin after the applications have been scrutinized and

Hiring of professors in a university is a typical situation. Applications received in response to

advertisements are screened and only eligible applicants are called for an interview. Interview is
conducted by a selection committee comprising the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and subject
experts. Here, the recruitment process extends up-to screening the applications. The selection
process commences only later.

The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage, those
applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job. Effective screening can save a great deal of
time and money. Care must be exercised, however, to assure that potentially good employees are
not lost and that women and minorities receive full and fair consideration and are not rejected
without justification.

In screening, clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both a good practice and a legal
necessity that applicants‘ qualifications be judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities
and interests required to do the job.

The techniques used to screen applicants vary depending on the candidate sources and recruiting
methods used Interviews and application blanks may be used to screen walk-ins. Campus
recruiters and agency representatives use interviews and resumes. Reference checks are also
useful in screening.

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 Evaluation and Control

Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment process.
The costs generally incurred are:

1. Salaries for recruiters.

2. Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job specifications,
advertisements, agency liaison, and so forth.

3. Cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees.

4. Cost of producing supporting literature.

5. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.

6. Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled.

7. Cost of recruiting suitable candidates for the selection process.

Questions should always be asked as to whether the recruitment methods used are valid and
whether the recruitment process itself is effective. Statistical information on the cost of
advertisements, time taken for the process, and the suitability of the candidates for consideration
in the selection process should be gathered and evaluated. However, exercises seem to be seldom
carried out in practice.

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 Evaluation of Recruitment Process :
The recruitment process has the objective of searching for and obtaining applications from job-
seekers in sufficient numbers and quality. Keeping this objective in mind, the evaluation might

1. Return rate of applications sent out.

2. Number of suitable candidates for selection.

3. Retention and performance of the candidates selected.

4. Cost of the recruitment process.

5. Comments on image projected.

 Evaluation of Recruitment Methods :

The evaluation of recruitment methods might include:

1. Number of initial enquiries received which resulted in completed application forms.

2. Number of candidates at various stages of the recruitment and selection process, especially
those shortlisted.

3. Number of candidates recruited.

4. Number of candidates retained in the organization after six months.

Methodology & Limitations

 Methodology:
The research behind this report is basically exploratory in nature. We have prepared this report,
with the help of secondary date. There was no involvement of primary data.
 Secondary data--
 company website

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 newspaper articles

 Limitations:
 Scarcity of secondary data.
 Lack of experience of self
 Limitation of scope during the execution of study
 Privacy and reluctance to disclose confidential data was another important problem.
 Improper actualization

Literature Review

WALTON has established a milestone as the highest exporting Bangladeshi enterprise in the
field of electronics, with a universal presence in over 20 countries. Our operations are at full
swing in the markets of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, United Arab Emirates, Qatar,
Nigeria and West Africa. We are already in the process of penetrating the markets of Australia,
Europe, USA, South Africa, Singapore, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and the CIS
Countries in the near future. Our contribution to serve the global markets have earned us a
handful of accolades, both national and international, acknowledging our dedication, expertise
and innovation to meet international standards. A few of the recent awards include, The Golden
Globe Tiger Award 2015 in the category of Excellence & Leadership Brand, Asia Best Employer
Brand Awards 2015 and DHL-The Daily Star Bangladesh 15th Business Award 2014 for Best
Enterprise in Bangladesh. For a strong and sustainable foothold, WALTON is obliged to
maintain a 100% compliance since its inception and has achieved certification for ISO
14001:2004 Refrigerators & Air Conditioner Division, ISO 9001:2008 Refrigerators & Air
Conditioner Division and OHSAS 18001:2007 Certificate for successfully adopting sound
occupational health and safety management systems. Thus, succeeding to meet the necessary
worldwide export criteria. For current global operations, WALTON maintains international
representative offices located throughout Qatar, China, Thailand, Nepal, India and USA.

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Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand
with one of the largest well equipped R & D facilities in the world carried out its production
through different subsidiaries under the banner of Walton group headquarters in Bangladesh.
Walton had entered into electronics business in 1977 with manufacturing of electrical and
electronic items and gradually expanded its operation in many other electronics field that provide
the foundation for nearly every aspect of modern life. The key secret behind the success of
Walton lays its variation of production capacity and customized orientation of new product as
per the demand of customer. World class machineries like Thermoforming, Channel Extrusion,
ABS/HIPS Sheet Extrusion, Magnetic Strip Extrusion, PP Hollow Sheet Extrusion, VMC, 5 axis
VMC, Ultrasonic Welding, Injection Molding, Styrofoam Making, Hi Speed Power Press, Fin
Press, Corrugation, SMT pick and place, SPG printing machine, AOI machine, Tamura wave
solder machine, Auto insertion machine are being used for the production of high quality
products of Walton.

Vision & Mission

Along the way, Walton has earned domestic and global recognition for its experience and proven
track record in a variety of electronics fields. Walton is the pioneer of developing state of the art
designs and modern technology having leading market share specializing in Multi-Stored
Refrigerators, Freezers, Air Conditioners, LED/ LCD televisions, Motorcycles, Smart Phones
and Home Appliances. WALTON has established a milestone as the highest exporting
Bangladeshi enterprise in the field of electronics, with a universal presence in over 20 countries
and by 2020 the presence of Walton will be ensured almost every country in the world.

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Walton has a workforce of more than 20000+ employees in total 22 production bases under
factory area. Besides, direct employment they are going to generate some new system of
employments. Walton Brand's electronic and electric products are available with easy and
installment facility. Walton is playing a supporting role in removing unemployment and earning

The Manufacturing Plant & Headquarters of WHIL is located at Chandra, Kaliakoir, Gazipur,
Bangladesh. The plant is treated as one of the sophisticated manufacturing plants in Bangladesh
as well as in South Asia. Walton innovates to build a more advanced, sustainable and
environment friendly society through the combination of sophisticated technologies and
expertise. The manufacturing plant of WHIL is approx. 5,000,000 sft. of working space
consisting of 19 Buildings and Shades.Walton Group has about 680+ acres of industrial area.

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Findings & Analysis
 Human Resource Planning in Walton Group:
Successful human resource planning is designed to identify an organization‘s needs. The
following factors are to be taken into consideration while planning for human resources-
i. A real interest in how people drive business
ii. Strong interpersonal and leadership skills
iii. The strength and integrity to take tough decisions
iv. An interest in coaching and developing people
v. Culture awareness

 Factors affecting Recruitment Process:

The recruitment function of the organization is affected and governed by a mix of various
internal and external forces. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of
Walton Group are stated below-
External factors-
i. Image/Goodwill
ii. Political legal-social environment
iii. Competitors
Internal factors:
i. Recruitment Policy
ii. Human resource planning
iii. Size of the organization
iv. Cost
v. Growth and expansions

 Constraints faced by the Walton Group:

Every organization faces some barriers during the recruitment process.HR professional of
Walton Group are not apart from that. The biggest challenge such professionals face is to source
or recruit the best people for the organization. The barriers about recruitment they have pointed
out some factors which are stated below-
i. Lack of motivation
ii. Adaptability to globalization
iii. Process analysis
iv. Strategic prioritization

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Walton, the country's leading electrical, electronics and home appliances manufacturing and
marketing company is working to improve the standard living of the people creating employment
facilities. Some recommendations for Walton Group are given below-
i. Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process
ii. Defining the competent authority to approve each selection
iii. It should also focus to aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential
iv. It should ensure that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and

Walton has attained prominence as a leader in the field of electrical, electronics, automobiles and
other appliances brand with highest quality standards and recognized safety performance. Walton
bases itself in the heart of Bangladesh upon the production of hi-tech and high value added
electronics products focusing environment friendly operation and waste management system.
Walton have a long tradition of serving their valued customers to their complete satisfaction
through efficient management, excellent workmanship and after sales service, which they
continue to maintain with our untiring efforts. Their HR policies and practices are among the
best in the industry, valuing the essentials in attracting, inducting/engaging and retaining the high
quality professionals. They believe in employee satisfaction, upgradation of their skill levels and
for this purpose, the group invests a lot in training & development, incentive schemes,

Walton is the preferred choice of millions of customer across the world because of its reliability
and commitment to quality and price. Walton Group is operating many countries in the world
and in the process of setting up new operation in markets such as USA, Europe, Latin America
and Africa where it sees emerging opportunities.





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