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Commerce Cloud Digital Tools

If you have the correct permissions assigned to you, you can access any of the
following tools.

Business Manager
Provides merchandisers and marketers with real-time, intuitive access to
configuring their storefront site. Use Business Manager to quickly and accurately
categorize, price, display, search, navigate and promote merchandise.

You only see those functions in Business Manager that you have permissions to
see. Business Manager can be used for the following functions:

• manage catalogs, pricing, promotions and search capabilities

• optimize sales online and across channels through a call center

• focus on increasing traffic, order size & conversion rates

Control Center
Control Center gives your IT staff direct operational control over your site. Through
the Control Center you can:

• start an instance

• stop an instance

• assign rights to other users

• revoke rights from other uses

• add users and remove users

Control Center allows administrators to assign rights on the Production and

Development instances to other employees of the merchant organization and on the
Development instance to employees of an implementation partner, if they have one.

UX Studio is a developer tool installed on your local machine. You can examine or
incorporate the code from SiteGenesis or your storefront site using this tool. Modify
site presentation and business logic, including:

• new template layouts

• new payment processors

• different shopping cart logic

• new shipping options

• multi-site/ internationalization

• integration with other applications

For information on installing UX Studio, see Installing UX Studio.

Account Manager
Account Manager gives your IT staff the ability to create accounts for new users in
your organization on Digital. It also enables you to grant and revoke access to
Digital instances.

Other Tools
XChange - use the XChange to enter support tickets, visit user forums, and
participate in the Commerce Cloud community.

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