Computers in Biology and Medicine: Evgin Göçeri, Metin N. Gürcan, O Ğuz Dicle

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Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

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Fully automated liver segmentation from SPIR image series

Evgin Göçeri a,n, Metin N. Gürcan b, Oğuz Dicle c
Department of Computer Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
Department of Biomedical Informatics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University, Narlıdere, Izmir, Turkey

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate liver segmentation is an important component of surgery planning for liver transplantation,
Received 11 June 2014 which enables patients with liver disease a chance to survive. Spectral pre-saturation inversion recovery
Accepted 10 August 2014 (SPIR) image sequences are useful for liver vessel segmentation because vascular structures in the liver
are clearly visible in these sequences. Although level-set based segmentation techniques are frequently
Keywords: used in liver segmentation due to their flexibility to adapt to different problems by incorporating prior
Variational level set knowledge, the need to initialize the contours on each slice is a common drawback of such techniques. In
SPIR this paper, we present a fully automated variational level set approach for liver segmentation from SPIR
Liver segmentation image sequences. Our approach is designed to be efficient while achieving high accuracy. The efficiency
Signed pressure force function
is achieved by (1) automatically defining an initial contour for each slice, and (2) automatically
Active contour
computing weight values of each term in the applied energy functional at each iteration during
evolution. Automated detection and exclusion of spurious structures (e.g. cysts and other bright white
regions on the skin) in the pre-processing stage increases the accuracy and robustness. We also present
a novel approach to reduce computational cost by employing binary regularization of level set function.
A signed pressure force function controls the evolution of the active contour. The method was applied to
ten data sets. In each image, the performance of the algorithm was measured using the receiver
operating characteristics method in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The accuracy of the
proposed method was 96%. Quantitative analyses of results indicate that the proposed method can
accurately, efficiently and consistently segment liver images.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction evaluation is needed to decide whether the donor and recipient is

a good match and when the transplantation should be performed.
Liver is an essential organ with several vital functions such as The success of the surgical operation and reduction of complica-
protein synthesis and detoxification. Additionally, it regulates tions (which may occur during or after the operation) to minimum
biochemical reactions that include the synthesis or breakdown level depends on accuracy of anatomic information of the portal
of complex and small molecules and produces bile, which is an and hepatic veins, compatibility of these vessels and liver volume.
alkaline compound aids in digestion. Yet, no technique or device Therefore, precise measurements and analysis of liver and vessels
can compensate for the absence of the liver. The only available that requires accurate liver segmentation from all image slices
option is liver transplantation, which is a major and risky surgery. have vital importance for liver transplantation at pre-evaluation
Although transplantation from cadavers utilized to be the first stage [2].
choice, transplantation from living donors has become a choice of Several automatic and semi-automatic liver segmentation
treatment due to the shortage of cadaver donation in recent years methods from Computed Tomography (CT) [3] and from Magnetic
[1]. Before the surgical procedure, the livers that belong to the Resonance (MR) images [4–11] have been proposed to overcome
living donor and the recipient are evaluated: to identify the liver problems of manual liver segmentation. An important problem of
region, to determine the size mismatch, to measure liver volume, manual segmentation is that liver boundaries can be identified
and to analyze the vascular structure. Knowledge obtained by the differently by different radiologists and even by the same radi-
ologist at a different time (i.e. inter and intra-reader variability).
Thus, segmentation results depend on experience and skills of
Corresponding author. radiologists. Also, it is very time consuming and tedious task
E-mail address: (E. Göçeri). because of the high number of image slices and data sets.
0010-4825/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
266 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

However, automatic or semi-automatic liver segmentation is more In the state of the art, there is a probabilistic approach [7] for
challenging problem than manual segmentation due to inhomo- automated liver segmentation method from T1 weighted MR
geneous intensities, similar intensity values and unclear edges images. The first step is manual segmentation of liver on training
between liver and other abdominal organs (i.e. kidneys, heart, data sets by experts in this study. The next step is to generate
stomach, spleen). Anatomical shape of the liver are varies in probability maps by incorporating prior knowledge about tissue
different slices, which complicates the process further. properties and locations of the liver. Then, the position probabil-
Although recently published good hybrid methods [12–14] ities, which are determined from the probability maps, and the
were shown to be effective in segmenting organs, because of the tissue probabilities, which are determined according to the inten-
imaging modality differences and the notion of individual organ sity distributions in the MR data sets, are calculated for liver,
segmentation in our case using specific MR sequence for liver, full kidney and stomach. The intensities in all different weighted MR
evaluation and comparison to the methods in our work is outside channels are combined to calculate tissue probabilities. Therefore,
the scope of their paper. The use of images that are generated with dimensionality reduction with linear discriminant analysis is
different imaging modalities affects accuracy of results obtained applied by using training images. The four-dimensional data is
from these segmentation methods. Since, appearance of liver reduced to three-dimensional MR data. The last step is to apply
surfaces in different imaging modalities are different, as illustrated region growing algorithm [17] for liver segmentation. However,
in Fig. 1, which shows abdominal CT images [14] and Spectral Pre- accuracy of results mainly depends on probability maps. Therefore,
saturation Inversion Recovery (SPIR) images from our data set. a large number of training data, which represent more variation, is
In SPIR image sequences, surface of the liver may appear different required to generate the optimal probabilistic map.
even in the same data set, and even in succeeding slices (Fig. 1d In a more recent study [18], authors apply a marker-controlled
and e) because of clearly visible veins in the liver, gallbladders, watershed method with a classifier to obtain liver using para-
which are seem on SPIR unlike CT images, and different slice meters from a training data set. However, overlapping of coeffi-
thicknesses used for CT and SPIR image sequences. Also, the cients may cause misclassification in some MR images. The
authors identify in their papers [12–14] that the effectiveness of solution for the misclassification problem is to add more seed
object detection with the proposed multi-object recognition strat- points manually by users. Therefore, results may not always be
egy depends on the number and distribution of objects considered accurate with this method.
in the model assembly. Level Set Methods (LSMs) [19] are based on the curve evolution
Multi-organ segmentation based techniques [15,16] using CT theory [20]. According to this theory, the deformation of a curve is
images in the state of the art have their own drawbacks. For written by a Partial Differential Equation (PDE). The importance of
example, in [15], authors propose an atlas-based multi-organ PDEs has been increased in segmentation area since the first
segmentation method. The first step is to select suitable atlases implementation of the LSMs as image segmentation at the begin-
for an image from a database by measuring image appearance in ning of the 1990s. The main reason for this is that a segmentation
this method. Second, registration is applied by using the selected problem can be transformed into a PDE framework. Also, PDEs can
atlases and the target image. Then, a local atlas weighting is use regularizers with these segmentation models. Another reason
performed on an organ-by-organ basis and atlas labels are is that finite difference methods can be used to solve PDEs. Also,
weighted for each voxel by a patch-based segmentation algorithm. PDEs can be extended from two dimensions to higher dimensions.
Finally, a graph-cut based coarse-to-fine weighting algorithm is In addition to these advantages, the solutions from the PDEs are
applied to incorporate topological information and smoothness fast and they are able to perform an image segmentation operation
constraints. However, potential misregistrations may cause inac- interactively. The main idea behind the LSM is to represent an
curate results with the segmentation method. In another multi- active contour as the zero level set of a smooth function, which is
object segmentation method [16], a transformation matrix is a higher dimensional and called as the Level Set Function (LSF),
produced by registration of PET and CT images from test data sets. and to evolve this contour to the edges of the desired objects.
A probabilistic liver CT atlas is generated with affine registration of An important advantage of the level set approach is that the
the transformation matrix and a probabilistic multi-organ atlas, geometric properties of the contour can be obtained using a level
which is obtained from training CT data sets. The liver CT atlas is set of the surface. Since, the arc-length parameterization and the
mapped onto low-contrast CT images to assign a prior probability curve derivatives according to it are geometric, intrinsic and also
value for each pixel. Liver is segmented with Gaussian mixture invariant to Euclidean transformations [21]. Another advantage is
model by using the prior probabilities. Parameters for expectation that, following of contour evolution in three dimensional spaces is
maximization are obtained from a region of the liver on the PET similar to following in two dimensional spaces because propagat-
image. However, this approach requires a large number of training ing surfaces are easily obtained by extending the arrays and
data sets and registration of images accurately. Also, correct gradient operators. Also, LSFs are signed distance functions which
estimation of region of interest in PET images is required to define the closest distance between each pixel and the zero level
segment liver images accurately. set. Therefore, active contours can break or merge during evolution

Fig. 1. (a), (b), (c) Abdominal CT images [14]; (d), (e) example SPIR images.
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 267

and handle topological changes. In addition, the LSF remains as a [30,31]. Among different VLSMs, Li et al. [32] proposed to use a
whole function on the fixed Cartesian grid that provides efficient distance regularization term in the Distance Regularized Level Set
computations. Evolution (DRLSE) method.
In our previous work [10], we present an overview on liver The DRLSE approach is based on a potential function and forces
segmentation methods in MR images and show comparative the gradient magnitude of the level set function to one of its
results of seven different liver segmentation approaches chosen minimum points. It eliminates the computationally expensive re-
from deterministic (K-means based), probabilistic (Gaussian model initialization process. However, this method uses constant coeffi-
based), supervised neural network (multilayer perceptron based) cients and the traditional edge stopping function, which is
and deformable model based (level set) segmentation methods. Gaussian filter based, to remove the effect of noise in the energy
The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis show that our formulation. The Gaussian filter results in blurred edges while
level set based approach is a reasonable method for liver segmen- reducing the image noise. Also, this method is very sensitive to
tation from SPIR images. position, shape and size of the initial contour on SPIR images. It is
In this study, we propose a Full-automated Liver Segmentation observed that this approach causes unstable evolution and cannot
(FLS) from SPIR image series for pre-evaluation of liver transplan- segment liver from SPIR datasets successfully [10].
tation by using a variational level set approach. This work
improves our recently published semi-automatic method [10],
which uses a Signed Pressure Force (SPF) function based energy 3. The semi-automated liver segmentation method
functional and user defined initial contour on pre-processed SPIR
images that show liver vessels very clear. To overcome all problems in the DRLSE, we have proposed a
The organization of the remaining parts of the paper is as novel semi-automated VLSM based liver segmentation from SPIR
follows. Relevant level set based medical image segmentation image series in our previous work [10], which is called as SLS
methods are presented in Section 2. Our previous semi- (Semi-automated Liver Segmentation) method in this study.
automatic method, on which the work in this study is based, is Experimental results and quantitative performance analysis of
briefly reviewed in Section 3. Contributions of this study, which the SLS method show that pre-processing and binary regulariza-
are automated detection and exclusion of structures (e.g. cysts and tion and also an adaptive SPF function based edge indicator in the
other bright white regions on the skin), automatic definition of energy functional provide efficiently segmented liver images.
initial contours and computation of weight value for the length We describe the pre-processing step, energy functional and also
term of the active contour, are given in Section 4. Experimental the edge indicator briefly in this section.
results and comparative performance analysis for the proposed
method and the semi-automatic method are represented in
Section 5. Finally, conclusions and discussions are given in Section 6. 3.1. Pre-processing to reduce the effects of irrelevant organs

The first step for liver segmentation is pre-processing, which

2. Level set based image segmentation detects and removes kidney, spleen, heart, gallbladder and spine
automatically from abdominal images, to suppress their interfer-
Level set [19] based medical image segmentation methods have ence in the liver segmentation process. These organs are first
been more popular in the last fifteen years due to the flexibility of detected using anatomical knowledge and morphological opera-
the level set technique to adapt to different problems by incorpor- tions are applied on these detected structures. Binary morpholo-
ating several prior knowledge [22–28]. Two major challenges have gical image reconstruction [33] is applied with an appropriate
to be addressed while developing a level set based image seg- marker image (seed region) on the organ. The required mask for
mentation technique. The first one is stopping the evolution of the image reconstruction is obtained by choosing the cluster that
curve efficiently at the desired boundaries without over (i.e. shows the organ, after clustering of the original image with
leakage) or under segmentation. The second difficulty is repre- Gaussian mixture model [34,35].
sentation of level set functions by signed distance functions An example in Fig. 2 shows different steps of the SLS algorithm
because level set methods do not implicitly preserve level set and how irrelevant organs are extracted on an example slice
functions as signed distance functions in practice. Therefore, in (Fig. 2a) with a mask image (Fig. 2b) and a marker image for
conventional level set approaches, the level set function causes spleen and stomach. First, boundaries from the left and right hand
irregularities during curve evolution. These irregularities result in side (the first non-zero values) are detected, which are shown as
unstable evolution due to numerical errors. Re-initialization is the blue lines in Fig. 2c. The mid-line between these blue lines
typical approach to keep the level set function as a signed distance corresponds to the position of the spine (shown with the yellow
function. In re-initialization process, the degraded level set func- line in Fig. 2c). For spleen extraction, the anatomical knowledge
tion is replaced with a signed distance function, whose gradient is that spleen is located at the bottom-left side of an abdominal
equal to a unit vector. However, re-initialization is a serious image is used. Besides, it is observed that spleen is always
problem since it is not clear how and when it should be applied clustered as the third cluster (Fig. 2d) when the original image
to restore the degraded level set function as a signed distance is clustered into four clusters by K-means clustering algorithm:
function [29]. Therefore, various Variational Level Set Methods (1) background region, (2) dark gray tissues, (3) bright gray tissues
(VLSMs) have been proposed to avoid re-initialization (re-distan- (corresponds to spleen) and (4) brightest tissues. A marker image
cing) problem by regularizing the level set function as a signed that includes some part of the spleen is obtained at the left side of
distance function (by handling topological changes). the spine by using the middle of the yellow and blue lines (shown
VLSMs, which are based on an energy functional, provide as red color in Fig. 2d). The spleen image (Fig. 2e) is obtained after
higher computational efficiency and easier implementation. Mini- morphological image reconstruction with the marker, which is
mization of the energy functional in VLSMs is similar to an edge shown as green frame (Fig. 2d) and the mask image. Similarly,
detection method. In these alternative approaches, the energy stomach extraction is performed with the knowledge that stomach
functional is defined with the level set function. Then, a partial is located at the left hand side of the spine and above the spleen.
differential equation is obtained by using this energy functional A seed region is selected by using the mid-point of the yellow line
instead of an Eulerian equation as in classical level set methods and red line at the left side of the spine (Fig. 2f). In this case,
268 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

Fig. 2. Pre-processing: (a) original slice; (b) clustered image; (c) boundaries of the image from the left and right hand side shown with blue lines and also the middle (shown
with the yellow line) of the distance between these two blue lines; (d) marker image shown as the green frame for spleen; (e) extracted spleen image; (f) marker image
shown as the green frame for some part of stomach; (g) the marker image for stomach on the mask image; (h) pre-processed image. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. (a) Example SPIR slice; (b) the spine, kidneys and the gallbladder.

the original image is clustered into four clusters after the spleen an example SPIR slice (Fig. 3a) to show kidneys and the spine
extraction. The last cluster that includes stomach is chosen in (Fig. 3b), which also shows the gallbladder.
order to use as the mask image. Fig. 2g shows the mask and Kidneys and spine are extracted in the pre-processing stage
marker image for stomach, which are used to apply binary with an algorithm similar to those of the stomach and spleen
morphological image reconstruction. The pre-processed image extraction and the details are given in [10]. The anatomical
without the spleen and stomach is presented in Fig. 2h. knowledge that kidneys are inside the ribs and located in the
Kidneys, which have similar gray level values with the liver, bottom-left and bottom-right side of abdominal images is used for
may cause over-segmentation. Similarly, the spine may affect kidney extraction. A seed region that includes some part of the
curve evolution due to its high intensity value. Fig. 3 demonstrates right kidney is obtained at the right side of the spine. The third
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 269

cluster that includes the right kidney is chosen in order to use as selected seed region as the marker image. Similarly, the left kidney
the mask image. The segmented right kidney is obtained after is detected and extracted automatically by selecting the seed
morphological image reconstruction with the mask and the region at the left side of the spine.

Fig. 4. Flow-chart of the proposed method.

270 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

3.2. Energy formulation where the term avg corresponds to ðC 1 þ C 2 Þ=2, C 1 and C 2 are
average intensity values outside and inside the active contour,
To explain the applied energy functional,
 let us assume that the respectively, which are defined as,
active contour is defined as C ¼ ðx; yÞ A Ωjϕðx; yÞ ¼ 0 , where R R
IðxÞH ε ðϕÞdx IðxÞð1  H ε ðϕÞÞdx
ϕðx; yÞ ¼ 0 is the zero level set function, Ω  ℜ and the image I : C 1 ¼ ΩR C 2 ¼ ΩR ð3:5Þ
Ω-ℜ is defined onΩ. The energy functional to be minimized, which Ω H ε ðϕÞdx Ω ð1  H ε ðϕÞÞdx
consists of the length and area term with their coefficients is given as, The partitioned SPF function (3.4) means that if the average
intensity value in the active contour is greater than ten times of
EðϕÞ ¼ λLg ðϕÞ þ αAg ðϕÞ; α A ℜ; λ40 ð3:1Þ
  the average intensity value of outside the contour (i.e. the average
here λ, α corresponds to weight values and C p  4 0; is the edge intensity values inside and outside the active contour are not
indicator function. The term Lg ðϕÞ is the length of the active contour close) or the difference between intensity values of each pixel and
and expressed as Lg ðϕÞ ¼ Ω g δðϕÞj∇ϕjdxdy, where δ(.) is the Dirac the mean intensity value of inside and outside average intensities
delta function. The term Ag ðϕÞ is the area in the active contour and is greater than the five times of the mean intensity value then
computed with the Heaviside function H(.) as Ag ðϕÞ ¼ Ω gH select the first part. Otherwise, select the second part of the SPF
ð  ϕÞdxdy. The weight value of the area term is calculated by using definition. Since, the initial contour is always defined inside the
summation of absolute values of minimum and maximum curva- liver in our application. Therefore, if values of C 1 and C 2 are close
ture terms to increase the speed of the motion [10]. on a pre-processed image then contrast of the image is very low.
To obtain a minimum value of a function, a study state solution of Then, the difference between each pixel value and the minimum
the gradient of this function can be found. The gradient flow equation average intensity value is efficient for curve evolution. The
of the energy functional E(ϕ) (3.1) is written as, ∂∂tϕ ¼  ∂∂Eϕ, where ∂∂Eϕ is adaptive SPF based edge indication function gives effective results
the Gateaux derivative of E(ϕ). This is an evolution equation of a time even at weak boundaries.
dependent level set function ϕ(x,y,t) with a spatial variable x and y. Although the SLS method provides successfully segmented
The evolution direction of ϕ(x,y,t) is opposite of the Gateaux derivative liver images with low computational complexity, it has the
(i.e.  ∂∂Eϕ), which is the direction of the steepest descent of the energy following limitations: First, effects of cysts and other bright white
functional E(ϕ). Therefore, the gradient flow is known as gradient regions on the skin have not been properly handled. Second, the
descent flow or steepest descent flow. method requires a user defined initial contour for each slice in a
data set. Third, some of the parameters used in the algorithms are
determined heuristically. In this study, we present an approach
3.3. Integrated edge indicator function
that overcomes these limitations by detecting and excluding of
cysts (see Section 4.1) and bright white regions on the skin (see
Edge based level set methods [32,36,37] usually use a regular,
positive and decreasing edge indicator function g, such that Section 4.2) and also generating initial contours automatically (see
lim gðtÞ ¼ 0 to stop level set evolution at boundaries. The edge Section 4.3). Moreover, we propose a novel approach to compute
indicator function is the absolute of the gradient of the convolved the weight value for the length term (Section 4.4) in the applied
image with Gaussian function to remove the effect of noise in the energy functional (3.1).
energy formulation, and written as, Fig. 4 shows the overall structure of our segmentation algo-
rithm. As can be seen in this flowchart, first an initial liver image is
1 obtained from a chosen initial slice. The initial liver image is used
gðj∇IjÞ ¼ ð3:2Þ
1 þ j∇Gσ  Ij2 to generate the initial contour for the succeeding slice. All slices
are segmented iteratively beginning from the initial liver image to
The level set function stops when the value of the edge
the last slice, and again from the initial liver image to the first slice
indicator function approaches to zero, which means that the active
in the image sequence. The first step of the iterative segmentation
contour will be stopped where the gradient of the image is large
algorithm is pre-processing (Section 3.1). Our proposed approach
enough for g-0. However, it is never equal to zero for digital
for detection and extraction of cysts and bright white regions on
images since the discrete gradients are bounded. It causes unstable
the skin is integrated into this step. Second step is generation of
evolution due to noise and non-homogeneous intensities in
initial contour from previous segmented liver image (Section 4.3).
abdominal SPIR images. The Gaussian filter cannot preserve edge
Afterwards, necessary parameters, which are SPF function, edge
information while removing the noise effect and causes blurring
indicator function, weight value of the area term and length term,
especially at weak edges. Choosing a small sigma value for the
are computed (Section 3.2, Section 3.3 and Section 4.4). Finally,
Gaussian kernel may lead to sensitivity to noise. In this case, the
gradient of the energy functional is calculated until its minimum
curve evolution will not be stable. Choosing a big sigma value may
value is found by using the gradient descent flow equation. Once
cause boundary leakage problem, which results inaccurately
the liver image is obtained, it is used to generate the necessary
segmented images. Therefore, determination of the optimal stan-
initial contour for liver segmentation for the next slice. This
dard deviation is a dilemma for liver segmentation from SPIR
iterative process continues until all slices are segmented (Fig. 4).
datasets due to unclear boundaries and noise. Different alternative
solutions have been proposed in the literature to overcome this
problem [38–40]. In the SLS method, an edge indicator is defined
4. Proposed method
with a novel SPF function and its gradient to take into account
edges for stable results as,
This section explains the four important steps of the proposed
g ¼ SPFðIðxÞÞ þ ∇SPFðIðxÞÞ ð3:3Þ approach that are integrated to our previous method [10] to
overcome its limitations.
The applied adaptive SPF function according to the intensity
In this study, upper abdominal MR data sets have been used.
values outside and inside the active contour is,
8 IðxÞ  ðC þ C Þ=2 The data sets were obtained from ten different patients (four men
< max IðxÞ  1ðC þ2C Þ=2 ; if ðC 1 4 10  C 2 Þ or ðmaxðI  avgÞ o 5  avgÞ and six women; age range, 52–81 years) using a 1.5 T MR imaging
ðj 1 jÞ
SPFðIðxÞÞ ¼ device (Gyroscan Intera, Philips, ACS-NT, Best, The Netherlands).
: IðxÞ  minðC 1 ;C 2 Þ
maxðjIðxÞ  minðC 1 ;C 2 ÞjÞ; else
The examined 16 bit DICOM images are fat suppressed
ð3:4Þ T2-weighted (TR/TE, 1600/70 ms; flip angle, 901; slice thickness,
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 271

8 mm) SPIR images (0.63 pixel per mm and the pixel size is 1.58  the image in the last cluster is chosen (Fig. 5c) and the largest
1.58 mm) in the axial plane with a resolution of 256  256. Also, connected component is detected to use as a marker, which
images with different resolutions (i.e., 288  288 and 320  320) includes some part of the cyst. The image in the third cluster
have been tested. shows the appropriate mask (Fig. 5d). Binary morphological image
reconstruction algorithm is applied with the marker and mask
images. Then the cyst, i.e. the reconstructed image, (Fig. 5e) is
4.1. Cyst detection and extraction extracted. The pre-processed image (Fig. 5f) after cyst extraction is
used for liver segmentation. Gallbladder (Fig. 3b) extraction is
A cyst on the liver seems as bright white in abdominal SPIR performed with the same algorithm since a gallbladder is similar
images (Fig. 5a). Cyst detection and extraction is applied in the to a cyst in the liver and seems as bright white.
pre-processing step after removing irrelevant organs. We observed
that existence of a cyst negatively affects curve evolution due to its
high intensity values. This leads to erroneous results when the 4.2. Detection and extraction of bright white regions on the skin
area under the cyst is larger than the area of a vessel on the liver.
Therefore, cyst detection and extraction is applied after getting the Fig. 6a shows two bright regions at the top side on the skin that
number of slices that include the cyst as a user defined parameter. occurs as a result of insufficient presaturation band localization.
Extraction of the cyst according to its intensity and size is easier if These parts may lead to inaccurate edge indicator (3.3) due to
we use the pre-processed image (Fig. 5b) of the slice because a cyst inaccurate selection in the SPF function (3.4). We have also
is always clustered in the last cluster when the pre-processed removed these bright white regions that are seen on the skin in
image is clustered into four clusters, (see Section 3.1). Therefore, some slices to reduce their potential undesired effects during

Fig. 5. Cyst extraction: (a) original slice; (b) pre-processed image (without adjacent organs and spine); (c) marker image that includes a small part of the cystic region;
(d) mask image; (e) extracted cyst; (f) pre-processed image without cyst.

Fig. 6. Extraction of the bright white regions on skin: (a) original image; (b) pre-processed; (c) mask image; (d) marker image, which shows bright white regions in the last
cluster and outside of the previously segmented liver shape; (e) pre-processed image.
272 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

curve evolution. Similar to the cyst extraction process, binary length and area terms of the active contour, and also in the SPF
image reconstruction algorithm is applied with a mask and marker function. The other drawback is that using a constant standard
image. The necessary mask image is obtained by choosing the deviation value for a data set does not always produce successful
image in the third cluster (Fig. 6c), which include bright gray level results for liver segmentation for all slices in a given data set. The
tissues and bright white tissues. A marker is obtained by inter- constant weight values for the length and area term cause
secting the image in the last cluster (includes bright white regions undesired results due to the vascular structure of liver and non-
and vessels) with the image that is outside of the previous homogenous intensity values. Also, irregular shape of the liver
segmented liver image. This intersection produces the image that reduces usability of the shape of the segmented liver in the
shows only some part of the bright white regions on the skin while previous slice as the initial contour for the next slice.
excluding vessels (Fig. 6d). Then, the reconstructed image by the To overcome these drawbacks, we have defined a novel SPF
morphological binary image reconstruction is removed and the function based edge indicator without using Gaussian function in the
pre-processed image (Fig. 6e) is obtained for liver segmentation. SLS method as explained in Section 3. The algorithm of the SLS
method requires a manually initialized contour on the liver at each
4.3. Automatic initialization of contours slice. However, manually drawing an initial contour on each slice in a
data set increases segmentation time and is also very tedious
Initialization of contours is a key challenge for level set based because of increasing number of data set. The user defined initial
segmentation methods [41]. When done manually, each user can contour has to be drawn inside or outside of the liver without
draw different initial contours at different locations and sizes. The leakage. Moreover, if the liver is partitioned then an initial contour
user defined initial contours can cause inaccurate or non-robust has to be drawn on each partition by the operator. Therefore, in this
segmentation results regardless of the number of iterations. Finding study, to improve the semi-automatic SLS method, we have proposed
the correct number of iterations for each initial contour is not easy to generate the necessary initial contour automatically for each slice
at each slice. Therefore, we need to apply level set approaches for without any user interaction, which increases the efficiency and
liver segmentation automatically to overcome these drawbacks and improves the accuracy and consistency of the method.
obtain acceptable results from all slices in a dataset. We observed that the shape of the segmented liver image in one
The liver shape in a slice is close to the liver shape of the slice is not always useful as an initial contour for liver segmentation
previous or next slices with respect to other slices in the dataset. for succeeding slices because liver shapes are not regular. Also,
Therefore, the shape of an initial segmented liver image can be differences in slice thickness of data sets make this problem more
used as the initial contour for all the slices in a data set. This challenging. These identified factors in addition to noise and inho-
approach was used in our previous automatic liver segmentation mogeneous intensities lead to over/under segmented liver images.
method, which is called as automatic DRLSE with the SPF method Therefore, in this study, we have generated an initial contour
[10]. There are some drawbacks of this approach, which are related automatically from the shape of an initially segmented liver instead
to both the applied energy functional and generated initial con- of using its shape directly as an initial contour. For this purpose,
tour. The first drawback is on how to choose the value of the similar to the marker image in the iterative Gaussian mixture model
standard deviation of Gaussian kernel. This kernel is used both in based method [10], first, we have used the initial liver image (Fig. 7a),
the traditional edge stopping function, which is integrated into the which is the segmentation result of a selected slice (generally the

Fig. 7. (a), (f) Segmented liver image; (b), (g) skeleton image of the previous segmented liver; (c), (h) image after filling holes on the image that is intersection of the skeleton
with the pre-processed image; (d), (i) after median filtering and dilation; (e), (j) generated initial contour on the next slice. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 273

mid-slice in a data set), where liver boundaries are usually well-

defined so that the liver can be segmented by simple (e.g. K-means)
clustering. Then, we have obtained the skeleton (Fig. 7b) of the initial
liver image. Second, we have filled all holes (Fig. 7c) after intersecting
the skeleton image and the succeeding pre-processed image with
binary ‘AND’ operation. Then, dilation operation is applied with a
disk shaped structuring element (radius is 1). After dilation, we have
applied median filtering to remove small spots from the image.
Fig. 7d shows the generated initial contour as binary that is also
shown on the succeeding slice, which will be the next processed
image, as red color (Fig. 7e). The effect of the filling holes and dilation
operations by using another segmented liver image (Fig. 7f) and
skeleton (Fig. 7g) is given in Fig. 7h after the intersection process.
After dilation and median filtering, the generated initial contour
(Fig. 7i) is shown in Fig. 7j as red color.
All slices are segmented iteratively by beginning from the
initial liver image to the last slice and from the initial liver image
to the first slice in the image sequence.

4.4. Computation of the weight value for the length term

Fig. 8. Liver regions, which are surrounded with yellow color and red color, are The applied energy functional (3.1) is composed of length and
provided by experts with manual segmentation and the proposed segmentation area of the active contour. All VLSMs based on the length and area
method. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the terms use constant weight values, which are chosen according to
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
the experience of authors, for these terms [42–44,32,36]. Segmen-
tation results are sensitive to chosen weight parameters. However,
each data set has a different contrast ratio. Further, liver has a
Table 1 vascular structure and non-uniform intensity values. Different
Quantitative analysis of a curve evolution using the image shown in Fig. 8 to intensity gray levels of an image require different weight values,
present changing of the isoperimetric ratio and related terms of the applied energy
which makes it a challenge to choose the optimal λ value. In
functional at each number of iterations.
addition, using the same constant weight value during curve
Number Gradient value Sum of Sum of Isoperimetric evolution will not always produce acceptable results for liver
of of the energy differentiation differentiation ratio segmentation from SPIR image data sets even the most optimal
iterations functional of the area of the length constant value is chosen. Therefore, we have used adaptive weight
∂ϕ ∂E ∂A ∂L
∂t ¼  ∂ϕ term ∑ ∂ϕg term ∑ ∂ϕg values by computing automatically according to the feature of the
curve for the length and area terms in the SLS method [10].
1 5068 1.7627000 73.122 3.106
Although the implemented formulation that is given for the λ
2 4397 1.7899000 12.1522 8.315
3 4132 1.7589000 12.7151 9.314 parameter seems efficient, we propose another computation for
4 4050 1.7261000 12.5359 9.192 this parameter, which also provides smoothness, in this study.
5 4018 1.7138000 12.4810 9.116 The isoperimetric ratio is the value of shape of compactness,
6 4162 1.7083000 12.0334 8.567 which is an intrinsic property of objects and used as a shape
7 4139 1.6976000 11.9133 8.480
descriptor in pattern recognition [45]. We have computed the
: : : : :
L2 ðϕÞ
isoperimetric ratio, Ag ϕ , at each iteration during curve evolu-
gð Þ

60 2905 1.2955000 109.042 9.336 tion and assigned its value to λ in our energy functional (3.1), and
61 2905 1.2953000 108.963 9.167 obtained the following equation.
62 2905 1.2950000 108.878 9.167
63 2905 1.2950000 108.878 9.167 L2g ðϕÞ
64 2905 1.2950000 108.878 9.167 EðϕÞ ¼ Lg ðϕÞ þ αAg ðϕÞ
Ag ðϕÞ

Fig. 9. Graphics of quantitative values, which are presented in Table 1 for the image given in Fig. 8, for isoperimetric ratios (a) and gradient descent flow (b).
274 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

L3g ðϕÞ area terms and also the isoperimetric ratio at each iteration for the
EðϕÞ ¼ þ αAg ðϕÞ ð4:1Þ image shown in Fig. 8. As can be seen from the quantitative analysis,
Ag ðϕÞ
the value of the isoperimetric ratio converges automatically to a
Eq. (4.1) implies that we increase the compactness degree of constant value while the value of the energy functional converges to
the closed curve by multiplying the isoperimetric ratio L2g ðϕÞ=Ag ðϕÞ its minimum. Numerical values do not change after the algorithm
with the length term Lg ðϕÞ. Therefore, the advantage of using the finds the minimum energy level (62th iteration in Table 1). The
isoperimetric ratio as the weight value instead of the λ coefficient proposed method stops the curve evolution efficiently at this energy
is to increase smoothness of the curve. In addition, we assign level even the iteration process does not reach the final number of
the minimum value of the ratio of the isoperimetric inequality, iterations.
L2g ðϕÞ
Quantitative values in Table 1 have been plotted in Fig. 9 for
which is Ag ðϕÞ
Z4 π , for the λ parameter when the value of isoperimetric ratios (Fig. 9a) and gradient values of the energy
the computed λ is greater than 4π during the curve evolution. functional (Fig. 9b).
Since, we are trying to find the minimum value of the applied Fig. 9 shows that the evolution of the active contour stops
energy functional (4.1), which means that all terms have their efficiently even the maximum iteration number is bigger than the
minimum value. iteration number corresponding to the minimum energy value.
Fig. 8 illustrates the liver region surrounded with red color that
is obtained by the proposed segmentation method. Also, it shows
the liver region surrounded with yellow color that is provided by 5. Experimental results and performance analysis
experts with manual segmentation as the ground truth data.
Table 1 presents computed gradient values of the applied A fully automatic level set based liver segmentation approach
energy functional, summation of differentiation of the length and from SPIR data sets is proposed in this study. Example initial

Fig. 10. (a),(b),(c),(ç),(d),(e),(f),(g) Original slice;(ğ), (h), (ı), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m) obtained initial contour; (n),(o),(ö),(p),(q),(r),(s),(ş) final shape of the initial contour; (t),(u),(ü),
(v),(w),(y),(z1),(z2) segmented liver images.
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 275

Fig. 10. (continued)

contours that are automatically obtained by this method using derived by evolution of these initial contours are presented in
original images (Fig. 10a–g) are shown in Fig. 10ğ, h, ı, i, j, k, l Fig. 10n, o, ö, p, q, r, s and ş while segmented liver images are given
and m. Final level set functions, which show liver boundaries, in Fig. 10t, u, ü, v, w, y, z1 and z2.
276 E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278

It is observed that when there is a cyst on the original slice correctly as foreground in the foreground region, TN (True Nega-
(Fig. 10d), the automatic segmentation procedure with the itera- tive) is the number of pixels that are classified correctly as
tively generated initial contour (Fig. 10j) finds liver boundaries background in the background region, FP (False Positive) is the
(Fig. 10q) successfully and results in correctly segmented liver number of pixels that are classified as foreground in the back-
image (Fig. 10w) after removing the cyst in the pre-processing ground and FN (False Negative) is the number of pixels that are
step. Therefore, the proposed segmentation method is efficient in classified as background in the foreground region. Table 2 presents
terms of accuracy not only for a slice that show healthy liver but quantitative results of these evaluation criteria for the images
also for a slice that show a cyst on the liver. shown in Fig. 10a, b, c, ç, d, e, f and g. The computational costs in
An experienced operator spends about 30–45 min for manual terms of time have been obtained by using 2 GB RAM and Intel
segmentation from 50 images to segment liver. The total compu- Core i7-3612QM CPU at 2.40 GHz.
tational time and results can be different according to experience Sensitivity measures success of a method about identification
of operators both on the liver and the tool used for manual of the TP and FP cases. Specificity indicates that how well the
segmentation. The results of the proposed FLS approach and the method can identify the TN and FN cases. Therefore, accuracy is
SLS method with the most optimal user defined initial contours low (high) when both specificity and sensitivity are low (high).
have been evaluated according to their required computational However, only accuracy is not a good measure for performance
cost, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values. These measures evaluation. Because the value of accuracy is biased towards either
are generally used to evaluate methods [46–49] and defined as specificity or sensitivity when any one of specificity or sensitivity
has high value and the other has low value. Therefore, we have
Sensitivity ¼ presented images whose sensitivity and specificity values are
mostly close to each other.
TP Volumetric visualization of segmentation results presents more
Specificty ¼ information to users for further analysis of images [50]. Therefore,
an example volumetric visualization of segmented images that are
TN þ TP obtained by the proposed approach is given in Fig. 11, which
Accuracy ¼ ð5:1Þ
TP þ TN þFP þ FN shows results in three-dimensional (3D) coronal view (Fig. 11a),
axial view (Fig. 11b) and sagital view (Fig. 11c).
where TP (True Positive) is the number of pixels that are classified

Table 2
Quantitatively comparative performance analysis of the FLS and SLS method in
6. Conclusion and discussion
terms of required time (in second), sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (in
percentage). In this study, we proposed a novel fully automated liver
segmentation method, which overcomes the major drawbacks of
Original image Method Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy Required time
the previous approaches and does not have to rely on neither a
(in second)
distance regularization term nor the traditional edge stopping
Fig. 10a FLS 70.94 99.53 97.20 10.40 function. Additionally, it controls and stops the evolution of the
SLS 66.16 94.29 92.00 25.67 active contour efficiently with the edge and region based adaptive
Fig. 10b FLS 83.59 98.67 96.80 41.04 SPF function. The major conclusions of this study are increased
SLS 83.49 98.72 96.83 48.80
Fig. 10c FLS 75.90 99.68 97.01 17.37
accuracy (96%) of the segmentation results and reduced processing
SLS 74.90 99.66 97.04 38.36 time. These conclusions are based on the following experimental
Fig. 10ç FLS 62.32 99.75 94.85 39.58 evidence: First, we applied a pre-processing step to suppress
SLS 60.01 99.00 94.47 40.86 interference effects, which are caused by similar intensity values
Fig. 10d FLS 64.74 99.71 95.04 110.06
between liver and irrelevant organs (such as stomach and spleen),
SLS 60.77 79.10 73.98 81.14
Fig. 10e FLS 95.39 98.30 97.90 45.44 in the liver segmentation. We also removed the effects of cysts and
SLS 93.27 96.49 96.05 50.91 other bright white regions on the skin in this stage. Next, we
Fig. 10f FLS 79.59 97.66 96.15 28.43 generated initial contours automatically for each slice instead of
SLS 79.01 96.17 94.74 51.71 drawing them manually. Finally, we computed all weight values in
Fig. 10g FLS 73.99 99.66 96.92 65.66
SLS 74.28 96.92 94.50 90.25
the energy functional automatically by using intrinsic properties of
the active contour. Another important feature should be noted

Fig. 11. 3D visualization of segmentation results; Coronal view (a), axial view (b), sagital view (c).
E. Göçeri et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 53 (2014) 265–278 277

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