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Ministers of Singapore,

We are writing on behalf of concerned living human beings with inalienable rights and freedoms
who view the government response to the current COVID-19 situation with growing trepidation.


In the midst of this epidemic, there is also another issue which we have not dealt with, which is the
introduction of 5G into Singapore. The effects on the human nervous system from even higher levels
of EMF needs further research before being released.  The Euro parliament is asking for this,
Switzerland, Australia & Brussels have, at this current date, already halted the roll out of 5G. There
are over 1,600 peer-reviewed scientific papers on EMFs and their relation to health or biology in
general (Ref. 33) and a $30M National Toxicology Program Study states that it is clear that 5G can
cause cancer. (Ref. 34) An online petition on 5G from Singapore was mysteriously taken down within
2 days of being up, halting the purpose of it, which was to share information, pose questions, in
hope of creating dialogue & further research on the health & safety of 5G.


If you have read through everything here (Parts 1 through 5), I hope you will be convinced that the
right response from the government is to:

1) Cease this lockdown and whatever is called the New Normal immediately. People can
choose to social distance or wear masks if they want to, but it cannot be made mandatory
for everyone. Let each choose what they want to do.
2) Think for ourselves and do what is best for the people, and no longer follow the
recommendations of a foreign organization like World Health Organization.
3) NEVER make anything mandatory that is a restriction of our personal freedom and right to
choose using the public good as their rationale. This includes surveillance, vaccinations and
4) To cease the implementation of 5G until more research has been established on its safety.
5) If the government is involved in any way with a globalist agenda known as the New World
Order, to immediately cease those relationships.

Remember that the mandate of the government is given by the people. What is given by the people
cannot then be turned around to oppress the people. For those ministers who hear this message but
is afraid of confronting the status quo, I can only say one thing: You are chosen by the people to
lead, not to follow. To do the right thing. We trusted you with our vote. Now prove to the people
who you are made of.



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