Lesson Plan: Semestrul 1. Express Publishing

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Lesson Plan

Teacher : Iftimie Iulia Andreea

Number of students: 21
School: Liceul Tehn. ,,Al. Vlahuta”, Podu Turcului
Lesson: Checkpoint – Units 1 and 2
Type of the lesson: evaluatiom
Class: 4th
Date: 17th november 2019

Time: 45 minutes

Aims of the lesson:

1. to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures;

2. to check pupils’ level of vocbulary and grammar assimilation for the assessed units;
3. to check pupils’ general progress in the use of the English language.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be better able to:
1) unscramble the names of some countries based on their flags;
2) choose and underline the correct word in a sentence;
3) write sentences using the three forms of the present continuous tense;
4) match different questions with their correct answers;
5) trace lines between names and the characters, based on a listening exercise.

Materials: textbooks, notebooks, test papers, board

Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Techniques: Exposing, conversation, exercise, explanation, reflection

1. Official: The Curriculum for Primary Education
2. Methodical: 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practical of English Language Teaching. Pearson
Education Limited; 2. Scrivener, Jim. 2011. Learning teaching. Macmillan Publishers
3. Textbook: Dooley, Jenny; Evans, Virginia. Limba modernă – engleză, Clasa a IV-a,
Semestrul 1. Express Publishing

1. Warm-up

- to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere

Time: 3 minutes
Interaction: T - pupils, pupils -T
Teacher greets the pupils, asks them about their mood and the pupils answer. Teacher checks
the attendance.

2. Homework checking

- to check whether the pupils have accomplished their task

Time: 5 minutes
Interaction: T - pupils, pupils - pupils
T. asks the pupils about their homework, first a frontal check -“Has everybody done the
homework? Tell me, what was your homework for today?”, then individually by making a
selection of the pupils that are about to read, check and correct their homework while T. offers
them the feedback, making corrections where necessary.

3. Revision

- to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures

Time: 7 minutes
Interaction: T - pupils, pupils –T
T. does a quick revision of what the pupils have learnt in the module 1 and asks them to open
their textbooks at page 23 in order to complete the exercises from the Checkpoint part.

Ex. 1 / page 23. The pupils read the text in Ex. 1 and write the correct word, based on what
they can see in the picture, in their notebooks.
Answers: 1. lift 2. through 3. fair 4. long 5. over

Ex. 2 / page 23. The pupils complete the questions in their notebooks and choose the correct
answer in items 1-4.

1. Are they playing / Yes, they are.

2. Is he making / Yes, he is.
3. Is she washing / No, she isn’t.
4. Is she doing / Yes, she is.

Ex. 3 / page 23. T. explains the task. Pupils read and match in their notebooks to form

1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. e

4. Evaluation

- to check pupils’ level of voacbulary and grammar assimilation for the assessed units

Time: 30 minutes
Interaction: T - pupils, pupils –T, IW
Once all the exercises have been corrected, T. asks the pupils to tell her how they feel about
the two units. Then she refers pupils to the Now I can box and reads through it with them.

T. shares with the pupils the test papers and tells them that they have 30 minutes to solve the
exercises, encouraging them to pay attention to the instructions. T gives the pupils the necessary
instructions in order to complete the given tasks.

T supervises the pupils while they are working.


I. Punctaj: 9p: 3 x 3p II. Punctaj: 12p: 4 x 3p

1. Spain 1. baseball

2. Mexico 2. basketball

3. Poland 3. volleyball

4. hockey

III. Punctaj: 15p: 5 x 3p

1. has

2. has

3. through

4. can’t

5. His

IV. Punctaj: 12p: 6 x 2p

1. Is John washing the dishes?

2. Ben and Kate are tidying the rooms.

3. Sue isn’t setting the table.

4. Are Lyn and Lee playing tennis?

5. Alex isn’t playing basketball.

6. Tom is riding his bike.

V. Punctaj: 12p: 4 x 3p

1. – d VI. Punctaj: 20p: 4 x 5p

2. – e James is reading a book.

3. – b Katy is playing volleyball.

4. – a Sam is riding the bike.

Mark is playing basketball.

VII. Punctaj: 20p: 5 x 4p

1. yes

2. no

3. no

4. yes

5. yes

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