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Purpose of the study

The objective of this research is to know the difference of the treat or threat that may affect by

the teenagers.

The first Odyssey console came with 12 games, including Table Tennis, Cat and Mouse, Ski,

Wipe out, Interplanetary white, and there was no sound. Game designers wanted to solve the

problem of consoles that were limited to playing just a few games. Second generation consoles,

produced from 1976 to 1984 were the solution (Odyssey 1978).

The objective of this study was to know if the game console is a threat or a treat to the

teenagers now a days.

Game console are meant for entertainment , it is apparent that teenager in the developed

nations have started to demonstrate traits of game console addiction. Not only has the addiction

to game console been associated with the development of certain psychological disorders , but

it has also been linked to challenges in the cognitive development for teenagers. With the

current trends in game console companies producing many different games targeting

teenagers. There is a need for the relevant authorities and parents to intervene to ensure

children are not subjected to game console. It is notable that teenagers are the largest

consumers of game console , and it is important for the authorities to understand the main

factors that have led to the increase in game console addiction. This research seeks to provide

clear insight about the role of the game console companies in the high levels of game console

addiction among teenager in Japan and Saudi Arabia , which make this study contextual. The

paper also focuses on the other issues such as the social environment subjected to the

teenager , and the changes in lifestyle that has been influenced by technological development.

This study aims to know the contradiction between treat and threat of game console.

While game console are meant for entertainment, it is apparent that in teenager in the

development nations have started to demonstrate traits of game addiction. Not only the

addiction is the effect of the games been associated the development of psycholigical issues.
With current trends in video games , companies continously producing and developing of the

games and targeting the teenagers .Some of the games need the guidance of the parents to

control their child to addiction. It is notable that teenagers are the largest consumers of video

game addiction , authorities need to understand the main factors that have led to the increase

Chapter 2

Local Literature

According to the project manager of World Cyber Games, Game console as a addiction is a

passion. It would not affect children's studies if parents would re-direct their children's passion

on computer games or Game console towards a positive end, such as using it to motivate the

child. " he said.

A 2010 report from six health care organizations , including the American Medical , Pediatric

association, said preliminary studies on the effects of violent games " indicate that the negative

impact may be significantly more severe than that wrought by television , movies , or music,"

Research by Craig Anderson , an low a State University professor frequently asked to file

supportive briefs on behalf of legislators trying to restrict the sale of game , generally goes

further than other studies in showing a strong link between game aggression and violence.

According to Sagazag (2011) getting consumed with playing computer games creates trouble.

Players may exhibit computer rage such as yelling at the computer, pounding at the key board,

slapping speakers and worst of all venting their anger on other people. To make it short,

aggressive behavior tends to be evident. Proliferation of internet café that offers viotent games

is pleasing to the eyes of teenagers. Continuous playing of violent games are threatening which

may affect the behavior of the players.

Lucresia (2013) stated in a study that teenagers were asked to answer about computers, the

survey revealed that most of the teenagers would spend their time with playing computer than

their own set of friends, and that these teenagers would create their own characters in games

they play based on their own personal character — on how they perceived themselves as

persons with magical powers and strength beyond imagination. Most of the characters

illustrated by these kids reveal that is someone who is long haired, with huge physical built, with

killer weapons which are enermous in power and possess immortality. Most of these characters

seemed to be monstrous and with language of their own.

Foreign literature

According to Department of Psychology (2014) University of Innsbruck participants who

regularly play violent video games were less likely to believe that doing so makes the players

aggressive than participants who do not regularly play violent video games.

Wood (2007) posited that excessive video games playing may occur as a result of ineffective

time management skills, or underlying personal problems, "rather than inherent addictive

properties of the actual games."

Gitter, Ewell, Guodagno, Stillman, and Baumeister (2013), findings confirmed that violent video

games can increase aggressive behavior but they also indicate the certain safeguards can be

employed to reduce such unsavory outcomes. Although further research is warranted,

specifically concerning long term effects, it is encouraging to think game programmers who

focus on cultivating pro-social mindsets may be able to continue entertaining young gamers,

while also protecting the public potentially detrimental effects and possibly even benefitting

society by fostering pro-social thoughts among today's teen and young adults.

According to this database, “Players play video games due to various motivations and

purposes. Some believe video games help them boost mental skills and improve physical

coordination… reading ability, attention, hand-eye coordination, and speed reactions to novel

situations.” (Shu-Hsun 2011). This means that video games can contribute mental skills

because some video games require critical thinking and that can enhance people’s reaction.

Also since most video games require a remote control, hand-eye coordination increases a

person’s movement.

Johnson (2011) claimed that recently more games play has been transferred from the real or

embodied world to the online world and it is verified by the software sales.

According to ESA (2010), since online and offline video or computer games are particularly

captivating to children and adolescent, it also appears reasonable to suggest that these group

may be at risk in developing gaming addiction.

Foreign Study

As of today, most people relate online games to low academic performance. Through the years,

studies have yielded different results. Some oft hem say that they are co-related when some

say that they are not .According to Anderson and Dill (2010), there is a negative correlation

between the two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played

by a player and his grades. At times, the students defend the games they are playing by saying

that they do learn something from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs these students up by

suggesting that the faculty learn and know about these games so as to help students in in class

learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2015). Furthermore, another paper claims that these

games are not just for entertainment (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2015). They claim that

these games may be used to learn and experience different things and interact with other

people and belong to a virtual community.

One of the biggest study conducted is by Nicolas Yee, Ph. D of the Communication Department

of Stanford University. According to Yee, there are many reasons why children play computer

games. Yee was able to group these reasons like (1) achievement, (2) socialization, (3)

immersion, (4) escape and (5) competition. In this study by Yee he also revealed that computer

games particularly the online games are being prioritized by school children from ages 13 to 17

and the average hours spent in playing computer is 10 to 20 hours a week. In his study of the

effect of computer gaming to education, it is revealed that respondents are able to enhance their

skills in the field of social, psychological, technical and leadership development.

The Benefits of Playing Video Games, 2014. Isabela Granic, Adam Lobel, and Rutgee C.M.E.

Engels. Video games improve social interaction. Lot of friends play with a friend, ang millions of

people world wide is participate in massive virtual world, through video games such as

"farmville" and "world of warcraft". Multiplayer games become virtual social communities,

decision need to be made quickly an out whom to trust or reject and how to lead a group.
According to Bo Kampmann play is based on a first-order transgession and abides in a second-

order complexity, whereas games are based on a second-order transgession and reside in a

third-order complexity. Therefore,there is no evidence that suggest we need to be alarmed

about children's gaming culture .Even children ,who are quiet engaged ,in terms of frequency

and general interest in playing game consoles, apparently do not give up other activities and

interest like outdoor and sport activities.

According to Feirierabend and Klinger (2012),shows that playing game console in the most

prominent PC-related activity of children between 6 and 13.It tells us how many childrens

reported they practice the named different activities atleast once a week .On average "playing

game console alone" is the most popular activity.The figures vary,but this statement applies for

boys as well as for girls, and it applies for all age groups of this sample (6 to 7 years,8 to 9

years,10 to 11 years,12 to 13 years).In addition,it is quite costumary to play game consoles

together with others, especially for the boys.

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