Pakistan These Days Is Facing An Immense Crisis in Political

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Pakistan these days is facing an immense crisis in political, social and economic

drawback, recently Pakistan is passing through a series of chronic and painful

problems include political, socioeconomic, energy crises, security

The Civil war brought fundamental alterations in the life of the nation

The bringing down of Saddam was a necessity. It was justified morally, legally and
politically. The free world needed to bring down such a bloody regime and free 25
million people. In addition to freeing the region from the leadership of a mad person
who has oil and power. But, the Iraq problem has begun post-Saddam. The project
brought forward by the US, and their allies, was a project to change the political
infrastructure of the country.

The US project was based on changing the social make up of the Iraqi population. The
division of the Iraqi population was the problem. Dividing Iraq on religious lines is
against democracy and totally against the human rights declaration. This took Iraq
into a dark tunnel, which we pray to come out of in one piece.
The current conflict in Iraq is not a social one. It never was
The problem in Iraq is political. The solution is political

As for the external problems affecting Iraq, it is the growing Iranian influence. When
the last American soldier withdraws from Iraq, then Iraq will be announced an Iranian
colony. It will be run by revolutionary guard. The US started an admirable project and
it should finish that project to the end. But, if it were to leave Iraq in the middle, that
would be a problem. It is this threat that is more dangerous than the Iranian nuclear
program. This is the problem. We have started a project; we now need to finish it.

The two major dangers Iraq faces today are the internal racial issues and the Iranian
influence externally

I would like to know your opinion on the future of Iraq with a strong central federal
government and the impact of article 14?

Answer Four:

The federal regime can be beneficial to Iraq providing it is not established on

ethnicity. Religious stances are harmful for Iraq’s administrative federal state.
Political coalition is against democracy. Which means that bullyboys of tribes will
agree to this, and let the general opinion of the people go to hell. Real democracy is
one voice for every civilian. For political parties to be based on ethnicity would be a

Undoubtedly Iraq has different religious faiths but can you imagine for example
football teams divided by faiths? The playing fields would be like battlefields.
Political parties need to be like football teams in that they have members from many
religions, as well as supporters, from different minorities. Then the political conflicts
are restricted to political arenas, not to the people. Now, the bullyboy leaders from
religious groups claim they represent their faiths. There is no difference between the
actual people. No difference between the faiths of mother’s who have lost their sons.
They all share the same feeling of loss and poverty. They want security, work and
redevelopment. Currently, political leaders want to be leaders that speak in the
language of their faith, which means religion is merely used as a label. No one is
speaking on behalf of the human beings. Iraq is waiting for a leader of human beings,
not religious faiths. I am with federalism that serves humanity and that does not
divide Iraq.

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