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IET Research Journals

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Personalized Lane Keeping Assist Strategy: ISSN 1751-8644

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Adaptation to Driving Style

Jagat Jyoti Rath 1∗ , Chouki Senouth 2 , Jean Christophe Popieul 3

Department of Automatic Control, LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201, University of Valenciennes, France.
* E-mail:

Abstract: The research in Adaptive Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) has progressed to design architectures for driver specific
performance. Personalized ADASs’ in this aspect have been developed with adaptation to driver attributes, state, style, behavior,
skill etc. For the lane keeping task, the driver driving style while navigating a high/ low curvature track plays an important part in the
design of a lane keeping assist system. Considering this aspect, a robust co-operative control approach is formulated to design
a personalized lane keeping assist with adaptation to driver style. Based on statistical analysis of lateral jerk and steer feel, a
fuzzy rule based identification procedure for the classification of the driver style as clam, moderate, aggressive or very aggressive
is designed. Using the identified driving style, a modulation function is proposed to adapt the assist torque. The assist torque is
generated based on a robust higher order sliding mode approach as a feedback control for the driver-vehicle system. Closed loop
stability of the proposed driver-vehicle design in the presence of disturbances is established. Co-operative control between human
driver-autonomous controller for the lane keeping task over the Satory test track with adaption to driver style is then shown for
validation of the proposed architecture.

1 Introduction etc [14], [15]. Further, the DS of a specific driver evolves con-
tinuously i.e. a specific driver may have different DS for different
The role of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) [1] has maneuvers. In [16], based on comprehensive analysis of driver deci-
evolved over decades of research and commercialization in assisting sion making capabilities, demographic background and character the
the human driver for tasks with focus on improvements in driving driver style was categorized into dissociative, anxious, risky, angry,
performance [2], [3] fuel efficient driving [4], [5], increased safety high-velocity, distress reduction, patient, and careful styles. It was
and comfort [6] etc. Various ADAS architectures for lane keep- concluded that driver experience, training and familiarity with the
ing, collision avoidance, cruise control, braking assistance, parking vehicle and the environment further affected the DS of a driver .
assistance etc. [7], [8] have been developed. These advanced pro- Similarly, in [17] the DS was classified on basis of level of aggres-
tocols are implemented in modern vehicles as semi-autonomous/ siveness while driving over freeways with variable road, traffic etc.
fully autonomous features. The human-machine interaction (HMI) conditions. Consequently calm, moderate/ normal, aggressive and no
between drivers and automated vehicles for Advanced Driver Assis- speed driving styles for a group of drivers based on the analysis of
tance Systems (ADAS) is dependent upon variable factors which lateral jerk signal were identified. In [18], the relationship between
comprise of environmental, vehicular and human factors [2], [7]. driver style and driver characteristics such as somatic, behavioral
Typically traffic, weather, road conditions, driving skill, fatigue, and emotional conditions were exploited to develop a structural
driver behavior, driver driving style [2], [9] etc. are some factors equation model for the the classification of DS into various styles
which influence the performance [10]. To improve the HMI and the ranging from aggressive to cautious. Similarly, other approaches for
overall efficacy of the system the objective is to design ADASs’ DS classification based on levels of aggressiveness [19], [20], [21],
which can adapt to driver attributes such as behavior, skill, style etc based on vehicle dynamics such as headway time, jerk, etc. [22], car
and hence be personalized. pedal use and car following dynamics [23] among others have been
Considering the case of semi-autonomous ADAS implementation developed. In these works the DS was classified through rule based
and its subsequent interaction with the human driver, co-operative approach (Fuzzy), Model based approaches or Machine Learning
control between the human driver and the autonomous controller based approaches (Supervised/ Unsupervised) [10] .
in form of shared-authority based control , guidance based control, Integrating the information of DS, personalized ADAS systems
driver personalized control [9], [11], [12] etc. has gained promi- for improved fuel consumption, collision avoidance, comfortable
nence. Personalized ADAS for a specific driver with adaptation driving, safety etc. have been subsequently proposed. In [19] the
to driver attributes has been explored in many works such as [2], information of identified DS was used to identify the “owner” of
[3], [13] based on co-operative/ shared control. In the works of [2] a connected vehicle in case of theft. Similarly in [20], consider-
control strategies based on adaptation to driver workloads, level of ing different driver models i.e. Aggressive, Eco-driving and Normal
drowsiness etc. were proposed. Similarly in [13], the human arm models, a personalized ADAS to minimize the fuel consumption in
properties were analyzed and employed for development of an assis- conjunction with a path planning algorithm was proposed. In [24], a
tance strategy. In other works driver style, behavior, intent, response personalized DS adapted active cruise control (ACC) was proposed.
time to specific events [10] etc. have been studied for development In this work, the proposed ACC was then able to mimic the human
of assistance architectures. Driver Style (DS) which classifies the driving style for longitudinal control. The information of the clas-
driving response of the driver to different maneuvers, events, scenar- sified DS was employed to plan the learning path for the driver for
ios etc. is a significant parameter that can be employed to design an achieving fuel economy upgrades and improve driver behavior in
assist system. [5]. A fuzzy control based approach for the design of a driver advi-
Driving Style is a dynamic parameter that reflects how a typi- sory system to improve the fuel economy in Hybrid electric Vehicle
cal driver operated a specific driving task. DS is affected by driving was proposed in [4]. Other uses of driver style adapted control
skill of the driver, environment, driving conditions, mood, fatigue has been exploited for car-following maneuver [25], driver steer-
ing control [26], driving safely along curved roads [27] etc. Most

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of the works proposed for DS adaptation are for improving fuel con- results for a group of drivers is shown. The subsequent analysis and
sumption, safety etc. with focus on longitudinal motion control. In discussions have been presented for the driver style identification,
[31], a methodology was proposed for modeling individual driver HMI between the driver-autonomous controller and lane keeping
behavior for lane change maneuver. By integrating a sinusoidal lane performance for the proposed co-operative approach.
change kinematic model and a Gaussian mixture model, the kine-
matic parameters were adjusted to individual driving styles. These
parameters were then updated online for providing lane change w.r.t 2 Driver-Vehicle System: Lateral Motion
individual driver/ vehicle response. Similarly in [32] a driver model
was used to detect unintentional lane change maneuvers early and To improve HMI and the overall efficacy of an assistive driving sys-
employ model predictive control action to prevent vehicle drifting tem, the objective is to design ADASs’ which can adapt to driver
through steering control. Using various vehicle state measurements, attributes such as behavior, skill, style etc and hence be personal-
a switching logic was employed between the driver and the con- ized. In this aspect, we consider incorporating driver style as a factor
troller to detect the unintentional lane change and provide control for analyzing the HMI between human driver-autonomous system
accordingly. Further in [33] a driver style personalized approach for for a Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) system in this work. To design and
driving on narrow roads was proposed. In this approach based on implement the proposed co-operative control architecture, the inte-
pre-recorded driving experience of the driver, reference trajectories grated vehicle-driver-road dynamics for a driver-in-the loop LKA
are first established to classify driving styles. In real time, for any task is discussed.
deviation from reference trajectory, a minimal assisting action is pro-
vided to keep the vehicle on the road. Along similar lines, we explore 2.1 Lateral Motion: Vehicle-Road Interaction
the possibilities of driver style adaptation based personalized lane
keeping assist for lateral motion control of vehicle in this work. The lateral motion of vehicle can be replicated by the bicycle model
In this work, a driver style adaptive lane keeping assist system which integrates the dynamics of lateral speed/ slip and yaw motion.
based on a co-operative control architecture is proposed. Initially, Under the effect of lateral friction forces and with assumptions of
the bicycle model dynamics for lateral motion of a vehicle was inte- negligible longitudinal coupling, the nonlinear lateral dynamics for
grated with the visual cues based human driver model [2] and the a longitudinal vehicle velocity vx is given as [7], [2]
lane errors based road model, to establish a closed driver-vehicle 
dynamic model. For the developed model, the control objective was M vx β̇ = Fr + Ff cos(δf ) − M vx ψ + Fw
to design a personalized lane keeping assist (PLKA) system which (1)
Iz ψ̇ = lf Ff cos(δf ) − lr Fr + Mw
could adapt to the driver style. To develop the PLKA, the driving
response of a group of drivers was first considered i.e. the lateral where M is the mass of the vehicle, lf and lr represent the distance
jerk, mean speed, lateral acceleration, steer feel etc [28]. for analy- from center of gravity to the front and rear axles respectively and
sis. Based on the statistical analysis of these measurements, lateral Iz is the yaw moment of inertia. The yaw rate is denoted as ψ, the
jerk and steer feel were considered as two measurements which vehicle side slip angle as β, the tire steering angle as δf , the lat-
could generate features for the classification of driving style into four eral aerodynamic force and moment as Fw and Mw respectively.
classes i.e. Clam, Moderate, Aggressive and Very Aggressive [17], The nonlinear friction forces that excite the vehicle and are respon-
[27]. First, driving zones were identified based on the lateral accel- sible for motion of the front and rear wheels are given as Ff and Fr
eration and road map. Then specific to the driver zone, a Fuzzy-Rule respectively. The tire-road interactive friction can be modeled using
based approach was proposed to identify the driving style as out- various static and dynamic models such as Dahl, LuGre, Brush-
put. An adaptive activity function (AAF) for the driver considering Tire etc. Considering the nonlinear Brush-Tire model, the dynamic
the driver torque and driver style was then formulated. Employing friction between tire-road is modeled in this work as [7]
the AAF, an assistance modulation factor was then formulated based h i
on levels of assistance required [2], [3]. Subsequently, to minimize 3σj 1 − |γj ζj | + 13 (γj ζj )2 ; ∀αj ≤ αsj
the lane errors i.e. lateral deviation and heading error, a robust feed- Fj = (2)
back controller based on the higher order sliding mode (HOSM) µf Fz sign(αj ) ; ∀αj > αsj
[29], [30] technique was designed to generate the assist torque. The
co-operative control architecture was completed with the modula- where j = f, r denoting the front and rear tires. The nonlinear
tion of the assist torque with the developed assistance modulation functions are given as γj = (2Cpj t2p /3µf Fz ), αsj = tan−1 (γ)j ,
factor based on driver style for driver-vehicle operation. The main σj = µf Fz γj ζj and ζj = tan(αj ) with Cpj denoting the tire stiff-
contributions of the proposed work are: ness coefficient, tp representing the tire-road contact patch length,
µf is the dynamic road-tire friction coefficient and Fz is vertical
load on tire. The front and rear tire slip angles are given as
• A fuzzy classification procedure for the identification of driving
style based on levels of aggressiveness was proposed. First based βvx + lf ψ βvx − lr ψ
on levels of lateral acceleration, driving zones are identified and αf = δf − ; αr = (3)
vx vx
mapped. Employing normalized values of lateral jerk and steer feel
signals w.r.t the identified driving zones, a fuzzy classifier is pro- Based on the Brush-Tire model, the linear region of frictional forces
posed to categorize driving style into four classes based on levels of i.e. for low slip angles and saturated region i.e. for high slip angles
aggressiveness. can analyzed. The tire self-align moment as a function of the front
• A robust state feedback controller based on higher order sliding K t F
tire lateral force can be given as Tsn = pRps f , where Kp is the
mode approach is proposed to satisfy multiple objectives of i) mini- level of assistance from the active steering system and Rs denotes
mization of lane deviation errors ii) improvement of driver comfort. the steer gear ratio. For the vehicle, with above lateral dynamics
Closed loop stability in presence of disturbance and uncertainty is undergoing a lane keeping task the objective is to keep the vehicle at
established. the center of the lane with appropriate orientation. Thus the interac-
• A dynamic function to represent the level of assistance required tion of the vehicle with the road curvature ρr for lane following can
based on driver style is proposed. Consequently, the co-operative be depicted by the lateral deviation error yl and the heading error Ψl
architecture for lane keeping is developed with the driver style mod- at a look ahead distance ls . These entities together represent the lane
ulated assisting torque and driver torque acting simultaneously to tracking error, with their dynamics given as [2], [3]
perform lane keeping.
ẏl = βvx + ls ψ + Ψl vx ; Ψ̇l = ψ − ρr vx (4)
The performance of the co-operative control approach is validated
over the Satory test track for lane keeping thru numerical simu- For a real vehicle, the lane tracking error measurements are available
lations. For illustration, results of a single driver and generalized on a real-time basis from the vehicle perception unit [2]. Integrating

IET Research Journals, pp. 1–11

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the lateral motion dynamics (1) and the lane tracking error dynamics be represented as a generic nonlinear system due to the effect of
(4), a nonlinear system can be formulated. In the absence of a human nonlinear tire-friction forces as
driver, the design of control focuses on generation of the steer angle
δf for lane keeping system. In this work, with driver-in-the loop con- ẋ = f (x, t) + g(x, t)U + ∆ (8)
sidered, the dynamics of the steering column are hence introduced to
depict the interaction between the human driver and the vehicle-road
nonlinear system. The steering column dynamics can be given as where x denotes the states of the system, f (x, t) represents the state
transition dynamics, g(x, t) the input-state dynamics, U the control
input and ∆ the disturbances affecting the system. The states of the
Js δ̈f = Rs Td + Rs Tc − Rs Tsn − Rs Bs δ̇f (5)  T
nonlinear system are given as x = β ψ yl Ψl δd δ̇d .
The nonlinear functions f (x), g(x) can be obtained from the system
where Js is the steer column moment of inertia, Bs is the viscous dynamics discussed earlier and the control input is sum of the assis-
coefficient of steering system, Td is the torque from the driver and tive torque Tc and the driver torque Td . For this nonlinear system,
Tc is torque from the assist system. With the driver considered, the the objective is then to design the assistive torque Tc for ensuring
driver steering angle can then be given as δd = Rs δf . For the lane lane keeping while traversing dynamic curves.
keeping task, now the driver model mapping the torque Td based on
visual cues is discussed.
3 Proposed Architecture
2.2 Driver Model: Visual Cues Based
Driver Style typically characterizes the torque generating capability
The human driver has been modeled in past researches based cogni- of a driver for a specific maneuver. The driver style for a specific
tive actions, neuromuscular actions, human arm dynamics and visual driver is influenced by various factors that can be based on psy-
response. Considering the lane keeping objective of this work, a chological, physiological, environmental and vehicle responses such
driver model as function of the visual angles i.e. near visual angle as driving conditions, traffic, weather, mood, driver skill, behav-
θn and far visual angle θf is employed [2], [34]. The near and far ior, fatigue etc. [10]. The use of driver style recognition for active
visual angles represent the compensatory and anticipatory actions feedback in ADAS systems requires a trade-off between recogni-
performed by a human driver while ensuring that vehicle remains in tion efficiency, complexity, ease of implementation and improved
lane center in the absence of any assistive action. Using an anticipa- comfort for the driver.
tory behavior, the driver visualizes the road curvature at a far point of
the road and generates and anticipated steering torque before enter- 3.1 Driver Style Identification
ing the curve. Once the driver starts lane keeping by entering the
curve, his/her compensatory behavior enables him/her to generate In, this work, the objective is to design a Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)
the necessary compensatory steering torques. The integrating map- system that assists the human driver while navigating variable road
ping of the anticipatory and compensatory steering motions of the conditions. Specifically, the idea is to categorize the driver style into
driver can be then used to depict the total torque generated by the various classes based on vehicle responses with focus on effective
driver. The near and far angles are formulated as a function of the lane tracking and increased driver comfort. To classify the driver
lane tracking errors, predicted road curvature, look ahead distance at style for the design of a LKA system, various measurements i.e.
the far point and given as [2] lateral acceleration, lateral speed, jerk, steer rate, lateral quickness
etc. can be considered. In this work, the following signals have been
yl selected for the identification of different driver styles:
θn = + ψl ; θf = ρtp Lf (6)
vx Tp
Lateral Jerk : Lateral jerk is a third order index representing the
where Tp is the driver preview time for the near point, ρtp is pre- lateral vehicle motion. The lateral jerk signal has been extensively
dicted road curvature and Lf is the look-ahead distance at the far used for classification of driver styles for lane keeping, lane change,
point given as, Lf = τa vx with τa representing time to the tangent etc. driving tasks [10], [17], [20], [21], [27], [28]. For a driver fol-
of the far point tracked by the driver. When the vehicle is on a straight lowing a track of variable road curvatures, the lateral acceleration
road, Lf has a high value as ρtp → ∞. In such a case, the far visual has a significant variation w.r.t to vehicle speeds. Consequently the
angle is zero. However, on a curved path the value of Lf depends on average jerk over different road segments also exhibits variations. In
the anticipation time of the driver and the driving velocity, becoming general, for a very sharp turn, the jerk magnitude would be signifi-
constant with the road curvature. The predicted road curvature can cantly higher for an aggressive style of driving, in comparison to a
be approximated as [34], [35] calm style. This response is further dependent on the driver param-
eters and the driving velocity. The instantaneous lateral jerk at time
  instant k can be given as
1 ψ̇
ρtp = ψ + Lf
vx vx 1
Jy (k) = [ay (k + 1) − ay (k)] (9)
Based on these near and far angles, the following model of the driver
is given
Td = Kc θn + Ka θf (7) O

where Kc is the compensatory gain and Ka is the anticipatory gain. Lane
Integrating the above expressions for predicted road curvature, far Center

visual angle and near visual angle, the driver torque can be easily 
represented in terms of the lane errors and the vehicle states. An Lf l
illustration of the lane keeping task for a vehicle at a look-ahead y
distance ls is shown in Fig. 1. n

2.3 Integrated Model: Vehicle-Driver-Road ls

The vehicle-driver model for a lane keeping/following task is then

formulated by integrating the dynamics (1)-(7). This model can Fig. 1: The lane keeping task for a vehicle at a look-ahead distance.

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Steer Feel : Its of note that while following a particular track and lane keeping performance. In this work, the focus is on the
with different road curvatures, its is quite feasible that one individ- design of an assistance architecture, where the assist torque gener-
ual driver can have variable driving style. Thus, a particular driver ated by the driver is adapted to the driving style. To design such a
may have an aggressive style of driving while maneuvering a curved function, the relationship between driver torque, driver style and the
track, while on a straight track he/she might have a entirely different level of assistance required similar to [2], [35] is explored. In accor-
driving style [27], [28]. In such scenarios, the assisting action would dance with that, an adaptive activity function (AAF) is formulated as
involve high frequency switching as the driver switches between dif- a function of the driver torque and the driving style as shown below:
ferent driving styles. This in turn leads to severe discomfort for the
driver and reduced the drive performance. To ensure that the DS p2 p3

identified, takes into consideration the driver comfort, the Steer Feel AAF = 1 − e−p1 Tdn DS (11)
Factor (SFF) is introduced as follows:
where, p1 = 2, p2 = p3 = 3. The function Tdn represents the nor-
SF F = vx δ˙d (10) malized driver torque and given as Tdn = |Td /Tdm |, with Tdm
denoting the maximum driver torque possible. The value of DS indi-
The SFF indicates the steering feel for the driver for a typical driv- cating driver style has also been normalized w.r.t various styles. The
ing velocity vx based on the driver comfort expressed as a measure AF F replicates the activity of the driver in accordance with his driv-
of the steering rate. Thus, in the case of high driver comfort, the ing style as an exponential function. To employ this information of
SFF has a low value while for a very low driver comfort, the SFF the driver activity for modulating the assistance torque, the relation-
has a very high value. By the integrated analysis of the jerk sig- ship between driver activity and level of assistance required [2] was
nal and the SFF, the driving style can be categorized into multiple exploited. Based on previous research, it can be established that the
classes such as calm, moderate, aggressive etc. Its of note that, to level of assistance required by the driver can be represented by a U -
identify different driving styles of the same driver along various shaped function [2]. To replicate this curve, the following assistance
curves, the signals Jy and SF F must be analyzed w.r.t the lateral modulation factor (AMF) is developed
acceleration of the vehicle while navigating the curve. The classified
driving styles thus would be specific to the average lateral accel- 1
µAF = (12)
eration for the considered road segment. Consider that the vehicle |AAF −q1 | 2q3
1+ + 0.2
is driven around a dynamic test track with the longitudinal velocity q2
constrained as |vx | ≤ vmx . Accordingly, to preserve limits of stabil-
ity across very sharp turns, the lateral acceleration is assumed to be where, q1 = 0.5, q2 = 0.355 and q3 = −2 respectively. Employing
constrained within |ay | ≤ aymx . Incorporating the above effects of the proposed AM F , the assistive control can be then generated as
lateral acceleration, the following generic algorithm is proposed for
detection of driving style: Tc = µAF Uf b (13)
- STEP 1: Based on the limits of lateral acceleration and road cur-
vature map, partition the driving cycle into multiple driving zones. where Uf b is a robust feedback control designed in the following
Each zone corresponds to an averaged lateral acceleration threshold. section.
- STEP 2: For each driving zone, compute the mean, variance
(VAR), standard deviation (SD), Root mean square (RMS) and Peak
value of signal (PK) for the signals Jy and SF F . The data is ana- 4 Lane Keeping: A Robust Feedback Approach
lyzed over an sliding window sw for smooth results. After analysis,
the significant statistical values are then normalized w.r.t particular For the design of a lane keeping assist system, the control objective
driving zone. are formulated as follows: (a) Minimization of lane deviation errors
- STEP 3: Employ the normalized statistical values of Jy and SF F (b) Improvement in driver comfort. To ensure that the lane deviation
as inputs to a decision block for classification of driving style into errors i.e. yl and Ψl at a look ahead distance ls are minimized, the
four classes i.e. Calm, Moderate, Aggressive, Very Aggressive. tracking error el is defined as

In this work, we employ fuzzy logic based decision algorithm to el = yl + ls Ψl (14)

generate different driver classes based on the analyzed jerk and steer
feel signals. It is of note that other rule based approaches, look-up The driver comfort can be analyzed as a measure of the steering
tables, supervised classification algorithms etc. can be employed to rate. Integrating the steering comfort with the lane tracking error,
classify the driving style. the integrated error surface can be hence formulated as
Remark 1. In this work, the signals lateral acceleration and driver
steer rate are employed for identifying the driver style. Its of note that σ = η1 el + η2 ėl + η3 δ̇d (15)
other measurements such as lateral quickness, headway time, etc.
generate significant features when the objectives are lane change, where η1 , η2 , η3 > 0 are positive constants to be designed. The
lane departure, obstacle avoidance [21],[22], [28] etc. In contrast, dynamics of the error surface can be expressed as a function of the
with the objective of lane keeping along dynamic curves consid- states of the integrated driver-vehicle model (8) as
ered in this work, the lateral jerk and steer feel are among the
most significant signals used for driver style classification based on
aggressiveness levels with high accuracy [10], [17], [27]. σ̇ = η1 ėl + η2 ël + η3 δ̈d
h i h i
= η1 ẏl + ls Ψ̇l + η2 ÿl + ls Ψ̈l + η2 δ̈d
3.2 Human Machine Interaction: Lane Keeping w.r.t Driver = η1 f1 (x) + η2 f2 (x) + η3 f3 (x) + U + ∆ (16)
Driving Style Js f b

The interaction between the human driver and the autonomous con- where f1 (x) = 2ls ψ + vx (β + Ψl ), f2 (x) = 2ls ψn + vx ψβn and
troller designed for lane keeping can be modulated to achieve various f3 (x) = (1/Js )(Td + Tsn + Bs δ˙d ) are functions of the states
objectives such as lane keeping, obstacle avoidance, driver comfort of the system. The nonlinear functions ψn , βn represent the
improvement etc. This modulation can be carried out by the design nominal dynamics of the yaw rate and side slip measure-
of an adaptive function that reflects the changes in driver attributes ments, given as ψn = (1/Iz )(lf Ff cos(δf ) − lr Fr ) and βn =

IET Research Journals, pp. 1–11

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(1/vx )((1/M )(Ff cos(δf ) + Fr ) − ψvx ) respectively. The distur- where ν(σ) is a robust control based
Rt on the HOSM approach and
bance term ∆ affecting the error dynamics is given as given as ν(σ) = −α1 φ1 (σ) − α2 0 φ2 (σ) dt. The nonlinear func-
tions φ1 , φ2 are given as φ1 = σ + α3 |σ|0.5 sign(σ), α2 = σ +
Fw F w lw 0.5α32 sign(σ) + 1.5α3 |σ|0.5 sign(σ), where α1 , α2 and α3 are
∆=− − − (η1 + η2 )ls ρr vx − η2 ls ρ̇r vx (17) positive gains to be designed. Substituting for the proposed control
M Iz
(18), the error dynamics can be then expressed as

To ensure the convergence of the error dynamics, in the presence σ̇ = ν(t) + ∆ (19)
of the lumped disturbance ∆, the following feedback control Uf b is
then designed as
Based on practical operating ranges and boundedness of the distur-
bances thereof, the bound on the perturbation ∆ can be established
Js ˙ ≤ ρd , where ρd > 0 is a positive constant. It can be shown
as |∆|
Uf b = [−η1 f1 (x) − η2 f2 (x) − η3 f3 (x) + ν(σ)] (18)
η3 that for appropriately designed gains α1 , α2 and α3 , the finite time

Accl Modulation
Driving Zone
Fuzzy Driving Style
Jerk Identification

μ AF

Steer Feel

Human Torque

Robust Nonlinear Feeeback Control


Driver Style Adapted Co-operative Control Strategy

Fig. 2: The architecture of the proposed driver style assisted co-operative control scheme

(a) (b) 1
.75 .75
0.6 .5
0 .25
.04 0.4
.02 3 0
0 1 0 30 60 90 120
0 0.2

Fig. 3: (a) Driving zones w.r.t lateral acceleration and road curvature (b) Driving Zone identified for a single driver

Zone~1 Zone~2 Zone~3 Zone~4

(a) (b) (c) (d)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.1 0.2 0.2

Fig. 4: Jerk profile of various drivers

IET Research Journals, pp. 1–11

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article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but hasIET Control
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Content may change prior to final publication in an issue of the journal. To cite the paper please use the doi provided on the Digital Library page.

convergence of the error surface (σ = σ̇ = 0) can be ensured. For 5 Results & Discussion
details refer [29], [30]. The feedback control Uf b designed to sta-
bilize the tracking error dynamics represents the assistive torque To evaluate the proposed approach the parameters of the vehicle con-
to be generated by the actuator in the case of autonomous con- sidered were M = 2025 Kg, Iz = 2800 Kgm2 , lf = 1.30 m, lr =
trol. Integrating the information from the driver style recognition 1.60 m, tp = 0.052 m, Cpf = 42500 N/rad, Cpr = 55690 N/rad,
unit, the feedback control is then modulated to generate the assist ls = 5 m, Bu = 0.5, Rs = 16.3, Js = 0.05 Kgm2 , τa = 1 s and
torque Tc as shown in (13) to ensure co-operative control between Tp = 0.8 s. The proposed co-operative control architecture was val-
the human driver and the autonomous system during shared control. idated on the Satory test track for different driving conditions. The
The architecture of the proposed scheme is shown in Fig. 2. Satory test track is a real world test track composed of road sections
with radii varying from 25 m to 500 m [2]. The driver model (7)
has been validated on the SHERPA simulator for various drivers [2],
[34], [35] . Accordingly, real driver data validated on the simula-
tor was used to determine the anticipatory and compensatory gains

Zone~1 Zone~2 Zone~3 Zone~4

(a) (b) (c) (d)

0.12 0.5
0.075 0.6

0.05 0.08 0.3 0.4

0.025 0.04 0.2

Fig. 5: Steer feel of various drivers


Degree of Membership
Degree of Membership

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

JSD , SFSD Driver Style

(c) 0.8




0 30 60 90 120

Fig. 6: Fuzzy (a) Input for the Lateral jerk and Steer feel (b) the Output driver class (c) The identified driver style for the illustrated driver

Table 1 The fuzzy rules for the driver style identification

Jsd SFsd
VL Calm Calm Moderate Aggressive Aggressive
L Calm Moderate Moderate Aggressive Very Aggressive
M Moderate Moderate Aggressive Aggressive Very Aggressive
H Moderate Aggressive Aggressive Very Aggressive Very Aggressive
VH Aggressive Aggressive Very Aggressive Very Aggressive Very Aggressive

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Kc , Ka respectively to represent various drivers [2], [34], [35]. into multiple zones of variable acceleration levels with peak accel-
The performance of the proposed approach was then validated thru eration during the entire test fixed at |ay |pk = 5 m/s2 . Based on
numerical simulations carried out on Matlab/Simulink platform for the road curvature map and the lateral acceleration, distinct driving
the nonlinear vehicle-driver model (8). It is considered that the vehi- zones can be mapped as shown in Fig. 3. The driving zones, DZ
cle traverses different sections of the track at a fixed velocity where are normalized in the range DZ ∈ [0, 1]. With the increase in levels
|vx | ≤ 15m/s. The level of assist provided form the active steering of acceleration and the road curvature the value for DZ increases
system is fixed at Kp = 0.65. The road-tire friction coefficient, is a as shown in Fig. 3 (a). Employing this mapping, the driving zones
variable entity dependent upon surface conditions. In this work, the identified for a single driver is shown in Fig. 3 (b) for illustration.
results presented are for µf = 1. However, the friction can vary in From the identified DZ, four distinct zones were considered as
the µf ∈ [0, 1] based on the road surface and the proposed controller DZ1 ∈ [0, 0.25], DZ2 ∈ [.25, 0.4], DZ3 ∈ [0.4, 0.6] and DZ4 ∈
implemented accordingly with due modifications to the controller [0.6, 1]. For each driving zone identified, the lateral jerk and steer
gains. For the above driving conditions it is considered that for effec- feel signal was then analyzed to identify the driver style as discussed
tive lane keeping performance, the states of the nonlinear system (8) in Section. 3.1. Accordingly, the mean, variance (VAR), standard
are constrained as follows [2], [34], [35]: deviation (SD), Root mean square (RMS) and Peak value of signal
(PK) was obtained for variable sliding window lengths. In this work,
|ψ| ≤ ψm , |Ψl | ≤ Ψlm , |yl | ≤ ylm , |δf | ≤ δf m , we considered three different sliding windows i.e. sw = 15, sw =
25 and sw = 50 for the data analysis. From the analyzed data, it was
|δ̇f | ≤ δ̇f m , |Tc | ≤ Tcm found that the standard deviation from the mean value for each signal
could best express the difference between different road zones. For
where the maximum value of each measurement is given as ψm = illustration purposes, the mean SD of the lateral jerk signal (Jsd )
0.55 rad/s, Ψlm = 0.1 rad, ylm = 1 m, δf m = 0.18 rad, δf m = computed over sw = 50, for different driving zones and drivers is
0.11 rad/s, and Tcm = 10 N m. For the design of controller, the shown in Fig. 4.
gains η1 , η2 and η3 were selected as η1 = η2 = η3 = 1 for the It can be seen from Fig. 4, that for different driving zones, the jerk
sake of simplicity. These gains can also be elected based on design profiles of the drivers are different. Further, it is of note that a single
approaches such as pole placement, LMI etc. as discussed in [36]. driver can have an aggressive driving style during one zone while a
Based on the maximum limits of the road curvature and the lateral calm style during another zone. Similarly the illustration for the SD
aerodynamic forces, the bound of the perturbation ∆ was computed of steer feel (SFsd ) is shown in Fig. 5 .
posteriori as ρd = 0.8. Its of note that the procedure of computation Employing the normalized values of Jsd ∈ [0, 1] and SFsd ∈
of posteriori bounds is generally followed for HOSM approaches [0, 1], a fuzzy inference logic as shown in Table. 1 was then
[29], [30]. Based on the bounds of the perturbation, the HOSM gains designed to identify driver style. For the considered fuzzy system,
were selected as α1 = 1.5, α2 = 15 and α3 = 4.5 similar to [29], the inputs were Jsd and SFsd , with the output as driver style
[30]. For the above considered driving scenarios, the proposed driver (DS ∈ [0, 1]). The Jsd input was categorized into five normal-
style adapted co-operative driving architecture was then evaluated ized membership functions having labels ∈ {V L, L, M, H, V H}
and the results are presented. i.e. Very Low to Very High. The steer input SFsd was
labeled based on comfort as ∈ {V S, S, C, R, V R} where the
5.1 Driver Style Recognition labels are Very Smooth, Smooth, Comfortable, Rough, Very
Rough. The fuzzy output is the driver style with labels ∈
To identify and categorize the driving styles as discussed in Section. {Calm, M oderate, Aggressive, V eryAggressive}. The fuzzy
3.1, multiple runs on the Satory test track for different driving con- membership inputs have trapezoidal shapes while the output has a
ditions and driver parameters were conducted. For different ranges triangular shape as shown in Fig. 6.
of longitudinal velocity |vx | ≤ 15m/s, the entire track was divided

(a) 1 (b)
.5 .05
0 0

-.5 -.05

Time(s) Time(s)

Fig. 7: The lane tracking performance (a) lateral deviation error (b) heading error

(a) (b) .15 (c) .1
.25 .075 .05

0 0 0

-.25 -.075 -.05

-.15 -.1
Time(s) Time(s) Time(s)

Fig. 8: The controlled states of the system (a) yaw rate ψ (b) steer angle δf (c) steer angle rate δ̇f

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For the above fuzzy inference system, 25 rules were formulated as style DS, the driver assistance function DAF is then formulated as
shown in Table. 1. Based on the above fuzzy rules, the output driver discussed in Section. 3.1.
style is defuzzified as shown in Fig. 6 (b). Using the identified driver

T d (Driver) Tc Td AAF AF
(a) (b)
8 .9
-4 .2
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
Time(s) Time(s)

Fig. 9: The controlled system (a) assist torque Tc , driver torque Td (b) the AAF and µAF

1 (b) 1
0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5

0 0
10 0.5 10

5 Drivers 5 4
Drivers 0.4 3
4 0 2
3 1
0 1 2 DZ
DZ DZ 1 DZ 2 DZ 3 DZ 4
(c) (d) .03



0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Drivers Drivers

Fig. 10: (a) The identified driver style w.r.t driving zone for a group of drivers (b) The modulation factor w.r.t driving zone for a group of
drivers (c) lateral deviation error yl (d) heading error Ψl over different driving zones.

DS-Assisted No~Assist

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 11: A comparison of the lane keeping performance between driver style assisted and no assist architectures.

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5.2 Lane Keeping Performance: Satory test track 6 Conclusion

The designed co-operative control strategy was evaluated over the In this work, a driver style adaptive co-operative control architec-
Satory test track for lane keeping performance. For illustration pur- ture was proposed. To identify the driving style lateral jerk and steer
poses, the performance of a single driver-autonomous system based feel were used as inputs for a fuzzy-rule classifier with driving style
co-operative system is discussed in detail first. Subsequently, the as output. Based on identified driving style i.e. Calm, Moderate,
results are generalized for a group of drivers. Based on the statis- Aggressive and Very Aggressive a modulation factor for the assis-
tical analysis of the jerk and the steer feel signals for the driver, the tance torque generated was then developed. To design the assistance
identified driver style is shown in Fig. 6 (c). It can be deduced from torque for the closed Driver-Vehicle model, a robust HOSM con-
Fig. 6 (c), that the driver style continuously evolves for the consid- troller was proposed and stability established. The proposed control
ered driver. It is dependent on the identified driver zone as discussed framework was able to adapt to the driver driving style classified
earlier. on levels of aggressiveness and consequently reduce lane tracking
For the identified driving style, the lane tracking errors yl and Ψl errors i.e. lateral deviation/offset and heading error. Extensive results
are thus shown in Fig. 7. The lane errors employing the proposed showing the driving style identification, lane keeping performance,
control are minimized and within the limits established earlier. In HMI between driver and the autonomous controller were presented.
Fig. 8 the controlled states i.e. yaw rate, steer angle and steer angle In future the aspects, driving event, driver skill, behavior etc.
velocity for the closed loop system are shown to within the pre- recognition in conjunction with the proposed driver style identifica-
scribed limits. With the states of the controlled system shown to tion would be explored for the development of the modulation factor
be within limits, the generated torques by the assisting Tc and the to assist the driver.
driver Td are shown in Fig. 9 (a). Further, the torque generated by
the driver while navigating the test track in the absence of any assist-
ing torque is shown. It can be deduced from Fig. 9 (a), that for the Acknowledgment
co-operative controlled system, the torque generated by the driver is
much lower, typically during high curvature regions. Consequently, This work has been done within the framework of the AutoCon-
the HMI between the human driver and the autonomous controller is duct project (ANR-16-CE22-0007), funded by the Agence Nationale
shown in Fig. 9 (b) by the illustrated plots of AAF and µAF . It can de la Recherche. This work was also supported by the Interna-
be seen that typically during low driver activity regions, the auto- tional Campus on Safety and Intermodality in Transportation, the
mated system provides a high level of assistance to the driver, thus Hauts-de-France Region, the European Community, the Regional
assisting it in lane keeping effectively. Delegation for Research and Technology, the Ministry of Higher
The above results presented show the performance of the pro- Education and Research, and the French National Center for Sci-
posed driver style adaptive co-operative control architecture in this entific Research.
paper achieves the control objectives of lane keeping and driver
comfort. To generalize the performance, simulations were then con-
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