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Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

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Impact resistance of fiber reinforced sandwich-structured nonwoven T

composites: Reinforcing effect of different fiber length
Ting Ru Lina, Ting An Linb, Mei-Chen Linb, Yan-Yu Lina, Ching-Wen Louc,d,e,f,g,*,
Jia-Horng Line,f,g,h,i,j,k,*
Laboratory of Fiber Application and Manufacturing, Department of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University, Taichung 40724, Taiwan
Department of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Nagano Prefecture 390-8621, Japan
Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan
Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung 40402, Taiwan
Fujian Key Laboratory of Novel Functional Textile Fibers and Materials, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350108, China
Innovation Platform of Intelligent and Energy-Saving Textiles, School of Textiles, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
College of Textile and Clothing, Qingdao University, Shangdong 266071, China
School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung 40402, Taiwan
Department of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University, Taichung 40724, Taiwan
Department of Fashion Design, Asia University, Taichung City 41354, Taiwan
Tianjin and Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Advanced Textile Composite Materials, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China


Keywords: Apart from the main function of stab resistance, personal protective equipment is required to be comfortable,
High-strength polyester filaments flexible, and light weighted and as such to prevent soldiers and police officers from the danger caused by a long-
High-strength polyester staple fibers term use and accidents. The stab resistance is dependent on the structure formed of different materials and
Heat treatment processes majorly, and therefore this study proposes sandwich-structured composites using high-strength
Sandwich composites
polyester staple fibers (S-type) and high strength polyester filaments (F-type) that have differing characteristics
Personal protective equipment
by means of the nonwoven process. First, recycled Kevlar® fibers, nylon fibers, and low-melting-point polyester
fibers are processed, thereby forming the surface and bottom layers. In addition, the needle punching process
and heat treatment are performed with the aim of combining high strength polyester filaments or staple fibers as
the interlayer. Next, the differences in the fiber structure and damage modes of sandwich composites are ex-
amined in terms of the interlayer type (i.e. S- and F-type) by conducting the quasi-static stab resistance testing
and SEM/FE-SEM observations, respectively. The test results indicate that the S-type sandwich composites
outperform the F-type sandwich composites in terms of absorbing the puncture, and the stab resistance is 415 N
for S 300e13 group. However, the S-type sandwich composites have the potential to develop personal protective
equipment by virtue of a light weight and being comfortable provided by filaments.

1. Introduction and stiff types [6].Flexible personal protective equipment is usually

composed of a multiple layers and weighs 4−5 kgs. By contrast, the
Because the gun laws are almost perfect, soldiers and the police are stiff type are made of stiff materials that provide personal protective
less threatened by the danger of gun shots in the advanced society [1]. equipment with high mechanical properties [7].In recent years, many
With a principal consideration of stab resistance, personal protective studies apply matrices composed of high performance fibers, and im-
equipment also needs comfortable texture, flexibility, and a light prove the manufacturing process to gain the puncture/stab resistance.
weight to achieve the optimal performance [2,3]. The stab and punc- High performance fibers, such as Kevlar ®fibers and ultra-high mole-
ture wounds are respectively rendered by sharp weapons of a knife and cular weight polyethylene fibers, feature cut resistance and high tensile
a spike in a perpendicular direction. The prevention is difficult [4] and strength and thus can be used in the protection field to improve the
the failure modes are different [5]. In addition to the difference in the heavy feature of personal protective equipment while contributing ex-
weapons, personal protective equipment is also divided into flexible cellent performance to the bulletproof field [8–10]. Besides, many

Corresponding authors at: Fujian Key Laboratory of Novel Functional Textile Fibers and Materials, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350108, China.
E-mail addresses: (T.R. Lin), (C.-W. Lou), (J.-H. Lin).
Received 19 April 2020; Received in revised form 21 May 2020; Accepted 5 June 2020
Available online 11 June 2020
2352-4928/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

studies also added silicon dioxide, metal ring mesh, and ceramic to high the physical properties of the component materials.
performance fibers with an attempt to improve the puncture/stab re-
sistance [11,12]. Cheon et al. employed multi-layered lamination with 2.2. Experimental procedure
three types of high performance fibers and epoxy resin. The surface
layer composed of carbon fibers helped diminishing the damage area As stated in the introduction, high performance fibers possess good
while interlacing three types of high performance fibers provided op- mechanical properties including tensile strength and cut-resistant.
timal puncture/stab resistance [6]. Song et al. combined and changed Therefore, this study uses high performance fibers as matrices that are
the lamination angles of carbon fibers, aramid fabrics, and glass fiber combined with two other high strength core materials in order to
fabrics. Afterward, epoxy resin was added in order to form composite provide the sandwich-structured composites with different fiber types.
materials, the structure and lamination order of which were able to In this study, the sandwich-structured composites are composed of a top
adjust for greater mechanical properties [13]. Nayak et al. coated boron and a bottom layers that are composed of Nylon fibers, recycled Kevlar®
carbide over aramid fabrics and bulletproof nylon fabrics. The coating fibers, and low-melting-point polyester (LMP) fibers at the ratio being
restricted the mobility of the warp and weft yarns of the fabrics, at- 20/50/30 wt% employing the nonwoven process as Fig. 1 (A). Ac-
taining stab resistance [14–16]. Guo et al. chose five polymers to cording to our pilot study, a specified 30 wt% of LMPET fibers and
compare the stab resistance and failure modes, and both of the shear different Kevlar and nylon fibers have a synergistic effect in promoting
strength and surface hardness have a great impact on the stab resistance the mechanical properties. Nylon fibers and recycle Kevlar® fibers are
of polymers [7]. commonly used in the military and protection gear fields because of
In addition to lamination and coating measures, composites with a good mechanical properties. Low-melting-point polyester (LMPET) fi-
sandwich structure have been commonly used in the stab resistance bers have a sheath with a melting point of 140 °C and thus can be
field [17–21]. Apart from a relatively higher specific strength and ri- melted to form hot bonding points by the employment of heat treat-
gidity, sandwich composites are also steady and bespoke. The interlayer ment, which in turn strengthens mechanical properties considerably.
usually has a low intensity and a light weight and is responsible to The use of LMPET fibers can stabilize the fiber structure and also pre-
transmit the shear force between the lamination layers. The surface and vent the environmental pollution issue caused by using other adhesives.
core layers need to be bonded firmly, and the stacking order of sand- Fig. 2 (A) shows the melting state of LMPET fibers where the adhesion
wich structure is the principal factor to absorb the impact energy of LMPET fibers and other fibers is indicated by arrow 1. In addition,
[22,23]. Sarasini et al. combined aramid fabrics and basalt woven arrow 2 indicates that the LMPET fibers before adhesion while arrow 3
fabrics with a multi-layered sandwich structure, which better absorbed indicates the two isolated fibers during the bonding process. LMPET
the impact energy and hence demonstrated higher damage resistance fibers are composed of polyethylene fibers as the sheath and the sheath
[23]. To sum up, different sandwich composites can be attained by a can be melted in order to bond other fibers. Fig. 2 (B) shows the
wide range of combining different core materials, structures, and bonding structure.
manufacturing processes. The aforementioned interlayer in sandwich Sandwich composites consist of top/bottom nonwoven layers and
composites requires a certain thickness to realize the effect. Besides, the two types of an interlayer. The interlayers can be divided into two
feasibility is compromised due to the use of epoxy resin, which makes batches according to the constituent materials, either high strength
the products less flexible, less comfortable, and possibly cumbersome. polyester filaments or high-strength polyester staple fibers. In one
Accordingly, this study proposes composites with a sandwich structure. batch, the filaments are first processed with friction opening with an
Recycled Kevlar® fibers, nylon fibers, and low-melting-point polyester attempt to gain lamination uniformity, and then irregularly and circu-
fibers with a specified blending ratio undergo the nonwoven process, larly aligned between the top/bottom layers as Fig. 1 (B). In the other
which form the top and bottom layers. With regard to the interlayer, batch, high-strength polyester staple fibers are collected from the
high strength polyester filaments or staple fibers are used. High woven salvages using an opening machine, and made into nonwoven
strength polyester filaments that are processed with friction opening fabrics via the nonwoven process as Fig. 1 (C). Two types of interlayers
beforehand are directly and regularly arranged in loops between the top are separately combined with the top/bottom layers by needle
and bottom layer. In regard of high strength polyester staple fibers, they punching and heat treatment as Fig. 1(D). The employment of needle
are obtained from PET woven selvages and undergo the nonwoven punching process repeatedly moves the barbed needle plate upwards
process to form nonwoven fabric, which is subsequently laminated and downwards, thereby attaining the physical bonding. In this study,
between the top and bottom layers otherwise. Despite the interlayer needle punching depth of 13 mm, 15 mm, and 17 mm are based on the
type, the top layer, interlayer, and bottom layer are laminated, needle result of our previous study where the limit is 17 mm. Next, the heat
punched and thermally treated in order to secure and stabilize the fiber treatment melts the sheath of LMPET fibers in an airtight heat con-
structure of the sandwich composites [24–26]. It is hoped that the se- vection oven at 140OC for twenty minutes, thereby generating hot
lected materials and differences in the processing parameters help bonding points that reinforce the composite structure. Subsequently,
create light, comfortable, and stab resistant personal protective equip- the S- and F-types of sandwich composites are acquired as Fig. 1 (E)
ment. where S and F separately mean the constitutional material of interlayer
This study aims to apply two different interlayers as the reinforce- being staple fibers (S) and filaments (F). Moreover, the non-thermally
ment to the mechanical properties of sandwich composites, and the treated (N) batches are denoted as SN and FN otherwise. Samples are
effects of interlayer type are examined using the quasi-static stab re- trimmed into 100 mm × 100 mm squares for the conduction of quasi-
sistance testing. At the same time, the test results also compare in terms static stab resistance testing. Moreover, Table 2 shows the sample de-
of the effects of the needle punching depth and the employment of heat notations.
treatment. Finally, a stereomicroscope and an FE-SEM are employed to
observe the failure modes and in this regard the failure modes are then 2.3. Tests
discussed based on the relationship between the fiber structure and stab
resistance. 2.3.1. Quasi-static stab resistance testing
This test is conducted as specified in the ASTM F1342−05 in which
2. Experimental a constant rate is used to measure the mechanical property. The test
standard does not regulate the sample size but requires the top and
2.1. Materials bottom ends of a sample piece to affix with metallic rings. In this study,
sample size is 100 mm × 100 mm while the constant test rate is 508
There are various fiber materials used in this study and Table1 lists mm/min.

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

Table 1
Physical properties of the component materials.
Fiber Fineness Fiber Length Manufacturer

Constituent materials for top/bottom layers

Recycled Kevlar® Fiber (K) 1.5D 50 mm DuPont Company, USA
Nylon Fiber (N) 15 D 64 mm Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation, Taiwan
Low-Melting-Point PET Fiber (LM) 4D 51 mm Huvis, Korea
Constituent materials for the core
High Strength Polyester Filament (F) 500D Universal Textile, Taiwan
High-Strength Polyester Staple Fiber (S) 1000 D 66 mm Chien Cehn Textile, Taiwan

Fig. 1. Diagram of manufacturing flow chart: (A) raw material, (B) high strength polyester filaments, (C) high-strength polyester staple fibers, (D) needle punching
process and heat treatment process, and (E) sandwich composites.

2.3.2. Sample observation 3. Results and discussion

A FE-SEM (S-4800, HITACHI, Japan) and a stereomicroscope (SMZ-
10A, Nikon Instruments Inc., Japan) are used to observe the structure 3.1. Quasi-static stab resistance testing
and failure modes of sandwich composites. When performing FE-SEM
observation, a sample is affixed to the platform tailored for SEM and The quasi-static stab resistance testing and dynamic stab resistance
then observed for its morphology. testing can be compared in terms of the failure modes and fiber types
based on the sample structure [27]. In this study, the quasi-static stab
resistance testing is used primarily for mechanical test with corre-
sponding stereomicroscopic and SEM images to analyze the structure.
According to Figs. 3 and 4, which are individually the load-

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

Fig. 2. (A) the melting status of LMPET fibers and (B) the bonding structure with LMP and other fibers.

Table 2
Denotation of sandwich composites based on the needle punching depth and the type of interlayer.
Needle Punching Depth (mm) 13 15 17

Staple Fibers (S) With heat treatment S 300−13 S 300−15 S 300−17

Non heat treatment (SN) SN 300−13 SN 300−15 SN 300−17
Filaments (F) With heat treatment F 300−13 F 300−15 F 300−17
Non heat treatment (FN) FN 300−13 FN 300−15 FN 300−17

Fig. 3. The stab load-displacement of sandwich composites consisting of different interlayers and needle punched at a depth of (A) 13 mm, (B) 15 mm, or (C) 17 mm.

displacement curves and quasi-static stab resistance of sandwich com- composite structure. Furthermore, different failure modes are pertinent
posites, the energy absorption differs with the variations in the inter- to the employment of heat treatment. Without heat treatment, SN- and
layer and the needle punching depth as well as whether the heat FN-type sandwich composites display a greater range of displacement
treatment being employed. S-type sandwich composites have lower stab when being punctured by a die, and fibers bear a stress via being ex-
resistance when the needle punching depth is greater, but the opposite pelled and deformed until they are broken. As for the specified two
is the case for the F-type sandwich composites. The maximal stab re- groups that receive hot treatment (i.e. S- and F-type), fibers exhibit low
sistance is 415 N for S 300−13 and 117.3 N for F 300−17. The em- mobility that benefits the friction, which enables the samples to bear a
ployment of heat treatment improves the stab resistance when com- higher force. On the other hand, the needle punching process can
paring S- and F-groups with SN- and FN-groups. LMPET fibers randomly provide the products with different mechanical properties via the ma-
form the hot bonding points on the structure when being heated at chine parameters and fiber properties, fiber length, and fiber fineness
140OC, which in turn raises the fiber cohesion and stabilizes the otherwise. High-strength polyester staple fibers and recycled Kevlar®

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

3.2. Morphology observation

3.2.1. High-strength polyester staple fibers

Fig. 5 shows the SEM and stereomicroscopic images of fractured
sandwich composites consisting high-strength polyester staple fibers as
the interlayer after the quasi-static stab resistance testing. Based on the
punched hole in the quasi-static stab resistance testing, the failure
modes of S-type sandwich composites as related to the needle punching
depth are observed. A needle punching depth of 13 mm gives fibrilla-
tion to the proximity of the hole as Fig. 5 (A) and there are also distinct
presences of fibers surrounding the punched holes in Fig. 5 (B, C). The
result indicates that when the die penetrates the sample, fibers are
deformed directly by the stress, after which fibers surround the die and
Fig. 4. The quasi-static stab resistance of sandwich composites consisting of
are then broken in order to absorb the energy efficiently.
different interlayers as related to needle punching depth.
Sandwich composites made at a needle punching depth of 15 mm
(Fig. 5 ([D]) demonstrate less significant fiber breakage than a depth of
fibers, nylon fibers, and LMPET fibers have comparable fiber length, 13 mm (Fig. 5 [A]), so the yielded failure mode is primarily fiber de-
which is reflected by a higher fiber cohesion that helps improving the formation and breakage (Fig. 5 [E, F]). When made at a needle
strength. Nonetheless, with an increasing needle punching depth, high- punching depth of 17 mm (Fig. 5 [G]), sandwich composites are ren-
strength polyester staple fibers are less capable of bearing a force due to dered with a greater punched hole size. Samples are needle punched at
the fiber fineness. Conversely, featuring a smooth surface, high strength a higher depth and fibers are thus compactly entangled. In this case,
polyester filaments are continuously and circularly aligned between the fiber structure is prone to damage and thus samples have lower en-
nonwoven top and bottom layers. Hence, it requires a higher needle durance against the stab force. Fig. 5 (H and I) clearly exhibit the
punching depth to bond fibers and filaments so as to obtain strong fiber punched holes, fiber deformation, and fiber breakage.
cohesion. As a result, interlayers that consist of staple fibers or fila-
ments demonstrate different performances when the needle punching
3.2.2. High strength polyester filaments
depth varies.
After the quasi-static stab resistance testing, the failure modes of
sandwich composites can be evaluated based on the punched holes.

Fig. 5. SEM and stereomicroscopic images of fractured sandwich composites consisting high-strength polyester staple fibers as the interlayer after the quasi-static
stab resistance testing where “1″ indicates the punched hole that is surrounded by fibers and “2″ indicates the fractured fibers.

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

Fig. 6. SEM and stereomicroscopic images of fractured sandwich composites consisting high-strength polyester staple filaments as the interlayer after the quasi-static
stab resistance testing where “1″ indicates the punched hole that is surrounded by fibers, “2″ indicates the pulled out fibers, and “3″ indicates the fiber breakage.

When being needle punched at 13 mm, sandwich composites exhibit a composites thus exhibit a neat cutting section.
fluffy structure as SEM images in Fig. 6 (A, B, and C). When the die Fig. 8 (a and d) show the fractured sandwich composites consisting
penetrates the sample, fibers exhibit deformation in response to a stress, of an interlayer being high-strength polyester staple fibers (i.e. S-type
and are then gathered in the proximity to the hole, which in turn di- sandwich composites) and high-strength polyester filaments (i.e. F-type
minishes the punched hole size. When being needle punched at 15 mm sandwich composites) as the after the testing. For F-group, filaments are
as Fig. 6 (D, E, and F) and bearing a stress, sandwich composites have a aligned non-directionally and exhibit fibrillation and fiber breakage.
more compact fibrous structure, restricting the mobility of fibers. As a Fig. 8 (b) shows that fibers display fiber deformation, distortion, and
result, fibers absorb the stab energy via deformation, pull out, and fiber breakage as a result of enduring the stress. Fig. 8 (c) shows the
breakage, the second of which is shown in Fig. 6 (F). Fig. 6 (G, H, and I) entangled points and thermally bonded points due to the needle
show that a needle punching depth of 17 mm renders a looser structure punching process and heat treatment, which is more commonly found
and a larger hole size than that of 13 mm as Fig. 6 (H). Fibers enter a in S-type sandwich composites. The level of entanglement relates with
tense state when being needle punched at 17 mm, so it is difficult for fiber length. The more similar the fiber length, the better the bonding
fibers to move or deform in response to the stress. Therefore, fibers are effect during the needle punching process. Either entangled points or
directly pulled out and broken. hot bonding points have a positive influence on the mechanical
strength, and a combination of both has a synergistic effect. Fig. 8 (d)
shows the SEM image of cutting section where filaments are tidy and
3.2.3. Failure modes neat than that of randomly-arranged fibers in the nonwoven fabric.
Fig. 7 shows the cutting sections of sandwich-structured composites Fig. 8 (e) shows that the hot bonding points are presented as a result of
containing high-strength polyester filaments or high-strength polyester employing the heat treatment. The results of quasi-static stab resistance
staple fibers as the core as related to the needle punching depth. High- testing prove that the presence of hot bonding points can reinforce the
strength polyester filaments are first processed with friction opening fiber structure and the mechanical strength. Fig. 8 (f) shows that the
and then irregularly and circularly aligned over the fabrics. None- entangled points caused by needle punching process are also one prime
theless, there are still voids presented in the sandwiched structure so factor to mechanical reinforcement of sandwich composites. It is rarely
the employment of needle punching process does not provide the fila- seen in F-type sandwich composites because the filaments have a
ment-core group with a less neat cutting section than the staple-fiber- smooth surface, making filaments prone to slip from other fibers and
core group. With comparable fiber length, nylon fibers, recycled thus gain a low cohesion level. To sum up, F-type sandwich composites
Kevlar® fibers, and LMPET fibers are made into the top and bottom show lower stab resistance than S-type sandwich composites.
layers of sandwich-structured composites. When the top and bottom
layers are combined with staple fibers as the core, the resulting

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

Fig. 7. Sectional views of sandwiched composites containing a core of (A) high-strength polyester filaments or (B) high-strength polyester staple fibers as related to
the needle punching depth.

Fig. 8. SEM images of fractured sandwich composites as related to the interlayer being high-strength polyester staple fibers or filaments.

T.R. Lin, et al. Materials Today Communications 24 (2020) 101345

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