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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

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Fluid properties at high pressures and temperatures: Experimental and T

modelling challenges

Rajendar R. Mallepallya, , Babatunde A. Bamgbadea, Aaron J. Rowaneb, Houman B. Roknib,

Matthew S. Newkirka, Mark A. McHugha,
Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, 601 W Main St, Richmond, VA, 23284, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, City University of London, Northampton Square, EC1 V0HB, London, UK



Keywords: Thermophysical properties impact many aspects of the chemical process industries. Here three example areas,
High pressure primarily in the energy sector, are highlighted to provide context for the experimental and modelling challenges
High temperature associated with obtaining fluid property data at high pressures and temperatures (HPHT). These three areas
Phase equilibria include the recovery of petroleum reserves in ultra-deep reservoirs, the use of lubricants to reduce frictional
losses in the automotive industries, and the use of high-pressure, common rail diesel fuel delivery to reduce soot
emissions for greener environments. The accurate knowledge of thermodynamic and transport properties in
these three focused areas minimizes associated operating uncertainties and accelerates safe, reliable, and robust
process and product development.

1. Introduction conditions, applied product development in many fields requires ac-

curate property data at extreme temperatures and pressures. Here we
Accurate thermophysical fluid properties are crucial for the efficient highlight the need for fluid property data at extreme temperatures and
and reliable operation of chemical processes used to manufacture spe- pressures encountered in the search for and recovery of petroleum re-
cialty chemicals, lubricant additives, crude oil, polymers, pharmaceu- serves in ultra-deep reservoirs, in the general area of reducing friction
ticals, and a variety of other chemically-based products [1,2]. Typically, losses via lubricants in the automotive and allied industries [3], and in
equilibrium properties, such as vapor-liquid equilibria, determine the the quest for increased efficiency of diesel engine performance leading
feasibility of the process however, density and transport properties are to reduced soot emissions. The measurement and prediction of the
needed for equipment selection, design, and sizing. Although it is re- properties of the fluids in all three areas is further exacerbated by the
latively straightforward to measure fluid properties at ambient use of multicomponent mixtures that contain tens to hundreds of

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (R.R. Mallepally), (M.A. McHugh).
Received 2 October 2017; Received in revised form 1 December 2017; Accepted 2 December 2017
Available online 05 December 2017
0896-8446/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.R. Mallepally et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

components differing in molecular weight and structure. A more com- enhanced mechanical and hardware design to meet performance tar-
plete, high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) fluid property data base gets. Yet, the missing component of these presentations is the re-
is needed with entries for pure components and mixtures so that con- cognition that improved lubricant fluid properties can result in as much
temporary equations of state and transport models can be tested, ver- as an 9% increase in overall efficiency. There is a 5% of efficiency losses
ified, and refined to accurately describe fluid properties under extreme result from internal engine friction and 4% of the losses result from
operating conditions. The following sections of this paper present the driveline friction [8]. Note that a 1% improvement in fuel economy in
authors' opinions on the need for experimental data and improved the U.S. alone amounts to more than $300 million/yr savings to the
modeling approaches for thermophysical fluid properties at HPHT automobile manufacturers in non-compliance penalties [9]. Left unsaid
conditions. Where appropriate, the reader is referred to original refer- at this conference are the vast research and development approaches by
ences for more detailed insight on the theory and application of HPHT automobile additives companies to improve the performance of lu-
property measurement and modeling techniques. bricants operating at extreme pressures, especially found in gears [10].
Typical lubricant base oils are refinery blends of paraffinic, naph-
1.1. Ultra-deep petroleum reservoirs thenic, and aromatic compounds. Base oils are augmented with
polymer additives to impart specific lubrication properties to the
The global increase in oil demand coupled with the depletion of composite fluid mixture [11], such as improved bulk fluid viscosity
available reserves has spurred the exploration for new oil resources over the entire ambient to HPHT operating conditions encountered in
located in remote and harsh locations, such as the deep waters in the normal automotive applications. Hence, the need for fundamental fluid
Gulf of Mexico, frigid regions in the arctic, and deep wells in desert property data becomes more important as new types of polymers, such
environments [4,5]. Process failures can occur when drilling in such as star polymers, are formulated into base oils for improved product
hazardous locations, as exemplified by the five million barrel, acci- performance. However, the key to understanding and predicting the
dental oil release in the Macondo oil well blowout at a mile deep in the benefits of these polymers as versatile additives to increase fuel effi-
Gulf of Mexico. Fig. 1 shows that the increased depth of new oil and gas ciency, while simultaneously protecting mechanical hardware, requires
wells can result in bottom hole pressures and temperatures reaching a deep understanding of how polymer architecture impacts solution
HPHT values of 240 MPa (35,000 psi) and 533 K (500 °F). Fluid prop- viscosity over wide ranges of pressure and temperature.
erty data at these HPHT reservoir conditions are essential for accurately A substantial amount of physical property data already exist in the
determining the amount of available recoverable oil, for modeling the literature on the performance characteristics of conventional, petro-
flow of the oil within porous media and into and up the wellbore and leum-derived base oils with and without additives at atmospheric
pipelines, and for safely operating production equipment, such as blow- pressure and temperatures to 373 K (212 °F), although very little data
out preventers, risers, etc. Unfortunately, there currently is a meager exist at HPHT conditions. Empirical performance data from simulated
database of accurate fluid properties at these extreme conditions. A real world automotive-like conditions suggest that polymer architecture
further complication is the multicomponent nature of petroleum fluids can be tailored to provide superior and highly beneficial properties.
that taxes the performance of available equations of state and con- Further advances in lubrication technology is directly dependent on a
temporary transport models used to predict fluid properties. more thorough understanding of viscosity and density behavior at
HPHT conditions.
1.2. Lubricant performance at HTHP conditions
1.3. Advanced diesel engine performance at HPHT conditions
Lubricant technology impacts automobile fuel economy, reduces
friction losses, and improves wear protection to name just a few areas. As living standards improve for billions of people across the globe,
Improved vehicle fuel efficiency is a critical focus and market driver for especially in developing economies, more people will have access to
vehicle and engine manufacturers worldwide due to mandated reduc- cars with diesel engines. In addition a high percentage of commercial
tions in CO2 emissions by the United States Environmental Protection transportation needs are currently met with diesel engines. Fig. 2 shows
Agency and other worldwide government agencies. For example, at a the projected global transportation demand and the fuel economy goals
2016 Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) conference, a panel for the year 2040 [12]. Coupled with the increased global transporta-
discussion consisting of key automotive, oil, and supplier industry ex- tion demand is an expected 75% increase in CO2 and soot emissions
ecutives and top ranking federal and state regulators focused solely on (particulates) over the next two to three decades. Although particulate
the enormous task of balancing mandated vehicle fuel economy im- formation processes are inherent to diffusion flames, the dominant
provements with consumer expectations of performance and cost [7]. mode of combustion in diesel engines, the amount of particulates can be
The majority of the SAE presentations at this meeting emphasized controlled by the quality of the spray and atomization of the diesel fuel
[13]. Currently, Fuel Injection Equipment (FIE) manufacturers are de-
veloping high-pressure, common rail fuel injectors that operate at or
above 450 MPa [14] to improve fuel spray quality and atomization. The
efficient performance and control of FIE with ultra-fine tolerances is
directly related to fuel density, viscosity, compressibility, and bulk
modulus, all at HPHT conditions. Market deployment of high-pressure
FIE is anticipated once these novel injectors are validated with a range
of commercial diesel fuels whose composition depends on the global
source. Given the meager HPHT fuel property data base that currently
exists, prototype injector design and development programs have been
burdened with costly, time-intensive, trial-and-error protocols. Under-
standing the effect of fuel composition on HPHT diesel fuel properties is
key for optimizing the formulation of fuels and additives that maximize
the advantages inherent with modern FIE, or stated differently, this is
Fig. 1. Reservoir classification based on bottom-hole pressure and temperature [6]. The an instance of physical chemistry struggling to keep pace with ad-
authors use HPHT-hc to represent “beyond classification," which they say follows the vanced mechanics.
practice used by the Tour de France bicycle race to represent the steepest mountain-grade Interestingly, transcritical fuel injection is an alternative approach
classification (hc, hors categorie) [6].
proposed to improve the atomization of fuel, reduce spray

R.R. Mallepally et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

Fig. 2. Outlook for global transportation demand and fuel economy goals of light-duty cars [12], (a) Global transportation demand in million barrels per day oil equivalent and (b)
Projected fuel economy targets for light-duty cars. Reprinted with permission from Exxon Mobil.

inhomogeneity, and subsequently reduce particulate formation [15]. In toluene + propylene, and toluene + ethylene [18,19]. The techniques
this approach, a subcritical fuel is injected into a supercritical gas in the used to measure HPHT density are oftentimes coupled with those used
combustion chamber where the fuel is rapidly heated to supercritical to measure viscosity, and these techniques are briefly mentioned in the
temperatures. Transcritical fuel injection leads to improved diffusive next section.
mixing and fuel-air mixture homogeneity, given that the hydrocarbon Likewise, a very meager HPHT data base exists for pure component
fuel-air mixture now exhibits a single phase due to extremely low, or and mixture viscosities, an important transport properties. Consider for
ideally, no interfacial tension. In a controlled apparatus, Dahms et al. example the viscosity database available for hexane, a very simple
[16] observed the absence of fuel spray ligaments or droplets when the compound. Hexane viscosity studies are shown in Fig. 3 originally
fuel becomes supercritical. Further development and refinement of this published in the excellent, extensive and detailed review by Michai-
novel technology to improve combustion and emission performance lidou and coworkers [24]. Note the lack of hexane viscosity data at
requires a database of HPHT fuel properties and a thorough under- pressures greater than 50 MPa (∼7000 psi) at temperatures greater
standing of effect of fuel composition on these properties. than ∼373 K (∼200 °F). Evidently the technical challenges from the
combination of high pressures with high temperatures limits many of
2. Current status the HPHT fluid property studies to modest temperatures. The following
section provides a very brief description of the techniques reported in
2.1. Phase equilibria the literature for measuring HPHT viscosity, including the oscillating
body, vibrating wire, falling body [25,26], and rolling ball viscometers
Phase equilibria data are crucial for the efficient design and opti- [27,28]. Although not described here, it is worth mentioning that dia-
mization of a wide range of high-pressure chemical and separation mond-anvil viscometers are used for viscosity measurements to pres-
processes. The reader is directed to the excellent review by Dohrn et al. sures of ∼1200 MPa (∼175,000 psi) but modest temperatures of less
[17] who describe experimental methods and techniques for the study than 373 K (∼200 °F).
of phase equilibria at high pressures. For each method these authors
examined the measurement principle, application areas, advantages, 2.2.1. Oscillating body viscometer
disadvantages, and the common sources of errors that affect data Torsional oscillating body or quartz-crystal viscometers have been
quality and the techniques to overcome these errors. Currently, many extensively used to measure the viscosity of gases and liquids including
research laboratories use the synthetic technique with a variable-vo- aqueous solutions, organic liquids, and liquid metals. With these in-
lume, view cell to visually observe and map the pressure, temperature, struments, it is possible to simultaneously measure both density and
and composition of phase transitions. The versatility of the view cell viscosity at temperatures to 300° C, but typically at low pressures of
apparatus is exemplified by its use for a wide range of applications, 30 MPa (∼4500 psi) [29,30]. Although both density and viscosity can
including the determination of vapor-liquid equilibria [18,19], the so- be measured to a typical uncertainty of 0.4% with this type of appa-
lubility of a polymer in pure and multicomponent solvents [20], the ratus, the working equations to convert experimental measurements to
solubility of a solid in a supercritical fluid, the formation of gas hy-
drates, and the cloud point behavior of ionic liquid-CO2 systems.

2.2. Density and viscosity

The HPHT operating conditions encountered in automotive appli-

cations [9,7] and in ultra-deep petroleum reservoirs [22] place a pre-
mium on accurate experimental fluid properties, such as density and
viscosity. Cibulka et al. reviewed and critically evaluated experimental
density data for pentane to hexadecane at pressures to 1000 MPa
(145,000 psi) and temperatures to 610 K (635 °F) [23]. However, there
is still only a modest amount of density data for higher alkanes at
temperatures greater than 373 K (212 °F), likely due to the temperature
sensitivity of the highly accurate electronic techniques used for these Fig. 3. Pressure and temperature range of available viscosity data for hexane, reprinted
measurements. Similarly, a modest amount of density data exists for from Michailidou et al. [24] with the permission of AIP Publishing. Each circle represents
experimental conditions where hexane viscosity can be found in the literature as of 2013.
simple binary mixtures, such as hexane + propylene,

R.R. Mallepally et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

viscosity are complex and the pressure range is limited. Typical re- operation, include the pendant drop [49–55,58–63], capillary rise
ported viscosity ranges from 0.01 mPa s to ∼10 mPa s. [56,64,65], capillary wave [57], and maximum bubble pressure
[66–68] methods. The most commonly used HPHT interfacial tension
2.2.2. Vibrating wire viscometer technique is the pendant drop method due to ease of adaptability to
A vibrating-wire apparatus is capable of measuring both density and high pressure operation and ease of operation to obtain reproducible
viscosity simultaneously at pressures to ∼200 MPa (∼30,000 psi) and data. The bulk of available interfacial tension data are for pure com-
temperatures to ∼473 K (∼400 °F) [31–33]. Typical expanded un- ponents at saturation conditions. See for example the study by Jasper
certainty of the data with this apparatus are 2% for viscosity and 0.2% [69] who complied data for many different chemical families and the
for density at a 95% confidence level. Very accurate data, without the work of Mulero and Cachadiña [70] who developed a reference cor-
need for calibration, can be generated with this instrument, although its relation for 37 different fluids. Several interfacial tension studies are
operation can be complex, there is the potential for mechanical failure reported for binary hydrocarbon mixtures in air at elevated tempera-
at high temperatures, and data analysis is complex. These instruments tures and at ambient pressure that have led to the development and
are reported to measure viscosities in the range of 0.1 mPa s to validation of a number of predictive models [71–73]. However, these
500 mPa s [34], depending on the selected vibrating-wire sensor for the models have yet to be verified for HPHT data. Another important
viscometer. concern when interpreting interfacial tension data is that the density for
each phase is needed to accurately determine the interfacial tension.
2.2.3. Capillary viscometer However, density data are often unavailable and, therefore, many stu-
Among all the methods, capillary viscometers are well known and dies resort to using pure component or calculated densities, which can
firmly established both in theory and in experimentation [35]. Inter- affect the accuracy of the data.
estingly, these viscometers have been adapted to operate at extremely Interfacial tension data for CO2-water/brine [49,50,64] and CO2-
high pressures. For example, lubricant viscosity data, up to viscosities of hydrocarbon systems [54,60,63,64] have been measured and used to
112,000 mPa•s, are reported to pressures of ∼690 MPa (∼100,000 psi) develop EOR and carbon sequestration processes. High pressure inter-
and temperatures of ∼423 K (∼300 °F) measured with a capillary facial tension data for N2-hydrocarbon systems [57–59,65,67,68,74,75]
viscometer [36]. The uncertainty of measured viscosity data is typically have also been measured and used to develop applications in EOR and
between 1% and 3%. FIE for combustion engines. However, in both cases typically the hy-
drocarbons only include n-alkanes. Very few studies on the effect of
2.2.4. Falling body viscometer pressure on interfacial tension have been reported for other hydro-
This is one of the oldest types of apparatus used to measure HPHT carbon families such as cyclics, olefins, and aromatics, components that
viscosity. Some of the earliest reports with a falling-body viscometer are all present in diesel and gasoline. Fuels vary in composition both
date to 1926 with the work of Bridgman [37]. Density and viscosity geographically and batch to batch and can consist of up to 250 com-
data are reported for many fluids with this apparatus to very high ponents [76]. Hence, mixture data are needed to model and understand
pressures in excess of ∼400 MPa (∼60,000 psi) but typically only to the behavior of industrially relevant systems such as crude oil, diesel, or
temperatures of ∼373 K (∼200 °F) [38–42]. Viscosity data obtained gasoline.
with the falling-body viscometer has a reported expanded uncertainty In addition to phase behavior, density, viscosity, surface tension,
between 1% and 5%, which is higher than that observed with the os- there is an acute need for thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and
cillating wire and vibrating wire viscometers, although now the data thermal diffusivity data. In a series of papers Assael et al. critically
extend over a much wider pressure range. These viscometers are suc- assessed the available literature data and developed reference correla-
cessfully used to measure viscosities in the range of 0.1 mPa•s to 5,500 tions for the thermal conductivity of normal alkanes [77], aromatics
mPa•s. [78], and fluorinated compounds [79] covering wide ranges of tem-
perature and pressure. Even though a significant body of thermal
2.2.5. Rolling ball viscometer property data exists, there still remains gaps in the database. For ex-
Rolling ball viscometers, a variant of the falling body viscometer, ample, Fig. 4 shows the pressure-temperature conditions of thermal
are widely used to measure both density and viscosity because of their conductivity data for n-heptane, which highlights the lack of data at
ease of operation, straightforward correlation equations used to convert high pressures between 445 K and 545 K [77]. Transient Plane Source
experimental measurements to viscosity, and the wide range of oper- (TPS) and Transient Hot-Wire (THW) techniques are widely used
ating temperatures and pressures. Hubbard and Brown established the methods to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids [80]. The
fundamental working equation for the rolling ball viscometer in 1943 challenge here is the accurate measurement of transient temperature
[43], although the use of this type of apparatus dates to the early 1900s
[44]. Data can be measured to very high pressures of 150,000 psi
(1000 MPa) and temperatures of ∼533 K or higher (∼500 °F) [45–47].
These viscometers are used to measure viscosity of gases [48] as well as
highly viscous fluids with viscosity of 5,800 mPa•s [22]. The typical
expanded uncertainty in measured viscosity data is 1–4% at a 95%
confidence level.

2.3. Interfacial tension and thermal conductivity

Accurately measuring surface and interfacial tension data (here the

modifiers surface and interfacial are used interchangeably) for im-
miscible mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures are critical for
industrial and environmental applications such as CO2 sequestration
[49–52], enhanced oil recovery (EOR) [50,51,53–55], process devel-
opment [56], and HPHT fuel injection [57]. A number of techniques are
available to measure the interfacial tension of gas-liquid, vapor-liquid, Fig. 4. Pressure and temperature range of available thermal conductivity data for n-
and liquid-liquid systems at HPHT conditions. A few of these techni- heptane reprinted from Assael et al. [77] with the permission of AIP Publishing. Each
circle represents conditions where heptane data can be found in the literature.
ques, used at ambient condition and adapted to high pressure

R.R. Mallepally et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

changes, especially at high temperatures. Fine control of temperature the combustion chamber including fuel atomization, heating, vapor-
fluctuations during an experiment is needed to ensure resolving tran- ization, and combustion. Engineers are increasingly using
sient temperature signals. In our opinion, the TPS technique is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools to accelerate the develop-
preferred technique for HPHT measurements given the ease of opera- ment of improved injector designs and engine combustion technologies.
tion of this technique relative to hot-wire methods. Despite the significant investments and advances realized in CFD codes,
surprisingly inaccurate fuel properties and poor EoS are often used in
3. Challenges the CFD simulations. Lin et al. [15] suggest that many, if not most, CFD
codes used for modeling fuel injection and combustion require inputs of
3.1. Experimental challenges the critical temperature, latent heat of vaporization, and liquid visc-
osities for n-hexadecane in the absence of measured properties for
There are three routes to determining thermophysical property data: diesel, a multicomponent mixture. Although it would be advantageous
(1) retrieval from literature, (2) estimation from theory and models or to have a data base for the particular diesel fuel of interest, this is likely
correlation, and (3) experimental measurement. When developing a unrealistic given the variation of fuel composition with diesel from
new process or designing a process improvement, the hope is literature different global sources. Therefore, it is more logical to populate a
data are available for the actual mixtures of interest at precisely the HPHT fluid property data base with data on well-characterized, diesel
needed pressures and temperatures, or model calculations can provide surrogate mixtures [23] with a limited number of components. The
highly accurate estimates of the needed data. The third alternative, HPHT surrogate mixture properties can be used to validate fluid
experimental measurement, is time consuming and expensive. In ad- property estimation techniques applied to complex, multicomponent
dition, when dealing with HPHT conditions, the experimentalist must diesel fuel. Currently fluid properties are calculated with correlations
have more than just a conversant familiarity with high pressure tech- created from diesel property data bases, from surrogate hydrocarbon
niques in addition to grounding in thermodynamic principles. Hence, property databases calculated with the NIST REFPROP program, from
simplicity in design should be the paramount objective. calculations with commercially available software, such as ASPEN [23]
Usually the first HPHT experimental challenge is to map phase or SUPERTRAPP, or from calculations using cubic or more con-
transition boundaries in pressure-temperature-composition space so temporary equations of state (EoS). Unfortunately, the best collection of
that reliable and coherent fluid property measurements can be ob- diesel fuel properties [23] is limited to pressures and temperatures far
tained. These experiments are usually done with a mixture at a fixed from supercritical or saturated vapor conditions and the REFPROP data
composition, the so-called synthetic method. A windowed cell is the base is defined for hydrocarbons up to dodecane, which leaves out the
most straightforward apparatus to use to measure phase-transition, C13 to C20 hydrocarbons found in diesel fuels [23]. Fluid property
phase inversions (where phases flip positions due to changes in density, estimations obtained with a cubic EoS are known to be inaccurate when
so-called barotropic phenomena), and solidification and melting phe- calculated at HPHT conditions or when the molecular weight of the
nomena. The reader is directed to the excellent text by Sherman and component exceeds approximately ∼ 170 g/mol [23]. A more accurate,
Stadtmuller [81] to ascertain the design criteria needed to build a ro- molecular-based EoS is the family of statistical associating fluid theory
bust and safe HPHT view cell. The high pressure view cell must be of (SAFT) EoS, but the SAFT model is also less frequently used directly in
sufficient thickness, which means heat transfer into and out of the cell simulations given the mathematical complexity of the SAFT equation.
will suffer a time lag with this essentially adiabatic cell. Given that In our research group the perturbed chain (PC)-SAFT EoS has been used
pressure can be changed quite rapidly by the displacement of an in- to model the phase behavior for many classes of organic compounds
ternal piston or bellows, the time to thermal equilibrium, within desired including normal and branched alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, gases,
bounds, becomes the rate-determining factor to obtain data within a ethers, esters, benzene derivatives, halogenated hydrocarbons, poly-
normal day of operation. For simultaneous high pressure and high mers, and polymer-solvent mixtures [82,83]. The challenge remains on
temperature operation, it is necessary to remove any elastomeric o- how best to integrate the PC-SAFT EoS with the CFD simulation without
rings used to seal windows. Likewise, metal bellows are typically used creating extreme computation times.
to adjust the cell internal pressure rather than a floating piston sealed While there is an appreciable amount of available HPHT density
with an o-ring. Metal-to-metal seals based on a cone-and-threaded data, there is still a significant gap in the literature viscosity database
principle are needed rather than sealing based on a lower-pressure, that ultimately could be populated with model calculations. A wide
compression-fitting principle. Careful attention is also needed as to the selection of viscosity models are available that purport to describe the
choice of metal used for the body of the cell since certain metals, such high-pressure viscosity of pure compounds, binary, and multi-
as 316 stainless steel (SS), experience a reduction in ultimate tensile component mixtures. The Free Volume Theory (FVT) [84] and the
strength after cold working at elevated pressures and moderate tem- Friction Theory (f-theory) [85,86] models have shown potential for
peratures, which means a single HPHT experiment with a 316 SS cell predicting viscosity data for hydrocarbons and their mixtures at both
can permanently reduce the future safe operating range of the cell. low pressures and HPHT conditions. An equation of state (EoS) model is
Typically mixing the contents of a view cell is accomplished via a needed for both viscosity models since the FVT model requires density
magnet coupling with an internal stir bar and external magnet, which as an input and f-theory requires values for the repulsive and attractive
means the cell body must also be nonmagnetic and the solution cannot pressure. Burgess et al. [87] provide an excellent assessment of the
be very viscous. Of course, attention should be paid to the resistance of modeling performance of these two viscosity models for pure hydro-
the metal to chemical attack. The Inconel series of metals, specifically carbons using four different EoS models. The authors found that char-
625 and 718, offer many of the desired properties for a reliable HPHT acteristic pure component parameters for each viscosity model, ob-
cell. tained from fitting experimental viscosity data, vary significantly
depending on which EoS model is used. Further, there is no apparent
3.2. Modeling challenges agreement among researchers for the choice of mixing rules needed for
the FVT when calculating mixture viscosity data [88–94]. In addition,
We offer a few observations on modeling fluid properties at HPHT the applicability of these models for complex systems, such as polymer
conditions for the development of advanced fuel injection equipment solutions at extreme operating conditions, remain uncertain [95].
and engine performance, since the challenges in these areas provide an When using an EoS for fluid property estimates it is necessary to
overview of the challenges currently confronting process design en- have reliable estimates for the pure component parameters used with
gineers in many different industries. Diesel fuel properties are needed to the EoS. Group contribution (GC) methods and generalized correlations
model cavitation in the injector nozzle and the processes occurring in are becoming more important for predicting the pure component

R.R. Mallepally et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 134 (2018) 33–40

parameters needed with an equation of state since sufficient physical representative sample of properties of those fluids and all of their
property data for each pure component in a mixture may not be mixtures. He concluded by saying "… argument about the debate be-
available to determine these parameters. Consider, for instance, the tween simulation, theory, and experiment is a balance between them
variety of GC methods used to predict the three pure component all. You can't do away with experiment, but neither can you do all of the
parameters used with the PC-SAFT equation of state. GC methods have experiments. They will have to be balanced."
been developed by Peng et al. [96], Vijende et al. [97], Huynh et al.
[98], Tamouza et al. [99], just to name a few approaches, to predict PC- Acknowledgement
SAFT parameters. One limitation of these methods is that the GC
parameters are typically adjusted to fit vapor pressure and liquid den- The research leading to these results has received funding from the
sity data at relatively low pressures, which can lead to poor predictions MSCA-ITN-ETN of the European Union’s H2020 programme, under REA
at HPHT conditions. Burgess et al. [87] addressed this issue by de- grant agreement no. 675528.
termining GC parameters fit with HPHT data, although further studies
are needed to improve and extend this method. Even GC methods be- References
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