AminoAcid Therapy - J.Ross 2006.12 PDF

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Eliminating Negative Emotions and

False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by: Julia Ross, M.4., M.F.T.
S aturday, D ecember 2, 2006

Core Training Materials


1 Presenter Biography

2 Schedule

3 Amino Acid Therapy Chart (3 copies)

4 Amino Acid Therapy Precautions Chart (3 copies) /
5 Amino Acid Therapy: Troubleshooting Guide
6 The Diet Cure Questionnaire: Which imbalances are triggering
your carbohydrate cravings?
1 Yeast Overgrowth Questionnaire
8 Testing and Medical Kill-Off Protocols for Yeast Overgrowth
9 Infinity Health Anti -Yeast Nutrient Protocol
10 Amino Acid Therapy and Antidepressant drugs
11 The Resource Directory: Reading, Testing, Other Resources
12 Follow-Up Support Resources
13 Items Available for Purchase at this Training

14 PowerPoint Review
Document 2


Eliminating Negative Emotions and
False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by Julia Ross, M.A., M.F.T.
S aturday, D ecemb er 2, 2006


5r- o-'-' L1't'V''L'" i'-{-'t I

8:00 - 8:20 Introduction: How we lost our minds

8:20 - 8:45 How does a normal brain feel and fu
neurotransmitter function for appetit
8:45 - 9:15 Deficiencies of the four primary neur
appetite and mood dysfunction symptoms.
9:15 - 10:00 Neurotransmitter Repair : utilizing precursor amino acids and other
nutrients to optimize mood and appetite by raising serotonin and
catecholamine levels.
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 12:00 Continue with brain neurotransmitter repair strategies and blood
sugar balancing. Review contraindications to the use of amino acids.
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Facilitated Break-out Groups: Practice interviewing and treating
using group volunteers. (Amino acid samples will be available for
trials for those with no contraindications.)
2230 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:15 Monitoring the effectiveness of supplement protocols and
troubleshooting when problems arise.
3:15 - 3:45 Establishing dietary support for neurotransmitter restoration.
Identifying and eliminating the other underlying causes of food
cravings and overeating.
3:45 - 4zl5 Nutritional and other natural alternatives to antidepressants drugs:
effectiveness, safet5r, and withdrawal issues.
4:1,5 - 4:30 ReviewandQ&A
4:30 Course Evaluation and CEU certificate pick-up.
Document I


Eliminating Negative Emotions and
False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by Julia Ross, M.A., M.F.T.
Saturday, December 2, 2006

Presenter, Julia Ross, M.A., M.F.T. is a pioneer in the field of nutritional psychology and
the author of The Mood Cure (Penguin, 2004), and The Diet Cure (Penguin, 2000). Trained and
licensed in clinical psychology, she has founded and directed six outpatient programs for the
treatment of addictions, eating disorders and mood problems in the San Francisco Bay Area
since 1980. She began to utilize amino acid therapy intensively in 1986. Since i988, Ross has
been the executive director of The Recovery Systems Clinic, in Mill Valley, California. There,
she and her staff of holistic nutritionists, physicians and psychotherapists have developed an

innovative model for treating mood and dependency problems using biochemical rebalancing
programs along with more conventional methods. Ross' work has been featured frequently on
radio and television and in such publications as the Journal of Molecular Psychiatty, the
Journal of the Division of Humanistic Psychology, American Psychological Association,
Alternative Medicine, The Professional Counselor, and Psychology Today. She lectures
nationally and has taught at several Bay Area universities. She has been providing professional
trainings throughout the U.S. since 2003

The Diet Curehas been a best seller in the US and the UK. The Mood Cure was nominated for
the "Books for Life" award and it's alternative approach to depression was featured on NBC
news programs aired throughout the U.S. in 2003 and December, 2006.

1. Call the clinic at (415) 383-3611

2. See MOODCURE.COM or DIptCuRE.CoM for information on forthcoming trainings and
lecfures, on ordering supplements, books, cd's, tapes, and more.
3. Write to regarding lectures, trainings, or media interviews.
Document 3 Page I

Amino Acid Therapy Ch art: Reversing Neurotransmitter Depletion

Name Date

(1) In Column A, put a number from I to l0 by each symptom you feel, with I being slightly felt or
hardly ever felt ond I0 being strongly felt or felt all the time.
(2) Check off the Column B substances that you use to reduce the symptoms in the same section oJ A

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Substances Amino Acid Neurotransmitters

Symptoms Used Solutionsx Provide

TYPE I Low in Serotonin

.l sweets 5-HTP
aftemoon or evening *.-1. starch 50-150 mg MA, Eve positive outlook
cravlngs - tobacco by l0:00 pm
emotional stability
negativity, depression ! chocolate or L-tryptophan
worry, anxiety 1 Ecstasy 500-1500 mg MA, Eve
emotional and mental
low self-esteem [! marijuana by 10:00 pm
obsessive thoughts n alcohol (Evening doses needed
sense of humor
. or behaviors L Prozac ifsleep is a problem or
hyperactivity I, Zoloft symptoms persist into
- Paxil the evening or are very
-=-S!'y..rG-" *
;- Effexor severe.) U&
Celexa (U^ ^" {"*nW(<*^ ' L"7 l-.^-. " ) it4.
winter bluesF
initability, rage
P " f],*( (FJ D^"
dislike hot weather * -Lt-\.* \'lt?P :I rr L,'-,',eJali a
C,.rtn".*1C., ''*'
panic attacks; phobias
(fear of heights, small
spaces, snakes, etc) f*.^o{-*
fibromyalgia, TMJ, other l-*+-r. l-,
suicidal thoughts
night-owl, hard to get to Melatonin for sleep at Melatonin:
sleep bedtime;.5-5mg, (converted from
insomnia, disturbed immediately or 2-stage serotonin)
sleeP depending on type of 8 hours ofdeep,
Typical sleep hours: insomnia, if 5-HTP or restful sleep
to L-tryptophan alone do
not work for sleeo

TYPE 2 Low in Catecholamines Ll sweets L-tyrosine Catecholamines:

.l starch 500-2000 mg alertness
Cravings for stimulation
! chocolate AM, MM, MAby 3:00 energy
from sugar, chocolate
! aspartame pm mental focus
caffeine, cocaine,
t l alcohol (Add fish oil omega-3, drive
Ll marijuana 1-3 gms EPA/DHA enthusiasm
depression, apathy
U caffeine emphasis)
lack ofenergy
[.] cocaine Check thyroid and
lack ofdrive
tl diet pills adrenal functions
easily bored
n tobacco
lack offocus,
Ll Wellbutrin
tl Ritalin
ADD L Adderall

arising, B:with breakfast; MM:midmoming; L:with lunch; MA:midaftemoon; D:with dinner; BT:at bedtime.
0 Alro test for vitamin D levels (25OHD) optimal reference 35-70. Moderate exercise, as tolerated. 2500-10,000 lux light
box-preferably at least partly full-spectrum, with UV protection-
@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Pengrin 2000)
For More lnformation go to and
Document 3 Page2

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Substances Amino Acid Solutions* Neurotransmitters

Svmotoms Used Provide

TYPE 3 Low in GABA X sweets GABA GABA:

crave carbs, alcohol or
I starch 100-500 mg calmness

drugs for relaxation

I tobacco 1-3x per day at relaxation
i1 marijuana stressful times stress tolerance
stressed and burned oul
J alcohol (test salivary cortisol
unable to relax/loosen
! Valium levels x4)
;l Ativan Add Taurine, Glycine,
stiff or tense muscles and/or L-threonine, if
r Neurontin
often feel easily
I Klonopin needed

TYPE 4 Low in Endorphin I sweets DL-Phenylalanine Endorphin:

r I starch Ior D-Phenylalaninel psychological and
crave comfort, reward, or
numbing treats
! chocolate 500-1500 mg;AM, physical pain relief
"Love" certain foods,
I tobacco MM, MA by 3:00 pm and tolerance
J marijuana (Add free-form amino pleasure
behaviors, drugs or ' alcohol blend 700 mg x 3 reward
alcohol - caffeine before meals) loving feelings
' sensitive to emotional
Vicodin numbness
. or physical pain
, heroin
cry (tear up) easily

HYPOGLYCEMIC :l sweets L-glutamine Fuel source for brain

cravings for sugar,
- starches 500-1500 mg cells:
starch, or alcohol tl alcohol AM, MM, MA sense of stability and
, (Add chromium 300 groundedness,
irritable, shaky,
headachey--especially mcg x 3 meals) blood sugar balance, ,-*(r#
r aftP/
if too long between Wl * <-ir|:i@i


MULTMTAMINS AND MINERALS are also essential, True Balance (by NOW Foods) or Glucobalance (by
Biotics) are designed to stabilize blood sugar. And they do!
FISH OIL 1000-3000IU combined EPA and DHA
DIET that contains no less than:

Protein: 25-30 grams/meal (more if few carbohydrates can be tolerated) See separate handout

Low Carbohydrate Vegetables: Over 4 cups/day See separate handout

Fat: Saturated, e.g. butter, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil
Higher Whole Carbohydrate Foods: Fruit, beans, potatoes, yams, whole grain-if tolerated
Pure Water 50 ozlday or more


For More Information go to and L

Document 3 Page I

Amino Acid Therapy Ch art: Reversing Neurotransmitter Depletion

Name Date
(1) In Column A, put a number from I lo l0 by each symptom you feel, with I being slightly felt or
hardly everfelt and l0 being stronglyfelt orfelt all the time.
(2) Check off the Column B substances that you use to reduce the symptoms in the sctme section of A.

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Substances Amino Acid Neurotransmitters
Symptoms Used Solutions* Provide
TYPE 1 Low in Serotonin
i, Serotonin:
sweets 5-HTP
aftemoon or evening lr starch 50-150 mg MA, Eve positive outlook
cravlngs Li tobacco by l0:00 pm
emotional stability
negativity. depression ir chocolate or L-tryptophan
worr)i, anxrety Ecstasy 500-1500 mg MA, Eve
emotional and mental
low self-esteem , maruuana by 10:00 pm
i l alcohol (Evening doses needed flexibility
obsessive thoughts
sense of humor
or behaviors Prozac ifsleep is a problem or
- hyperactivity ll Zoloft symptoms persist into
controlling, - Paxil the evening or are very
perlectionism Effexor severe.)
winter blues0 i Celexa
initability, rage (eg tl
dislike hot weather
panic attacks; phobias
(fear of heights, small !
spaces, snakes, etc)
fibromyalgia, TMJ, other
suicidal thoughts
night-owl, hard to get to Melatonin for sleep at Melatonin:
sleep bedtime;.5-5mg, (converted from
insomnia, disturbed irnmediately or 2-stage serotonin)
sleep depending on type of 8 hours ofdeep,
Tlpical sleep hours: insomnia, if 5-HTP or restful sleep
to L-tryptophan alone do
not work for sleep
TYPE 2 Low in Catecholamines E sweets L-tyrosine Catecholamines:
l- starch 500-2000 mg alertness
Cravings for stimulation
from sugar, chocolate
! chocolate AM, MM, MAby 3:00 energy
,- aspartame pm mental focus
calleine. cocaine,
!t alcohol (Add fish oil omega-3, drive
n marijuana 1-3 gms EPA/DHA enthusiasm
depression, apathy
E caffeine emphasis)
lack ofenergy
lack of drive
! cocaine Check thyroid and
easily bored
! diet pills adrenal functions
i- tobacco
lack offocus,
n Wellbutrin
t. Ritalin
i Adderall

arising; B:with breakfast; MM:midmorning; L:with lunch; MA:midafternoon; D:with dinner; BT:at bedtime.
P Aho test for vitamin D levels (25OHD) optimal reference 35-70. Moderate exercise, as tolerated. 2500-10,000 lux light
box-preferably at least partly full-spectrum, with UV protechon.
O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Per,guin 2000)
For More Information go to and
Document 3 Page 2

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Su bstances Amino Acid Solutionsx Neurotransmitters

Svmptoms Used Provide

TYPE 3 Low in GABA sweets CABA GABA:

' starch 100-500 mg calmness
crave carbs, alcohol or - tobacco 1-3x per day at relaxation
drugs for relaxation
manJuana stressful times stress tolerance
stressed and bumed out
alcohol (test salivary cortisol
unable to relax/loosen r Valium levels x4)
up i Ativan Add Taurine, Glycine,
stiff or tense muscles and/or L-threonine, if
often feel easily -lI Neurontin
Klonopin needed

TYPE 4 Low in Endorphin .l sweets DL-Phenylalanine Endorphin:

l- starch Ior D-Phenylalanine] psychological and
crave comfort, reward, or - chocolate 500-1500 mg;AM, physical pain relief
numbing treats
tobacco MM, MA by 3:00 pm and tolerance
"Love" certain foods, il (Add free-form amino pleasure
behaviors, drugs or
ll alcohol blend 700 mg x 3 reward
f caffeine before meals) loving feelings
sensitive to emotional I Vicodin numbness
or physical pain ' heroin
cry (tear up) easily

HYPOGLYCEMIC sweets L-glutamine Fuel source for brain

cravings for sugar, starches 500-1500 mg cells:
starch, or alcohol alcohol AM, MM, MA sense ofstability and
irritable, shaky, (Add chromium 300 groundedness,
headachey--especially mcg x 3 meals) blood sugar balance
if too long between


MULTIVTTAMINS AND MINERALS are also essential, True Balance (by NOW Foods) or Glucobalance (by
Biotics) are designed to stabilize blood sugar. And they do!
FISH OIL f 000-3000IU combined EPA and DHA
DIET that contains no less than:
Protein: 25-30 grams/meal (more if few carbohydrates can be tolerated) See separate handout

Low Carbohydrate Vegetables: Over 4 cups/day See separate handout

Fat: Saturated, e.g. butter, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil
Higher \trhole Carbohydrate Foods: Fruit, beans, potatoes, yams, whole grain-dloleraled
Pure Water 5O oz/day or more

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
For More lnformation go to and
Document 3 Page I

Amino Acid Therapy Ch art: Reversing Neurotransmitter Depletion

Name Date
(1) In Column A, put a number from I to l0 by each symptom you feel, with I being slightly felt or
hardly ever felt and I0 being strongly felt or felt all the time.
(2) Check off the Column B sttbstances that you use to reduce the symptoms in the same section of A

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Substances Amino Acid Neurotransmitters
Symptoms Used Solutions* Provide

TYPE I Low in Serotonin

:l sweets 5-HTP
afternoon or evenrng i I starch 50-150 mg MA, Eve positive outlook
cravrngs Il tobacco by 10:00 pm
emotional stability
negativity, depression I chocolate or L-tryptophan
worrv. anxletv Lr Ecstasy 500-1500 mg MA, Eve
emotional and mental
low self-esteem ! marijuana by 10:00 pm
obsessive thoughts f alcohol (Evening doses needed
sense of humor
r- Prozac ifsleep is a problem or
or behaviors
hyperactrvrty ,-: Zoloft symptoms persist into
controlling, ! Paxil the evening or are very
perfectronrsm rl Effexor severe.)
wlnter bluesF L I Celexa
irritability, rage (eg ll
dislike hot weather
panrc attacks; phobias
(fear of heights, small
spaces, snakes, etc)
fibromyalgia, TMJ, other
surcrdal thoughts
night-owl, hard to get to Melatonin for sleep at Melatonin:
sleep bedtime; .5-5mg, (converted from
rnsomnia, disturbed immediately or 2-stage serotonin)
sleep depending on type of 8 hours ofdeep,
Typical sleep hours: insomnia, if 5-HTP or restful sleep
to L-tryptophan alone do
not work for sleep

TYPE 2 Low in Catecholamines n sweets L-tyrosine Catecholamines:

n starch 500-2000 mg alertness
Cravings for stimulation
E chocolate AM, MM, MAby 3:00 energy
from sugar, chocolate
E aspartame pm mental focus
caffeine, cocaine,
I alcohol (Add fish oil omega-3, drive
E marijuana l-3 gms EPA/DHA enthusiasm
depression, apathy
n caffeine emphasis)
lack of energy
lack of drive
! cocaine Check thyroid and
tl diet pills adrenal functions
easily bored
E tobacco
lack offocus,
E Wellbutrin
n Ritalin
U Adderall

arising; B:with breakfast; MM:midmorning; L:with lunch; MA:midaftemoon; D:with dinner; BT:at bedtime.
0 Alro test for vitamin D levels (25OHD) optimal reference 35-70. Moderate exercise, as tolerated. 2500-10,000 lux light
box-preferably at least partly full-spectrum, with UV protectlon.
O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin2004) & The Diet Cure (Pengutn 2000)
For More Information go to and
Document 3 Page 2

Column A Column B Column C Column D

NT Deficiency Amino Acid Solutions* Neurotransmitters
Svmptoms Provide
TYPE 3 Low in GABA sweets CABA GABA:
starch 100-500 mg calmness
crave carbs, alcohol or
tobacco I -3x per day at relaxation
drugs for relaxation
manJuana stressful times stress tolerance
stressed and bumed out
alcohol (test salivary cortisol
unable to relax/loosen
Valium levels x4)
Ativan Add Taurine, Glycine,
stiff or tense muscles
olten leel easily
Neurontin and/or L-threonine, if
Klonopin needed

TYPE 4 Low in Endorphin I sweets DL-Phenylalanine Endorphin:

crave comfort, reward, or
ll starch lor D-Phenylalaninel psychological and
chocolate 500-1500 mg;AM, physical pain relief
numbing treats
l l tobacco MM, MA by 3:00 pm and tolerance
"Love" certain foods,
t I marijuana (Add free-form amino pleasure
behaviors, dmgs or
- alcohol blend 700 mg x 3 reward
caffeine before meals) loving feelings
sensitive to emotional
or physical pain
i Vicodin numbness
i, heroin
cry (tear up) easily

HYPOGLYCEMIC sweets L-glutamine Fuel source for brain

cravings for sugar, starches 500-1500 mg cells:
starch, or alcohol alcohol AM, MM, MA sense ofstability and
irritable, shaky, (Add chromium 300 groundedness,
headachey--especially mcg x 3 meals) blood sugar balance
if too long between


MULTIVITAMINS AND MINERALS are also essential, True Balance (by NOW Foods) or Glucobalance (by
Biotics) are designed to stabilize blood sugar. And they do!
FISH OIL 1000-3000IU combined EPA and DHA
DIET that contains no less than:
Protein: 25-30 grams/meal (more if few carbohydrates can be tolerated) See separate handout
Low Carbohydrate Vegetables: Over 4 cups/day See separate handout

Fat: Saturated, e.g. butter, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil
Higher Whole Carbohydrate Foods: Fruit, beans, potatoes, yams, whole grain-if loleraled
Pure Water 50 ozld,ay or more

o Julia Ross, author of rhe Mood cure (Penguin 2004) &. The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
For More Information go to and
lf vou have: overactive thyroid (Grave's disease), PKU (phenylketonuria), Melanoma;
Do NOT take: L-tyrosine, Dl-phenylalanine, or L-phenylalanine

Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner before taking any amino acids if any ofthe following statements apply to you:
! You lend lo react to supplements, foods or medications with unusualor uncomfortable symptoms
E You have se ous physical illness, particularly cancer
tr You have severe liver or kidnoy probl€ms
! You have an ulcer (amino acids are slightly acidic)
! You are pregnant or nursing
u You have schizophrenia or other mental illness
f You are taking any medications for mood problems, particularly MAO inhibitors or more than one antldepressanl. (See the l\,4ood Cure, Chapter
'11, for guidance.)

L-tyrosine or L-tryptophan or
Avoid or be cautious about trying GABA L-taurine DLPA L-glutamine' Melatonin
L-phenylalanine' 5.HTP
these suoplements:
r lf you have high blood pressure x x
I lf you have very low blood pressure x x
r- lf you get migraine headaches x x
r lf you have manic depression
(bioolar) tendencies3 x x x
l lf you have asthma or severe x
l lf you have a carcinoid tumor x

Taking Am nos Beyond Need:

Amino acids are rarely needed long term (three to six months of use is typical). To monitor your need for them, stop taking the pertinent amino(s)
once a month, or as recommended by your practitioner. lf you experience a return ofyour original serotonin deficiency symptoms, resume laking
the supplements. lf you feel better when you stop taking the amino acids, do not resume taking them. You have received maximum benefit.

Even if your doctor agrees that you can try amino acids (or any other nutrients), if you experience discomfort of any
kind after taking them, stop taking them immediately.

Name Date

These two aminos can sometimes cause jitteriness in those with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
In rare cases, glutamine might raise blood sugar in drabetics.
SAM-E, St. John's Wort, bright therapeutic lamps, chromium, and too much fish or flax oil may also trigger mania.
@ Julis Ross. aurhor of Iie Mood cure lPenolin 20a4\ a Tha Diol Curc (Penquln 2000) For more infomalion 6e6r wr,vw.l'/@dcure @m ard ww.Dietcure.@m
lf vou have: overactive thyroid (Grave's disease), PKU (phenylketonuria), Melanoma;
Do NOT take: Ltyrosine, Dl-phenylalanine, or L-phenylalanine

Please consult a knowledgeable practltioner before taking any amino acids if any of the following statements apply to youl
f You tend to react to supplements, foods or medications wilh unusual or uncomforlable symptoms
f You have serious physicalillness, particularly cancer
l.l You have severe liver or kidney problems
Ll You have an ulcer (amino acids are slightly acidic)
Ll You are pregnant or nursing
r-l You have schizophrenia or other mental illness
f You are taking any medications for mood problems, particularly MAO inhibitors or more than one antidepressant. (See the Mood Cure, Chapter
11, forguidance.)

Avoid or be cautious about trying L-tyrosine or L-tryptophan or

GABA L-taurine DLPA L-glutamine' Melatonin
these supplements: 5.HTP
L- lf you have high blood pressure x x
: lf you have very low blood pressure x x
r lf you get migraine headaches x X
t- lf you have manic depression
(bipolar) tendencies3 X x x
l lf you have asthma or severe
r: lf you have a carcinoid tumor x

Taking Aminos Beyond Need:

Amino acids are rarely needed long tem (three to six months of use is typical). To monitor your need for them, stop taking the pertinent amino(s)
once a month, or as recommended by your practitioner. lfyou experience a return ofyour originalserotonin deficiency symptoms, resume taking
the supplements. lf you feel better when you stop taking the amino acids, do not resume taking them. You have receiveJ maxjmum benefit.

Even if your doctor agrees that you can try amino acids (or any other nutrients), if you experience discomfort of any
kind after taking them, stop taking them immediately.

Name Date

These two aminos can sometimes cause jitteriness in those with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
In rare cases, glutamine might raise blood sugar in diabetics.
SAM-E, St. John's Wort, bright therapeutic lamps, chromium, and too much fish or flax oil rnay also trigger mania.
@ Julia Ross, author of fto Mood CuE (Peiguin 2OO4) & fte oiel cue (P6rgu n 2ooo) For more nfomalioi see: wEw.l4oodcure.@m and !!W. Diotcure .om
Document 5
Page I


Compliance is almost never a problem because the mood benefits become obvious so
quickly after amino acids are taken and lost so quickly when they aren't. But some clients can't
remember to take aminos away from food (ideally 30 minutes or more before or l-ll2 hours or
more after meals containing protein. Fruit and veggie snacks are okay anytime with aminos). These
clients can raise their doses slightly and take the aminos with meals. The aminos will still help,
though not quite as powerfully. Exception: Any amino that is chewed or sucked is absorbed through
the mouth, gets into the brain very quickly, and can be taken right before a meal is eaten (but is not
as effective taken nght after a meal). Also, 5HTP, an unusual amino, may not be affected by food at
all, as it seems not to have to compete with the aminos in food for entry into the brain.


1) The most important thing is to make it very clear to the amino taker that an adverse reaction
is a signal to stop taking the offending amino immediately.

2) Be sure you review the Amino Acid Precautions sheet with all clients and have them sign
and date it before you suggest any aminos.

3) Do not give someone an amino they don't seem to need (i.e., they have few deficiency
symptoms of the NT fueled by that amino). This is inviting an adverse reaction (or no
reaction). Mild and short term headaches, spaceyness, insomnia, etc. (depending on the
amino) can result.

4) The aminos leave the body within 1-4 hours. No permanent harm will result if an adverse
reaction does occur. (Low potency GABA Calm's effects fade in 15-20 minutes.) Vitamin C
ascorbate powder will typically help speed detox, as will the ACX detox formula (Systemic

5) Anyone could have an unusual reaction to a supplement that you'd expect them to benefit
them according to their neurotransmitter deficiency symptoms. Their reaction is the ultimate
test. If they have any adverse reactions, take them off of the amino(s) that seem to be
causing the problems. If you can't tell which amino it is, take them off all aminos and, when
their reaction has passed, reintroduce the aminos one each day until you find the culprit.
Leave out any amino that tums out to be causing a problem. Because the aminos take effect
in 10-30 minutes (or less, if absorbed under the tongue), your client should be able to spot
the troublesome amino easily.

6) You can reintroduce the "problem" amino later, if it seems needed according to your client's
symptoms. Sometimes an early adverse reaction disappears when an amino is reintroduced.
(We received an email reader report that initial tyrosine-triggered headaches disappeared
with continued use after a few days, and that the benefits were substantial. However, we
seldom see benefit and adverse reactions in the same person.)

7) Respect the Reverse Effect: Taking too much of any nutrient can result in the same
symptoms as a deficiency of that same nutrient could.

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) and The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acknowledgement
Document 5
Page 2


l) If someone becomes jittery, wired, sleepless: Remove tyrosine, DLPA (even DPA may
need to be removed); give the inhibitory aminos, GABA (sublinguals* stop reactions
most qttickly). 5-HTP or tryptophan (the other relaxing amino) can also be helpful, tf
GABA doesn't entirely eliminate the reaction. Taurine is also very calming to the brain.
Note.' GABA Calm contains 25 mg tyrosine and a very high-strung person might react
even to it. Glutamine and Chromium (over 400 mcg) can be agitating, especially to some
bipolars. If a client's primary symptom is anxiety, introduce any stimulating amino with

2) If someone becomes too relaxed, sleepy, spacey: Reduce or remove GABA or S-HTP;
give (1-2) tyrosine (the "upper" amino) to stop reaction quickly. People with low energy
or ADD are more prone to this reaction.

3) If your clientgets headachey: give an Emergen C packet or other vitamin C (1000 mg)
along wilh an ACX or a 200 mg magnesium.

4) If a clienthas sleep problems: don't use tyrosine or DLPA after 2:00 pm. If sleep
continues to be a problem, cut out MA (mid-afternoon) dose altogether and question
DPA (and cortisol or thyroid boosters as well.)

s) If someone becomes manic: Remove glutamine, tyrosine, SAM-e, and chromium (e.g.,
in True Balctnce.)



General Strategies

Add more of the particular amino indicated. In rare instances, clients have had to go up
to 900 mg 5HTP, or l0 grams of tryptophan, or 5 grams of GABA to get benefit. The
outer limits for tyrosine and DLPA have been 6 grams or so. Increase until either
positive or negative symptoms result.
Could it be the reverse effect? This is a natural law that causes an excess of a nutrienl to
cause the same effect as a deficiency. If there has been an initial benefit that does not,
continue check to see if a lower dose (the starting dose) is more effective. For some rare,
highly sensitive individuals the reverse ffict con set in surprisingly quickly.
Check on diet: protein 3 times/day? multi-vitamin/mineral daily? veggies &fruits?
allergy foods removed?
Check thyroid: Test TSH, free T3 & 74, Anti-TPO & Antithyroglobulin. Normal thyroid
is requiredfor brain to convert aminos to NTs effectively. Does client have obvious low
thyroidfunction (tired, overweight, cold hands orfeet, low temperatures)? See "Thyroid
Tool Kit" inThe Mood Cure and the Addressing Thyroid handout.

Sublinguals-some supplements, like GABA Calm, are dissolved under lhe tongue. Any capsule can be
opened and sprinkled under lhe longueforfasler effects.
@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) and The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acknowledgement
Document 5
Page 3

digestion is an issue

using 4-sample saliva test. See "Adrenal Tool Kit" in The Mood Cure.

the time of awakening in the night. See Chapter l2 "Sleep and Your Moods, " The Mood


many Type 1 serotonin deficiency symptoms; give L- tryptophan, (same number of caps
as 5-HTP; 500 mg tryptophan:50 mg S-HTP) Raise dose until positive or negative
response occurs, then stop. Remember though: You are looking for complete elimination
of low serotonin symptoms!

> Add regular moderate exercrse

> Add a SAD lamp (300 watt or 2500-10,000 lux). Also raises melatonin.
> Test for 25OHD (vitamin D). Use fish source Vitamin D (avoid high Vitamin A
content) or cod liver oil treatment. (See for more.)

mglday.) Try extra B6/P5P - One or both for increased conversion of aminos to NT (and
to help reduce amounts of aminos needed, if you've had to go to high doses for

> 1600 mglday for i bottle (400 mg x 4)

> If positive response, 800 mglday after that, is usually adequate to sustain benefits

are identified and corrected, especially if client is extremely distressed

> low estrogen, especially, inhibits serotonin function, e.g., during PMS or
menopause. Test Estradiol levels in blood.
> menstruating woman - 16-sample saliva test alternate days through entire cycle
(Biohealth Diagnostics: 800-570-2000)
> menopausal woman - Blood and urine testing

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) afi The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acklowledgement
Document 5
Page 4

> carl cause strong serotonln suppression

> see Addressing Pyroluria and questionnaire handouts and test (urine) via Vitamin
Diagnostics if indicated

> follow the guidelines in the "Moods and Meds" chapter of The Mood Cure to
avoid Serotonin Syndrome (excess serotonin) when using 5HTP or L-tryptophan
while SSRI's are withdrawn
> Use document 7 to monitor this process

Type 2 Low Catecholamines

Adrenal Function and Addressing Thyroid Function and/or the Thyroid and Adrenal
Tool Kits in The Mood Cure

Type 3 Low GABA

> Taurine 500 - 1000 mg instead of or in addition to each dose of GABA

> Glycine 500 mg instead of or in addition to each dose of GABA
> NOW "True Calm" and Country Life "GABA Relaxers" combine all 3 of these
inhibitory NT precursors
> Inositol (B8) 1/4 - 1 teaspoon with each meal
> Theanine 200 mgx2
> "Calmes Forte" homeopathic
> Glutamine - can convert partially to GABA

Tool Kit in the Mood Cure)

supplementation only, as per Dr. Denise Mark, for brain impact)

benzodiazepines or similar tranquilizers.

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2O04) and The Diet Cure (Pengdn 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acknowledgement
Document 5
Page 5

responsive to oral GABA, etc., see Addressing the Use of and Addiction to
Benzodiazepines in Chapter 13 of The Mood Cure-

Type 4 Low Endorphin

If clientgets at all jittery or overamped on DLPA, but seems to need endorphin

enhancement, provide samples of DPA instead. The LPA in DLPA converts to tyrosine
and catecholamines. DPA converts to such small amounts of LPA that most clients do
not feel stimulated by it at all.

Increase dietary protein!

Add (3) 700 mg capsules of free form amino blend before each meal. Total Amino
Solution by Genesa contains l-tryptophan - a first!

Consider CES (cranial electro stimulation) unit, particularly if chronic pain is an issue
(See "Resources")


t. DHE elone. P Su
Phvto B. Progon B. Gf or Ga - A11 of these supplements can effect hormone levels
powerfully. They could create new imbalances if taken for too long. Do not continue
without retesting the hormone levels concerned on a regular basis.

Vitamin D - Even when levels of 250 HD have been very low the body's need for Vitamin
D supplementation (which is actually a hormone) drops after a few months on 4,000
milligrams per day. Please either retest (25OHD) to determine need after three months. If
levels are normalized, drop back to the 400-800 mglday which is typically included in most

Amino Acids - Should not be needed long term. Clients should gradually go off of them one
at a time. Watch for stressful times, and depressing times, like fall and winter, when they
might be needed temporarily again.If negative moods, low energy or craving symptoms
return when an amino is stopped, clients should resume taking it for another month or so,
then try going off it again. Be sure they continue to eat plenty of protein at every meal - the
only dietary source of these critical amino acids.


First see Chapter 2 of The Diet Cure for body image adjustment. Then consider the
o Exercise regularly.
. Check thyroid status. (See Thyroid Tool Kit in The Mood Cure or Thyroid Chapters 4
and,12 in The Diet Cure) Treat as needed for metabolic speed-up and enough energy to
. Provide adequate calories, without excess, per individual needs
. Reduce or eliminate high carb foods especially grains.
. Eliminate any allergy foods (eg. test through Immuno Laboratories: 800-231-9197)
@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) and The Diet Cure (Pengtin 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acknowledgement
Document 5
Page 6

Reduce Omega-6 fats (e.g. nuts and seeds) eliminate retained canola, soy or other high
0-6 oils while insuring moderate Omega 3 & saturated fat consumption.
a Assess for Insulin resistance with a three hour glucose tolerance and insulin test.
a Use Taurine (1) gram x 3 between meals per day
a Decrease Stress!

O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) and The Diet Cure (Pengtin 2000)
Permission to duplicate with acknowledgement
Document 6
Page I


Why Are You Addicted to Sweets, Starches, or Fats?

The following is a questionnaire developed for my first book, The Diet Cure.It gives
a quick symptom picture of each of the imbalances that can cause overpowering cravings for
sweet or starchy carbohydrates or fatty foods. After each section, I've briefly summarized the
nutritional, or other, strategies developed at our clinic to stop the cravings caused by that
particular imbalance. I recommend that you read The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000) for
additional guidance.

1. Is depleted brain chemistry the source of your cravings?

4 Sensitivity to emotional (or physical) pain; cry easily
4 Eat as a reward or for pleasure, comfort, or numbness
4 Worry, anxiety, phobia, or Panic
4 Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
3 Difficulty with focus, attention deficrts
2 Low energy, drive, and arousal
4 Obsessive thinking or behavior
4 Inability to relax after tension, stress
3 Depression,negativitY
4 Low self-esteem, lack of confidence
4 More mood and eating problems in winter or at the end of the day
3 Irritability, anger
4 Use alcohol or drugs to improve mood

Total Score Ideal score is under 10

If you crave sweets or starches to stop particular false moods, the following four amino acids
will usually stop your cravings just as quickly as they take care of your moods.

o S-HTP(or Tryptophan) if yott eat to eliminate negativity, fear, worryz, obsessivness,

irritability, insomnia: try 50-150 mg. 5-HTP., afternoon and at bedtime.
. Tyrosine ifyou use food for relieffrom low energy depression and poor
concentration: try 500-1000 mg on arising and in mid-moming.
. GABA if you eat to calm stressed-out feelings: try 100-500 mg instead.
o DLPA to soothe oversensitive feelings and eliminate comfort-food cravings: try 500-
1000 mg in mid-moming.

Also, be sure to read both Chapter One in The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure for much more
on amino acids and emotional eating problems. Be sure to review the precautions chart.

Or 500-1500 mg. tryptophan
Adapted from The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, M.A.
@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document 6
Page 2

2. Are you craving because of low-calorie dieting?

4 Increased cravings for and focus on food; overeating
4 Regain weight after dieting, more than was lost
3 Increased moodiness, irritability, anxiety, or depression
3 Less energy and endurance
3 Usually eat less than 2,100 calories a day
3 Skip meals, especially breakfast
3 Eat mostly low-fat carbohydrates (bagels, pasta, frozen yogurt, and others)
2 Constantly think about weight
2 Use aspartame (Nutrasweet) daily
2 TakeProzac or similar serotonin-boosting drugs
2 Have become vegetarian
3 Have decreased self-esteem
4 Have become bulimic, anorectic, or an overexerctzer

Total Score Ideal score is under 12

You probably have dieter's malnutrition, which can increase cravings, overeating, and
unneeded weight gain or trigger anorexia. Eat over 2000 calories a day. At least three times a

day, consume protein, and healthy fat and carbs (including at least four cups of colored
veggies per day). Supplement with the basic nutrients listed in the supplement chapters of
both The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure.

3. Are your cravings due to blood sugar instability?

4 Crave a lift from sweets or alcohol, but later experience a drop in energy and
mood after ingesting them
4 Drzzy, weak, or headachy, especially if meals are delayed
4 Family history of diabetes, hypoglycemia, or alcoholism
4 Nelous, jittery, irritable on and off throughout the day; calmer after meals
4 Crying spells, mood swings
4 Mental confusion, decreased memory
4 Heart palpitations, rapid pulse
4 Frequent thirst, night sweats (not menopausal)

Total Score Ideal score is under 12

If blood sugar swings cause your carb cravings, try the following nutrients:
(l) L-glutamine 500-1500 mg on awakening, in mid-moming, and in mid-afternoon.
(2) Chromium 200 mg. with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at bedtime or use
True Balance or Glucobalance which contain adequate chromium for most
people (800 - 1000 mcg)

Adapted from The Diet Cureby Julia Ross, M.A.

O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Pengtin 2000)
Document 6
Page 3

4. Are you using food to cope with stress and adrenal exhaustion?
4 Frequently overstressed for more than 3 weeks at a time
3 Crave salty foods
4 Frequently feel fatigued, overwhelmed
4 Dark circles under eyes
4 Sensitive to sounds, odors; startle easily
3 Edgy, irritable under stress
3 Have excessive weight gain in your trunk only

Total Score Ideal score is under 15

If stress exhaustion is a problem, test and correct your adrenal function (see the Adrenal
Tool Kit in The Mood Cure.)

5. Do you have unrecognized low thyroid function?

4 Low energy
4 Easily chilled (especially hands and feet)
4 Other family members have thyroid problems
4 Can gain weight without overeating; hard to lose excess weight
3 Have to force yourself to do even moderate exercise
4 Find it hard to get going in the momrng
3 High cholesterol
3 Low blood pressure
4 Weight gain began near the start of menses, a pregnancy, or menopause
3 Chronic headaches
3 Use food, caffeine, tobacco, and/or other stimulants to get going

Total Score Ideal score is under 15

First try feeding the thyroid: try tyrosine (500-1000 mg. in early morning and mid-morning)
and a daily kelp tablet for a week. (Caution: Both iodine and tyrosine can make hyperthyroid
or Hashimoto's worse.) If you get no improvement, see the information on how to effectively
test for and treat a thyroid problem in The Diet Cure or The Mood Cure's Thyroid Tool Kit.

Adapted from The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, M-A.

Document 6
Page 4

6. Are you addicted to foods you are actually allergic to?

3 Crave milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, or doughy foods (pasta, bread, cookies,
among others) and eat them frequently
3 Experience bloating after meals
4 Gas, frequent belching
3 Digestive discomfort of any kind
3 Chronic constipation andlor diarrhea
4 Respiratory problems, such as asthma, postnasal drip, congestion
3 Low energy or drowsiness, especially after meals
4 Allergic to milk products or other common foods
3 Under eat or often prefer beverages to solid food
3 Avoid food or throw up food because bloating after eating makes you feel fat
or tired
4 Can't gain weight
3 Hyperactivityormanic-depression
3 Severe headaches, migraines
4 Food allergies in family

Total Score Ideal score is under 12

If you're addicted to the gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, oats and barley) or to milk
products-the two most common allergy addictors-you can do a simple home test to verify,
by eliminating these foods for two weeks, then reintroducing them one by one. Any foods
that make you feel sick, tired, bloated, set up cravings, or otherwise affect you negatively,
need to be eliminated. Endorphin boosting with DLPA or DPA usually eliminates the
cravings for these allergens.

7. Are your female sex hormones unbalanced?

4 Premenstrual mood swings
4 Premenstrual or menopausal food cravrngs
4 Irregular periods
3 Experienced a miscarriage, an abortion, or infertility
4 Use(d) birth control pills or other hormone medication
3 Uncomfortable periods-cramps, lengthy or heavy bleeding, or sore breasts
4 Peri- or postmenopausal discomfort (e.g., hot flashes, sweats, insomnia, or
mental dullness)
3 Excessive hair growth or loss, acne

Total Score ldeal score is under 6

Sex hormone imbalances can set up intense food cravings. If you experience cravings only
during PMS, a good multivitamin/mineral, and a sugar-, white flour-, and caffeine-free diet
in combination with regular fresh wholesome meals will usually solve the problem. See the
Sex Hormone Tool Kit in The Mood Cure, or Chapters 6 & 14 in The Diet Cure for how to
test for and treat any more serious imbalances (especially in perimenopause, menopause or

Adapted ftom The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, M.A.

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document 6
Page 5

8. Do you have yeast overgrowth triggered by antibiotics, cortisone, or birth

control pills? Are parasites a problem*?
4 Often bloated, abdominal distentron
3 Foggy-headed
2 Depressed
4 Yeast or Sinus infections
4 Used antibiotics extensively (at any time in life)
4 Used cortisone or birth control pills for more than one year
4 Have chronic fungus on nails or feet
3 Recurring sinus or ear infections as an adult or child
* 3 Achy muscles and joints
* 3 Chronically fatigued
* 4 Rashes
* 3 Stool unusual in color, shape, or consrstency

Total Score ldeal score is under 13

If you have a yeast/fungal overgrowth (or a parasitic infestation-see the asterisked (*)
items) you'll need to kill the little monsters. A collection of natural killers like oil of oregano
plus probiotics can help with yeast problems. (You can send for our clinic's anti-candida
supplement protocol via or by calling Infinity Health at (800) 133-9293)
Medicines like Diflucan can help as well. But you'll need the help of an experienced
eradicator to test and treat (especially if you tum out to have parasites or pathogenic bacteria
as well as yeasts)

9. Are you fatty acid deficient?

4 Crave chips, cheese, and other rich foods more than, or in addition to, sweets
and starches
4 Have ancestry that includes Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian, or coastal
Native American
3 Alcoholism or depression in the family history
* 4 Feel heavy, uncomfortable, and "clogged up" after eating fatty foods
* 4 History of hepatitis or other liver or gallbladder problems
* 4 Light-colored stool
* 4 Hard or foul-smelling stool
{< 1 Pain on right side under your rib cage
* 2 Have lost your gall bladder or had gallstones

Total Score ldeal score is under 12

Omega-3 fish oil supplements (500-700 DHA/EPA; 2-4 per day) should help stop cravings for fatty foods by
satisfoing crucial unmet needs for essential fats.
* Liver/gall bladder related symptoms. If you crave fats because Tour liver or gallbladder are not processing
them conectly (you checked off more than one starred item), consult an acupuncturist or naturopathic
physician. Supplements like milk thistle for liver function and artichoke for gall bladder function, or
lecithin with meals for a lost gall bladder, can be helpful, but you'll need a professional to help you
strategize and heal.

Adapted ftom The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, M.A.

O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document 7


Na Date
Choose the score that fits your symptom best and circle it-
Scoring: None=0 Mild=4 Moderate=8 Severe=12
0 4 8 12 Fatigue or lethargY
0 4 B 72 Irritable or uncomfortable when hungry
Mental / Emotional functioning:
0 4 I "12 Anxiety, sometimes without apParent cause
0 4 8 72 Feel spacey, light-headed, or disoriented
0 4 8 72 Poor memory
0 4 8 72 Inability to make decisions and to concentrate
Digestive symptoms:
0 4 8 12 Bloating or gas
0 4 8 -LZ Chronic diarrhea
0 4 8 12 Chronic constipation
0 4 8 L2 Abdominal pain
Reproductive system:
0 4 8 72 Loss of sexual interest or ability
0 4 8 72 Troublesome vaginal burning, itching, or discharge
0 4 8 72 Premenstrual tension or cramps
Muscles and joints:
0 4 I 77 Muscle aches and weakness
0 4 I 72 Cold hands or feet or physical chilliness
0 4 8 L2 Pain or swelling in joints TOTAL, SECTION A
Scoring: None=0 Mild=3 Moderate=5 Severe=9
0 3 6 9 Cluonic eczema, rashes, or itching
0 3 6 9 Body odor not relieved by washing or bad breath
0 3 6 9 Chronic sore throat, laryngitis, cough, or tender glands
0 3 6 9 Urinary frequency, burning or urgency
0 3 6 9 Pain or tightness in chest, wheezing, or shortness of breath
0 3 6 9 Recurrent ear infections, fluid in ears, or nasal congestion
0 3 6 9 Tendency to bruise easilY
0 3 6 9 Chronicsinusinfections
0 3 6 9 Lack oI coordination, dizziness, or poor balance
0 3 6 9 Itching ri vaginal, anal or other
0 3 6 9 Food sensitivity or intolerance TOTAL,SECTIONB
No Yes Scoring: No=0 Yes=number indicated
0 35 Have you taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for one month or longer?
0 35 Taken frequent short courses of other broad-sPectrum antibiotics?
0 15 Taken prednisone or other cortisone-type drugs for one month or more?
0 10 Taken birth conkol pills for more than a year?
O ZS Have you had persistent yeast infections, prostatitis, vaginitis, other reproductive problems, or bladder infections?
0 20 Been frequently exposed to high mold environments and seem to have a sensitivity to mold?
0 20 Severe athlete's foot, nail or skin fungus, ring worm, or other chronic fungus?
0 10 Have you been treated for intemal parasites?
0 20 Does exposure to perfumes, insecticidet or other chemicals provoke noticeable symptoms?
0 10 Does tobacco smoke reallybother you?
0 10 Do you crave or consume lots of sweets?
0 10 Do you crave or eat lots of starches such as Pastas or breads?
0 10 Do you crave or consume alcoholic beverages? TOTAL,SECTIONC
*Finally, when was your last exposure to cortisone, antibiotics, or birth control pills?
Scores over L00 suggest the possibility of a candida overgrowth; over 175 indicates a high probability.
Frorm Inner Health - 1997, f. Andersory N. Faass, T. Kuss, J. Ross, and J. Stine
Document 8

Testing and Medical Kill-Off Protocols for Yeast Oversrowth

Testing for Yeast Overgrowth

o Symptom assessment (see questionnaire) is the most reliable guide.
o Blood tests for 3 antibodies to candida are easily found through standard
labs. Immunosciences may be the best.
o Great Smokies stool test for yeast seems to be the most accurate stool
measure at the moment.

Anti-Yeast Medication Protocol

Effective treatment typically consists of two anti-fungal medicines

prescribed together, avoidance of reactive foods and environmental
exposures (eg mold), an anti-fungal diet, plus supplemental probiotics,
vitamins, minerals and trace elements

l) Diflucan, 20Omg 1" day, then l00mg dally, with a meal (Systemic
yeast killer)
2) Amphotericin-B, 100mg capsules, 4 x daily (GI - only yeast killers
that stays longer in this key area) or Nystatin

This protocol should be followed for at least 6 weeks.

Add milk thistle or other liver support and test liver enzymes monthly as
Diflucan can be hard on the liver.

Allerg,, and Asthma Cure, Fred Pescatore }i4D, (Wiley and Sons, 2000 N.J.)
Townsend Letter October 2005

Diflucan is now available as a generic at a much lower price. Check Costco

pharmacy prices. Also, Nizoral, a similar anti-fungal, may work on a wider
variefy of yeasts (as per Elser Haas M.D).
Document 9
Page I

Infinity Health Anti-Yeast Nutrient Protocol

Length of Program - 4 Months

Month I
Week I
Upon Arising: Take 1 Combat Fung (before food or beverages)

With Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner: 1 capsule Oregano Oil or ADP zind 1 Nutribiotic GSd

Weeks 2-4
Continue Week I protocol, and

Add at Bedtime: 1 Combat Fung, away from food. Take with a large glass of water.

Month 2

Upon Arising: Take 2 F-GAL (away from food and beverages)

With Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner: 1 tablet Pure Gar and 1 Nutribiotic GSE tablet

Bedtime: Take2 F-GAL away from food. Take with a large glass of water.

Month 3

Upon Arising: Take 2 capsules of Multi-Flora / probiotic

15-30 minutes later: Take 1 Combat Fung (away from food and beverages)

With Breakfast. Lunch & Dinner: 1 capsule Oregano Oil or ADP and 1 Nutribiotic GSE

Bedtime: Take 1 Combat Fung away from food. Take with alarge glass of water.

Month 4

Upon Arisins: Continue taking 2 capsules Multi-Flora until bottle is finished.

With Meals: Finish bottles of Pure Gar and Nutribiotic GSE by taking 1 each with all

o Note: If coffee consumed in the morning, take Combat Fung or F-GAL at mid-
moming or mid-aftemoon, away from food and coffee.
Document 9
Page 2

Professional Notes

1. Patients with a chronically weak immune system are advised to also take one of
the following: Systemic's Gt (Thymus) or LFI's Master Defense. Both are
excellent for enhancing and strengthening the overall immune response"

2. Drink plenty of fluids, especially purified water and teas such as ginger, pau
d'arco, hyssop, spearmint or raspberry. A ginger and pau d-arco blend is
particularly tasty, as well as therapeutrc.

3. Highly sensitive and/or reactive patients need to ease into this program very easily
and slowly. Refer to the instructions on the Combat Fung bottle for Very
Sensitive Types. Follow the same procedure when F-GAL is started. This
minimizes and usually avoids die-off (Herxheimer) reactions.

4. For tougher cases, consider taking Systemic's #4 Fungdx.

Important Note:
Before embarking on this Candida Control Program, it is important to rule out the
presence of parasites. When parasites are present, the Candida Program is often not fully
successful. (Anti-Fungal medication may be more effective in this instance.) If unsure of
the presence of parasites, consider one of the following:
1) Do laboratory testing for parasites, via Doctors Data
2) Take DE-P Formula trial (2-3 capsules twice daily on empty stomach) for one
month. If significant improvement is noted, this may suggest the benefit of doing
additional laboratory testing for the detection of parasites, or starting preferred
treatment. (See Anti-Protozoa program).
Document l0
Page I



If you are using antidepressant medications, you will need to consult a physician
before doing a two week trial of amino acids along with your medication. If the trial is
successful, you'll need your physician to help you decide whether, when, and how to
taper off of your medication. If you decide to continue using boththe aminos and the
medication, you will need your physician to carefully monitor your progress to prevent
any excess serotonin problems from developing.

Monitoring for Serotonin Deficiency Symptoms: The Reverse Syndrome

5HTP or tryptophan combined with drugs that activate serotonin, could potentially cause
symptoms that include the exacerbation of deficiency symptoms. The excessive intake of
any nutrient can cause a "reverse effect" i.e. trigger symptoms similar to those of a
deficiency of that same nutrient.

These could include any of the classic low serotonin symptoms such as:
o negatlvlty
. hyperactivity
. worry and anxiety
. low self-esteem
. obsessive thoughts or behaviors
. winter blues
. irritabilitylrage
. dislike hot weather
. panic attacks, phobias
. afternoon or evening cravings
. fibromyalgia andlor TMJ
. suicidal thoughts and feelings
. night-owl, hard to get to sleep
. insomnia, disturbed sleep, bad dreams

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document l0
Page 2

Monitoring for Serotonin Syndrome

A combination of more than one serotonin stimulating drug or, in rare cases, too much of
even one drug, taken along with the aminos 5-HTP or L-tryptophan could result in a
different collection of adverse symptoms called serotonin syndrome. In a few cases we
have seen one or two of the milder symptoms of this syndrome, particularly when
someone has been taking more than one antidepressant at a time or taking the aminos too
close to the time they've taken their medication:

. qUeaSlneSS, naUsea
. intense perspiration
. fever/high body temperature
. raPid heartbeat
. very low blood pressure
. extreme fatigue
. drowsiness
. sustained rapid eye movement
o ovor-re oction of the reflexes
. rapid muscle contraction and relaxation in ankle causing abnormal
movements of the foot
. clumsiness
. euphoria
. restlessness
. feeling drunk and dizzylintoxrcafion
. muSole contraction and relaxation in the jaw
. muscle twitching
. rigidity
. mental status changes (including confusion and hypomania)
. shivering
. diarrhea
. loss ofconsciousness
. death



Review Chapter 11, in The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004).

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document I I
Page 1


Eliminating Negative Emotions and
False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by: Julia Ross, M.A-, M.F.T'
S aturday, D ecemb er 2, 2006



Amino Acid Therapy

(Basic Health Publications; 3rd edition, February, 2003)

The Antidepressant ControversY

Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants with Safe, Effective Alternarives (Simon &
Schuster 2000)

Thyroid lssues

June 1, 2002)

and conferences on holistic approaches to thyroid and other endocrine dysfunctions.


T3 Adrenal lssues

September 1,1996)

(Smart Publications, 200 I )

(Hudson Street Press, JlulY 7,2005)

Document I l
Page 2


2OO7) (The 2007 edition is now being presold by Amazon'com)

(Riverhead Trade; Reprint edition, November 2,2004)

lnformation regarding Brain function, S.P.E.C.T. studies etc.:

edition December 31, 1999)



Professional Training (2004)

and family members


Also Pyroluria, Histamine, Red blood cell lining for EFAs, urinary, thyroid, etc

(16 samples) and more (800) 570-2000

salivary thyroid panel (800) 878-3787

Electrical Aids

Vitamin D Resources

expert Krispin Sullivan, C.N., author of soon to be released Sunlight and Vitamin D.

Sensory lntegration

Classics) March, 2005)

Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World (Quill, December 1, 2003)

Document 11
Page 3

Food News

information on safe and traditional foods vs. unsafe and questionable foods (e.g.,
transfats, soy). See particularly the September 2004 issue of their quarterly journal,
Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts, on the benefits of cholesterol
and saturated fats, and the dangers of statins to mental and physical health.

Food News (cont.)


Alternatives in Mental lllness



edition, March 21, 2001)

provides books, tapes, information, resources, and training for treating mental and
emotional problems naturally.

TRAININGS by Julia Ross

Document 12


1 . TELECONSULTATIONS on the Second Monday of Each Month

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, December 71,2006, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, Pacific Time
Monday, January 8,200J,6:00 - 7:00 pm, Pacific Time
Monday, February 12, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, Pacif,rc Time

Cost: $20.00 per session or $50.00 per quarter. (The first Teleconsult is
free for training attendees)
To register:
1) Go to the shopping cart.
2) Call The Recovery Systems Clinic at415 383 3611 ext2 between
10:00 am 5:30 pm PST

Julia's monthly summary of information covered at each Teleconsult
with additional updated information and resources.

To email your own questions, read other attendee's (anonymous)
questions, and Julia's answers go to:
http ://www.moodcure. com/q andal qanda.html
User name: AMINOS
Password: QANDA

Or email questions directly to: QANDA@MOODCURE.COM

More complex issues may require individual phone consultation with
Julia. They may be arranged by calling The Recovery Systems Clinic at
(415) 383-3611 ext.2.
Document 13


Recovery Systems, 147-D Lomita Drive,Mill Valley, CA 94941

(4tS) 353-3611x2 Fax: (115) 383-1089 ll'ebsite: Email:
Product Description Per Item Item Total

The Mood Cure, by Julia Ross (paperback) $1s

The Diet Cure, by Julia Ross (paperback) $15

Antidepressant Forum DVD $1s

A Clean and Sober Brain (5'hour Professional Training by s50

Julia Ross in Nutritional Recovery Techniques; audio CD set)
Marijuana Education Series (3 lectures by Julia Ross on $50
marijuana addiction; audio CD set)
The Mood Cure: A Professional Training with Julia Ross $95
(ll-hour audio CD set; 2004)
Guide to Psychotropic Drugs $s

(Tax Is lncluded)


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Julia Ross, MA, MFT


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Primary Health lndicators Primary Health Indicators

Week One After 6 Weeks

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The Neurotransmitter Map

Serotonin"- (Norepinephrine)


. positive, optimistic ' sense of humor
"sunny" outlook . tolerance to dark

.-) wt /)^lr
.xn., L --
. normal appetite restful sleep 3-rfo,w.
'{. ,u*[r,t

- &rqL b L(Gtlt -T.1 PlcpuCe

--' Sururr"Ii nrt -:7 l.L;ix-S 'rt"r.*"*nl .

L, ,-1" t
* f"yi "i ,k 5,,^t"'t -
. afternoon/evening . panic attacks, Li *"Lt-rnt?!i
carb, alcohol, drug phobias
cravrngs . fibromyalgia, TMJ - 1 r,t !?rufwu*i
. negativity, . night-owl, hard to
depression get to sleep
r worry, anxiety . insomnia, disturbed
. low self-esteem sleep
. obsessive . suicidal feelings,
'{t t, - th oug hts/b eh avi o rs thoughts
u.,fu^1+u"lvn, . winter blues (SAD)

L., b"-. ***'^ - l*,,i*tt"Gr.-":i-rci,l"/

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Amino Acid Therapy Chart
I os ln \'roldlo ()Uimil st rdontn The Neurotransmitter Map
Ninr s.diD0 Xi m l Ir&9

tf, ,.Fstirttt d${'N JL 6qarirjlt" d4s!irn atecholamines

JL !) Serotonin (Norepinep hrine)
i! $l}({rler thilRhli Er ! $M{itr. t}eli^!r

..19. -{
=l_ l'11 s l l|1, s
L4- irdt$Hljt!. rlst
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(rrur oI b.hhlr s)i* {f.rr of k.if.hl!. xff&tl
.s*+i irn,<(, (r) .!s(* arilr*i d.l

-][ ji)!rdd 6 d,edln€ rr nftr.bir* d N-sinq ndorphin
ljl. frbrrcl-*rli i*, DU .i frtrimFlgla. IllJ
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....$.. llghi*rl. iaid la Sl b ll nigh{4{Ltdd IrSd a)

.U iflurui!,di5turb.d:1..p 4 ;a$rsi[, dj.tu{}d rk p

* 1)rr{!l't**i!@6 i


alertness . drive
energy . assertiveness
mental focus . enthusiasm

-- {'"L--- - LLrr""-L.-. L-
[. ",, t Lr-,^)
'f,,r* *o,{*J *,{o

. Cravings for stimulation from caffeine,
chocolate, methamphetamines,
cocaine, Ritalin, marijuana, heroin
. apathetic depression fu7 4-fttV
. lack of energy
. lack of focus, concentration
. easily bored

- U*'<l 't 'V*4 tri(r qz

I V-,*- ptr,.", Gvr-
'Ze V

r U-,,,
\- , .*
(. l* Q *o **,/-.
Nourirhin g lortt' drpleled Irr*lB l'&-l L.t
I i-t I
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Cynthia ?-3-0-l Cynthtr 5-15-03
lT lrefrqieBtlstoptom\ NT DttrI.icottSJBrpt4Ei
ifl a*txhclcqrines 'fipe 2 ta* il Cllectrrltnriaes
lipc I ta*
deprexion, sp$thy f.l dcpffirisn. npsth!'
-ll0 l*ck cf etrirfi, lsk Dt (0arg:i
ll! lmh ol drive ;! l*th ol drire * ltlr'rd,;
l-U lsk of fi*sx, suctnlr6iloft! -jl l$tk ot {wot. c{rn(mtrali6n
r.!, ADD l!.. {DD - (o-e<, . r{.
.*Off Ritalinin one week taA IL
- "-\
\- 1.ct .

The Neurotransmitter MaP

(Norepineph rine)



. crave carbs, alcohol, drugs for

. calmness relaxation
. relaxation of mind and muscles . stiff and tense
. sturdy stress tolerance . stressed and burned out
. clear mind . unable to relax/loosen uP
. over stimulated, "wired"
E 6/ih,t{- - tf ir L*.-i h rL:on it'v,n . adrenal burnout
{. pr"1- {**,Gl*k
- L;I;--,,,tJI.r,' p1fi5*ruY'l'cr
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Before and After
GABA Targeted N utraceutical

- (ct ti' , tt -L, )

TIIE A*{INO ACII} T,{ERAP}:' CllAltT: The Neurotransmitter MaP

Nourishlng Your dePleted brlin
Serotonin.-. (Norepineph rine)
l'larie f,-It-0{ Mstlc -1-2}-04

N l- tltliri.ntl .\mptons ) f D.Ii(isrdl S}ffptr)ilx

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'rs in
tE$r, ..1. iek
I and o{l xed $t
' -L orel

od ,nu. -I- ""


Off Marijuana in One Week

. Pain relief both psychological and
. pleasure
. reward
' enjoyment
. numbness
. no need for addictive substances e.g
chocolate, alcohol, etc'
. "Love" of certain food, behaviors,
alcohol or drugs (e.9. chocolate, pot,
vicodin, pornography)
. very sensitive to emotional (or
physical) pain - i.r'-1 ,,ttr, w
. cry (tear up) easily
. crave pleasure, comfort, reward,
?addiction? numbness - uc c-;il1i,l !

-- f .r"'u!-i ( L, frL Lr^ t"" f ! rtzo-,rrj tr' t, -t -,-- ;,(,1,


Nourishing l oLrr de grlett:d brrlin

Kim 9-8-99 Kim l?-?-qg

\"1' l)*lititntr s]mtrtonrs \ I O('ficicDr! ,S_rrnptorrr
'l')pt{ l,t}t in firrrtorphin -frpe.l I o\r in tlndorplin
!L lcrl r(nrilir( tu _l_ rtrl rcnritirc rr
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1t- {r} {ieilr up) rrsil) ({rilr-
";_ rr}- (teur upl
-l!!- cfsr c aontforl. rr'*rrd, ot il- rrlrr'oomfort. rcNlrd. or
nunlbilg tftrit Hsilblt\g trentt
iti- *lJ\c!{.rrl$lnlood\, l! "'l,oi(*c{rl{iil[a$dr,
lrch{1 i{r$, drug$ ill l,(hr\lflr\r dru$) rr
al(uhol rl<olol

The Neurotransmitter Map SYMPTOMS OF

atecholamines LOW BLOOD SUGAR
(Norepinep hrine)
'' ', "iqrr-
.l Q1)t'4i
Mood swings, headaches and i
weakness or powerful cravings u''u'"-o
for sugar, starch, or alcohol,
ndorphin L rfca.A
especially when meals are

vt) missed, delayed or inadequate

in protein and fat.

-(riuL -Cr*tArr,t-f
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"- \f. /)t-(

*trB MrydMr r44 M&1P!(r&M, aPslea@d I


NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND 2. Addictive Drug Foods .--- - o,rfL-*
3. Low calorie dieting - Skipped Meals ttuc
.t*-, (, ';r
BLOCK HEALING 4. Hypoglycemia -
5. Exorphin addiction to gluten and dairy
Presenter 6. Yeast overgrowth IttuitLc
7. Adrenal fatigue
Julia Ross, MA, MFT 8. Thyroid dysfunction
9. Sex hormone imbalance

1If, ultrcl r1r0asr!d\1.rul


Mood swings, headaches and
weakness or powerful cravings
for sugar, starch, or alcohol,
especially when meals are
missed, delayed or inadequate
in protein and fat.

Stabilizing Foods:
Three times a Day
1. Protein: 25-30 grams/meal
2. Low Carbohydrate
Vegetables: Over 4 cups/day
3. Fat:Saturated, 0-9, 0-3, GLA
4. Higher Whole Carbohydrate
Foods: Fruit, legumes, tubers,
grain as tolerated
5. Pure Water: 50 oz. or more/day

oi.*, c-*o,-'t r-t

1. Sweets and White Flour Starches
2. Allergy foods especially wheat and
milk products
3. Unhealthy Fats: Rancid, High
Omega-6 vegetable oils, transfats
e.g. corn and soy oil, margarine

" L;^i L' * N .^-.i bt-A , lb iQAl-

- .**ut W" { r;Lu{ t'-- L lf "l
Tryptophan AbsorPtion YEAST OVERGROWTH

N o3n50la2*

I;m€ afE inlale ol:rrlproptad tr19,

!'t r:.t

. sexual dysfunction . weight gain

. . emotional flatness
. anxiety . dizziness
. nausea
. anxiety . dizziness . flu-like sYmPtoms
. jitteriness
. reduced interest in . Gl problem depression
. sex . sleep problems . tingling or electric
fatigue . increased . fatigue shock sensations
. disturbed sleep depression
. . disturbed sleep
&M l:t-{ll Je l:,l-li
OR Ceku SSarL*
SSRI Detox *$*li\ir:,
&t@i'B r rydiill,rkpmri@
*{+ x.i.{
"sri$.! I
tldf+l*m I kfJdd
*tliea!ilH$kd -l e{i{rtuF$r
1. SHTP (or l-Tryptophan) trial- tL}:riri
] ?]tS
2 weeks ttrftdaB, r*i
ddL€kd {r,Nr
-: ir"d;r): rcSi
&}k&* sdk
2. Taper drug. lncrease aminos as Ed!tklr:&M\
i(.rr s{bei.3s. w[
i ptu.ekr$Atu
needed. *zNsk*r1
,fuffifi$?niq i rtolme$&llg
{xr9.4 : @Ega
3. To Minimize Withdrawal Effects: li[re_1sk;aTlu
-1 e@+iLflU
i sir*l*fits}&trb$
Add GABA and/or lV aminos 'Uk
dtt&db€db i 1;-)tslls{sytlD
(especially for Paxil). j hwi*.dbErkdlk$
TlSk Js, lhuc
-: hxffiiidiaNr+(?
lfri* *"" \8i
Su bstitute P r ozac PAt<r L
Eliminating Negative Emotions and
False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by Julia Ross, M.4., M.F.T.
Sunday, December 3, 2006

Advanced Training Materials


1 Schedule

2 SSRI's: Side Effects, Adverse Effects and Withdrawal Effects

3 Pyroluria Questionnaire
4 Addressing Pyroluria

5 IV Amino Acid Protocol Therapy: Trial Protocol for SSRI detox

6 Urine Testing Article - Townsend Letter 10/06
7 Addressing Thyroid Issues
8 Basal Temperature Test Instructions
9 Addressing Mercury Toxrcrty

10 Article by Hal Huggins DDS. on Mercury chelation: Detoxification is

11 Addressing Adrenal Dysfunction
12 Addressing Diabetes - Natural Protocols
13 Addressing Sex Hormone Imbalances
14 Endometriosis Protocol

15 PowerPoint Review
Document 1


Eliminating Negative Emotions and
False Appetites that Block Healing
Presented by Julia Ross, M.4., M.F.T.
Sunday December 3, 2006


9:00 - 9:30 Discussion of trainees' experiences using the amino acids

during and after the Core Training.
9:30 - 10:30 Utilizing neurotransmitter restoration strategies long term:
additional information on interviewing, troubleshooting,
testing, and IV amino acid use.
10:30 10:40
- Break
10:40 - 12:00 Identifying and treating thyroid, adrenal, blood sugar and sex
hormone imbalances and other issues, such as mercury toxicity,
that can interfere with neurotransmitter restoration
12:00- 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 - 2230 Complete the discussion of testing for and treating hormonal
and other issues to optimize neurotransmitter function
2:30- 3:00 Review and Q&A
3:00 Course Evaluation and CEU certificate pick-up
Document 3
Page I


Name: Date: Score:

ZincTallv Reaction:


The pyroluria screening test that follows will help you identiff the physical and
neurological symptoms that develop from losing large amounts of 86 and zinc.
The circulating levels of pyrroles in your body may be slightly elevated or
profoundly abnormal, but in all cases, these levels rise even more when you are
under stress. If you score 15 or more, it will be worth your while to be tested for
pyroluria - and to get on with the needed bio-chemical repair-

Yes No
1. Do you have poor dream recall or nightmares?
2. Do you have a reduced amount of head hair, eye-brows, or
eyelashes, or do you have prematurely gray hair?
J. When you were young, did you sunburn easily? Do you have
fair or pale skin?
4. Are you becoming more of a loner as you age? Do you avoid
outside stress because it upsets your emotional balance?
5. Have you been anxious, fearful, or felt a lot of inner tension
since childhood but mostly hide these inner feelings from
6. Is it hard to clearly recall past events and people in your life?
7. Do you have bouts of depression and/or nervous exhaustion?
8. Do you have cluster headaches?
9. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight?
10. Do you belong to an all-girl family, or have look-alike sisters?
11. Do you get frequent colds or infections, or unexplained chills
or fever?
12. Do you dislike eating protein? Have you ever been a
13. Did you reach puberty later than normal?
14. Are there white spots/flecks on your fingernails, or do you
have opaquely white or paper-thin nails?
15. Are you prone to acne, eczema or psoriasis?
t6. Do you prefer the company of one or two close friends rather
than a gathering of friends?
n. Do you have stretch marks on your skin?
18. Have you noticed a sweet smell (fruity odor) to your breath or
sweat when ill or stressed?
19. Do you have or did you have, before braces - crowded upper
front teeth?
Document 3
Page 2
Yes No
20. Do you prefer not to eat breakfast, or even experience light
nausea in the moming?
21. Do you tend to become dependent on one person whom you
build your life around?
22. Do you have a poor appetite. or a poor sense of smell or taste?
23. Do you have any upper abdominal, splenic pain? As a child,
did you get a "stitch" in your side when you ran?
24. Do you tend to focus internally (on yourself) rather than on the
external world?
25. Do you frequently experience fatigue?
26. Do you feel uncomfortable with strangers?
27 . Do your knees crack or ache?
28. Do you overeact to tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol, or
other drugs - that is, does a little produce a powerful
29. Does it bother you to be seated in a restaurant in the middle of
the room?
30. Are you anemic?
31. Do you have cold hands and/or feet?
32. Are you easily upset (internally) by criticism?
33. Do you have a tendency toward morning constipation?
34. Do you have tingling sensations or muscle spasms in your legs
or arms?
35. Do changes in your routine (traveling, new situations) provide
36. Does your face sometimes look swollen while under a lot of

Document 4


This is a relatively unusual condition in the general population (ll%) but higher in some
groups that tend to have quite stubborn mood problems. For example 44o/o of alcoholics and 30Yo of
autistics have pyroluria. It can affect stress levels, anxiety and low serotonin depression, preventing
full response to amino acid therapy until it is addressed.

If the Questionnaire score is 15 or more, test the level of pymoles in the urine with a kit ordered
from Vitamin Diagnostics, (732-583-1773). Excess krypto and haemopyrroles deplete zinc, and
Vitamin 86. Measure the zinc level, using Zinc Tally or Zinc Status by Metagenics or Biotics. If a
tablespoon of the zinc-containing liquid is held in the mouth for 10 seconds before being swallowed,
and has no particular taste, zinc levels are probably quite low. As therapy progresses, the Tally should
begin tasting more and more unpleasant. Levels of GLA are typically low in pyrolurics, as well. Test
EFAs (in red blood cell lining) to confirm and advise regardingO-3 status (usually does not need

Note: For those who feel better on the protocol but do not begin to taste the Tally, have them brush
their tongues prior to trying the tally

If the a clientsipatients Questionnaire, zinctally, and test results and a disappointing response
to aminos indicate:
Cut Omega-3 to 500 mglday or stop altogether.
Add Borage Oil 100 mglday or equivalent black current oil or EPO.
Suggest 75-150 mgzinc per day with meals, gradually increasing until Zinc Tally
response and subjective symptoms lmprove.
Gradually raise vitamin Bo from 100 to 500 mg per day (or up to 10 mg per kg of body
Raise P5P from 50 to 100 mg (at a different time of day than 86.)
Monitor symptoms, Tally response and tests (red blood cell lining) of zinc, copper, and

Reso urces--B ooks and Websites

1. for: Woody R. McGinnis,

M.D., "Pyroluria: Hidden Cause of Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression, and Anxiety
Symptoms" and other information
2. KEAC (Centerfor Environmental Medicine) Klinisch Ecologisch Allergie Centrum b.v.
Centre for Environmental Medicine; Zoomweg 44,6006 TW Weert (Altweerterheide); The
Netherlands. Email: (HPU:zinc & P5P deficiency).

See Joan Mathews-Larson's 7 Weeks to Sobriety (Fawcett Columbine, 7997 revised) or

Depression Free Natural/y (New York: Ballantine, 2001).
Natural Healingfor Schizophrenia, 2nd edition, by Eva Edelman. (Borage Books, 3162West
11th Avenue #188, Eugene, OP.9'7402.)
Optimum Nutritionfor the Mind Patrick Holford (Basic Health Pub., 2004)
Document 6
Page I


The attention that urine-testing companies have recently drawn to the importance of amino acid
therapy for neurotransmitter restoration has been of great value, especially in light of our
nation's epidemic rates of depression, anxiefy, insomnia, and carbohydrate addiction. By
introducing clinicians to the extraordinary ability of targeted amino acid supplements to quickly
reverse these and other conditions as well as provide safe alternatives to antidepressant drugs,
these companies have performed avital service. Unfortunately, urine testing itself can pose
problems that confuse and discourage some practitioners and their patients. The purpose of this
article is to describe some of the problems associated with urine testing and to offer suggestions
for improving the neurotransmitter assessment and restoration process.

Since 1988, our holistic outpatient clinic in Marin County, California, staffed by
psychotherapists, nutritionists, and physicians, has been treating neurotransmitter (NT)
deficiency conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders, and chemical
dependencies, mostly without benefit of any laboratory testing. We have been able to achieve
remarkable results without lab testing because, by the end of the 1980s, hundreds of studies had
been published identiflring the deficiency symptoms of serotonin and several other important
neurotransmitters. From the results of these studies we have been able to create reliable
deficiency symptom inventories for each neurotransmitter. We have then tested the accuracy of
the inventories by providing the indicated amino acid precursors. We have consistently observed
that the specific deficiency symptoms of the targeted NTs quickly disappear, typically within 20
minutes of the client's ingesting the appropriate amino acid. We have continued to fine-tune our
inventories as new studies have appeared, and our clinical observations have confirmed their
validity. On page 5 you'll find a summary version of the inventories for the NTs we've found
most clinically important: serotonin, the catecholamines (norepinephrine, adrenalin, and
dopamine), GABA, and endorphin.

The importance of measuring neurotransmitter levels to identify symptoms of their deficiency

(and adequacy) was recognized by the early 1980s and testing was aggressively, pursued
primarily for evaluating the effects of antidepressant drugs. Most of these studies focused on
serotonin and the catecholamines (especially norepinephrine). Many studies used what was, and
is still, considered to be the gold standard for NT testing: cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Many other
studies used blood platelets (BP). Their findings seemed to agree.

Although CSF testing provides the actual NT levels available in the brain, for obvious reasons it
is seldom used outside of research settings. Blood platelet levels of serotonin and the
catecholamines have long been known to be reliable neurotransmitter indicators, but no studies
formally comparing these two methods with each other or with urine or blood plasma levels had
been done until recently. Note: Because NT levels in plasma are so low, plasma testing is
primarily used to track the dramatic increases in serotonin or the catecholamines that can result
from malignant fumors that secrete large amounts of one or another of these NTs.

Published in 2005, a formal study of 18 human subjects compared the levels of serotonin and the
catecholamines found in CSF, BP, urine, and plasma'. Th" study was performed by Tappan
Audhya, PhD., Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at New York University Medical School
and Director of the Vitamin Diagnostics Laboratory in Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey.
Document 6
Page 2

At Vitamin Diagnostics, Dr. Audhya's staff conducts blood, urine, and saliva testing of all kinds.
Dr. Audhya performed this study to verify which of his laboratory's neurotransmitter testing
methods worked best. His lab is the only one I know of that has the technology to test for blood
platelet levels of neurotransmitters outside of a research setting. His study found that blood
platelet testing results corresponded very closely to CSF testing results, but that neither urine nor
plasma testing results did. He explains that the levels of serotonin and the catecholamines are
known to be stable and abundant in the blood platelets, but not in blood plasma, the levels of
which are also extremelyreactive to stress (eventhe stress of theblooddraw!). He alsonotes that
the levels of neurotransmitters in urine vary rapidly in reaction to stress as well as diet (as
changing pH levels alter the kidney's filtration of NTs).

As I mentioned earlier, our clinic's staff is uniquely equipped to evaluate the accuracy of NT
testing, as we are well versed in the symptoms of each of the NT deficiency conditions as they
have been identified over the years (mostly through CSF and BP testing). For example, we have
observed thousands of clients who have had most of the classical symptoms of low serotonin.
After consuming the serotonin precursors 5-HTP or L-tryptophan, in our offices our clients
report, and we have obseled, that the classic symptoms of serotonin deficiency such as
depression, anxiety, panic, irritability, etc. have been dramatically reduced or eliminated. This
two-part symptom assessment, before-and-after amino acid precursor loading, is the only
clinically reliable confirmation of the accuracy of any NT testing method.

Our staff tried but discontinued the use of urine NT testing because deficiency symptoms and
test results too often did not correlate clinically. I have since been contacted by many clinicians
who have also found the results of urine testing for NT levels too often misleading and the amino
acid formulations based on them disappointing. Yet with many patients the urine testing results
and the recommended supplements can be very helpful. This inconsistency seems to be due to
the unique problems inherent in the use of urine as the testing medium. NeuroResearch actually
discourages the use of urine testing for initial diagnosis, but (?and?) only recommends it as a
guide, after amino acid therapy is underway, to avoid excessive NT build-up. Senesco, the
newest of the urine NT testing and treatment entities, has attempted to offset any problems by
recommending, along with every test result reported, that the clinician interpreting and acting on
the test results do so in the light of the NT deficiency symptom picture.

CASE EXAMPLES: Although our clinic no longer uses urine testing, we have had a number of
clients who had already had this testing done prior to coming to us. We have had five such
clients come to our clinic in the past six months with significant neurotransmitter deficiency
symptoms that went untreated or were badly exacerbated because of faulty urine test results.
Most of them improved markedly on symptom-based treatment within a few days.

In one case, intractable insomnia and anxiety were direct consequences of urine testing results
that indicated that norepinephrine and adrenaline levels needed to be raised, and the highly
stimulating supplements that were recommended as a result. The client in this case was an athlete
in his forties with high energy, but chronically overstressed and a poor sleeper. His initial
symptoms clearly indicated that he should have been given calming nutrients, not the stimulating
amino acid L-tyrosine. In fact his treatment with L-tyrosine, which went on for months, made
him much worse. When he got to us, his insomnia and anxiety levels were severe. He could
Document 6
Page 3

barely function. His doctor finally had to suggest gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) to get him
adequate sleep, but his mood improved immediately once he was taken off the L-tyrosine and
given L-tryptophan. GABA and L-taurine instead.

In another case, urine testing again resulted in recommendations of L-tyrosine, plus another
stimulating compound containing the appetite-suppressant macuna bean. These nutrients were
given to an extremely tense, anxious woman in her fifties who had had sporadic, easily managed
post-surgery pain for several years but no history of low energy or weight problems. After
several few months on these supplements, her tension level and resulting pain increase had
become so severe and unremitting, and her mood so deteriorated, that she arrived at our office on
a fentanyl patch, in tears. She improved overnight after the removal of all stimulating
supplements and the addition of calming amino acids and anti-inflammatory supplements and,
later, appropriate osteopathic treatment, acupuncture, and psychotherapy. Tension and irritability
were her primary symptoms originally, neither of which indicated the need for stimulating
nutrients, but rather the reverse.

Another woman in her thirties, after the sudden onset of insomnia and incessant panic attacks
following a major trauma, took a urine test that indicated normal serotonin and excessively high
GABA levels. She went untreated and she and her family suffered terribly as a result. Several
months later, on consulting us, she was given and responded well to 5HTP and GABA
supplementation. Her core problem turned out to be hypercortisolemia, which was successfully
treated with Seriphos (phosphorylated serine). Note: Elevated cortisol suppresses serotonin

Our most recent case was that of a fwenty-two-year-old bulimarexic suffering up to 50 binge and
purge episodes a day with no food retained. She was close to death from malnutrition (she had
recently been taken to the emergency room for intravenous potassium drips several times). She
brought in urine test results showing high-normal serotonin and above normal GABA levels. As
a result, she had never been treated. Yet her mood and thought disorders responded immediately
to the L-tryptophan and GABA supplied after aNT deficiency symptom assessment. (In this case
L-tryptophan, not 5-HTP, was preferred because it converts to niacin and other nutrients as well
as to serotonin, and this woman was profoundly malnourished.) She was eating regularly within
10 days and no longer obsessing about her weight. Note: Bulimics are so well known to be
deficient in serotonin that they are frequently used as subjects for research on serotonin
One of my colleagues, Nutritional Consultant Karla Maree, reports from her private practice a
similar case of a profoundly unhappy, undernourished, low-weight woman who could only
tolerate five foods, none of which contained protein. Yet her urine test results showed normal
serotonin levels, totally at odds with her symptom picture. Again, no supplementation was given
and, as a result, she had continued to suffer needlessly. Serotonin is always the first
neurotransmitter lost to malnutrition (which is why so many female dieters in the U.S. are on


Unfortunately, blood platelet testing is only suitable for measuring serotonin, norepinephrine,
adrenalin, dopamine and other catecholamine levels. This limits our testing options in regard to
other clinically crucial NTs such as GABA and Endorphin.
Document 6
Page 4

Regarding GABA: We have found urinary GABA levels to be particularly confusing. Most of
the results we've seen indicate that GABA, our primary inhibitory, i.e. calming, NT is present in
excessive amounts. Yet the individuals tested have often been suffering from stress- burnout and
other symptoms of GABA depletion, and have responded strongly to GABA supplementation.
They often become relaxed and sleepy within minutes after taking a 100 mg sublingual tablet.
We find the common assertion that GABA supplements are not effective because they do not
cross the blood-brain barrier, after years of the dramatically successful use of GABA
supplementation by our staff and by many other clinicians, quite confounding. I'm not aware of
any other lab testing for GABA. Fortunately, a challenge with GABA itself and/or its precursor,
L-glutamine, following symptom evaluation, is usually avery effective assessment and treatment

Regarding Endorphin: Much of the research on endorphin deficiency is done indirectly using the
drug naltrexone, which blocks endorphin. Urine testing is not available and, because levels in
plasma are so exquisitely reactive to stress, a typical blood draw stimulates excessive activity.
Fortunately, a Dl-phenylalanine or D-phenylalanine trial (if low endorphin symptoms are
present) typically gives a quick, reliable confirmation that either endorphin levels actually need
support or that they do not. Note: The L form of phenylalanine is somewhat stimulating, while
the D form simply inhibits the destruction of endorphin by the enzyme endorphinase.


Our staff has found that treatment recommendations made by lab testing personnel need to be
taken cautiously. Though their suggestions can often be helpful, "tech support" staff members, in
most cases, are not trained clinicians. We ask for credentials and the sources of treatment
recommendations. This is of particular concern when we are urged to follow such suggestions
despite initially adverse consequences. In several ofthe cases I described above, lab personnel
insisted that unsuccessful protocols be continued for several months. Our experience is that
adverse reactions to amino acids usually persist, and therefore call for the quick discontinuation
of the amino acids in question. If more than one amino is in question, in a mixed formulation, for
example, introducing the aminos separately will quickly identify the culprit.

I am particularly cautious when a lab is also selling treatment products, of the urine
as most
testing companies are, especially when those products contain the amino acid precursors of
counterbalancing neurotransmitters. Several of the urine testing companies sell products
combining high doses of L-tyrosine combined with high doses of 5-HTP. L-tyrosine produces
stimulation by raising the levels of norepinephrine, adrenalin, and other catecholamines, while 5-
HTP can create a relaxing and soporific effect as it is converted into serotonin and melatonin.
With clients who are deficient in both neurotransmitters, the combination of the two aminos can
work well. If a client is deficient in only one of these neurotransmitters, however, increasing the
levels of the counterbalancing neurotransmitter can create new problems. For example, many of
our clients are serotonin-deficient but have adequate catecholamine function. Taking L-tyrosine
makes them more agitated and sleepless. On the other hand our low-catecholamine clients, e.g.,
those with attention deficit disorder, find that 5-HTP or L-tryptophan can make them feel spacey
or tired.
Two other considerations: Approximately 15% of the low-serotonin individuals we see do poorly
on 5-HTP (but do well on L-tryptophan). In addition some individuals are very sensitive to
amino acids and need to be started, and often maintained , at very low doses of 5-HTP, L-
tyrosine, or other targeted amino acids.

I recommend that clinicians begin their exploration of amino acid therapy using inexpensive,
easily ordered single amino acids so that they can learn how each one impacts patients at varying
doses, before considering combination formulations.

At our clinic we start by assessing patients' symptoms and then treating them with individual
amino acid precursors accordingly. We arrange to have blood platelet testing done at Vitamin
Diagnostics when the symptom picture is unclear. In other cases we order this testing because we
need to provide patients with black and white data (for example, in the cases of pregnant or
nursing women for whom single amino acid loading is typically discouraged).

Recommended Reading for guidance on neurotransmitter deficiency symptom assessment and

amino acid therapy: The Mood Cure (Pengtin,2004) (and and The Healing
Nutrients Within by Pfeiffer, Braverman, et al (Basic Health Publications, third edition, 2003).
Ms. Ross has no financial involvement in any neurotransmitter testing laboratory.


Neurotransmitters Common Deficiency Svmptoms
Serotonin Negativity, depression, worry, anxietlr, low self-
esteem, obsessive thoughts/behaviors, winter
blues, PMS, irritability, rage, heat intolerance,
panic, phobias, suicidal thoughts, afternoon or
evening cravings, fibromyalgia, TMJ, insomnia
(ifserotonin does not convert to adequate
D op amineAllorepinephrine/Adrenalin Depression, lack of energy, lack of drive,
cravings for caffeine, other stimulants, lack of
focus and concentration, A.D.D.
GABA Stiff tense muscles, stressed, burned out, unable
to relax, overwhelmed
Endorphin Very sensitive to emotional or physical pain, cry
easily, crave comfort, reward or numbness,
"love" certain foods. drugs or alcohol

' Arrdhyu, T, PhD., Advances in measurement of platelet catecholamines at Sub-picomole level for diagnosis of
, depression a Chemistry, Vol l5l, No.6, Supplement,2005,
'Ross, J..
t Ross, J.,
The ,2000;120
The n,2004; 16-18
Document 7
Page I


Name Date

- Common symptoms of low thyroid function:

. Low energy, fatigue, lethargy, need lots of sleep (more than eight hours), trouble getting
up and going in the moming
. Depression (including postpartum or after the start of menstruation or menopause)
. Tendency to feel cold, particularly in hands and feet
. Poor concentration and memory, mental sluggishness
. Family history of thyroid problems
. As a child, played quietly rather than physically and/or now have trouble getting
exercise without a guilrtrip
. Weight gain began when you got your period,had a miscarriage or an abortion, gave
birth, began menopause. Or after low-calorie dieting
. Chubby or frankly over-weight since childhood
. Tendency to excessive weight gain or inability to lose weight despite normal eating
. Hoarseness, gravelly voice
. Low blood pressure/heart rate
. Menstrual problems, including excessive bleeding, severe cramping, irregular periods,
severe PMS, scanty flow; early or late onset of first period (before 12 or after 14 years
old) ; premenopausal ce s sation of menstruation (amenorrhea)
. Reduced sexual drive
. Swollen eyelids and face, general water retenfion
. Thinning or loss of outside eyebrow hair
. Tend to have a low temperature
. Headaches (including migraines)
. High cholesterol, atheroslerosis, or excessive homocystine
. Lump in throat, trouble swallowing (e.g., pills)
. Slow body movement or speech

- Additional possible symptoms:

. Goiter; enlarged, swollen, or lumpy thyroid (look at the base of your throat, under your
Adam's apple and above your stemum)
. Coarse, dry hair
. Bulging eyes
. Infertility, impotence
. 'Weak, brittle nails
. Anemia, low red-cell count
. Adult acne, eczerr;,a
. Dry, coarse, or thick skin
. Pale skin
. Hypoglycemia
. Constipation
. Hair loss
O Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diel Cure (Penguin 2000)
Document 7
Page 2
. Labored, difficult breathing
. Swollen feet
. Nervousness, anxiety, panic
. Enlarged heart
. Premafure graying
. Gallbladder pain
. Pain in joints
. Autoimmune conditions often associated with thyroiditis: diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis, lupus, Addison's disease, allergy, candida, and pernicious anemia
. Angina, heart palpitation, irregular heartbeat
. Muscle weakness
. Atherosclerosis
. Extreme flexibility (e.g., double jointed)
. Strong-smelling urine
. Tongue feels thick
. Vision, eye problems
. Excess earwax

For examination, testing and treatment protocols

Cure (pages 65-75)..

Thyroiditis and weight gairVloss issues

testing through DiagnosTechs (; 800-878-3787) or via urine

testing tl.rrough Vitamin Diagnostics at (800) 886-'7773.

materials and conferences on holistic approaches to thyroid and other endocrine


www. wilsonsthyroidsyndrome. com


vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, brussell sprouts).


@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (Pengttin 2000)
Document 8

Basal Temperature Testing Instructions

MALE AND Low Thyroid function can affect many of your physical and
NON-MENSTRUATING emotional functions. Broda Bames, M.D., author of
(Pre-puberty Hypothyroidism, believes that a simple home test for
Post-menopausal) thyroid function is possibly more accurate and certainly
FEMALES easier to perform than costly medical tests. "There are
Conditions other than hypothyroidism that may produce a
low reading - for example, starvation, pituitary gland deficiency, and adrenal insufficiency."
"Although the basal temperature test is not 100 percent specific for thyroid function, the simple
procedure is remarkably successful in uncovering hypothyroidism. Its results most often fit well
with patients' symptoms." In contrast, blood testing and basal metabolism tests are only 70 to
80o% correlated with symptoms. Here is the procedure:

1. Place a well shaken down mercury or basal (fertility) thermometer on the

nightstand upon retiring (Digital thermometers are not reliable.)

2. Upon awakening and before arising, tum on the bedroom light as bright as
possible, and keep your eyes open. (Delayed melatonin secretion can lower
temperature.) Do not use electric blankets, waterbed heaters, etc.

3. Place the thermometer in your armpit* and leave there for 10 minutes.

4. Record temperature.

5. Repeat above for 3 consecutive days.

MENSTRUATING Follow all procedures above, except temperafure must

FEMALES be taken on 2'd, 3'd, and 4ft days of menses.

INTERPRETATION Normal basal temperature is between 97.5" -98.2"

Fahrenheit. If your average of 3 days is below 97.8o, then it is a
positive indication of hypothyroidism. If your temperature is above 98.2" F, suspect
hyperthyroidism or an infection.

* Dr. Bames recommended underarm temperature taking over oral due to chronic
oral/pharyngeal inflammation common in thyroid patients from infection or allergy.
Document 9
Page I



INTERVIEW'. Review symptoms: Many silver amalgam fillings (especially if they're old), over-stress,
consumption of tuna and other mercury-toxic fish, insomnia, fatigue, lack of mental clarity, memory loss,
low energy lvitality, numbness or tingling, tremor or twitching, weak immune system, (flus, candidiasis),
lots of food sensitivities, anxiety, depression, panic, ringing in ears, low thyroid, low cortisol, Multiple


Pre-testing: Prime all major detox pathways with drainage support (eg. Iiver, lymph and kidney remedies
by Pekana, Bio Resources Inc., Santa Rosa, CA). Start three Pekana drainage remedies (kidney,
liver, lymph) 2 weeks before challenge or amalgam extractions start (40 - 60 drops). Only stop if
test is negative.
Stop all seafood prior to testing
Amalgam Removal
Those with more than 5 amalgam fillings need to test only if they are unwilling to just get
amalgams removed ASAP and stop all problem fish use. For safe mercury amalgam removal
see "It's All In Your Head' by Hal Huggins, DDS, or and for a listing of
mercury-free dentists on the Internet: Citizens for Mercury Relief at (Very reasonable and safe extractions available in

Chelation Dosing
DMSA (10 - 30 mg/kg) 1000 mg. - 2000 mg.
300-500 mg DMPS (maximum)

. Those with more than 5 amalgam fillings need to test only if they are unwilling to just get
amalgams removed ASAP and stop all problem fish use. For safe mercury amalgam removal
see"It's All In Your Head'by Hal Huggins, DDS, or and for a listing of
mercury-free dentists on the Internet: Citizens for Mercury Relief at
www.talkinternati onal. com/mfdsindex3.htm

Chelating nutrient supplements may be preferable for more sensitive people, or initially, before the use of
harsher, mineral depleting drugs like DMSA or DMPS.

Oral Supplementation example :

Thorne Heaqr Metal Support, 2 x 2
NOW Detox Formula (2-3)x2
Vit C 3 gms or more/day
Pekana Drainage Remedies, kidney, lymph and liver (50 drops each/day)
Fiber e.g. citrus pectin
Document 9
Page 2

Do a weekly C drip (30-50grams plus glutathione push), colonic, and sauna until consistently feeling
better, then drop to monthly, or as needed, to maintain progress while continuing to use supplement
protocol above. Consume extra garlic, cilantro and, kelp.

Sauna'.Infra-red is cooler so it is less stressful. 1 - 3 / week as tolerated. See Lawrence Wilson, M.D.,
"Sauna Therapyfor Detoxification and Healing," or 928-445-1690.
If you don't tolerate saunas well, try steam. Don't force yourself.

Vitamin C drips with minerals weekly (minimize calcium content). Add glutathione push (if well
tolerated) to further assist the detox process.

Colonics for weekly detox assistance and immediately for any side effects of oral or IV chelation. As
per Walter Crinnion, ND, detox expert, co-presenting with Doctor's Data Lab director, Dr.
Quig, at ACAM November 2003, colonics pull out. Which he's found in colonic residue.

Also See Hal Huggins' article on chelation / detoxification of mercury (attached).

De-stress! Cut back aggressively on work or other stressors, as needed, depending on the
extent of disability.

Avoid all tuna, swordfish, shark, king mackerel, cod, lobster, halibut, and other high-mercury
seafood. Check for updates on fish safety and visit Robert Kennedy Jr's
Nafural Resources Defense Council at

Increase cilantro and garlic intake and eat plenty of organic vegetables (more than 4 cups/day)

Drink at least 64 oz spring water (not filtered), herbal tea

First 3 days: Captomer ((1) 100 mg DMSA x 4), e .g.,ffimgper 150 lb. person. After 2 to 3
cycles, double dose (increase to 800 mg), if no detox distress results.
Next 11 days:
Day 4: at least one Vitamin C drip with glutathione push and start oral supplements above
Days 4-I4: Continue oral supplements and add a colonic and a sauna (or steam bath if no sauna is
available) weekly and Econogenics Pectin or other appropriate pectin products, if desired

Medicatiorl Some M.D.'s successfully start with DMPS three cycles, then DMSA three cycles. There
is much disagreement on dosing and which medication to use, with DMPS having the worst
reputation, (especially as an IV chelator).

Other Options: DMSA (for both lead and mercury, EDTA (for lead), or DMPS cream (for mercury
Document 10
Page 1

Detoxification is Retoxification by Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS

Attempting to detoxify your body Detoxification releases toxins that water that is constantly adding to
while you still have dental toxins are stored in your tissues, and they your total toxicity.
in your mouth is like drying off have to go somewhere. A primary
while you are standing in the landing site is in your blood DMPS and DMSA are two
shower. It doesn't hufi anything, stream for processing and chemical methods that are
but there is not much benefit elimination by the liver and commonly used in detoxification.
either. kidneys. Mind you, that is the Opinion? Based on the hundreds
same blood stream that was used ofcalls I have received from
There are two basic methods of to toxify you in the first place. people who have had disagreeable
detoxification: chemical and non- How can the blood stream experiences with DMPS, I agree
chemjcal. They both have determine whether the toxins are with the toxicologists who think
advantages and disadvantages, going in or going out? It can't. DMPS should neverbe used in
which have to do with their That's why detoxification is humans. DMSA, on the other
availability. I have no problem retoxification. hand. is one olmy lavorites
taking a sauna because there is one among the chemical detoxifiers.
in my house. However, since I Detoxification itself is an But - again the phone rings
cannot set up my own IV, I must extremely complicated process, frequently. "I never had a seizure
leave my home and involve others and I'm going to let that one go. in my life until the dentist gave me
in the procedure. What is your The details are too boring. But, a quart (sometimes I exaggerate
situation? What is your need? you are involved, and so I must for emphasis) of DMSA. I
What is your desire? All three reiterate, if nothing is done to your destroyed his dental office with
questions must be confronted body, detoxification will go on my thrashings." We have found
when determining the best type of very, very slowly. Slow enough that 25 to 50 milligrams
detoxification for your self. that you will not notice it and will administered on a Monday,
still remain ill. The process and Wednesday and Friday does the
"How long do I have to detox?" is pace of detoxification is entirely trick for making people feel really
another popular question. The up to you. good, without retoxifying them.
answer is simple - just as long as Their chemistries look quick good
you want to be in good health. The toxiciry I am discussing also. Dosages that stimulate calls
Detoxification is a life long comes from your dental office, to me include 100 milligrams, 250
commitment. Therefore, you must Dentists regularly place mercury milligrams, and even three 500-
be in accord with your plan before fillings, copper fillings, nickel milligram capsules given just
you make the leap. There are two crowns and braces, implants and before the dental filling removal
valuable considerations here: one toxin producing root canals. They appointment. Is there any wonder
is boredom and the other is your generale cavitations by removing that retoxifi cation occurred?
inlerest level. Detoxification can teeth without also removing the Detoxification is a life style, not a
be a boring exercise. It is best to periodontal ligament surrounding dumpster event.
set up a selection ofdifferent the tooth. It takes the dentist only
detoxification programs that suit a few minutes to provide you with Toxins from root canals and nickel
your current needs and desires. these features, but it will take you (so called non-precious) crowns
the rest ofyour life to get rid ofthe can be eliminated to some extent
First of all, you should be resultant toxicify. by the same process that is used
informed. That is, informed about for mercury, but each different
a rumor that I am opinionated. When a doctor says he is going to toxin requires a certain amount of
Yes. The rumors are true, and true give you a drug that will detoxifo specific attention.
for a reason. Sometimes I feel that you in X number of weeks, don't
people with detoxification believe it. There is no way, even Hopeless? No. Not at all.
problems dial 9l I - and it rings on within the next l0 billion days, for Because the objective is not to get
my desk. I hear the horror stories you to detoxify the amount of rid of all the mercury in your
about what happens to folks after mercury your body has picked up body. All you have to do is get the
going through major detoxification from a few fillings over a period of mercury going out a few billionths
programs. a year or more. This is based on ofa gram faster each day than it is
measuring how much mercury you coming ir. This statement is based
"Why don't you call your own can excrete on a daily basis. Four on monitoring urinary excretions
doctor?" I frequently ask. to eight billionths of a gram a day of mercury versus the same
"Because I don't want to hurt his is the average elimination. patient's chemistries and
feelings." Besides, you have a daily exposure symptoms. Specifically, the white
to mercury from air, food and
Document l0
Page 2

blood cells and the serum globulin at that time, anyway. It is only the to mercury and escort it out
levels tell the on-going saga. healthy, or recovering patient who through the elimination processes.
will have the really obnoxious
Choices for detoxification are reactions to B-12 shots, pills, or lV Glutathione produced within the
more numerous than we have time infusions. body is a super way to detoxify.
to discuss here. So I shall pick one Some of the same process of
and elaborate. Perhaps the most Vitamin B-12 and folic acid are on mercury elimination is activated
important part of the process of a teeter-totter. If an overdose of by oral Vitamin C supplements;
detoxification is to avoid the one occurs, a deficiency ofthe you do not have to have an IV
methods that over-retoxify you other one results. Low folic acid daily to get rid of mercury.
like DMPS and overdoses of levels give the same symptoms Glutathione in the IV is a good
DMSA. But, there is one that is that are found in mercury toxicity. idea, but all too often glutathione
far more common. This is selected Is it any surprise that B-12 at 1000 is prescribed by mouth to enhance
from the (now of 1000) telephone micrograms (compared with the 5 detoxihcation. It is too big to be
calls I have received from people microgram daily requirement) absorbed through the intestinal
who now understand wipes out folic acid? And what membranes, so it is eliminated
retoxification. dosages are available to help out without being absorbed and does
the depleted folic acid? 800 you no good in detoxification.
The most common creator of micrograms, or less than one
problems? Vitamin B-12. That milligram. To correct overdoses There are many methods of
good old give-you-instant-energy of Vitamin B-12, we use 5 to 10 detoxification - some good, some
standby administered to almost milligrams of folic acid daily, and detrimental - but you must study
everyone suffering from chronic usually, within 6 months or a year, the topic yourself. Become your
fatigtLe. It is given either by shot, we can re-establish a proper own doctor, in a sense, and heal
pill or intravenously. It is almost relationship between B-12 and thyself. Educate yourself first,
always found as an additive to IV folic acid as shown by blood tests then detemine some method of
Vitamin C drips. Vitamin B-12 is of each of them. monitoring your progress. That is
a methylator. So what's a absolutely the only way
methylator? It is a chemical "But vegetarians need B-12 shots detoxification works. It may be
whose job description is to convert or pills because there is practically blood tests, as in our case, or it
mercury (pretty toxic stuff) into no B-12 in a vegetarian diet." could be blood pressure, pulse,
100 times more toxic methyl Perhaps this explains why I cannot temperature, or the time it takes to
mercury. Vitamin B-12, as found balance the chemistry of a walk a mile. Find something that
in food, is handled by the body vegetarian. It is part ofthe reason fits your life style. If you do not
very well. This camot be said for why mercury toxic vegetarians. have a yardstick, you can become
the various faces of artifi cial B-23 . who have amalgam fillings bored with the detoxification
Cyanocobalamin, Methcobalamin, removed, generally show little process and slip back into the toxic
Hydroxycobalamin - it matters progress. Should a vegetarian world of "I don't care." Don't let
not. They are all methylators that have a root canal or infected tooth that happen to you. You can lead
connect a chemical group called a removed, the serum protein levels a more productive and satisfring
methyl group (a molecule drop substantially due to the drain life if that is what you want to
containing one carbon and three required for healing, and they have achieve. It does require your
hydrogen atoms) to a mercury little to replenish the stock. This commitment and your effort to
atom. The resultant "methyl results in increased pain and a reclaim your life.
mercury" is one of the most potent lengthy healing process.
poisons on the plant. Dr. Hal Huggins is the leading
Vitamin C is an excellent expert in dealing with Dental
The tremendously ill effects detoxifier - especially in the IV Amalgam Toxicity.
following injections or pills of form, as long as no one slips some
high dose B-12 are noticed far B-12 into the bottle, just to help A more complele look al
more by people who have had you. How does Vitamin C get detoxification is provided in a
their mercury amalgams removed mercury out of the body? b o o klet entit I e d D etoxifi cation

and now have a recovering Indirectly. Vitamin C does not available through Dr. Huggins'
immune system. Trashed out actually bind to mercury and ffice.
immune systems could care less march it out of the body, but it
about a little more methyl mercury stimulates that process. Vitamin C He can be reached at 5080 List
running around. They are aheady can enter a cell, look around, and Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
so fatigued, that being hit once if mercury is within the cell, it can 809 1 9. Tel: 866-948-4638
more does not influence their trigger the production of
miserable state. Your immune glutathione within the cell. That
system is nearly unconsciousness home grown glutathione can bind
Document 1l
Page 1


Name Date

Hypo-adrenal symptoms :

. Sensitivity to exhaust fumes, smoke, smog, petrochemicals

. Inability to tolerate much exercise, or you feel worse after exercrsrng
. Depression or rapid mood swings
. Dark circles under the eyes
. Dizziness upon standing
. Lack of mental alertness
. Tendency to catch colds easily when weather changes
. Headaches, particularly migraines, along with insomnia
. Breathingdifficulties
. Edema (water retention)
. Salt cravings
. Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
. Feeling of not being rested upon awakening
. Feeling of tiredness all the time
. Feeling of being mentally and emotionally over-stressed
. Low blood sugar symptoms
. Need for caffeine (coffee, tea, and others) to get you going in the morning
. Low tolerance of loud noises and./or strong odors
. Tendency to startle easily
. Food or respiratory allergies
. Recurrent, chronic infections, such as yeast infections
. Lightheadedness
. Low tolerance for alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs
' Fainting
. Tendency to get upset or frustrated easily, quick to cry
. Tendency to get a second wind (high energy) late at night
. Low blood pressure
. Haven't felt your best in a long time
. Eyes sensitive to bright light
. Feeling of being weak and shaky
. Constant fatigue and muscular weakness
. Sweating or wetness of hands and feet caused by nervousness or mood swings
. Ability, sometimes, to relieve paranoia and depression by eating
. Frequent heart palpitations
. Chronic heartburn
. Vague indigestion or abdominal pam
. Low blood pressure
. Altemating constipation and diarrhea
. ln lrequent urinatlon
. Sweet cravings
. Lack of thirst
. Clenching and/or grinding of teeth, especially at night
. Chronic pain in the lower neck and upper back

@ Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure (Penguin 20M) & The Diet Care (Penguin 2000)
Document l l
Page 2

' Inability to concentrate and/or confusion, usually along with clumsiness

' An unusually small jawbone or chin; lower teeth crowded, unequal in length or
. A chronic breathing disorder, particularly asthma
. An excessively low cholesterol level (below 150 mg/dl)
. Bouts of severe infection

For examination, testing and treatment protocols, and recommended resources and

Mood Cure.

addiction and recovery, blood sugar, and adrenal function.

corlisol in The Mood Cure onpage 232.

four cortisol and two DHEA samples. We get an additional single cortisol test sample, to be
collected in the night on awakening for stubborrr insomnia that does not respond to 5-
HTP/melatonin/GABA. We also use DiagnosTechs (800-878-3787) ASI (adrenal stress
index) which adds measurements of gliadin antibodies, GI immune integrity, and other
factors at no additional cost.

aldosterone (See Chapter 4, Thierry Hertoghe's The Hormone Solution for interpretation


> Isocort (isolated cortisol)

> Cortef (prescription cortisol)
> Adrenal Support (85, ginseng, Iow dose pregnenolone and DHEA)
> Adaptogen (herbal from Wilson's Temperature Syndrome)

> Seriphos 1-3 capsules 20 minutes before meals prior to elevation in ASL (3 totaVday)
> Holy Basil (1-2) 20 minutes before meals prior to elevation in ASI. (3 totallday)
> l-carnitine or acytl l-camatine (1-2) 20 minutes before meals prior to elevation in ASI.
(3 totaVday)
> Other possibilities
Stress Calm (Herbal WTS)
St Johns wort (900 - 1800 mg)

@ Julia Ross, author of rhe Mood cure (Penguin 2004) & The Diet Cure (pengtin2000)
Document 12



True Balance: (2) B, L, D (plus Vitamin C, multi-mineral and fish oil)

Aminos, other nutrients:

Glutamine 500 mg (2) AM, MM, MA, BT. Others, as needed, to stop c
5HTP, DLPA) Add more chromium (200 - 400 mcglday), Gymnema Sylvestre or
Vanadium in the rare instance that the above protocol is not entirely effective.

pancreas support: u> (...*{n* ('r,* ,.{r. l^,-'L t^L ,fl uf '-') u,. .'L, ;
Glucose Metabolic Support (1) B, L,D '
L; L(.tJ tt1'z"t -
P Pancreas (2) AM, bT *. *z + 7 P,,-*-.-'i '' ' > -d' 6 U)^--,o'*
#5 Stabilizer (1) AM, BT e-c {(ff ) "4;1- I'? ."L ,

Digestive Enzymes (2) B, L, D

Test for Thyroid and Vitamin D le globin AIC and a

'* hour) GTT with insulin.
-f-i L^*-i-t .,.r-r ,.(lr."{'"f
Caution: Monitor medication and sugar may drop
too low if medication dose is not tapered as the nutrient protocol normalizes glucose


2003) Especially important for cases in which pancreatic damage rs severe

(e.g. Type I). Excellent on d1g[1ry control. fc-"b {-..,{ ,1'
=-: ; Sa-fa"l'"a T1f-A b&t ,

Medicine (Riverhead Trade; Reprint edition, November 2,2004)

-* l{urJ y ,"fu * r'- fi , '***u , th-- c.<N .,n;- r.-*,-',^-

nY,'4"*J' (p

L{-- ; 7*.. le"/{1 o'^- '1

Document 13
Page I


Low Estrogen Symptoms

Depression, weepiness, ilritability (low progesterone, e.g., during PMS, can
worsen these and other symptoms)
Hot flashes, night sweats
Mental Fogginess
Low sex drive
Losing hair on top of head
Vaginal Dryness
PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) Symptoms (Note: High testosterone,
aldosterone, and estrone is common in this syndrome and can worsen it):
Cysts on ovaries
Excessive facial/body hair
Menstrual problems
Endometriosi s-severe pain
Muscular body with excess weight on trunk
Insulin resistant or diabetic
Acne (cystic)
Depression, weepiness

Low Progeslerone
PMS: swollen, painful breasts, moodiness, cramping, nervousness, light sleeper,
infertility (Low progesterone allows estrogen to be unopposed)

Low Testosterone (particularly in aging males)

Lack of motivation, vitality, energy
Low sex drive
Diminished muscle mass

Saliva Testing: For pre-menopausal and menopausal women we always test
cortisol and DHEA levels usingfour cortisol sample, two sample DHEA saliva
tests on ail those with hormonal issues. Estradiol and progesterone sixteen times
along with testosterone twice
. 16-sample saliva test (alternate days of menstrual cycle measures)

We use BioHealth Diagnostics for these tests.

Urine Test: Mostlyfor menopausal women and men

24-how urine (e.g. AAL labs, 800-522-2611;
Document l3

Blood Tests: (For menstruating women test on days 2l-25, or 3-7 days before
*Free and total testosterone (by R.I.A. only as per Denise Marks MD.) and
*3 hour glucose and insulin
Watch for any adverse effects and retest in 90 days
x For PCOS also include an ultrasoundfor cysts

Treatment Resources
After Saliva Testing: "Sex Hormone Tool Kit" in The Mood Cure.
After Blood Testing: Elizabeth Vliet, M.D., Women, Weight and Hormones (M.
Evans and Company; 2001) Also see her new book on PCOS orUzzi Reiss,
M.D. Natural Hormone balancefor Women (N.Y. Pocket Books Health,
After Urine Testing: Thieny Hertoghe, M.D. Hormone Solutiom (Harmony;2002)
Document l4


Once you begin taking Yatalzym, you will be entering into what is referred to as the
Initial Cleansing Phase. During this initial phase the enzymes work first on priority
organs and tissues. As the enzymes move throughout your system,Yitalzym will begin
to clear the blood, intestines, and major organs of excess fibrin, inflammation, and toxins.
The release of toxins and debris may cause flu-line symptoms for a short period of time.

suggestion is:

Day I - take 6 capsules (2 caps 3x day)

Day 2 - take 9 capsules (3 caps 3l day)
Day 3 - take 12 capsules (3 caps 4x day - or 4 caps 3x day)
Day 4 - take 15 capsules (3 caps 5x day - or 5 caps 3 x day)
Day 5 and beyond - continue with 15 or more capsules per day*

The suggested dosage of 15 capsules per day is the minimum for all fibroid sizes.
Women with large or mature fibroids, or who wish to speed up the process, have taken up
to 30 per day.

You should drink plenty of water when you take the capsules, and during the day to
assist your body in flushing out the toxins, debris, and the dissolved tumors.

dose first thing in the moming,ll3last thing at night, and the rest in between. That
way you'll have the enzymes working in your body almost continuously.

could possibly try to grow more fibroids. You could take a maintenance dose of
enzymes until you begin menopause to prevent their reoccurrence. Six to nine
capsules pr day of Vitalzym would probably do the job. Vitalzym provides many
other health benefits, so you may want to continue taking it for those reasons also.

Chronic Pain

Severe: 5 capsules or 10 tablets 2 or 3x day.

Moderate: 3 capsules or 5 tablets 3x day.
Mild: 3 capsules or 5 tablets 2x day.
* 18 caps/day is typically the dose that women with endometriosis report really feeling
benefit from within two days.
The Neurotransmitter Mup
(Norepi neph rine)


LL^*kl,D -1.-" , oL,Ll"- L*{*L,u *w-cr'( fu/ 'ko"J

l S ridEn 1.X ]lmr,r f kd \s.i$lk!t aDi r*d.M krrin

The Neurotransmitter Map

Nf:!:X \\'Lt:H SUU{ Ir.fl(n$.r ^{l(rirutr(r
l<it: Catecholamines
r\PPt I t1 PI: I t\I'U t
l-.s in S$+hraifi
---t- ---L _jL kr, drf n'sltd
-__!- ___E- __-.lL_*nrrl, sarl(rr
_,_t lL_ lorr $lfr\rrtrm
__.1-_ -l-
_!_ 1 _ .$*$i\t t[oElbtrrr t.F i6E
-_l_ _!_ i nlir.r hirs
l- --J- l_ rltJ
--.i- ---!- :L furlrrulirl.!4(
jL- dlttllr h6l l*alhlr
-l- -!- l- Fnk rrt$rii ltu'Li {tu:.!l
-a- -!- MiXttr. rrull !P8.t.
_:_ __l_ ; sllerff@q urar{rd(g rrdtiiFs
ft{&$)rltis, 'l lt)
{r^ --li-
--ll- _Jl*
.ll, J!"* {ta$da, !}ilu}hi-r $d}nl$
r.ll* ,.? ,, *l* fthilia*lr \ard to gfi l0 ]l$r]
!*ir ti J l{$m4ls, di6(#rhfll r{L*D
l'lflcni s1*e0 hail$r

U - -€t,.rc-^i,
'9tir?- G-fral- so*al, DLPt Vr. Lit^'
.t- GF,.f ),t - 3 t-*l *r-;{ 4qk
- ,4 ,

-ttC" , Ldffi,-.s*,., /L,p,,.tt- S"r^,..n-
{ c-^*r^. .t
L.L uol ^p-- 6{ U *U vrlz-n,*,*^il*-, -
l*1,L,.\ . Pr,f u;a,l l-ru<'* t h-
k;_L u*l fV:rb zo{,
. Protein
. Caffein .-rSAM-e deficiency
. SSRIs or SNRIs
. lnadequate exercise . Pyroluria
. Winter, inadequate . Low thyroid
light . Low estradiol
. Excess stress . Genetics
. Unresolved
emotional trauma

'3 cut .Uk"-


Before and After


.ea^i. cci *l -
L-'lt ,-z 7,,



. lncreased suicidality in children, adults,

and elderly
. lncreased violence and aggression
. Breast Cancer: Higher risk (especially
Paxil), reduced response to Tamoxifan
. Liver failure - Serzone withdrawn due to
. lnternal Bleeding, esp. in elderly
. lncreased risk of Diabetes and

t+.1 ,i 1,.-, *q{... <^n'riTq ALii);-Lt,r, FC

, !'
i (urv/ Y-

. Toxic or fatal serotonin syndrome when

combined with migraine or antimicrobial
. ln infants: Birth defects, slowed growth,
convulsions and other withdrawal effects,
still born, premature, low birth weight,
pulmonary hypertension

Sorctonln plaldol va CSF

Sffilonfn pirt+lqt vs piasns


S :dffoEt :

g* * * ,-pree i

'.@Er{ , *" *


.""4 q.4!@ra Ptqialrt

krul Cqr*|don s$ffltlrtrt i 1$r,a
Nofrnsl Cofigieliort eod,flolonti D,70St Atrpi.lantfhr Coffi.r.tfslcnt 0.0$5
,tmFhrtemlm csallhlFhh 0,0644
FchlsBpfirnydrsre csN+{errs&hr* 4,?St
F4htjarophanyl&la.*m CorEltdof, c&1fi616+lr 0-S824
Alt (trorui E Amph. & p-ahlo) +f.lslet dit w. all C$F dsts: ,ry inrel & A.apb. & p{Elo} t'+tdd es w dl s&** ddrt
ComtaUm @fllclintr 0-9733 Corys*ff Mttuet (7€i

(r.r....,, *-LP(r,j.-<i ,i
'..1 r>t.- I I'-.r
(. .:*yy; i. -...," A.,'f l"-.,

nsEnln phHvD sk



. !*^ --;*-***-ffi*"*--:;"*-****;-

Nol't6l Corroltdon cwfftolmt: 0,1{3n

Arnpholrmlm GMoJqdon csft+glmtr 4-2058
p4hlcrbphsnylll*hlm Gorrclausffiffic{ont 0.C?80
All (rem*lA Amph, & p+hl,o) Flotalotdexw, sll url$6 d*tdl
Cofl?lr$a|l srrffis{int 0.f048
Document 5

I.V. Amino Acid Therapy



Solution base is 1 liter of sterile [I2O
* L-T.yptophan l0mg/ml 20cc
This dose may need to be increased during the tapering process
Mag SOa 500 mg/ml May use 2'4 cc as directed
Calcium Gluconate 100 mg/ml 5 cc
Yitamin C 500 mg/ml 150 cc = 75 grams
B complex 100 1 cc
Zinc Sulfate 10 mg/ml 5 cc
Potassium ChL2 meq/ml 3 cc
Amino Acids 8.5"h 50 cc
L-Glutathione 200 mg/ml 5 cc push at the end of I.V.


Solution base is 1 liter of sterile H2O
* L-Tryptophan l0mg/ml 20cc
This dose may need to be increased during the tapering process
Mag SOa 500 mg/ml May use 2-4 cc as directed up to 2 grams
Calcium Gluconate 100 mg/ml 5 cc
Vitamin C 500 mg/ml 150 cc = 75 grams
B complex 100 1 cc
Zinc Sulfate 10 mg/ml 5 cc
Potassium Cht.2 meq/ml 3 cc
Amino Acids 8.5oh 50 cc
L-glutathione 200 mg/ml 5 cc push at the end of I.V.


r Brideing the Gaps-Winchester, VA - (866) 7ll-1234 or

(6-10 days, followed by oral amino acids and fulltreatment)

InnerBalance Health Center-Fort Collins, CO - (877) 900-7848 or

(Weekly over 5 weeks during full treatment)

William Hitt Center- Tijuana, Mexico - Toll free from US (888) 671-9849 or Dr. Hitt is the originator of this therapy
(6 - 14 day detox only)

N.O.R.A. Pagosa Springs, CO - (888) 788-7348 or

(10 day detox only)


Chilled, Tired, lnappropriate Weight Gain, etc.

. Underarm (Basal) Temperature . Tyrosine, Kelp, Adrenal Support
under 97.8 . Synthetic T.t/T3 Rx, G..!.ndular k
. Bl@d testlng or Sallva Testing: . Eliminate Dieting,
TSH over 2 Thyroid Suppressors:
Free T3 low s subnomal Flouride, Chlorine, SotL
Free T4 low or subnomal Cruciferous Vegetables, I
. Elevated Thyroid Antibodles Mercury testing

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