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We have just seen that given a discrete time signal

with finite energy, we can choose an interpolation

interval T_s and transform this discrete time signal into a continuous time signal
also with finite energy. The continuous time
signal will be F_s band-limited where F_s
is equal to 1 over T_s. Now the question is, is
this mapping invertible? Namely, given an F_s bandlimited
continuous time signal, can we map that to
a discrete time signal with no loss of information?
The answer is yes. To prove this result, which will lead naturally to the most
general form of
the sampling theorem, we will use once again
the power of vector space. Indeed, we will show that the space of F_s bandlimited
function is a Hilbert space, and we will find
a suitable basis for this space. To prove this for a while, let's lighten the
and choose T_s equal to 1. This will entail no loss of
generality and will have the added advantage that F_s
will be equal to 1 as well. So the claims are that the space of one
bandlimited function, again, one hertz bandlimited
function is a Hilbert space, the functions sinc of t minus n with n belonging to
the set of integers, form a basis for the space, and if a signal belongs to the
space of
one bandlimited functions, the set of values
for the function computed all integer values
for the argument, which is a countable set, is a sufficient representation
for the function itself. In other words, we
can reconstruct x of t from this countable
set of samples. So let's recall
the three ingredients that are necessary to have
a Hilbert space. We need the vector space
and clearly the space of one bandlimited functions
is a vector space, because linear combinations
of bandlimited functions will always yield
bandlimited functions because of the linearity
of the Fourier Transform. The second ingredient is
having an inner product, and the inner product
in the space of one band-limited function is the standard inner
product in L_2 of R, and the third ingredient
is completeness, which as you remember is
kind of a technical notion, and in this case unfortunately
it's hard to prove, so we will just assume it for
the rest of this lecture. What is important is
that we will be able to find an orthonormal basis
for this space. Before we proceed, we said
that the inner product is going to be the standard
inner product in L_2 of R, let's review the definition. The inner product
between two elements in L_2 of R is just the
integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of
the product but doing the conjugate of the first
vector and the second vector. Remember that we can always define the convolution
between two continuous time signals in terms of the inner product, this will be
useful later. So the convolution of x and y is just the inner
product between the conjugate of x of tau
and y of t minus tau, where tau is a dummy variable. Let's find this basis for the
space of one
band-limited functions, the claim is that
the basis is given by the family phi n of t where n is the ordinality
of the vector in the basis. Phi n of t is defined
as sinc of t minus n, n is an integer. How do we prove that
this is a basis? Well, we take the inner product between any two elements of the
basis and we verify if
this basis is orthogonal. If that is the case, we're done. So let's take this inner
product because of the definition of phi of n
of t as sinc of t minus n, we can write the following, phi n of t is equal to
phi 0 of t minus n, and similarly phi m of t is equal to phi 0 of t minus m. Now,
these are sinc functions, so they are symmetric, and we can change the sign of the
argument with no change
in the expression. Let's replace now
the definition of the inner product and we
have the integral over the entire real axis
of sinc of t minus n times sinc of m minus t in dt. Now we perform a change of
variable and we have sinc of tau times sinc of m minus
n minus tau into tau, which we recognize as
the convolution of a sinc with itself computed in
m minus n. Now, the Fourier Transform of
this sinc is the rect, and since we have
chosen conveniently T_s equal to F_s equal to 1, we don't have any
normalization factors in this. So to compute the convolution of the sinc with
in m minus n, we compute the inverse
Fourier Transform of the product of the Fourier Transform of
the sincs, which are rects, and then we compute this inverse
Fourier Transform in m minus n. So we have the formula for
the inverse Fourier Transform, the integral over
the entire frequency axis of the Fourier Transform
of the sinc times the Fourier Transform
of the sinc. So we have rect square of f, and then where we need
to Fourier Transform, so e to the j 2pi f m minus n df. So the rect is zero
everywhere except in the minus
one half interval. This changes
the integration limits and the rect over
that interval is equal to 1, so we're left with the integral between
minus one and a half, one and a half of
this phase term. Now, with the change of variable, omega equal to 2pi f, we have
that this integral
is equal to this, 1 over 2pi integral
between minus pi and pi of e to the j omega m
minus n the d mega. We have seen this plenty
of time is the integral of a pure phase factor
around the unit circle. So we know that it's going to
be equal to 1 if m is equal to n and therefore
the argument of the phase is 0 and 0 otherwise. So we have now found
that the inner product between basis vector number n and basis vector number m is
equal to 1 if m is equal to n, and 0 otherwise, so the set of vectors is actually
orthonormal and therefore, it is a basis for the space
of one bandlimited functions.

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