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Purchase Order Checklist

1- Is the material requisition has the necessary approval from site Team; Site In-
charge/Project Engineer/Project Manager with necessary details i.e. correct description,
Quantity, UOM, BOQ reference, etc.
2- Is the forwarded Material Requisition reviewed by the procurement and then approved
by the Management?
3- Is the material for procurement budgeted/within the company’s budget?
4- Is there purchasing material from a supplier is an approved supplier?
5- Is purchasing material supplier in PVL/approved vendor list?
6- is the material for the order has been approved from client/consultant
7- Is the supplier approached/negotiated for the final price, terms, and Conditions?
8- Is the valid quotation from the supplier attached to the purchase order?
9- Are the descriptions of the material, type of material, applicable Class & Grade, part
number, material-specific data or any other precise identification of the material or
service properly mentioned in the purchase order?
10- Is the purchasing material test certificates, self-inspection, third party inspection, third
party inspection test certificate, factory acceptance test required? If yes, are these
mentioned in the purchase order?
11- Is the MSDS required to note is mentioned in the case of hazardous material?
12- Is the material quantity, unit of measurement, material delivery schedule, price
information, discounts, payment terms, delivery location, and purchase order number
clearly mentioned in porches order
13- Is the approved material submittal, approved drawings, specified technical data
enclosed with the purchase order?
14- Is all the concern, required information of the vendor i.e. Name, address, email, phone
number, fax number, salesperson name and contact mentioned in the purchase order?

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