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Case Scenario No.

2: Sexual Dysfunction
A 32-year-old businessman recently consulted his lawyer for filing a divorce in relation
to his wife who he claimed as having psychological incompatibility.
While processing the needed paper works for divorce, the client
decided to hire a therapist where he had attended a number of
sessions. A number of the following had been narrated by the client’s
recent adversities: recently promoted to a higher job with doubled responsibilities, being
unable to sleep with his wife contentedly, and frequent fights and arguments with his co-
workers. He was on regular intake of spironolactone 25 mg PO OD for his heart failure.
Although difficult for him to disclose, he was able to tell his therapist that he had difficulty
initiating erection when trying to be with his wife. Refer to the following guide questions:

1. What are the contributory factors of the client’s sexual functionality disorder? Classify
them as physical or psychological.
2. What would be your main nursing strategies in order to reduce the effects of the
factors on the client’s sexual disorder?
3. How would communication to the client’s wife be an important key strategy in this
situation? Justify.

For you to complete this activity, you must be guided by the following instructions:
1. This is an individual activity.
2. Citation of sources in terms of searched related literature and studies is required using
American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition.
3. Required format: PDF, Font: Arial, Size: 12, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch-all sides
4. References: Use APA format
5. Date of submission: to-be-announced
6. Method of submission: File upload via Activity tab of myClass
7. There will be a synchronous discussion with group members and the clinical
instructor following submission of this module assessment activity as a form of

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