77254v1 - FW Prism and Spectrum SW REL 8.1 Setup and Provision Guide

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FlexWave Prism and Spectrum

Software Release 8.1

System Setup and Provisioning Guide
TECP-77-254 · Issue 1 · February 2015

FlexWave Spectrum
FlexWave Spectrum Main and Secondary RAUs
Common Host Unit Expansion Module Group
BTS (Digital)
(Analog IF)

with RF or
CPRI Bands

Prism Remote Unit

320000106971 Rev A

© 2015 TE Connectivity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Information contained in this document is company private to TE Connectivity Ltd., and shall not be modified,
used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of TE.

Trademark Information

TE Connectivity, TE and TE connectivity (logo), FlexWave, InterReach, InterReach Fusion, and InterReach Unison
are trademarks.

All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective

Disclaimer of Liability

The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration
purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or
completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity's obligations shall only be as
set forth in TE Connectivity's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE
Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or
misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the
suitability of each such product for the specific application.
Preface ______________________________________________________________________ix
FlexWave User Documentation................................................................................................................................................ x
Revision History .......................................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Cautions and Notes................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Fonts ......................................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Graphics ................................................................................................................................................................... xi
Following the Procedures in this Document ........................................................................................................................... xii
Starting a Procedure................................................................................................................................................................. xii
Modifying Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. xii
Selecting Menu Items ............................................................................................................................................................... xii

Using the FlexWave EMS ________________________________________________________ 1

How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface.......................................................................................................................... 2
System Busy Message .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
System Tree ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
System Tree Alarm Indicators.....................................................................................................................................................4
System Tree Icons.......................................................................................................................................................................5
EMS Frame View Elements....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Unit Identification.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units .................................................................................. 8
System Menu Bar..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
System Information Menu..........................................................................................................................................................9
System Configuration Menu.....................................................................................................................................................10
Alarms Menu ............................................................................................................................................................................12
Special Features Menu .............................................................................................................................................................13
Upgrades Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................13
Users Menu ..............................................................................................................................................................................14
Help Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................14
Unit Menu Bar ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Unit Information Menu ............................................................................................................................................................15
Unit Configuration Menu for Host Units and Remote Units ....................................................................................................16
Unit Configuration Menu for IFEUs and RAUs..........................................................................................................................16
Unit Upgrades Menu ................................................................................................................................................................17
Diagnostics Menu .....................................................................................................................................................................17
Unit Alarms Menu ....................................................................................................................................................................18
Working with Tables .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Sorting Tables ...........................................................................................................................................................................19
Filtering Tables .........................................................................................................................................................................19
Accessing the FlexWave EMS Online Help .............................................................................................................................. 20
Finding the FlexWave EMS Release Number .......................................................................................................................... 21
How to Log on to the FlexWave EMS GUI ............................................................................................................................... 22

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Table of Contents

Commission a FlexWave System _________________________________________________ 25

Configure the FlexWave System............................................................................................................................................. 26
Access the EMS......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Set the System Date and Time ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Set the Time Zone............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Set the System Date and Time Manually.......................................................................................................................... 31
Synchronize System Date and Time with an NTP Server.................................................................................................. 32
Set the Network Connections................................................................................................................................................... 33
Check the Hardware Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System................................................................................................................ 35
Set the System Reference Clock and Clock Priority.................................................................................................................. 38
Spectrum Only: Set IFEU Power Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 40
Configure the Optical Ports Through the System Configuration Menu ................................................................................... 41
Configure the DART Links ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Supported DARTs.............................................................................................................................................................. 43
800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs................................................................................................................................... 43
SMR800 Classic DARTs.............................................................................................................................................. 43
900 SMR Classic DARTs............................................................................................................................................. 44
2100 AWS Classic DARTs .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Cellular Classic DARTs............................................................................................................................................... 45
PCS Classic DARTs ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
700 Lower ABC SuperDARTs..................................................................................................................................... 47
700 UpperC SuperDARTs .......................................................................................................................................... 48
2100 AWS SuperDARTs............................................................................................................................................. 48
EGSM 900 SuperDARTs............................................................................................................................................. 49
GSM 1800 SuperDARTs............................................................................................................................................. 49
PCS SuperDARTs ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
UMTS SuperDARTs ................................................................................................................................................... 50
800 Digital Dividend HDM 20W MIMO, Band 20 ..................................................................................................... 50
1800 DCS/2100 UMTS HDM 20W, Band 3 and 1...................................................................................................... 50
2600 HDM 20W MIMO, Band 7................................................................................................................................ 50
DART Start and Stop Frequencies..................................................................................................................................... 50
SuperDART Timeslot and Passband Configurations ......................................................................................................... 51
Link the Host Unit DARTs to the Remote Unit DARTs ...................................................................................................... 52
Set the Delays Between the Host Unit and the Remote Units ................................................................................................. 55
Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs .................................................................................................................... 57
Host Unit DART Forward Gain Requirements................................................................................................................... 58
Setting Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Host Unit DART....................................................................................... 59
Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs..................................................................................................................... 62
How to Set Reverse Link Gain........................................................................................................................................... 63
Setting the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs ................................................................................................................. 64
Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs............................................................................................................... 65
Setting the Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Remote Unit DART ........................................................................... 65
Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit DARTs ......................................................................................................... 67
Spectrum Only: Configure RAU Properties............................................................................................................................... 70
Configure CDIU Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Backup the Baseline Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 72

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Table of Contents

Accessing System and Unit Information ___________________________________________ 73

Get Information ..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Working with Software and Hardware Reports .......................................................................................................................75
Viewing the Software/Firmware Report ..........................................................................................................................76
Viewing the Hardware Inventory Report..........................................................................................................................77
Viewing the Network Statistics Report.....................................................................................................................................79
Viewing the Links Report..........................................................................................................................................................80
Viewing the Link Delays Report ................................................................................................................................................82
Viewing the Fiber Optic Connections Report ...........................................................................................................................83
Viewing the Host Forward Gain Settings Report ......................................................................................................................85
Viewing the Host Reverse Gain Settings Report.......................................................................................................................86
Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report.................................................................................................................88
Viewing the Remote Reverse Gain Settings Report .................................................................................................................90
Viewing the Current Alarms Report .........................................................................................................................................91
Viewing the Connectivity Report..............................................................................................................................................92
Viewing the CDIU Interfaces Report.........................................................................................................................................94
Viewing the CDIU Carriers Report ............................................................................................................................................94
Viewing the IFEU + RAU Report—Spectrum Only ....................................................................................................................95
Viewing the All Report..............................................................................................................................................................97
Downloading a Report..............................................................................................................................................................98
Get Optics Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 100
Create a System Log............................................................................................................................................................. 102

System Management _________________________________________________________ 105

Backup a System Configuration............................................................................................................................................ 106
Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration....................................................................................................................... 107
System Restore Rules .............................................................................................................................................................108
Perform a System Restore......................................................................................................................................................109
System Tests........................................................................................................................................................................ 112
Performing a System Test.......................................................................................................................................................113
Using the Last Test Results Table ...........................................................................................................................................115
Scheduling a System Test ..................................................................................................................................................... 116
Schedule System Tests by Date and Time ..............................................................................................................................116
Disable a Scheduled System Test ...........................................................................................................................................117
Set SNMP Trap Managers .................................................................................................................................................... 118
Adding an SNMP Trap Manager .............................................................................................................................................118
Using the Registered Trap Manager Table .............................................................................................................................120
Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager ........................................................................................................................................121
Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager ...........................................................................................................................................122
Setup SNMP ........................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Generate a Test Tone........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Activate Optional Features .................................................................................................................................................. 126
Moving or Reconfiguring Fiber-Optic Cables......................................................................................................................... 127

Unit Management ___________________________________________________________ 129

Basic Unit Views .................................................................................................................................................................. 131
Basic Host Unit View...............................................................................................................................................................132
Basic Remote Unit View .........................................................................................................................................................133
Basic IFEU View.......................................................................................................................................................................134
Basic RAU Unit View ...............................................................................................................................................................135
Unit Information.................................................................................................................................................................. 136
View Host Unit Optical Ports ..................................................................................................................................................136
View Remote Unit Optical Ports.............................................................................................................................................138
View Host Unit DARTs and CDIUs ...........................................................................................................................................140
View Remote Unit DARTs .......................................................................................................................................................141
View CDIU Carriers .................................................................................................................................................................142
View Network Statistics for a Host Unit .................................................................................................................................142
View Network Statistics for a Remote Unit ............................................................................................................................144

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Table of Contents

Clearing Network Statistics for a Host Unit or Remote Unit .................................................................................................. 146
View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit...................................................................................................................... 146
Viewing the Status of the Host Unit ............................................................................................................................... 147
Module Status Table for Host Units ....................................................................................................................... 148
Optical Status Table for Host Units......................................................................................................................... 149
Host Status Table.................................................................................................................................................... 150
Temperature Table for Host Units.......................................................................................................................... 150
CDIU CPRI Ports Status Table.................................................................................................................................. 151
CDIU Path Status Table........................................................................................................................................... 151
Viewing the Status of a Remote Unit ............................................................................................................................. 152
Module Status Table for Remote Units .................................................................................................................. 153
LNA Table for Prism Remote Units ......................................................................................................................... 154
LPA Table for Prism Remote Units.......................................................................................................................... 154
PD Status Table for Prism Remote Units ................................................................................................................ 155
Optical Status Table for Remote Units ................................................................................................................... 156
Remote Status Table............................................................................................................................................... 156
Remote Unit Capacity and Temperature................................................................................................................ 157
Unit Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................... 158
Edit Properties........................................................................................................................................................................ 158
Set Basic Properties for a Prism Remote Unit ................................................................................................................ 158
Set Basic Properties for a DRU or HEU ........................................................................................................................... 160
Reset All Units to Factory Default .................................................................................................................................. 160
Configure Optical Ports (by Specific Unit) .............................................................................................................................. 162
Label the Host Unit Optical Ports ................................................................................................................................... 162
Label Remote Unit Optical Ports .................................................................................................................................... 163
Configuring Slots .................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Using the Table in the Configure Slots Page................................................................................................................... 164
Labeling Host Unit DARTs or CDIUs ................................................................................................................................ 165
Clearing Host Unit DART Configurations ........................................................................................................................ 166
Changing the Name of a Host Unit DART or CDIU.......................................................................................................... 167
Labeling Remote Unit DARTs.......................................................................................................................................... 168
Clearing Remote Unit DART Configurations ................................................................................................................... 169
Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service........................................................................................................................ 170
Remove an IFEU or RAU from Service ............................................................................................................................ 171
Return an IFEU or RAU to Service................................................................................................................................... 172
Rebooting a Host Unit.......................................................................................................................................................... 173
Rebooting a Remote Unit..................................................................................................................................................... 175
Rebooting an IFEU ............................................................................................................................................................... 176
Rebooting a RAU.................................................................................................................................................................. 177
Unit Updates ....................................................................................................................................................................... 178
CDIU Systems Only—Update the CDIUs................................................................................................................................. 178
Update an IFEU or RAU .......................................................................................................................................................... 178
Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit ....................................................................................... 179
Upgrading an LPA ........................................................................................................................................................... 180
LPA Inventory Information Table ................................................................................................................................... 181
Resetting a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit ........................................................................................ 182
Running IFEU Diagnostics..................................................................................................................................................... 184
Analyze CATV Cable Compensation........................................................................................................................................ 184
Analyze CATV Cable AGC ........................................................................................................................................................ 186
Analyze RAU DC Voltage......................................................................................................................................................... 187
Analyze Power Supply Loading............................................................................................................................................... 188

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Table of Contents

Alarm Management __________________________________________________________ 189

Alarms Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 190
Alarm Indicators .....................................................................................................................................................................190
Viewing Alarm Severity Details...............................................................................................................................................191
Events .....................................................................................................................................................................................192
View Current Alarms............................................................................................................................................................ 193
Clear Current Alarms............................................................................................................................................................ 194
View Alarm History.............................................................................................................................................................. 195
View the Alarm History...........................................................................................................................................................195
Clear the Alarm History ..........................................................................................................................................................196
Filter the Alarm History ..........................................................................................................................................................197
Download an Alarm History Log .............................................................................................................................................198
Extended Alarm Information................................................................................................................................................ 199
Manage Alarms.................................................................................................................................................................... 200
Using the Manage Alarms Table.............................................................................................................................................201
Enable and Disable Alarms .....................................................................................................................................................202
Alarms that Can Be Enabled/Disabled....................................................................................................................................204
Changing Alarm Thresholds....................................................................................................................................................206
Set RF Power Low Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power Detector ................................................................................207
Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit............................................................................................208
Managing RAU Alarms on a Global Basis.............................................................................................................................. 209
Managing RAU Alarms for an Individual Unit ....................................................................................................................... 211
Manage Contact Alarms....................................................................................................................................................... 212
Acknowledge All Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................... 214
Clear All Disconnect Alarms ................................................................................................................................................. 215

Special Features _____________________________________________________________ 217

Run Script ............................................................................................................................................................................ 218
Run Command ..................................................................................................................................................................... 219
Configure Feature ................................................................................................................................................................ 220
Basic Overview of the Configure Feature Process..................................................................................................................220
Using Configure Feature to Convert a System to Sprint Mode ..............................................................................................221
Converting a System to Sprint Mode......................................................................................................................................221
Set the Session Timeout....................................................................................................................................................... 222

System Upgrades ____________________________________________________________ 223

Upload................................................................................................................................................................................. 224
Update Units ....................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Commit................................................................................................................................................................................ 226
Abort ................................................................................................................................................................................... 227

User Account Management____________________________________________________ 229

Understanding EMS User Accounts ...................................................................................................................................... 230
User Accounts.........................................................................................................................................................................230
Network Manager Account ............................................................................................................................................231
Network User..................................................................................................................................................................231
NOC Manager .................................................................................................................................................................231
NOC User ........................................................................................................................................................................231
viewer .............................................................................................................................................................................232
User Account Access Rights....................................................................................................................................................232
System Menu Bar ...........................................................................................................................................................233
Unit Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................236
Managing Users ................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Add a New User ......................................................................................................................................................................238
Change a User’s Access Level .................................................................................................................................................240

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Table of Contents

Changing a Password ........................................................................................................................................................... 242

Change a User’s Password...................................................................................................................................................... 242
Changing Your Own Password................................................................................................................................................ 243
Recovering a Password ........................................................................................................................................................ 244
Delete a User ....................................................................................................................................................................... 245
Setup a RADIUS Server......................................................................................................................................................... 246
RADIUS Server Rules............................................................................................................................................................... 246
RADIUS Server Setup .............................................................................................................................................................. 247
Backing Up and Restoring User Accounts ............................................................................................................................. 248
Backup User Accounts ............................................................................................................................................................ 248
Restore User Accounts ........................................................................................................................................................... 249

Host-to-Host Systems ________________________________________________________ 251

Overview of Host-to-Host Systems....................................................................................................................................... 252
Identifying an HEU in the System Tree................................................................................................................................... 252
Identifying an HEU in the EMS Pages ..................................................................................................................................... 252
Identifying Alarms that Correspond to an HEU ...................................................................................................................... 253
Configuring a Host-to-Host System ...................................................................................................................................... 254
Setting the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System.............................................................................. 254
Setting the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System ........................................................................ 254
Setting Additive Gain for a Host-to-Host System ................................................................................................................... 255
Connecting to a Non-TE Product ............................................................................................................................................ 255

Multi-Host Systems __________________________________________________________ 257

Multi-Host System Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 258
General Configuration Rules in a Multi-Host System ............................................................................................................. 259
Alarm Control in a Multi-Host System.................................................................................................................................... 260
Unit Identification in a Prism Multi-Host System ................................................................................................................... 260
System Tree Icons for a Multi-Host System ........................................................................................................................... 262
Setting up a Multi-Host System............................................................................................................................................ 263

Cascaded Systems ___________________________________________________________ 265

Unit Identification in Cascaded Systems............................................................................................................................... 269
Cascade Configurations........................................................................................................................................................ 271

Correcting a Network Port and Craft Port IP Address Conflict ________________________ 273

Accessing FlexWave User Documentation ________________________________________ 275

Contacting TE Connectivity ____________________________________________________ 277

Index ______________________________________________________________________ 279

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Topics Page

FlexWave User Documentation................................................................................................................................................ x

Revision History .......................................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Cautions and Notes................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Fonts ......................................................................................................................................................................... x
Document Graphics ................................................................................................................................................................... xi
Following the Procedures in this Document ........................................................................................................................... xii
Starting a Procedure................................................................................................................................................................. xii
Modifying Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. xii
Selecting Menu Items ............................................................................................................................................................... xii

The information in this document guides you through provisioning a TE Connectivity FlexWave
Prism or Spectrum system through its web-based Element Management System (EMS) Release
8.1.7. The FlexWave EMS supports the following Prism and Spectrum system components:
• Prism and Spectrum Host Unit
• Prism Remote Units (PRUs)
• Prism Fullband Remote Units (FRUs)
• Prism Host Expansion Units (HEUs)
• Spectrum DART Remote Units (DRUs)
• Spectrum IF Expansion Units (IFEUs)
• Spectrum Remote Access Units (RAUs), which can be a Main Remote Access Unit (MRAU) or
a Secondary Remote Access Unit (SRAU).

NOTE: As you cannot install a Prism Remote Unit (PRU) and a Prism Fullband Remote Unit (FRU) in the
same system, both PRUs and FRUs are represented as a PRU in the FlexWave EMS GUI. Also,
unless otherwise noted, in this provisioning guide, “Prism Remote Unit” refers to both PRUs and

NOTE: Prism Fullband Remote Units are only supported in EMS Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8.

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The FlexWave user documentation is intended for system administrators, engineers and
installers responsible for planning, administering, configuring, and maintaining TE Connectivity
FlexWave Prism and Spectrum systems. For information on how to download a copy of a
FlexWave user document, go to “Accessing FlexWave User Documentation” on page 275.

Revision History
In the past, the FlexWave Prism and InterReach Spectrum systems were documented in separate
EMS guides. Prism and Spectrum are now both part of the FlexWave family, and can be managed
under a Common Host. This EMS guide therefore documents both Prism and Spectrum units that
the FlexWave EMS manages.

Document Cautions and Notes

Two types of messages, identified below, appear in the text:

CAUTION! Caution text indicates operations or steps that could cause personal injury, induce a safety
problem in a managed device, destroy or corrupt information, or interrupt or stop services.

NOTE: Note text contains information about special circumstances.

Document Fonts
You will find the following font conventions in use throughout the document.
• This font represents a reference to a EMS dialog box, menu item, configuration option, or other
• <This Font> in angle brackets represents a reference to a EMS dialog box, menu item,
configuration option, or other parameter that is a variable. The text within the angle brackets
changes according to a get or set command. For example:
– The Password for <username> has been changed message displays.
– The Password for JohnSmith has been changed message displays.
• This font represents non-variable text that you type at a prompt.
• THIS FONT represents keys that you need to press on your keyboard.

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FlexWave User Documentation: Document Graphics

Document Graphics
This manual documents an EMS, the features of which display in a web browser window, as
described in “How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface” on page 2. To display the entire web
browser would reduce the image size in this document, which would reduce the document’s
usability. The screen graphics will therefore focus on the element of the web page under
discussion. In most instances, this will be the current view in the EMS View frame, which is
encircled in red in Figure 1.

Figure 1. EMS in Web Browser

For example, when discussing the Edit Unit Properties page shown in Figure 1, only the Edit Unit
Properties panel will be illustrated (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Edit Unit Properties Panel

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This section tells you how to use this document to use the FlexWave EMS to configure and manage
Prism and Spectrum units.

Starting a Procedure
Most of the EMS procedures in this document assume that you have already logged in to the EMS
as described in “Access the EMS” on page 26.

Modifying Parameters
In general, the procedures in this document end by having you click OK or Apply to accept changes
or input.
When an operation completes, an Operation completed message displays, such as the one shown
in Figure 3. If an error message displays, follow the screen prompts.
You can click Refresh to update the data being shown.

Figure 3. Operation Completed Message

Selecting Menu Items

In the Prism user documentation, when a procedure requires that you select a sequence of menu
items, a right-angle symbol separates the items. For example, in the following graphic, “click Users
> Manage Users” indicates that in the System Menu bar you select Users, and then in the Users
menu, select Manage Users.

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Topics Page

How to Use the EMS Graphical User Interface.......................................................................................................................... 2

System Busy Message .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
System Tree ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
System Tree Alarm Indicators.....................................................................................................................................................4
System Tree Icons.......................................................................................................................................................................5
EMS Frame View Elements....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Unit Identification.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units .................................................................................. 8
System Menu Bar..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
System Information Menu..........................................................................................................................................................9
System Configuration Menu.....................................................................................................................................................10
Alarms Menu ............................................................................................................................................................................12
Special Features Menu .............................................................................................................................................................13
Upgrades Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................13
Users Menu ..............................................................................................................................................................................14
Help Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................14
Unit Menu Bar ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Unit Information Menu ............................................................................................................................................................15
Unit Configuration Menu for Host Units and Remote Units ....................................................................................................16
Unit Configuration Menu for IFEUs and RAUs..........................................................................................................................16
Unit Upgrades Menu ................................................................................................................................................................17
Diagnostics Menu .....................................................................................................................................................................17
Unit Alarms Menu ....................................................................................................................................................................18
Working with Tables .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Sorting Tables ...........................................................................................................................................................................19
Filtering Tables .........................................................................................................................................................................19
Accessing the FlexWave EMS Online Help .............................................................................................................................. 20
Finding the FlexWave EMS Release Number .......................................................................................................................... 21
How to Log on to the FlexWave EMS GUI ............................................................................................................................... 22

This section provides a basic description of the FlexWave Element Management System (EMS).

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Using the FlexWave EMS


You use a web browser to access the EMS Graphical User Interface (GUI) shown in Figure 4 and
described in Table 1. (For a list of supported web browsers, refer to the current FlexWave
Software Release Notes; contact Technical Support for further information, see “Contacting TE
Connectivity” on page 277.)

8 7



Figure 4. EMS Graphical User Interface

Table 1. GUI Components (Counterclockwise in Figure 4)

ID # Component Description
1 System Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view system settings and alarms.
2 System Tree See “System Tree” on page 4
3 Alarm indicators Provides a visual view of the number of active alarms and their severity level.
4 Operational Executes the command for which the button is labeled.
buttons • Apply—Applies your configuration changes without closing the dialog.
• Refresh—Updates status information to reflect current conditions.
• Refresh (?)—The Refresh (?) button appears on screens that do not auto-refresh. These screens
will, however, auto-refresh when in a filtered view, at which point the ? disappears, reverting
the button to its Refresh format. For information on filtering a view, see “Filtering Tables” on
page 19.
5 Unit Identifier Identifies which system component is selected in the System Tree.
6 EMS Frame View Provides the work space in which you access an EMS web page specific to a unit or function.
7 Orientation links Provides links that allow you to navigate within the GUI:
• Home—returns you to the Home page
• Logout—logs you out of the EMS.
8 Unit Menu bar Provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view settings and alarms that pertain to
the unit that is selected in the System Tree.

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System Busy Message:


If you are working with the EMS and the System Busy message (System is busy … Please wait.)
appears, wait until the message no longer displays before performing any further operations or
configuration changes.
To calculate how long the System Busy message can persist, multiply the number of Remote Units
by 4. For example, if there are eight Remote Units, the persistence time interval would be:
4 * 8 Remote Units = 32 minutes
Do the following if the message persists longer than the calculated interval:

1 Verify that the current hardware and software configuration is supported.

• If the current configuration is not supported, install the correct configuration, and then go
to Step 2.
• If the current configuration is supported, go to Step 2.
2 Reboot the Host Unit.

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Using the FlexWave EMS

Depending on the installation, the System Tree displays a Prism, Spectrum, or Multi-Host system
as device icons within a hierarchical tree that is automatically organized by Unit Address and Unit
Name. You click on a node in the System Tree to navigate to a web page within the EMS Frame
View that corresponds to the selected unit.

System Tree Alarm Indicators

The Alarm indicators in the upper-right corner of the System Tree let you know how many active
alarms there are, and at what severity level.
In Figure 5 for Prism, the Alarm indicators show:
• 7 active Major alarms, as indicated by the red box
• 4 active Minor alarms, as indicated by the yellow box.

Host Unit Alarm

PRU indicators

Figure 5. System Tree in a Prism System

In Figure 6 for Spectrum, the Alarm indicators show:

• 4 active Major alarms, as indicated by the red box
• 3 active Minor alarms, as indicated by the yellow box.

NOTE: Figure 6 shows a default view in which the IFEUs and RAUs do not have a Unit Name, and the
Host Unit and Remote Unit have the default names of “Host” and “Remote”, respectively.
Default names are not assigned to IFEUs or RAUs.

Host Unit Alarm

DRU indicators

Figure 6. System Tree in an Spectrum System

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System Tree: System Tree Icons

System Tree Icons

Table 2 describes the icons used in the System Tree. For information on System Tree icons used
in a Prism Multi-Host system, see “System Tree Icons for a Multi-Host System” on page 262.

Table 2. System Tree Icons

Unit/State Icon Description

Host Unit Host Unit that has a normal status.

Prism Remote Unit / Prism Remote Unit that is connected to a Host Unit, and the Prism Remote Unit is in a normal
Fullband Remote Unit (1) status.
Host Expansion Unit (2) HEU that has a normal status.

DART Remote Unit DRU that has a normal status.

IF Expansion Unit IFEU that has a normal status.

Remote Access Unit MRAU or SRAU that has a normal status.

Minor Alarm State A yellow caution overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active minor alarm. If
the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged.
Major Alarm State A red danger overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has an active major alarm. If the
icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged.
Major Contact Alarm Indicates a major Contact Alarm state. If the icon is static (not blinking), the alarm has been
State (3) acknowledged. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged. See “Manage Contact
Alarms” on page 212.
Minor Contact Alarm Indicates a minor Contact Alarm state. If the icon is static (not blinking), the alarm has been
State (3) acknowledged. If the icon is blinking, the alarm is unacknowledged. See “Manage Contact
Alarms” on page 212.
Out of Service Lock A gray lock overlay on an IFEU or RAU icon indicates that the unit has been manually
commanded Out of Service (OOS); applicable only to IFEUs and RAUs.
Band Lock A green lock overlay on a RAU icon indicates that the RAU is experiencing a band lockout;
applicable only to RAUs.
No Communication Indicates that there is no communication with the RAU port. Applicable only to RAUs.

RAU Short Indicates one the following faults:

• Port is short-circuited
• Port is over current or shorted
• Port CATV cable is not wired correctly
• Incorrect unit type connected
Fault Lock A gray lock with a red X superimposed over a RAU or IFEU icon indicates that the unit is in
Fault Lockout.
Disconnect Indicates that the unit is disconnected. Applicable only to IFEUs, MRAUs, and SRAUs.

Unknown Unit Identifies a unit that the EMS has found but cannot recognize.

1 As you cannot install a PRU and a FRU in the same system, both PRUs and FRUs are represented as a PRU in the GUI. FRUs
are only supported in Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8.
2 As a HEU is only used in a Prism Host-to-Host system and DRUs and HEUs will not be in the same system, HEUs have the
same icon as DRUs.
3 Contact Alarm icons are only present if the alarm is enabled and active (for example, the alarm contact should be Normally
Closed, but it's open).

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Using the FlexWave EMS


The EMS Frame View provides the parameters and messages specific to the unit selected in the
System Tree and specific to the selected menu.

NOTE: The Frame View is designed to update its contents within a web browser approximately every 20

Figure 7 and Table 3 describe the different elements found within the EMS Frame View.


Figure 7. Elements within a Frame View

Table 3. Frame View Elements

ID # Element Description
1 Panel A panel is a grouping of fields or parameters enclosed within a gray box, with the panel title in the
upper-left corner.
2 Check box A square box is a check box that you click on to select or deselect an option. When selected, a check
mark displays in the check box. When the option is deselected, the check box is empty.

If the check box is round, it is referred to as a Radio button. When a radio button is selected, the
round “button” is black (filled in). When a radio button is deselected, it is white (not filled in).
3 Menu A menu that lists the options for the corresponding parameter. Click on the down arrow to display
the list.
4 Text box A text box allows you to enter custom information for the corresponding field.
5 Operational buttons Execute the command for which the button is named. When a button is grayed out, that function
is not available.
6 Table A table collects information that corresponds to the EMS Frame View and provides it in table
format. The table is enclosed within a panel, with the table title in the upper-left corner.

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Unit Identification: System Tree Icons

NOTE: For information on unit identification in a Prism Multi-Host system, see “Unit Identification in a
Prism Multi-Host System” on page 260. For information on unit identification in a cascaded
system, see “Unit Identification in Cascaded Systems” on page 269.

The Unit ID is the layer address plus the Unit Name (user-defined name). The layer address (see
Figure 8) is in the format of H-R.IMS, where:
• H—Host Unit # is always 1
• R—Remote Unit #, where
– Prism remote Unit # can be 1 - 8 (based on the Host Unit SFP port number to which the
Remote Unit RF Module is connected)
– DRU # can be 1 - 88888888
• I—IFEU # is always 1
• M—MRAU # can be 1 - 8
• S—SRAU # can be 1 - 3.

- 1 Host 1 = Host Unit

1-1 1-1 = Remote Unit 1 (PRU)

1-2 1-2 = Remote Unit 2 (PRU)

- 1-3 1-3 = Remote Unit 3 (DRU)

- 1-3.1 1-3.1 = IFEU

- 1-3.1.11 1-3.11 = MRAU

1-3.1.111 1-3.111 = SRAU

1-3.1.112 1-3.112 = SRAU

Figure 8. Unit IDs in the System Tree

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Using the FlexWave EMS


NOTE: This section applies only to Prism Remote Units (PRUs) and Prism Fullband Remote Units (FRUs).

A Prism Remote Unit comprises from one to four RF Module slots (eight Individual Amplifiers
with Dual HDMs). Each RF Module can comprise any of the following DART combinations:
• one Classic DART or one Single SuperDART
• two Classic DARTs
• two Single SuperDARTs
• one Dual SuperDART.

An HDM RF Module can comprise any of the following:

• one TX and one RX board
• two TX and two RX boards.

Table 4 shows how the EMS references the RF group assignments and corresponding
components of each RF Module. The following rules apply:
• In a dual Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) system, the Configure Remote Forward Gain page
shows two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting
the LPA applies to both LPAs at the same time.
• For HDM RF Modules:
– LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.
– the LNA/Duplexer assignments will match the LPA Number and Power Detector

Table 4. Remote Unit RF Slot/Group Assignments (from Top/Down)

LNA Number Power Power

Physical SFP Id / Detector Detector
Primary Diversity Number Number
RF Slot / DART Number Number
for Single for Dual
RF Group Number for Single for Dual
D 8 8 7 8 7 8
7 7 7 7
C 6 6 5 6 5 6
5 5 5 5
B 4 4 3 4 3 4
3 3 3 3
A 2 2 1 2 1 2
1 1 1 1

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System Menu Bar: System Information Menu


The System Menu bar provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view system
settings and alarms. The following list identifies the menus in the System Menu bar and provides
a link to the corresponding topic that describes that menu.
• “System Information Menu” on page 9
• “System Configuration Menu” on page 10
• “Alarms Menu” on page 12
• “Special Features Menu” on page 13
• “Upgrades Menu” on page 13
• “Users Menu” on page 14
• “Help Menu” on page 14

System Information Menu

The System Information menu provides links to GUI pages from which you access system
information. Table 5 lists the components of the System Information menu.

Table 5. System Information Menu Items

Menu Item Description See
Get Information Allows you to view system information on one page. You can also view “Get Information” on
and download 15 individual reports and 1 report that combines all of the page 74
reports into a single output.
Get Optics Information Allows you to view information on the fiber-optics connections. “Get Optics Information”
on page 100
Get Logs Allows you to save logs as a compressed tar file. “Create a System Log” on
page 102

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Using the FlexWave EMS

System Configuration Menu

The System Configuration menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can configure
parameters that affect the entire system. Figure 9 shows the System Configuration menu. Note the
arrow that points to a demarcation line, where items listed
• above the line affect the system setup
• below the line configure the RF, and are listed in the order they should be performed when
initially provisioning up a system.

Figure 9. System Configuration Menu

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System Menu Bar: System Configuration Menu

Table 6 lists the components of the System Configuration menu.

Table 6. System Configuration Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Access to Administrative Pages

Edit Properties Allows you to edit basic information “Provision the Host and Remote Units in the
and optionally provide notes for all the System” on page 35
units in the system at one time.
Edit Optical Port Properties Allows you to edit all the optical port “Configure the Optical Ports Through the
names in the system at one time. System Configuration Menu” on page 41
Backup Allows you to backup the system “Backup a System Configuration” on page 106
Restore Allows you to restore the system using “Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration”
a backed up configuration. on page 107
Perform System Test Allows you to perform an RF integrity “System Tests” on page 112
check of the system.
Schedule System Test Allows you to schedule a System Test to “Scheduling a System Test” on page 116
run at a specific date and time.
Generate Test Tone For CDIU systems only. Allows you to Refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface
generate a Test Tone to drive the Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide
forward path without a connection to a (TECP-77-240).
Set Date and Time Allows you to select the Time Zone and “Set the System Date and Time” on page 29
enter a date and time manually or
enable synchronization with an NTP
Set SNMP Trap Managers Allows you to add, delete, and modify “Set SNMP Trap Managers” on page 118
SNMP Trap Managers.
Setup SNMP Allows you to enter the SNMP set/get “Setup SNMP” on page 123
port number and configure SNMP trap
Set Network Connections Allows you to configure the Host Unit “Set the Network Connections” on page 33
Craft and Network ports.
Activate Optional Features Allows you to activate optional “Activate Optional Features” on page 126

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Using the FlexWave EMS

Table 6. System Configuration Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Access to RF Configuration Pages

Configure CDIU Interfaces Allows you to configure CPRI Digital Refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface
Interface Units (CDIUs). Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide
Configure Links Allows you to establish and remove See any of the following:
DART and CDIU links. • “Configure the DART Links” on page 42
• “Clearing Host Unit DART Configurations”
on page 166
• “Clearing Remote Unit DART
Configurations” on page 169
Configure Delay Allows you to set a specific amount of “Set the Delays Between the Host Unit and the
delay between the Host Unit and the Remote Units” on page 55
Remote Unit(s) in both the Forward
(FWD) and Reverse (REV) paths.
Configure Host Forward Gain Allows you to manually set the Host “Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit
Unit DART/CDIU RF Forward Gain. DARTs” on page 57
Configure Host Reverse Gain Allows you to manually set the Host “Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit
Unit DART/CDIU RF Reverse Gain. DARTs” on page 62
Configure Remote Forward Gain Allows you to manually set the Remote “Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit
Unit Forward RF Gain. DARTs” on page 65
Configure Remote Reverse Gain Allows you to manually set the Remote “Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote
Unit Reverse RF Gain and Power Level Unit DARTs” on page 67

Alarms Menu
The Alarms menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can view alarms or manage alarms
that affect the entire system or a specific unit. Table 7 lists the components of the Alarms menu.

Table 7. Alarms Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

View Current Alarms Allows you to view all active alarms. “View Current Alarms” on
page 193
View Alarm History Allows you to view the history of all alarms. “View Alarm History” on
page 195
Manage Alarms Allows you to enable and disable alarms, and in some instances, to “Manage Alarms” on
set alarm thresholds. page 200
Manage Alarms (RAU) Allows you to manage alarms specific to Remote Access Units “Managing RAU Alarms on a
(RAUs). Global Basis” on page 209
Manage Contact Alarms Allows you to assign severity levels to and label contact alarms. “Manage Contact Alarms” on
page 212
Acknowledge All Alarms Allows you to acknowledge all active alarms. “Acknowledge All Alarms” on
page 214
Clear All Disconnects Allows you to clear all Remote Unit, IFEU, and RAU disconnect “Clear All Disconnect Alarms”
alarms. on page 215

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System Menu Bar: Special Features Menu

Special Features Menu

The Special Features menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can manage special add-on
features of the EMS. Table 8 lists the components of the Special Features menu.

Table 8. Special Features Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Run Script Allows you to run a script that contains firmware commands. This “Run Script” on page 218
feature is applicable only to Spectrum systems.
Run Command Allows you to execute a firmware command. This feature is “Run Command” on page 219
applicable only to Spectrum systems.
Configure Feature Allows you to add and enable a feature that was added after the “Configure Feature” on
initial EMS installation. page 220
Set Session Timeout Allows you to set how long the EMS session can be idle before a “Set the Session Timeout” on
forced log out occurs. page 222

Upgrades Menu
The Upgrades menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can upgrade the system software.
Table 9 lists the components of the Upgrades menu.

Table 9. Upgrades Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Upload Allows you to upload the file(s) required to upgrade the system or “Upload” on page 224
update a unit.
Update Units Allows you to update the software on the system. “Update Units” on page 225
Commit Allows you to commit (make permanent) an upgrade. “Commit” on page 226
Abort Allows you to abort an upgrade. “Abort” on page 227

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Using the FlexWave EMS

Users Menu
The Users menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can manage the EMS user accounts.
Table 10 lists the components of the Users menu.

Table 10. Users Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Manage Users Allows you to add, delete, and modify user accounts. “Managing Users” on
page 238
Change Password Allows the user currently logged in to change his or her password. “Changing a Password” on
page 242
Setup RADIUS Server Allows a user with admin privileges to authenticate users against a “Setup a RADIUS Server” on
network-wide RADIUS server instead of the in-built EMS user page 246
Backup Users Allows you to backup all user identifications, which includes access “Backup User Accounts” on
authorizations. page 248
Restore Users Allows you to restore the user identifications backed up by the “Restore User Accounts” on
Backup User feature. page 249

Help Menu
The Help menu provides links to GUI pages from which you can view the embedded online help
or view which version of the EMS is installed. Table 11 lists the components of the Help menu.

Table 11. Help Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Contents Allows you to access the context-sensitive help, in which the topic “Accessing the FlexWave
that opens is relevant to the page in which the Help link was clicked. EMS Online Help” on page 20
About Allows you to view release information pertinent to the installed “Finding the FlexWave EMS
EMS. Release Number” on page 21

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Unit Menu Bar: Unit Information Menu


The Unit Menu bar provides access to menus that allow you to configure or view settings and
alarms that are specific to a unit. As such, the menus that are available to each unit type differ from
one another.
The Unit Menu bar menus differ from the System Menu bar menus in that the Unit Menu bar items
apply only to the unit selected in the System Tree, while the items in the System Menu bar apply
to the entire system.

Unit Information Menu

The Unit Information menu provides access to GUI pages that provide information about the unit
selected in the System Tree.
The Unit Information menu is applicable to, and therefore available for the:
• Host Units
• Remote Units
– DART Remote Units (DRUs)
– Fullband Remote Units (FRUs), which are represented as a PRU in the GUI
– Host Expansion Units (HEUs), which are represented as a DRU in the GUI
– Prism Remote Units (PRUs).
Table 12 lists the components of the Unit Information menu for Host Units and Remote Units.

Table 12. Unit Information Menu Items for Host Units and Remote Units

Menu Item Description See

View Optical Ports Shows the current usage and alarm status of the optical ports on a See any of the following:
Host Unit or a Remote Unit plus the current values of key operating • “View Host Unit Optical
parameters. Ports” on page 136
• “View Remote Unit Optical
Ports” on page 138
View Slots Shows you information about the DARTs/CDIUs for the unit See any of the following:
selected in the System Tree. • “View Host Unit DARTs and
CDIUs” on page 140
• “View Remote Unit DARTs”
on page 141
View CDIU Carriers Available only when CDIUs are installed and the Host Unit is Refer to the FlexWave CPRI
selected in the System Tree; allows you to view information about Digital Interface Unit
the CDIU Carriers. Installation and Provisioning
Guide (TECP-77-240).
View Network Statistics Shows you network statistics for the unit selected in the System “View Network Statistics for a
Tree. Host Unit” on page 142
View Status Shows you status information for the unit selected in the System “View the Status of a Host Unit
Tree. or Remote Unit” on page 146

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Using the FlexWave EMS

Unit Configuration Menu for Host Units and Remote Units

The Unit Configuration menu provides access to GUI pages that allow you to configure the Host
Unit or Remote Unit selected in the System Tree (see Table 13).

Table 13. Unit Configuration Menu Items for Host Units and Remote Units

Menu Item Description See

Edit Properties Allows you to label the unit selected in the System Tree, “Edit Properties” on page 158
and set or view other parameters specific to that unit type.
Edit Optical Port Properties Allows you to label the optical ports for the unit selected in “Configure Optical Ports (by
the System Tree, and to view information relevant to the Specific Unit)” on page 162
unit and the optical path between it and any connected
Host Unit or Remote Unit.
Configure Slots Allows you to label the DARTs/CDIUs or clear the “Configuring Slots” on page 163
DART/CDIU configuration for the unit selected in the
System Tree.
Reboot Allows you to reboot the Host Unit or Remote Unit See any of the following:
selected in the System Tree. • “Rebooting a Host Unit” on
page 173
• “Rebooting a Remote Unit”
on page 175

Unit Configuration Menu for IFEUs and RAUs

The Unit Configuration menu provides access to GUI pages that allow you to configure the IFEU or
RAU selected in the System Tree (see Table 14).

Table 14. Unit Configuration Menu Items for IFEUs and RAUs
Menu Item Description See

Edit Properties Allows you to label the unit selected in the System Tree, and set or “Edit Properties” on page 158
view other parameters specific to that unit type.
Set in Service Allows you to return an IFEU or RAU to service that has been “Return an IFEU or RAU to
manually commanded Out of Service (OOS). Service” on page 172
Set Out of Service Allows you to manually command an IFEU or RAU Out of Service “Remove an IFEU or RAU from
(OOS). Service” on page 171
Reboot Allows you to reboot the IFEU or RAU selected in the System Tree. “Rebooting an IFEU” on
page 176

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Unit Menu Bar: Unit Upgrades Menu

Unit Upgrades Menu

The Unit Upgrades menu provides access to the Update Units page that allows you to update the
unit selected in the System Tree. The contents of the Unit Upgrades menu is dependent on the unit
selected in the System Tree. Table 15 lists the components of the Unit Upgrades menu.

Table 15. Diagnostics Menu Items

Unit Selected in Menu Item Description See

System Tree
Host Unit Update CDIUs Allows you to upgrade the Refer to the FlexWave CPRI
firmware on one or more Digital Interface Unit
CDIUs. Installation and Provisioning
Guide (TECP-77-240).
IFEU or RAU Update Allows you to upgrade the “Update an IFEU or RAU” on
firmware on the selected IFEU page 178
or RAU (or all IFEUs or RAUs).
Prism Remote Unit* Upgrade LPA Allows you to change the “Upgrading a Linear Power
active LPA software version Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism
for an RF Module installed in a Remote Unit” on page 179
Prism Remote Unit.
* The Unit Upgrades menu is not applicable to HEUs or DRUs.

Diagnostics Menu
The Diagnostics menu provides access to GUI pages that provide diagnostics for the IFEU selected
in the System Tree.
The Diagnostics menu is applicable to, and therefore available only to IFEUs.
Table 16 lists the components of the Diagnostics menu.

Table 16. Diagnostics Menu Items

Menu Item Description See

Analyze CATV Cable Compensation Allows you to run diagnostics on the “Analyze CATV Cable Compensation” on
CATV Cable Compensation. page 184
Analyze CATV Cable AGC Allows you to run diagnostics on the “Analyze CATV Cable AGC” on page 186
CATV Cable Automatic Gain Control
Analyze RAU DC Voltage Allows you to run diagnostics on the DC “Analyze RAU DC Voltage” on page 187
voltage level for its connected RAUs.
Analyze Power Supply Loading Allows you to display the power loading “Analyze Power Supply Loading” on
for each Rectifier Module. page 188

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Using the FlexWave EMS

Unit Alarms Menu

The Unit Alarms menu provides access to the Manage Alarms page, which allows you to manage
the Antenna Disconnect, Incompatible Bands, and System Test Required alarms for the RAU
selected in the System Tree. The Unit Alarms menu is only applicable to, and therefore available
only for RAUs. For further information, see “Managing RAU Alarms on a Global Basis” on
page 209.

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Working with Tables: Sorting Tables


The following section describe how to work with tables in the FlexWave EMS GUI.

Sorting Tables
You can change the order of a table’s contents by applying an alphanumeric sort on a column. To
toggle a column by ascending or descending order, click in the column heading.

Filtering Tables
You can filter a table so that only the data that you want to view is in focus in the table.

1 In the Filter panel View menu, select a filter to be applied to the table.
2 In the contains box, enter filter criteria.
3 Click Filter to apply the filter.

To remove the filter:

1 In the View menu, select None.

2 Delete any text from the contains box.
3 Click Filter.

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Using the FlexWave EMS


In the System Menu bar, click Help > Contents.
The embedded FlexWave EMS Help is context sensitive, which means that the Help topic that
opens will pertain to the current view in the EMS Frame View.

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Finding the FlexWave EMS Release Number: Filtering Tables


In the System Menu bar, click Help > About to find which FlexWave EMS software release is
installed on your FlexWave system.

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Using the FlexWave EMS


Do the following when the Welcome to the FlexWave Element Management System for Prism and
Spectrum window opens.

1 In the User Name box, type the user name provided by TE or by the Network Administrator.
The default user name is admin.
2 In the Password box, type the password provided by TE or by the Network Administrator. The
default password is adc123.
3 Once installation is complete, users can be added and passwords can be changed. For further
information, see “User Account Management” on page 229.
4 Click Log In.

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How to Log on to the FlexWave EMS GUI: Filtering Tables

The default FlexWave EMS page opens, which comprises the elements listed below.
• The System Tree will be populated with installed devices, but no device will be selected.
• In the EMS Frame View, the default page displays the Host Unit (see “Basic Unit Views” on
page 131).

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Topics Page

Configure the FlexWave System............................................................................................................................................. 26

Access the EMS.........................................................................................................................................................................26
Set the System Date and Time .................................................................................................................................................29
Set the Time Zone.............................................................................................................................................................30
Set the System Date and Time Manually..........................................................................................................................31
Synchronize System Date and Time with an NTP Server..................................................................................................32
Set the Network Connections...................................................................................................................................................33
Check the Hardware Installation ..............................................................................................................................................34
Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System................................................................................................................35
Set the System Reference Clock and Clock Priority..................................................................................................................38
Spectrum Only: Set IFEU Power Monitoring ............................................................................................................................40
Configure the Optical Ports Through the System Configuration Menu....................................................................................41
Configure the DART Links .........................................................................................................................................................42
Supported DARTs..............................................................................................................................................................43
800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs...................................................................................................................................43
SMR800 Classic DARTs..............................................................................................................................................43
900 SMR Classic DARTs.............................................................................................................................................44
2100 AWS Classic DARTs...........................................................................................................................................44
Cellular Classic DARTs ...............................................................................................................................................45
PCS Classic DARTs .....................................................................................................................................................46
700 Lower ABC SuperDARTs .....................................................................................................................................47
700 UpperC SuperDARTs ..........................................................................................................................................48
2100 AWS SuperDARTs.............................................................................................................................................48
EGSM 900 SuperDARTs.............................................................................................................................................49
GSM 1800 SuperDARTs.............................................................................................................................................49
PCS SuperDARTs .......................................................................................................................................................49
UMTS SuperDARTs....................................................................................................................................................50
800 Digital Dividend HDM 20W MIMO, Band 20......................................................................................................50
1800 DCS/2100 UMTS HDM 20W, Band 3 and 1......................................................................................................50
2600 HDM 20W MIMO, Band 7................................................................................................................................50
DART Start and Stop Frequencies.....................................................................................................................................50
SuperDART Timeslot and Passband Configurations .........................................................................................................51
Link the Host Unit DARTs to the Remote Unit DARTs ......................................................................................................52
Set the Delays Between the Host Unit and the Remote Units .................................................................................................55
Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs ....................................................................................................................57
Host Unit DART Forward Gain Requirements...................................................................................................................58
Setting Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Host Unit DART.......................................................................................59
Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs.....................................................................................................................62
How to Set Reverse Link Gain...........................................................................................................................................63
Setting the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs .................................................................................................................64
Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs...............................................................................................................65
Setting the Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Remote Unit DART ...........................................................................65
Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit DARTs .........................................................................................................67
Spectrum Only: Configure RAU Properties...............................................................................................................................70
Configure CDIU Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................................71
Backup the Baseline Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 72

This chapter is designed to walk you through the commissioning of a FlexWave system.

NOTE: Prism Fullband Remote Units are only supported in EMS Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8.

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Commission a FlexWave System


NOTE: In the default configuration, the Craft port has a DHCP server that assigns an IP address to the
computer that is connected. You should therefore have your PC network interface configured for
DHCP, or configured with a static IP address in the same 192.168.0.x subnet; the Craft port's IP
address is

CAUTION! This section tells how to set up a Prism system with the Remote Unit(s) connected to only one
Host Unit. For information on how to configure a Multi-Host system, in which a Remote Unit is
connected to more than one Host Unit, follow the steps in “Setting up a Multi-Host System”
on page 326.

Access the EMS

1 To allow the EMS popup and alarm screens to function correctly, do one of the following.
• Disable the popup blocker for your web browser.
• Enter the system IP address in the web browser’s trusted sites list.
2 Use an Ethernet CAT 5 cable (straight or crossover) with RJ-45 connectors to connect a laptop
to the Craft port of the Host Unit.


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Configure the FlexWave System: Access the EMS

3 Connect your computer and start a web browser.

4 In the web browser URL box, enter the following IP address:
5 When the Welcome to the FlexWave Element Management System for Prism and Spectrum
window opens:
a Wait for the initialization message to finish:

b In the User Name box, type the user name provided by TE or by the Network
Administrator. The default user name is admin.
c In the Password box, type the password provided by TE or by the Network Administrator.
The default password is adc123.
Once installation is complete, users can be added and passwords can be changed. For
further information, see “Managing User Accounts” on page 285.
d Click Log In.

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The default FlexWave EMS page opens, which comprises the elements listed below.
• The System Tree will be populated with the devices that the EMS discovers, but no device
will be selected.
• In the EMS Frame View, the default page displays what is shown when the Host Unit is
selected in the System Tree.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Set the System Date and Time

Set the System Date and Time

The following rules apply to the system time and date:
• The supported date and time range is from 1 January 2005 00:00:00
(12 AM) to 31 December 2037 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM), where January is 1 and December is
• All Remote Units synchronize time with the managing Host Unit at the time the connected
Remote Unit is discovered.
• If the system date or time is changed while a Remote Unit is out of communication with the
Host Unit (for example, loss of power or scheduled maintenance), once communication is
reestablished it will take up to 10 minutes for the Remote Unit to display the updated date or
• If the difference between the set time and the present time is greater than the session time
out setting, the user will be logged out. For example, if the Session Idle Time is set to 10
minutes, and the time set in this procedure is 11:10 AM but it is actually 11:30 AM, there is a
20 minute difference, which triggers the Session Idle Time and the user will be logged out of
the current EMS session.

NOTE: You can set the date and time at any time independent from one another.

To set the system date and time, you first set the Time Zone (“Set the Time Zone” on page 30), and
then do one of the following:
• “Set the System Date and Time Manually” on page 31
• “Synchronize System Date and Time with an NTP Server” on page 32.

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Set the Time Zone

Follow this procedure to have the Host Unit date and time automatically align with a specific time
zone based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

1 In the System Menu bar, click

System Configuration > Set Date
and Time.
The Set Date and Time page
opens, in which the Current
Date And Time field lists the
current date and time.
2 In the Time Zone menu, select
the time zone per system
requirements or local practice.

3 Click Apply.

NOTE: As noted in the rules that apply to changing the EMS date and time (“Set the System Date and
Time” on page 29), if a time change goes forward beyond the Session Idle Time limit, you will be
logged out of the current EMS session. This includes changing to a time zone in which the change
in time is more than the Session Idle Time limit.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Set the System Date and Time

4 Do one of the following:

• If you are changing to a time zone in which the new time is longer than the Session Idle
Time limit, log back in to the EMS.
• Wait for the Date and time has been set message to display.
5 Complete one of the following procedures to set the date and time:
• “Set the System Date and Time Manually” on page 31
• “Synchronize System Date and Time with an NTP Server” on page 32.

Set the System Date and Time Manually

1 In the System Menu bar, click

System Configuration > Set Date
and Time.
The Set Date and Time page
opens, in which the Current Date
And Time field lists the current
date and time.
2 Select the New Date and Time
radio button.
3 To change the date:
a Click the … icon after the
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) box.
b In the Calendar that opens,
do the following:
i In the Month menu,
select the month.
ii If necessary, use the
arrows to adjust the year.
iii In the calendar, select the
iv Click Close.
4 To change the time, in the Time
(HH:MM:SS) box, enter the system time in the 24-hour clock HH:MM:SS format (for example,
to set the system time to 5:19:56 PM, you would enter 17:19:56).
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Date and time has been set message to display.

NOTE: As noted in the rules that apply to changing the EMS date and time (“Set the System Date and
Time” on page 29), if a time change goes forward beyond the Session Idle Time limit, you will be
logged out of the current EMS session. This includes changing to a time zone in which the change
in time is more than the Session Idle Time limit.

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Synchronize System Date and Time with an NTP Server

Follow this procedure to have the Host Unit date and time use the Network Time Protocol (NTP),
which synchronizes the date and time of the Host Unit with the date and time of another

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set Date and Time.
The Set Date and Time page opens, in which the Current Date And Time field lists the current
date and time.

2 Select the Sync with NTP Server radio button.

3 In the Server IP box that opens, enter the IP address of the NTP server with which the Host
Unit is to synchronize. The IP address must be in dot-decimal format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).

4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the following message to display, in which <IP address> shows the address of the NTP
server with which the EMS is synchronizing.
Date and Time settings changed: Synchronized with NTP Server: <IP address>

NOTE: As noted in the rules that apply to changing the EMS date and time (“Set the System Date and
Time” on page 29), if you synchronize to a time going forward that is beyond the Session Idle
Time limit, you will be logged out of the current EMS session.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Set the Network Connections

Set the Network Connections

CAUTION! If this is not an initial installation and you change the IP address of the Host Unit Craft and/or
Network port, any users logged in to the Host Unit will be logged off and will not be able to log
back in with the old IP address.

CAUTION! Do not set the IP address of the Network port and the IP address of the Craft port to the same
network, as this causes the Craft port to stop working. Should this happen, follow the steps in
“Correcting a Network Port and Craft Port IP Address Conflict” on page 273.

Do the following to configure the Host Unit Craft and Network ports:

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set Network Connections.
The Set Network Connections page opens.

2 There are two rows in the Set Network Connections page. Use the Port column to select which
row to work within to configure:
• Craft Port
• Network Port.
3 Use the Mode menu to specify the networking mode under which IP addresses are assigned
to the Host Unit Craft and Network ports. The IP address of each port can be static (set by the
user) or assigned by a DHCP server. No user action is required for the Remote Units—IP
addresses for connected Remote Units are auto assigned.
• DHCP—this mode indicates that the port expects an IP address to be assigned to it by an
external DHCP server.
• Static—this mode allows you to set a static IP address on the port.
4 If you change a port to Static, the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway address fields are
enabled; otherwise you cannot change them.
a In the IP Address box, enter a new IP address for the system, in the format of
b In the Subnet Mask box, enter a new Subnet Mask address for the system, in the format of
c In the Gateway box, enter a new Gateway address for the system, in the format of
5 Click Apply.

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6 In the confirmation window, click OK.

7 Wait for the following message to display: Information: Network settings have been updated.

Check the Hardware Installation

Before proceeding in the provisioning of the system, perform a minimal check to make sure the
fiber is stable.

1 To access the View Current Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current

NOTE: For Spectrum only system there will be active Incompatible Bands alarms. These alarms can be
ignored as they will be active until the DARTs are linked in “Configure the DART Links” on
page 42.

2 Do one of the following:

• If there is an active optical or fiber alarm, click on the link in the Status column, and then
follow the troubleshooting step(s) in the alarm information page that opens. An active
optical or fiber alarm can be any of the following:
– Optical Over Drive
– Optical RX High BER
– Optical RX No Light
– Optical Transmitter Fault.
• If there is no active optical or fiber alarm, proceed to “Set the System Reference Clock and
Clock Priority” on page 38.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System

Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System

The following process allows you to enter basic information and optionally provide notes for all
the units in the system at one time. Identifying all of the units according to a system plan makes
future provisioning and troubleshooting steps easier. The names entered in each Unit Name text
box will be used in other provisioning or information GUI pages.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Edit Properties.
The Edit Properties page opens.

The Edit Properties page has the following read-only elements, where each row in the Edit
Properties table corresponds to the unit identified in the Unit Id column.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• IP Address—the IP address of the unit identified in the Unit Id column.
• Contact Alarms—identifies active contact alarms, if any.
2 Do the following in the row that corresponds to the Host Unit:
a Use the Unit Name text box in each row to enter a unique name for the Host Unit. The Unit
Name must be between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or
double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). The default Unit Name for the Host Unit
is HOST.
b (Optional) Use the Notes text box to enter notes specific to the Host Unit. You can enter up
to 256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.

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3 Do the following in each row that corresponds to a Remote Unit:

a Use the Unit Name text box in each row to enter a unique name for the Remote Unit. Each
Unit Name must be between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single
or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). The default Unit Name for Remote
Units is Remote.
b Use the Enabled Network Port check box to enable the Network port on that Remote Unit
to provide network-wide access for the device connected. Uses include:
– Connecting a PC so you can connect to the Host Unit or other network devices on the
same network as the Host Unit.
– Connecting a parallel system that can use the network connection to monitor another
system also on the same network (such as, a UPS).
This port defaults to disabled (that is, the check box is not selected) to avoid potential
network loops in a Multi-Host system.

NOTE: In a cascade system, the Enable Network Port check box is visible for all of the Remote Units in
the cascade, but it only works for the first Remote Unit in the cascade. You therefore should not
check the Enable Network Port check box for subtended Remote Units. The Enabled Network
Port check box for the first Remote Unit in the cascade provides the status of all subtended
Remote Units.

CAUTION! Selecting Enable Network Port can introduce an Ethernet loop into a Multi-Host configuration. If
two Host Units select Enable Network Port to the same Remote(s) in the same cascade, Ethernet
traffic can pass from one Host Unit Network port to the other over the fiber. If the two Host Unit
Network ports are connected together, broadcast messages will circle between the Host Units,
possibly locking up the network.

c (Optional) Use the Notes text box to enter notes specific to the corresponding Remote
Unit. You can enter up to 256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.
4 In each row that corresponds to an IFEU or RAU, use the Unit Name text box to enter a unique
name for that IFEU or RAU. Each Unit Name must be between 1 and 64 characters and cannot
contain quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). By default,
the Unit Name for IFEUs and RAUs is blank.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System

5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

In the preceding graphic, note the following, the name assigned to each unit now appears in
the System Tree and in the Unit Id column. The Unit Name and Notes text boxes remain active
so you can change the Unit Name or add additional notes at any time.

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Set the System Reference Clock and Clock Priority

1 In the System Tree, click on the Host Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Properties.
The Unit Configuration > Edit Properties page opens. Note that the Unit Name and the Notes
text boxes contain the information that you set in the System Configuration > Edit Properties

3 (Optional) If necessary, use the Unit Name text box to enter a different name for the Host Unit.
The Unit Name must start with an alphabetical character or a space, contain between 1 and
64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle
brackets (< or >).
4 (Optional) The SeRF board on each Host Unit and Remote Unit contains the clock for that unit.
At the Remote Unit, the reference is a clock derived from the Host Unit clock. The 10 MHz
Reference Clock default is Internal. You can change the 10 MHz Reference Clock setting to
External, which allows you to frequency lock the clock to an external 10 MHz reference.
The System Board Clock Source field indicates how the Host Unit System Board is receiving its
clock source:
• 10 MHz—the Host Unit is set as the System Card Output Clock.
• OFF—the Host Unit System Card Output Clock is disabled. Unless your system requires
the 10 MHz output, it is best to leave the System Card Output Clock disabled, as this setting
saves power and lowers emissions.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Set the System Reference Clock and Clock Priority

NOTE: If you are setting up a CDIU system, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation
and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240) for information on how to set the reference clock for a
CDIU system.

CAUTION! If the Host Unit has a System II Module, when using the 10 MHz external reference clock, the
signal must be connected to the Host Unit before enabling the clock in the software. If an
external 10MHz reference clock is selected for operation, but is not present or is outside of the
frequency range of 10MHz +/- 5ppm, communication between the Host Unit and Remote Units
will fail.

5 In most instances, you can leave the Clock Priority Level to its default setting of 14. However, if
you are setting up a Multi-Host system, refer to “General Configuration Rules in a Multi-Host
System” on page 259 for information on how to use the Clock Priority Level correctly for
6 (Optional) Use the Notes box to enter notes specific to this Host Unit. You can enter up to 256
characters; all keyboard characters can be used.
7 Click Apply.
8 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

In the preceding graphic, only the Clock Priority Level was set.

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Spectrum Only: Set IFEU Power Monitoring

NOTE: Power Monitoring only works if a monitoring cable is installed between the IFEU and the Power

1 In the System Tree, click on an IFEU icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Properties.
The Edit Properties page opens in the EMS Frame View, with configuration settings that
pertain to IFEUs.

3 (Optional) In the Unit Name box, enter a new Unit Name for this IFEU. The Unit Name must be
between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or
close) or angle brackets (< or >).
4 Click in the Power Monitoring check box to enable the monitoring of the external Power
Supply Unit.
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the following Information message: Successfully applied settings.
7 Repeat the steps in this procedure for each IFEU in the system that has a monitoring cable
connected to the Power Supply.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Optical Ports Through the System Configuration Menu

Configure the Optical Ports Through the System Configuration Menu

The EMS offers two ways to configure the optical ports, in which you can either configure all the
optical ports in the system at one time, or configure the optical ports for a specific Host Unit or
Remote Unit (this is not applicable to IFEUs or RAUs).
This topic describes the Edit Optical Port Properties page accessed through the System
Configuration menu. To configure the optical ports for a specific unit, go to “Configure Optical
Ports (by Specific Unit)” on page 162.

CAUTION! If fiber-optic cables must be moved or reconfigured at any time during installation or setup,
follow the steps in “Moving or Reconfiguring Fiber-Optic Cables” on page 127.

The Edit Optical Port Properties page lists all of the occupied SeRF optical ports on the Host Unit
and all occupied optical ports on connected Remote Units, including cascaded Remote Units.
Follow the steps in this procedure to label the discovered optical ports to provide for easier
off-site management.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties.
The Edit Optical Port Properties page opens.

2 Use the following columns to identify the optical ports:

• Unit Type—what the unit is, such as Host Unit or Remote Unit. In the Fiber Report, a
Remote Unit can be a Prism Remote Unit or HEU, or a Spectrum DRU.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
• SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU,
the SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and
FRUs, the SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1
or Fiber 2 connector.
The information in the Edit Optical Port Properties table provides the same information found
in the Fiber Optic Connections report. For information on the other read-only columns, go to
“Viewing the Fiber Optic Connections Report” on page 83.

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3 In each SFP Name text box, enter a label for the corresponding Optics port. The SFP Name must
contain 1 to 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or close)
or angle brackets (< or >). The default SFP Name is SFP.
4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the progress bar to go away, and for the Operation completed message to display.

Configure the DART Links

“Linking” establishes an association in software between a particular Host Unit DART and a
particular Remote Unit DART, enabling the two DARTs to act as an operational unit in providing
one RF band. There are four per-requisites to this procedure:
• The Host Unit DART and Remote Unit DART must be connected by fiber-optic cable and be
communicating with each other.
• To link the Remote Unit DARTs to the DARTs in a Host Unit, the DARTs must be the same type
(such as, Cellular to Cellular).
• SuperDARTs and Classic DARTS do not operate with each other. Link a SuperDART to a
SuperDART and a Classic DART to a Classic DART.
• There must be a sufficient number of fiber timeslots available in order to accommodate the
requested passband (for example, PCS A band requires 3 timeslots).
A link is established by setting the passband frequency, and then selecting a Remote Unit DART
to be paired with the Host Unit DART, and then clicking the Linked check box.
• To provide for an RF Simulcast in a star topology, a Single Host Unit DART can be linked to up
to eight Remote Unit DARTs.
• To provide for an RF Simulcast in a cascade, a Single Host Unit DART can be linked to up to
sixteen Remote Unit DARTs.

NOTE: Host-to-Host systems do not support simulcast.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the DART Links

This section has three subsections:

• “Supported DARTs” on page 43
• “DART Start and Stop Frequencies” on page 50
• “Link the Host Unit DARTs to the Remote Unit DARTs” on page 52.

Supported DARTs

This section describes the DARTs that are supported with this Prism and Spectrum release. Each
section identifies whether the DART model can be used in Prism or Spectrum systems.

800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs

Table 17 lists the passband selections for 800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs.

Table 17. 800 APAC iDEN Classic DART Passband Selection

Name Forward Frequency Reverse Frequency
Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
800 APAC iDEN 851 - 870 806 - 825

The 800 APAC iDEN DART also supports the SMR800 passbands listed in Table 18, which means
that an 800 APAC iDEN Classic DART can be linked to another 800 APAC iDEN Classic DART or to
an SMR800 Classic DART.

SMR800 Classic DARTs

Table 18 lists the passband selections for SMR800 Classic DARTs.

Table 18. SMR800 Classic DART Passband Selections

Name Passband Forward Reverse Passband Selection

Frequency Frequency Restricted to …
Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
SMR800 SMR Low6 863-869 818-824 6.5 SMR 800 or
800 APAC (Classic or HDM)
SMR800 SMR Low7 862-869 817-824 800/1900 HDM
SMR800 SMR Low18 851-869 806-824 800/1900 HDM

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900 SMR Classic DARTs

Table 19 lists the passband selections for 900 SMR Classic DARTs. Note that the 900 SMR Classic
DART supports sub-banding.

Table 19. 900 SMR Classic DART Passband Selections

Name Forward Frequency Reverse
Range (MHz) Frequency
Range (MHz)
SMR High 935 - 940 896 - 901
SMR High/Paging 935 - 941 896 - 902

NOTE: When installed in a PRU, the 900 SMR Classic DART supports only the SMR High passband; PRUs
do not support SMR High/Paging. These restrictions are not applicable to Spectrum.

2100 AWS Classic DARTs

Table 20 lists the passband selections for 2100 AWS Classic DARTs.

Table 20. 2100 AWS Classic DART Passband Selection

Name Forward Reverse

Frequency Frequency
Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
A 2110 - 2120 1710 - 1720
A+B 2110 - 2130 1710 - 1730
A+B+C 2110 - 2135 1710 - 1735
A+B+C+D 2110 - 2140 1710 - 1740
A+B+C+D+E 2110 - 2145 1710 - 1745
B 2120 - 2130 1720 - 1730
B+C 2120 - 2135 1720 - 1735
B+C+D 2120 - 2140 1720 - 1740
B+C+D+E 2120 - 2145 1720 - 1745
B+C+D+E+F 2120 - 2155 1720 - 1755
C 2130 - 2135 1730 - 1735
C+D 2130 - 2140 1730 - 1740
C+D+E 2130 - 2145 1730 - 1745
C+D+E+F 2130 - 2155 1730 - 1755
D 2135 - 2140 1735 - 1740
D+E 2135 - 2145 1735 - 1745
D+E+F 2135 - 2155 1735 - 1755
E 2140 - 2145 1740 - 1745
E+F 2140 - 2155 1740 - 1755
F 2145 - 2155 1745 - 1755

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the DART Links

Cellular Classic DARTs

Table 21 lists the passband selections for Cellular Classic DARTs.

Table 21. Cellular Classic DART Passband Selections

Name Forward Frequency Reverse

Range (MHz) Frequency
Range (MHz)
A'' + A 869 - 880 824 - 835
A 870 - 880 825 - 835
A'' + A + A’ 869 - 891.5 824 - 846.5
A’ 890 - 891.5 845 - 846.5
B 880 - 890 835 - 845
B’ 891.5 - 894 846.5 - 849
B + B’ 880 - 894 835 - 849
A'' + A + B + A' + B’ 869 - 894 824 - 849
A+B* 870 - 890 825 - 845
* Spectrum does not support the A + B band.

NOTE: When installed in a Remote Unit, the Cellular Classic DART supports the same passbands as the
Cellular Classic Host Unit DART. However, the LNA or Duplexer installed in the Remote Unit can
restrain which passbands are supported.

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PCS Classic DARTs

Table 22 lists the passband selections for PCS Classic DARTs.

Table 22. PCS Classic DART Passband Selections

Passband Forward Frequency Reverse Passband Forward Frequency Reverse

Range (MHz) Frequency Range (MHz) Frequency
Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
A1 1930 - 1935 1850 - 1855 E+F+C2 1965 - 1982.5 1885 - 1902.5
A2 1935 - 1940 1855 - 1860 C1+G + H 1982.5 - 2000 1902.5 - 1920
A3 1940 - 1945 1860 - 1865 A+D 1930 - 1950 1850 - 1870
B1 1950 - 1955 1870 - 1875 A2+A3+D+B1 1935 - 1955 1855 - 1875
B2 1955 - 1960 1875 - 1880 A3+D+B1+B2 1940 - 1960 1860 - 1880
B3 1960 - 1965 1880 - 1885 D+B 1945 - 1965 1865 - 1885
C3 1975 - 1980 1895 - 1900 B+E 1950 - 1970 1870 - 1890
C4 1980 - 1985 1900 - 1905 B2+B3+E+F 1955 - 1975 1875 - 1895
C5 1985 - 1990 1905 - 1910 B3+E+F+C3 1960 - 1980 1880 - 1900
D 1945 - 1950 1865 - 1870 E+F+C3+C4 1965 - 1985 1885 - 1905
E 1965 - 1970 1885 - 1890 F+C 1970 - 1990 1890 - 1910
F 1970 - 1975 1890 - 1895 C+G 1975 - 1995 1895 - 1915
G 1990 - 1995 1910 - 1915 C4+C5+G + H 1980 - 2000 1900 - 1920
H* 1995 - 2000 1915 - 1920 B3+E+F+C2 1960 - 1982.5 1880 - 1902.5
C2 1975 - 1982.5 1895 - 1902.5 A+D+B1 1930 - 1955 1850 - 1875
C1 1982.5 - 1990 1902.5 - 1910 A2+A3+D+B1+B2 1935 - 1960 1855 - 1880
A1+A2 1930 - 1940 1850 - 1860 A3+D+B 1940 - 1965 1860 - 1885
A2+A3 1935 - 1945 1855 - 1865 D+B+E 1945 - 1970 1865 - 1890
A3+D 1940 - 1950 1860 - 1870 B+E+F 1950 - 1975 1870 - 1895
D+B1 1945 - 1955 1865 - 1875 B2+B3+E+F+C3 1955 - 1980 1875 - 1900
B1+B2 1950 - 1960 1870 - 1880 B3+E+F+C3+C4 1960 - 1985 1880 - 1905
B2+B3 1955 - 1965 1875 - 1885 E+F+C 1965 - 1990 1885 - 1910
B3+E 1960 - 1970 1880 - 1890 F+C+G 1970 - 1995 1890 - 1915
E+F 1965 - 1975 1885 - 1895 C+G + H 1975 - 2000 1895 - 1920
F+C3 1970 - 1980 1890 - 1900 B2+B3+E+F+C2 1955 - 1982.5 1875 - 1902.5
C3+C4 1975 - 1985 1895 - 1905 A+D+B1+B2 1930 - 1960 1850 - 1880
C4+C5 1980 - 1990 1900 - 1910 A2+A3+D+B 1935 - 1965 1855 - 1885
C5+G 1985 - 1995 1905 - 1915 A3+D+B+E 1940 - 1970 1860 - 1890
G+H 1990 - 2000 1910 - 1920 D+B+E+F 1945 - 1975 1865 - 1895
F+C2 1970 - 1982.5 1890 - 1902.5 B+E+F+C3 1950 - 1980 1870 - 1900
C1+G 1982.5 - 1995 1902.5 - 1915 B2+B3+E+F+C3+C4 1955 - 1985 1875 - 1905
A 1930 - 1945 1850 - 1865 B3+E+F+C 1960 - 1990 1880 - 1910
A2+A3+D 1935 - 1950 1855 - 1870 E+F+C+G 1965 - 1995 1885 - 1915
A3+D+B1 1940 - 1955 1860 - 1875 F+C+G + H 1970 - 2000 1890 - 1920
D+B1+B2 1945 - 1960 1865 - 1880 A+D+B 1930 - 1965 1850 - 1885
B 1950 - 1965 1870 - 1885 A2+A3+D+B+E 1935 - 1970 1855 - 1890

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the DART Links

Table 22. PCS Classic DART Passband Selections

Passband Forward Frequency Reverse Passband Forward Frequency Reverse

Range (MHz) Frequency Range (MHz) Frequency
Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
B2+B3+E 1955 - 1970 1875 - 1890 A3+D+B+E+F 1940 - 1975 1860 - 1895
B3+E+F 1960 - 1975 1880 - 1895 D+B+E+F+C3 1945 - 1980 1865 - 1900
E+F+C3 1965 - 1980 1885 - 1900 B+E+F+C3+C4 1950 - 1985 1870 - 1905
F+C3+C4 1970 - 1985 1890 - 1905 B2+B3+E+F+C 1955 - 1990 1875 - 1910
C 1975 - 1990 1895 - 1910 B3+E+F+C+G 1960 - 1995 1880 - 1915
C4+C5 +G 1980 - 1995 1900 - 1915 E+F+C+G + H 1965 - 2000 1885 - 1920
C5+G + H 1985 - 2000 1905 - 1920
* Spectrum does not support the PCS H band.

700 Lower ABC SuperDARTs

The 700 Lower ABC SuperDART supports the following subbands: A, B, C. Table 23 lists the
passband selections for 700 Lower ABC SuperDARTs.

Table 23. 700 Lower ABC SuperDART Passband Selection

Name Forward Frequency Reverse

Range (MHz) Frequency
Range (MHz)
A 728 - 734 698 - 704
B 734 - 740 704 - 710
C 740 - 746 710 - 716
A+B 728 - 740 698 - 710
A+C 728 - 734 698 - 704
740 - 746 710 - 716
A+B+C 728 - 746 698 - 716
B+C 734 - 746 704 - 716

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700 UpperC SuperDARTs

The 700 UpperC SuperDART only supports the Upper C passband. Valid forward path frequencies
include the 10 MHz range from 746 to 756 MHz. The minimum configurable passband is 5 MHz
wide. Table 24 lists the passband selections for 700 UpperC SuperDARTs.

Table 24. 700 UpperC SuperDART Passbands

Name Forward Frequency Reverse Frequency

Range (MHz) Range (MHz)
UpperC 746 - 756 776 - 786

To configure the 700 UpperC SuperDART passband(s), enter the Start and Stop frequencies for at
least one forward path, as shown below. After you click OK, reverse path frequencies are
automatically applied and display.

NOTE: The faceplate on a 700 UpperC SuperDART shows a frequency range of “746-757 / 776-787”.
However, the valid configurable frequency range through the EMS GUI is limited to 746-756 /

2100 AWS SuperDARTs

You can select any number of the subbands based on the limitations specified below.
• The 2100 AWS SuperDART supports the following passbands: A, B, C, D, E, F.
• You can select up to two non-contiguous sets of subbands, but there must be at least a 5 MHz
gap between the bands.
• The forward Start and Stop frequencies are in the range of 2110MHz - 2155MHz.

NOTE: When installed in Host Unit Slots 1 and 3, Single SuperDARTs can be configured for up to 75 MHz
of passband (12 time-slots). All other Host Unit Slots (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) only allow up to 35 MHz
of passband (6 time-slots).

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EGSM 900 SuperDARTs

The EGSM 900 SuperDART supports the selection of a Start and Stop frequency for the passband
in the range of 925MHz - 960MHz.
To configure the EGSM 900 SuperDART passband(s), enter the Start and Stop frequencies for at
least one forward path, and then click OK. After you click OK, reverse path frequencies are
automatically applied and display.

GSM 1800 SuperDARTs

You can select a Start and Stop frequency for the GSM 1800 SuperDART passband in the frequency
range of 1805 MHz - 1880 MHz.
To configure the GSM 1800 SuperDART passband(s), enter the Start and Stop frequencies for at
least one forward path, and then click OK. After you click OK, reverse path frequencies are
automatically applied and display.


PCS SuperDARTs support the following subbands: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1,
C2, C3, C4, C5.
You can select any number of the subbands based on the limitations specified below.
• The subband A cannot be chosen in conjunction with A1, A2, or A3.
• The subband B cannot be chosen in conjunction with B1, B2, or B3.
• The subband C cannot be chosen in conjunction with C1, C2, C3, C4, or C5.
• The subbands C1 and C2 cannot be chosen in conjunction with the subbands C, C3, C4, or C5.
• The subbands C3, C4, and C5 cannot be chosen in conjunction with the subbands C, C1, or C2.
• Up to two non-contiguous sets of subbands can be selected, and there must be more than or
equal to a 5 MHz gap between the bands.

The PCS SuperDART supports the Start and Stop frequencies listed below.
• The PCS RF SuperDART supports the selection of a Start and Stop frequency for the passband
as listed in Table 22.
• The PCS RF SuperDART Start and Stop frequencies are in the range of 1930MHz - 2000MHz.

NOTE: When installed in Host Unit Slots 1 and 3, Single SuperDARTs can be configured for up to 75 MHz
of passband (12 time-slots). All other Host Unit Slots (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) only allow up to 35 MHz
of passband (6 time-slots).

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You can select a Start and Stop frequency for the UMTS SuperDART passband in the frequency
range of 2110 MHz - 2170 MHz.
To configure the UMTS SuperDART passband(s), enter the Start and Stop frequencies for at least
one forward path, and then click OK. After you click OK, reverse path frequencies are
automatically applied and display.

800 Digital Dividend HDM 20W MIMO, Band 20

The 800 Digital Dividend HDM RF Module can only be used in a Fullband Remote Unit, and is only
supported in EMS Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8. The 800DD HDM module only passes full
bandwidth without sub-banding capabilities.

1800 DCS/2100 UMTS HDM 20W, Band 3 and 1

The 1800 DCS/2100 UMTS HDM RF Module can only be used in a Fullband Remote Unit, and is
only supported in EMS Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8. The 1800 DCS/2100 UMTS HDM RF
Module only passes full bandwidth without sub-banding capabilities.

2600 HDM 20W MIMO, Band 7

The 2600 HDM RF Module can only be used in a Fullband Remote Unit, and is only supported in
EMS Software Releases 8.1.3 and 8.1.8. The 2600 HDM RF Module only passes full bandwidth
without sub-banding capabilities.

DART Start and Stop Frequencies

Host SuperDARTs support the selection of a Start and Stop frequency for the passband or for the
selection of subbands (up to two start-stop frequency pairs may be selected as long as the two
pairs are at least 5 MHz apart and one is limited to 39 MHz and the other is limited to 25 MHz).

NOTE: Start/Stop frequencies and subbands may not be used at the same time.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the DART Links

SuperDART Timeslot and Passband Configurations

Table 25 and Table 26 list the supported passband configurations for SuperDARTs.

Table 25. Supported SuperDART Contiguous Passband Configurations

Bandwidth Timeslots
6 1
12 2
18 3
25 4
39 6
45 8
75 12

Table 26. Supported SuperDART Non-Contiguous Passband Configurations

First Second Fiber

Subband Subband Timeslots
(MHz) (MHz)
6 6 2
6 12 3
6 18 4
6 25 5
6 35 7
12 6 3
12 12 4
12 18 5
12 25 6
12 35 8
18 6 4
18 12 5
18 18 6
18 25 7
18 35 9
25 6 5
25 12 6
25 18 7
25 25 8
25 35 10
35 6 7
35 12 8
35 18 9
35 25 10

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Link the Host Unit DARTs to the Remote Unit DARTs

NOTE: The DARTs in a Prism Remote Unit are encased in the RF Modules.

The information in this section of the EMS guide pertains to DART links. Although CDIU links will
be shown, for information on setting and removing CDIU links, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital
Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).
The Links table in the Configure DART Links page has the same data as the Links report; for further
information go to “Viewing the Links Report” on page 80.
Do the following to establish DART links:

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Links.
The Configure Links page opens. Notice that the Links table at the bottom of the page is empty
as you have not yet established any DART links. You will use the Band Configuration panel to
configure the Host Unit for DART linking, and the Remote panel to configure the Remote Unit.

2 In the Host table, set the following parameters:

a In the Slot menu, select the Host Unit DART that you want to link to the Remote Unit DART.
b In the Slot Name box, enter a name for the DART, which must start with an alphabetical
character or a space, contain between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote
marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). The default Slot Name
is DART.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the DART Links

c If the Passband column is activated, click the Configure link to set the passband for the
selected DART. A Bands dialog opens, with the band type as part of the dialog name. For
further information on DART configurations, refer to the section below that corresponds
to the DART that you are linking.
• “800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs” on page 43
• “SMR800 Classic DARTs” on page 43
• “900 SMR Classic DARTs” on page 44
• “2100 AWS Classic DARTs” on page 44
• “Cellular Classic DARTs” on page 45
• “PCS Classic DARTs” on page 46
• “700 Lower ABC SuperDARTs” on page 47
• “700 UpperC SuperDARTs” on page 48
• “2100 AWS SuperDARTs” on page 48
• “EGSM 900 SuperDARTs” on page 49
• “GSM 1800 SuperDARTs” on page 49
• “PCS SuperDARTs” on page 49
• “UMTS SuperDARTs” on page 50

NOTE: The Frequency table provides a read-only tabular view of forward and reverse paths.

d Do one of the following to set the Diversity parameter, as appropriate for the system
• For Prism systems, in the Diversity menu, select whether the DART is to be configured
as Diversity or Non Diversity. For a diversity application, one DART will be configured
Non Diversity for the primary FWD/REV path signal and the other DART will be
configured Diversity. This selection therefore determines whether the DART Module
being configured will carry the primary or secondary REV (uplink) RF path.
• For Spectrum systems, only select Non Diversity, as Diversity is applicable only to Prism
Remote Units.
e Leave the Input Source to its default setting of BTS.
3 In the Remote table, set the following parameters:
a In the Unit Id menu, select the Remote Unit whose DART you are linking to the Host Unit
In a cascade, the Remote Unit shown in the Remote Id menu is the first Remote Unit in the
cascade. This is the only Remote Unit in the cascade that is shown, as all of the other
Remote Units in the cascade have their DARTs automatically linked.
b In the Slot menu, select the Remote Unit DART that you are linking.
c In the Slot Name box, enter a name for the DART, which must start with an alphabetical
character or a space, contain between 5 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote
marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >).

NOTE: If there is only one Remote Unit with a DART type matching the Host Unit DART selected in Step
2, that Remote Unit and DART is automatically selected by the GUI.

d Select the Linked check box.

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4 Click Apply.
The Links table at the bottom of the page updates with the new link.

5 Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each Host Unit and Remote Unit DART pairing.

NOTE: Each link takes approximately 1 minute to establish.

NOTE: After you click Apply, the EMS retains the selections made in the previous steps, which makes it
easier to select a new Remote Unit if the same Host Unit DART is being used for a simulcast.

The following graphic shows a Common Host system in which both DARTs and CDIUs are linked.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Set the Delays Between the Host Unit and the Remote Units

Set the Delays Between the Host Unit and the Remote Units
NOTE: This section of the EMS guide tells you how to set the Forward Delay and Reverse Delay for Host
Unit and Remote Unit DARTs; for information on setting the Forward Delay and Reverse Delay
for CDIUs, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

You use the Configure Delay page to set a specific amount of delay between the Host Unit and the
Remote Unit(s) in both the Forward (FWD) and Reverse (REV) paths.
The following rules apply to the delay settings:
• Linking DARTs— linking automatically sets the default value for the delay. This default value
takes effect approximately one minute after the DARTs are linked. The default value for the
FWD and REV direction is the lowest value in the supported range plus 3 microseconds. For
example, if the system supports a range of 22 to 66 microseconds, the default value will be 25
• Cascaded Remote Units—when linking a cascaded group of Remote Units, the default delay
for all Remote Units will be 3 microseconds more than the lower value in the supported range
of the Remote Unit farthest from the Host Unit. If a Remote Unit is later added to extend the
cascade, it defaults to the same delay value as the other Remote Units in the cascade.
• Fiber-Optic Cable Length Change—if the delay of the fiber changes more than the system
can manage, then the delay between the Host Unit and the Remote Unit(s) will be set to its
minimum or maximum value and Delay Out of Range alarm occurs.

The Configure Delay page has an interactive Linked Delays table, which provides system
information and allows you to manually set delays. The Linked Delays table in the Configure Delay
page has the same information as the Link Delays report; for further information, go to “Viewing
the Link Delays Report” on page 82.
Do the following to set a Link Delay:

NOTE: Upon first linking, the system attempts to set amount of delay between the Host Unit and the
Remote Unit(s) to the minimum value in its range plus approximately 3 usec. Occasionally, the
additional 3 usec of delay may not occur, which may result in a Delay Out of Range alarm. To clear
the Delay Out of Range alarm, reset the delay within its valid range.

NOTE: If part of a simulcast, ensure that all links in the simulcast are set to the same delay value.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Delay.
The Configure Delay page opens.

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2 In the Link Delays table, under the Remote heading, do the following:
a Use the following table column headings to identify the DART for which you want to set a
• Host columns: Slot Id and Slot Name
• Remote columns: Unit Id, Unit Name, Slot Id, Slot Name
b In the row that corresponds to the DART selected in the previous step:
i In the Forward Delay (μs) box, enter the actual delay in microseconds between the
Host and the Remote Unit that will be applied to the RF forward path signal. The
Forward Delay must be within the range listed in the corresponding Forward Delay
Range (μs) column.
ii In the Reverse Delay (μs) box, enter the actual delay in microseconds between the Host
and the Remote Unit that will be applied to the RF reverse path signal. The Reverse
Delay must be within the range listed in the corresponding Reverse Delay Range (μs)
3 Repeat Step 2 for each DART for which you want to set a delay.
4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs

Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs

NOTE: This section describes how to set the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs; for the steps required
to set the CDIU path Forward Gain refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation
and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

How the Configure Host Forward Gain page appears is dependent on the system being configured;
it can have up to three tables, which is dependent on the units installed in the Host Unit. If only RF
DARTs are installed, there will only be the Configure Host Forward Gain table, as shown in
Figure 10. If there are both RF DARTs and CDIUs, there will be one RF DARTs and two CDIUs tables
as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 10. Configure Host Forward Gain Table: Host RF DARTs Only

Figure 11. Configure Host Forward Gain Tables: Host RF DARTs and CDIUs

The tables in the Configure Host Forward Gain page present the same information as the tables in
the Host Forward Gain Settings report; for further information go to “Viewing the Host Forward
Gain Settings Report” on page 85.

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Information on setting the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs is divided into the following topics:
• To understand Host Unit Forward Gains, go to “Host Unit DART Forward Gain Requirements”
on page 58.
• For the steps required to set Host Unit Forward Gains, go to “Setting Forward Gain for a Prism
or Spectrum Host Unit DART” on page 59

Host Unit DART Forward Gain Requirements

The Host Unit DART expects signal levels from -26 to +5 dBm. If the fully loaded signal is +5 dBm,
the DART forward gain should be set to 0 dB. If the fully loaded signal is -26 dBm, the DART
Forward Gain should be set to 31 dB. The equation is:
DART Forward Gain = 5 - fully Loaded Base Station Signal
The recommended target for a fully loaded forward path is -15 dBm, which protects against ALC
causing output distortion.
If you are setting up a system when no calls are going through, you must allow headroom for a
fully loaded forward path. For CDMA protocols, the difference from unloaded to fully loaded is
typically 8 dB for Prism and 6 dB for Spectrum. So if the unloaded signal is -15 dBm, the fully
loaded input would be -7 dBm for Prism and -9 dBm for Spectrum, and the Host Forward Gain
should be set as follows:
• Prism: 5-(-7) = 12 dB
• Spectrum: 5-(-9) = 14 dB
The same rules applies for GSM carriers, except that the unloaded to loaded is determined by the
equation 10*log10(# RF Channels). So if there are 4 GSM RF Channels, the loaded forward path is
6 dB above unloaded.

CAUTION! If sufficient headroom is not present, the Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) can be over-powered
causing a Loss Of Service.

When configured correctly, the Host Unit DART Forward input can handle peaks of 14 dB above
the BTS signal level. For example, if the fully loaded CDMA carrier is -25 dBm, peaks up to -11 dBm
can be handled (CDMA peak to average is typically 10-12 dB).

CAUTION! If the peaks exceed the 14 dB of headroom, Automatic Level Control (ALC) will occur to prevent
over-driving the A/D Converter and the signal will be impaired.

For information on Host Unit DART forward gain settings in a Host-to-Host system, go to
“Configuring a Host-to-Host System” on page 254.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs

Setting Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Host Unit DART

The following steps apply to Host Unit DARTs in Prism and Spectrum systems. For Remote Unit
DARTs, go to “Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs” on page 65 and for CDIUs,
refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

NOTE: Digital power measurements are inaccurate when ALC is active.

To set the Host Unit DART Forward Gain, do the following:

1 Determine what the Host Unit DART Forward Gain should be. Use a signal generator to
measure the FWD power at the Host Unit from the BTS to determine unloaded power level.
(Refer back to “Host Unit DART Forward Gain Requirements” on page 58.)
2 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Host Forward Gain.
The Configure Host Forward Gain page opens.

3 In the Configure Host Forward Gain table, use the Slot Id and Slot Name columns to identify the
Host Unit DART that you want to configure. (If both RF DARTs and CDIUs are present, use the
RF DARTs table.)
4 In the row that corresponds to the Host Unit identified in the previous step, do the following:
a In the DART Mode menu, set the desired state of the RF DART.
• Standby—forces the RF function to be muted in the Host Unit and its linked Remote
• Normal—allows the system to operate normally (RF function is not muted), assuming
all other system components are in proper working order. (Default setting.)

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b In the Forward Gain (dB) menu, select the Forward Gain value of 0 to 31 dB, based upon the
fully loaded forward path signal level from the Base Station.
• For Spectrum, End-to-End Forward Gain = Host Unit DART Forward Gain + DRU DART
Forward Gain - 22 + X - RAU Forward Attenuation [dB], where is X is equal to one of
the following:
– 0 dB for
 Standard Power MRAUs
 Standard Power SRAUs with Standard Power MRAUs
 700, 800 SMR, 850 Cell, 900 SMR MHz bands in High Power SRAUs with
Standard Power MRAUs
– 3 dB for 700, 800 SMR, 850 Cell, 900 SMR MHz bands in
 High Power MRAUs
 Standard Power SRAUs with High Power MRAUs
– 5 dB for 1900PCS, 2100 AWS bands in High Power SRAUs with Standard Power
– 8 dB for 1900PCS, 2100 AWS bands in
 High Power MRAUs
 High Power SRAUs with High Power MRAUs
• For Prism, End-to-End Forward Gain = Host Unit DART Forward Gain + Remote Unit
DART Forward Gain + X [dB], where X is equal to one of the following:
– 2 dB for 6.5 W
– 7 dB for 20 W
– 10 dB for 40 W.
c In the Power Level Mode menu, select one of the following:
• Snapshot—provides a “snap-shot” or current RF measurement for the selected
Remote Unit DART (default setting).
• Max Hold—retains the maximum values for Peak Power and Average Power, and the
minimum values for Minimum Power since the last Max Hold Reset.

NOTE: The Power Level Mode is disabled if the DART Mode is set to Standby, in which case the Max Hold
field will display as “NA”. For information on the DART Mode, see “Configure the Forward Gain
for Host Unit DARTs” on page 57.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs

5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Successfully saved settings message to display.

7 (Optional) If you set the Power Level Mode to Max Hold, you can
reset the Max Hold values.
a Click Reset Max Hold.
b In the confirmation window, click OK.
c Wait for the following message to display: Max Hold has been
The Host Forward Gain Settings table updates with the new settings.

NOTE: By performing Step 7 when you first set the Power Level Mode to Max Hold, you create a time
stamp that lets you know the time period reflected in the collected Max Hold data. If you do not
perform Step 7, you will not have a time stamp to use as a reference point.

8 Repeat this process for each Host Unit DART.

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Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs

NOTE: This section describes how to set the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs; for the steps required to
set the CDIU path Reverse Gain, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and
Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

How the Configure Host Reverse Gain page appears is dependent on the system being configured:
it can have up to three tables, which is dependent on the units installed in the Host Unit. If only RF
DARTs are installed, there will only be the Configure Host Reverse Gain table, as shown in
Figure 12. If there are both RF DARTs and CDIUs, there will be one RF DARTs and two CDIUs tables
as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 12. Configure Host Reverse Gain Table: Host RF DARTs Only

Figure 13. Configure Host Reverse Gain Table: Host RF DARTs and CDIUs

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs

The RF DARTs and CDIUs tables in the Configure Host Reverse Gain page present the same
information as the tables in the Host Reverse Gain Settings report; for further information go to
“Viewing the Host Reverse Gain Settings Report” on page 86.
Information on setting the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs is divided into the following topics:
• For an overview reverse gain, go to “How to Set Reverse Link Gain” on page 63.
• For the steps you follow to set the reverse gain, go to “Setting the Reverse Gain for Host Unit
DARTs” on page 64.

How to Set Reverse Link Gain

There are two methods to set reverse link gain, which is the Additive Gain parameter in the
Configure Host Reverse Gain page.
• In the first method, you measure the reverse link noise floor at the BTS in real time, and then
adjust the Additive Gain to achieve the desired noise floor.
• In the second method, you measure the reverse link attenuation between the Host DART and
the BTS, and then set the Additive Gain to achieve a desired noise floor at the BTS based on the
protocol bandwidth, EMS noise bandwidth, and the measured attenuation.
For example, for an LTE system for which the desired noise floor is -115 dBm at the BTS and
you measured 10 dB of attenuation between the BTS and Host DART.
– For LTE, 180 kHz is the reference protocol bandwidth for reverse link noise
– Given the 10 db of measured attenuation, the noise floor out of the Host DART would need
to be -105 dBm (-115 + 10) in a 180 kHz bandwidth.
– This translates to -113 dBm in a 30 kHz bandwidth, which is the bandwidth used by the
EMS for noise metrics.
– To convert from 180kHz to 30kHz, subtract 10*log(180/30) = 7.8 dB.
– Therefore, in the Configure Host Reverse Gain page, you would need to adjust the Additive
Gain such that the expected Noise Floor shown in the Noise Floor (dBm/30kHz rbw) column
is -113 dBm in a 30 kHz bandwidth, as shown below.

For UMTS, the bandwidth is 3.84MHz, and for CDMA/EvDO it is 1.25MHz.

Additional attenuation in the reverse link path between BTS and Host Unit DART may be
required to achieve the desired noise floor.
For information on setting the Additive Gain parameter for Host-to-Host systems, go to “Setting
Additive Gain for a Host-to-Host System” on page 255.

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Commission a FlexWave System

Setting the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs

NOTE: The Reverse Gain Mode and Gain Mode parameters in the Configure Host Reverse Gain page
are applicable only to Prism systems and will be disabled when the EMS is accessed through a
Spectrum system.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Host Reverse Gain.
The Configure Host Reverse Gain page opens.

In the preceding graphic, the Reverse Gain Mode and Gain Mode parameters are disabled in
the first row as the Host Unit DART to which that row corresponds is connected to an IF DART
in a Spectrum DART Remote Unit (DRU).
2 In the Configure Host Reverse Gain table, identify the Host Unit DART that you want to
configure. (If both RF DARTs and CDIUs are present, use the RF DARTs table.)
3 In the row that corresponds to the Host Unit identified in the previous step, do the following:
a Prism systems only—In the Reverse Gain Mode menu, select Mode 1 (Noise Floor
Matching) to optimize the reverse path dynamic range between simulcast nodes of the
same or differing types. For Prism systems that were upgraded from Software Release 6.0,
it is recommended that you switch from Mode 2 (Legacy Prism/URH) to Mode 1 (Noise
Floor Matching), and then make the necessary gain adjustments to maintain a constant
noise floor level out of the Host Unit.
b Use the Additive Gain (dB) menu to set the required gain from the input to the Remote Unit
to the output of the Host Unit DART. The range is 0 to 31 dB.
c Prism systems only—In the Gain Mode menu, select one of the following:
• Normal—no increase to the gain setting.
• High—increases the gain settings, as follows:
– Classic DARTs—the gain setting increases 2 dB with a 1 dB improvement in the
Noise Figure
– SuperDARTs—the gain setting increases by 6 dB with a 2 dB improvement in the
Noise Figure
– HDM-850—the gain setting increase by 5 dB with a 2 dB improvement in the
Noise Figure.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs

4 Repeat Step 3 for each Host Unit DART.

5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Successfully saved settings message to display.

Configure the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs

The Configure Remote Forward Gain page has an interactive Remote Forward Gain Settings table,
which provides system information and allows you to manually set the Forward Gain for Remote
Unit DARTs.
The Remote Forward Gain Settings table in the Configure Remote Forward Gain page presents the
same information as the table in the Remote Forward Gain Settings report; for further information
go to “Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report” on page 88.
• For information on setting the Remote Unit Forward Gain, see “Setting the Forward Gain for
a Prism or Spectrum Remote Unit DART” on page 65.
• For information on the LPA Reset button, see “Resetting a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a
Prism Remote Unit” on page 182.
• For information on setting the Forward Gain for CDIUs, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital
Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).
• For information on Remote Unit DART forward gain settings in a Host-to-Host system, go to
“Configuring a Host-to-Host System” on page 254.

Setting the Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Remote Unit DART

This section tells you how to configure the forward gain on a Remote Unit DART. For information
on the read-only fields, go to “Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report” on page 88.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Remote Forward Gain.
The Configure Remote Forward Gain page opens.

2 In the Remote Forward Gain Settings table, identify the Remote Unit DART that you want to

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Commission a FlexWave System

3 In the row that corresponds to the Remote Unit identified in the previous step, do the
a In the Slot Mode menu, set the Remote Unit DART mode:
• Standby—forces the forward and reverse RF function to be muted in the Remote Unit
and all associated downstream units.
• Normal—allows the system to operate normally (RF function is not muted), assuming
all other system components are in proper working order. (Default setting.)
b Do one of the following to set the Forward Gain, as appropriate to the system being
• Prism—In the Forward Gain (dB) menu, select the gain amount in dB (0 to 31).
The Forward Gain is the actual gain (not attenuation) that will be applied to the RF
forward path signal (where 0 = 0 dB gain, 1 = 1 dB gain, and so forth). The Forward
Gain is based on the EIRP desired at the antenna. You therefore need to know how
much cable, insertion, and any other loss (such as splitters) exist between the Remote
Unit and the antenna. Set the Forward Gain to achieve the required output power level
to meet the EIRP of your RF link budget.
Configure the Host Unit DART gain to achieve +5 dBm so that full scale output can be
achieved at the Remote Unit.
• Spectrum—The Forward Gain is set to 31 dB. TE recommends that you do not change
this setting. If you do change this setting, the output power of all RAUs subtended to
this IF DART also change.
c Do one of the following to set the LPA Mode, as appropriate to the system being
• Spectrum—Spectrum DART Remote Units (DRUs) do not have a Linear Power
Amplifier (LPA); this parameter is therefore disabled for Spectrum systems.
• Prism HEU—Prism Host Expansion Units (HEUs) do not have a Linear Power Amplifier
(LPA); this parameter is therefore disabled for HEUs.
• Prism Remote Unit—In the LPA Mode menu, select Normal. A PRU Linear Power
Amplifier (LPA) is a high quality broadband RF amplifier used for achieving Prism
product-rated power for the PRU Tx forward path spectrum RF. In a dual-LPA system,
both LPAs will have the same LPA Mode setting. The LPA Mode setting also applies to
the Power Amplifiers (PAs) found in FRUs.
– Standby—disables LPA/PA (default setting). Note that the LPA Mode does NOT
disable RF in the FWD or REV path. Since the RF paths are still enabled, there may
be some leakage at the LPA. If you want to mute the RF, you need to place the
Remote Unit DART into Standby mode as described in Step 3 on page 66.
– Normal—allows the system to operate normally (LPA/PA is not muted), assuming
all other system components are in proper working order.

NOTE: In a dual Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) system, the Configure Remote Forward Gain page shows
two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting the LPA
applies to both LPAs at the same time.

CAUTION! For Prism systems, as soon as you set the LPA Operating Mode to Normal, RF transmission will
start. Before you set the LPA Operating Mode to Normal, make sure that the antenna has been
connected and the system is ready to transmit RF. For information on connecting the antenna,
refer to the FlexWave Prism Remote Unit Installation Guide (TECP-77-142).

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit DARTs

NOTE: For information on the Reset LPA column, see “Resetting a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a
Prism Remote Unit” on page 182.

4 Repeat Step 3 each Remote Unit DART.

5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit DARTs

The Configure Remote Reverse Gain page allows you to reduce the Reverse Path signal level that
a given Remote Unit provides back to the Host Unit. If the Remote Unit has high uplink (reverse)
noise, or is in a strong signal environment, and you do not want the Remote Unit to affect
performance of other Remote Units in the simulcast, you use the settings in the Configure Remote
Reverse Gain page to reduce the reverse gain at that specific Remote Unit. For Spectrum, the
Remote Reverse Gain is referenced to the RAU input. The Remote Reverse Gain power readings
will be 10 dB lower than actual input levels for RAUs for which the Reverse Attenuation is set to
10 dB.
The Remote Reverse Gain Settings table in the Remote Reverse Gain page has the same content as
the table in the Remote Reverse Gain Settings report, go to “Viewing the Remote Reverse Gain
Settings Report” on page 90.

NOTE: Digital power measurements are inaccurate when ALC is active. Uplink ALC becomes active at 36
dBm for Classic DARTs, at 30 dBm for SuperDARTs, and at -33 dBm for Spectrum.

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Do the following to set the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit(s):

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Remote Reverse Gain.
The Configure Remote Reverse Gain page opens.

2 (Optional) Do the following to narrow the contents of the table in the Configure Remote
Reverse Gain page:
a Use the Unit Id menu to narrow the table contents to a specific Remote Unit.

b Use the Slot menu to show a specific DART in the Remote Unit selected in Step 2a.

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure the Reverse Gain for the Remote Unit DARTs

3 In the Configure Remote Reverse Gain table, use the Unit Id, Unit Name, and Slot columns to
identify the Remote Unit DART that you want to configure.
4 Do the following in the row that corresponds to the Remote Unit DART identified in the
previous step:
a In the Additive Reverse Gain (dB) menu, select the Reverse Gain value of 0 to -15 dB, based
upon the reverse path signal level from the Remote Unit.

NOTE: For Spectrum, the Remote Reverse Gain is referenced to the RAU input. The Remote Reverse
Gain readings will be 10 dB lower than actual input levels for RAUs for which the Reverse
Attenuation is set to 10 dB. For information on how to set the Reverse Attenuation on a RAU, go
to “Spectrum Only: Configure RAU Properties” on page 70.

b In the Power Level Mode menu, select one of the options listed below. This sets RF
measurement that is being received from the antenna. (This signal is sent back to the Host
Unit DART and then back to the BTS.)
• Snapshot—provides a “snap-shot” or current RF measurement for the selected
Remote Unit DART (default setting).
• Max Hold—retains the maximum values for Peak Power and Average Power, and the
minimum values for Minimum Power since the last Max Hold Reset.

NOTE: The Power Level Mode is disabled if the DART Mode is set to Standby, in which case the Max Hold
field will display as “NA”. For information on the DART Mode, see “Configure the Forward Gain
for Host Unit DARTs” on page 57.

5 Repeat Step 4 for each DART for which you want to set the reverse input power level.
6 Click Apply.
7 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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8 (Optional) If you set the Power Level Mode to Max Hold, you
can reset the Max Hold values.
a Click Reset Max Hold.
b In the confirmation window, click OK.
c Wait for the following message to display: Max Hold has
been reset.
The Host Forward Gain Settings table updates with the new settings. To understand the
read-only fields, refer to the information in “Viewing the Remote Reverse Gain Settings
Report” on page 90.

Spectrum Only: Configure RAU Properties

1 In the System Tree, click on a RAU

icon; all parameter settings then
made in the Edit Properties page
will be applicable to the selected
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit
Configuration > Edit Properties.
The Edit Properties page opens.
3 (Optional) In the Name box, enter a
new Unit Name for the RAU. The
Name must be between 1 and 64
characters and cannot contain
quote marks (single or double,
open or close) or angle brackets (<
or >).
4 If applicable to this installation, in the Latitude and Longitude boxes, enter the latitude and
longitude for this unit, in the following format, where d refers to a numerical value, and spaces
are not allowed: +/-ddd.dddddd

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Configure the FlexWave System: Configure CDIU Interfaces

5 If necessary, select the Lockout check box to disable a band in the selected RAU.
6 Set the Reverse Attenuation (dB) to either 0 dB (default) or 10 dB. If you locked a band out in
Step 5, the corresponding Reverse Attenuation (dB) menu is disabled.
7 Set the Forward Attenuation (dB) to either 0 dB (default) or 10 dB. If you locked a band out in
Step 5, the corresponding Forward Attenuation (dB) menu is disabled.
8 Click Apply.
9 Wait for the Successfully applied settings message to display.

10 Repeat the steps in this procedure for each RAU in the system.

Configure CDIU Interfaces

If CDIUs are installed in the system, you use the Configure CDIU Interfaces page to set up
communication between the CDIU and the BBU.
How to configure CDIUs is outside the scope of this EMS guide, how to use the Configure CDIU
Interfaces page is therefore not included. For information on how to configure CDIUs, refer to the
refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

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Commission a FlexWave System


Follow the steps in “Backup a System Configuration” on page 106 to backup and store the
FlexWave system settings. This allows you to troubleshoot the system should problems occur.

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Topics Page

Get Information ..................................................................................................................................................................... 74

Working with Software and Hardware Reports .......................................................................................................................75
Viewing the Software/Firmware Report ..........................................................................................................................76
Viewing the Hardware Inventory Report..........................................................................................................................77
Viewing the Network Statistics Report.....................................................................................................................................79
Viewing the Links Report..........................................................................................................................................................80
Viewing the Link Delays Report ................................................................................................................................................82
Viewing the Fiber Optic Connections Report ...........................................................................................................................83
Viewing the Host Forward Gain Settings Report ......................................................................................................................85
Viewing the Host Reverse Gain Settings Report.......................................................................................................................86
Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report.................................................................................................................88
Viewing the Remote Reverse Gain Settings Report .................................................................................................................90
Viewing the Current Alarms Report .........................................................................................................................................91
Viewing the Connectivity Report..............................................................................................................................................92
Viewing the CDIU Interfaces Report.........................................................................................................................................94
Viewing the CDIU Carriers Report ............................................................................................................................................94
Viewing the IFEU + RAU Report—Spectrum Only ....................................................................................................................95
Viewing the All Report..............................................................................................................................................................97
Downloading a Report..............................................................................................................................................................98
Get Optics Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 100
Create a System Log............................................................................................................................................................. 102

This section tells you how to get and manage system information.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

The Get Information page provides access to system reports that you can view or download.
To access the Get Information page, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
The gray and white progress bar at the top of the page (shown below) indicates that the EMS is
accessing the requested report. You do not need to select Download to see the report in the GUI.

The Get Information page opens to the default report, Software/Firmware, which is shown below.
(For information on the Software/Firmware report, go to “Working with Software and Hardware
Reports” on page 75.)

The Get Information page has the following elements:

• Type menu—allows you to select which report you want to view.
• Download button—downloads selected report to an attached PC. See “Downloading a Report”
on page 98.
For all of the reports that you access through the Get Information page, you can change the order
the report contents by applying an alphanumeric sort on a column. To toggle a column by
ascending or descending order, click in the column heading.

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Get Information: Working with Software and Hardware Reports

Working with Software and Hardware Reports

The EMS maintains a software/firmware and hardware read-only inventory to provide
information about software/firmware and hardware versions. The Software/Firmware report
provides the version number of the software running on the individual units. The Hardware
Inventory report includes information such as dates of manufacture, part numbers, and serial
numbers for the various components of the Host Unit and the Remote Unit(s).
• Whenever a module is discovered it is inventoried. If the module is not in use (that is, is not a
part of a link), removal of the module removes it from the reports.
• If the module is in use (is a part of a link), removal of the module does not remove it from the
reports, but a Module Missing Fault is raised. Dependent on how the Module Missing Fault is
cleared, one of the following occurs.
– If the module is replaced, some elements of the inventory changes while other inventory
data remains the same. For example, if a module is replaced with the same type of module,
most of the inventory data will be the same, but the serial number and other data that is
specific and unique to that exact new module is inventoried.
– If the module is unlinked, the inventory is cleared. Linking a DART places it into service.
If a DART has not been linked, it is not in service, so if the unlinked DART is hot swapped,
no alarms will result and its settings will not persist in the EMS. If you hot swap a DART
that has been linked, you are hot swapping a DART that is in service. In this case, a Module
Missing alarm will result when the DART is removed and the EMS will retain the original
settings of the DART (including its hardware and software inventory data) and restore
these settings when either the original or a different DART is installed. The settings that
persist are the DART Name and Passband. If you need to remove the configuration
settings of the original DART, follow the steps in “Clearing Host Unit DART
Configurations” on page 166.
– If the module configuration is cleared, the inventory is cleared, and the unit name reverts
to the default name (for example, DART). If there is a replacement module, the information
for the new module is added to the software/firmware and hardware reports.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Viewing the Software/Firmware Report

The Software/Firmware report provides information about the system that you can use in
troubleshooting, examples of which are listed below.
• You can verify
– the software and firmware on each device in the system
– the Upgrade Status of the Host Unit and DRUs in the system.
• You can see whether a Unit Name (label) has been assigned to each unit.
To access the Software/Firmware report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then, if necessary, in the Type menu, select Software/Firmware.
(Software/Firmware is the default selection.)

The Software/Firmware table provides the information listed below.

• Unit Type—type of unit (Host, DRU, IFEU, HEU, PRU, MRAU, or SRAU); the Unit Type column can
be sorted alphabetically.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—system or user-assigned name for the unit.
• Version—version of installed software/firmware. For information on what the software
versions should be, refer to the Release Notes that correspond to the software release
installed on the system. If there are software version mismatches, the Release Notes will also
tell you how to update any units.

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Get Information: Working with Software and Hardware Reports

• Upgrade Status—the states listed below can be seen. However, with the exception of Normal
operation and Upgraded, the states occur very quickly during the corresponding action and
are rarely seen.
– Normal operation
– Upgrading
– Upgrading reboot
– Committing
– Aborting
– Recovering
– Upgraded

Viewing the Hardware Inventory Report

To access the Hardware

Inventory report, in the
System Menu bar, click
System Information > Get
Information, and then in
the Type menu, select
Hardware Inventory. The
following graphic shows
only the top portion of
the Hardware Inventory
report, as it is too long to
capture on the printed
The Hardware Inventory
page has separate tables
for each Host Unit and
Remote Unit in the
system. For each PRU,
there is also a
corresponding Linear
Power Amplifier (LPA)
table. Each unit is
identified by name and
IP address in a title bar at
the top of the table.

NOTE: In the Hardware Report, a Remote Unit can be a Prism PRU or HEU, or a Spectrum DRU.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Each table provides the information listed below.

• Module Type—identifies the module by type, such as System Board, DART, CDIU, SeRF II (not
used in the LPA table).
• Module Number (LPA table only)—identifies the LPA for a PRU.
• Id—applicable to the DARTs, LPAs, LNAs and PDs only; for further information see “RF
Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units” on page 8.

• Date Code—date code for the module.

• Hardware Version—release version number for the module.
• Serial Number—serial number for the module assigned during manufacturing.
• Part Number—part number for the module assigned during manufacturing (not applicable to
the LPA).
• Description (LPA only)—for a PRU, identifies the LPA band type and power in Watts in the
format of Band/Watts (such as, URH1.9/20W).

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Get Information: Viewing the Network Statistics Report

Viewing the Network Statistics Report

To access the Network Statistics report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select Network Statistics.

The Network Statistics table provides the information listed below.

• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Port—identifies the port.
– Host Unit ports can be any of the following:
 Network Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides Ethernet
access to the LAN via the Host Unit.
 Craft Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides local
Ethernet access to the Host Unit.
 Management Port—a Management Port is the CPU’s connection to the Ethernet
switch that in turn communicates with the fiber-optic cable to show how much traffic
the unit is generating and consuming. Note that the Management Port is not the same
as the Craft Port or the Network Port. The Management Port shows how much
Ethernet traffic is being transmitted/received by the processor on the SeRF to/from
the Network Port and all fiber ports combined. It normally shows the traffic between
the Host Unit and connected Remote Units. .
– A Remote Unit port is indicated only as a Management Port. (The Management Port is not
the same as the Craft Port or the Network Port. The Management Port shows how much
Ethernet traffic is being transmitted/received by the processor on the SeRF to/from the
Network Port and all fiber ports combined. It normally shows the traffic between the Host
Unit and connected Remote Units. For further information on system ports, see “View
Network Statistics for a Host Unit” on page 142.)

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Accessing System and Unit Information

• Rx Bytes—is a receive byte counter that increments by the byte count of frames received. The
counter includes receive bytes in bad packets and FCS bytes, but excludes preamble and SFD
• Rx Packets—is a receive packet counter that increments for each frame received packet. The
counter includes bad packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets.
• Rx FCS Errors—is a receive FCS error counter that increments for each frame received that has
an integral 64 to 1518 length and contains a frame check sequence error.
• Tx Bytes—is a transmit byte counter that increments by the number of bytes that were put on
the wire including fragments of frames that were involved with collisions. This count does not
include preamble/SFD or jam bytes. This counter does not count if the frame is truncated.
• Tx Packets—is a transmit packet counter that increments for each transmitted packet
(including bad packets, excessive deferred packets, excessive collision packets, late collision
packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets).

Viewing the Links Report

The Links report provides information about DARTs or CDIUs that are linked between a Host Unit
and a Remote Unit.
To access the Links report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get Information,
and then in the Type menu, select Links.

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Get Information: Viewing the Links Report

The Links table provides the information listed below.

• Host columns—identify the Host Unit and its elements.
– Slot Id—identifies Host Unit DARTs and CDIUs by the Host Unit slot number in which it is
installed. A Host Unit DART can be installed in any of the eight slots, but CDIUs can only
be in Slot 1, 2, 5, or 6.
– Slot Name—user-defined name for the Host Unit DART or CDIU; the default for DARTs is
DART, and the default for CDIUs is CDIU.
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, the SFP Id
represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module.
– SFP Name—user-defined name for the TX/RX Optical port; default is SFP.
• Remote columns—identify the Remote Unit and its elements.
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—Unit Name for the Remote Unit.
– Slot Id—identifies Remote Unit DARTs by the Remote Unit slot number in which it is
installed; see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units” on
page 8.
– Slot Name—user-defined name for the Remote Unit DART; the default is DART.
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a HEU or DRU, the SFP Id
represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and FRUs, the
SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1 or Fiber
2 connector.
– SFP Name—user-defined name of the Optical port. The default SFP Name is SFP.
– Timeslots—timeslots allocated to the link. If Timeslots 2 - 4 are allocated, the link will use
three timeslots.
• Common columns—identify configuration settings that are common to the Host Unit and
connected Remote Unit(s).
– Passband—frequency range configured on the DART.
– Frequency (MHz)—passband frequency of the DART.
– Diversity—whether DART is configured as Diversity or Non Diversity. For this release, this
will always be Non Diversity.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Viewing the Link Delays Report

To access the Link Delays report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select Link Delays.

The Link Delays table provides the information listed below.

• Host columns—identify the Host Unit in the link.
– Slot Id—identifies the Host Unit DART by the slot in which it is installed, which can be
from 1 through 8.
– Slot Name—user-defined name for the Host Unit DART; the default is DART.
• Remote columns—identify the Remote Unit and its elements.
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—user-defined label for the Remote Unit.
– Slot Id—identifies Remote Unit DARTs by the Remote Unit slot number in which it is
installed; see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units” on
page 8.
– Slot Name—user-defined name for the Remote Unit DART; default is DART.
– Forward Delay (μs)—user configured FWD RF path delay in microseconds; should be
within the range listed in the Forward Delay Range column.
– Forward Delay Range (μs)—the range in microseconds to which the Forward Delay can be
– Reverse Delay (μs)—user configured REV RF path delay in microseconds; should be
within the range listed in the Reverse Delay Range column.
– Reverse Delay Range (μs)—the range in microseconds to which the Reverse Delay can be
• Common columns—identify configuration settings that are common to the Host Unit and
connected Remote Unit(s).
– Passband—type of passband provided by the DART or CDIU.
– Frequency (MHz)—passband frequency of the DART or CDIU.

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Get Information: Viewing the Fiber Optic Connections Report

Viewing the Fiber Optic Connections Report

To access the Fiber Optic Connections report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information >
Get Information, and then in the Type menu, select Fiber Optic Connections.

The Fiber Optic Connections table provides the information listed below.
• Unit Type—what the unit is, such as Host Unit or Remote Unit.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
• SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU, the
SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and FRUs, the
SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1 or Fiber 2
• SFP Name—name assigned to the Optical port; default SFP Name is SFP.
• Optics Type
– LongRange—26 dB
– IntermediateRange—13 dB.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

• Wavelength (nm)—wavelength of light transmitted through this port.

– Long Range (LR); non-duplex and WDM configurations
 FWD is 1550 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– Intermediate Range (IR); non-duplex only
 FWD is 1310 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– CWDM configurations can be one of eight wavelengths:
 1470 nm  1550 nm
 1490 nm  1570 nm
 1510 nm  1590 nm
 1530 nm  1610 nm

• Tx Power (dBm)—launch power level in dBm of forward path signal.

– The minimum FWD launch power for Long Range is -3 dBm, and the maximum is 2 dBm.
– The minimum FWD launch power for Intermediate Range is -5 dBm, and the maximum is
0 dBm.
• Rx Power (dBm)—receive power level in dBm of reverse path signal, which incorporates the
launch power of the Remote Unit SFP plus all optical losses (insertion losses, fiber cable loss,
and so forth).
• Connected To columns—identify the unit to which the Host Unit or Remote Unit connects;
therefore, a Remote Unit would show as the unit connected to a Host Unit, and vice versa.
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU,
the SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and
FRUs, the SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1
or Fiber 2 connector.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Get Information: Viewing the Host Forward Gain Settings Report

Viewing the Host Forward Gain Settings Report

The Host Forward Gain Settings report provides information on the Host Unit Forward Gain
To access the Host Forward Gain Settings report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information
> Get Information, and then in the Type menu, select Host Forward Gain Settings.

When CDIUs are present in the system, there will be three tables in the Host Forward Gain Settings
report: the Host Forward Gain Settings: RF DARTs table, and the two tables under the Host Forward
Gain Settings: CDIUs heading. This section describes the Host Forward Gain Settings: RF DARTs
table. For information on the Host Forward Gain Settings: CDIUs tables, refer to the FlexWave CPRI
Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).
The Host Forward Gain Settings: RF DARTs table provides the information listed below.

• Slot Id—number of the Host Unit slot in which a DART is installed, which can be from 1
through 8.
• Slot Name—user-defined name for the Host Unit DART; the default is DART.
• DART Mode—the RF operating mode:
– Standby—forward and reverse RF function is muted between the Host Unit DART and its
linked Remote Unit DART.
– Normal—RF function is not muted, which allows the system to operate normally.
• Forward Gain (dB)—the DART’s Forward Gain in decibels.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

• Power Level Mode—mode for the forward RF path:

– Snapshot—provides a “snap-shot” or current RF measurement for the selected path
(default setting).
– Max Hold—retains the maximum values for Peak Power and Average Power, and the
minimum values for Minimum Power since the last Max Hold Reset Time.

NOTE: The Power Level Mode is disabled if the DART Mode is set to Standby, in which case the Max Hold
field will display as “NA”. For information on the DART Mode, see “Configure the Forward Gain
for Host Unit DARTs” on page 57.

• Peak Power (dBm)—peak instantaneous power experienced on the DART forward link.
• Average Power (dBm)—maximum average power experienced on the DART forward link.
• Minimum Power (dBm)—minimum average power experienced on the DART forward link.
• Last Max Hold Reset Time—time that Max Hold was last reset on the DART.
• Passband—frequency range configured on the DART.
• Frequency (MHz)—forward passband frequency of the DART.

Viewing the Host Reverse Gain Settings Report

The Host Reverse Gain Settings report provides information on the Host Unit Reverse Gain
To access the Host Reverse Gain Settings report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information
> Get Information, and then in the Type menu, select Host Reverse Gain Settings.

When CDIUs are present in the system, there will be three tables in the Host Reverse Gain Settings
report, the Host Reverse Gain Settings: RF DARTs table, and the two tables under the Host Reverse
Gain Settings: CDIUs heading. This section describes the Host Reverse Gain Settings: RF DARTs
table. For information on the Host Reverse Gain Settings: CDIUs tables, refer to the FlexWave CPRI
Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

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Get Information: Viewing the Host Reverse Gain Settings Report

The Host Reverse Gain Settings: RF DARTs table provides the following information. The RF DARTs
table is only present when there is an RF DART in the Host Unit that is linked to a Remote Unit

• Slot Id—number of the Host Unit slot in which a DART is installed (1 through 8).
• Slot Name—user-defined name for the Host Unit DART; the default is DART.
• Reverse Gain Mode—Prism systems only. The algorithm used to add attenuation to each node
within a simulcast group to prevent clipping when the signal is strong. It is recommended that
Mode 1 (Noise Floor Matching) be used for all remote node types.
• Additive Gain (dB)—user-adjustable gain applied to the reverse path signal in the Host Unit
DART. The range is 0 to 31 dB.
• Calculated Reverse System Gain (dB)—estimate of the Reverse Gain from the Remote Unit
input to the Host Unit output.
• Noise Floor (dBm/30kHz rbw)—estimated Noise Floor at the Host Unit DART reverse path
output measured within a 30kHz resolution bandwidth (rbw). For example, for a 5 dB Noise
Figure with 30 dB of gain, the Host Reverse Path Noise Floor would be -84 dBm/30kHz. This
is calculated from KTB (-129dBm/30kHz) + Noise Figure (5) + Gain (30) = -84 dBm.
• Gain Mode—Prism systems only. Identifies whether the Host Unit will increase its gain.
– Normal—no increase to the gain setting.
– High—increases the gain settings, as follows:
 Classic DARTs—the gain setting increases 2 dB with a 1 dB improvement in the Noise
 SuperDARTs—the gain setting increases by 6 dB with a 2 dB improvement in the
Noise Figure
 HDM-850—the gain setting increase by 5 dB with a 2 dB improvement in the Noise
• Passband—frequency range configured on the DART.
• Frequency (MHz)—passband frequency of the DART.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report

The Remote Forward Gain Settings report provides information on the Remote Unit Forward Gain
settings. In the Remote Forward Gain Settings report, a Remote Unit can be a Prism PRU or HEU,
or a Spectrum DRU.
To access the Remote Forward Gain Settings report, in the System Menu bar, click System
Information > Get Information, and then in the Type menu, select Remote Forward Gain Settings.

The Remote Forward Gain Settings table provides the information listed below.
• Host columns—identify the Host Unit in the link.
– Slot Id—identifies Host Unit DART/CDIU by the Host Unit slot number in which it is
installed. (1 - 8).
– Slot Name—user-defined name for the Host Unit DART or CDIU; the default for DARTs is
DART, and the default for CDIUs is CDIU.
• Remote columns—identify the Remote Unit and its elements.
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
– Slot Id—identifies Remote Unit DARTs by the Remote Unit slot number in which it is
installed; see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units” on
page 8.
– Slot Name—user-defined label for the Remote Unit DART; the default is DART
– Slot Mode—how RF functions on that DART.
• Standby—forces the forward and reverse RF function to be muted on the Remote Unit
DART and its linked Host Unit DART/CDIU.
• Normal—allows the system to operate normally (RF function is not muted), assuming
all other system components are in proper working order. (Default setting.)
– Forward Gain (dB)—actual gain, not attenuation, applied to the RF forward path signal
(where 0 = 0 dB gain, 1 = 1 dB gain, and so forth).
– RF Power (dBm)—power level based upon input level and gain.
 For the DRU and HEU, the power level is estimated.
 For PRUs, it is the actual power measured by the Power Detector (PD).
 For RAUs, RF Power readings marked as estimated (est.) are applicable to all RAUs on
the selected DART link. The RAU RF Power will be 10 dB less than the estimated

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Get Information: Viewing the Remote Forward Gain Settings Report

power for RAUs for which the Forward Attenuation is set to 10 dB. Additionally, the
RAU RF Power will be higher if High Power RAUs are in the system. The RF Power
readings are basically calculated as follows:
Standard Power RAUs. The maximum composite power is 15dBm at the RAU.
Calculations are based on measurements on the Host Forward Gain Settings: Average
Power (dBm) + Forward Gain + 9 dB System Gain (when the Remote Unit Forward Gain
is set to 31 db, (System Configuration > Configure Remote Forward Gain)).
High Power MRAUs.
Low Band: 18dBm. System gain changes from 9dB to 12dB.
High Band: 23dBm. System gain changes from 9dB to 17dB.
High Power MRAUs, Standard Power SRAUs.
Low Band: 18dBm.
High Band: 18dBm.
Standard Power MRAUs, High Power SRAUs.
Low Band: 15dBm.
High Band: 20dBm.
For additional forward gain levels that you can view in the GUI, go to the basic RAU
Unit View page; see “Basic RAU Unit View” on page 135.
– Max Power (dBm)—the maximum Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) power values. This field
is only applicable to PRUs—it is not applicable to DRUs or HEUs.
– VSWR—the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) for the LPA. An LPA VSWR Fault occurs
if the LPA VSWR measurement exceeds the threshold, which is 3:1. This field is only
applicable to the PRU LPAs and FRU PAs—it is not applicable to DRUs or HEUs. Note that
the LPA VSWR measurement is not shown in the GUI.
– LPA Mode—the mode setting for the Linear Power Amplifier, which can be Normal or
Standby. Note that id the LPA Mode is Standby, the FWD and REV RF paths have not been
disabled. Since the RF paths are still enabled, there may be some leakage at the LPA. If you
want to mute the RF, you need to place the Remote Unit DART into Standby mode as
described in “Setting the Forward Gain for a Prism or Spectrum Remote Unit DART” on
page 65. This field is only applicable to PRUs and FRUs—it is not applicable to DRUs or
– LPA Status—the status of the Linear Power Amplifier. In case of dual LPA, it will indicate
the value for both LPAs as either 1-Offline or 2-Operating. This field is only applicable to
PRUs and FRUs—it is not applicable to DRUs or HEUs.

NOTE: In a dual Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) system, the Remote Forward Gain Settings table shows
two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting the LPA
applies to both LPAs at the same time.

• Common columns—identify configuration settings that are common to the Host Unit and
connected Remote Unit(s).
– Passband—type of passband provided by the DART/CDIU.
– Frequency (MHz)—passband frequency of the DART/CDIU.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Viewing the Remote Reverse Gain Settings Report

To access the Remote Reverse Gain Settings report, in the System Menu bar, click System
Information > Get Information, and then in the Type menu, select Remote Reverse Gain Settings.

NOTE: For Spectrum, the power readings are measured at the Remote Unit DART and then adjusted to
incorporate the internal gains between that DART and a standard power RAU. The power
readings do not account for user-selected RAU Reverse Attenuation, Additive Gain for a
high-power RAU, or the relative contribution of power from connected RAUs.

The Remote Reverse Gain Settings table provides the information listed below.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
• Slot—identifies Remote Unit DARTs by the Remote Unit slot number in which it is installed
(see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI Representation of Prism Remote Units” on page 8), as
well as by the user-defined label for the Remote Unit DART; the default is DART.
• Power Level Mode—mode for the reverse RF path:
– Snapshot—provides a “snap-shot” or current RF measurement for the selected path
(default setting).
– Max Hold retains the maximum values for Peak Power and Average Power, and the
minimum values for Minimum Power since the last Max Hold Reset time.
• Peak Power (dBm)—peak instantaneous power measured on the DART reverse link within the
configured passband.
• Average Power (dBm)—maximum average power measured on the DART reverse link within
the configured passband.
• Minimum Power (dBm)—minimum average power measured on the DART reverse link within
the configured passband.
• Last Max Hold Reset Time—time that Max Hold was last reset on the DART.
• Passband—type of passband provided by the DART.
• Frequency (MHz)—forward passband frequency of the DART.

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Get Information: Viewing the Current Alarms Report

Viewing the Current Alarms Report

To access the Current Alarms report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select Current Alarms.

The Current Alarms table provides the information listed below.

• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.
• Ack’d—whether the alarm has been acknowledged, if the alarm has been acknowledged, a
check mark will be in this column, as shown below; for further information on acknowledging
alarms, see “Acknowledge All Alarms” on page 214.

• Alarm Code—system-assigned alarm code.

• Alarm Name—descriptive name of alarm.
• Timestamp—date and time when the alarm occurred (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—identifies what kind of unit this is, such as Host Unit or Remote Unit.
• Unit Name—descriptive name of the unit.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

• Module Type—type of module within the specified unit that is experiencing the alarm (SeRF,
DART, Power Detector, SFP).
• Module Name—user-assigned name for the module that assists in identifying modules when
troubleshooting; if a user-label was not assigned, the Module Name is the module type as
identified by the system.
• RF Band—type of passband provided by the DART/CDIU (if applicable).
• Extended Info—link that provides further information on the alarm, including
troubleshooting information; see “Extended Alarm Information” on page 199.

Viewing the Connectivity Report

To access the Connectivity report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select Connectivity.

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Get Information: Viewing the Connectivity Report

In the Connectivity report, there will be one table for each connected Remote Unit, in which the
table title identifies the Remote Unit by its Unit Id (see “Unit Identification” on page 7), Unit Name
and IP address. The overall intent of the Connectivity report is for Multi-Host systems, as it
displays all the Remote Units connected to the Host Unit, and all of the modules installed in those
Remote Units. It also displays the IP address of any Host Unit linked to the Remote Unit modules.
The Connectivity table provides the information listed below.
• Slot Id—the Remote Unit slot number in which the DART resides.
• Slot Name—name assigned to the Remote Unit DART; default is DART.
• Band Type—which DART model is installed, and the frequency that it is providing.
• Passband—frequency range configured on the Band Type.
• Unit Name (Host)—name of the Host Unit to which the DART is connected.
• Host IP Address—the IP address of the Host Unit to which the DART is connected.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Viewing the CDIU Interfaces Report

To access the CDIU Interfaces report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select CDIU Interfaces. For information on the CDIU
Interfaces report, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning
Guide (TECP-77-240).

Viewing the CDIU Carriers Report

To access the CDIU Carriers report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select CDIU Carriers. For information on the CDIU Carriers
report, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

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Get Information: Viewing the IFEU + RAU Report—Spectrum Only

Viewing the IFEU + RAU Report—Spectrum Only

The IFEU + RAU report is specific to Spectrum. If you access this report within a Prism system, it
will only list information that is pertinent to the Host Unit.
To access the IFEU + RAU report, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Information, and then in the Type menu, select IFEU + RAU.

NOTE: If you download the IFEU+RAU report, it will be in Rich Text Format (RTF).

The IFEU + RAU table provides the

information listed below.
• Host Unit—identified by its
Unit Id, such as HOST 1.
– Address—for TE
Connectivity use only.
– Unit Type—for TE
Connectivity use only.
• Remote Units—identified by its
Unit Id, such as HOST 1-1.
– Address—for TE
Connectivity use only.
– Unit Type—for TE
Connectivity use only.

• IFEU—identified by its Unit Id, such as HOST

– Address—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Unit Type—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Serial Number—unique read-only
identifier for the unit.
– Catalog Number—read-only TE Catalog
Number for the unit; you use this number
to order this type of IFEU. Note that older
IFEUs were not assigned a Catalog
Number, so this line may be blank (see
example to the right).
– EPN—TE Connectivity part-number.
– Hardware ID—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Firmware Release—denotes a particular firmware release.
– Communication Protocol—TE Connectivity use only.
– Name—Unit Name for the unit.
– Group ID—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Power Monitoring—states whether Power Monitoring is Enabled or Disabled.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

• RAU—identified by its name, such as Host 1 1.11.

– Address—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Unit Type—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Serial Number—unique read-only identifier
for the unit.
– Catalog Number—number assigned by TE
Connectivity to the unit that you use to order
this RAU type. Older RAUs were not assigned
a Catalog Number, so this line may be blank
or not shown at all.
– EPN—TE Connectivity part-number.
– Hardware ID—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Firmware Release—denotes a particular
firmware release.
– Communication Protocol—for TE
Connectivity use only.
– Name—Unit Name for the unit.
– Group ID—for TE Connectivity use only.
– Latitude—user-supplied latitude of the unit.
– Longitude—user-supplied latitude of the unit.
– Reverse Attenuation—Reverse Attenuation in dB from the identified RAU to the IFEU.
– Forward Attenuation—Forward Attenuation in dB for the selected RAU, from the
identified IFEU to the RAU.
– Additional Forward Gain—additional gain in dB (if any) that the RAU provides for each of
its bands.
– Alarm Severities—the current alarm severities for RAU alarms whose severities are user
changeable (for example, whether the Antenna Disconnect alarm level is Major or Minor).
– Alarm Enable/Disable—the current enable/disable status for RAU alarms that can be
disabled by the user (for example, whether the Antenna Disconnect alarm is Enabled or
Disabled for this RAU).

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Get Information: Viewing the All Report

Viewing the All Report

The All report consolidates all available reports into a
single web page.
To access the All report, in the System Menu bar, click
System Information > Get Information, and then in the
Type menu, select All.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

Downloading a Report
CAUTION! The All Report and the IFEU+RAU Report can take several minutes to download—on a large
system it is not unusual for this procedure to take 20 minutes.

You can download most of the reports to your laptop in Comma Separated Value (CSV) Excel
format. The IFEU+RAU Report, however, is in Rich Text Format (RTF).

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get Information.
2 On the Get Information page, in the Reports panel Type menu, select the name of the report
that you want to download.
3 Wait for the selected report to display, and then click Download.
4 Follow the steps of the operating system on your PC to save the file to the PC’s hard drive.
The filename will be in the following format:
<ReportName>_<UnitName>_<DATETIME>.<file extension>
Most EMS reports have a csv file extension, with the exception of the IFEU+RAU report, which
has a rtf file extension.

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Get Information: Downloading a Report

5 Go to the directory where the file was saved to open the file.

NOTE: While Excel is often used to view a FlexWave EMS report, Excel uses characters such as hyphens
and slashes to create formulas. If discrepancies are seen in this report, use a text editor to verify
the report’s content.

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Accessing System and Unit Information


The Get Optics Information page allows you to view information on the fiber-optic connections.
To access the Get Optics Information page, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get
Optics Information.

The Filter panel has the elements listed below.

• Column menu—allows you to
select a filter to be applied to the
page: None or filter by Unit
• contains box—allows you to
enter filter criteria.
• Filter button—click to apply the

The Get Optics Information table has the elements listed below.
• Unit Type—whether the unit is a Host Unit or Remote Unit.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user defined name of the unit.
• SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU, the
SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and FRUs, the
SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1 or Fiber 2
• SFP Name—user-defined name for the Optics port; default is SFP.
• Optics Type
– LongRange—26 dB
– IntermediateRange—13 dB.

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Get Optics Information: Downloading a Report

• Wavelength (nm)—number displayed is the wavelength transmitted through this port.

– Long Range (LR); non-duplex and WDM configurations
 FWD is 1550 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– Intermediate Range (IR); non-duplex only
 FWD is 1310 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– CWDM configurations can be one of eight wavelengths
 1470 nm  1550 nm
 1490 nm  1570 nm
 1510 nm  1590 nm
 1530 nm  1610 nm

• Tx Power (dBm)—launch power level in dBm of forward path signal.

– The minimum FWD launch power for Long Range is -3 dBm, and the maximum is 2 dBm.
– The minimum FWD launch power for Intermediate Range is -5 dBm, and the maximum is
0 dBm.
• Rx Power (dBm)—Receive power level in dBm of reverse path signal, which incorporates the
launch power of the Remote Unit SFP plus all optical losses (insertion losses, fiber cable loss,
and so forth).
• Connected To columns—identify the unit to which the Host Unit or Remote Unit connects;
therefore, a Remote Unit would show as the unit connected to a Host Unit, and vice versa.
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU,
the SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and
FRUs, the SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1
or Fiber 2 connector.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Accessing System and Unit Information


The Get Logs page allows you to save compressed tar files of system logs. This feature is primarily
used by TE personnel when troubleshooting a system. However, you should know how to create
a log so you can email a log to TE if requested to do so.

NOTE: Only one log can be made available for download at a time. This includes creating system logs
for a Multi-Host system—they cannot be created concurrently.

Complete the following steps to create a system log and then download it to your PC.

1 To access the Get Logs page, in the System Menu bar, click System Information > Get Logs.

Note that the Available Logs list is blank, as a log has not yet been generated.
2 In the Unit Id menu, select the log that you want to get.
• All—gets all logs; default setting.
• <Unit ID>—all units in the system are listed by their Unit ID; select one of the Unit IDs to
get the log that corresponds to that unit.

3 Click Get Logs.

4 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Create a System Log: Downloading a Report

After a log has been created, it is

listed as a link in the Available Logs
panel in the Get Logs page. The
filename will be in the following
However, when a file name
contains the Host Unit name and
that name contains special
characters or spaces, the special characters and spaces are replaced by hyphens (-) in the file
name. For instance if the Host Unit was named += Host that name would appear as
---Host in the name of the file.
5 Click on the link to the tar file to download it.
6 Follow the steps of the operating system on your PC to save the file to the PC’s hard drive.

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Accessing System and Unit Information

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Topics Page

Backup a System Configuration............................................................................................................................................ 106

Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration....................................................................................................................... 107
System Restore Rules .............................................................................................................................................................108
Perform a System Restore......................................................................................................................................................109
System Tests........................................................................................................................................................................ 112
Performing a System Test.......................................................................................................................................................113
Using the Last Test Results Table ...........................................................................................................................................115
Scheduling a System Test ..................................................................................................................................................... 116
Schedule System Tests by Date and Time ..............................................................................................................................116
Disable a Scheduled System Test ...........................................................................................................................................117
Set SNMP Trap Managers .................................................................................................................................................... 118
Adding an SNMP Trap Manager .............................................................................................................................................118
Using the Registered Trap Manager Table .............................................................................................................................120
Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager ........................................................................................................................................121
Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager ...........................................................................................................................................122
Setup SNMP ........................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Generate a Test Tone........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Activate Optional Features .................................................................................................................................................. 126
Moving or Reconfiguring Fiber-Optic Cables......................................................................................................................... 127

The System Configuration pages are accessed through the System Configuration menu in the
System Menu bar and allow you to configure and view system settings and alarms.
For information on the GUI pages that correspond to a specific unit within the system, see “Unit
Identification” on page 7.

CAUTION! If you are setting up a Prism or Spectrum system for the first time, follow the steps in the “Initial
System Setup” chapter of the FlexWave Element Management System user documentation.

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System Management


NOTE: A system backup can only be performed by a user logged in as admin or by a user with Network
Manager or NOC Manager rights.

The Backup page allows you to backup the system configuration. A backup file size is typically less
than 1 MB, and a new backup overwrites the preexisting backup. You use the backup file to
restore the configuration as described in “Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration.”
Do the following to backup a system configuration:

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Backup.

2 Click Backup.

At the end of a successful backup, a link to the file appears.

NOTE: If the backup procedure fails, the following error message displays: Failed to create Back Up. If
this occurs, repeat the Backup operation. If the backup procedure fails for a second time, contact
TE for assistance; see “Contacting TE Connectivity” on page 277.

3 To download the backup file, click the link that appears, the name for which is in the format
of Backup_<HOSTNAME>_<DATETIME>.tgz. Only one file will be available.

4 To download the backup file, click the Click to download backup file link.
5 Follow the prompts for the operating system on your PC to save the Backup file to the PC’s
hard drive.

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Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration:


CAUTION! A System Restore can only occur if a previous system configuration has been backed up as
described in “Backup a System Configuration” on page 106.

CAUTION! Only perform a System Restore on a system that is running the same EMS software release that
was active when the backup file was created. That is, if the system backup occurred on an
system, and the system was subsequently upgraded to 8.1.7, Restore will not function as
expected. Refer to the current Release Notes for information on issues related to a
backup/restore mismatch.

CAUTION! A system restore requires a reboot of the Host Unit, as the system configuration is stored on the
Host Unit. Rebooting the Host Unit therefore results in a loss of RF for the Host Unit and
connected Remote Units until the Host Unit comes back up. Duration of lost RF is dependent on
the number of Remote Units connected to the Host. Duration = 4 minutes x number of connected
Remote Units.

NOTE: A system restore can only be performed by a user logged in as admin or by a user with Network
Manager rights. A user assigned only Network User rights will not see the Restore option in the
System Configuration menu. A NOC Manager can execute a system backup, but cannot do a
system restore.

The topics that relate to restoring a system backup have been divided into the following two
• “System Restore Rules” on page 108
• “Perform a System Restore” on page 109.

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System Management

System Restore Rules

The System Restore page allows for a restoration of a backed up system configuration, as follows:
• The Restore function assumes that the same or comparable replacement hardware
components are in place as when the Backup operation occurred. If hardware component
changes have occurred, alarms that point to the differences will arise.
• The Restore function assumes that hardware components are in the same locations. That is,
you can't move a DART from Slot 2 to Slot 4 between a system backup and restore. This is also
true for fiber-optic connections: SFPs must be in the same locations between a system backup
and restore.
• If a Host or Remote Unit or Host or Remote Unit components have been added (that is, was
not part of the original system hardware setup), then the newly added Host or Remote Unit
or the Host or Remote Unit component(s) will not be restored since it was not present during
the system configuration backup.
• Care must be taken to ensure that a backup file is not restored onto a system where the
hardware has been changed. For instance, do not swap an RF DART with a CDIU, then restore
a backup file that was created on the original system in which RF DARTs were present and not
the CDIUs.
• Spectrum systems only—All of the DART configuration settings will be restored on the DRU,
but the RAU and IFEU configuration settings are not affected. For example, the DRU Forward
Gain, Forward Delay, Reverse Delay, and Remote Unit Name are restored. RAU Reverse
Attenuation and Forward Attenuation, and the IFEU Name are unaffected by a restore; that is,
if these settings were changed after a system backup, they do not revert to previous settings
after a system restore.
• In a Multi-Host system, perform a System Restore on only one Host Unit at a time. Wait until
the initial Host Unit returns with all Remote Units discovered and the System Busy message
(System is busy … Please wait.) has stopped being displayed before starting a System Restore
on the next Host Unit.
• In a Multi-Host system, any Host Unit can perform a backup and restore on its system, which
includes the Remote Units that are connected to it. General configurations are restored
completely. RF configurations are restored for those RF modules that belong to the Host Unit
performing the restore. Since each Host Unit is free to do its own general configuration it is
also free to restore the Remote Unit RF Module to previous settings.
Since the admin can clear the configuration of all connected Remote Unit DARTs (or the entire
Remote Unit itself), this user can also restore the system back to any setting, such as taking a
Remote Unit out of a Multi-Host setup and place it under the management of a single Host
Unit. This can be achieved in the following two-step process:
1 Clear the Remote Unit configurations for the RF Modules not previously owned by this
Host Unit.
2 Restore the Remote Unit configurations to a previous configuration when the Host Unit
owned all the Remote Unit RF modules.

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Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration: Perform a System Restore

Perform a System Restore

1 Ensure that the Host Unit is communicating with all connected Remote Units.
a Check the System Tree to see if any Remote Unit is in an alarmed state. You may need to
expand the System Tree to see all of the Remote Units in the system.
• If yes, go to Step b.
• If no, go to Step d.
b In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current Alarms, and then check the View
Current Alarms table for any Remote Lost alarms.
• If yes, go to Step c.
• If no, go to Step d.
c Do the following, in the order shown, for any Remote Unit that has an active Remote Lost
alarm. Stop at the point in which the alarm is remedied.
i Check that the Remote Unit has power and that the power switch is on.
ii Check that at least one Host SFP is connected to this Remote Unit and has acceptable
RX power:
– Long Range (LR): -27 dBm to -9 dBm
– Intermediate Range (IR): -18 dBm to 1 dBm.
iii Use the GUI to reboot the affected Remote Unit:
– In the System Tree, click on the icon of the unit that you want to reboot.
– In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Reboot, to open the Unit
Configuration > Reboot page.
– Click Reboot.
iv If the alarm persists, perform a power cycle of the Remote Unit (turn the Remote Unit
physically off and then turn it on again).
d In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current Alarms, and then check for any optical
alarms or faults, and remedy them before proceeding with the system restore.
2 Follow the steps in “Reset All Units to Factory Default” on page 160.
3 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Restore.

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System Management

4 Click the Browse button (IE session) button or the Choose File button (Chrome session) next
to the File box to browse to the location of the backup file.
5 In the Choose File window, click on the back-up file to select it (the backup filename is in the
format of Backup_<HOSTNAME>_<DATETIME>.tgz, and then click Open.

NOTE: When a file name contains the Host Unit name and that name contains special characters or
spaces, the special characters and spaces are replaced by hyphens (-) in the file name. For
instance if the Host Unit was named += Host that name would appear as ---Host in the
name of the file.

6 In the Restore page, wait for the file name and path to display in the File box and for the Upload
button to become enabled, and then click Upload.

7 Wait for the file upload message to display and for the Restore button to be enabled, and then
click Restore.

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Restoring a Backed Up System Configuration: Perform a System Restore

8 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

9 Observe the status messages that display to notify you if the restoration failed or completed
10 Wait for the EMS to log you out of the system, which occurs after a successful restoration.
11 Log back in to the EMS.
12 Wait until the EMS System Busy message (System is busy … Please wait.) no longer appears on
the page before performing any other configuration.
13 For Spectrum systems, the System Test Required alarm will activate as a result of the reboot
of the system during the Reset All Units to Factory Defaults function. To clear this alarm, follow
the steps in “Performing a System Test” on page 113.

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System Management

System Test performs an RF integrity check of the system. Certain alarms (such as the RAU
Antenna Disconnect alarm) can only be discovered or cleared by running System Test.
Executing System Test validates the integrity of key RF circuitry sections within the system.
System Test generates test that are injected through certain paths to validate the levels at the
output to ensure RF signals are pass correctly through the path. A failure of any particular check
results in an associated alarm (such as the RAU Antenna Disconnect alarm). Alarms specific to
testing the system are only set or cleared by running System Test.
During System Test, the reverse (uplink) signal paths of all Host Unit DARTs are tested by injecting
a test signal digitally, then checking the associated analog level near the RF output of the DART.
An equivalent test is performed on Prism Remote Unit DARTs/RF Modules by injecting an analog
test signal near the input RF port, and then verifying the level in the digital section.
System Test on a Spectrum system includes additional checks for RAU paths. Each RAU generates
an uplink test tone near the antenna port for each band that passes through the RAU signal path,
and is checked just before the CATV connection. Certain RAUs are also selected to enable their
uplink test tones to pass through the CATV coaxial cable where the level is detected in the IFEU,
thus validating much of the IFEU uplink signal path as well. All IF DARTs generate digital
downlink test tones that are tested both at the IF DART analog output as well as near the antenna
port of every RAU, so that every downlink signal path (forward signal path) is tested from the
DRU downstream to the last connected unit. VSWR check is also performed at the RAU output
during this time, which can result in an Antenna Disconnect alarm being set or cleared.
Refer to one of the following topics for information on how to run system tests:
• “Performing a System Test” on page 113
• “Using the Last Test Results Table” on page 115.

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System Tests: Performing a System Test

Performing a System Test

CAUTION! Running System Test (System Configuration > Perform System Test) with Host Unit DARTs that
are not terminated may cause a false RLM Upconvert Fault. Ensure that all Host Unit DARTs are
terminated before running System Test.

CAUTION! System Test interrupts RF transmission; System Test should therefore only be run during a
normal maintenance window. Estimate that System Test takes at least two minutes per Host
Unit DART to run.

CAUTION! Do not make any software or hardware configuration changes during System Test, as changes
made during System Test make the test results unreliable.

Do the following to run a system test:

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Perform System Test.

NOTE: The Last Test Results table presents the results of the last System Test, if any; see “Using the Last
Test Results Table” on page 115.

2 In the Bands menu, select the passbands for which you want to perform System Test. Only
configured passbands will be listed in the Bands menu. If you select All, the full system is
3 In the DART menu, select the DART you want to perform System Test. Only those DARTS that
are available will be listed in the DART menu.

CAUTION! Regardless if only 1 DART or all DARTs are selected for System Test, System Test temporarily
shuts down the RF to all DARTs in the system.

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System Management

4 Click Perform System Test.

The Perform System Test button becomes disabled, and a System Test is in progress message

The System Test is in progress message should be followed by one of the following messages.
You may need to click Refresh to see these messages.
• System Test passed.
• System Test failed. If this message displays, look at the alarms listed in the Last Test Results
table, and click on the corresponding Extended Info link for information on how to remedy
each alarm state.
• System Test not available. This message will only appear if DARTs that have not been
calibrated are installed in the system.
• System Test passed – exceptions noted in log file. (For information on how to download the
log file so you can view the exceptions, go to Step 5.)
After a few seconds, the Last Test Results panel updates with a list of major and minor alarms
with a corresponding timestamp for when System Test was run.
5 (Optional) Do the following to download the results of System Test (to make the file available
for later use, such as troubleshooting).
a In the Last Test Results panel, click the Click Here to download link.
b Follow the steps of the operating system on your PC to save the file to the PC’s hard drive.
The file is saved in Excel format. The file name will be in the format of:
SystemTestAlarms_<Host Unit Name>_YYYYMMDDHHMM.csv
(where the system time in the 24-hour clock HH:MM format)
For example: SystemTestAlarms_HOST_201411171804.csv

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System Tests: Using the Last Test Results Table

Using the Last Test Results Table

The Last Test Results table provides the information listed below.

• Click Here to download link—click to download the System Test results.

• Last Test Run Time field—timestamp for when System Test was last run.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.
• Ack’d—whether the alarm has been acknowledged, as indicated by a check mark; for further
information on acknowledging alarms, see “Acknowledge All Alarms” on page 214.
• Alarm Code—system-assigned alarm code.
• Alarm Name—descriptive name of alarm.
• Timestamp—date and time when the alarm occurred (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—what the unit is, such as Host Unit or Remote Unit.
• Unit Name—Unit Name assigned to the unit.
• Module Type—type of module within the specified unit that is experiencing the alarm (SeRF,
DART, Power Detector, SFP).
• Module Name—user-assigned name for the module that assists in identifying modules when
troubleshooting; if a user-label was not assigned, the Module Name is the module type as
identified by the system.
• RF Band—type of passband provided by the DART (if applicable).
• Extended Info link—provides further information on the alarm, including troubleshooting
information; see “Extended Alarm Information” on page 199.

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System Management


You can schedule a System Test to run on a specific date and time, as described in:
• “Schedule System Tests by Date and Time” on page 116
• “Disable a Scheduled System Test” on page 117.

Schedule System Tests by Date and Time

CAUTION! Running System Test (System Configuration > Perform System Test) with unterminated Host Unit
DARTs may cause a false RLM Upconvert Fault. Ensure that all Host Unit DARTs are terminated
before running System Test.

CAUTION! System Test interrupts RF transmission; System Test should therefore only be run during a
normal maintenance window.

CAUTION! Do not make any software or hardware configuration changes during System Test, as changes
made during the test will make the test results unreliable.

Do the following to schedule a single or recurring System Test:

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Schedule System Test.

2 Select Enable to enable the scheduled System Test (see also “Disable a Scheduled System Test”
on page 117).
3 In the Bands menu, select the band(s) that you want to test.
4 In the DART menu, select the DART(s) that you want to test.
5 Click the button to the right of the Date box to schedule on which date the System Test will
run. If you enter the date manually, use the YYYY/MM/DD format. For example, to run a
System Test on 14 June 2013, enter: 2013/06/14.
6 In the Time box, enter the time that the System Test is to run. Use the 24-hour time clock
format of HH:MM:SS.

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Scheduling a System Test: Disable a Scheduled System Test

7 Set up how many times System Test is to run.

• To set up an automatic recurrence of System Test, do one of the following:
– To have System Test recur on an interval counted by days, select the Recurrence Day(s)
(1-30) radio button, and then in the corresponding box, enter how many days should
pass between each occurrence of this System Test.
– To have System Test recur on an interval counted by weeks, select the Recurrence
Week(s) (1-4) radio button, and then in the corresponding box, enter how many weeks
should pass between each occurrence of this System Test.
• To set up a System Test that runs only one time, do not enter any values in the Recurrence
8 Click Apply.

9 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

Disable a Scheduled System Test

When you disable a scheduled System Test, the Bands, DART, Date, and Time setting remain, but
the test will not be run again until enabled.

1 In the System Menu bar, click

System Configuration > Schedule
System Test.
2 Clear Enable.
3 Click Apply.
Note that the other Schedule
System Test parameters remain

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System Management


The Set SNMP Trap Managers page allows you to add, delete, and modify SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) Trap Managers; for further information refer to one of the following
• “Adding an SNMP Trap Manager” on page 118
• “Using the Registered Trap Manager Table” on page 120
• “Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager” on page 121
• “Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager” on page 122.


Adding an SNMP Trap Manager

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set SNMP Trap Managers.
2 In the New/Selected Trap Manager panel, do the following:
a In the IP Address box, enter the IP address of the
device that you want to add as a trap receiver. The
address must be in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
b In the Port box, enter the port on the device that will
receive the traps. The default and recommended
SNMP Trap port is 162. (If you change the Port
setting to something other than 162, you may need
to modify the trap receiver to use the same port.)
c In the Community box, enter a string that will
enable filtering of received traps by the Trap
Manager. The Community password must be
between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters; the
default is public.
d In the Version menu, select the trap version for the SNMP Trap Manager that you are
• V1
• V2c
• Inform—the EMS sends trap messages that require an acknowledgment message
from the Trap Manager. If the EMS does not receive an acknowledgment, the trap is
resent. You define the Inform Resend parameters in the Setup SNMP page (see “Setup

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Set SNMP Trap Managers: Adding an SNMP Trap Manager

3 Click Add.
4 Wait for the Operation completed message to display and for the Registered Trap Managers
table to update with the new SNMP Trap Manager.

5 Repeat this process to add all the SNMP Trap Managers required by this system. The EMS
supports a maximum of 16 SNMP Trap Managers.

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System Management

Using the Registered Trap Manager Table

NOTE: If a Trap Manager has not been added, the table is empty.

The Registered Trap Manager table, at the top of the Set SNMP Trap Managers page details any
existing SNMP Trap Managers, as defined below.

• Select radio button—allows you to select an existing SNMP Trap Manager to modify or delete
• IP Address—shows the IP address of registered trap managers.
• Port—shows the port number for registered trap managers.
• Community—shows the Community password for registered trap managers.
• Version—shows the trap version for registered trap managers.

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Set SNMP Trap Managers: Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager

Modifying an SNMP Trap Manager

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set SNMP Trap Managers.
The Registered Trap Managers table lists existing SNMP Trap Managers.

2 In the Registered Trap Managers table, select the trap

manager that you want to modify.
The EMS enables the Modify button.
3 In the New/Selected Trap Manager panel, modify the
SNMP Trap Manager settings using the information in
Step 2 on page 118 (in “Adding an SNMP Trap
Manager” on page 118).
4 Click Modify.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display
and for the Registered Trap Managers table to update
with the modified SNMP Trap Manager.

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System Management

Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set SNMP Trap Managers. The Registered
Trap Managers table lists existing SNMP Trap Managers.
2 In the Registered Trap Managers table, select the trap manager that you want to delete.
The EMS enables the Delete button.

3 Click Delete.
4 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display and for the Registered Trap Managers
table to remove with the deleted SNMP Trap Manager.

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Setup SNMP: Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager

Use the Setup SNMP page to configure how the GUI handles SNMP elements.

1 To access the Setup SNMP page, in the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Setup

2 In the SNMP Agent Settings panel, use the SNMP Port Number box to enter the SNMP port
number for sets and gets (default is 161).
3 Do the following in the SNMP Event Settings panel:
a Set SNMP V1 Agent Override to Enabled or Disabled (default), and then if Enabled, in the
corresponding with agent address box, enter the IP address for the SNMP V1 Agent
Override, which the system will use as the source IP address in SNMP traps.
b Set Heartbeat Interval to Enabled or Disabled (default), and then if Enabled, in the
corresponding send every _ minute(s) (1-60) box, enter the enter how many minutes (1 -
60) should pass between Heartbeat Intervals.
c Set Inform Resend to Enabled (default) or Disabled, and then if Enabled, in the
corresponding send every _ second(s) (1-600) box, enter the enter how many seconds (1 -
600, default is 10) should pass between Inform Resends, and then in the Max Resends box
enter how many resend attempts should be made (1-10, default is 2).
d Set Event Hysteresis to Enabled or Disabled (default), and then if Enabled, in the
corresponding for a time of _ second(s) (10-600) box, enter how many seconds (10 - 600)
an Event Hysteresis should remain active.
You use Event Hysteresis to suppress the EMS from sending set and clear traps for
intermittent alarms that are active within a time period that is shorter than the selected
Event Hysteresis interval. If an alarm becomes active and persists for a time period longer
than the selected interval, a set trap will be sent, albeit delayed by that interval. The
clear trap will not be delayed, but will be sent immediately to clear the alarm. Event
Hysteresis only affects traps and not the displaying of alarm conditions in the GUI.
e Set Event Interval to Enabled or Disabled (default), and then if Enabled, in the
corresponding for a time of _ second(s) (5-60) box, enter how many seconds (5 - 60) should
pass in the interval between messages sent to the trap receiver. If simultaneous events
occur, this time is added as a delay between the messages.

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System Management

The Event Interval setting is in place for systems set to Sprint Mode (see “Converting a
System to Sprint Mode” on page 221), in which Traps and Informs are sent over a Sprint
modem which has limited throughput. To prevent overwhelming the Sprint modem with
a flood of messages, the EMS adds the Event Interval between each message. Note that
although typically not required for a system that is not in Sprint Mode, the Event Interval
behaves as described in this paragraph.
4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Generate a Test Tone: Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager


The FlexWave EMS Generate Test Tone page is applicable only to CDIUs. For further information
on how to use a Test Tone within a CDIU system, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit
Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

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The Activate Optional Features page is in place for future use and is not supported in this release.

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Moving or Reconfiguring Fiber-Optic Cables: Deleting an SNMP Trap Manager


If you need to move or reconfigure fiber-optic cables during troubleshooting, follow the steps

1 Move Host Unit SFPs and fiber-optic cables to their new locations.
2 Do the following if a previously filled SFP position is now empty:
a There will still be a GUI representation of a Remote Unit on that SFP. To remove this ghost
representation, follow the steps in “Clear All Disconnect Alarms” on page 215.
b To delete fiber-optic cable and SFP alarms attributed to the abandoned SFP positions,
follow the steps in “Clear Current Alarms” on page 194.

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System Management

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Topics Page

Basic Unit Views .................................................................................................................................................................. 131

Basic Host Unit View...............................................................................................................................................................132
Basic Remote Unit View .........................................................................................................................................................133
Basic IFEU View.......................................................................................................................................................................134
Basic RAU Unit View ...............................................................................................................................................................135
Unit Information.................................................................................................................................................................. 136
View Host Unit Optical Ports ..................................................................................................................................................136
View Remote Unit Optical Ports.............................................................................................................................................138
View Host Unit DARTs and CDIUs ...........................................................................................................................................140
View Remote Unit DARTs .......................................................................................................................................................141
View CDIU Carriers .................................................................................................................................................................142
View Network Statistics for a Host Unit .................................................................................................................................142
View Network Statistics for a Remote Unit ............................................................................................................................144
Clearing Network Statistics for a Host Unit or Remote Unit ..................................................................................................146
View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit......................................................................................................................146
Viewing the Status of the Host Unit ...............................................................................................................................147
Module Status Table for Host Units........................................................................................................................148
Optical Status Table for Host Units.........................................................................................................................149
Host Status Table....................................................................................................................................................150
Temperature Table for Host Units..........................................................................................................................150
CDIU CPRI Ports Status Table..................................................................................................................................151
CDIU Path Status Table ...........................................................................................................................................151
Viewing the Status of a Remote Unit .............................................................................................................................152
Module Status Table for Remote Units ..................................................................................................................153
LNA Table for Prism Remote Units .........................................................................................................................154
LPA Table for Prism Remote Units..........................................................................................................................154
PD Status Table for Prism Remote Units ................................................................................................................155
Optical Status Table for Remote Units ...................................................................................................................156
Remote Status Table...............................................................................................................................................156
Remote Unit Capacity and Temperature................................................................................................................157
Unit Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................... 158
Edit Properties ........................................................................................................................................................................158
Set Basic Properties for a Prism Remote Unit ................................................................................................................158
Set Basic Properties for a DRU or HEU ...........................................................................................................................160
Reset All Units to Factory Default...................................................................................................................................160
Configure Optical Ports (by Specific Unit) ..............................................................................................................................162
Label the Host Unit Optical Ports ...................................................................................................................................162
Label Remote Unit Optical Ports ....................................................................................................................................163
Configuring Slots.....................................................................................................................................................................163
Using the Table in the Configure Slots Page...................................................................................................................164
Labeling Host Unit DARTs or CDIUs ................................................................................................................................165
Clearing Host Unit DART Configurations ........................................................................................................................166
Changing the Name of a Host Unit DART or CDIU ..........................................................................................................167
Labeling Remote Unit DARTs..........................................................................................................................................168
Clearing Remote Unit DART Configurations ...................................................................................................................169
Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service........................................................................................................................170
Remove an IFEU or RAU from Service ............................................................................................................................171
Return an IFEU or RAU to Service...................................................................................................................................172
Rebooting a Host Unit.......................................................................................................................................................... 173
Rebooting a Remote Unit..................................................................................................................................................... 175
Rebooting an IFEU ............................................................................................................................................................... 176
Rebooting a RAU.................................................................................................................................................................. 177

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Unit Management

Unit Updates ....................................................................................................................................................................... 178

CDIU Systems Only—Update the CDIUs................................................................................................................................. 178
Update an IFEU or RAU .......................................................................................................................................................... 178
Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit ....................................................................................... 179
Upgrading an LPA ........................................................................................................................................................... 180
LPA Inventory Information Table ................................................................................................................................... 181
Resetting a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit ........................................................................................ 182
Running IFEU Diagnostics..................................................................................................................................................... 184
Analyze CATV Cable Compensation........................................................................................................................................ 184
Analyze CATV Cable AGC ........................................................................................................................................................ 186
Analyze RAU DC Voltage......................................................................................................................................................... 187
Analyze Power Supply Loading............................................................................................................................................... 188

The following sections describe the pages accessed through the Unit Menu bar that allow you to
configure/view settings and alarms that pertain to the Host Unit, Remote Unit, IFEU, or RAU that
is currently selected in the System Tree.

CAUTION! If you are setting up a Prism or Spectrum system for the first time, follow the steps in the “Initial
System Setup” chapter of the Prism or Spectrum Element Management System user guide.

NOTE: As you cannot install a Prism Remote Unit (PRU) and a Prism Fullband Remote Unit (FRU) in the
same system, both PRUs and FRUs are represented as a PRU in the FlexWave EMS GUI.

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Basic Unit Views:


When you click on a device icon in the System Tree, the following view opens in the EMS Frame
View, in which there are three places where the selected device is identified. Notice also the
indicators for active alarms. In this instance the alarm overlays on the Host Unit and Remote Unit
icons indicate that an alarm is active on each device, and the Alarm Counter shows the count of
active major and minor alarms.
Figure 14 identifies the components in a basic unit view for a Host Unit.

Unit Idenfiers in Alarm Counter Unit Idenfier

System tree (system wide) (by Unit Name)
(by Unit Name
ame and Unit ID)

IFEU iconn
with Minor alarm

Remote Unit
nit icon
with Majorr alarm

Unit Idenfierr
(by Unit Name)

Figure 14. Basic Unit View

The content for the basic unit view differs according to the unit type. For further information, go
to one of the following topics:
• “Basic Host Unit View” on page 132
• “Basic Remote Unit View” on page 133
• “Basic IFEU View” on page 134
• “Basic RAU Unit View” on page 135.

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Unit Management

Basic Host Unit View

The basic view of the Host Unit is what is displayed in the Frame View when a Host Unit is selected
in the System Tree, but no menu item has been clicked.

The Unit view for a Host Unit provides the information listed below.
• Unit Name—Unit Name of the selected unit.
• Unit Type—the type of device that the selected unit is, such as Host.
• Software Version—the version of the EMS loaded on the Host Unit
• Alarm—highest level of alarm occurring on the selected unit:
– Major
– Minor
– Clear—no active alarm.
• Temperature—internal temperature of the selected Host Unit, shown in Celsius and
• Notes—text box that allows you to enter notes specific to the selected unit. You can enter up
to 256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.

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Basic Unit Views: Basic Remote Unit View

Basic Remote Unit View

The basic view of the Remote Unit is what is displayed in the Frame View when a Remote Unit is
selected in the System Tree, but no menu item has been clicked. The following graphic shows the
basic view for a PRU, a HEU, and a DRU.

Prism Remote Unit Host Expansion Unit

DART Remote Unit

The Unit view for a Remote Unit provides the information listed below.
• Unit Name—Unit Name of the selected unit.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—the type of device that the selected unit is, such as:
– PRU Remote—Prism Remote Unit, which can also be a Fullband Remote Unit
– HEU—Host Expansion Unit
– DRU Remote—DART Remote Unit.
• Alarm—highest level of alarm occurring on the selected unit:
– Major
– Minor
– Clear—no active alarm.
• Temperature—internal temperature of the selected Remote Unit, shown in Celsius and
• Notes—text box that allows you to enter notes specific to the selected unit. You can enter up
to 256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.

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Unit Management

Basic IFEU View

The basic view of the IFEU is what is displayed in the Frame View when an IFEU is selected in the
System Tree, but no menu item has been clicked.

The Unit view for an IFEU provides the information listed below.
• Unit Name—Unit Name of the selected unit.
• Unit Id—identifies the IFEU within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—the type of device that the selected unit is, such as IFEU (SIEU-UNV8-).
• Serial Number—serial number for the module assigned during manufacturing.
• Catalog Number—TE Catalog Number for the unit; you use this number to order this type of
IFEU. Note that older IFEUs were not assigned a Catalog Number, so this field may not be
• Firmware Version—denotes a particular firmware release.
• Alarm—highest level of alarm occurring on the selected unit.
– Major
– Minor
– Clear—no active alarm.
• Temperature—internal temperature of the selected Host Unit, shown in Celsius and

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Basic Unit Views: Basic RAU Unit View

Basic RAU Unit View

The basic view of the RAU is what is displayed in the Frame View when a RAU is selected in the
System Tree, but no menu item has been clicked.

The Unit view for a RAU provides the information listed below.
• Unit Name—Unit Name of the selected unit.
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—the type of device that the selected unit is, such as MRAU (SMRU-CP-2-).
• Serial Number—serial number for the module assigned during manufacturing.
• Catalog Number—TE Catalog Number for the unit; you use this number to order this type of
RAU. Note, however, that not all RAUs have a catalog number, in which case this field will not
be shown.
• Firmware Version—denotes a particular firmware release.
• Additional Forward Gain—additional gain, either 0 dB (default) or 10 dB, that the RAU
provides for each of its bands.
• Alarm—highest level of alarm occurring on the selected unit.
– Major
– Minor
– Clear—no active alarm.
• Temperature—internal temperature of the selected Host Unit, shown in Celsius and

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Unit Management

The following sections describe the pages accessed through the Unit Menu bar that allow you to
view settings that pertain to the unit that is selected in the System Tree.

View Host Unit Optical Ports

The View Optical Ports page shows the current usage and alarm status of the Host Unit optical
ports plus the current values of key operating parameters. Although the Host Unit has eight
optical ports, the View Optical Ports page only shows the ports equipped with an SFP. Each port
in the page represents only one direction of the optical path between a Host Unit and a Remote

1 In the System Tree, click on Host Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Optical Ports.

The View Optical Ports table has the following components:

• SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU, the
SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and FRUs, the
SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1 or Fiber 2
• SFP Name—user-defined name for the Optics port; default is SFP.
• In/Out—used for cascading. In indicates that the selected SFP is connected back towards the
Host Unit, therefore the Host Unit is always Out as this indicates that the forward link for the
connected SFP is going away from the Host Unit. Consider the example in which Host Unit
SFP1 is connected to SFP1 on DRU1, and DRU1 SFP5 is connected to DRU2 SFP1, therefore:
– Host Unit SFP1 states Out
– DRU1 SFP1 states In
– DRU1 SFP5 states Out
– DRU2 SFP1 states In.
• Optics Type
– LongRange—26 dB
– IntermediateRange—13 dB.

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Unit Information: View Host Unit Optical Ports

• Wavelength (nm)—wave length transmitted through this port:

– Long Range (LR); non-duplex and WDM configurations
 FWD is 1550 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– Intermediate Range (IR); non-duplex only
 FWD is 1310 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– CWDM configurations can be one of eight wavelengths:
 1470 nm  1550 nm
 1490 nm  1570 nm
 1510 nm  1590 nm
 1530 nm  1610 nm

• Tx Power (dBm)—launch power level in dBm of forward path signal.

– The minimum FWD launch power for Long Range is -3 dBm, and the maximum is 2 dBm.
– The minimum FWD launch power for Intermediate Range is -5 dBm, and the maximum is
0 dBm.
• Rx Power (dBm)—receive power level in dBm of reverse path signal, which incorporates the
launch power of the Remote Unit SFP plus all optical losses (insertion losses, fiber-optic cable
loss, and so forth).
• Connected To columns—identify the unit to which the Host Unit or Remote Unit connects;
therefore, a Remote Unit would show as the unit connected to a Host Unit, and vice versa.
– Unit Id—name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical port.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical
port. If the port is not physically connected to a Remote Unit with a fiber-optic cable, the
Unit Name field will be NA.
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU,
the SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and
FRUs, the SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1
or Fiber 2 connector.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Unit Management

View Remote Unit Optical Ports

The View Optical Ports page shows the current usage and alarm status of the Remote Unit optical
ports plus the current values of key operating parameters. The Remote Unit has eight optical
ports, but the View Optical Ports page only shows the ports equipped with an SFP. Each port in the
page represents the state of each SFP as related to the selected Remote Unit. In a cascade, the
In/Out column indicates which SFPs connect to the upstream device (In) and which SFPs connect
to the downstream device (Out).
An SFP that has no optical connections shows as undefined in the In/Out column, and as NA in the
Connected To Unit Name and SFP Id columns, as the system does not know which direction will be
used until fiber connectivity has been established (see Figure 15).

Figure 15. View Optical Ports for a Remote Unit with Missing Optical Connections

Do the following to access the View Optical Ports page for a Remote Unit.

1 In the System Tree, click on a Remote Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Optical Ports.

The View Optical Ports table has the following components:

• SFP Id—System assigned port number.
• SFP Name—user-defined name for the Optics port; default is SFP.
• In/Out—used for cascading. In indicates that the selected SFP is connected back towards the
Host Unit, therefore the Host Unit is always Out as this indicates that the forward link for the

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Unit Information: View Remote Unit Optical Ports

connected SFP is going away from the Host Unit. Consider the example in which Host Unit
SFP1 is connected to SFP1 on DRU1, and DRU1 SFP5 is connected to DRU2 SFP1, therefore:
– Host Unit SFP1 states Out
– DRU1 SFP1 states In
– DRU1 SFP5 states Out
– DRU2 SFP1 states In.
• Optics Type
– LongRange—25 dB
– IntermediateRange—13 dB.
• Wavelength (nm)—wave length transmitted through this port:
– Long Range (LR); non-duplex and WDM configurations
 FWD is 1550 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– Intermediate Range (IR); non-duplex only
 FWD is 1310 nm
 REV is 1310 nm.
– CWDM configurations can be one of eight wavelengths:
 1470 nm  1550 nm
 1490 nm  1570 nm
 1510 nm  1590 nm
 1530 nm  1610 nm

• Tx Power (dBm)—launch power level in dBm of forward path signal.

– The minimum FWD launch power for Long Range is -3 dBm, and the maximum is 2 dBm.
– The minimum FWD launch power for Intermediate Range is -5 dBm, and the maximum is
0 dBm.
• Rx Power (dBm)—receive power level in dBm of the receive path signal of the forward path on
RX SFPs, and the receive path signal of the reverse path on TX SFPs, which incorporates the
launch power of the Remote Unit SFP plus all optical losses (insertion losses, fiber-optic cable
loss, and so forth).
• Connected To columns—identify the unit to which the Host Unit or Remote Unit connects;
therefore, a Remote Unit would show as the unit connected to a Host Unit, and vice versa.
– Unit Id—name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical port.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name of the Host Unit or Remote Unit connected to this optical
– SFP Id—system assigned number (1 to 8) of the Optical port. For a Host Unit, HEU, or DRU,
the SFP Id represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and
FRUs, the SFP Id represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1
or Fiber 2 connector.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Unit Management

View Host Unit DARTs and CDIUs

1 In the System Tree, click on the Host Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Slots to open the View Slots page.

The table in the View Slots page provides the information listed below.
• Slot Id—identifies the Host Unit slot in which the DART is installed, which can be 1 - 8.
• Slot Name—user-defined name for a Host Unit DART; the default is DART.
• Band Type—which DART model is installed, and the frequency that it is providing.
• Passband—frequency range configured on the Band Type.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Unit Information: View Remote Unit DARTs

View Remote Unit DARTs

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the Remote Unit for which you want to view DART
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Slots to open the View Slots page.

The table in the View Slots page provides the information listed below.
• Slot Id—identifies the Remote Unit slot in which the DART is installed, which can be 1 - 8.
• Slot Name—user-defined name for a Remote Unit DART; the default is DART.
• Band Type—which DART model is installed, and the frequency that it is providing.
• Passband—frequency range configured on the Band Type. If the Passband is shown as
Undefined, the DART is not linked.
• Unit Name (Host)—Unit Name of the Host Unit to which the DART is connected; in a
Multi-Host system each DART can be connected to a different Host Unit. If the Unit Name
(Host) is shown as NA, the DART is not linked.
• Host IP Address—IP address of the Host Unit to which the DART is connected; in a Multi-Host
system each DART can be connected to a different Host Unit. If the Host IP Address is shown
as NA, the DART is not linked.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Unit Management

View CDIU Carriers

For information on the View CDIU Carriers page, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit
Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

View Network Statistics for a Host Unit

1 In the System Tree, click on an icon for a Host Unit.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Network Statistics to open the View
Network Statistics page.

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Unit Information: View Network Statistics for a Host Unit

The View Network Statistics table for a Host Unit has the following components:
• Port—identifies the Host Unit port, which can be any of the following:
– Network Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides Ethernet
access to the LAN via the Host Unit.
– Craft Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides local Ethernet
access to the Host Unit.
– Switch Port—a port on the Ethernet switch that connects to the processor on the Host Unit
SeRF II Module to allow traffic between the SeRF II Module and the Host Unit Network
port and the Remote Units.
– OptEnetPortn—the port on the Ethernet switch that connects to the Host Unit SFP
connectors to allow traffic to Remote Unit SFP connectors connected to the Host Unit SFP
via fiber cable.
– Management Port—a Management Port is the CPU’s connection to the Ethernet switch
that in turn communicates with the fiber-optic cable to show how much traffic the unit is
generating and consuming. Note that the Management Port is not the same as the Craft
Port or the Network Port. The Management Port shows how much Ethernet traffic is being
transmitted/received by the processor on the SeRF to/from the Network Port and all
fiber ports combined. It normally shows the traffic between the Host Unit and connected
Remote Units.
• Rx Bytes—is a receive byte counter that increments by the byte count of frames received. The
counter includes receive bytes in bad packets and FCS bytes, but excludes preamble and SFD
• Rx Packets—is a receive packet counter that increments for each frame received packet. The
counter includes bad packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets.
• RX FCS Errors—is a receive FCS error counter that increments for each frame received that has
an integral 64 to 1518 length and contains a frame check sequence error.
• Rx Broadcast Pkts—is a receive broadcast packet counter that increments for each broadcast
good frame of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding multicast frames.
Does not include range/length errors.
• Rx Multicast Pkts—is a receive multicast packet counter that increments for each multicast
good frame of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding broadcast frames.
This count does not include range/length errors.
• Rx Fragmented Frames—is a receive fragments counter that increments for each frame
received that contains an invalid FCS and is less than 64 bytes. This includes integral and
non-integral lengths.
• Rx Jabber Frames—is a receive jabber counter that increments for frames received that
exceed 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes and contain an invalid FCS. This includes
alignment errors.
• Tx Byte Counter—is a transmit byte counter that increments by the number of bytes that were
put on the wire including fragments of frames that were involved with collisions. This count
does not include preamble/SFD or jam bytes. This counter does not count if the frame is

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Unit Management

• Tx Pkt Counter—is a transmit packet counter that increments for each transmitted packet
(including bad packets, excessive deferred packets, excessive collision packets, late collision
packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets).
• Tx Broadcast Pkts—is a receive broadcast packet counter that increments for each broadcast
frame transmitted (excluding multicast frames).
• Tx Multicast Pkts—is a receive multicast packet counter that increments for each multicast
valid frame transmitted (excluding broadcast frames).
• Reset Network Statistics button—click this button to clear the statistics in the Network
Statistics page.

View Network Statistics for a Remote Unit

1 In the System Tree, click on a icon for a Remote Unit.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Network Statistics to open the View
Network Statistics page.

The View Network Statistics table for a Remote Unit has the following components:
• Port—identifies the Remote Unit port, which can be any of the following:
– Network Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides Ethernet
access to the LAN via the Host Unit.
– Craft Port—a physical port on the Host Unit SeRF II Module that provides local Ethernet
access to the Host Unit.
– Switch Port—a port on the Ethernet switch that connects to the processor on the Host Unit
SeRF II Module to allow traffic between the SeRF II Module and the Host Unit Network
port and the Remote Units.
– OptEnetPortn—the port on the Ethernet switch that connects to the Host Unit SFP
connectors to allow traffic to Remote Unit SFP connectors connected to the Host Unit SFP
via fiber cable.

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Unit Information: View Network Statistics for a Remote Unit

– Management Port—a Management Port is the CPU’s connection to the Ethernet switch
that in turn communicates with the fiber-optic cable to show how much traffic the unit is
generating and consuming. Note that the Management Port is not the same as the Craft
Port or the Network Port. The Management Port shows how much Ethernet traffic is being
transmitted/received by the processor on the SeRF to/from the Network Port and all
fiber ports combined. It normally shows the traffic between the Host Unit and connected
Remote Units.
• Rx Bytes—Receive byte counter that increments by the byte count of frames received,
including those in bad packets, excluding preamble and SFD but including FCS bytes.
• Rx Packets—Receive packet counter that increments for each frame received packet
(including bad packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets).
• RX FCS Errors—Receive FCS error counter that increments for each frame received that has an
integral 64 to 1518 length and contains a frame check sequence error.
• Rx Broadcast Pkts—Receive broadcast packet counter that increments for each broadcast
good frame of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding multicast frames.
Does not include range/length errors.
• Rx Multicast Pkts—Receive multicast packet counter that increments for each multicast good
frame of lengths 64 to 1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN), excluding broadcast frames. This
count does not include range/length errors.
• Rx Fragmented Frames—Receive fragments counter that increments for each frame received
that contains an invalid FCS and is less than 64 bytes. This includes integral and non-integral
• Rx Jabber Frames—Receive jabber counter that increments for frames received that exceed
1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes and contain an invalid FCS. This includes alignment
• Tx Byte Counter—Transmit byte counter that increments by the number of bytes that were
put on the wire including fragments of frames that were involved with collisions. This count
does not include preamble/SFD or jam bytes. This counter does not count if the frame is
• Tx Pkt Counter—Transmit packet counter that increments for each transmitted packet
(including bad packets, excessive deferred packets, excessive collision packets, late collision
packets, all unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets).
• Tx Broadcast Pkts—Transmit broadcast packet counter that increments for each broadcast
frame transmitted (excluding multicast frames).
• Tx Multicast Pkts—Transmit multicast packet counter that increments for each multicast
valid frame transmitted (excluding broadcast frames).
• Reset Network Statistics button—click this button to clear the statistics in the Network
Statistics page.

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Unit Management

Clearing Network Statistics for a Host Unit or Remote Unit

1 In the System Tree, click on an icon for a Host Unit or Remote Unit.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Network Statistics to open the View
Network Statistics page.
3 Click Reset Network Statistics.
4 In the confirmation window, click OK.
5 Wait for the Network statistics have been
reset message to display.

View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

For your convenience, the descriptions of the View Status page has been broken into the following
unit-specific topics:
• “Viewing the Status of the Host Unit” on page 147
• “Viewing the Status of a Remote Unit” on page 152

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

Viewing the Status of the Host Unit

The information in this topic applies to a Prism or Spectrum system Host Unit.

1 In the System Tree, click on the Host Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Status.

The Unit Information > View Status page for Host Units has four unique tables that provide the
following information for the Host Unit selected in the System Tree:
• “Module Status Table for Host Units” on page 148
• “Optical Status Table for Host Units” on page 149
• “Host Status Table” on page 150
• “Temperature Table for Host Units” on page 150
• “CDIU CPRI Ports Status Table” on page 151
• “CDIU Path Status Table” on page 151.

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Unit Management

If there is an active alarm, the cell will have an M to indicate a major alarm or an m to indicate a
minor alarm, and the background of each table cell is color coded to the level of the alarm; see
“Alarm Indicators” on page 190. In addition to the color codes described in “Alarm Indicators” on
page 190, the View Status page for Host Units also uses a gray background and an uppercase D to
indicate that an alarm has been disabled (see “Enable and Disable Alarms” on page 202). Should
a fault or alarm be active in the View Status page, do the following to find out more information
about that alarm.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current Alarms to access the View Current Alarms
2 In the Extended Info column, click on the Click link. This opens another web page, which
provides further information on the alarm, including troubleshooting information; see
“Extended Alarm Information” on page 199.

Module Status Table for Host Units

The Module Status table shows which slots are occupied and whether a slot contains a DART or a
CDIU. For DARTs, columns 1 through 8 correspond to the slot in which the DART resides (Column
1 = Slot 1, and so forth). CDIUs, however, take two slots, one for Path A and one for Path B.
In the graphic to the right, the CDIU is
installed in slots 1 and 3, and 2 and 4, so
they are represented in the GUI as
being installed in Slot 1 and Slot 2, with
a column for Path A and another
column for Path B. If a column has no
background color, that slot is
unoccupied. The DART alarms shown
in the Module Status table are also
applicable to CDIUs.

• DART Fault—Summary of DART Downconverter 1 Synthesizer Unlocked, Downconverter 2

Synthesizer Unlocked, Upconverter Synthesizer Unlocked, DC Supply Fault alarms, and DART
FPGA status.
• DART Over Drive—Red indicates that the RF signal received from the BTS/BDA is too strong.
Fault threshold is +19 dBm.
• DART Under Drive—DART forward RF input signal is below its normal operating limit. The
DART Under Drive threshold is -15 dBm minus the Host Unit Forward Gain setting (see
“Viewing the Host Forward Gain Settings Report” on page 85).
• Host Module Missing Fault—Host Unit is missing a DART Module, CDIU or SFP.
• DART Hardware Mismatch—Host Unit DART does not support the selected passband. Fault
occurs when a Host Unit DART is replaced with another DART of the incorrect type.

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

Optical Status Table for Host Units

The Optical Status table shows the current usage and alarm status of the optical ports on the Host
Unit plus the current values of some key operating parameters. The Host Unit has eight optical
ports, but the Optical Status table only shows physically present SFPs. Each port in the table
(where SFP 1 is column 1, SFP 2 is column 2, and so forth) represents one set of FWD and REV
paths between a Host Unit and Remote Unit. In the following graphic, an SFP is installed in Slot 7,
but no fiber is present.

• Optical RX High BER—high bit error rate (BER) detected by fiber optic receiver. Fault
threshold is 0.00001. Threshold cannot be changed.
• Optical RX No Light—no signal detected by optical receiver.
• Optical Transmitter Fault—SFP optical transmitter failed.
• Optical Over Drive—SFP optical receive input power above specification. The fault threshold
cannot be changed, and is
– 1 dBm for IR
– -9 dBm for LR.
• Optical Under Drive—SFP optical receive input power below specification. The fault threshold
cannot be changed, and is
– -18 dBm for IR
– -27 dBm for LR.
• Module Missing Fault—one of the Host Unit SFPs is missing. Note that the Module Missing
Fault only activates if there is an active link on that SFP. (If you pull an SFP from the Host Unit
that has not been linked, the EMS does not activate a Module Missing Fault, it just removes the
SFP from its database.

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Unit Management

Host Status Table

The Host Status table shows the current overall status of the Host
• Host Major Contact Alarm Output Active—Major Contact Alarm
Output active.
• Host Minor Contact Alarm Output Active—Minor Contact Alarm
Output active.
• Remote Major Contact Alarm Output Active—major alarm is
present on any Remote Unit connected to the Host Unit. Red
indicates Normally Open/Normally Closed (NO/NC) major
alarm contacts are in an alarm position. These connections are
typically wired to a local alarm alert system.
• Remote Minor Contact Alarm Output Active—minor alarm is
present on any Remote Unit connected to the Host Unit. Yellow
indicates that Normally Open/Normally Closed (NO/NC) minor
alarm contacts are in an alarm position. These connections are typically wired to a local alarm
alert system.
• SeRF Fault—state of the SeRF. Red indicates that either the SeRF clock source is unacceptable
or the SeRF card FPGA is not programmed.
• Fan Fault—state of the Host Unit chassis fan. Red indicates that the Host Unit chassis fan is
spinning too slowly.
• Temperature High—red indicates that the current temperature of the Host Unit interior is
above its operating limits. Fault threshold is 62° C.
• Host Temperature Low—yellow indicates that the current temperature of the Host Unit
interior is below its operating limits. Fault threshold is 0° C.
• Clock Priority Level Conflict—more than one Host Unit in a Multi-Host setup has the same Clock
Priority Level, all Host Units in conflict raise the Master Clock Priority Level Conflict alarm.
However, the Clock Priority Level Conflict alarm is a transient alarm; it will be cleared within
30 seconds, as the EMS automatically changes the Clock Priority Level on one or both of the
Host Units so that the two Host Units have different clock priority values. If it is intended that
a specific Host Unit should provide the master clock, the new priority values should be
checked and adjusted manually if necessary (see “Set the System Reference Clock and Clock
Priority” on page 38).
• Clock Configuration Invalid—the system is currently configured to use the internal 10 MHz
clock reference, but the CDIU requires an external reference, resulting in no RF for the CDIU

Temperature Table for Host Units

The Temperature table gives the current temperature of the Host Unit chassis interior (as
detected by the Host Unit) in degrees Centigrade and Fahrenheit.

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

CDIU CPRI Ports Status Table

The CDIU CPRI Ports Status table shows the alarm status of CDIU CPRI ports. Note that the CDIU
CPRI Ports Status table displays only when a CDIU is installed. For information on the CDIU CPRI
Ports Status table, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning
Guide (TECP-77-240).

CDIU Path Status Table

The CDIU Path Status table shows the alarm status of CDIU paths. Note that the CDIU Path Status
table displays only when a CDIU is installed. For information on the CDIU CPRI Ports Status table,
refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

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Viewing the Status of a Remote Unit

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the Remote Unit for which you want to view its status.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Information > View Status.
The following graphic shows the View Status page for a Prism Remote Unit.

The Unit Information > View Status page for Remote Units has up to seven unique tables that
provide the following information for the Remote Unit selected in the System Tree:
• “Module Status Table for Remote Units” on page 153
• “LNA Table for Prism Remote Units” on page 154
• “LPA Table for Prism Remote Units” on page 154
• “PD Status Table for Prism Remote Units” on page 155
• “Optical Status Table for Remote Units” on page 156
• “Remote Status Table” on page 156
• “Remote Unit Capacity and Temperature” on page 157.
If there is an active alarm, the cell will have an M to indicate a major alarm or an m to indicate a
minor alarm, and the background of each table cell is color coded to the level of the alarm; see
“Alarm Indicators” on page 190. In addition to the color codes described in “Alarm Indicators” on
page 190, the View Status page for Host Units also uses a gray background and an uppercase D to
indicate that an alarm has been disabled (see “Enable and Disable Alarms” on page 202). Should
a fault or alarm be active in the View Status page, do the following to find out more information
about that alarm.

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current Alarms to access the View Current Alarms
2 In the Extended Info column, click on the Click link. This opens another web page, which
provides further information on the alarm, including troubleshooting information; see
“Extended Alarm Information” on page 199.

Module Status Table for Remote Units

The Module Status table provides status information for Remote Unit modules where columns 1
through 8 correspond to the slot in which a DART resides (see “RF Module Capabilities and GUI
Representation of Prism Remote Units” on page 8). If the a column has no background color, a
DART is not installed in that slot.
• DART Fault—Summary of DART
Downconverter 1 Synthesizer Unlocked,
Downconverter 2 Synthesizer Unlocked,
Upconverter Synthesizer Unlocked, DC
Supply Fault alarms, and DART FPGA status.
• DART DC Supply Fault—DC supply voltages
for a Remote Unit DART are outside
• DART Hardware Mismatch—Remote Unit
DART does not support the selected
passband. Fault occurs when a Remote
Unit DART is replaced with another DART
of the incorrect type.
• DART Temperature High—Temperature of a Remote Unit DART is above operating limit; the
threshold is 85°C.
• Delay Out of Range—Forward Delay and/or Reverse Delay value(s) outside the valid range.
• DART Temperature Low—Remote Unit DART temperature below operating limit; the
threshold is -40°C.
• Remote Module Missing Fault—A Remote Unit DART is missing.
• DART Communications Fault—The Remote Unit DART communication path is missing or

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Unit Management

LNA Table for Prism Remote Units

NOTE: The LNA table only appears in the View Status page for a Prism Remote Unit. It is not applicable
to a Prism HEU or an Spectrum DRU.

The LNA table presents status information for the Low Noise Amplifiers in a Remote Unit. There
can be between one and eight LNAs installed in a Prism Remote Unit.

• LNA Power Fault—whether there is a Low Noise Amplifier Power fault in the Prism Remote
• Module Missing Fault—LNA module is missing from the Prism Remote Unit.
• Duplexer Mismatch—configured frequency range not supported by the Duplexer installed in
the Prism Remote Unit.

LPA Table for Prism Remote Units

NOTE: The LPA table only appears in the View Status page for a Prism Remote Unit. It is not applicable
to a Prism HEU or an Spectrum DRU.

NOTE: LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.

The LPA table presents status information for the Linear Power Amplifiers (LPAs) in a Prism
Remote Unit. There can be up to 8 LPAs installed in a Prism Remote Unit.
• LPA Disabled—LPA disabled due to an
internally detected problem. (VSWR, DC,
Loop Fault, Low Power, or Temperature
High alarm).
• LPA VSWR Fault—Prism Remote Unit LPA
VSWR is out of specification; the threshold
is 3:1.
• LPA DC Fault—internally detected problem
with the LPA.
• LPA Loop Fault—internally detected
problem with the LPA.
• LPA Over Power—LPA output power level above operating limit; the threshold is variable by
LPA band.

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

• LPA Low Power Fault—Internal LPA Low Power fault; gain of one or more internal amplifiers
outside of specification.
• LPA Missing—LPA module is missing.
• LPA Over Temperature—LPA above operating limit; the threshold is 89°C (192.2°F)

PD Status Table for Prism Remote Units

The PD Status table presents status information for the Power Detector (PD) in a Prism Remote
Unit. There can be up to eight PDs installed in a Prism Remote Unit.

NOTE: The PD Status table only appears in the View Status page for a Prism Remote Unit. It is not
applicable to a Prism HEU or an Spectrum DRU.

• System VSWR Fault—Remote Unit VSWR measurement above specification; the threshold is
3:1. The threshold of this alarm can be changed for PRUs and FRUs, see “Set the System VSWR
Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit” on page 208.
• RF Power Low—Remote Unit RF Output Power is below its minimum threshold. The default
threshold is 20 dBm, but can be changed in the EMS (see “Set RF Power Low Threshold for a
Prism Remote Unit Power Detector” on page 207). The RF Power Low alarm does not occur
on DRUs.
• Module Missing Fault—Power Detector module is missing.

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Unit Management

Optical Status Table for Remote Units

The Optical Status table provides status information for SFPs installed in a Remote Unit. There can
be between one and eight SFPs installed in a Remote Unit. If a column has no background color,
an SFP is not installed in that slot.
• Optical RX High BER—High bit error rate
(BER) detected by fiber optic receiver.
Threshold is 0.00001.
• Optical RX No Light—No signal detected
by optical receiver.
• Optical Transmitter Fault—SFP optical
transmitter failed.
• Optical Over Drive—SFP optical receive
input power above specification.
Thresholds are as follows:
– 1 dBm for IR
– -9 dBm for LR.
• Optical Under Drive—SFP optical receive input power below specification. Thresholds are as
– -18 dBm for IR
– -27 dBm for LR.
• Remote Module Missing Fault—SFP module is missing.

Remote Status Table

The Remote Status table provides the following general status information for a Remote Unit:
• Host Lost—indicates that the Host Unit is not communicating
with DRU.
• AC Power Supply Fault—this alarm is not supported in this
release and should always appear as inactive.
• Temperature High—indicates that the temperature is above
operating limit; the threshold is 95°C (203°F).
• DRU Temperature Low—DRUs and HEUs only; indicates that the
temperature of the DRU/HEU is below its operating limit; the
threshold is -5°C (23°F).
• Temperature Low—Prism only; indicates that the temperature
is below operating limit; the threshold is -40°C.
• Contact Alarm Input 1 Active—indicates that a Contact Alarm
Input #1 is active on the Remote Unit.
• Fan Under Speed—Prism Remote Unit fan(s) operating below
expected RPM. (DRUs and HEUs report a Fan Fault.)
• Contact Alarm Input 2 Active—indicates that a Contact Alarm Input #2 is active on the Remote

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Unit Information: View the Status of a Host Unit or Remote Unit

• Fan Over Speed—Prism Remote Unit fan(s) are operating above expected RPM. The Fan Over
Speed alarm is applicable only to PRU or FRUs. (DRUs and HEUs report a Fan Fault.)
• Fan Fault—The DRU or HEU fan has failed or is missing, which may cause the DRU/HEU to
overheat. This may not immediately affect service for the identified DRU/HEU; however, it
may overheat if the alarm persists. (PRUs or FRUs report a Fan Over Speed or Fan Under Speed
• Door Open—indicates that the door is open on Prism Remote Unit; not applicable to a DRU or
• SeRF Fault—provides a summary of SeRF Synthesizer Unlocked alarm and SeRF FPGA status.
• Software Version Mismatch Fault—indicates that the Host Unit and Remote Unit software
versions do not match.

Remote Unit Capacity and Temperature

The Unit Information > View Status page for Remote Units also provides unit capacity and
temperature information for the selected Remote Unit.

• Capacity—number of RF Modules that this Remote Unit can support; not applicable to a DRU
or HEU.
• Temperature—internal Temperature of the selected unit, shown in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

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Unit Management

The following sections describe the pages accessed through the Unit Menu bar that allow you to
configure settings that pertain to the unit that is selected in the System Tree.

CAUTION! If you are setting up a FlexWave Prism or Spectrum system for the first time, follow the steps in
the “Initial System Setup” chapter of the FlexWave Element Management System user guide that
corresponds to the software release that you are installing. If you are setting up a Prism CDIU
system, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning

Edit Properties
For your convenience, the descriptions of the Edit Properties page has been broken into the
following unit-specific topics:
• “Set Basic Properties for a Prism Remote Unit” on page 158
• “Set Basic Properties for a DRU or HEU” on page 160
• “Reset All Units to Factory Default” on page 160
• “Reset All Units to Factory Default” on page 160.

Set Basic Properties for a Prism Remote Unit

This topic pertains only to Prism Remote Units: PRUs and FRUs. For a DRU or a HEU, go to “Set
Basic Properties for a DRU or HEU.” This procedure tells you how to configure a single PRU/FRU.
If you want to change the configuration of more than one at a time, go to “Provision the Host and
Remote Units in the System” on page 35.

1 In the System Tree, click the icon of the Prism Remote Unit whose properties you want to
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Properties, to open the Unit Configuration
> Edit Properties page for the selected Remote Unit.

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Unit Configuration: Edit Properties

3 In the Unit Name box, enter a Unit Name for the Remote Unit. The Name must start with an
alphabetical character or a space, contain between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain
quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >).

NOTE: The Capacity setting cannot be changed, as its setting pertains to the Remote Unit Remote SeRF
Module and the number of RF groups available to the Remote Unit and is preset during

4 (Optional) Select the Enable Network Port check box to enable Ethernet traffic between the
Network port on the Host Unit and the Network port on the Remote Unit. For example, select
Enable Network Port if there are any devices connected to the Remote Unit’s Network port,
such as a UPS, that are accessed from the Host Unit Network port. That is, once you enable the
Host Unit Network port, any device connected to this port can access the network to which
the Host Unit is connected. If you do not enable the Host Unit Network port, there is no
network access of any kind from the Host Unit.

NOTE: In a cascade system, the Enable Network Port check box is visible for all of the Remote Units in
the cascade, but it only works for the first Remote Unit in the cascade. You therefore should not
check the Enable Network Port check box for subtended Remote Units. The Enabled Network
Port check box for the first Remote Unit in the cascade controls the function of all subtended
Remote Units.

CAUTION! Selecting Enable Network Port can introduce an Ethernet loop into a Multi-Host configuration. If
two Host Units select Enable Network Port to the same Remote(s) in the same cascade, Ethernet
traffic can pass from one Host Unit Network port to the other over the fiber. If the two Host Unit
Network ports are connected together, broadcast messages will circle between the Host Units,
possibly locking up the network.

5 (Optional) Use the Notes box to enter notes specific to the selected Remote Unit. You can enter
up to 256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.
6 Click Apply.
7 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.
8 Repeat the steps in this procedure for each Remote Unit in the system.

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Unit Management

Set Basic Properties for a DRU or HEU

This topic pertains to DRUs and HEUs; for a Prism Remote Unit, go to “Set Basic Properties for a
Prism Remote Unit.” This procedure tells you how to configure a single DRU/HEU. If you want to
change the configuration of more than one at a time, go to “Provision the Host and Remote Units
in the System” on page 35.

1 In the System Tree, click the icon of the DRU whose properties you want to change.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Properties, to open the Unit Configuration
> Edit Properties page for the selected DRU.
3 In the Unit Name box, enter a Unit Name for the DRU.
The Name must start with an alphabetical character or
a space, contain between 5 and 64 characters and
cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or
close) or angle brackets (< or >).

NOTE: For DRUs, the System Card Output Clock is always set
to 30.72 MHz and cannot be changed.

4 (Optional) Select the Enable Network Port check box to

enable Ethernet traffic between the Network port on
the Host Unit and the Network port on the Remote Unit. For example, select Enable Network
Port if there are any devices connected to the Remote Unit’s Network port, such as a UPS, that
are accessed from the Host Unit Network port.
5 (Optional) Use the Notes box to enter notes specific to the selected DRU. You can enter up to
256 characters; all keyboard characters can be used.
6 Click Apply.
7 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.
8 Repeat the steps in this procedure for each DRU in the system.

Reset All Units to Factory Default

The Reset All Units to Factory Defaults function has the following effect:
• resets the Host Unit and all connected Remote Units to their factory default settings
• does not clear commanded Out of Service and Band Lockout settings
• does not delete any of the user accounts.

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin can perform this procedure.

Do the following to reset all Host Units and all connected Remote Units to their factory-default

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Unit Configuration: Edit Properties

1 Perform this step if you intend to reprogram the system with the current settings. Document
all configuration data, as everything except user IDs and IP configuration will have to be
re-entered. To record the current configuration:
a Follow the procedures in “Viewing the All Report” on page 97 to access the system
configuration reports.
b Follow the procedures in “Downloading a Report” on page 98 to download the system
configuration reports to a hard drive.
2 In the System Tree, click on the Host Unit icon.
3 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Properties, to open the Unit Configuration
> Edit Properties page.
4 Click Reset All Units to Factory Defaults.

5 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

The system configuration is cleared, and you are logged out of your current EMS session.
6 Log back into the EMS to reconfigure the system.

NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the EMS to recognize the Host Unit and connected Remote Units.

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Unit Management

Configure Optical Ports (by Specific Unit)

For your convenience, the descriptions of the Configure Optical Ports page has been broken into
the following unit-specific topics:
• “Label the Host Unit Optical Ports” on page 162
• “Label Remote Unit Optical Ports” on page 163

NOTE: You can also configure all optical ports at one time; see “Configure the Optical Ports Through the
System Configuration Menu” on page 41.

Label the Host Unit Optical Ports

CAUTION! If fiber-optic cables must be moved or reconfigured at any time during installation or setup,
follow the steps in “Moving or Reconfiguring Fiber-Optic Cables” on page 127.

There can be up to eight Host Unit SeRF optical ports that correspond to the eight physical ports
on the Host Unit. In this section, you should label the Host Unit SeRF Optical ports to provide for
easier off-site management.

1 In the System Tree, click on a Host Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties, to open the Edit
Optical Port Properties page.

3 Use the SFP Id column to identify the SFP that you want to label. For a Host Unit, the SFP Id
represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module.
4 For the row for the SFP identified in the previous step, in the SFP Name box, enter a label for
the selected Optics port. The SFP Name must start with an alphabetical character or a space,
contain 1 to 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or close)
or angle brackets (< or >). The default SFP Name is SFP.
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.
For information on the Edit Optical Port Properties table for Host Units, go to “View Host Unit
Optical Ports” on page 136

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Unit Configuration: Configuring Slots

Label Remote Unit Optical Ports

1 In the System Tree, click on a Remote Unit icon.

2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties, to open the Unit
Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties page.

3 Use the SFP Id column to identify the SFP that you want to label. For a HEU or DRU, the SFP Id
represents the physical SFP TX/RX port on the SeRF II Module. For PRUs and FRUs, the SFP Id
represents the SeRF SFP Connector inside the Prism Remote Unit Fiber 1 or Fiber 2 connector.
4 For the row for the SFP identified in the previous step, in the SFP Name box, enter a label for
the selected Optics port. The SFP Name must start with an alphabetical character or a space,
contain between 1 and 64 characters and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open
or close) or angle brackets (< or >).
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.
7 Repeat this process for each Remote Unit in the system.
For information on the Edit Optical Port Properties table for Remote Units, go to “View Remote
Unit Optical Ports” on page 138.

Configuring Slots
The Configure Slots page allows you to label DARTs and CDIUs, or clear DART configurations for
the Host Unit or Remote Unit selected in the System Tree. The Configure Slots page has an
interactive table, which provides system information and allows you to manually label the DARTs
and CDIUs.
• For information on the Configure DARTs page table, go to “Using the Table in the Configure
Slots Page” on page 164.
• For the steps required to label a Host Unit or Remote Unit DART, go to “Labeling Host Unit
DARTs or CDIUs” on page 165.
• For the steps required to clear DART configurations for a specific Host Unit or Remote Unit,
go to “Clearing Host Unit DART Configurations” on page 166 or “Clearing Remote Unit DART
Configurations” on page 169.

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Unit Management

Using the Table in the Configure Slots Page

The table in the Configure Slots page has the elements listed below.
• Clear Configuration check box—provides the means by which you can clear the configuration
settings for the DART represented by the data in that row; see “Clearing Host Unit DART
Configurations” on page 166.
• Slot Id—number of the Host Unit slot in which a DART or CDIU is installed, which for a DART
can be from 1 through 8 and for a CDIU can be 1, 2, 5, or 6.
• Slot Name—system or user-assigned name; default is DART.
• Band Type—which DART model is installed, and the frequency that it is providing.
• Passband—frequency range configured on the Band Type.
• Alarm Severity—whether an alarm is active. If a major and a minor alarm are active for the
same component, the EMS indicates that a major alarm is active. The background color of the
Alarm Severity cell also indicates the alarm level; see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.

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Unit Configuration: Configuring Slots

Labeling Host Unit DARTs or CDIUs

This procedure tells you how to label a Host Unit DART or CDIU. For information on labeling a
Remote Unit DART, go to “Labeling Remote Unit DARTs” on page 168.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon for the Host Unit or Remote Unit for which you want to
create labels for its DARTs or CDIUs.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Configure Slots.

3 Use the Slot Id column to identify which DART or CDIU you want to label.
4 In the Slot Name box in the row that corresponds to the DART identified in the previous step,
enter a label for the DART. The Slot Name must contain 1 to 64 characters, and cannot contain
quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). The default Slot Name
is DART for DARTs and CDIU for CDIUs.
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.
For information on how to clear a Host Unit DART configuration, go to “Clearing Host Unit DART
Configurations” on page 166.

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Unit Management

Clearing Host Unit DART Configurations

The following information pertains to Host Unit DART links. For information on removing CDIU
links, refer to the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can clear Host Unit DART configurations.

When you clear a Host DART configuration, it

• resets the gain
• clears all links associated with the DART
• clears the passband associated with the DART
• clears the DART name; see also “Changing the Name of a Host Unit DART or CDIU” on
page 167
• clears all associated alarms.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon for the Host Unit for which you want to clear DART
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Configure Slots.
3 In the Clear Configuration column, select the DART(s) for which you want to clear
configuration. Notice that the Slot Name field becomes disabled.

4 Click Apply.
5 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to
If the DART has been removed from the Host
Unit, the entire DART entry disappears. If the
DART is still present in the Host Unit chassis,
the Slot Name and Passband reset to default.

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Unit Configuration: Configuring Slots

Changing the Name of a Host Unit DART or CDIU

Do the following if you want to change the name of a Host Unit DART or CDIU, but keep the rest
of the DART or CDIU configuration as is:

1 In the System Tree, click on an icon for the Host Unit for which you want to rename a
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Configure Slots, to open the Configure Slots

3 Use the Sot Id column to identify which DART/CDIU you want to rename.
4 In the Slot Name box in the row that corresponds to the DART/CDIU identified in the previous
step, enter a new name for the DART/CDIU. The Slot Name must contain 1 to 64 characters,
and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >).
5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Unit Management

Labeling Remote Unit DARTs

This procedure tells you how to label a Remote Unit DART. For information on labeling a Host Unit
DART or CDIU, go to “Labeling Host Unit DARTs or CDIUs” on page 165. For information on how
to clear a Remote Unit DART configuration, go to “Clearing Remote Unit DART Configurations” on
page 169.

NOTE: If you need to rename DARTs in a cascaded Remote Unit, you must follow this process. You
cannot use the process in “Provision the Host and Remote Units in the System” on page 35 as the
Edit Properties page access through the System Configuration menu does not list all the cascaded
Remote Units.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon for the Host Unit or Remote Unit for which you want to
create labels for its DARTs.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Configure Slots.

3 Use the Slot Id column to identify which DART you want to label.
4 In the Slot Name box in the row that corresponds to the DART identified in the previous step,
enter a label for the DART. The Slot Name must contain 1 to 64 characters, and cannot contain
quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >). The default Slot Name
is DART.

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Unit Configuration: Configuring Slots

5 Click Apply.
6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

Clearing Remote Unit DART Configurations

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can clear Remote Unit DART configurations.

This procedure does the following:

• resets the gain
• clears all links
• clears the passband
• clears the DART name; see also “Labeling Remote Unit DARTs” on page 168
• clears all associated alarms.

Clearing the configuration of a Remote Unit DART in a Multi-Host or cascaded system has the
following effects:
• If the Remote Unit is part of a Multi-Host system, only the configuration settings from the Host
Unit to which the Remote Unit is connected is cleared. This process does not affect service
provided to other Host Units.
• If the Remote Unit is part of a cascade, the Clear Configuration function operates differently
depending on where the Remote Unit is in the cascade.
– If the Remote Unit is the first Remote Unit in the cascade, Clear Configuration affects the
specified DART in all Remote Units in the cascade.
– If the Remote Unit is not the first Remote Unit in the cascade, Clear Configuration affects
only the specified DART in the specified Remote Unit.

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Unit Management

Do the following to clear a Remote Unit DART’s configuration:

1 In the System Tree, click on an icon for the Remote Unit for which you want to clear DART
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Configure Slots.
3 In the Clear Configuration column, select the DART(s) for which you want to clear

4 Click Apply.
5 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

6 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

If the DART has been removed from the Remote Unit chassis, then the entire DART entry
disappears. If the DART is still present in the Remote Unit chassis, then the Slot Name and
Passband reset to default, as is the case of this example.

Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service

Setting an IFEU or RAU Out of Service (OOS) shuts down the RF for that unit as well as all
downstream units. This feature is useful for troubleshooting, such as when trying to pinpoint RF
problems within a system.

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Unit Configuration: Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service

Remove an IFEU or RAU from Service

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can remove IFEUs and RAUs from service.

CAUTION! There is no confirmation window for this procedure. As soon as you select Unit Configuration >
Set Out of Service, the IFEU is taken out of service.

1 In the System Tree, click on the RAU or IFEU that you want to remove from service.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Set Out of Service.

Once the unit is removed from service:

• the Unit is out of service message displays in the EMS
• for a RAU removed from service, the
– RAU Status LEDs blink on/off green
– IFEU REV Module REV IF IN PORT LED of the port connected to the RAU blinks on/off
– IFEU FWD Module FWD IF OUT PORT LED of the port connected to the RAU blink
on/off green
– DRU and Host Unit Alarm LEDs are red.
• for an IFEU removed from service, the
– IFEU Controller Module Status LED blinks on/off green
– IFEU REV Module REV IF IN Port (1 - 8) LEDs blink on/off green
– IFEU FWD Module FWD IF OUT Port (1 - 8) LEDs blink on/off green
– RAU Status LEDs blink on/off green
– DRU and Host Unit Alarm LEDs are red
– EMS reports a Unit Commanded Lockout major alarm
– IFEU icon in the System Tree shows a Fault Lock state (see “System Tree Icons” on
page 5).

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Unit Management

Return an IFEU or RAU to Service

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can return IFEUs and RAUs to service.

A gray-lock overlay on a unit icon indicates that the unit has been manually commanded Out of
Service (OOS); for an example of the gray-lock overlay, see “System Tree Icons” on page 5.

CAUTION! There is no confirmation window for this procedure. As soon as you select Unit Configuration >
Set In Service, the IFEU is returned to service.

To place the unit back into service, do the following:

1 In the System Tree, click on the unit that you want to set into service.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Set In Service.
Once the unit is returned to service, the Unit is in service message displays. However, it takes
approximately one minute for the gray-lock overlay to be removed from the IFEU icon in the
System Tree.

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Rebooting a Host Unit: Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service


NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can reboot a Host Unit.

CAUTION! Rebooting a Host Unit causes Loss of Service and should not be used unless other
troubleshooting processes have been followed and did not fix the issue being experienced at the
Host Unit.

CAUTION! The system configuration is stored on the Host Unit. Rebooting the Host Unit therefore results in
a loss of RF for the Host Unit and connected Remote Units until the Host Unit comes back up.
Duration of lost RF is dependent on the number of Remote Units connected to the Host. Duration
= 4 minutes x number of connected Remote Units.

CAUTION! Host Unit configuration persists across a Reboot. However, the current EMS session will close
and you will need to log back in to the EMS after the Host Unit reboot has completed.

NOTE: Rebooting the Host Unit also reboots all of the Host Unit components, including CDIUs. The
CDIU disables the CPRI Port for two minutes on startup, which includes a Host Unit reboot,
hot swapping a CDIU, or setting the REC Type. Disabling the CPRI Port gives the Host Unit
sufficient time to assess delay settings so the CPRI link does not get multiple resets while
delay settings are assessed in the system.

NOTE: For Spectrum systems, the System Test Required alarm activates on all linked RAUs after a
system reboot. For Spectrum systems, this procedure therefore includes running System Test.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon for the Host Unit that you want to reboot.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Reboot, to open the Unit Configuration >
Reboot page.

3 Read the reboot message displayed above the Reboot button that warns of corresponding loss
of RF:
Rebooting a Host Unit causes a temporary loss of RF. Duration of lost RF is dependent on the
number of Remote Units connected to the Host. Duration = 4 minutes x number of connected
Remote Units. Do you want to reboot this Host Unit?
4 Click Reboot.

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Unit Management

5 Wait for the EMS to log you out.

6 Log back in to the EMS.

7 For Spectrum systems, the System Test Required alarm will activate on all linked RAUs. To
clear this alarm, follow the steps in “Performing a System Test” on page 113.

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Rebooting a Remote Unit: Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service


NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can reboot a Remote Unit.

CAUTION! Rebooting a Remote Unit causes Loss of Service and should not be used unless other
troubleshooting processes have been followed and did not fix the issue being experienced at the
Remote Unit.

NOTE: For Spectrum systems, the System Test Required alarm activates on all RAUs linked to the DRU
that is rebooted. In a cascade, all DRUs downstream from the rebooted DRU will also show a
System Test Required for their linked RAUs. For Spectrum systems, this procedure therefore
includes running System Test.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the unit that you want to reboot.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Reboot, to open the Unit Configuration >
Reboot page.

3 Read the reboot message displayed above the Reboot button—this message warns of
corresponding loss of RF:
Rebooting a Remote Unit causes a temporary loss of RF. Duration of lost RF is dependent on the
position of the rebooted Remote Unit within the system hierarchy. Duration = 4 minutes x
(1+quantity of Remote Units in hierarchy after rebooted Remote Unit). Do you want to reboot
this Remote Unit?
4 Click Reboot.
5 Wait for the Unit has been rebooted message to display.
6 For Spectrum systems, the System Test Required alarm will activate on all RAUs linked to the
rebooted DRU. In a cascade, all DRUs downstream from the rebooted DRU will also show a
System Test Required for their linked RAUs. To clear this alarm, follow the steps in
“Performing a System Test” on page 113.

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Unit Management

CAUTION! Rebooting an IFEU also reboots all RAUs connected to the IFEU.

CAUTION! Rebooting an IFEU causes Loss of Service and should not be used unless other troubleshooting
processes have been followed and did not fix the issue being experienced at the IFEU.

NOTE: The System Test Required alarm activates on all RAUs linked to the IFEU that is rebooted. For
Spectrum systems, this procedure therefore includes running System Test.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the IFEU that you want to reboot.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Reboot, to open the Unit Configuration >
Reboot page.
3 Read the reboot message displayed above the OK button—this message warns of
corresponding loss of RF.
Rebooting an IFEU causes a temporary loss of RF for 30-60 seconds. Do you want to reboot this

4 Click OK.
The following message displays:
Unit is rebooting. Please wait one minute before trying to perform any actions on this unit.

5 Wait one minute before performing any other configurations on this unit.
6 The System Test Required alarm will activate on all RAUs linked to the rebooted IFEU. To clear
this alarm, follow the steps in “Performing a System Test” on page 113.

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Rebooting a RAU: Setting IFEUs and RAUs In and Out of Service

CAUTION! Rebooting a RAU causes Loss of Service and should not be used unless other troubleshooting
processes have been followed and did not fix the issue being experienced at the RAU.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the RAU that you want to reboot.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Configuration > Reboot, to open the Unit Configuration >
Reboot page.
3 Read the reboot message displayed above the OK button—this message warns of
corresponding loss of RF.
Rebooting an RAU causes a temporary loss of RF for 15-20 seconds. Do you want to reboot this

4 Click OK.
The following message displays:
Unit is rebooting. Please wait one minute before trying to perform any actions on this unit.

5 Wait one minute before performing any other configurations on this unit.
6 The System Test Required alarm will activate on the rebooted RAU. A reboot of an MRAU also
causes the System Test Required alarm to activate on any connected SRAUs. To clear this
alarm, follow the steps in “Performing a System Test” on page 113.

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Unit Management

The procedures in this section of the EMS guide tell you how to update the firmware of individual
CDIUs, IFEUs, and RAUs. You should only perform a unit update on a unit when the unit is being
added to the system as a new or replacement unit, and the new unit requires a firmware update
to match the firmware version of the other units within the system.

CDIU Systems Only—Update the CDIUs

For information on how to use the Update CDIUs page to update the firmware of a CDIU, refer to
the FlexWave CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

Update an IFEU or RAU

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin, Network Manager, or NOC Manager can update an IFEU or a RAU.

CAUTION! Do not make any configuration changes during an update.

1 In the System Tree, select the IFEU or RAU that you need to upgrade.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Upgrades > Update.

3 Compare the Current Version field against the New Version field to confirm that this is the unit
upgrade file that you want to apply.
4 If there is more that one IFEU or RAU in the system that requires the same update, select
Global Update. (If you do not select Global Update, only the IFEU or RAU selected in the System
Tree is updated.)

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Unit Updates: Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit

5 Click OK.
An Updating progress bar displays.

6 Wait for the progress bar to state that the update is Done.

Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit

NOTE: LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.

You use the Upgrade LPA page (Unit Upgrades > Upgrade LPA) to change the active LPA software
version for an RF Module installed in a Prism Remote Unit. You can also use the Upgrade LPA page
to view information about the LPA installed in each RF Module. For further information go to:
• “Upgrading an LPA” on page 180
• “LPA Inventory Information Table” on page 181.

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Unit Management

Upgrading an LPA

CAUTION! Only upgrade an LPA if recommended by TE to do so to resolve performance related issues.

CAUTION! This procedure takes RF Out of Service (OOS) for up to three minutes.

NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin or Network Manager can upgrade an LPA.

NOTE: LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.

An LPA upgrade is applicable to a single Prism Remote Unit; the upgrade is applied only to the
Remote Unit selected in the System Tree.

1 In the System Tree, select the Remote Unit for which you need to upgrade the LPA.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Upgrades > Upgrade LPA.

3 Use the Select radio buttons to select which LPA you want to upgrade.
4 In the Available Software Versions column, use the list that corresponds to the selected LPA to
select the software version to upload to the LPA.

CAUTION! Updating an LPA to an incorrect firmware version could impact performance of the RF Module
or cause the RF Module to stop functioning correctly. Contact TE Technical Support to confirm
which LPA firmware release you should upload to the LPA. For contact information go to
“Contacting TE Connectivity” on page 277.

5 Click the Update button.

6 In the confirmation page that opens, click OK.

An Information: Upgrade in progress for LPA N message displays, followed by an Information:

Upgrade completed for LPA N message.

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Unit Updates: Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit

7 (Optional) If necessary, you can cancel the LPA upgrade.

a Click Cancel.
b In the confirmation page click OK.

c Wait for the Update and Cancel buttons to become disabled before proceeding.

LPA Inventory Information Table

NOTE: LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.

The LPA Inventory

Information table provides
the information listed
• Id—identifies the LPA.
• Module
Number—provides the
product model number.
• Current Software Version—identifies the current software version of the LPA.
• Hardware Version—identifies the hardware version of the LPA.
• Serial Number—identifies the unique factory-assigned serial number for the LPA.
• Description—provides a text description of the LPA by model name.
• Available Software Versions—lists the software version available for upload to the
selected LPA.

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Unit Management


NOTE: Only a user logged in as admin, Network Manager, or NOC Manager can reset an LPA.

NOTE: LPA also refers to the Power Amplifier (PA) in an HDM RF Module.

You use the LPA Reset button to bring an LPA back into service (restart) that stopped because of
a major LPA alarm. In a dual-LPA system, this procedure resets both LPAs at the same time.

CAUTION! You should only perform an LPA Reset one time. If after performing an LPA Reset and the LPA
stops again, review the Alarm History to determine cause of LPA shutdown, and follow
troubleshooting steps to resolve root issue (see “View Alarm History” on page 195). Once the
issue has been resolved, reset the LPA to bring it back into service, and then confirm that it is
operating as expected.

CAUTION! Once an LPA Reset is started, Loss of Service occurs. It takes approximately 10 to 20 seconds
before the LPA signal recovers. The GUI RF power reading will take longer depending on the
number of Remote Units equipped—for a fully loaded Prism system with eight Remote Units the
power reading could take several minutes to update.

NOTE: In a dual Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) system, the Configure Remote Forward Gain page shows
two values for the LPA status, one for each LPA. Changing the LPA Mode or resetting the LPA
applies to both LPAs at the same time.

1 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Configure Remote Forward Gain to access
the Configure Remote Forward Gain page.

2 Use the LPA Mode and LPA Status columns to identify the Remote Unit whose LPA you need to
reset. If the LPA Mode is Normal, but the LPA Status is Offline, you would want to reset the LPA.
(For further information on the LPA Mode and LPA Status columns, refer to “Viewing the
Remote Forward Gain Settings Report” on page 88.)
3 In the row identified in Step 2, select Reset LPA check box.
4 Click LPA Reset.

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Resetting a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit: Upgrading a Linear Power Amplifier (LPA) in a Prism Remote Unit

5 In the LPA Reset caution dialog, click OK.

6 Wait for the LPA has been reset message to display.

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Unit Management


The following sections describe IFEU diagnostic tools that allow you to analyze the performance
of the IFEU:
• “Analyze CATV Cable Compensation” on page 184
• “Analyze CATV Cable AGC” on page 186
• “Analyze RAU DC Voltage” on page 187
• “Analyze Power Supply Loading” on page 188.

Analyze CATV Cable Compensation

1 In the System Tree, click on the IFEU for which you want to run the CATV Cable Compensation
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Diagnostics > Analyze CATV Cable Compensation.
3 (Optional) In the Update Interval box, enter the number of seconds that should pass before the
Analyze CATV Cable Compensation graph updates, and then click Apply. The default setting is
60 seconds.

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Running IFEU Diagnostics: Analyze CATV Cable Compensation

The Analyze CATV Cable Compensation page provides an estimate of the Automatic Gain Control
(AGC) state of the CATV cable between an IFEU and its MRAU(s).
As you view the Analyze CATV Cable Compensation graph, note the following:
• The Analyze CATV Cable Compensation graph displays how much AGC is used to compensate
for FWD (Forward) and REV (Reverse) cable loss between the IFEU and the MRAU. As long as
FWD or REV is under 100%, the system can compensate for the cable loss and there is no
impact to the MRAU FWD or REV signal levels. However, if the FWD or REV level is above the
100% level, the system can no longer compensate for the cable loss and the FWD or REV
signal level at the MRAU is affected.
• The graph displays the current REV and FWD gain settings as a percentage of the total gain
• Only values for MRAUs connected to the IFEU selected in the System Tree display.
• The height of the Bar chart is relative to the observed CATV cable loss—higher values indicate
higher CATV cable loss.
• If the CATV cable loss is higher than the AGC can accommodate, a red bar at the top of the cart
indicates this condition, along with the text: High.
• High losses indicated in the Analyze CATV Cable Compensation graph can indicate poor cable
termination, a poorly performing cable, a faulty MRAU, or a faulty IFEU port.
Note that you can also make relative comparisons of REV and FWD gains of each connected

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Unit Management

Analyze CATV Cable AGC

1 In the System Tree, click on the IFEU for which you want to run the CATV Cable Automatic
Gain Control (AGC) diagnostics.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Diagnostics > Analyze CATV Cable AGC.
3 (Optional) In the Update Interval box enter the number of seconds that should pass before the
Analyze CATV Cable AGC graph updates, and then click Apply. The default setting is 60 seconds.

The Analyze CATV Cable AGC graph displays the detected received pilot value relative to its target
for both REV (Reverse) and FWD (Forward) CATV cable paths. The firmware continually adjusts
gain in an attempt to maintain the detected pilot at the target level (target level corresponds to
center of chart).
As you view the Analyze CATV Cable AGC graph, note the following:
• The thick blue line represents the received pilot level.
• A value outside the green area is indicative of a problem—either equipment failure or a CATV
cable issue.

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Running IFEU Diagnostics: Analyze RAU DC Voltage

Analyze RAU DC Voltage

1 In the System Tree, click on the IFEU for which you want to run the DC voltage level
diagnostics for its connected RAUs.
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Diagnostics > Analyze RAU DC Voltage.
3 (Optional) In the Update Interval box enter the number of seconds that should pass before the
Analyze RAU DC Voltage graph updates, and then click Apply. The default setting is 60 seconds.

The Analyze RAU DC Voltage graph, displays the DC voltage level (black bar) relative to the alarm
threshold (red bar), which gives you an idea of how close the RAU is operating to its threshold
based on how close the bar is to the red area.
As you view the Analyze RAU DC Voltage graph, note the following:
• If the voltage is too low to enable one or more devices (such as, SRAUs), then a yellow-dashed
line also displays.
• The location of a yellow-dashed line indicates the estimated voltage at the input to the MRAU
if the device is enabled. It is rare that the yellow bar appears. However, if you see it, then it
tells you that the MRAU isn’t powering on one or more connected SRAUs since doing so would
likely drop the DC Voltage below the alarm threshold.

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Unit Management

Analyze Power Supply Loading

NOTE: This diagnostic only works on the Spectrum Power Supply Unit. If a different Power Supply is
used, this feature is not available.

1 In the System Tree, click on the IFEU for which you want to display the power loading for each
Rectifier Module. (The IFEU has an EMG Power Supply Unit that comprises two or three
Rectifier Modules.)
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Diagnostics > Analyze Power Supply Loading.
3 (Optional) In the Update Interval box enter the number of seconds that should pass before the
Analyze Power Supply Loading graph updates, and then click Apply. The default setting is 60

The Analyze Power Supply Loading graph displays the power loading for each EMG Power Supply
Unit Rectifier Module. the following rules apply to the Analyze Power Supply Loading graph.
• The Overload area (nominally 80% loading) is indicated by the yellow area. When the bar
enters the yellow area, the EMS generates a Power Rectifier Module #x High Power Load alarm,
where x can be 1 - 4.
• If there are two or three PSU Power Modules installed, the load should be similar on each PSU.
• If there is a 10% or larger difference, it indicates a potential PSU issue. The PSU with the lower
loading is then considered suspect and should be replaced.
• If the power-supply loading is near the warning level, then adding another PSU Power Module
is recommended.

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Topics Page

Alarms Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 190

Alarm Indicators .....................................................................................................................................................................190
Viewing Alarm Severity Details...............................................................................................................................................191
Events .....................................................................................................................................................................................192
View Current Alarms............................................................................................................................................................ 193
Clear Current Alarms............................................................................................................................................................ 194
View Alarm History.............................................................................................................................................................. 195
View the Alarm History...........................................................................................................................................................195
Clear the Alarm History ..........................................................................................................................................................196
Filter the Alarm History ..........................................................................................................................................................197
Download an Alarm History Log .............................................................................................................................................198
Extended Alarm Information................................................................................................................................................ 199
Manage Alarms.................................................................................................................................................................... 200
Using the Manage Alarms Table.............................................................................................................................................201
Enable and Disable Alarms .....................................................................................................................................................202
Alarms that Can Be Enabled/Disabled....................................................................................................................................204
Changing Alarm Thresholds....................................................................................................................................................206
Set RF Power Low Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power Detector ................................................................................207
Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit............................................................................................208
Managing RAU Alarms on a Global Basis.............................................................................................................................. 209
Managing RAU Alarms for an Individual Unit ....................................................................................................................... 211
Manage Contact Alarms....................................................................................................................................................... 212
Acknowledge All Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................... 214
Clear All Disconnect Alarms ................................................................................................................................................. 215

This section describes how to manage and understand the alarms that are reported by the EMS.
This section also provides corresponding Trap names.

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Alarm Management

The following sections give you an overview of working with EMS alarms. For information on
viewing and managing alarms, go to “Alarm Management” on page 189.

NOTE: FlexWave alarms include “events,” which are entities that represent the various happenings in
the system. Events can convey either any general information or the current status of the devices
in a FlexWave system.

Alarm Indicators
The EMS uses color codes and letters to indicate the level of the alarm or event in table cells, as
described in Table 27 and shown in Figure 16 on page 191.

Table 27. Alarm Indications in the EMS GUI

Alarm Type Color Code Letter(1) Comments
No alarm Green There is no active major or minor alarm.
Informational Blue These are informational alarms that provide information on a successful user
action, such as a change in a forward or reverse delay setting.
Minor Yellow m A minor alarm is active. (2)
Major Red M A major alarm is active.
Disabled Gray D The alarm has been Disabled; see “Enable and Disable Alarms” on page 202
No device White A device has not been installed. For example, in Figure 16, which shows the Unit
Information > View Status page, the Module Status table shows that a DART has
not been installed in slots 3, 7, or 8. The Optical Status table shows that SFPs are
not installed in Optical ports 2 through 8.
(1) If no letter is listed, the color code is the only alarm identifier.
(2) If a major and a minor alarm are active for the same component, the major-alarm indicator is shown.

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Alarms Overview: Viewing Alarm Severity Details

Figure 16. Understanding Alarm Indicators

Viewing Alarm Severity Details

In many instances, a page will have an Alarm Severity column, which indicates whether an alarm
is active. If an alarm is active, there will be a Minor or Major link (as shown in Figure 17) that you
can click to open a dialog that defines the active alarm. The background color of the Alarm Severity
cell also indicates the alarm level.

Figure 17. Alarm Link

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Alarm Management

FlexWave alarms include “events,” which are the various system happenings or configuration
changes as listed below.
• Configuration changes
– 10 MHZ Reference Clock
– Alarm Reporting (Enable/Disable)
– Alarm Threshold
– Clock Priority Level
– Date
– Delay (Forward/Reverse)
– Gain (Forward/Reverse)
– Host Unit DART
 Diversity
 Forward Gain
 Operating Mode
 Passband
– Network Connection Mode
– Remote Unit DART Link/Unlink
– Remote Unit LPA Mode
– Time
– Unit Name
• Events
– Acknowledge All Alarms
– Backup
– Clear Alarms
– Clear All Disconnects
– Clear Configuration (DARTs)
– Clear Configuration (Remote Unit)
– Clear History (alarms)
– Hardware Detection
– LPA Upgrade
– Reboot (Host Unit or Remote Unit)
– Reset Network Statistics
– Restore
– Sync with NTP Server
– System Test (start, availability)
– Update All IFEUs and RAUs
– Update CDIUs
– Upgrade system
– User log in/out

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View Current Alarms: Events


To access the View Current Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current
Alarms. (For information on the alarm color codes, see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.)

The View Current Alarms table provides the information listed below.
• Alarm Severity—whether the alarm is classified as Major or Minor.
• Ack’d—whether the alarm has been acknowledged, as indicated by a check mark; for further
information on acknowledging alarms, see “Acknowledge All Alarms” on page 214.
• Alarm Code—system-assigned alarm code.
• Alarm Name—descriptive name of alarm.
• Timestamp—date and time when the alarm occurred (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—what the unit is, such as Host Unit or PRU, DRU, IFEU, or RAU.
• Unit Name—user-defined or default name of the unit.
• Module Type—type of module that is experiencing the alarm (SeRF, DART, CDIU, LPA, LNA,
Power Detector, SFP).
• Module Name—user-assigned name for the module.
• RF Band—type of passband provided by the DART.
• Extended Info—link that once clicked opens another web page, which provides further
information on the alarm, including troubleshooting information.

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Alarm Management


You use the View Current Alarms page to clear current alarms. For information on acknowledging
alarms, go to “Acknowledge All Alarms” on page 214.

CAUTION! This procedure does not correct any alarms—it only removes the alarm indication from the
active alarm list.

1 To access the View Current Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Current

2 In the View Current Alarms page, click Clear Alarms.

3 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

All current alarms, with the exception of persistent alarms, are cleared from the View Current
Alarms table; it takes approximately 60 seconds for the View Current Alarms table to update.
Persistent alarms will be re-reported and show up again after the table has updated.

NOTE: If alarms are present on an IFEU or any connected RAUs, disconnecting the DRU-to-IFEU serial
communications cable followed by a Clear Alarms command results in having the IFEU or RAU
icons continue to blink in the System Tree to indicate unacknowledged alarms. If this occurs,
reconnect the DRU-to-IFEU serial communications cable, and then redo Clear Alarms.

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View Alarm History: View the Alarm History


You use the View Alarm History page to do any of the following:
• “View the Alarm History” on page 195
• “Clear the Alarm History” on page 196
• “Filter the Alarm History” on page 197
• “Download an Alarm History Log” on page 198.

View the Alarm History

To access the View Alarm History page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Alarm History.
(For information on the alarm color codes, see “Alarm Indicators” on page 190.)

The View Alarm History table provides the information listed below.
• Alarm Severity—whether the alarm is classified as Major or Minor.
• Ack’d—the Ack’d column the View Alarm History page is not functional in this release.
• Alarm Code—system-assigned alarm code.
• Alarm Name—descriptive name of alarm.
• Timestamp—date and time when the alarm occurred (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Type—what the unit is, such as Host Unit or Remote Unit.
• Unit Name—user-defined or default name of the unit.
• Module Type—type of module that is experiencing the alarm (SeRF, DART, LPA, LNA, Power
Detector, SFP).
• Module Name—user-assigned name for the module.

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Alarm Management

• RF Band—type of passband provided by the DART.

• Extended Info—link that once clicked opens another web page, which provides further
information on the alarm, including troubleshooting information.
• First, Previous, Last buttons—if the View Alarm History table is longer than what can fit on a
single web page, First, Previous, Next and Last links are included.
– First—jumps to the first page of alarms
– Previous—jumps to set of alarms that are chronologically earlier than the set of alarms in
the current view.
– Next—jumps to the page of alarms that chronologically follow the set of alarms in the
current view.
– Last—jumps to the last page of alarms.
• Clear History button—see “Clear the Alarm History” on page 196.

Clear the Alarm History

You are able to clear the alarms listed in the View Alarm History page. The Clear History function
does not correct any alarms—it only removes the alarm indication from the View Alarm History
table. Alarms that you clear from the View Alarm History table remain active in the View Current
Alarms page. This allows you to be able to see the original timestamp for debugging purposes. This
is by design, as the Alarm History log only captures an alarm change of state (such as, from a
no-alarm state to an alarmed state, or from an alarmed state to a no-alarm state), and not the
duration of the alarm.
Do the following to clear alarms from the View Alarm History page:

1 To access the View Alarm History page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Alarm
2 Click Clear History.
3 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
The View Alarm History page is cleared. Note that in the
following graphic only the Clear Alarm History
information message displays in the View Alarm History

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View Alarm History: Filter the Alarm History

Filter the Alarm History

CAUTION! It can take up to 10 minutes to display all filtered alarms if there are numerous occurrences of
the alarm in the alarm history.

The View Alarm History page allows you to filter, or select, which alarm histories you want to page.

1 To access the View Alarm History page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Alarm

2 Do the following in the Filter panel:

a In the Column menu, select how you want to filter the alarms:
• None—all alarms display
• Unit Name—filter by user-defined or default name of the unit
• Alarm Name—filter by an event (alarm or incident) name.
b In the contains box, enter the criteria by which you want to filter the alarm history list.
c Click Filter.
The View Alarm History page refreshes, listing only those alarms that meet the specified filter

3 To remove the filter:

a In the Column menu, select None.
b Delete any text from the contains box.
c Click Filter.

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Alarm Management

Download an Alarm History Log

Do the following to download the an Alarm History log, which you can later use in
troubleshooting. Note that it can take up to 10 minutes to download an Alarm History log.

1 To access the View Alarm History page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > View Alarm
2 Click Download All.

3 Wait for the Available Download message to display.

4 Click on the Alarm History log filename, which will be in the format of

5 Follow the steps of the operating system on your PC to save the file to the PC’s hard drive.

NOTE: CSV format is comma separated values format, which can be read by Excel or other tools that can
display a text file.

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Extended Alarm Information: Download an Alarm History Log


The tables in the Current Alarms report and the View Current Alarms and View Alarm History pages
have an Extended Info column, which has a Click link that you select to open another web page that
provides further information on the alarm, including troubleshooting information. Figure 18
shows an example of the Extended Info column with an example of an Extended Alarm Information

Figure 18. Extended Info Column in the View Alarm History Page

Note that at the top of the Extended Alarm Information page repeats the alarm selected in Current
Alarms report or the View Current Alarms or View Alarm History page. The Extended Alarm
Information table provides the information listed below.
• Description—text description of the alarm.
• Remedy—what you can do to correct the alarm.
• Threshold Value—value that once surpassed, generated the alarm.
• Notes—user-defined notes, if any, for the unit.

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Alarm Management

The Manage Alarms page has an interactive table, which provides information about managed
alarms and allows you to manually enable and disable alarms and to set the RF Power Low
Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power Detector.
• For information on the Manage Alarms table, go to “Using the Manage Alarms Table” on
page 201.
• For the steps required to enable or disable an alarm, go to “Enable and Disable Alarms” on
page 202.
• For a list of alarms that you can enable or disable, go to “Alarms that Can Be
Enabled/Disabled” on page 204.
• For the steps required to set the RF Power Low Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power
Detector, go to “Set RF Power Low Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power Detector” on
page 207.
• For the steps required to set the System VSWR Fault threshold for a PRU, go to “Set the System
VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit” on page 208.

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Manage Alarms: Using the Manage Alarms Table

Using the Manage Alarms Table

The Manage Alarms table has the following
• Unit Id menu—has the following
– Global—displays alarms for the Host Unit
and all connected Remote Units. Changes
made when Global is selected affects all units
in the system for which the alarm is
– Unit name—each unit in the system is listed
by name, which allows you to select a
specific unit for which to enable or disable
an alarm.
• Unit Type column—type of unit to which the
alarm pertains:
– Host—Host Unit
– Remote—Prism Remote Unit (Prism Remote
– DRU/HEU—Prism HEU or Spectrum DRU.
• Module Type column—to which module the
alarm pertains. Note that although there can be
up to eight SFPs or DARTs, the EMS only displays
a row for each module that is physically present.
That is, if only four SFPs are installed, there will
only be four rows (one per installed SFP) listed.
– DART—can be up to eight DARTs listed
– CDIU—can be up to four CDIUs listed
– LNA—can be up to eight LNAs listed
(applicable only to PRUs and FRUs)
– Power Detector (applicable only to PRUs or
– SFP—can be up to eight Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) listed
– SeRF —Serialized RF Module.
– RDI—Remote DART Interface (applicable only to PRUs or FRUs).
• Alarm Name column—identifies the alarm by name.
• Enabled check box—select to enable alarm reporting for the corresponding alarm.
• Threshold Value column—value that once surpassed generates the specified alarm; see
“Alarms that Can Be Enabled/Disabled” on page 204.

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Alarm Management

Enable and Disable Alarms

The Manage Alarms page allows you to enable and disable alarm reporting. Once an alarm has
been disabled, the Host Unit and the Remote Unit View Status page indicate the disabled alarm
with a D and a gray background, as shown below.

NOTE: The enable/disable alarm reporting feature is only applicable to an EMS session run from a Host
Unit. Alarms for which reporting has been disabled will appear in the alarm reports when viewed
from an EMS session connected directly to a Remote Unit Craft port.

NOTE: Enabling/disabling affects SNMP Traps and GUI alarm reporting.

Do the following to enable or disable an alarm:

1 To access the Manage Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Manage Alarms.
2 Do one of the following in the Unit menu:
• Select Global (default) to display all the manageable alarms for the Host Unit and all
connected Remote Units. Enabling or disabling an alarm with Global selected affects all
units in the system to which the alarm is applicable.
• Select a specific unit to manage alarms for the selected unit.

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Manage Alarms: Enable and Disable Alarms

3 In the Enabled column, do one of the following:

• To enable the alarm, make sure the Enabled check box is selected (that is, it has a check
mark in it).
• To disable the alarm, clear the Enabled check box.

4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Alarm Management

Alarms that Can Be Enabled/Disabled

The alarms that can be enabled/disabled are listed in Table 28. For components such as DARTs
and SFPs where there can be up to 8 separate modules, the unit is identified as DART 1 or SFP 4,
where the number represents the slot in which the module is installed.

NOTE: This list does not include the CDIU alarms that can be enabled/disabled. For a list of CDIU alarms
that can be enabled/disabled, refer to the “Working with CDIU Alarms” section of the FlexWave
CPRI Digital Interface Unit Installation and Provisioning Guide (TECP-77-240).

Table 28. Alarms You Can Enable/Disable

Unit Type Module Type Alarm Name Threshold Value
DRU/HEU SeRF Temperature High 62°C (143.6°F)
DRU/HEU SeRF DRU Temperature Low -5°C (23°F)
Host SeRF Temperature High 62°C (143.6°F)
Host SeRF Host Temperature Low -5°C (23°F)
Host SFP Optical RX High BER 0.00001
Host SFP Optical RX No Light --
Host SFP Optical Over Drive 1 dBm (IR) / -9dBm (LR)
Host SFP Optical Under Drive -18 dBm (IR) / -27 dBm (LR)
Host DART DART DC Supply Fault --
Host DART DART Over Drive +19 dBm
Host DART DART Under Drive +5 - Fwd Gain - 20 dBm Peak
Host DART DART ALC Limiting +19 - Fwd Gain dBm
Host DART DART Linking Conflict --
Host DART FLM Downconvert Fault --
Host DART RLM Upconvert Fault --
Host DART RLM Upconvert Indeterminate --
Remote NA AC Power Supply Fault --
Remote SeRF Temperature High --
Remote SeRF Remote Temperature Low --
Remote SeRF Door Open --
Remote SFP Optical RX High BER 0.00001
Remote SFP Optical RX No Light --
Remote SFP Optical Over Drive 1 dBm (IR) / -9dBm (LR)
Remote SFP Optical Under Drive -18 dBm (IR) / -27 dBm (LR)
Remote DART DART DC Supply Fault --
Remote DART DART Temperature High 85°C (185°F)
Remote DART DART Temperature Low -40°C (-40°F)
Remote DART Uplink Inactivity Fault 10 dB above the noise floor.
Remote Power Detector System VSWR Fault 3:1
Remote Power Detector RF Power Low 20 dBm
Remote LNA LNA Power Fault --
Remote RDI AC Power Supply 1 Fault --

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Manage Alarms: Changing Alarm Thresholds

Table 28. Alarms You Can Enable/Disable (Cont.)

Unit Type Module Type Alarm Name Threshold Value
Remote RDI AC Power Supply 2 Fault --
Remote RDI AC Power Supply 3 Fault --
Remote RDI AC Power Supply 4 Fault --
Remote DART DRU DC Supply Fault --
Remote DART FWD Cal Tone Fault --
Remote DART REV Test Tone Low --
Remote DART Upconvert Fault --
Remote LPA Under Power --
Remote DART Downconvert Fault --
Remote DART Upconvert Indeterminate --
Remote SFP Excess Connections --
Remote SFP Invalid Device Connection --
Remote SeRF Software Version Mismatch Fault --

Changing Alarm Thresholds

The following rules apply to
setting alarm thresholds:
• The alarms threshold can
only be changed for Prism
remote Unit Power
– RF Power Low
– System VSWR Fault
• Only users with Network
Manager or Admin privileges
can change an alarm
• Alarm thresholds cannot be
set through SNMP MIBs.
• If you perform a Reset to
Factory Defaults, the alarm
threshold values are reset;
you need to reconfigure the
alarm threshold values, as
• Alarm threshold values are
configured by unit—they
cannot be set globally for all
units in the system.

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Alarm Management

Set RF Power Low Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit Power Detector
Do the following to set the RF Power Low alarm threshold for a Prism Remote Unit (Prism Remote
Unit) Power Detector:

1 To access the Manage Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Manage Alarms.
2 In the Select menu, select the Prism Remote Unit for which you want to change the threshold
of the RF Power Low alarm.
3 In the Threshold Value box for the RF Power Low alarm that corresponds to the Power Detector
for which you want to change the threshold, enter the new threshold, which must be between
0 dB - 46 dB. Note, however, that while the EMS accepts threshold values in the range of 0 dB
- 46 dB, there are some practical limitations on the valid range of the output power and the
Power Detectors for various RF Module types and band types. Before modifying this
threshold, understand the output power limitations of the respective RF Modules.

NOTE: Power Detectors on HDM RF Modules are accurate when above 9 dBm. Power readings below 9
dBm are reported as 0dBm.

4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Manage Alarms: Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit

Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit
The System VSWR Fault is in the form of x:1. When you change the System VSWR Fault threshold,
you change only the numerator (the x in x:1).
Do the following to set the System VSWR Fault threshold for a Prism Remote Unit:

1 To access the Manage Alarms page, in the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Manage Alarms.
2 In the Select menu, select the PRU for which you want to change the threshold of the System
VSWR Fault.
3 In the Threshold Value box for the System VSWR Fault that corresponds to the Power Detector
for which you want to change the threshold, enter the new threshold numerator, which must
be between 1.0 and 9.0, where the numerator represents a tenth of a decimal.

4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Alarm Management


The RAU Antenna Disconnect, Incompatible Bands, and System Test Required alarms can be
enabled or disabled on a global basis. For information on how to manage alarms for a specific
RAU, go to “Managing RAU Alarms for an Individual Unit” on page 211.

NOTE: Configuration changes made in the global Manage Alarms (RAU) page overrides any individual
RAU configuration settings made via the Unit Alarms > Manage Alarms page. Conversely,
changes made to a specific RAU in the Unit Alarms > Manage Alarms page overrides the settings
applied to the RAU via the global Manage Alarms (RAU) page.

Do the following to manage RAU alarms globally across a system.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Manage Alarms (RAU).

2 In the Alarm Filter menu, select the alarm you want to change:
• Antenna Disconnect
• Incompatible Bands
• System Test Required.
3 For Antenna Disconnect alarms only—in the Alarm Severity menu, select one of the following
to set the severity level of this alarm:
• Major—the Antenna Disconnect alarm will be a major alarm.
• Minor—the Antenna Disconnect alarm will be a minor alarm (default).

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Managing RAU Alarms on a Global Basis: Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit

4 Do the following in the Alarm Enabled Settings panel:

a In the Severity Filter menu, select one of the following:
• Major, Minor, and Clear—all RAUs will be listed, along with their active alarm state for
the specified alarm: major, minor, or no alarm.
• Major and Minor—only those RAUs with an active major or minor alarm will be listed.
b Do one of the following:
• In the RAU table, select or clear the Enabled check box of the RAU for which you want
to enable/disable the alarm selected in the Alarm Filter menu.
• Beneath the RAU table, click Check All to select all the Enabled check boxes.
• Beneath the RAU table, click Uncheck All to clear all the Enabled check boxes.
5 Click Apply.

NOTE: It can take a few minutes to apply these changes if the system has a large number of RAUs.

6 Wait for the Successfully applied settings message to display.

The Alarm Enabled Settings table is blank in the following graphic as no RAU alarms meet the
criteria set in the Alarm Filter and Alarm Severity menus.

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Alarm Management


The RAU Antenna Disconnect, Incompatible Bands, and System Test Required alarms can be
enabled or disabled for a specific RAU in the system. For information on managing RAU Antenna
Disconnect alarms on a global basis, see “Managing RAU Alarms on a Global Basis” on page 209.

NOTE: Configuration changes made in the global Manage Alarms (RAU) page overrides any individual
RAU configuration settings made via the Unit Alarms > Manage Alarms page. Conversely,
changes made to a specific RAU in the Unit Alarms > Manage Alarms page overrides the settings
applied to the RAU via the global Manage Alarms (RAU) page.

Do the following to manage the alarms for a specific RAU.

1 In the System Tree, click on the icon of the RAU for which you want to manage disconnect
2 In the Unit Menu bar, click Unit Alarms > Manage Alarms.

3 In the Active Alarms panel, enable or disable any of the following alarms for this RAU by
selecting (enable) or clearing (disable) a check box:
• Antenna Disconnect
• Incompatible Bands
• System Test Required.
4 Click Apply.
5 Wait for the Successfully applied settings message to display.

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Manage Contact Alarms: Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit


This procedure allows you to manage the External Alarm Input Contacts on a Host Unit, DRU,
HEU, or PRU. The External Alarm Input Contacts are dry contact only, which means the input can
only be connected to ground or is floating. Each alarm input can be configured independently as
a Major or Minor and Normally Closed or Normally Open. The System Tree only shows these
contacts when they are active. SNMP traps are also generated from these inputs.
Do the following to manage the contact alarms:

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Manage Contact Alarms to access the Manage Contact
Alarms page.

2 In the Unit Id menu, select for which unit contact alarms are to be configured.
The Manage Contact Alarms page has the following Read-Only elements:
• Unit Id—user-defined or default name of the unit.
• Contact Name—user-assigned name for the contact alarm
3 In the Alarm Severity menu, set the severity level of the contact alarm:
• Minor (default)
• Major
4 In the Mode menu, set the mode for the contact alarm:
• Normally Open (default)
• Normally Closed
5 In the Contact Name box, enter a name for this contact alarm.
• Enter between 1 and 64 alphanumeric or special characters, but cannot contain quote
marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >).
• If you do not want to name the alarm, leave the Name box empty.

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Alarm Management

6 In the Enabled check box for the alarm that you want to manage, do one of the following:
• Select the Enabled check box to enable alarm reporting for this alarm type.
• Clear the Enabled check box to disable alarm reporting for this alarm type.
7 Click Apply.
8 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Acknowledge All Alarms: Set the System VSWR Fault Threshold for a Prism Remote Unit


When you acknowledge all alarms, the following occurs:
• The major and minor alarm overlays stop blinking in the System Tree.
• The contact alarms on the Host Unit and Remote Unit(s) clear. Any new alarm(s) after
Acknowledge All will trigger the alarm contact, the new alarm(s) will display in the View
Current Alarms page, and corresponding major/minor alarm overlays will blink in the System

Do the following to acknowledge all alarms:

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Acknowledge All Alarms to access the Acknowledge All
Alarms page.

2 Click Acknowledge All.

3 Wait for the All alarms have been acknowledged message to display.

A check mark appears in the Ack’d column in the View Current Alarms page:

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Alarm Management


CAUTION! This procedure removes all information related to the disconnected units from the configuration

Clear All Disconnects is not applicable to the Host Unit—it is applicable only to Remote Units,
IFEUs, and RAUs.
When you clear all disconnect alarms from the Remote Units, the following occurs:
• If communication with a Remote Unit (PRU, FRU, HEU, DRU) is lost, any disconnect alarms for
that Remote Unit is removed from the alarm database.
• If communication with an IFEU, MRAU, or SRAU is lost, any disconnect alarms for that unit is
removed from the alarm database.
• If communication is lost with a module, such as an RF Module, the Module Missing alarm is
NOT removed from the alarm database, as Clear All Disconnect works on the unit level, not on
the module level.

Do the following to clear all Remote Unit disconnect alarms:

1 In the System Menu bar, click Alarms > Clear All Disconnects to access the Clear All Disconnects

2 Click Clear All Disconnects.

3 Wait for the All disconnect alarms have been cleared message to display.

After approximately one minute, the System Tree updates by removing the icons for the
affected units from its hierarchy.

NOTE: If the serial communications cable between the DRU and IFEU is disconnected, a Clear All
Disconnect will not allow the disconnected alarms to be cleared. If this occurs, reconnect the
DRU-to-IFEU serial communications cable, and then redo Clear All Disconnect.

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Topics Page

Run Script ............................................................................................................................................................................ 218

Run Command ..................................................................................................................................................................... 219
Configure Feature ................................................................................................................................................................ 220
Basic Overview of the Configure Feature Process..................................................................................................................220
Using Configure Feature to Convert a System to Sprint Mode ..............................................................................................221
Converting a System to Sprint Mode......................................................................................................................................221
Set the Session Timeout....................................................................................................................................................... 222

This section describes special features of the Prism EMS.

NOTE: Some of the features in this section are for use by TE only.

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Special Features

The Run Script page allows you to run a script that contains firmware commands. This feature is
applicable only to Spectrum systems.
Use this feature only when directed to do so by TE Connectivity personnel. TE will assist you with
the use of the Run Script page at that time.

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Run Command:

The Run Command page allows you to execute a firmware command. This feature is applicable
only to Spectrum systems.
Use this feature only when directed to do so by TE Connectivity personnel. TE will assist you with
the use of the Run Command page at that time.

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Special Features

The Configure Feature page allows you to add and enable a feature that was added after the initial
EMS installation.

Basic Overview of the Configure Feature Process

CAUTION! Use this feature only when directed to do so by TE Connectivity personnel.

CAUTION! This procedure requires a system reboot. The system configuration is stored on the Host Unit.
Rebooting the Host Unit therefore results in a loss of RF for the Host Unit and connected Remote
Units until the Host Unit comes back up. Depending on the system configuration, it can take 5 to
20 minutes before management communication is restored.

CAUTION! Host Unit configuration will not persist across a Configure Feature Reboot—all settings will
revert to factory default. You will need to reconfigure the Prism system after the system reboots.

CAUTION! The current EMS session will close and you will need to log back in to the EMS after the Host Unit
reboot has completed.

1 Document all configuration data, as settings will have to be re-entered. To record the current
a Follow the procedures in “Viewing the All Report” on page 97 to access the system
configuration reports.
b Follow the procedures in “Downloading a Report” on page 98 to download the system
configuration reports to a hard drive.

CAUTION! You cannot perform a Backup/Restore in place of Step 1. If you execute a Restore after applying
the feature in the Configure Feature page, you would restore the system to its state before the
feature was applied, thereby losing the feature you just tried to apply.

2 In the System Menu bar, click Special Features > Configure Feature.
The Configure Feature page opens.

3 In the Feature box, enter the code for the feature.

4 In the Password box, enter the password that enables the feature.
5 Click Apply.
6 In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
7 Log back in to the EMS once the login window displays.
8 Reconfigure the system, using the settings recorded in Step 1.

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Configure Feature: Using Configure Feature to Convert a System to Sprint Mode

Using Configure Feature to Convert a System to Sprint Mode

You can use the Configure Feature page to convert a system to Sprint Mode. If a system is set to
operate in Sprint Mode, you need to be aware of the following requirements and changes to how
the EMS operates.
• Alarm management
– Major system alarms are mapped to the Sprint version of the alarm. The GUI will show all
alarms as if in non-Sprint mode, but the Major alarms will be mapped to one of the five
types of Sprint alarms and will be sent to a trap manager as Informs (TCP protocol).
– Informs require an acknowledgment and if they are not acknowledged they will be
re-sent; see “Acknowledge All Alarms” on page 214.
– No minor alarms are mapped to Sprint alarms.
• Sprint mode initiates the sending of Heartbeat trap messages for every “RF repeater” (PRU or
RAU) in the system. Heartbeat traps are sent in UDP protocol and do not require
• Sprint Mode requires that you connect the Host Unit Network port to a Sprint private network
wireless modem (currently provided by SYM Technology).
– Modify the Host Unit network configuration to interface with the modem (see “Set the
Network Connections” on page 33). Follow the instructions provided with the modem.
– The SYM Technology instructions will provide the address to enter when creating a Trap
Manager (see “Set SNMP Trap Managers” on page 118). Note that while in Sprint Mode,
the Trap Version (SNMP protocol) that is set in the Version menu defaults to Inform.
• The parameters on the Setup SNMP page default to the most common Sprint settings (see
“Setup SNMP” on page 123).
– Heartbeat Interval will be Enabled and set to send every 20 minutes.
– Inform Resend will be Enabled and set to send every 10 seconds with a Max Resends of 2.
– Event Hysteresis will be Enabled and set to for a time of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
– Event Interval will be Enabled and set to for a time of 10 seconds.
Because traps and informs are being sent to Sprint via a wireless modem, throughput is
limited. Only persistent alarm conditions are reported (5 minutes in duration) and an interval
of 10 seconds is added between messages that might flood the capacity of the modem (such
as heartbeats). When an alarm clears, Event Hysteresis is not used and the Inform Resend is
sent immediately.
• All PRUs and RAUs must be configured with a “cascade code name” that is provided by Sprint.
The unit configurations of the PRUs and RAUs should be configured to contain their GPS
location information (location information is included in the Heartbeat traps).

Converting a System to Sprint Mode

To convert a system to Sprint Mode, follow the steps in “Basic Overview of the Configure Feature
Process” on page 220. When requested to do so, in the Feature and Password boxes, enter

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Special Features


The Set Session Timeout page allows you to set how long of an interval should pass with no
detected user input before the EMS forces a session log out.

NOTE: This feature is accessible only by a user logged in to the EMS as the admin user.

1 To access the Set Session Timeout page, in the System Menu bar, click Special Features > Set
Session Timeout.
2 In the Session Idle Time box, enter in minutes how long the EMS session can be idle before a
forced log out occurs; the value must be between 10 and 60 minutes. The default is 30 minutes.
3 Click Apply.
4 Wait for the Operation completed message to display.

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Topics Page

Upload................................................................................................................................................................................. 224
Update Units ....................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Commit................................................................................................................................................................................ 226
Abort ................................................................................................................................................................................... 227

Upgrading a Prism or Spectrum system or a unit within a Prism or Spectrum system is a

three-step process, in which you do the following:

1 Upload the upgrade files.

2 Use the upgrade files to update the system or unit.
3 Commit or abort the update.

CAUTION! Because the upgrade process is complex and subject to change, it is documented in the FlexWave
Software Release Notes. For information on upgrade processes, refer to the release notes that
correspond to your system.

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System Upgrades

CAUTION! Because the upgrade process is complex and subject to change, it is documented in the FlexWave
Software Release Notes. For information on upgrade processes, refer to the release notes that
correspond to your system.

You use the Upload page to upload the files required for a system or unit upgrade (the main
software package and an associated MD5 checksum file). To access the Upload page, in the System
Menu bar, click Upgrades > Upload. The Browse button allows you to select the files required for
the upgrade.

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Update Units:

CAUTION! Because the upgrade process is complex and subject to change, it is documented in the FlexWave
Software Release Notes. For information on upgrade processes, refer to the release notes that
correspond to your system.

NOTE: If you need to update a single CDIU, IFEU, or RAU, follow the steps in “Unit Updates” on
page 178.

To access the Update Units page, in the System Menu bar, click Upgrades and then click Update

• Use the Unit Type menu to select the units to which you want the upgrade applied:
– Host+Remote Unit(s)
• Use the Update Now button to initiate the upgrade.
• The Software/Firmware table provides the information listed below.
– Unit Type—type of unit (Host Unit, PRU, or HEU).
– Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
– Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
– Version—version of installed software/firmware.
– Upgrade Status—the following states can be seen. However, with the exception of Normal
operation and Upgraded, the states occur very quickly during the corresponding action
and are rarely viewed.
 Normal operation
 Upgrading
 Upgrading reboot
 Committing
 Aborting
 Recovering
 Upgraded.

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System Upgrades

CAUTION! Because the upgrade process is complex and subject to change, it is documented in the FlexWave
Software Release Notes. For information on upgrade processes, refer to the release notes that
correspond to your system.

You use the Commit page to commit an upgrade. To access the Commit page, in the System Menu
bar, click Upgrades > Commit.

The Software/Firmware table provides the information listed below.

• Unit Type—type of unit (Host Unit, PRU, or HEU).
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
• Version—version of installed software/firmware.
• Upgrade Status—the following states can be seen. However, with the exception of Normal
operation and Upgraded, the states occur very quickly during the corresponding action and
are rarely viewed.
– Normal operation
– Upgrading
– Upgrading reboot
– Committing
– Aborting
– Recovering
– Upgraded.

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CAUTION! Because the upgrade process is complex and subject to change, it is documented in the FlexWave
Software Release Notes. For information on upgrade processes, refer to the release notes that
correspond to your system.

You use the Abort page to abort an upgrade. To access the Abort page, in the System Menu bar,
click Upgrades > Abort.

The Software/Firmware table provides the information listed below.

• Unit Type—type of unit (Host Unit, PRU, or HEU).
• Unit Id—identification of the unit within the system; see “Unit Identification” on page 7.
• Unit Name—user-assigned name for the unit.
• Version—version of installed software/firmware.
• Upgrade Status—the following states can be seen. However, with the exception of Normal
operation and Upgraded, the states occur very quickly during the corresponding action and
are rarely viewed.
– Normal operation
– Upgrading
– Upgrading reboot
– Committing
– Aborting
– Recovering
– Upgraded.

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System Upgrades

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Topics Page

Understanding EMS User Accounts ...................................................................................................................................... 230

User Accounts.........................................................................................................................................................................230
Network Manager Account ............................................................................................................................................231
Network User..................................................................................................................................................................231
NOC Manager .................................................................................................................................................................231
NOC User ........................................................................................................................................................................231
viewer .............................................................................................................................................................................232
User Account Access Rights....................................................................................................................................................232
System Menu Bar ...........................................................................................................................................................233
Unit Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................236
Managing Users ................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Add a New User ......................................................................................................................................................................238
Change a User’s Access Level .................................................................................................................................................240
Changing a Password ........................................................................................................................................................... 242
Change a User’s Password......................................................................................................................................................242
Changing Your Own Password................................................................................................................................................243
Recovering a Password ........................................................................................................................................................ 244
Delete a User ....................................................................................................................................................................... 245
Setup a RADIUS Server......................................................................................................................................................... 246
RADIUS Server Rules...............................................................................................................................................................246
RADIUS Server Setup ..............................................................................................................................................................247
Backing Up and Restoring User Accounts ............................................................................................................................. 248
Backup User Accounts ............................................................................................................................................................248
Restore User Accounts ...........................................................................................................................................................249

This section tells you how to manage users, passwords, and user access to a FlexWave Prism or
Spectrum system.

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User Account Management


The EMS provides security, which can be broadly classified as:
• User Authentication, which defines the way a user is identified prior to being allowed to log
on to the EMS. User Authentication ensures that only known users have access by providing
a method of identifying each user through a user ID and password.
• User Authorization, which involves managing the user’s privileges in the FlexWave network
management infrastructure. Authorization is based on the concept of user access system
configuration restrictions.

User Accounts


The admin user account is the default user account that you use to log in to and administrate the
FlexWave EMS. An admin user has unrestricted access to all EMS user accounts and management
capabilities. The preset parameters of the admin user account are as follows:
• User Name—admin
• Default Password—adc123
• Port Access—an admin can only log in to the FlexWave EMS via the Network or Craft port on
the Host Unit; an admin cannot log in to the EMS via the Craft port on the Remote Unit.
In addition to having full access to all of the EMS configuration parameters, the admin can also
manage users by:
• adding new users; see “Add a New User” on page 238
• changing the access level of any user except for the admin; see “Change a User’s Access Level”
on page 240 and “Changing a Password” on page 242
• changing the password of all existing users, including the password for the admin user; see
“Change a User’s Password” on page 242
• deleting an existing user; see “Delete a User” on page 245.

CAUTION! To protect against unauthorized access to a FlexWave network, the user assigned the admin role
should follow the process described in “Changing a Password” on page 242 to change the
password for the admin user account.

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Understanding EMS User Accounts: User Accounts

Network Manager Account

An admin needs to add Network Manager accounts, which are preset only in their access rights;
the admin must create the Name and Password and then set the Access Level to Network Manager,
as described in “Add a New User” on page 238. A Network Manager has the same read and write
access as the admin, with the exceptions listed below. A Network Manager:
• can only change his/her personal password; cannot change the password of another user
• can clear the configuration of any Remote Unit DART that is connected to the Host Unit, but
cannot clear the configuration of any Remote Unit DART connected to another Host Unit in a
Multi-Host system. This allows the admin the ability to release RF “owned” by another Host
Unit in a Multi-Host system.
• cannot reboot any units
• can only clear DART configurations of the Host Unit to which he or she logged on to the EMS,
and can clear DART configurations of Remote Units connected to that Host Unit, but cannot
clear DART configurations of other units connected through a Multi-Host system.

Network User

An admin needs to add Network User accounts, which are preset only in their access rights; the
admin must create the Name and Password and then set the Access Level to Network Manager, as
described in “Add a New User” on page 238. A Network User only has read-only permissions.

NOC Manager

An admin needs to add NOC Manager accounts, which are preset only in their access rights; the
admin must create the Name and Password and then set the Access Level to NOC Manager, as
described in “Add a New User” on page 238. A NOC Manager has read and write access to the
system functions identified in Table 28 on page 233 through Table 41 on page 237. These access
rights allow the NOC Manager to perform emergency service restorations.

NOC User

An admin needs to add NOC User accounts, which are preset only in their access rights; the admin
must create the Name and Password and then set the Access Level to NOC User, as described in
“Add a New User” on page 238. A NOC User has read and write access to the system functions
identified in Table 28 on page 233 through Table 41 on page 237. These access rights allow the
NOC User to perform emergency service restorations.

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User Account Management


The operator user account is preset in the EMS, and is restricted to only being able to change the
Remote Capacity setting of a Prism Remote Unit (any Remote Unit type in any system
configuration). An operator user has no access to other EMS user accounts and has no
management capabilities.The preset parameters of the operator user account are as follows:
• User Name—operator
• Default Password—operator
• Port Access—an operator can only log in to the FlexWave EMS via the Craft port on the
Remote Unit; an operator cannot log in to the EMS via the Network or Craft port on the Host


The viewer user account is preset in the EMS, and is restricted to read-only access to Remote Units
(any Remote Unit type in any system configuration). A viewer user has no access to other EMS
user accounts and has no management capabilities.The preset parameters of the viewer user
account are as follows:
• User Name—viewer
• Default Password—viewer
• Port Access—a viewer can only log in to the FlexWave EMS via the Craft port on the Remote
Unit; a viewer cannot log in to the EMS via the Network or Craft port on the Host Unit.

User Account Access Rights

Table 28 through Table 41 list the access rights that correspond to each user-account type. The
following rules apply to these tables.
• An “X” indicates the pages and specific feature(s) that can be exercised by that user type.
• If the table cell is blank, the user cannot use that page or feature.
• If just the title of a page is listed, then the rights apply to all features on that page.
• If features on a page are listed, then rights to those features are limited to those users
indicated with an “X.”

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Understanding EMS User Accounts: User Account Access Rights

System Menu Bar

Table 28. System Information Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Get Information X X X X X

Get Optics Information X X X X X

Get Logs X X X X X X

Table 29. System Configuration Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

System Administration Pages

Edit Properties

Unit Name X X X

Notes X X X

Enabled Network Port X

Edit Optical Port Properties X X

Backup X X X

Restore X X

Perform System Test X X X

Download system test results X X X X X

Schedule System Test X X X

Generate Test Tone X X

Set Date and Time

New Date and Time X X X

Sync with NTP Server X X

Time Zone X X X

Set SNMP Trap Managers X X X

Setup SNMP X X X

Set Network Connections X X

Activate Optional Features X X

RF Configuration Pages

Configure CDIU Interfaces X X

Configure Links X X X X

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User Account Management

Table 29. System Configuration Menu Items (Cont.)

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC
Manager User Manager User

Configure Delay X X X X

Configure Host Forward Gain


RF DARTs Forward Gain (dB) X X X X

RF DARTs Power Level Mode X X X X X

RF DARTs Reset Max Hold X X X X X


CDIUs Power Allocation X X

CDIUs Additive Forward Gain X X

CDIUs Power Level Mode X X X X X

CDIUs Reset Max Hold X X X X X

Configure Host Reverse Gain X X X X

Configure Remote Forward Gain

Remote Slot Mode X X

Remote Forward Gain (dB) X X X X

LPA Mode X X X

LPA Reset X X X

Configure Remote Reverse Gain X X X X X

Table 30. Alarms Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

View Current Alarms X X X X X X X

Clear Alarms X X X

View Alarm History X X X X X X X

Clear History X X X

Manage Alarms X X X

Manage Alarms (RAU) X X X X

Manage Contact Alarms X X X

Acknowledge All Alarms X X X X X

Clear All Disconnects X X

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Understanding EMS User Accounts: User Account Access Rights

Table 31. Special Features Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Run Script X X X X X

Run Command X X X

Configure Feature (1) X

Set Session Timeout X

(1) admin cannot deactivate SNMP (see “Activate Optional Features” on page 126.

Table 32. Upgrades Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Upload X X

Commit X X

Abort X X

Update Units X X

Table 33. Users Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Manage Users > Add New User X

Change Password

Personal Password X X X X X

Another User’s Password X

Change Access Level X

Setup RADIUS Server X

Backup Users X

Restore Users X

Table 34. Help Menu Items

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Contents X X X X X X X

About X X X X X X X

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User Account Management

Unit Menu Bar

Table 35. Unit Information Menu Items for Host Units and Remote Units
Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC
Manager User Manager User

View Optical Ports X X X X X X X

View Slots X X X X X X X

View Network Statistics X X X X X X X

Reset Counter X X X X X

View Status X X X X X X X

Table 36. Unit Configuration Menu Items for Host Units and Remote Units

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Edit Properties

Unit Name X X X

10 MHz Reference Clock (1) X X

System Board Output Clock (1) X X

Clock Priority Level (1) X X

Reset All Units to Factory X

Defaults (1)

Enabled Network Port (2) X

Capacity (2) X

Clear Configuration (2) X X

Notes X X X

Edit Optical Port Properties X X X

Configure Slots

Clear Configuration X X

Slot Name X X X

Reboot X

1 Host Units only.

2 Remote Units only.

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Understanding EMS User Accounts: User Account Access Rights

Table 37. Unit Configuration Menu Items for IFEUs and RAUs (Spectrum Only)

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Edit Properties X X X X

Set In Service X X X

Set Out of Service X X X

Reboot X X X X

Table 38. Diagnostics Menu Items for IFEUs (Spectrum Only)

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Analyze CATV Cable Compensation X X X X X

Analyze CATV Cable AGC X X X X X

Analyze RAU DC Voltage X X X X X

Analyze Power Supply Loading X X X X X

Table 39. Unit Upgrade Menu Items for Prism Remote Units

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Upgrade LPA X X

Table 40. Unit Alarms Menu Items for RAUs (Spectrum Only)

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Manage Alarms X X X X

Table 41. Unit Upgrades Menu Items for IFEUs and RAUs (Spectrum Only)

Menu Item admin Network Network Operator Viewer NOC NOC

Manager User Manager User

Update X X
(with an IFEU or a RAU
selected in the System Tree)

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User Account Management

The Manage Users page allows you to:
• “Add a New User” on page 238
• “Change a User’s Access Level” on page 240
• “Change a User’s Password” on page 242

Add a New User

NOTE: Only an admin can add a user account.

CAUTION! If Auto Complete (that is, remember username/password) is turned on in your web browser,
when you add a new user, the browser automatically fills in FlexWave user names and passwords
with the saved information. To avoid this, disable Auto Complete in your browser.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users.

The Manage Users page opens.

2 Click Add New User.

The Add New User page opens.

3 In the Name box, enter a user name, which must contain between 1 and 64 characters, and
cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or close) or angle brackets (< or >).
4 In the Password box, enter a password specific to this user. The Password must contain
between 1 and 64 characters, and cannot contain quote marks (single or double, open or
close) or angle brackets (< or >).
5 In the Confirm Password box, enter the exact same password as you entered in the Password

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Managing Users: Add a New User

6 In the Access Level menu, select the access level for this user. See “Understanding EMS User
Accounts” on page 230.

7 Click Add.
8 Wait for the <User Name> has been added message to display, where <User Name> matches
the information you entered in the Name box. (Additionally, the Add New User fields are
cleared so you can add other users as needed.)

9 Repeat Step 3 through Step 8 to add additional users.

10 To see an updated list of users, in the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users.

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User Account Management

Change a User’s Access Level

NOTE: Only an admin can change a user’s access level.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users.

2 To change a user’s access, use the radio button in the Select column to select the user, which
enables the operational buttons.

3 Click Change Access Level to open the Change Access Level page.
4 Verify that the name listed in the Selected User field is the user whose access level you want
to change.

5 Use the Access Level menu to change the access level for this user. For further information on
access levels, see “Understanding EMS User Accounts.”

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Managing Users: Change a User’s Access Level

6 Click Change Access Level.

7 Wait for the Access level for <User Name> has been changed message to display, where <User
Name> matches the information in the Selected User field.

8 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users to see an updated list of users.
At this time the operational buttons, with the exception of Add New User and Refresh, will be
disabled, as no user is selected.

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User Account Management

There are two different ways to change a password, which is dependent on who is changing the
• If you are the admin and need to change a user’s password, follow the steps in “Change a
User’s Password.”
• If you need to change your own password (including the admin), follow the steps in “Changing
Your Own Password.”

Change a User’s Password

NOTE: Only an admin can change the password of another user.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users to see a list of users.

2 To change a user’s password, use the radio button in the Select column to select the user,
which activates the operational buttons.

3 Click Change Password.

The Change Password page opens.

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Changing a Password: Changing Your Own Password

4 In the Change Password page, do the following:

a Verify that the name listed in the Selected User field
is the user whose password you want to change.
b In the New Password box, enter a new password for
this user. The Password must contain between 1
and 64 characters, and cannot contain quote marks
(single or double, open or close) or angle brackets
(< or >).
c In the Confirm Password box, enter the exact same
password as you entered in the New Password box.
5 Click Change Password.
6 Wait for the Password for <User Name> has been changed message to display, where <User
Name> matches the information in the Selected User field.

Changing Your Own Password

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Change Password.
2 In the Change Password page, do the following:
a In the Old Password box, enter your existing
b In the New Password box, enter a new password
for this user. The Password must contain between
1 and 64 characters, and cannot contain quote
marks (single or double, open or close) or angle
brackets (< or >).
c In the Confirm Password box, enter the exact same
password as you entered in the New Password box.
3 Click Change Password.
4 Wait for the Password for <username> has been changed message to display.

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User Account Management

If a user changes his or her password and then forgets the new password, the admin user needs
to follow the steps in “Change a User’s Password” on page 242.
If an admin user forgets his or her password, he or she should contact TE for assistance.

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Delete a User: Changing Your Own Password

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Manage Users to see a list of users.

2 Use the radio button in the Select column to select the user that you want to delete, which
activates the operational buttons.

3 Click Delete.
4 In the confirmation dialog, which identifies the user being deleted, click OK.

The <username> has been deleted message displays, and the Users table is updated in the
Manage Users page. Note that since a user is no longer selected in the Users table, the
operational buttons are now inactive.

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User Account Management


An admin user can change the authentication mechanism to authenticate users against a network
wide RADIUS server instead of the built-in EMS user database. If a RADIUS Server is enabled, the
admin has to configure the parameters for the RADIUS server as defined in this guide.
For further information, refer to one of the following topics:
• “RADIUS Server Rules”
• “RADIUS Server Setup.”

RADIUS Server Rules

The following rules apply to working with a RADIUS server:
• Should the RADIUS server ever be down or unreachable, the authentication mechanism falls
back to the built-in EMS user database.
• This bullet describes logging into a Prism/Spectrum system via validation on the RADIUS
server. When a FlexWave EMS user logs in via RADIUS, the FlexWave EMS user management
capabilities of adding/deleting users and changing user levels/passwords are not available.
When using RADIUS, user management is in accordance to RADIUS rules and restrictions. In
particular, adding/deleting users, changing user levels, or changing user passwords are done
using RADIUS. Changes made in RADIUS do not affect the settings of the users in the EMS user
database. Conversely, changes to the EMS user database do not affect the users in the RADIUS
• This bullet describes logging into the RADIUS server. When a FlexWave EMS user logs in via
RADIUS, he or she cannot change the RADIUS server settings in the FlexWave EMS.

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Setup a RADIUS Server: RADIUS Server Setup

RADIUS Server Setup

Do the following to enable and use a RADIUS Server:

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Setup RADIUS Server.

2 Select Enable.
The parameters to configure the RADIUS Server
3 In the Primary Server IP box, enter the IP address, in the
format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, for the main RADIUS
4 In the Secondary Server IP box, enter the IP address, in
the format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, for the backup
RADIUS Server.
5 In the Port box, enter the port number.
6 In the Secret box, enter a case-sensitive password used
to validate communications between a RADIUS server and a RADIUS client.
7 In the Authentication Protocol menu, select the authentication protocol to be applied when
verifying the RADIUS Server:
8 In the Test User box, enter a name to be used as a test user in the RADIUS Server database. The
Test User name must start with an alphabetical character, be between 5 and 64 characters and
cannot contain spaces or any special characters.
9 In the Test Password box, enter a password for the Test User account. The password cannot
contain spaces or any special characters.

NOTE: The FlexWave EMS can normally use spaces in its naming conventions. Not being able to use
spaces or special characters in association with the Radius Server setup is due to restrictions
associated with Radius and not the EMS.

NOTE: The Test User Test Password must be added to the user file in the freeRadius application by the
group that implements the RADIUS server.

10 Click Apply.

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User Account Management


You use the Backup Users and Restore Users pages to backup and restore user-account files.
The user database is backed up and restored in its entirety with both the system and user
backup/restore functions. When you use Restore to restore a system backup, the EMS restores
whatever user accounts existed at the time the system backup was made. Likewise, Restore Users
restores only the user accounts that existed when Backup User Accounts was executed. For
example, if you create 50 user accounts and then use a Restore or Restore Users on a Backup or
Backup User Accounts file that only comprised 5 user accounts, the 5 backed up user accounts
overwrite the 50, and you lose 45 user accounts.
Restore Users only takes a few seconds to execute and does not reboot the system. In comparison,
a system Restore reboots all units and takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete, dependent on the size
of the system.

CAUTION! If the passwords of any accounts, including admin, are different on the user-account backup that
you restore, you may lose access to the system. If this occurs, contact TE to recover the system;
see “Contacting TE Connectivity” on page 277.

Backup User Accounts

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Backup Users.

2 Click Backup User Accounts.

Once the operation is complete, a Backup completed message displays, and a link is provided
to the backup file, the name for which is in the format of

3 To download the backup file, click the link that appears. Only one file will be available.
4 Follow the prompts for the operating system on your PC to save the Backup Users file to the
PC’s hard drive.

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Backing Up and Restoring User Accounts: Restore User Accounts

Restore User Accounts

CAUTION! If the passwords of any accounts, including admin, are different on the user-account backup that
you restore, you may lose access to the system. If this occurs, contact TE to recover the system;
see “Contacting TE Connectivity” on page 277.

1 In the System Menu bar, click Users > Restore Users.

2 Click the Browse button next to the File box to browse to the location of the backup file created
in “Backup User Accounts” on page 248.
3 In the Choose File window, click on the backup file (the backup filename is in the format of
BackupUsers_HOSTNAME_<DATETIME>.ugz), and then click Open.

4 In the Restore Users page:

a Wait for the file name and path to display in the File box and for the Upload button to
become enabled.

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User Account Management

b Click Upload.
c Wait for the file upload message to display and for the Restore User Accounts button to
become enabled.

d Click Restore User Accounts.

e In the confirmation dialog, click OK.

5 Wait for two messages to display that tell you the Operation completed and that the
BackupUser file has been uploaded.

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Topics Page

Overview of Host-to-Host Systems....................................................................................................................................... 252

Identifying an HEU in the System Tree ...................................................................................................................................252
Identifying an HEU in the EMS Pages .....................................................................................................................................252
Identifying Alarms that Correspond to an HEU ......................................................................................................................253
Configuring a Host-to-Host System ...................................................................................................................................... 254
Setting the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System..............................................................................254
Setting the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System ........................................................................254
Setting Additive Gain for a Host-to-Host System ...................................................................................................................255
Connecting to a Non-TE Product ............................................................................................................................................255

This chapter describe a FlexWave Prism Host-to-Host system. Steps provided in this chapter
configure a basic Prism system that includes:
• one Host Unit
• one Host Expansion Unit (HEU).

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Host-to-Host Systems


The FlexWave Prism Host Expansion Unit (HEU) is a Remote Unit that allows the digital transport
of RF from a host location to a remote site. The Prism EMS inventories and catalogs an HEU as a
Remote Unit. However, note the rules of identifying an HEU in the following sections.

Identifying an HEU in the System Tree

In the System Tree, an HEU is identified as a DRU (see Table on page 58). Since a DRU is only
found in a Spectrum system, within a FlexWave Prism system, a DRU icon can only indicate the
presence of a Prism Host Expansion Unit (HEU).

Identifying an HEU in the EMS Pages

In the EMS pages, such as the ones shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20 on page 253, an HEU is
identified as such.

Figure 19. HEU Unit Identified in the Unit Information Page

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Overview of Host-to-Host Systems: Identifying Alarms that Correspond to an HEU

Figure 20. HEU Unit Identified in the Manage Alarms Page

Identifying Alarms that Correspond to an HEU

With the exceptions noted below, generic alarms that correspond to Remote Units also apply to
the HEU.
• The DRU Over Temperature alarm is generated when the ambient temperature for an HEU
SeRF Module goes over 50°C.
• The DRU Under Temperature alarm is generated when the ambient temperature for an HEU
SeRF Module goes below -5°C.
• HEUs do not support the Uplink Inactivity Fault.
• HEUs do not have LPAs, LNAs and PDs. Consequently, there will be no Remote Unit alarms
related to Linear Power Amplifier (LPA), LNA and PD modules for HEUs.

For further information on alarms, refer to the FlexWave Prism and Spectrum Element
Management System Alarm Reference (TECP-77-213).

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Host-to-Host Systems


In a Host-to-Host system, you connect a Host Unit to a Host Expansion Unit (HEU), and the HEU
plays the role of a Remote Unit. A Host-to-Host system is limited to having only one HEU
connected to a Host Unit.
The following sections describe the configuration rules that apply to a Host-to-Host system.

Setting the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System
You set the Forward Gain (dB) for the Host Unit DART as you would for a standard system
configuration (see “Configure the Forward Gain for Host Unit DARTs” on page 57). However, the
maximum system output levels of the HEU DARTs is different, as shown in Table 42. Note that the
maximum Host-to-Host system output (through DART-to-DART link) allows for a 14dB
Peak-to-Average Ratio.

Table 42. Maximum Host-to-Host System Output

DART Type Maximum System

Output (RMS)

800 SMR -9.0 dBm

850 Cell -9.0 dBm

1900 PCS -10.0 dBm

2100 AWS -10.0 dBm

700 LABC -10.0 dBm
700 UC -10.0 dBm

Setting the Forward Gain for Remote Unit DARTs in a Host-to-Host System
NOTE: In the following scenarios, the Host Unit DART Forward Gain is set to 0 dB.

If the Forward Gain for the Remote Unit DART is set to 31 dB (see “Configure the Forward Gain for
Remote Unit DARTs” on page 65), then the system gain is -14 dB (+/-3 dB).
Therefore, if the fully loaded signal + Host Unit DART Forward Gain = +5dBm, then the fully loaded
output power at the HEU will be -9 dBm (+5 + -14 = -9).
If the Forward Gain for the Remote Unit DART is set to 0 dB, the system gain is -45 dB.

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Configuring a Host-to-Host System: Setting Additive Gain for a Host-to-Host System

Setting Additive Gain for a Host-to-Host System

To set the reverse link gain, you set the Additive Gain parameter in the Configure Host Reverse
Gain page (see “Configure the Reverse Gain for Host Unit DARTs” on page 62). To set the Additive
Gain correctly, you need to take into consideration the noise floor calculations for the RF reverse
path, from the HEU to the Host Unit, as noted in Table 43.

Table 43. RF Reverse Path: HEU to Host Unit

DART Type Noise Figure Gain (±3dB) 1

800 SMR 18 dB 18 dB
850 Cell 17 dB 18 dB
1900 PCS 13 dB 14 dB
2100 AWS 13 dB 14 dB
700 LABC 13 dB 14 dB
700 UC 13 dB 14 dB
1 At 31dB Host Unit DART and Remote Unit DART
gain setting.

NOTE: The data in Table 43 was current at the time of publication. To make sure you have the latest
data, refer to the Performance Specifications that correlate to the FlexWave Software Release
installed on the system.

Connecting to a Non-TE Product

If the Host-to-Host system connects to a non-TE product, additional gain might be required. In
that case, use of a Host External Amplifier Shelf will be required. TE offers the Amplifier shelf with
output power to 33 dBm (peak). For further information, refer to the FlexWave Host Expansion
Unit and Amplifier Shelf Installation Guide (TECP-77-233).

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Host-to-Host Systems

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Topics Page

Multi-Host System Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 258

General Configuration Rules in a Multi-Host System .............................................................................................................259
Alarm Control in a Multi-Host System....................................................................................................................................260
Unit Identification in a Prism Multi-Host System ...................................................................................................................260
System Tree Icons for a Multi-Host System............................................................................................................................262
Setting up a Multi-Host System............................................................................................................................................ 263

This section describes a Prism Multi-Host system, in which Remote Units are connected to more
than one Host Unit.

NOTE: Spectrum and Host-to-Host systems do not support a Multi-Host environment. You also cannot
cascade Remote Units in a Multi-Host system.

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Multi-Host Systems


Figure 21 illustrates a typical Multi-Host system.

FWD and REV path

coxial cables Carrier 1
Fiber-cable pair between the Staon
Host Unit and the PRU RF Module
assigned to Carrier 1

Fiber-cable pair between the Prism Host Unit

Host Unit and the PRU RF Module
assigned to Carrier 2

Prism Host Unit

Carrier 2
FWD and REV path Base
coxial cables Staon

Prism Remote Unit

Figure 21. Multi-Host System

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Multi-Host System Overview: General Configuration Rules in a Multi-Host System

General Configuration Rules in a Multi-Host System

• You can only configure a Prism system as Multi-Host.
– You cannot configure Spectrum as a Multi-Host system.
– You cannot use a Host Expansion Unit (HEU) in a Multi-Host configuration.
– You cannot use a CPRI Digital Interface Unit (CDIU) in a Multi-Host configuration.
– A Common-Host system does not support a Multi-Host configuration.
• You configure the Host and Remote units in a Multi-Host system in the same manner as in a
non Multi-Host system, but the order of steps differ. To configure a Multi-Host system, follow
the steps in “Setting up a Multi-Host System” on page 263.
• Any Host Unit may set/reset the general configuration parameters of the Remote Units and
the Remote Unit components that are connected to it, such as
– unit and module names
– alarm enable/disable settings
– contact alarms names.
• Each Host Unit identifies Remote Units by its Unit ID (see “Unit Identification” on page 7).
• Any of the Host Units may set the system date and time.
• Scheduled activities for Remote Units are executed as per the settings provided by the Host
Unit that defines the activity.
• Should a Host Unit (Host Unit A) go down and while it is out of service an admin for another
Host Unit (Host Unit B) acquires a Remote Unit DART being used by Host Unit A, when Host
Unit A comes back up a DART Linking Conflict alarm will be raised on Host Unit A indicating a
loss of possession.
• An admin user can release DARTs (RF Modules) that are not in use by clearing the
configuration of the Remote Unit DART. See “Clearing Remote Unit DART Configurations” on
page 169.
• The following rules apply to system clock in a Multi-Host system:
– Only one Host Unit can be set as Primary Clock source, which is determined by the Host
Unit with the lowest Clock Priority Level (from 1 to 14).
– The FlexWave EMS will always use the Primary Clock Source regardless of the number of
hops as long the EMS can see the Primary Clock. The EMS does not make a determination
to switch over to a lower priority clock based on the quality of the clock or the number of
– The FlexWave EMS sends information on number of hops when it sends the clock signal.
However, it only uses this to determine if there are two different paths to the same
Remote Unit, as one path might be two hops, and the other path might be eight hops, in
which case, the EMS would select the path that is only two hops.
– Follow the steps in “Setting up a Multi-Host System” on page 263 to set up secondary
clock sources. If the primary clock is lost, having secondary clocks reduces recovery time
and any impact on RF performance. In larger Multi-Host systems configure at least three
unique clock priority levels.

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Multi-Host Systems

• A Multi-Host system should not exceed eight hops. Figure 22 on page 260 provides examples
of hops in a Multi-Host system.

11 3
2 SFP2

Host Unit 1 Host Unit 1



Remote Unit 1 Remote Unit 1



Remote Unit 2 Host Unit 2


1 1 Hop: Host Unit SFP1 to Remote Unit 1 SFP1 SFP1

2 1 Hop: Host Unit SFP2 to Remote Unit 2 SFP1
Remote Unit 2
3 3 Hops: Hop 1 is Host Unit SFP1 to Remote Unit 1 SFP1
Hop 2 is Remote Unit 1 SFP2 to Host Unit SFP1
Hop 3 is Host Unit 2 SFP2 to Remote Unit 2 SFP1 SFP8

Figure 22. Multi-Host System Hop Examples

Alarm Control in a Multi-Host System

All Host Units are notified of general alarms (such as those relating to temperature, fan, power
supply, and so forth). For conditions of a Remote Unit that affect only one of connected Host Units,
only that Host Unit is notified. For example, a DART Temperature High alarm will only be sent to
the Host Unit that has acquired the affected DART for its exclusive use.

Unit Identification in a Prism Multi-Host System

In a Multi-Host system in which a Remote Unit is connected to multiple Host Units, the Remote
Unit has multiple unit identifications, one for each Host Unit. The layer addresses are unique in
the layout of each Host Unit, but may not be unique in the entire layout. However, you will not see
all Host Units in a Multi-Host system in a single System Tree, as the EMS shows only the System
Tree for the Host Unit to which the EMS is connected. The only way to tell that a Remote Unit is
connected to more than one Host Unit is by their icon in the System Tree (see “System Tree Icons
for a Multi-Host System” on page 262).

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Multi-Host System Overview: Unit Identification in a Prism Multi-Host System

Figure 23 illustrates the unit identification of Remote Units connected to more than one Host Unit.
You can only see one System Tree in an EMS session, and that System Tree is dependent on the
Host Unit to which the EMS is connected. Therefore, in Figure 23, the units and System Trees for
the Multi-Host system are shown in two separate screen shots. In Figure 23, note the following:
• Host Unit 1 has been named mhost1; its unit identification is 1, so in the System Tree it is
identified as mhost1 1.
• Host Unit 2 has been named mhost2; its unit identification is 1, so in the System Tree it is
identified as mhost2 1.
• Remote Unit 1 is connected to both Host Unit 1 (mhost1 1) and Host Unit 2 (mhost2 1). Remote
Unit 1 is identified by its layer address in each System Tree:
– Remote Unit 1 in Host Unit 1 is identified as: mhost1 1-1.
– Remote Unit 1 in Host Unit 2 is identified as: mhost2 1-1.
• Remote Unit 2 is connected to both Host Unit 1 (mhost1 1) and Host Unit 2 (mhost2 1). Remote
Unit 2 is identified by its layer address in each System Tree:
– Remote Unit 2 in Host Unit 1 is identified as: mhost1 1-2.
– Remote Unit 2 in Host Unit 2 is identified as: mhost2 1-2.

Screen Shot of Host Unit 1 System Tree

Host Unit 1
Remote Unit 1
Remote Unit 2

Screen Shot of Host Unit 2 System Tree

Host Unit 2
Remote Unit 1
Remote Unit 2

Figure 23. Remote Unit Identification in a Multi-Host System

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Multi-Host Systems

System Tree Icons for a Multi-Host System

Table 44. Multi-Host System Tree Icons

Unit/State Icon Description

Prism Remote Unit PRU that is connected to more than one Host Unit, and the PRU is in a normal status.

PRU that is connected to more than one Host Unit, and the PRU has an active minor alarm.

PRU that is connected to more than one Host Unit, and the PRU has an active major alarm.

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Setting up a Multi-Host System: System Tree Icons for a Multi-Host System


To setup a Multi-Host system, follow the steps in “Commission a FlexWave System” on page 25.
However, to support Multi-Host, you must take into account the following configuration
• The Host Unit with the lowest Clock Priority Level (from 1 to 14) is the primary clock source
and provides the clocking for the network. If this Host Unit goes out of service, the Host Unit
with the next lowest priority value provides clocking for the network.
If more than one Host Unit in a Multi-Host setup has the same Clock Priority Level, all Host
Units in conflict raise the Master Clock Priority Level Conflict alarm. However, the Clock Priority
Level Conflict alarm is a transient alarm; it will be cleared within 30 seconds, as the EMS
automatically changes the Clock Priority Level on one or both of the Host Units so that the two
Host Units have different clock priority values. If it is intended that a specific Host Unit should
provide the master clock, the new priority values should be checked and adjusted manually if
necessary (see “Set the System Reference Clock and Clock Priority” on page 38).
The size of a Multi-Host system is measured in hops, where a direct fiber connection between
a Host Unit and a Remote Unit is one hop. A Multi-Host system is limited to eight hops from
any Host Unit to any Remote Unit. If the shortest path from any Host Unit to any Remote Unit
exceeds eight hops, the system stability and EVM performance will be degraded.
• For Remote Units, the Edit Properties page that is accessible through the System Configuration
and Unit Configuration menus has an Enable Network Port parameter. By default, Enable
Network Port is not enabled. If on two Host Units you select Enable Network Port and both
Host Units connect to the same Remote Unit(s) in the same Multi-Host system, Ethernet traffic
can pass from one Host Unit Network port to the other over the fiber. If the two Host Unit
Network ports are connected together, broadcast messages will circle between the Host
Units, possibly locking up the network.

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Multi-Host Systems

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Topics Page

Unit Identification in Cascaded Systems............................................................................................................................... 269

Cascade Configurations........................................................................................................................................................ 271

NOTE: Host-to-Host and Multi-Host systems do not support cascading.

FlexWave systems can be cascaded, which allows a single sector to be simulcasted from Remote
Unit to Remote Unit. By utilizing fiber daisy chain between Remote Units, you eliminate the need
for fiber home-runs between the common Host Unit and simulcasted Remote Units.
Electrical cascading allows you to maximize fiber efficiency, by eliminating the need for individual
home-run/star topology configurations, thereby saving on fiber costs, as well as fiber installation
Figure 24 shows a cascade system, in which there is one Host Unit with a single Remote Unit
connected to it, and then a second Remote Unit connected to the first Remote Unit. In this
configuration, the RF signal passes from the Host Unit through Remote Unit 1 where it is
retransmitted to Remote Unit 2; RF will be present on both Remote 1 and Remote 2.

Host Unit Remote Unit 1 Remote Unit 2

Figure 24. Cascaded System

Cascade restrictions and requirements are listed below.

• Up to 8 Remote Units can be cascaded in a system, and each Remote Unit can only subtend one
Remote Unit that must be connected directly to it.
• The maximum number of Remote Units that can be cascaded is 16.
• In a cascade system, the Enable Network Port check box is visible for all of the Remote Units
in the cascade, but it only works for the first Remote Unit in the cascade. Do not check the
Enable Network Port check box for subtended Remote Units, as the Enabled Network Port
check box for the first Remote Unit in the cascade provides the correct status of all subtended
Remote Units.
• A Remote Unit can only cascade to another Remote Unit of the same type. That is, a PRU can
only cascade another PRU, and a DRU can only cascade another DRU.

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Cascaded Systems

• Each Remote Unit in a cascade must contain the same or a subset of the DARTs contained in
the first Remote Unit of the chain. The DARTs in each Remote Unit of a cascade must be in the
same slots as the DARTs in the first Remote Unit of the chain. DART linking to the Host Unit is
the same on every Remote Unit in a cascade.
• The fibers in and out of a Remote Unit must follow a N+4 rule. That is, if a Remote Unit has an
input fiber on SFP 1, then the output is on SFP5. This applies to all Remote Unit, with the
exception of the last cascaded Remote Unit as it would not require outgoing fibers. See
Figure 25 on page 266 for an illustration of this rule.
• All cascaded Remote Units must have the same number of upstream (RX) and downstream
(TX) fibers. If 4 fibers from the Host Unit are directed to the Remote Unit, 4 fibers must
cascade to the next Remote Unit. The last Remote Unit in a cascade does not have downstream
fibers. This ensures that all RF on a Remote Unit can be cascaded. See Figure 25 on page 266
for an illustration of this rule.

1 1 1 1
2 2
Host Host
Unit Remote Unit Unit Remote Unit
1 1
5 1 5 1
6 2
Remote Unit Remote Unit
15 15
5 1 5 1
6 2 Remote Unit
Remote Unit
1 Fiber Cascade 155 2 Fiber Cascade 155

1 1 1 1
2 2 Host 2 2
3 3 Remote Unit Unit 3 3 Remote Unit
4 4 1
5 1 5 1
6 2 6 2
Remote Unit 7 3
Remote Unit
7 3
15 15
8 4
5 1 5 1
6 2 Remote Unit 6 2 Remote Unit

3 Fiber Cascade 7 3 155 4 Fiber Cascade 7 3 155

8 4

NOTE: The Host Unit SFPs can be any of the available SFPs (1 - 8).

Figure 25. Matching Host Unit and Cascaded Fibers

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In Figure 26, the cascade occurs on the following fibers:

• SFPs 1-4 from Host Unit connect to SFPs 1-4 on DRU1
• SFPs 5-8 from DRU1 connect to SFPs 1-4 on DRU2






















Figure 26. Two DRU Cascade

• Adding DARTs to a Cascaded System—When a Remote Unit DART is added to the system for
the first time, the EMS presents this newly-added DART in the GUI as it would any other DART.
– If the first Remote Unit in the cascade does not have a DART that corresponds with the
newly installed DART, there will not be RF to the cascaded unit, as you manually build all
links from the Host Unit DART to the first Remote Unit DART in the cascade. The system
automatically builds the cascaded links, but it needs the first link established before it will
copy these links to the cascaded units.
– If the corresponding DART in the first Remote Unit is not linked, this newly-added DART
will have factory-default settings only.
– If the corresponding DART in the first Remote Unit is linked, this newly-added DART will
inherit the configurations required for linking from the parent Remote Unit. The gain and
the delay values, however, will have to be set by the admin.
• Remote Lost alarms—A Remote Lost alarm will only be triggered for the first disconnected
Remote Unit within the cascade. Remote Lost alarms are not triggered for the downstream
Remote Units. You can confirm that the downstream units are also disconnected by log
analysis or by attempting a configuration change on the Remote Unit, which will fail.

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Cascaded Systems

• Clearing DART configurations—If you clear the DART configuration on the parent Remote
Unit, then configurations for this DART is reset to factory defaults. Consequently, linking
information is invalid for units downstream, RF is lost, and an alarm is raised. Settings on the
DARTs downstream remain.
If you clear the DART configuration in the cascade and the Remote Unit in which it is installed
is not the parent Remote Unit, linking information is only lost temporarily for the Remote Unit
for which the DART configuration was cleared and for all remaining downstream Remote
Units. An alarm is raised to indicate this. Since the corresponding DART in the first Remote
Unit is linked, the cleared DART inherits the configurations required for linking from the
parent Remote Unit. The links will be re-established and the corresponding alarm cleared.
You will, however, have to set the gain and the delay values and the DART name (Slot Name)

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Unit Identification in Cascaded Systems:


Layer addressing is based upon the lowest numbered egress fiber from the previous unit. For
example, if the cascade occurs on the following fibers:
• SFPs 1-4 from Host Unit connect to SFPs 1-4 on DRU1
• SFPs 5-8 from DRU1 connect to SFPs 1-4 on DRU2.

Layer Addresses are therefore designated as follows:

• Remote Units—The first Remote Unit is identified by the Host Unit SFP port, “1”. The second
Remote Unit, which is cascaded to the first Remote Unit, is identified by the SFP port number
to which it is connected on the first Remote Unit, which could be any number between 5 and
8. In this example, it is 5, which repeats as the identifier for cascaded Remote Units.
– At Depth 1: 1
– At Depth 2: 15
– At Depth 3: 155
– At Depth 4: 1555
– At Depth 5: 15555
– At Depth 6: 155555
– At Depth 7: 1555555
– At Depth 8: 15555555
Table 46 provides other examples of Prism Unit IDs.

Table 45. Prism Unit ID Examples

Unit Unit ID
Host Unit Stadium 1
PRU 1 1-1 2ndFloor
PRU 2 1-15 3rdFloor

• If you have DRUs in the cascade, then IFEUs, MRAUs, and SRAUs have layered addresses as
– IFEU—is always 1, as there can only be 1 IFEU connected to a DRU.
– MRAU—the IFEU FWD Module IF Out Connector (1 - 8) to which the MRAU is connected.
– SRAU—the MRAU FWD Secondary Port (1, 2, or 3) to which the SRAU is connected.

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Cascaded Systems

Table 46 provides other examples of Spectrum Unit IDs.

Table 46. Spectrum Unit ID Examples

Unit Unit ID
Host Unit Stadium 1
DRU 1 1-1 2ndFloor
DRU 1 IFEU 1-1.1 Room212
DRU 1 IFEU MRAU 1 1-1.11 Pillar A
DRU 1 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 1 1-1.111 East
DRU 1 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 2 1-1.112 West
DRU 1 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 3 1-1.113 S East
DRU 1 IFEU MRAU 2 1-1.12 Pillar B
DRU 2 1-15 3rdFloor
DRU 2 IFEU 1-15.1 Room310
DRU 2 IFEU MRAU 1 1-15.11 Pillar C
DRU 2 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 1 1-15.111 South
DRU 2 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 2 1-15.112 S West
DRU 2 IFEU MRAU 1 SRAU 3 1-15.113 North
DRU 2 IFEU MRAU 2 1-15.12 Pillar D

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Cascade Configurations:

FlexWave systems can be configured to operate in Point-to-Multipoint Star and Cascade
In a point-to-multipoint star configuration, the Host Unit provides the interface between a single
group of BTSs and up to eight Remote Units, each of which is linked directly to the Host Unit by
an optical fiber path. Figure 27 shows a Spectrum system in a star configuration.

Up to 8 Expansion Module Groups*

& & & & & & & &

Host Unit

* Each Expansion Module Group also includes a Power Supply Unit.

Figure 27. Star Configuration

In a point-to-multipoint star configuration, in the forward path (Host Unit to Remote Unit), the
digitized RF signals are replicated for transport to each of the Remote Units. In the reverse path
(Remote Unit to Host Unit), RF signals from each Remote Unit are transported independently to
the Host Unit over dedicated fibers. Within the Host Unit, the signals from all the Remote Units in
each band are digitally combined, and a composite RF signal for each band is presented to the
corresponding BTS.

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Cascaded Systems

Figure 28 on page 272 shows a dual-cascade system, in which there are two Spectrum DRUs
connected to a single Host Unit on four fibers each. Both DRUs connected to the Host Unit also
have seven cascaded DRUs. In this configuration, the RF signal passes from the Host Unit through
the two connected DRUs, which then pass the IF signal to the 14 cascaded DRUs.


& & & & & & & &

4 Fibers

Host Unit 4 Fibers


& & & & & & & &

KEY: = 4 Fibers

Figure 28. Dual-Cascade System (Spectrum)

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If the Network Port is configured to DHCP (default), and the system is connected to a router that
has DHCP Server with DHCP Scope to include subnet 192.168.0.x/24, a conflict can occur. In the
case of a conflict between the Network and Craft ports, the EMS gives precedence to the Network
port, so the Craft port will not function. This appendix provides the steps you must take to fix a
Craft port that has stopped working due to incorrect IP address settings.

CAUTION! Do not set the Network port's IP address within the same subnet as the Craft port, as this causes
the Craft port to stop working.

Do the following to fix a Craft port that has stopped working due to incorrect IP address settings:

1 Use a straight or cross Ethernet cable to connect a PC to the Network port on the Host Unit
SeRF II Module.
2 Set the PC to a static IP and use an IP address in the range of to
3 Bring up a web browser and use the Host IP address as the URL.
4 When the Welcome to the Element Management System for FlexWave Prism, FlexWave URH
and InterReach Spectrum window opens:
a Wait for the following initialization message to finish:
System is initializing, please wait to login.
b In the User Name box, type the user name provided by TE or by the Network
Administrator. The default user name is admin.
c In the Password box, type the password provided by TE or by the Network Administrator.
The default password is adc123.
5 In the System Menu bar, click System Configuration > Set Network Connections to access the
Set Network Connections page.
6 Use the Port column to select the row to configure the Network Port.
7 Use the Mode menu to specify the mode as Static.
8 Change the Network port IP Address and Gateway to an IP address that is outside of the Craft
port subnet of
9 Click Apply.
Once the system executes the command, an Operation completed message displays.
10 Change the PC back to DHCP mode.
11 Move the Ethernet cable back to the Craft port.
Login should now work.

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Correcting a Network Port and Craft Port IP Address Conflict

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You can access additional user documentation on the TE Customer Portal, as described below.

1 Click on the following URL link:

(Alternatively, enter the preceding URL into your web browser, and then press ENTER on your
2 Access to the Customer Portal requires a user account and password. On the Sign In page, do
one of the following:
• If you have an account, in the Already Registered? Sign In Now panel, enter your Email and
Password, and then click Sign In.
• If you don’t have an account, under Create an Account, click Register Now and follow the
3 On the Wireless Customer Portal home page in the Knowledge Center panel, click the Manuals
and Data Sheets link.
4 On the Manuals and Data Sheets page, do the following:
a In the Document Repository panel, scroll to the section for the product line of the
document that you want to access.
b Click on the title of the manual that you wish to open.
c (Optional) Save the PDF to your computer.

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Accessing FlexWave User Documentation

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Telephone Numbers
Asia Pacific +65-6294-9948
France 0800 914032
Germany 0180 2232923
Italy 0800 782374
Spain 900 983291
United Kingdom 0800 960236
USA or Canada 1-800-366-3891
Extension 73000
Connectivity Extension 73475
Wireless Extension 73476

Technical Support
USA or Canada 1-800-530-9960
Elsewhere +1-952-917-0761

Online Access
Customer Portal

Technical Support for Wireless Products


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Contacting TE Connectivity

Page 278 FlexWave Prism and Spectrum Software Release 8.1 System Setup and Provisioning Guide
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Numerics Alarm Enabled Settings panel ........................................210
10 MHz Reference Clock .................................................. 38 Alarm field
Host Unit, basic view ..................................... 132, 133
A IFEU, basic view ....................................................... 134
Abort page ........................................................................ 227 RAU, basic view ....................................................... 135

About menu item ............................................................ 235 Alarm Filter list ................................................................. 209

AC Power Supply Fault ................................................... 156 Alarm History, filtering ................................................... 197

Access Level menu .......................................................... 239 Alarm Name column

Current Alarms report .............................................. 91
Ack’d column Last Test Results table ...........................................115
Current Alarms report ............................................. 91 Manage Alarms ....................................................... 201
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115 View Alarm History page .......................................195
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195 View Current Alarms page ....................................193
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
Alarm Severities column ................................................... 96
Acknowledge All Alarms page ....................................... 214
Alarm Severity column
Acknowledge All button ................................................. 214 Configure Slots page .............................................. 164
Activate Optional Features page .................................. 126 Connectivity report .................................................. 93
Current Alarms report .............................................. 91
Active alarms, acknowledge .......................................... 214 Fiber Optic Connections table ................................ 84
Add button Get Optics Information page ................................101
Add New User page ............................................... 239 Last Test Results table ...........................................115
Set SNMP Trap Managers ..................................... 119 View Alarm History page .......................................195
View Current Alarms page ....................................193
Add New User button ..................................................... 238 View DARTs page
Add New User page ........................................................ 238 Host Unit ......................................................... 140
Remote Unit ................................................... 141
Adding SNMP Trap Managers ....................................... 118 View Optical Ports page
Additional Forward Gain column, RAUs ........................ 96 Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Additional Forward Gain field ....................................... 135
Alarm Severity menu .............................................. 209, 212
Additive Gain (dB) column ............................................... 87
Additive Gain (dB) menu .................................................. 64 acknowledge active ................................................ 214
Additive Gain, Host-to-Host .......................................... 255 changing thresholds ............................................... 206
clear all disconnects ............................................... 215
Additive Reverse Gain (dB) menu .................................. 69 clear history ............................................................. 196
Address column, IFEU + RAU report clearing
IFEU ............................................................................. 95 current ............................................................. 194
RAU ............................................................................. 96 history .............................................................. 196
Alarm Code column enable/disable ................................................ 213
Current Alarms report ............................................. 91 naming ............................................................. 212
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115 enable/disable ......................................................... 202
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195 Extended Info page ....................................... 193, 196
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193 Multi-Host systems ................................................. 260
Alarm Counter ................................................................. 131 Optical Over Drive .................................................... 34
Optical RX No Light ................................................... 34
Alarm Enable/Disable column ......................................... 96

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Alarms (continued) Band Type column

Optical Transmitter Fault ........................................ 34 Configure Slots page .............................................. 164
RF Power Low, change threshold for .................. 207 Connectivity report .................................................. 93
viewing View DARTs page
current ............................................................ 193 Host Unit ......................................................... 140
history ............................................................. 195 Remote Unit ................................................... 141
Alarms > Acknowledge All Alarms ................................ 214 Bands menu ............................................................. 113, 116
Alarms > Clear All Disconnects ..................................... 215 Buttons
Acknowledge All ..................................................... 214
Alarms > Manage Alarms ............................................... 202
Alarms > Manage Contact Alarms ................................ 212 Add New Users page ..................................... 239
SNMP Trap Managers ................................... 119
Alarms > View Alarm History ........................................ 195
Backup ...................................................................... 106
download log .......................................................... 198
Backup User Accounts ........................................... 248
filter alarms ............................................................. 197
Cancel ....................................................................... 181
Alarms > View Current Alarms ...................................... 193 Change Password .......................................... 242, 243
Clear All Disconnects .............................................. 215
Alarms > View Current Alarms. ....................................... 34
Clear History ............................................................ 196
All Report ............................................................................ 97 Delete
Manage Users page ....................................... 245
Analog Units report .................................................... 95, 96
Set SNMP Trap Managers ............................. 122
Analyze CATV Cable AGC page ...................................... 186 Filter
Alarm History page ........................................ 197
Analyze CATV Cable Compensation page ................... 184
Get Optics Information page ....................... 100
Analyze Power Supply Loading page ........................... 188 First ........................................................................... 196
Last ............................................................................ 196
Analyze RAU DC Voltage page ...................................... 187
Log In ....................................................................22, 27
Antenna Disconnect alarm, managing ................ 209, 211 LPA Reset ................................................................. 182
Perform System Test .............................................. 114
Authentication Protocol list .......................................... 247
Previous .................................................................... 196
Available Download label .............................................. 198 Reboot ............................................................. 173, 175
Reset All Units to Factory Defaults ...................... 161
Available Software Versions column
Reset Max Hold ...................................................61, 70
LPA Inventory Information table ......................... 181
Reset Network Statistics ....................... 144, 145, 146
Upgrade LPA page .................................................. 180
Restore User Accounts .......................................... 250
Average Power (dBm) column Update ...................................................................... 180
Host Forward Gain Settings .................................... 86 Upload ...................................................................... 250
Remote Reverse Gain Settings ............................... 90
B Calculated Reverse System Gain (dB) column .............. 87
Backup button ................................................................. 106
Calendar, Set Date and Time ........................................... 31
Backup completed message .......................................... 248
Cancel button ................................................................... 181
Backup files
Capacity field .................................................................... 157
creating .................................................................... 106
restoring .................................................................. 107 Capacity menu ................................................................. 159
Backup page ..................................................................... 106 Cascaded systems
configurations ................................................ 271–272
Backup User Accounts button ...................................... 248
overview .......................................................... 265–268
Band Configuration panel ................................................ 52 unit identification .......................................... 269–270

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Catalog Number column, IFEU + RAU report Common columns

IFEU ..................................................................... 95, 134 Links report ................................................................ 81
RAU ............................................................................. 96 Remote Forward Gain Settings table ....................89
Catalog Number field, RAU basic view ........................ 135 Communication Protocol column, IFEU + RAU report
IFEU ............................................................................. 95
CDIU Carriers report ......................................................... 94
RAU ............................................................................. 96
CDIU Interfaces report ..................................................... 94
Community box ................................................................ 118
Change Access Level button .......................................... 240
Community column ......................................................... 120
Change Password button ....................................... 242, 243
Configuration, system backup .......................................106
Change Password page
changing a user’s password .......................... 242, 243
DART links ........................................................... 42, 52
changing your password ....................................... 243
Host Forward Gain .................................................... 57
Changing Host Optical ports ................................................... 162
alarm thresholds .................................................... 206 Host Reverse Gain .................................................... 62
RF Power Low threshold ....................................... 207 Host Unit properties ................................................. 38
System VSWR Fault threshold .............................. 208 PRU/URU Optical ports ..........................................163
RAU properties .......................................................... 70
CHAP option ..................................................................... 247
Remote Forward Gain .............................................. 65
Choose File window ........................................................ 249 SNMP ........................................................................ 123
SNMP Trap Managers ............................................ 120
Clear All Disconnects button ......................................... 215
Configure DARTs page .................................................... 163
Clear All Disconnects page ............................................ 215
Configure Delay page ........................................................ 55
Clear Configuration check box ...................................... 164
Configure Feature page .................................................. 220
Clear Configuration column .................................. 166, 170
Configure Host Forward Gain page ................................ 59
Clear History button ....................................................... 196
Configure Host Forward Gain table ................................ 59
alarm history ........................................................... 196 Configure Host Reverse Gain page ................................. 64
current alarms ........................................................ 194
Configure Host Reverse Gain table ................................. 64
DART configuration ........................................ 166, 170
DART configuration, cascades .............................. 268 Configure Links page ......................................................... 52
DART Module configuration
Configure Remote Forward Gain page ..........................65
Host Unit ......................................................... 166
Remote Unit DARTs .................................................. 65
Remote Units ................................................. 169
reset an LPA ............................................................. 182
network statistics ................................................... 146
Configure Remote Reverse Gain page ...........................67
Click Here to download link,
Perform System Test .......................................... 114, 115 Configure Slots page ....................................................... 163
Clock Configuration Invalid ............................................ 150 Confirm Password box
Add New User page ................................................ 238
Clock Priority Level Conflict alarm ................................ 150
changing a user’s password ..................................243
Clock Priority Level menu ................................................ 39 changing your password ........................................243
Multi-Host system .......................................... 259, 263
Connected To columns
Column menu Fiber Optic Connections report ..............................84
Get Optics Information page ................................ 100 Get Optics Information page ................................101
View Alarm History page ...................................... 197 View Optical Ports page
Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Commissioning, basic steps ............................................. 25
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Commit page .................................................................... 226

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Connectivity report ........................................................... 92 DART Modules (continued)

Connectivity table ............................................................. 93
2100 AWS Classic DARTs ................................ 44
Contact Alarm Input 1 Active ........................................ 156 2100 AWS SuperDART .................................... 48
700 Lower ABC SuperDART ............................ 47
Contact Alarm Input 2 Active ........................................ 156
700 UpperC SuperDART .................................. 48
Contact alarms 800 APAC iDEN Classic DARTs ........................ 43
enable/disable ........................................................ 213 900 SMR Classic DARTs ................................... 44
naming ..................................................................... 212 Cellular Classic DARTs ..................................... 45
EGSM 900 SuperDART .................................... 49
Contact Alarms column, Edit Properties page ............. 35
GSM 1800 SuperDART .................................... 49
Contact Name box .......................................................... 212 PCS Classic DARTs ............................................ 46
PCS SuperDARTs ............................................... 49
Contact Name column, Manage Contact Alarms page ...
SMR800 Classic DARTs .................................... 43
UMTS SuperDART ............................................ 50
contains box setting mode ............................................................. 59
Get Optics Information page ................................ 100 Start and Stop frequencies ..................................... 50
View History Alarms page ..................................... 197
DART Name column
Correcting IP Address conflicts ..................................... 273 Configure Slots page .............................................. 164
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
Creating system backup file .......................................... 106
DART Over Drive .............................................................. 148
Current Alarms report .............................................. 91, 199
DART Remote Unit
Current Alarms table ........................................................ 91
alarms, enable/disable .......................................... 202
Current Software Version column ................................ 181 viewing
hardware report .............................................. 77
D status ............................................................... 152
DART Communications Fault ........................................ 153 DART Temperature High ................................................ 153
DART DC Supply Fault ..................................................... 153 DART Temperature Low ................................................. 153
DART Fault DART Under Drive ........................................................... 148
Host Unit .................................................................. 148
Remote Unit ............................................................ 153 Date box, Schedule System Test ................................... 116

DART Hardware Mismatch Date Code column, Hardware Inventory report .......... 78
Module Status table Day(s) (1-30) radio button ............................................. 117
Host Unit ......................................................... 148
Remote Unit ................................................... 153 Delay Out of Range ......................................................... 153

DART menu Delete button

Perform System Test page .................................... 113 Manage Users page ................................................ 245
Schedule System Test page .................................. 116 Set SNMP Trap Managers ..................................... 122

DART Mode column .......................................................... 85 Description column

Extended Alarms page ........................................... 199
DART Mode menu ............................................................. 59 Hardware Inventory report ..................................... 78
DART Modules LPA Inventory Information table .......................... 181
clearing configuration DHCP mode ........................................................................ 33
Host Unit ......................................................... 166
Remote Units ................................................. 169 Diagnostics > Analyze CATV Cable AGC ....................... 186
configure links .......................................................... 42

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Diagnostics > Analyze CATV Cable Compensation .... 184 Enabled column, Manage Alarms page .......................203
Diagnostics > Analyze Power Supply Loading ............. 188 Enabled Network Port column ................................. 35, 36
Diagnostics > Analyze RAU DC Voltage ....................... 187 Enabled selection box ..................................................... 201
Disabling Enabling
alarms ....................................................................... 202 alarms ....................................................................... 202
Antenna Disconnect alarm ................................... 211 Antenna Disconnect alarm ....................................211
Contact alarms ........................................................ 213 Contact alarms ........................................................ 213
Disconnect alarms, clearing .......................................... 215 EPN column, IFEU + RAU report
IFEU ............................................................................. 95
Diversity column, Links report ........................................ 81
RAU ............................................................................. 96
Diversity menu, Configure DART Links page ................ 53
Ethernet CAT 5 cable ......................................................... 26
Door Open ........................................................................ 157
Event Hysteresis ............................................................... 123
Download All link, View Alarm History ........................ 198
Event Interval ................................................................... 123
Download button .............................................................. 74
Extended Info link
Downloading system reports .......................................... 98 Current Alarms report .............................................. 92
Last Test Results table ...........................................115
DRU Temperature Low ................................................... 156
View Alarm History page .......................................196
Dual-LPA system, resetting LPAs .................................. 182 View Current Alarms page ....................................193
Duplexer Mismatch fault ............................................... 154
E Fan Fault
Host Unit .................................................................. 150
Edit Optical Port Properties page
Remote Unit ............................................................ 157
Host Unit .................................................................. 162
Remote Unit ............................................................ 163 Fan Over Speed ................................................................ 157
System Configuration .............................................. 41
Fan Under Speed ............................................................. 156
Edit Optical Port Properties table ................................... 41
Feature box
Edit Properties page ......................................................... 35 generic overview ..................................................... 220
DRUs ......................................................................... 160 Sprint Mode ............................................................. 221
Host ............................................................................ 38
Fiber Optic Connections report ....................................... 83
IFEUs ........................................................................... 40
PRUs and HEUs ....................................................... 158 Fiber Optic Connections table ......................................... 83
RAUs ........................................................................... 70
Fibers, moving/reconfiguring ........................................127
resetting units to factory default ......................... 161
Filter button ............................................................. 100, 197
accessing .............................................................. 26–28 Filter panel
identifying Host-to-Host systems ........................ 252 Get Optics Information ..........................................100
URL for ....................................................................... 27 View Alarm History ................................................. 197
EMS View Frame ............................................................. 131 Filtering Alarm History .................................................... 197
Enable check box Firmware Release column, IFEU + RAU report
Schedule System Test ............................................ 116 IFEU ............................................................................. 95
Setup Radius Server ............................................... 247 RAU ............................................................................. 96
Enable Network Port check box Firmware Version field
cascaded systems ................................................... 265 IFEU, basic view ....................................................... 134
DRUs ......................................................................... 160 RAU, basic view ....................................................... 135
PRUs or HEUs .......................................................... 159
First button ....................................................................... 196
Enabled check box, Manage Contact Alarms page .... 213

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Forward Attenuation (dB) menu, RAUs ........................ 71 Hardware Version column

Hardware Inventory report ..................................... 78
Forward Attenuation column ......................................... 96
LPA Inventory Information table .......................... 181
Forward Delay (ms) box ................................................... 56
Heartbeat Interval ........................................................... 123
Forward Delay (ms) column ............................................ 82
HEU - see Host Expansion Unit
Forward Delay column, Link Delays report ................... 82
Host columns
Forward Delay Range column ......................................... 82 Link Delays report ..................................................... 82
Linked DARTs report ................................................ 81
Forward Gain (dB) column
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
RF DARTS table ......................................................... 85 Host Expansion Unit
configuring for Host-to-Host ................................. 254
Forward Gain (dB) menu
identifying in EMS ................................................... 252
Host Unit DARTs ....................................................... 60
identifying in System Tree ..................................... 252
Remote Unit DARTs ................................................. 66
Host Forward Gain Settings report ................................. 85
Forward Gain, set
Host Unit DART ......................................................... 57 Host Forward Gain Settings RF DARTS table ................. 85
Host Unit DART, Host-to-Host .............................. 254
Host IP Address column
Remote Unit DART ................................................... 65
Connectivity report .................................................. 93
Remote Unit DART, Host-to-Host ........................ 254
View DARTs page, Remote Unit ........................... 141
Frame View ........................................................................ 28
Host Lost ........................................................................... 156
Frequency (MHz) column
Host Major Contact Alarm Output Active alarm ........ 150
Host Reverse Gain Settings RF DARTS table ........ 87
Link Delays report .................................................... 82 Host Minor Contact Alarm Output Active alarm ........ 150
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 89
Host Module Missing Fault ............................................ 148
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ..................... 90
RF DARTS table ......................................................... 86 Host Reverse Gain Settings report ................................. 86
Frequency column, Links report ..................................... 81 Host Reverse Gain Settings RF DARTS table .................. 87
Host Status table ............................................................. 150
Gain Mode column ........................................................... 87 Host table ............................................................................ 52

Gateway box ...................................................................... 33 Host Temperature Low ................................................... 150

Get Information page ....................................................... 74 Host Unit

basic unit view ......................................................... 132
Get Optics Information page ......................................... 100 configure
Get Optics Information table ........................................ 100 Forward Gain .................................................... 57
Optical ports ................................................... 162
Global setting, Manage Alarms page ........................... 202 Reverse Gain ..................................................... 62
Global Update check box ............................................... 178 connect to a PC ......................................................... 26
correcting IP Address conflicts ............................. 273
Group ID column, IFEU + RAU report enable/disable alarms ........................................... 202
IFEU ............................................................................ 95 Multi-Host system .................................................. 259
RAU ............................................................................. 96 network statistics ................................................... 142
rebooting ................................................................. 173
H reset to factory default .......................................... 160
Hardware ID column, IFEU + RAU report set properties ............................................................ 38
IFEU ............................................................................ 95 viewing
RAU ............................................................................. 96 hardware report .............................................. 77
status ............................................................... 147
Hardware Inventory report ............................................. 77

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Host-to-Host system Layer addressing, cascades ............................................ 269

configuring .............................................................. 254
Link Delays report .............................................................. 82
identifying in System Tree .................................... 252
overview .......................................................... 252–253 Link Delays table
setting delays ............................................................ 56
I viewing ....................................................................... 82
Id column Linked box ........................................................................... 53
Hardware Inventory report .................................... 78
LPA Inventory Information table ......................... 181 Linked Delays table ........................................................... 55

IF Expansion Unit Links report ......................................................................... 80

rebooting ................................................................. 176 Links table ........................................................................... 81
reset to factory defaults ........................................ 160
return to service ..................................................... 172 LNA Power Fault .............................................................. 154
set out of service .................................................... 171 LNA table ........................................................................... 154
set Power Monitoring .............................................. 40
viewing hardware report ........................................ 95 Lockout check box, RAUs ................................................. 71

IFEU + RAU report ............................................................. 95 Log In button ............................................................... 22, 27

IFEU + RAU table ............................................................... 95 Longitude box ..................................................................... 70

In/Out column, View Optical Ports page Longitude column, IFEU + RAU report, RAU .................96
Host Unit .................................................................. 136 LPA
Remote Unit ............................................................ 138 overview ..................................................................... 66
Incompatible Bands alarm restarting .................................................................. 182
managing ......................................................... 209, 211 status ........................................................................ 154

Inform Resend ................................................................. 123 LPA DC Fault ..................................................................... 154

Input Source menu ........................................................... 53 LPA Disabled alarm .......................................................... 154

IP Address LPA Inventory Information table ...................................181

conflicts .................................................................... 273 LPA Loop Fault .................................................................. 154
IP Address box LPA Low Power Fault ....................................................... 155
Set Network Connections page ............................. 33
Set SNMP Trap Managers page ........................... 118 LPA Missing alarm ........................................................... 155

IP Address column LPA Mode column ............................................................. 89

Edit Properties page ................................................ 35 LPA Over Power alarm .................................................... 154
Set SNMP Trap Managers page ........................... 120
LPA Over Temperature alarm ........................................155
L LPA Reset button ............................................................. 182
Last button ....................................................................... 196 LPA Status column ............................................................. 89
Last Max Hold Reset Time column LPA table ........................................................................... 154
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ..................... 90
RF DARTS table ......................................................... 86 LPA VSWR Fault ................................................................ 154

Last Test Results panel ................................................... 114 LPA. See also Dual-LPA system

Last Test Results table .................................................... 113

Last Test Run Time field ................................................. 115
Latitude box ....................................................................... 70
Latitude column, IFEU + RAU report, RAU .................... 96

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M Multi-Host system
Manage Alarms page ...................................................... 200 alarm control ........................................................... 260
configuration rules ................................................. 259
Manage Alarms table ..................................................... 201 Host Units in ............................................................ 259
overview ................................................................... 258
Manage Contact Alarms page ....................................... 212
setting up ................................................................. 263
Manage Users page ........................................................ 238 System Tree icons ................................................... 262
Max Hold Power Level Mode
Configure Host Forward Gain page ....................... 60 N
Host Forward Gain Settings RF DARTs table ........ 86 Name box
Add New User page ................................................ 238
Max Hold Reset ................................................................. 60
Edit Properties page, RAUs ..................................... 70
Max Power (dBm) column ............................................... 89
Name column, IFEU + RAU report
Messages, System Test .................................................. 114 IFEU ............................................................................. 95
RAU ............................................................................. 96
Minimum Power (dBm) column
Host Forward Gain Settings .................................... 86 Network Statistics report ................................................. 79
Remote Reverse Gain Settings ............................... 90
Network Statistics table ................................................... 79
Mode list
Network statistics, viewing
Manage Contact Alarms page .............................. 212
Host Unit .................................................................. 142
Mode menu ....................................................................... 33 Remote Unit ............................................................ 144
Modifying Network Time Protocol .................................................... 32
SNMP Trap Managers ............................................ 121
New Password box
Module Missing Fault changing a user’s password .................................. 243
Host Unit .................................................................. 149 changing your password ........................................ 243
LNA ........................................................................... 154
New/Selected Trap Manager panel
Power Detector ...................................................... 155
Adding SNMP Trap Manager ................................ 118
Module Name column Modifying SNMP Trap Manager ........................... 121
Current Alarms report ............................................. 92
Next button ...................................................................... 196
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195 Noise Floor (dBm/30kHz rbw) column ........................... 87
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
Non Diversity ...................................................................... 53
Module Number column ............................................... 181 Normal DART mode
Module Status table Configure Host Forward Gain page ....................... 59
Host Unit .................................................................. 148 Host Forward Gain Settings report ........................ 85
Remote Unit ............................................................ 153 Normal mode
Module Type column Gain Mode ................................................................. 87
Current Alarms report ............................................. 92 Remote Unit .............................................................. 88
Hardware Inventory report .................................... 78 Notes box
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
DRUs ......................................................................... 160
Manage Alarms ...................................................... 201 Edit Properties page ...........................................35, 36
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195 Host ............................................................................. 39
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193 Host Unit, basic view .............................................. 132
Moving fibers ................................................................... 127 PRUs or HEUs .......................................................... 159
Remote Unit, basic view ........................................ 133
MSCHAPv1 option ........................................................... 247
Notes column, Extended Alarms page ......................... 199
MSCHAPv2 option ........................................................... 247
NTP ....................................................................................... 32

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O Passband column (continued)

Old Password box, changing your password .............. 243 View DARTs page
Host Unit ......................................................... 140
Optical Over Drive alarm ................................................. 34 Remote Unit ................................................... 141
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Password box
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156
Add New User page ................................................ 238
Optical ports Configure Feature page
configure generic overview ............................................ 220
Host Unit ......................................................... 162 Sprint Mode .................................................... 221
Remote Unit ................................................... 163 Welcome window ..................................................... 27
viewing, Get Optics Information page ................ 100
PD Status table ................................................................. 155
Optical RX High BER alarm
Peak Power (dBm) column
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156 Host Forward Gain Settings .................................... 86
Remote Reverse Gain Settings ............................... 90
Optical RX No Light alarm ................................................ 34
Perform System Test button ..........................................114
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156 Port box
Optical Status table Set SNMP Trap Managers ......................................118
Setup RADIUS Server .............................................. 247
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156 Port column
Optical Transmitter Fault Network Statistics report ........................................ 79
Network Statistics table .........................................143
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Remote Unit ............................................................ 144
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156
Set SNMP Trap Managers page ............................120
Optical Transmitter Fault alarm ..................................... 34
Power Detector status .................................................... 155
Optical Under Drive alarm
Power Level Mode column
Host Unit .................................................................. 149
Remote Unit ............................................................ 156 Host Forward Gain Settings .................................... 86
Remote Reverse Gain Settings ............................... 90
Optics Type column
Power Level Mode menu
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 83
Get Optics Information page ................................ 100 Configure Host Forward Gain page .......................60
Configure Remote Reverse Gain page ..................69
View Optical Ports page
Host Unit ......................................................... 136 Power Monitoring check box, IFEUs ............................... 40
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Power Monitoring column, IFEU ..................................... 95
Previous button ............................................................... 196
cascaded systems ........................................... 265–268
Host-to-Host systems .................................... 252–253 Primary Server IP box ...................................................... 247
check hardware installation .................................... 34
PAP option ........................................................................ 247 commissioning a system ..........................................25
Part Number column, Hardware Inventory report ...... 78
Passband column
Configure Slots page .............................................. 164
Connectivity report .................................................. 93 Host Unit .................................................................. 173
IFEU ........................................................................... 176
Host Reverse Gain Settings RF DARTS table ........ 87
Link Delays report .................................................... 82 RAU ........................................................................... 177
Links report ............................................................... 81 Remote Unit ............................................................ 175
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 89 Reboot button ......................................................... 173, 175
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ..................... 90
RF DARTS table ......................................................... 86 Reconfiguring fibers ........................................................ 127

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Recurrence radio buttons .............................................. 117 Restarting LPA .................................................................. 182

Registered Trap Managers table .......................... 121, 122 Restore User Accounts button ...................................... 250
add SNMP Trap Managers .................................... 119
Restore Users page ......................................................... 248
delete SNMP Trap Managers ............................... 122
modifying SNMP Trap Managers ......................... 121 Restoring system backup ............................................... 107
Remedy column .............................................................. 199 Reverse Attenuation (dB) menu, RAUs .......................... 71
Remote Access Units Reverse Attenuation column ........................................... 96
configure properties ................................................ 70
Reverse Delay (ms) box .................................................... 56
reset to factory defaults ....................................... 160
return to service ..................................................... 172 Reverse Delay column, Link Delays report .................... 82
set out of service .................................................... 171
Reverse Delay Range column, Link Delays report ........ 82
viewing hardware report ........................................ 96
Reverse Gain Mode column ............................................ 87
Remote columns
Link Delays report .................................................... 82 Reverse Gain Mode menu ................................................ 64
Links report ............................................................... 81
Reverse Gain, setting Host Unit ...................................... 62
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
RF Band column
Remote Forward Gain Settings report .......................... 88
Current Alarms report ............................................. 92
Remote Forward Gain Settings table ....................... 65, 88 Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
View Alarm History page ....................................... 196
Remote Major Contact Alarm Output Active alarm .. 150
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
Remote Minor Contact Alarm Output Active alarm . 150
RF DARTs table
Remote Module Missing Fault .............................. 153, 156 Configure Host Forward Gain ................................. 59
Configure Host Forward Gain page ....................... 57
Remote panel .................................................................... 52
Configure Host Reverse Gain .................................. 64
Remote Reverse Gain Settings report ........................... 90
RF Power (dBm) column ................................................... 88
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ....................... 67, 90
RF Power Low alarm ....................................................... 155
Remote Status table ............................................... 156, 157
RLM Upconvert Fault, System Test ............................... 116
Remote table
Run Command page ........................................................ 219
Configure DART Links page ..................................... 53
Run Script page ................................................................ 218
Remote Unit
basic unit view ........................................................ 133 Run System Test .............................................................. 112
cascaded systems ??– ........................................... 268
Rx Broadcast Pkts column
Host Unit .................................................................. 143
Optical ports ................................................... 163
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
Multi-Host system .................................................. 259
network statistics ................................................... 144 Rx Bytes column
rebooting ................................................................. 175 Host Unit .................................................................. 143
reset to factory defaults ....................................... 160 Network Statistics report ........................................ 80
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
Reports. See System reports
RX FCS Errors column
Reset All Units to Factory Defaults button ................. 161
Host Unit .................................................................. 143
Reset LPA check box ....................................................... 182 Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
Reset Max Hold button .............................................. 61, 70 Rx FCS Errors column ........................................................ 80
Reset Network Statistics button ...................144, 145, 146 Rx Fragmented Frames column
Host Unit .................................................................. 143
Resetting LPA ................................................................... 182
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145

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Rx Jabber Frames column Severity Filter menu ........................................................ 210

Host Unit .................................................................. 143
SFP Id column
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
Edit Optical Port Properties page
Rx Multicast Pkts column Host Unit ......................................................... 162
Host Unit .................................................................. 143 Remote Unit ................................................... 163
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145 Edit Optical Port Properties table ..........................41
Fiber Optic Connections report ....................... 83, 84
Rx Packets column
Get Optics Information page ....................... 100, 101
Host Unit .................................................................. 143
Links report
Network Statistics report ........................................ 80
Host .................................................................... 81
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
Remote .............................................................. 81
Rx Power (dBm) column View Optical Ports page
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 84 Host Unit ................................................ 136, 137
Get Optics Information page ................................ 101 Remote Unit .......................................... 138, 139
View Optical Ports page
SFP Name box
Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Host .................................................................... 42, 162
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Remote Unit ............................................................ 163
S SFP Name column
Scheduling System Test .................................................. 116 Fiber Optic Connections report ..............................83
Get Optics Information page ................................100
Secondary Server IP box ................................................ 247 Links report
Secret box ......................................................................... 247 Host .................................................................... 81
Remote .............................................................. 81
Select column View Optical Ports page
change a user’s access level ................................. 240 Host Unit ......................................................... 136
changing a user’s password .................................. 242 Remote Unit ................................................... 138
delete a user ........................................................... 245
Slot column, Remote Reverse Gain Settings table .......90
Select list, Manage Alarms page ........................... 207, 208
Slot Id column
Select radio button Configure Slots page ............................. 164, 165, 168
Registered Trap Manager table ........................... 120 Connectivity report .................................................. 93
Upgrade LPA ............................................................ 180 Host Reverse Gain Settings RF DARTS table .........87
Selected User field .......................................................... 243 Link Delays report
Host .................................................................... 82
SeRF Fault ......................................................................... 150 Remote Unit ..................................................... 82
Remote Unit ............................................................ 157 Links report
Serial Number column Host .................................................................... 81
Hardware Inventory report .................................... 78 Remote .............................................................. 81
IFEU + RAU report Remote Forward Gain Settings table
IFEU .................................................................... 95 Host Unit ........................................................... 88
RAU .................................................................... 96 Remote .............................................................. 88
LPA Inventory Information table ......................... 181 RF DARTS table .......................................................... 85
View DARTs page
Serial Number field Host Unit ......................................................... 140
IFEU, basic view ...................................................... 134 Remote Unit ................................................... 141
RAU, basic view ...................................................... 135
Slot menu
Server IP box ...................................................................... 32 Configure Links page
Set Network Connections page ...................................... 33 Host Unit ........................................................... 52
Remote Unit ..................................................... 53
Set Session Timeout page .............................................. 222 Configure Remote Reverse Gain page ..................68
Set SNMP Trap Managers page ............................ 118, 120 Slot Mode column ............................................................. 88
Setup SNMP page ............................................................ 123

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Slot Mode menu ................................................................ 66 Standby mode .................................................................... 88

Slot Name box Static mode ......................................................................... 33
Configure Links page
Subnet Mask box ............................................................... 33
Host Unit ........................................................... 52
Remote Unit ..................................................... 53 Sync with NTP Server radio button ................................ 32
Configure Slots page ...................................... 165, 168
System backup
Slot Name column creating .................................................................... 106
Connectivity report .................................................. 93 restoring ................................................................... 107
Host Reverse Gain Settings RF DARTS table ........ 87
System Board Clock Source field ..................................... 38
Link Delays report
Host ................................................................... 82 System Busy message ......................................................... 3
Remote Unit ..................................................... 82
System Configuration > Backup .................................... 106
Links report
Host ................................................................... 81 System Configuration > Configure Delay ....................... 55
Remote .............................................................. 81
System Configuration > Configure Host
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
Forward Gain ................................................................. 59
RF DARTS table ......................................................... 85
View DARTs page System Configuration > Configure Host
Host Unit ......................................................... 140 Reverse Gain .................................................................. 64
Remote Unit ................................................... 141
System Configuration > Configure Links ........................ 52
Snapshot Power Level Mode
System Configuration > Configure Remote
Configure Host Forward Gain page ....................... 60
Forward Gain
Host Forward Gain Settings RF DARTs table ........ 86
LPA Reset ................................................................. 182
SNMP Agent Settings panel ........................................... 123 remote Unit DARTs ................................................... 65
SNMP Event Settings panel ........................................... 123 System Configuration > Configure Remote
Reverse Gain .................................................................. 68
SNMP Port Number box ................................................. 123
System Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties .. 41
SNMP Trap Managers
adding ...................................................................... 118 System Configuration > Edit Unit Properties ................ 35
modifying ................................................................. 121
System Configuration > Perform System Test ... 113, 117
set ............................................................................. 120
System Configuration > Schedule System Test ........... 116
SNMP V1 Agent Override .............................................. 123
System Configuration > Set Date and Time ..... 30, 31, 32
SNMP, setting up ............................................................ 123
System Configuration > Set Network Connections ...... 33
Software Version field .................................................... 132
System Configuration > Set SNMP Trap Managers .... 118
Software Version Mismatch Fault ................................ 157
System Configuration > Setup SNMP ........................... 123
Software/Firmware report .............................................. 76
System configuration, backup ....................................... 106
Software/Firmware table
Get Information > Software/Firmware Report ... 76 System date
Upgrades > Abort ................................................... 227 rules for ...................................................................... 29
Upgrades > Commit ............................................... 226 set manually .............................................................. 31
Upgrades > Update Units ...................................... 225 sync with Network Time Protocol .......................... 32
Special Features > Configure Feature .......................... 220 System Information > Get Information .......................... 74
Special Features > Set Session Timeout ...................... 222 System Information > Get Optics Information ........... 100
Standby DART mode
Configure Host Forward Gain page ....................... 59
Host Forward Gain Settings report ....................... 85

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System reports tgz backup files ................................................................. 106

All Report report ...................................................... 97
Threshold Value box
Analog Units report ........................................... 95, 96
change RF Power Low threshold ..........................207
Current Alarms report ..................................... 91, 199
change System VSWR Fault threshold ................208
downloading ............................................................. 98
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 83 Threshold Value column ................................................. 201
Hardware Inventory ................................................. 77
Threshold Value column, Extended Alarms page ......199
Host Forward Gain Settings report ....................... 85
Host Reverse Gain Settings report ........................ 86 Time box
Link Delays report .................................................... 82 Schedule System Test ............................................ 116
Links report ............................................................... 80 Set Date and Time .................................................... 31
Network Statistics report ........................................ 79
Time Zone clock ................................................................. 30
Remote Forward Gain Settings report .................. 88
Software/Firmware report ..................................... 76 Timeslots column, Links report ....................................... 81
viewing ....................................................................... 74
Timestamp column
System Restore Page ...................................................... 108 Current Alarms report .............................................. 91
Last Test Results table ...........................................115
System Test
View Alarm History page .......................................195
disable scheduled ................................................... 117
View Current Alarms page ....................................193
false RLM Upconvert Fault ................................... 116
messages ................................................................. 114 Tx Broadcast Pkts column
performing .............................................................. 112 Host Unit .................................................................. 144
scheduling ............................................................... 116 Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
System Test Required alarm, managing .............. 209, 211 Tx Byte Counter column
Host Unit .................................................................. 143
System time
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
rule for ....................................................................... 29
set manually .............................................................. 31 Tx Bytes column, Network Statistics report ..................80
set with Time Zone clock ........................................ 30
Tx Multicast Pkts column
sync with Network Time Protocol ......................... 32
Host Unit .................................................................. 144
System Tree Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
HEU icons ................................................................. 252
Tx Packets column, Network Statistics report ..............80
icons, Multi-Host system ...................................... 262
initial login ................................................................. 28 Tx Pkt Counter column
Host Unit .................................................................. 144
System VSWR Fault ......................................................... 155
Remote Unit ............................................................ 145
change threshold for ............................................. 208
Tx Power (dBm) column
T Fiber Optic Connections report ..............................84
Temperature field Get Optics Information page ................................101
Host Unit, basic view ............................................. 132 View Optical Ports page
IFEU, basic view ...................................................... 134 Host Unit ......................................................... 137
RAU, basic view ...................................................... 135 Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Remote Unit ............................................................ 157 Type menu .......................................................................... 74
Remote Unit, basic view ....................................... 133
Temperature High ........................................................... 150 U
ugz file
Temperature High, Remote Unit .................................. 156
Backup Users ........................................................... 248
Temperature Low, Remote Unit ................................... 156 Restore Users .......................................................... 249
Temperature table, Host Unit ....................................... 150 Unit Commanded Lockout alarm ..................................171
Test Password box .......................................................... 247 Unit Configuration > Configure Slots
clearing DART configuration ........................ 166, 170
Test User box ................................................................... 247
labeling DARTs ................................................ 165, 168

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TECP-77-254 • Issue 1 • February 2015 © 2015 TE Connectivity Ltd.

Unit Configuration > Edit Optical Port Properties Unit Information > View Network Statistics ............... 146
Host Unit .................................................................. 162 Host Unit .................................................................. 142
Remote Unit ............................................................ 163 Remote Unit ............................................................ 144
Unit Configuration > Edit Properties Unit Information > View Optical Ports
DRUs ......................................................................... 160 Host Unit .................................................................. 136
Host ............................................................................ 38 Remote Unit ............................................................ 138
IFEUs ........................................................................... 40
Unit Information > View Slots
PRUs and HEUs ....................................................... 158
Host Unit .................................................................. 140
RAUs ........................................................................... 70
Remote Unit ............................................................ 141
Unit Configuration > Reboot
Unit Information > View Status
Host .......................................................................... 173
Host ........................................................................... 147
IFEUs and RAUs .............................................. 176, 177
Remote Unit ............................................................ 152
Remote Units .......................................................... 175
Unit Information > View Status page
Unit Configuration > Reboot page
Host ........................................................................... 147
Host .......................................................................... 173
Remote Unit ............................................................ 152
IFEUs ......................................................................... 176
RAUs ......................................................................... 177 Unit is in service message .............................................. 172
Remote Units .......................................................... 175
Unit is out of service message ....................................... 171
Unit Configuration > Set In Service .............................. 172
Unit menu ......................................................................... 202
Unit Configuration > Set Out of Service ...................... 171
Unit Name (Host) column
Unit Id column ................................................................... 35 Connectivity report .................................................. 93
Current Alarms report ............................................. 91 View DARTs page .................................................... 141
Edit Optical Port Properties table ......................... 41
Unit Name box
Fiber Optic Connections report ....................... 83, 84
DRUs ......................................................................... 160
Get Information > Software/Firmware Report ... 76
Host Unit .................................................................... 38
Get Optics Information page ........................ 100, 101
IFEUs ........................................................................... 40
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
PRUs or HEUs .......................................................... 159
Link Delays report .................................................... 82
Links report ............................................................... 81 Unit Name box, Edit Properties page .......................35, 36
Manage Contact Alarms page .............................. 212
Unit Name column
Network Statistics report ........................................ 79
Current Alarms report ............................................. 91
Remote Forward Gain Settings .............................. 88
Edit Optical Port Properties table .......................... 41
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ..................... 90
Fiber Optic Connections report ........................83, 84
Upgrades > Abort ................................................... 227
Get Information > Software/Firmware Report .... 76
Upgrades > Commit ............................................... 226
Get Optics Information page ....................... 100, 101
Upgrades > Update Units ...................................... 225
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195
Link Delays report ..................................................... 82
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
Links report ................................................................ 81
View Optical Ports page
Remote Forward Gain Settings table .................... 88
Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Remote Reverse Gain Settings table ..................... 90
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Upgrades > Abort .................................................... 227
Unit Id field Upgrades > Commit ................................................ 226
IFEU, basic view ...................................................... 134 Upgrades > Update Units ...................................... 225
RAU, basic view ...................................................... 135 View Alarm History page ....................................... 195
Remote Unit basic view ........................................ 133 View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
View Optical Ports page
Unit Id menu .................................................................... 201
Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Configure Links page ............................................... 53
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Configure Remote Reverse Gain page .................. 68
Manage Contact Alarms ........................................ 212

Page 292 FlexWave Prism and Spectrum Software Release 8.1 System Setup and Provisioning Guide
© 2015 TE Connectivity Ltd TECP-77-254 • Issue 1 • February 2015

Unit Name field Upgrade Status column

Host Unit, basic view ............................................. 132 Get Information > Software/Firmware Report ....77
IFEU, basic view ...................................................... 134 Upgrades > Abort .................................................... 227
RAU, basic view ...................................................... 135 Upgrades > Commit ................................................ 226
Remote Unit, basic view ....................................... 133 Upgrades > Update Units ......................................225
Unit Type column Upgrades > Abort ............................................................. 227
Current Alarms report ............................................. 91
Upgrades > Commit ......................................................... 226
Edit Optical Port Properties table .......................... 41
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 83 Upgrades > Upload .......................................................... 224
Get Information > Software/Firmware Report ... 76
Upload button .................................................................. 250
Get Optics Information page ................................ 100
IFEU + RAU Report Upload page ..................................................................... 224
Host ................................................................... 95
URL for EMS ........................................................................ 27
IFEU .................................................................... 95
RAU .................................................................... 96 User Authentication ........................................................ 230
Remote Unit ..................................................... 95
User Authorization .......................................................... 230
Last Test Results table ........................................... 115
Manage Alarms ....................................................... 201 User Name box, Welcome window ................................ 27
Upgrades > Commit ............................................... 226
Users > Backup Users ...................................................... 248
Upgrades > Update Units ...................................... 225
Upgrades >Abort .................................................... 227 Users > Manage Users .................................................... 238
View Alarm History page ...................................... 195
Users > Restore Users ..................................................... 249
View Current Alarms page .................................... 193
Users > Setup RADIUS Server ........................................247
Unit Type field
Host Unit, basic view ............................................. 132
IFEU, basic view ...................................................... 134
RAU, basic view ...................................................... 135 Version column
Remote Unit, basic view ....................................... 133 Get Information > Software/Firmware Report ....76
Set SNMP Trap Managers page ............................120
Unit Type list .................................................................... 225 Upgrades > Abort .................................................... 227
Unit Upgrades > Update Upgrades > Commit ................................................ 226
IFEUs ......................................................................... 178 Upgrades > Update Units ......................................225
RAUs ......................................................................... 178 Version menu ................................................................... 118
Unit Upgrades > Upgrade LPA ............................... 179, 180 View Alarm History page ................................................ 195
Unit view clearing alarm History ............................................ 196
Host Unit .................................................................. 132 filtering alarms ........................................................ 197
IFEU ........................................................................... 134 View Current Alarms page ............................................. 193
RAU ........................................................................... 135 affect of Clear History ............................................ 196
Remote Unit ............................................................ 133 checking hardware installation ..............................34
Update button ................................................................. 180 clearing alarms ........................................................ 194

Update Now button ........................................................ 225 View Network Statistics page

clearing statistics .................................................... 146
Update Units page .......................................................... 225 viewing Host Unit statistics ...................................142
Updates/Upgrades viewing Remote Unit statistics .............................144
IFEU ........................................................................... 178 View Network Statistics table
RAU ........................................................................... 178 Host Unit .................................................................. 143
Upgrade LPA page ........................................................... 179 Remote Unit ............................................................ 144

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TECP-77-254 • Issue 1 • February 2015 © 2015 TE Connectivity Ltd.

View Optical Ports page

Host Unit .................................................................. 136
Remote Unit ............................................................ 138
View Optical Ports table ................................................ 138
View Slots page
Host Unit .................................................................. 140
Remote Unit ............................................................ 141
alarms, current ....................................................... 193
alarms, history ........................................................ 195
All Report report ...................................................... 97
Analog Units report ........................................... 95, 96
Current Alarms report ..................................... 91, 199
DART Remote Unit status ..................................... 152
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 83
Hardware Inventory report .................................... 77
Host Forward Gain Settings report ....................... 85
Host Reverse Gain Settings report ........................ 86
Host Unit status ...................................................... 147
Link Delays report .................................................... 82
Links report ............................................................... 80
network statistics
Host Unit ......................................................... 142
Remote Unit ................................................... 144
Network Statistics report ........................................ 79
optics information ................................................. 100
Remote Forward Gain Settings report ................. 88
Software/Firmware report
system reports .......................................................... 74
VSWR column .................................................................... 89

Wavelength (nm) column
Fiber Optic Connections report ............................. 84
Get Optics Information page ................................ 101
View Optical Ports page
Host Unit ......................................................... 137
Remote Unit ................................................... 139
Week(s) (1-4) radio button ............................................ 117
Welcome window ............................................................. 27

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© 2015 TE Connectivity Ltd TECP-77-254 • Issue 1 • February 2015

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