Community Level Respone To Water Management PDF

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Outline ways in which it is possible to save water

- Taking a shower rather than a bath saves water
- Water-efficient showerheads
- Taps with a low flow rate can be fitted to bathroom and kitchen sinks
- Turning taps off when not in use and fixing dripping taps are important ways to
save water
- Dishwashers and washing machines should only be used when they are
completely filled with dishes and should always be on the most efficient water

2. How can pricing help reduce water loss?

Pricing the water incentivizes the consumers to be more conservative as any additional
waste or unnecessary use of the water increases the reading on the water meter which
will lead to a higher bill for them to pay. When people realize that they have to pay for
water it changes their whole approach in terms of how they use it.

3. Define the term rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting can be defined as storing and collecting available rainwater before
it evaporates or drains away.

4. Briefly explain how two technologies may promote greater access to freshwater

Seawater desalination, although very expensive, can be convenient and effective.

Saltwater is desalinated to produce water suitable for human consumption or irrigation.
This technology can be promoted within coastal cities as their access to ocean water

Precision irrigation feeds the plant, not the soil. Water and nutrients are being delivered
straight to the roots which lower the costs for farmers. Farmers can grow higher yields
of healthier crops. Wherever you are, whatever your challenges. Scroll down to see
three ways precision irrigation changes agriculture for the better.

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