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Java Realtime Project

Email :
Admin : +91- 630296 8665
Course Fee: Rs. 5000/-
Duration: 3 Months
Timing: 11AM-to-12:30PM

Pre-Req# Core Java, Adv Java, Spring Boot

Domain : Supply Chain Management
Project Name : Warehousing
Duration : 3 months 15 Days
Including tools(Mave,JUnit with Mock, Log4J,Docker,Cloud Deply etc)

Spring Boot , Data JPA, Security, UI:Thymeleaf , Angular Integration

Project Resume : Fresher to 3 Yers

UML : Unified Modelaing Language -OOPs (Java/.net/PHP/...)
Class Diagrams , Layers Design

DFD : Data Flow Design

Flow of data in application.

E-R : Entity Relations (Tables and their relations)

In java classes must be connected using HAS-A Relation.
Then in Database Tables are connected using Multiplicity
They are: 1...1/1...*/*...1/*...*

=> One Project is divided into individual parts for developmnent

Those are called: Modules.

=> To create one Module we should design it using 4 Layers.

They are:
a. PL = Presentation Layer (UI-HTML,CSS,JQuery,Thymeleaf..etc)
b. SL = Service Layer (Transaction Management, Logics,Calculations,Sorting..etc)
c. DAL= Data Access Layer (DB Operations-insert,update,delete,select...etc)
d. IL = Integration Layer (Webservices)

=> Validations : To avoid invalid data into App

i. Client Side Validation : Java Script, JQuery,..
Formats (user name format, password format, PAN CARD format..etc)
ii. Server Side validations: Validator(C) / AJAX + Validator.
Data Exist or not? (Email Id already exist/Mobile num already exist)

=> UI is used to show Outputs to EndUser. But Views are used to generated
Reports like PDF,Excel..etc [iText API-PDF,Apache POI-Excel]

=> Utils : Module Specific/ Module Generic(Common to all Modules)/ Graphical

Charts- PIE/BAR [JFreeCharts API]

---- Coding Files for one Module using Layers -------

1. Model/Entity class
2. Repository Interface
3. Repository Impl class
4. Service Interface
5. ServiceImpl class
6. Controller
7. Validator
8. Util
9. View
10. RestController (or) RestConsumer

=> EPIC= It is full and Final Document

that holds all project requirements(PR).
This is created by BA.

=> Every ECPI is divided into Stories (Tasks)

Ex: Employee Register, User Login, Customer Data Export, Email Setup...


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