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Truffles and Mushrooms

(Consulting Ltd)

Updated list of references for the book

“Taming the Truffle: The History, Lore, and

Science of the Ultimate Mushroom”

Ian Hall, Gordon Brown

and Alessandra Zambonelli
Updated 31 January 2009

Available from:
Dr Ian R Hall
P.O. Box 268, Dunedin, New Zealand
telephone +64-3-454 3574
mobile: +64-27-226 1844
email: info@trufflesandmushrooms.co.nz
web www.trufflesandmushrooms.co.nz/page9.html

© Truffles & Mushrooms (Consulting) Ltd

In their new book “Taming the Truffle” (Timber Press 2008) Ian Hall, Gordon Brown and
Alessandra Zambonelli have abandoned the normal scientific convention of using
reference citations to make the text flow more smoothly. Instead for those who would like
to delve deeper into the literature two files are available on Truffles & Mushrooms
(Consulting) Ltd’s web site www.trufflesandmushrooms.co.nz/page9.html. This file
(Taming the Truffle - References edited plus additions 071027.pdf) is an edited and
expanded list of references to the one in the back of the book. The second file (Taming
the Truffle - Position of references 071027.pdf) lists where each reference relates to the
text of the book paragraph by paragraph and page by page.
Recent publications that present new information that affect or undermine the conclusions
drawn in our book are in red text in this file and the additional file “Taming the Truffle -
Position of references 071027.pdf”.
The location of information on the World Wide Web is constantly changing.
Consequently, if one of the Web references is out of date, go to the home page and try
the search option if there is one or the site map. If this fails, try a good search engine
such as Google. If you find an out of date link please send the correct link to Ian Hall at
truffle1@ihug.co.nz We also welcome suggested additions to the references and where
they relate to the text of our book. Could you please send these to Ian Hall at
truffle1@ihug.co.nz We will endeavour to update both files at least annually.


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Amicucci, A., Guidi, C., Zambonelli, A., Potenza, L., Stocchi, V. 2000. Multiplex PCR for
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Amicucci, A., Potenza, L., Guidi, C., Rossi, C., Bertini, L., Zambonelli, A., Stocchi, V.
2002b. Molecular techniques in the study of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms.
In: Hall, I.R., Wang, Y., Danell, E., Zambonelli, A., eds. Edible Mycorrhizal
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Conference on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms. Christchurch, New Zealand, 3–5
July 2001. CD-ROM. New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Limited,
Amicucci, A., Rossi, I., Potenza, L., Zambonelli, A., Agostini, D., Palma, F., Stocchi, V.
1996. Identification of ectomycorrhizae from Tuber species by RFLP analysis of
the ITS region. Biotechnology Letters 18(7):821–826.
Amicucci, A., Zambonelli, A., Giomaro, G., Potenza, L., Stocchi, V. 1998. Identification of
ectomycorrhizal fungi of the genus Tuber by species-specific ITS primers.
Molecular Ecology 7:273–277.
Amicucci, A., Zambonelli, A., Guidi, C., Stocchi, V. 2001. Morphological and molecular
characterization of Pulvinula constellatio ectomycorrhizae. FEMS Microbiology
Letters 194:121–125.
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ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii Vittad. FEMS Microbiology Letters 247:23–
Barbieri, E., Gioacchini, A.M., Zambonelli, A., Bertini, L., Stocchi, V. 2005b. Determination
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