Strange Events: Zombie Woman From China Frightens Her Neighbors

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Strange Events


A 95-year-old Chinese woman, thought to be dead
and placed in a coffin, terrified her family and
neighbors by climbing right out after six long days.
Must have scared the living daylights out of her
neighbor Mr. Qingwang, who was the first to
discover the empty coffin.
Mrs. Xiufeng lives alone in her home in China’s
GuangxiProvince. She had recently suffered a
head injury, and Mr. Qingwang found her
motionless one morning when he went to give her
breakfast. “No matter how hard I pushed her and
caller her name, she had no reactions,” he said. “I felt something was wrong, so I tried her breath,
and she has gone but her body was still warm.” So believing her to be dead, Mr. Qingwang and
his son made funeral preparations, placing the old woman’s body in a coffin. Fortunately, in
Chinese tradition the coffin is retained for several days, until family and friends pay their respects.
Also, he chose not to nail the box shut until the day of burial.
So a day before the funeral, the box was discovered empty, and the corpse was gone. Alarmed,
they searched for the missing body everywhere, and where do they discover Ms. Xiufeng? In the
kitchen, cooking herself a meal. Now if it were me, I would have run for my life if I saw a corpse
cooking food. But no, turns out she hadn’t died at all. According to a county hospital, what she
suffered was an artificial death – where the person doesn’t breathe but the body is still warm. It’s a
good thing that coffin wasn’t nailed shut. But unfortunately for Ms. Xuifeng, she is left with nothing
now. All her possessions were burnt according to the Chinese tradition for the dead. I don’t
suppose she’s complaining, though.

Answer the questions

Why was Mrs. Xiufeng placed in a coffin?

......................People thought she was dead....................................................................................
Who was Mr. Qingwang?
....................Her neighbor who had discovered her empty grave. .................................
Why did he go to see Mrs. Xiufeng ?
.....................He went to give her breakfast........................................................
How was she when he found her?
.....................She was motionless.......................................................................................
Why did he think she was dead?
......................She wasn’t breathing...................................................................................................
Why was Mrs. Xiufeng lucky?
......................Because her coffin wasn’t nailed shut. ...........................................................
When did Mr. Qingwang notice that the coffin was empty?
.....................A day before the funeral.............................................................
What was she doing when they found her?
.........................She was cooking.......................................................................................
Why doesn't she have any possessions any more?
.......................Because it was burnt according to the Chinese tradition……………………..

It’s nothing short of a modern-day miracle, when envelopes stuffed with cash just keep appearing
all over town. And not just small cash, we’re
talking large amounts. Since late last year,
envelopes containing sums up to 10,000
Euros are being mysteriously ‘given’ to those
who are in need of money, in the German
town of Braunschweig. The donated money
that’s been accounted for so far amounts to
a whopping 200,000 Euros.

While the benefactor is unknown, the

beneficiaries have so far “suspected” a
hospice, a robbery victim, various charities,
and also the family of a handicapped boy.
The cash-stuffed envelopes have been left
in prayer books in churches, beneath
doormats and also in letterboxes. There are
several theories as to who is behind this
sudden ‘shower’ of cash in the settlement. Some say that it could be a lottery winner and others
feel it’s probably someone who’s received a large inheritance. Whoever it may be, the person is
being hailed as a present-day reincarnation of Robin Hood, who we’re not yet sure if is stealing
from the rich, but is certainly giving to the needy.

Answer true or false

Envelopes with a small amount of money are appearing in a German town. T

The envelopes started showing up last year. T
Everybody knows the donor. F
Many people think that a charity is giving the money. T
Some of the envelopes have been left in churches. T
People think that Robin Hood is back. F

Find synonyms for these words. You can find them in the text.

full of........................................................
Little amount ............................................. small cash
obscurely.................................................. mysteriously
given ....................................................... received
helper...................................................... benefactor
well-off...................................................... rich
poor.......................................................... needy

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