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Name, SurnameQuiz V –I UG-Number

1. Which is the neurotransmitter ofsubstancianigra?

b) Glycine
c) Dopamine
d) Acetylcholine
e) Glutamate

2.Caudate nucleus and putamen use which neurotransmitter , and where are they sending this

a) GABA, sent to globuspallidus and substancianigra

b) GABA, sent to globuspallidus and Thalamus
c) Dopamine, sent to Subthalamus and substancianigra
d) Dopamine, sent to globuspallidus and substancianigra
e) Glycine, sent to Thalamus and Subthalamus
3.Which is the area responsible for language comprehension?
a) Broca`s area
b) Wernicke`s area
c) Putamen
d) Globus pallidus
e) Substancanigra

4. What is dyslexia and which part of the brain is damaged?

a. word blindness, angular gyrus

b. word deafness, angular gyrus
c. inability to hear, damage in sensory cortex
d. inability of to move, damage in angular gyrus
e. inability to think, damage in Wernicke`s area

5.What is non-dominant hemisphere responsible for ?

a) Math, Physics
b) music, “body language”
c) Language
d) solving logical problems

6. Which is the dominant hemisphere in 95% of people?

a) left
b) right
c) both can be dominant at the same time
d) depends on the situation
7. Wernicke`s Area is in the dominant hemisphere .

 T
 F

8.Connect the disease and the damaged organ, which caused this disease

A. Hemibalismus 1. SubstanciaNigra
B. Chorea 2. Posterior pariental cortex
C. Parkinson`s disease 3. Globus Pallidus
D. Athetosis 4. Subthalamus
E. Agnosia 5.Putamen

Clinical Case:

A 70-year-old male farmer was referred to a movement disorders due to a 1-year nondisablingresting
tremor of the left hand, that later progressed to the contralateral hand. On the examination he was
moving very slowly, taking small steps, had amimic (blank) face expression ,he is slightly leaning forward.

9. What is this disease called?

a) Huntigton`s Chorea
b) Parkinson`s diease
c) Broca`s Aphasia
d) Dyslexia
e) Agnosia

10. Which area of the brain is damaged and lack of which neurotransmitter do we have?

a. Substancianigra, Neurotransmitter –GABA

b. Substancianigra, Neurotransmitter – Dopamine
c. Putamen, Neurotransmitter- Glycine
d. Subtahalamus , Neurotransmitter- Glutamate
e. Thalamus, Neurotransmitter – Glycine








8. Putamen- Chorea

Athetosis-Globus pallidus

Hemibalismus –Subthalamus

Parkinson-Substancia nigra

Agnosia-Posterior parietal cortex



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