Reaction Paper 4

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Reaction Paper-4

In this reaction paper, I am going to talk about learnings from the topic of Evolution and

revolution as organizations grow. From the above the reading, the primary knowledge I got is

that the companies grow according to their size like growth of a company having large size

will be completely different from the companies having a smaller or medium size. The

challenges will be different along with the working style for large companies as compare to

the companies having a small workforce. The other thing that I learned is the five phases of

growth for a company; it includes five stages of evolution and five stages of the revolution. In

evolution, the first stage is creativity, which is very important for a new company as well as

for a well-established company. Like if someone is going to start a company for him/her

creativity in his/her product is very important because for a new company if it wants to

establish itself into the market and on the other hand establish company has to be creative at

the time of launch of a new product. The other learnings are advantages and disadvantages of

a large size organization. In my opinion, we can not compare the organization structure of a

large size company with a small size company because, for a large size company, the

challenges are entirely different as compared to small size company. In a small size company,

the decisions can be taken very quickly because of the small size and smooth flow of


Large size in an organization also creates a lot of dilemmas like it creates ambiguity in

decision making and internal structure. As the size of the companies grows, the flow of

information sometimes becomes more robust and we know information is the key to the right

decision making, and it also improves creativity as I was working in a small organization

where the flow of the information was very smooth. I could talk to my boss as well as I was

accessible to all workers who worked under me. As a plant in-charge, I learned about the
importance of information flow because, for the smooth working of a plant, the

synchronization between the workers is essential. I did not think about all these aspects while

I was working, but during these sessions, I am getting to know the importance of the flow of

information in any organization, not only in a manufacturing organization.

The other thing which I learned is the effect of the bureaucracy on the organization. In my

opinion, bureaucracy makes things formal in an organization and gives a certain way to work

on. But there are few problems with the bureaucracy like sometimes items become too

formal, and one always has to follow every rule for small decisions also. Too much formality

can overburden the employees and also can hinder the flow of ideas and creativity. We can

see nowadays lots of organizations are going towards an informal way and allowing their

employees to work freely like Facebook, google.

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