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Reaction Paper -3

In this reaction paper, I am going to talk about the fair process, organization strategy,

structure, and process. From the first reading and class discussion, I got to know about

different organizational strategy like defenders, analyzers, prospectors, and reactors. From the

study, I got to know about the strategies of industries like prospectors always try to search for

new opportunities and keep inventing to remain relevant in the market. It also seeks to change

or adapt according to the changing environment and emerging competition by aggressive

strategies and flexible working environment inside the company. After that, I learned about

defenders; they are opposite to prospectors in their strategies towards the market. They

defend themselves with their specialty in whatever they do. These companies are very

difficult to dislodge from their market because of their efficient way of working. After

defenders, I learned about analyzer, from the reading, I learned that both prospectors and

defenders are opposite to each other while analyzer follows the middle path. They try to

minimize the risk and at the same time, try to increase the opportunity for profit. These types

of organizations are both flexible and stable and give no space to their competition to work


I also learned different management theories like traditional model, Human relation model,

and Human resources model. From the reading, I can now relate to which model my

company was working on. I was working in a Road construction company, and it was

following the traditional model of management, as I was working as a Plant in-charge; hence,

my job was to closely monitor the role of my workers and give them direction as required

according to the situation. The whole management model of my company was on the

traditional model as I was getting directed by the owner of the plant and used to give

directions to all workers working on the plant. In my opinion, this model is best for the
construction sector as you need to closely observe the work of every individual working at

plant. Other management we discussed were the human relation model and human resource

model. The human relation model focuses on the having good relationship with the

employees and motivates them by fulfilling their needs, this will drive the employees to give

their 100 percent, and the other model tells to provide the freedom to work in the

organization. This model encourages creativity and focuses on self-control and self-direction.

In the next reading, I learned about the fair processes of management, which involve

engagement, explanation, and expectation clarity. These three terms have some definite

meaning like engagement is all about having said of all individual working on a project,

explanation is all about keeping inform all the parties involved in the decision making and

also give them the reason behind the whole decision and last one is expectation clarity this

involves giving all the required information to the concerned parties. In this reading, I also

read about two parallel paths; Distributive justice and Procedural justice. Distributive justice

is about meeting the expectation, and procedural justice is exceeding the expectation by self-

initiation. In my opinion, knowledge about fair, processes is essential for someone who wants

to be a successful manager because it is very difficult for a manager to satisfy everyone, so

what he/she can do follow the fair means of working.

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