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Continuity of the Scott open filter topology

Article · January 1998


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1 author:

Xiaoquan Xu
MinNan Normal University


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第 22 卷第 2 期 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) 22 No .
Vol. 2
1998 年 5 月   JO U RNA L OF JIA NGX I NO RMA L UN IV ERSI T Y  M ay 1998

Continuity of the Scott Open Filter Topology *

Xu Xiaoquan
(Depart ment of M athemati cs , Jiangxi N ormal U niversit y , Nanchang 330027)

Abstract :
In this paper , we prove that a complete lat tice L is continuous if and only if
the Scot t open filter topology σF (L )on L is a conti nuous lattice and finer than t he upper
topology on L .
In particular , if t he prime elements i n L are order generating , then L is
continuous if and only if σF (L )is continuous.
Key words : Scot t open filter topology , scot t t opology , upper topology , cont inuous lat-
Math Subject Classiffication (China):
O153 .

In [ 1 , problem 528] , Law son and Mislove proposed the f ollowing

Problem Characterize t hose directed complete posets for w hich the lattice of open set s for
is a continuous latt ice .
Sco tt topology(alternately the Scot t open filter topology)
F or a complete lattice L , Let v (L )and σF (L )be the upper topology and the Scot t open fil-
ter topology on L respect ively .
In this paper , we prove that L is cont inuous if and only if the
Sco tt open f ilter topology σF (L )on L is cont inuos and v (L ) σF (L ).In particular , if the
prime elements in L are o rder generating , then L is continuous if and only if σF(L)is continu-
ous .
F irst w e collect some well-know n no tations , defini tions and results needed in the paper .
T he
reader w ishing more det ails can consult [ 2] and [ 3] .
Let P be a poset . P is called up-complete if every directed subset of P has a least upper
bound in P .
For x ∈ P and A P , we define ↑x ={y ∈ P :
y ≤x}and ↑A =∪{↑a :
a ∈ A};
dually , w e def ine ←x and ←A .A is called a lower (reps.
an upper)subset of P if A =↑A
op op
(reps.A =←A). The dual of P is denoted P . F P is said t o be f iltered if F is directed in P
and F is called a filter of P if , in addit ion , F is an upper subset .
To avoid confusion we use the
sy mboles ∪ and ∩ to denote t he usual union operat or and meet operator of sets respectively .
T he
join operator and meet operator in a lat tice are denoted by ∨ (or sup)and ∧ (or inf)respective-
ly .
Definition 1  An element P in a lat tice L is called prime if the relation x ∧ y ≤p always
  Received Sep . 3 , 1997
*Project Suppor ted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the N atural Science Foundation
o f Jiang xi Province .
98 江西师范大学学报(自然科 学版)  1998 年

implies x ≤P o r y ≤P , t he set of prime elements of L is denoted PRIME(L ), the co-prime ele-

ments are defined dually and the set of co-prime element s of L is denoted COPRI(L ).
Definition 2  (
1)T he partial o rder ≤O(X )defined on a T 0 space (X , O(X)
x ≤O(X)y x ∈{y}-
is called t he special ization order induced by t he t opology O(X );
(2)Let P be a poset and (P , O(P)
)a T 0 topological space .
The t opology O(P)is said to be
o rder compatible if the relation ≤O(P) agrees w ith t he original order relation on P .
F or a poset P , the topology generated by t he collection of subset s P ↑x (as a subbasis)is
called t he upper topology on P and is denoted by v(P). If Pis up-complete , then we can define a
topology on P by U P is open if and only if U is an upper subset and for each directed set D
P , sup D ∈ P D∩U ≠ .
T he topology is called the Scott topology on P and is deno ted σ(P).
Clearly , v(P) σ(P).
Proposition 1  Let(X , O(X )
)be a T 0 space and U ∈ O(X), then the f ollowing tw o con-
di tions are equivalent :
(1)U ∈ COPRI(O(X ) );
(2)U is a filter in (X , ≤O(X)).
Proof  (
1) (2).
Obviously , U is an upper subset in (X , ≤O(X)).
Fo r x , y ∈ U , if t here is
no z ∈ U wi th z ≤≤O(X)x and z ≤O(X)y , t hen U (X ↑x)∪(X ↑y )=(X {x}-)∪
(X {y }-).
Therefore , U X ↑x or U X ↑y , w hich is co nt rary t o x , y ∈ U .
Hence , U
is a filter in (X , ≤O(X)).
(2) (1).
For V , W ∈ O (X)wi th U V ∪ W , if U V and U W , then t here are ele-
ments v ∈ U V and w ∈ U W.
Since U is a f ilter in (X , ≤O(X)), there is a u ∈ U such that
u ≤O(X)v and u ≤O(X )w , but U V ∪ W im plies u ∈ V or u ∈ W .
Hence , v ∈ V or w ∈ W
since V and W are upper subsets in (X , ≤O(X)), w hich w ould cont radict v ∈ U V and w ∈
U W.
Corol lary 1  Let P be a di rected complete poset and U ∈ σ(P), then U ∈ COPRI(σ(P)
and only if U is a filter in P .
Let P be a directed poset .
T he topology generated by COPRI(σ(P)
)(as a subbasis)is called
the Scott open filter topology and is denoted σF (P).
Remark 1  If L is a complete lat tice , then by Corollary 1 , COPRI(σ(L )
)is closed w ith re-
spect t o t he formation of finite meet operators of set s .
T herefo re , COPRI(σ(L )
)is a basis of
σF (L ).
Remark 2  It is easy to see that σF (L )is order compatible v(L ) σF(L ) σF (L)is or-
der consistent (see[ 2 , Ch .Ⅱ1 .
17] and note that σF (L ) σ(L)).
Definition 3  Let L be a complete lattice :
(1)A subset X of L is said to be o rder generating if x =inf(←(x ∩ X )for all x ∈ L ;
(2)A subset B of L is said to be a base of L if x =sup (↑x ∩ B)f or all x ∈ L .
Definition 4  Let L be a complete lat tice :
第2期 徐晓泉  Scott 开滤子拓扑的连续性 99

(1)Define a binary relation (called the way bel ow relation)on L by x y if and only if
for each di rected subset D L , y ≤∨ D x ≤d f or some d ∈ D , L is called continuousif x =
∨{y ∈ L :
y x}for all x ∈ L ;
(2)A topological space (X , O(X )
)is called core compact if O(X )is a continuous lat tice ;
(3)L is called completely distributive if the following dist ributive law
(CD)F or every f amily{S i :
i ∈I} of subsets of L , i ∧
∨ S i =∨ {∧ φ(I):φ∈ i ∏
S i}holds in
T he follow ing tw o results are well-know n(see[ 2] ).
Proposition 2  F or a complete lat tice L , the follow ing tw o conditions are equivalent :
(1)L is completely dist ributive ;
(2)L is continuous and COPRI(L)is a base of L .
Proposition 3  F or a complete lat tice L , the follow ing tw o conditions are equivalent :
(1)L is continuous ;
(2)σ(L )is completely dist ributive .
A Complete lat tice L is called a Hey ting algebra , if for all x ∈ L and all subset A L,x∧∨
A =∨ {x ∧ a :
a ∈ A}.
The catego ry of complete Hey ting algebras and f unctions preserving arbi-
trary sups and finite infs is denoted HEYT .
As in [ 2] , w e let HEYT0 be the f ull subcatego ry of
HEYT whose objects are t he complete lat tices in which PRIME(L)is order generat ing .
Now , we proceed to t he main result of t he paper .
Theorem 1  Let L be a com plete latt ice , then the follow ing conditions are equivalent :
(1)L is continuous ;
(2)σF (L)is cont inuous and order compatible ;
(3)σF (L)is cont inuous and v (L) σF (L );
(4)σF (L)is completely distributive and order com pat ible ;
(5)σF (L)is completely distributive and v(L ) σF (L).
Proof  By Remark 2 and Proposition 2 , w e have (2) (3),(4) (
5)and (5) (
(1) (2).
By Proposi tio n 2 and 3 , we have σF (L )=σ(L ).
Therefore , by P roposition 2 a-
g ain , σF (L)is continuous .
Clearly , σ(L )is order compatible .
(3) (5).
Since σF (L ) σ(L ), w e have COPRI(σ(L ) COPRI(σF (L )
).T herefo re , by
Remark 1 , COPRI(σF (P))is a base of σF (P).
It follow s by Proposit ion 2 that L is com pletely
distributive .
(5) (1).
For x ∈ L , let y =∨ {z ∈ L :
z x }.
If x y , t hen x ∈ L ↑y ∈ σF (L ).
σF (L)is continuous and COPRI(σ(L )
)is a basis of σF (L )(see Remark 1), there is a Scott
open filter U w it h x ∈ U L ↑y .
Let v = ∧ U .
By U ∈ σ(L ), w e have that v x;
hence , v ≤y .
I t f ollows that L ↑y L ↑v =u ∪
(L ↑u).
Since U L ↑y , t here ex-
n n
ists a finite subset{u 1 , u 2 , … , u n } U such that U ∪ (L
i =1
↑u i)=L ↑∧
i =1
ui , and w hence
∧ ui
i =1
U , w hich would cont radict to the f act t hat U is a f ilter .
T his cont radiction show s that x =
100 江西师范大学学报(自然科 学版)  1998 年

T hus , L is continuous .
Proposition 4  If L ∈ HEYT0 , t hen v(L ) σF(L ).
Proof  If p ∈ L is prime , then L ↑p is a filter ;
and hence L ↑p ∈ COPRI(σ(L )
each x ∈ L , by L ∈ HEYT0 , there is a subset A PRIME(L)w ith x =∧ A . T herefo re , L ↑x
=L ↑∧ A =a ∪ ∈A
(L ↑a)∈ σF (L ). It follow s that v (L) σF (L).
By T heo rem 1 and Proposition 4 , w e get the following
Theorem 2  Let L be a com plete latt ice , if L ∈ HYET0 , then t he follow ing condi tions are e-
quivalent :
(1)L is continuous ;
(2)σF (L)is cont inuous ;
(3)σF (L)is completely distributive .
It is well know n t hat L ∈ HEYT0 if and only if L is isomorphic to the lat tice of open sets of
a topological space(see[ 3 ~ 5] ).
Thus w e arrive at the following
Corol lary 2  F or a topological space (X , O(X )
), the follow ing conditions are equivalent :
(1)(X , O(X ) )is core com pact ;
(2)σF (O(X )
)is continuous ;
(3)σF (O(X )
)is completely dist ributive .

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Scott 开滤子拓扑的连续性

(江西师范大学数学系 , 南昌 330027)

摘  要 :
该文 证明了完备格 L 为连续格当且仅 当 L 上 的 Sco tt 开滤 子拓扑 σF (L)为连续 格 , 且细于 L
上的上拓扑 .
特别地 , 若 L 的素元集是序生成集 , 则 L 为连续格当且仅当 σF(L)为连续格 .
关键词 :
Scott 开滤子拓扑 , Scott 拓扑 , 上拓扑 , 连续格

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