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This is a painting of Pratyangira / Naarasimhi / Atharvana Bhadrakali by artist

Avinab Mukherjee - Pratyangira is Siddhilakshmi, a form of Guhya Kali. In

Vaishnavism, Pratyangira is Narasimhi, the power of Narasimha avatar. In Durga
tradition, Pratyangira is Purna Chandi, the fiery destructive power of Brahman. In
the Vedas, Pratyangira is Atharvana Bhadrakali, the goddess of Atharva Veda and
magical spells.

Today is very special. Today at dawn Goddess Chinnamasta( in Ganapatya version,Lord

Simhamukha vinayaka ) appeared before lord Vishnu and grant him power to defeat
Hiranyakasipu. Which he did, at dusk on this day appearing as Lord Narasimha. After
brutally killing Hiranyakasipu, lord Narasimha lost his divine senses and became
wild. To tame him Lord Shiva appeared as Lord Sarabeswara and killed the physical
form of Narasimha late at night (ardha ratri). Then again Lord Narasimha appeared
as Lord Gandabherunda and killed lord Sarabeswara. Then to tame Lord
Gandabherunda's destructive form, Parashakti appeared as Goddess Pratyangira and
devoured him. This is how with the grace of Mother Pratyangira at last, peace was
established. Three great destructive forces became mild and peaceful.
This day is also special because, this day is celebrated by Ganapatya,
Shaktas,Vaishnavas and Shaivas with same reverence.
Wish you all a blessed Narasimha Chaturdasi!🙏

"All these Mantras originate from the lotus faces of Bhagavatī Guhyakālī.

- The ūrdhvavaktra of the Great Goddess is called Dīpaka and from this face twenty
Tantras originate. The deity of this āmnāya is Chaṇḍayogīśvarī.

- Below that is the lion face (siṃhavaktra) from which ten Tantras emanate. The
deity of this face is Siddhakālikā.

- Below this face is the jackal face, which is dark in color and giving rise to
thirteen Tantras. The deity of this face is Mahāsaṅkarṣaṇa.

- To the left is the monkey face called Kapīndra-vaktra, from which twenty-five
Tantras originate. The deity of this face is Kubjikā.

- On the right is the boar face (sūkaravaktra), called Trailokyaḍāmara, and from
this face originate eight Tantras.

- Further left is the face resembling the Garuḍa, represented by Sundarī, giving
rise to sixty-four Tantras.

- On the right is the yellow-hued crocodile face from which sixty-four Tantras
originate. The deity of this face is Mahāsaṃhāriṇī.

- To further left is the crystalline elephant face giving rise to nine Tantras.
This face is represented by Pratyaṅgirā.

- On the right is the dark horse face (hayāsya), presided over by Siddhayogīśvarī.
From this face, thirty-six Tantras originate.

- Finally, from the secretive faced named Siddhikarālī, sixty-four Tantras


Hoy es

Octavo día

Un día propicio para adorar a alguna de las diosas y pedir por protección y

Son adornadas especialmente pratyaṅgirā, tārā, durgā, mahākālī, mahālakṣmī y las

aṣṭamātṛkā (ocho madres)

"Maha pratyangira is much more powerful, more dangerous, more quick acting than
vidyas of Maha sharabeshwara, Prathyangira, vipareeta pratyangira, atharvana Badra
kali, Maha Maha sharabeshwara.

All her vidyas are very difficult to counter, destroy completely unless if you have
siddhi in Prathyangira and have gurus who were powerful masters themselves.

Advaitha logic and Bodhisatva principle of Buddhism are irrelevant in discussing

this deity whose form,attribute confounds even great sadhakas."

by Swaprakashananda Avadhuta Kamalashila

Pratyaṇgirā is the Śakti behind them, also referred to as the protector of Atharva
Veda, Atharvaṇa Bhadrakāli.


May the goddess Pratyangira destroy the magic spells employed by your enemies she
is seated on the lion with a terrible form of dark complexion that instills fear in
all the three worlds. Her mouths emits flames. She is clad in two fresh garments.
Her splendor resembles the sapphire. She holds the sword in her right hand and the
trident in the left. She is competent to protect her devotee.

Maha Prathyangira!

There is no variant of blackmagic existing in the world, that she cannot destroy

There is no powerful enemy (be a mortal, semi divine or deity itself) existing in
the universe, that she cannot subdue

There is no negativity, that remains untouched from her harsh gaze

There is no problem that she cannot solve

There is no offensive astra existing in the universe that can counteract her
domineering influence

My sweet mother she is, who is ready to help quickly when I invoke for others but
when it comes to myself, she takes her own sweet time and in her own way to
solve/resolve anything

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