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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Conflicts found in the story

The curious case of Benjamin Button is a famous story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Where
tell us a story of a man who was born in the body of an old man and with the pass of the years
rejuvenates. Some conflicts were created about how that event could have happened. In the
book they don´t really give us an idea of the possibilities, but in the movie, we have at the
beginning an explanation of a success that could have influenced in the state in which Benjamin
was born.
The clock of Mr. Gateau. It´s my firm believe that the clock and the situation of Mr. Gateau was
the main reason of why Benjamin was born like that, and even though that could have been the
reincarnation of Mr. Gateau or his son. The purpose of the clock was that it was going
backwards to commemorate the ones who died in the World War I because his son died there.
But why do I think that is Mr. Gateau reincarnation? Well people said that after the opening of
the BIG CLOCK nobody saw him anymore. They say he died of sadness. The book is not only
based in a romance between Daisy and Benjamin, it also teaches us how to handle things in live
with some phrases that characters through the story said.
“You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear curse the fates, but
when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” With the pass of the years Benjamin found a lot
of people who had a big meaning in the story. Those people were a learning way to teach
Benjamin about death and life just like the captain Mike Clark who said those words just
seconds before he died after the war in the ocean. The quote is based on life and how you react
against situations you have to face, because life isn´t eternal you can change past or future the
only thing you can do is to be prepare to what´s coming next and if time is over you have to
accept your destiny, don´t matter how hard you try; you have to let it go.
“Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.” The story of love that he had
with Daisy was one the most moving I have ever seen one of the most moving I have ever seen.
They just met when they were just kids but Daisy didn´t know that Benjamin was a kid he
looked like a 70 old man, after a time he met Elizabeth Abbott his lover in Russia, he fell in
love too but this was more an adventure than anything else. She showed him beautiful things,
she explained him about her travels around the world, but one day she just disappeared and
Benjamin didn´t see her again. Elizabeth was a swimmer who almost broke a record but she just
got afraid and stopped. Years after in the news Benjamin saw that she broke the record she did it
because of Benjamin, he was a big influence in her life he taught her how to be perseverate in

But what those things have something in common to support my idea of Mr. Gateau? Well, no
too far from the context those little things show us that nothing is impossible, everything happen
for a reason, we are here in this world for a reason, to live our life’s. And what Mr. Gateau and
his clock want was exactly that, try to let everybody life their life’s. Benjamin was the clearly
example of that, maybe it was predestined and he was a peon in all those people who were
around him, to give them a special gift, TIME-LOVE-PASSION-HAPPINESS.

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