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A. Analysis (Recognition) - properties or characteristics, observed or measured.

B. Comparison  -  Properties or characteristics  of  the  unknown determined  thought  analysis  are
now  compared  with  the familiar or recorded properties of known items.
C. Evaluation- Similarities or dissimilarities in properties or characteristics will each have a certain
value for identification, determined by its likelihood of occurrence.  The weight or significance of
each must therefore be considered.


A. Accuracy – correspondence between results obtained and the truth.
B. Precision – measure of the consistency of results obtained in repeated study or experimentation.
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS - It is the initial examination conducted on a
document to determine whether it is genuine or not. It is not a misnomer, for in reality it consists of
painstaking analysis more than looking at a document and expressing an off-hand opinion.


1. ensures preparedness;
2. avoidance of delay; and
3. ensures success of the case.

B. Principal points for consideration in the PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION of questioned

documents. Please note that these questions may not be applicable in every case.
1. Is the signature genuine?
2. Is the signature in a natural position?
3. Are the signatures of the witnesses genuine and were they written in the order as they appear?
4. Does the signature touch the other writings? Or was it written last?
5. Are there remains of pencil or carbon marks which may have been an outline for the signature of
other writings?
6. Is the signature shown in an embossed form on the back of the sheet?
7. Is the writings written before the paper was folded?
8. Is the signature written before or after the paper was folded?
9. Is more than one kind of ink used in the preparation of the document?
10. Are the several sheets of the document exactly the same sizes, thickness and colors?
11. Is the paper torn, burned or mutilated in any way, and if so, for what purpose?
12. Is the paper unnecessary soiled or crumpled?
13. Does the document contain abrasion, chemical/pencil erasures, and alterations/substitutions of
any kind?
14. Does the document show abrasion, erasure or lack of continuity when viewed by transmitted
15. Has the document been wet in any way and if so, for what purpose?
16. If typewritten, are the contents of the document all written on the same machine?
17. Was each sheet written continuously at one time without being removed from the typewriter?
18. Are there added figures, words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or pages written on a different
19. Do the perforations agree with the stubs from which the alleged document came?
20. If the document is a carbon copy, does it conform in the size, position, and arrangement of
matters with original letterheads?
21. If the document is a letter, does postmark, postage stamps, manner of sealing and opening of
envelope have any significance?
22. Are there indentations in the paper from handwriting or typewriting on a sheet placed above the
paper examined?
23. Is the rubber-stamp impression if any appears made from a genuine stamp?
24. Is the attached seal of proper date or the seal impression made from a genuine seal and is it made
in proper sequence?

C. Who Conducts the Preliminary Examination? – It should be conducted by a QUESTIONED


D. Who is a Questioned Document Expert? A Questioned Document Expert is one who has:
1. Attained the appropriate education and training;
2. Sufficient knowledge on the technical, scientific, and legal aspects of document examinations;
3. A broad experience in handling questioned document cases.


1. Assurance of preparedness;
2. Trial fiscal or judges are infrequently confronted with document cases; consequently, they do not
possess the knowledge of the documents expert's ability of the various methods that exist for
determining forgeries.
3. Avoidance of an “OFF-HAND” opinion.

F. What is an “OFF-HAND OPINION”? Off-hand opinion is usually a conclusion that is not based on
thorough scientific examination.

G.THE DANGER OF OFF-HAND OPINIONS - It has happened in some cases that an off-hand
opinion, has sent an innocent man to prison, while a murderer was given a chance to escape.

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