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Emily Ledbetter

LIS 635
Professional Development Plan
Part 1 - Plan for Instruction: Who Do you Plan to Teach
Title of Workshop/Training Session: The Filing Cabinet in the Cloud: How to Digitize Your
Audience: This class is open to all library card holding patrons 16 years of age or older for
Setting: This class can be offered at any Charlotte Mecklenburg library branch that has a
computer lab. The first class will be held in the computer lab of the Main Library branch on July
20 from 6:00-7:30pm. The preferred group size would be around 10 people.
Purpose for instruction: The purpose of this class is to teach attendees how to create digital
copies of their documents, organize them, and access them from multiple devices using cloud
based storage.
Needs of the learners: This class will be taught in English. If the class receives positive feedback,
we will look at training bilingual staff members to lead the class in other languages. Although,
the class allows anyone aged 16 or older to participate in the class, we expect the age range will
be around 18-35, as these would be tech literate adults who would benefit from digitally filing
their documents. While we expect most people will be interested in digitizing receipts, bills, and
school/work documents, we also intend on demonstrating how to digitize and file photographs as
Instructional objectives: Participants will learn how to create a free Dropbox account, create
digital copies of their documents, how to save already digital files, organize these digital
documents in an easy to navigate format, and how to access these files from different devices.
Rationale: Living in an increasingly digital age, institutions are moving toward providing
documents in digital formats to save on paper and mailing costs. Having some paper documents
and some digital documents can be extremely confusing when you’re trying to find something
specific, especially if you can’t recall if what you’re looking for was digital or physical. While
you could print out your digital documents, the expense of paper and ink adds up, as does the
physical space the documents take up. By digitizing documents, you are able to free up space and
easily search your files if they are labeled and organized well. Additionally, digital documents
stored in the cloud can be accessed from multiple devices meaning you can don’t need to bring a
document with you physically to view it.

Part 2 - Plan for Instruction: What Do you Plan to Teach

What will participants learn: Participants will learn how to set up and navigate Dropbox on a
computer and a smartphone. They will also learn how to use a printer’s scanner function, how to
use a portable scanner, and how to use a scanner app to scan their documents. Additionally, they
will learn techniques to aide in organizing their digital files for easy navigation.
Equipment needed: For this class, we will need a computer lab with at least 11 computers; one
per participant plus one for the instructor. This will allow attendees to create and navigate their
Dropbox accounts as the instructor walks them through the steps. We will need a projector with
the ability to cast from the instructor’s computer. We will also need an overhead camera, which
will allow the instructor to project their phone to demonstrate the mobile version of Dropbox and
use of the scanners. At least one printer-scanner and one portable scanner is also required.
Activities: The activities for this class will be as follows
● Participants and the instructor will take turns introducing themselves and giving a brief
explanation of why they are taking the class.
● Everyone will log on to the computers using their library credentials.
● Participants will complete an anonymous survey describing their skill level in Dropbox
before going through the course.
● The instructor will provide a brief explanation of what Dropbox is and how it will be
helpful in organizing and accessing digital files.
● The instructor will take the participants through the Dropbox sign up process step by
step, pausing between steps to allow the participants time to complete the step and ask for
help if needed.
● The instructor will then demonstrate how to create folders in Dropbox.
● The instructor will then project their phone using the overhead camera and demonstrate
how to download and navigate the Dropbox app, pausing so that those who have
smartphones may following along with the steps. This will be a brief introduction so as to
not isolate those without smartphones.
● The instructor will use the overhead camera to explain how to use the scanners and
scanner app.
● Next, the instructor will switch back to projecting their desktop and demonstrate how to
rename the scanned documents.
● Then the instructor will show students how to move the scans to the desired Dropbox
● The class will then move to the front of the classroom to take turns practicing with the
scanners, renaming scans, and moving scans.
● After practice has finished, the instructor will demonstrate how to use the search bar to
search for specific folders or files within the Dropbox.
● Before the class ends, participants will be directed to complete an anonymous survey
describing their skill level in Dropbox, what they liked/disliked about the class, and
feedback for the professor.
● When the class ends, students will receive a small packet of information outlining the
steps of creating a Dropbox, folder, and scan.
Outcomes/Output: After completing the activities, participants will have made their own
Dropbox account, and they will have practiced creating folders for organization within the
account. They will also have practiced using three different types of scanners. They will be able
to further format their Dropbox at home and begin scanning and filing their personal documents.
Feedback/Evaluation: Before the class starts, the instructor will direct participants to complete an
anonymous google survey answering the following prompts:
● Rate your skill in Dropbox on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.
● How did you hear about this class?
● Why did you decide to take this class?
● What specifically do you hope to get out of this class?
Before students leave at the end of the class, the instructor will have the participants use their
computers to complete an anonymous google survey answering the following prompts:
● Rate your skill in Dropbox on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.
● Did this class meet your expectations? Why or why not?
● Is there anything you wish this class covered that was not included? If yes, please
● How clear were the instructions of the class on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being not at all
clear and 10 being extremely clear?
● Was the instructor professional and courteous? Y/N
● Based on your experience with this class, would you be interested in other classes offered
by the library? Y/N
● What other classes would you like to see offered by the library?
● Do you have any other feedback about the class?
● Do you have any other feedback about the instructor?
Future sessions: If this class receives enough positive reviews and interest, we will likely take
steps to establish future sessions after reviewing the survey feedback. If there is enough interest,
I would also like to offer the class in Spanish.
Part 3 - Plan for Instruction: A Product from Class
I used Canva to create an infographic promoting the class and explaining the basic topics
covered in the class. The infographic can be found on the next page or viewed here.

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