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As seen in the

BACK Summer 2015 issue of…



A high-power
boiler burner in a
co-generation plant

Flashing and Cavitation

Some of the following questions may Executive Summary
seem unrelated, but they all involve
key concepts that explain the some-
times-misunderstood phenomena of Although flashing and cavitation are often discussed
flashing and cavitation: together, there are differences between the two and
䡲 How can relatively clean and clear water damage
how they occur. Both can cause significant damage

a valve? to valves and related equipment.

䡲 Why does it take longer to hard boil an egg in KEY CONCEPTS:
Denver than in Los Angeles?
䡲 Why does water squirt farther out of a garden 䡲 The key distinctions
hose when I place my thumb over the end?
䡲 How can the gas in my liquid propane grill last 䡲 How each condition occurs
so long? 䡲 Strategies for protecting valves
䡲 What is that noise I hear in a pump when I fail
to charge the downstream line? TAKE-AWAY:
䡲 Can I prevent flashing and cavitation? If not,
can I minimize the damage they cause to The different strategies can help to prevent or
valves? eliminate what happens. They also can be combined.
䡺 Figure 1. Normal post-guided plug (left) and
flashing-damaged post-guided plug (right)

Flashing and cavitation is the

answer to that very first question
because it can occur with very clean
and clear water—with the potential to
cause severe erosion damage to valves, 䡺 Figure 3. Phase diagram showing boiling and flashing (Machado, 2009)
piping and other equipment—even
without any erosive solids in the PROCESS PRESSURE AND VAPOR PRESSURE recover above PV, the fluid will remain
water. Figure 1 shows an undamaged The place to begin in understanding in the vapor phase. This process is
post-guided control valve plug (left) the differences is by exploring what flashing.
and a damaged identical plug that has the terms “flashing” and “cavitation” Similarly, under a condition of con-
been severely eroded by flashing actually mean. But to get to that stant pressure, a change in tempera-
(right). Note how the damaged sur- point, we should first discuss another ture can also result in a phase change.
faces of the plug on the right appear term: “vapor pressure.” The vapor PV of a fluid increases as the fluid
shiny and scalloped—and how the pressure (PV) of a fluid is the pressure temperature increases. If the fluid
beveled seating surface (i.e., the at which a liquid will begin the ther- temperature is increased to the point
geometry that allows the valve to shut modynamic process of changing to where PV exceeds the local pressure
off) is completely missing. This vapor. (which is often the atmospheric pres-
illustrates how severe flashing damage Figure 3 shows a phase diagram of a sure), vaporization will occur. This
can be despite the pureness of the single component process fluid such as process is boiling.
medium. water and graphically depicts the dif- In other words, flashing occurs
Figure 2 shows a plug and cage ference between flashing and boiling. when we lower the pressure at a con-
damaged by cavitation. Notice the Under a condition of constant temper- stant temperature, and boiling occurs
very different appearance: The plug is ature, a change in pressure can result when we raise the temperature at a
dull, dark and grainy (e.g., it looks in transition from one phase to anoth- constant pressure. (This ties back to
similar to pumice or lava rock). er. When the local pressure (Pprocess) is our egg example: It can take a bit
These two figures show that, while reduced below the fluid PV, for exam- longer to boil an egg in Denver than
cavitation damage looks very different ple, vaporization will begin. In the Los Angeles because the average
compared to flashing, the result is the process industry, if Pprocess does not atmospheric pressure is slightly lower
same: loss of throttling and shut-off
capability. Both kinds of damage are
the result of related, but very differ-

ent, processes. Pressure Velocity Pressure Velocity

Pressure Velocity

Vena Contracta

䡺 Figure 2. Cavitation damaged plug and cage 䡺 Figure 4. Bernoulli’s principle and the impact of velocity on static pressure

䡺 Figure 5. Pressure profile showing vaporization (flashing) of liquid propane, similar to the LP tank on a gas grill FLASHING
If the local pressure within the
Flashing restricted flow area drops below the
vapor pressure of the liquid, which is a
condition called the “vena contracta,”
Pressure Inlet (P 1) vaporization occurs (i.e., vapor bub-
bles would form in the liquid). If the
downstream pressure remains below
P ressure (psia)

Vapor Pressure (P V ) the vapor pressure, the process is said

Bubbble Pressure Outlet (P 2) to be a flashing service, and the outlet
formation stream will be predominantly in a
vapor phase. When this flow impinges
on valve components, it can cause the
Pressure at Vena
Contracta (P VC) Vena Contracta
kind of erosive damage shown in Fig-
ure 1. This erosion can be severe and
may occur even when no abrasive
solids are present in the liquid.
Figure 5 shows an example of flash-
ing that occurs when using a liquid
propane (LP) gas grill. At temperatures
䡺 Figure 6. Pressure profile showing how cavitation occurs above -44°F (-42°C), the vapor pres-
sure of propane is greater than atmos-
Cavitation pheric pressure. However, the tank
that contains the LP is typically pres-
surized to greater than 10 psig so the
Pressure Inlet (P 1) propane remains as a liquid within the
tank. As the liquid passes through the
tank-mounted valve and pressure reg-
P ressure (psia)

ulator, fluid pressure drops well below

Bubble Pressure Outlet (P 2) its vapor pressure, causing the LP to
flash entirely to a vapor. For typical
Vapor Pressure (P V) conditions, propane has almost 300
Pressure at Vena
Formation times greater volume as a gas at stan-
Contracta (P VC) Vena Contracta dard atmospheric pressure (known as 1
atmosphere) than as a liquid within a
pressurized tank. That is why the rela-
Distance tively small volume LP tank can last so
long on a gas grill.
The gas grill example would be
in the “Mile-high” city of Denver— becomes fast-moving rapids or white- called an “open system,” because it
water boils at a slightly lower tempera- water when the river encounters a nar- ultimately vents to the atmosphere
ture there than it does near sea level.) row canyon. Boyle’s law, Bernoulli’s and can exchange matter and energy
Next we look at why flashing hap- principle and Euler’s formula show us with that much larger system (our
pens in industrial processes and piping that the pressure in a restricted flow atmosphere). When a liquid flows
systems. area (such as a valve) will be lower through a piping system, it often is
When a liquid is flowing through a than in a larger pipe section. considered a “closed system,” because
conduit, such as a pipe or a garden These ideas are shown graphically it can exchange energy but not

hose, and it encounters a restriction, in Figure 4. exchange matter with an external

such as a valve (or your thumb on the
end of the hose), it accelerates to a
higher velocity. Why does this hap-
pen? It occurs because, when a liquid
encounters a smaller flow area, the liq-
uid must accelerate to maintain conti-
nuity—that is, to retain a relatively
constant volumetric flow rate. This is
much the same as the way a river
tends to meander and run slowly when 䡺 Figure 7. Vapor bubble collapsing as static fluid pressure recovers to above PV
it’s flowing through a wide plain, but
system such as the atmosphere. In 䡺 Figure 8. Simple pressure drop curves for a centrifugal pump
closed systems, all process conditions
need close consideration to determine Pump Outlet Pressure
whether flashing may occur.

Figure 6 depicts the pressure profile
of a process fluid moving from left to Pump Inlet Pressure
Centrifugal Pump
right in a closed system. If the PV of
the fluid is below the upstream pres- Pressure Curve B, Pressure Outlet (P 2)
sure (P1), above the vena contracta Cavitation Does Not
pressure (PVC) and below the down-
stream pressure (P2), vapor bubbles Pressure Inlet (P 1)

can form as pressure drops. In this

case the bubbles can suddenly col-

P ressure
lapse or implode as the pressure Pressure Curve A,
recovers, a condition known as cavi- Cavitation Occurs

tation. Cavitation is often energetic, Vapor Pressure (P V)

and it has great potential to damage Pressure at Vena Contracta (P VC)
Vena Contracta
valves in a manner similar to what is
illustrated in Figure 2.
The bubble implosions create Distance
“micro-jets” of fluid that can impinge
on valve component surfaces at high
velocities. The bubble collapse can also ensure the pump does not cavitate, as Resistance strategies use materials
create shock waves of up to 100,000 shown in curve B. In this case, the that are very hard, that have a high
psi. Figure 7 shows a schematic of a pressure at the eye of the impeller still fracture toughness or fatigue strength
single vapor bubble collapsing as the drops below the inlet suction pressure or that are less vulnerable to erosion
surrounding fluid pressure recovers to of the pump, but the pressure of the damage through other means. Isola-
above the vapor pressure. liquid at the eye of the impeller tion design strategies involve design-
When shock waves from local bub- remains above the liquid vapor ing flow paths that minimize the
ble implosion impact against valve pressure so no cavitation occurs. impingement of flashing or cavitation
component surfaces, typical materials onto critical valve surfaces. Elimina-
of construction for industrial valves PROTECTING VALVES FROM DAMAGE tion strategies include using tortuous
can be work-hardened and fatigued. Generally speaking, valve manufactur- paths or true engineered staging of
As the surfaces become brittle and less ers use one or more design strategies pressure drops across the valve. They
resistant to local fracture, they also are to protect valves from the potentially also include adding a valve or orifice
subjected to liquid micro-jets that detrimental effects of flashing and plate to split the pressure drop across
essentially deteriorate the material cavitation. These strategies can be multiple devices; this creates a greater
with time. This process creates the described as “resistance,” “isolation” P2 at the first device, reducing the
grainy appearance unique to cavita- or “elimination.” potential for cavitation. Aspirating
tion damage. atmospheric air or injecting higher-
Figure 8 shows how cavitation pressure air into a valve is a third
occurs in a centrifugal pump. If the example of an elimination strategy.
pressure at the eye of the pump Manufacturers may also combine these
impeller drops below PV as shown in strategies for heightened protection

curve A, vapor bubbles form, then sub- against damage.

sequently collapse downstream when
system pressure recovers to above PV. Resistance
A centrifugal pump requires that pres- Materials of construction should be
sure, temperature and velocity be chosen to resist both mechanical

maintained within the pump design attack and chemical attack. Mechani-
specifications to prevent cavitation. cal attack occurs in two forms: erosion
This prevention is essential because (including abrasive, flashing and/or
cavitation can cause significant dam- cavitation) and material deformation
䡺 Figure 9. The valve plug on the left has a very hard
age to the pump impeller, extreme Alloy 6 tip; the valve plug on the right is made of a and subsequent failure. After a period
vibration and high noise levels. Ensur- softer alloy. Both plugs were exposed to similar of mechanical attack, many of the pro-
ing a pump is operated within condi- flashing conditions for similar durations. tective coatings of a material (films,
tions for which it was selected will oxides, etc.) are physically removed,
of the flow, where the vena contracta
occurs downstream of the valve plug,
actually occurs past the plug at the
valve outlet. Again, isolation and
resistance strategies can be combined
by flowing in this reverse orientation
and using wear-resistant materials for
the seat and outlet liner.

Liner insert Elimination

An elimination strategy also can be
used in combination with other strate-
gies, including both resistance and
isolation, to treat cavitation. Cavita-
tion can be eliminated by creating
more back pressure locally within the
䡺 Figure 10. Angle body cutaways valve. However, this approach will not
eliminate flashing because the down-
stream pressure will never recover
passed through the trim. Ideally, most above the fluid vapor pressure. In rare
energy—and potential for damage— circumstances, the entire system pres-
associated with flashing or cavitation sure can be raised above the fluid
will then dissipate in the flow stream vapor pressure for all process condi-
rather than come in contact with the tions. (This will eliminate flashing,
trim or other valve flow passages. but may introduce cavitation.) Still, it
Also, hardened materials can be is much more common to use a design-
used as liners to protect the outlet of based elimination strategy to mini-
the valve as shown in the figure. This mize or prevent damaging cavitation.
䡺 Figure 11. Eccentric plug reverse flow computational
fluid dynamics image, showing high velocity region
is a way to combine the resistance and Drilled hole cages, tortuous paths
downstream of the plug isolation strategies. and other trim designs are used by
Figure 11 shows a computational valve manufacturers to carefully man-
fluid dynamics model of an eccentric age the internal vena contracta pres-
making the base material more vulner- plug rotary valve, specifically designed sure so it is always above the fluid
able to chemical attack. Figure 9 for erosive service, in a reverse flow vapor pressure. This minimizes or pre-
shows two valve plugs exposed to simi- orientation. The high-velocity region vents the bubble formation altogether,
lar flashing conditions for similar

Generally, internal wetted valve com-
ponents (often called trim) are subject
to the highest flow velocities as they
control the flow and pressure drop
across the valve. These high velocities
accelerate abrasive or erosive wear so
that wear is a function of duration of
exposure and proximity to high-veloci-

ty flow regions.
Isolation means directing the flow
path in a way that prevents or mini-
mizes impingement of the process
fluid onto critical surfaces. Figure 10
shows cross-sectional views of angle
body valve designs. Angle valves,
when oriented so that the flow passes
through the valve as shown in this fig-
ure (commonly called a flow-down ori-
entation), allow flashing or cavitation 䡺 Figure 12. Drilled-hole cage (left) and angle body with drilled-hole cage and axial pressure staging (right)
to primarily occur after the fluid has
which eliminates the cavitation as CONCLUSION BERT EVANS is manager and RICHARD L. RITTER III is
well. Figure 12 shows a drilled hole Flashing and cavitation are thermody- instructional designer for Emerson Process Man-
cage (left) that combines all three namic processes resulting from process agement (, Fisher
design strategies: resistance (hard fluid properties and process conditions. Product Training. Reach Evans at
materials), isolation (flow down) and It is important to know both the fluid
elimination (pressure staging). If care- properties (such as vapor pressure) and
fully designed, the hole geometry, the system properties (such as process REFERENCES
diameter and spacing also help to iso- pressure and temperature) to under- 1. Fisher Controls International LLC. (2011).
late the individual jets as the flow stand whether cavitation or flashing Control Valve Source Book Pulp & Paper. In
F. C. LLC, Control Valve Source Book Pulp &
passes through the cage. are potential issues to address in valve Paper (pp. 4-6, 4-7). U.S.A.:
A more severe cavitating service selection and application. Flashing and http://www.documentation.emerson-
may require additional design strate- cavitation can cause significant valve
gies, such as those shown on the right damage, even with clean fluids that do 2. Machado, G. (2009, 08 01). Polymeric
of Figure 12. This design uses all of the not contain any solids. Many valve Solution for Pump Cavitation. Retrieved 05
approaches previously discussed with design approaches will handle flashing 07, 2015, from Electric Power:
the addition of axial pressure staging and cavitation, but they generally can solution-for-pump-cavitation/
as the flow passes through the valve be categorized as using resistance, iso-
trim. This particular design is capable lation and elimination. Understanding
of handling up to 6,000 psid pressure these three general principles can help
drops while minimizing or eliminating in selecting the ideal valve design for
cavitation and associated damage. tough applications. VM


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