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Nam : Bayu Irawan

NIM : 2019313004

Jurusan : Teknik Sipil

I. Direction: Translate in English and make sentences become be- in Simple Present form!

A. (+) I am a student at Palembang PGRI University.

(-) I am Don't a student at Palembang PGRI university

(?) Do you a student at Palembang PGRI university ?

B. (+) Anne and Anna are twin sisters.

(-) Anne and Anna don't twin sisters

(?) Do Anne and Anna twin sisters ?

C. (+) English is an international language.

(-) English doesn't is an internasional language

(?) Does English is an international language ?

D. (+) The woman is the most beautiful in our village.

(-) The Women Doesn't is the most beautiful in our village

(?) Does is the most beautiful in our village ?

E. (+) I am an Indonesian

(-) I am an Doesn't is teh most beautiful on our village

(?) Do you an Indonesian ?

II. Direction: What are proffesions in the below pictures!

A. Teacher

B. ophthalmologists

C. Golfer

D. Engineering
III. Direction: Change the sentences into Present Continuous tense in positive form!

A. We are going to school

B. My father driving his new cars

c. My grand father sits in wheeling chair.

d. Our English teacher teaching us in this class

e. All the students listening the music in English Laboratory.

IV. Direction: Tell characteristic your mother in a paragraph! (min 100 words)

Indonesia :

Ibu saya lahir di OKI, Bubusan. Ibu saya adalah orang yang pemarah tetapi sangat peduli. Ibuku juga
tidak foya-foya, dia sangat suka menabung. Demi kelangsungan hidup anak-anaknya. Dan
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kepada orang tua saya, saya bisa kuliah. Karena sebelumnya kakak saya
tidak bisa kuliah karena ekonomi saat itu benar-benar sangat memprihatinkan. Ibu saya adalah sosok
yang hebat. Karena Ibu, saya dapat melihat dunia.

English :

My mother was born in OKI, Bubusan. My mother is a hot-tempered person but very caring. My
mother is also not a spree, she is very fond of saving money. For the sake of the survival of children.
And Alhamdulillah, thanks to my parents, I was able to lecture me. Because before my brother could
not go to college because the current economy is really very alarming. My mother is a great figure.
Because of Mother, I was able to exist in this world.

V. Direction: Choose the best answer between “is” and “are” in the blanks!

a. There is a bag in the chair.

b. There is one student absent.

c. There are 30 clasess in that school.

d. There are 2 dogs in garage house.

e. There is an apple on the table.

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