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During this class you
Intermediate • Discuss international
cultural rituals.

• Talk about cultural

rituals from you own

• Discuss traditions
you agree or
disagree with.
Share your thoughts.

- What is the definition of a cultural ritual?

- What are some international cultural rituals?

- What are the most important cultural rituals in

your country?
And you can quote me…
Read and answer the questions.

"The difficulty lies not so much in developing new

And you
ideas as in escaping from old ones."
-- John Maynard Keynes
- What does this quote mean to you?
- Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? me…
- Do you feel that tradition can affect our creativity?

- Are there any traditions you would like to change?

Speak your mind.
Share your thoughts and opinions.

Many countries have ritualistic ceremonies

celebrating when a young man or woman come
of age. When a man reaches the age of Speak
marriage in the Huaorani indigenous group of the
Amazon basin, he must build a dugout canoe your
large enough to safely hold the family of his
prospective bride. A quinceañera is celebrated
when a Latin American girl turns fifteen.
- At what age do you believe a person should be
considered an adult? Why?
- What privileges do you feel a new adult should have
when they reach this age?
- Should new adults have to do some form of military or
community service by law? Why or why not?
- How old do you think a person should be before they
get married? Why?
Imagine that!
As a class, create a story.

The Olympics is an international event where

countries take advantage of showing off their
athletic prowess and bring awareness to their
unique cultures.
Your class has been appointed to the that!
International Olympic Committee for the year
2032. Plan the Olympics together.

Think about:

- Where should the Olympics to be held?

- What new sports events be included?
- What events should be eliminated?
- How can countries show the world their cultural
Answer me this!
Take turns asking each other questions.

1. Are there any unusual cultural rituals in your country?

2. Are there any traditions in your country you disagree

with? Why? How should it be changed?

3. What was the last cultural ritual that you participated

me this!
in? What made it special?

4. Are there any cultural rituals you know about in other

countries you would like to experience? Why?

5. Is there a tradition you would like to start in your family

or your country? Describe it.
Before you go!
Here’s some cultural fun:

There are many cultural rituals attached to food

Before you
in different countries.
- In many countries, serving cake is associated
with birthdays and weddings.
- Eating a “thousand-year-old” egg is purported
to promote longevity in China.
- Sukiyaki, a beef and vegetable stew, is
considered a friendship dish in Japan.

- What traditional food from your country would you like

to share with a foreign friend?

- Do you know any traditional foods in other countries?

Pick one question to discuss: Wrap-up
1. What did you like most today?

2. What do you need to improve on?

3. What did you do well on today?

Use this slide to extend an activity.


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