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I have a big issue with procrastination, all of my life I have been hearing my mom

saying to me “Don’t let for tomorrow what you could have done today.”, but for me
is really hard to do things without feeling pressure, I mean, I always do the things
one day after. Anyways, I think it had been working to me because I always do the
things that I have to do at time. Being a student nowadays is just one long lesson
in temptation. Should we do homework or click around on Youtube until we get a
headache? Avoiding of responsability can be so stressed too, because you’re
always aware of your duties, doing nothing about it.
These days in quarantine, I decided to get rid of my procrastination habit. I’m trying
to overcome procrastination forcing myself to do my things just after they’re
assigned for me, it makes me feel kind of a relief. Only if I continue doing this type
of things, would I overcome procrastination at all. If you feel identificated with me,
you need to realize that you have to change. Otherwise, you will be a procastinator
and the results are always gonna be poor.

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