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When you visit our country, you need to pay attention to common behaviors

people have.

Also you can search information about the customs and protocol of our country

before visiting us. When you arrive, you should try the local dishes, Colombian

cousine is very diverse and varies depending on the differents regions of

Colombia, the food include a lot of meat, in the costal areas you’ll find a good

variety of fish, lobster and seafood often prepared with a sauce made of coconout

milk, let’s say that my favorite dish is a chicken soup includes kinds of potatoes,

corn, sour, cream, and capers, it’s called Ajiaco. Moreover you should learn a few

words of the local lenguaje, each Colombian region has its own accent and

vocabulary. That’s why is imposible to generalize a single Colombian accent, there

are expressions that only make a sense in Colombia too such as enguayabado

(hungover) cantaleta (nagging) parce (buddy) bacano (cool) and “estar en la

jugada” (to be aware). Furthermore the weather in Colombia is incredibly diverse

with climates, landscapes and scenary changing with even the shortest jurney by

road or air.

Colombians are proud that the world is discovering the magic of Colombia. From

the customs and traditions its beautiful people and landscapes. You have to come

before you die.

Shara Galviz Martinez.

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