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The auxiliary/modal can has the same form regardless the subject. There is no -s in the 3rd
person singular.

The auxiliary/modal can is used with a main verb in its infinitive. It can be used alone in
short answers.

There is no contracted form of can in affirmative sentences.


longform contractedform longform contractedform

I cansing. --- I cannotsing. I can'tsing.

Youcansing. --- Youcannotsing. Youcan'tsing.

He cansing. --- He cannotsing. He can'tsing.

Shecansing. --- Shecannotsing. Shecan'tsing.

Itcansing. --- Itcannotsing. Itcan'tsing.

Wecansing. --- Wecannotsing. Wecan'tsing.


longform contractedform longform contractedform

Youcansing. --- Youcannotsing. Youcan'tsing.

--- Theycannotsing. Theycan'tsing.

Use can every time regardless the subject.

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Short answer

Can you speak English? Yes, I

No, I cannot.
Can you climb atree?
No, I

Can he play rugby? Yes, he

Can Mandy read poems? Yes, she

No, they can't.

Can they sing nicesongs?
No, they cannot.

We use 'can' to talk about 'possibility'.

 Can you do that?

 I can't manage to do that.
 You can leave your car in that parking space.

Notice that there are two negative forms: 'can't' and 'cannot'. These mean exactly the same
thing. When we are speaking, we usually say 'can't'.

We use 'can' to talk about 'ability'.

 I can speak French.

 I can't drive.

We use 'can' to ask for and give permission. (We also use 'may' for this but is more
formal and much less common.)

 Can I speak to you or are you too busy?

 You can use my phone.

We use 'can' in offers, requests and instructions.

 Can I help?
 Can you give me a hand?

Degrees of ability

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

 *** = verywell
 ** = well
 * = quite well
 - = (not) verywell
 -- = (not) at all

1. We can play the piano …………...***

2. Max can skateboard…………...*
3. My dad can't play football ………………..-
4. I can playchess……………..**
5. Wecan'tspeakJapanese……………...--
6. You can sing and dance …………………..***
Fill in can or can't (cannot) into the gaps.
+ indicates an affirmative sentence, - indicates a negative sentence.

Ben ………………… skate. (+/can)  Ben can skate.https://www.englisch-

1. I …………….swim. (+/can)
2. You ………..draw. (-/can)
3. He …………….cook. (+/can)
4. She ………….walk. (-/can)
5. It …………..jump. (+/can)
6. We …………….ski. (-/can)
7. You ………….read. (+/can)
8. They …………..count. (-/can)
9. Doris ………..sail. (+/can)
10. Walter and Laura ……………sing. (-/can)

A. Carefully read the following chart and answer the questions below
Picture Name Use

Microscope Uses two lenses to make things look larger.

Cover Slip Used to cover specimens on a microscope slide.

Used to place specimens on to observe under the


Magnifying Glass Uses one lens to make things look larger.

Cylinders Used to measure liquid volume.
(glass or plastic)

Beaker Used to stir, heat (if glass), and measure liquid

(glassorplastic) volume.

BeakerTongs Used to handle hot beakers.

Florence Flask Glassware used to heat and store substances.

Erlenmeyer Flask Glassware used to heat and store substances.

RubberStoppers Used to plug a flask or testtube for safe keeping.

Test Tube Used to mix, heat, or store substances.

Test Tube Rack Used to hold test tubes.

Test TubeHolder Used to hold a hot test tube.

Test Tube Brush Used to clean test tubes.

Aids in pouring liquids into small openings without

spilling them.

Used to hold specimens for observation and to grow

Petri Dish

Meter Stick Used to measure length in the Metric System

Used to measure and transfer small amounts of


Triple Beam
Used to measure mass in grams.

Used to measure temperature in degrees Celsius or


Safety Goggles To be worn when told to do so to protect your eyes.

Used to clamp onto a ring stand to sit a beaker or

Ring Clamp

Test TubeClamp Used to clamp onto ring stand to hold test tube.

A stand used to support a ring clamp or test tube

Ring Stand

B.-Answer the following questions. Always use Can.

1.- What can we use to protect our eyes?

2- What can I use a funnel for?

3.- Can you use a triple beam balance to measure temperature?

4.- Can you use goggles to look things larger?

5.- Can you clean test tubes with a test tube brush?






e.g. :My grandfather can´t handle hot beakers at all.




D.-SPEAKING What’s this?

What can you do with it?

How well can you do it?

Practice with vocabulary of tools and lab equipment.!!



What Is a Fixed Pulley?

A fixed pulley is a simple machine that uses a wheel with a groove in it and a rope
that fits into the groove. The other end of the rope attaches to a load, or the object
you need to move.
A fixed pulley is different from a movable pulley because the wheel does not move. The
rope simply moves over the groove of the wheel when force is applied (when the rope is

How Does a Fixed Pulley Work?

The point of simple machines is to make work easier. When one end goes down, the
other goes up.
A couple ways to make it easier to pull the rope is to have two people pull down on it
or to attach weights to the end of the rope that is being pulled.

Types of Pulleys Found in the Home

From antiquated systems designed to lift water to the complex modern components on
gigantic cranes, pulleys are one of the most useful tools in existence. You might not
notice them, but they're likely scattered throughout your home.
Different types of pulleys produce different advantages in terms of less force being
Pulleys in the Home
You may think that because they are such simple mechanical machines, pulleys are
not that common around a modern home, but this is not at all true. Some examples.
Curtains and blinds: Curtains are one of the most common applications of pulleys
in your home. Pulleys move curtains back and forth, and they lift and lower window
blinds. Depending on their design, curtains may employ two-wheel pulleys or a
combination of single- and dual-wheel pulleys.
Fitness: With all the pulley shapes, sizes and types used, exercise equipment might
seem to be nothing but pulleys. Single, double, triple, or quadruple wheels are used to
lift, stretch and pull weights from every direction.
Clotheslines: These backyard fixtures benefit from having pulleys on both ends.
Walking back and forth to the clothes basket is unnecessary. Stand at one end, pull
the rope, remove the clothes and put another item in the basket.
Extension ladders: Full-extension ladders have pulleys inside the framework that
allow for the extension of the ladder. Without pulleys, extension ladders would be
difficult to operate, at best.
Projection screens: Modern technology, too, depends on pulleys. Home theaters use
pulleys to lift and lower large projection screens.
Fall protection: Safety harness gear used to protect climbers against slips and falls
sometimes includes pulleys. They allow more mobility than fixed harnesses.
Garage doors: Automatic garage door openers use pulleys to lift and lower the door.
Manual garage doors can employ pulleys that enable you to lift heavy doors with little
Flagpole: If you're patriotic, you might have a flagpole in front of your house. The
pulley is a vital part of lowering and raising the flag.
Garage storage: Use pulleys in the garage to lift and store items such as bicycles
near the ceiling, out of the way.
What Is a Movable Pulley?.

B is the movable pulley, W is the load and C is a fixed

Like other types of pulleys, movable pulleys are made of a wheel and rope. The wheel
has a little divot, or groove, around it where the rope can fitinside . While that might
not sound like much, a pulley makes it much easier to lift heavy loads. What makes a
movable pulley unique is that only one part of the rope is attached to a fixed object,
like a bar or a beam. When both parts of the rope are attached to a fixed object, this is
known as a fixed pulley.
Real World Examples
Movable pulleys are all around us! As we mentioned before, elevators are real-world
examples of movable pulleys. You might be thinking, 'Well, I haven't seen a pulley in
the elevator before...' This is because it is not inside the part of the elevator that you
stand in; rather, it can be seen inside the elevator shaft.

Do you know someone who enjoys lifting weights at the gym? Many of the weight
lifting machines have movable pulleys inside them as well. This allows the person
working out to use less effort to lift a given amount of weight, which helps them to
work out safely and avoid injury. Cranes (the big machines that you might see at a
construction sight) are movable pulleys as well.

B.- Complete the chart with the antonyms of these words.

Go up

B. Pay attention: The tense is written in the Simple Present. Let’s review this

D.- Underline in the text 5 sentences in the Simple Present.

E.- Write those sentences below and give the question.






Questions without question words in Simple Present

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject
(+ n't)

Yes, I do.
Do you read books?
No, I don't.

football Yes, he does.

Does Peter play
? No, he doesn't.

Questions with question words in Simple Present

Questionword Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

Iplay games
on my
What do you play onyourcomputer? computer.

Shegoes to
work at 6
When does yourmother go towork?

Imeet them at
Where do you meet yourfriends?
the bus stop.

be as a main verb


I I am fromBritain I am not from Britain. Am I fromBritain?
He, She, It He isfromBritain. He is not from Britain Is he fromBritain?
We, You, They are fromBritain. They are not from Are theyfromBritain?
They Britain.

F.- Answer the following questions about the text.

1.-What does the wheel of a movable pulley have?
2.- Do fixed pulleys move with the load?
3.- Do people use pulleys to apply less force?
4.- What do pulleys do in curtains and blinds?
5.-Does a step ladder have pulleys?
6.- Does the flagpole of our school have a pulley?

What’s this? It’s a pulley.
What is it useful for? It is useful for………
Do you have it at home?Yes, I do. //
No, I don’t // Yes, I have one in…
Practice with vocabulary of tools and lab equipment.!!

Definition:Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands warning or instructions, and
(if you use "please") to make a request.
For example:
Give me that tape, please.
To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without "to"
For example:
Come here!
Sit down!

To make a negative imperative, put "do not" or "don't" before the verb:
For example:
Don't go!
Do not walk on the grass.

You can also use "let's" before the verb if you are including yourself in the imperative. The
negative of "let's" is "let's not".
For example:
Let's stop now.
Let's have some lunch.
Let's not argue
Let's not tell her about it.
Adults do not usually give each other orders, unless they are in a position of authority.
However, adults can give orders to children and to animals.
For example:
Sit down now!
You can use the imperative to warn someone of danger.
For example:
Sit down now!
Watch out!
Look out!
Don't cross!
When you give advice using the imperative.
For example:
Don't tell him you're resigning now! Wait until Monday when he's in a better mood.
Don't drink alcohol
Don't eat heavy meals
You can also use the imperative to make a request, but you should use a polite word before
the verb:
For example:
Please take a seat.
Please wait here.
Note that an imperative sentence does not require a subject; the pronoun "you"
is implied.

Activity A:An imperative sentence is a commanding sentence. Rewrite the

following sentences as imperative sentences.
1. You pass the crackers please. ______________________________________
2. You share the cookies. ____________________________________________
3. You do your homework. ___________________________________________
4. You feed the goldfish. _____________________________________________
5. You water the plants. _____________________________________________
6. You pick up the toys. _____________________________________________
Activity B:Imperative sentences, like other sentences, must have a verb.
Find and underline the verbs in the following imperative sentences.

1. Pass out the money for the game.

2. Share the cupcakes.
3. Feed the puppy soon.
4. Wear a raincoat today.
5. Smile at Grandma.
6. Close the door.
7. Finish your homework.
8. Clean up your mess.
9. Write neatly on the paper.
10. Open the cabinet carefully.

ACTIVITY C: Identify all the imperative

sentences in the following text and
classify them by advice, request, etc.
Workshop rules and safety considerations

Workshop safety is everyone's responsibility, the following rules

have been put in place to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Please read the safety rules carefully
before entering the workshop.

Workshop rules

Student affected by drugs or alcohol are not permitted in the workshop

Don´t eat or drink in the workshop

Wear the correct protective equipment for the tools you are using – ask if in doubt

All chemicals (e.g. glues and paints) must be checked by workshop staff before use

Immediately notify the workshop supervisor of any broken equipment

Ask how to use the tools safely

Make sure your work piece is fixed securely before work starts.

Do not talk to anyone operating electrical equipment and machinery

Keep your work area tidy

Clean up any spills immediately

Wash hands after using equipment and materials

Ensure your safety in the workshop

When entering workshop

Pick up your hearing and eye protectors and immediately report to the workshop supervisor.

When leaving the workshop

Check that any tools you have been using have been put away in the appropriate spots, cleaned up your
work area and notify the workshop staff.

Clothing & footwear

Every person entering the workshop must wearsafety glasses and hearing protection at all times.

Students that wear glasses should be aware these are not safety glasses, they are only impact
resistant and may shatter, safety glasses must be worn.

All loose clothing (eg shirts hanging out) must be tucked in.

Safety boots or enclosed shoes must be worn in the workshop. Do not enter under any
circumstances without this footwear, there are no exceptions to this rule.

Long hair has to be tied up including fringes.

Remove rings and loose jewelry before operating machinery they can be a hazard.


Fooling around, horseplay, practical jokes and pranks in the workshop will not be tolerated. These
students will be told to leave.

ACTIVITY D: Make up imperative sentences and sentences with ‘Can’.

Write as many sentences as you can. Use your imagination.!!!
e.g: long hair has to be tied up before working in the workshop.
- Tied up your hair before working in the workshop.
- Don´t use loose hair in the workshop.
- You can´t use loose hair in the workshop.
1.- Don´t eat or drink in the workshop.
2.- Wash hands after using equipment and materials.
3.- Remove rings and loose jewelry before operating material.
4.- Safety glasses must be used.
5.-Every person entering the workshop must wear safety glasses and hearing
protection at all times.
6.-Safety boots or enclosed shoes must be worn in the workshop.
7.-Keep your work area clean and tidy.

General Revision
A.-Let’s review.

Complete the sentences below by using one of the following words: boil,
evaporate, burn, stretch, dissolve, contract, crash, sink, ignite, burst,
rust, condense, freeze, fade, float, bounce, soften, freeze, expand,
shrink. (Look up the words in the dictionary first!!)
1.-When you heat metal, itexpands and if you cool it, itcontracts.

2.-If you leave iron outside in the rain, it ______________.

3.-If you wash your T-shirt in too hot water, it ___________ and the
4.-Water ______________ at zero degrees Celsius and ______________ at
100 degrees.
5.-Steam ______________ if it comes in contact with very cold glass.
6.-Water ______________ if you leave it in the sun.
7.- If you need something from the freezer, take it out one day earlier and put it
in the fridge so it ______________ slowly. Don’t put it back again. If it
______________ one more time, it can be harmful for your health.
8.-A spark from the engine ______________ the fuel.
9.- If you put sugar into your tea and mix it gently, it___________.
10.- If you pull a rubber band, it_______________.
11.- If you drop a ball, it _________ off the floor.
12..- If you overload your laptop, it __________ and you need an expert to fix it.
13.- If a balloom gets in contact with a cactus, it _____________.
14.- The candle ___________ for many hours before it goes out.
15.- If you throw a stone into the sea, it ___________, but if you throw a
wooden plank, it ____________.

B.-GIVING INSTRUCTIONS – Read the text and underline the verbs. Make sure you
know the vocabulary. Make a vocabulary list in your folder.

In our everyday life we have to give and follow certain instructions. Have a look at this
example about how to change an oil filter:
*Check the handbrake is on and jack up the front of the car. Put a shallow pan on the
ground under the engine.
*Make sure that’s directly underneath the engine’s drain plug.
*Unscrew the drain plug and wait for the oil to drain completely. It will flow out easily.
Replace the plug and tighten it with a wrench.
*Then locate the oil filter.
*Remove the filter by rotating it slowly counter
clockwise. Pour any remaining oil into the pan.
*Screw in the new filter, rotating it clockwise. Do not
screw it too tightly.
*Remove the drain pain and carefully pour the oil into
a special container that can be sealed off.
*Lower the car to the ground again. Do it slowly.
Then pour new oil in. Check for any leaks under the
*Repeat this process every 5,000 kilometers to keep your car in good conditions.

C.- Carefully read the paragraph and do the exercises.

Survival tool:

This tool has a ruler, a screwdriver, a pick and a blade. It also has two openers.
One opens cans. The other opens bottles. It has two wrenches. It doesn´t have a
saw. And it doesn´t have a hammer, because the tool is too small. It has a plastic
cover. The cover comes in three colors: black, blue and red.


1.- Does the survival tool have a hammer?

2.- Does this multi tool have wrenches?
3.- Does this tool have a saw?
4.- Does this tool have openers?
5.- Does it have a cover?
6.- Does the cover come in different colors?
7.- Is this tool big or small?

D.- Match the parts to the words: Handle, shaft, blade, head, jaws.
E.- Draw some tools that you know. Label the parts and then, write sentences
like this:
This is a…… It has a handle, a head and two jaws

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