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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus


Pakistan Studies HUM-111

Total marks-10

Submitted To: Ma’am Samiya Shahzad

Submitted By: Ayesha (SP19-BCS-049)

Question: Explain Kashmir issue in detail. In your opinion what is the solution of Kashmir
issue? Also tell, why Pakistan is celebrating Kashmir Siege Day today, on 5th August 2020?

Kashmir Issue:

Kashmir has been a hotspot since the partition of India and Pakistan. Both countries claim that
Kashmir is an integral part of their respective countries. The Kashmir conflict refers to the
territorial dispute over Kashmir, the northwestern most region of South Asia. The parties to the
dispute are India, Pakistan, China, and the people of Kashmir. India and Pakistan have fought
three wars over Kashmir: in 1947, 1965, and 1999. To this day, daily violence rocks the

When India and Pakistan got partioned, the ruler of Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh (who was a
Hindu and his people were Muslim) got a choice to join either India or Pakistan and so he chose
to remain neutral. In around October 1947, Pakistan sent troops to Srinagar and hence the
maharaja fled to India and signed a Accession claimimg that Kashmir belongs to India. Hence
the War of 1947-48 broke out between India and Pakistan. The UN asked Pakistan to remove
troops from Kashmir and India removed its forces. But Pakistan ignored the ceasefire and
continued the fight. The second war began on 1965 over the same territory and a ceasefire was
signed On January 1966. There was another war in 1971 for the Liberation of East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh). Another war over Kashmir was fought in the 1999 Kargil war , Pakistan lost the
war which was fought in the Kargil District over the same reasons said above. There were other
minor conflicts such as the Siachen conflict, Operation Brasstacks etc.

Since 1987, disputed State elections have resulted in some of the state's legislative assembly
forming militant wings, creating the catalyst for the insurgency, the Indian-administered Jammu
and Kashmir has been the site of conflict between the Indian Armed Forces, militants and
separatists. Furthermore, India alleges these militants are supported by Pakistan. The turmoil in
Jammu and Kashmir has resulted in thousands of deaths, But has become less deadly in recent
years. On the other hand, there have been protest movements in Indian Administered Kashmir
since 1989. A 2001 report 'Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency' of US Think tank RAND
corporation noted that 'More intrinsically, the nature of the Kashmir conflict has been
transformed from what was originally a secular, locally based struggle (conducted via the Jammu
Kashmir Liberation Front - JKLF) to one that is now largely carried out by foreign militants and
rationalized in pan-Islamic religious terms.' Most of the militant organizations are composed of
foreign mercenaries mostly from the Pakistani Punjab. In 2010 with the support of its
intelligence agencies Pakistan has been once again 'boosting' Kashmir militants and recruitment
of 'martyrs' in Pakistani state of Punjab has increased.

Kashmir Siege Day:

On August 5, 2019 india abolished the article 370. Article 370 was the basis of Jammu and
Kashmir's accession to the Indian union at a time when erstwhile princely states had the choice to
join either India or Pakistan after their independence from the British rule in 1947.One more
reason of celeberating the siege day is that one year had passed in which Kashmiries were forced
to live under Indian opperession.So,the Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Friday has
announced to observe ‘Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir’ (Day of Exploitation in occupied Kashmir)
on August 5 (Wednesday) to mark one year of Indian government’s move of scrapping special
status of the valley.


I think that the people of Kashmir are looking to leadership. And they are looking for the Prime
Minister of Pakistan to speak to their emotions and to speak to the crisis and take concrete
actions. The Kashmir dispute has three parties — India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir. All
three must concur in the terms of its settlement, which will have to be a compromise. Force has
clearly failed. No accord will succeed unless these three parties concur and compromise.
Pakistan can convert Kashmir into its province and request UN and the World to consider the
current disputed border as a permanent border. But for this, Pakistan has to expose the india for
his brutality on Kashmiries in the front of human rights organization. It is the time in which
Pakistan has to speak for independence of Kashmiries. Pakistani Prime Minister should not leave
even a single occasion for this issue. May Allah help Kashmiries.

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