RF-HRU-JAF Job Application Form

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Title First Name Middle Name Last Name
Mobile No.: Tel. No.: Fax No.:

Age: Birth Date: Place of Birth: Sex: __ F __ M

Citizenship: Nationality: Religion:
No. of Children:
Status: __ Single __ Married __ Separated __ Widow

Spouse’s Name Occupation Highest Educational Attainment

Father's Name Occupation Highest Educational Attainment

Mother's Name Occupation Highest Educational Attainment


__ Full-time __ Part-time
Position Applied for:
How did you learn about this opening?

Have you ever applied for employment here? __ Yes __ No When?

Have you ever been employed by the UP ITDC? __ Yes __ No When?

Are you presently employed? __ Yes __ No

May we contact your present employer? __ Yes __ No
Are you available for relocation? __ Yes __ No
Are you willing to travel? __ Yes __ No
Date you can start:
Desired starting salary:

RF-HRU-JAF Issue No. 01 Rev. No. 02

2/F Vidal A. Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St., University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: 920-2080 / 512-15204362217 / 981-8500 loc. 4468 to 4469 Email: itdc_info@up.edu.ph Website: http://itdc.up.edu.ph
Please list all secondary schools, colleges, and universities attended. Enclose with this application
official transcripts of college/university grades or records beyond secondary school level.

Secondary Schools, Colleges, and Graduate Address Dates Educational

Schools Attended Attended Attainment/Degree

Distinctions, Honors, and Awards (academic, extracurricular, business, community, others):

Are you planning to continue your studies? __ Yes __ No

If yes, where and what courses of study?
Describe your avocations and hobbies.

Extracurricular/Business or Community Activities or Involvement

No. of years of held if
Activities Organization/Address membership any

RF-HRU-JAF Issue No. 01 Rev. No. 02

2/F Vidal A. Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St., University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: 920-2080 / 512-15204362217 / 981-8500 loc. 4468 to 4469 Email: itdc_info@up.edu.ph Website: http://itdc.up.edu.ph
Full-time Positions Held. List each position separately with most recent job first. (Use additional sheet
if necessary)
Employer: Job Title:
Employer's Address: Nature of Business:
Date Employed: Responsibilities:
Monthly Salary:
Reason for leaving:

Employer: Job Title:

Employer's Address: Nature of Business:
Date Employed: Responsibilities:
Monthly Salary:
Reason for leaving:

Employer: Job Title:

Employer's Address: Nature of Business:
Date Employed: Responsibilities:
Monthly Salary:
Reason for leaving:

Training Programs/Seminars/Conferences Attended

Training/Seminar Conducted by Dates

In addition to your work history, are there are other skills, qualifications, or experience that we should

RF-HRU-JAF Issue No. 01 Rev. No. 02

2/F Vidal A. Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St., University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: 920-2080 / 512-15204362217 / 981-8500 loc. 4468 to 4469 Email: itdc_info@up.edu.ph Website: http://itdc.up.edu.ph
Briefly describe what you believe to be your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why
you view them as such.

Please explain why you would like to work in UP ITDC.

What are your future plans (family, career, etc.)?

Describe your health condition. Do you have any disability or illness at the present
time? If yes, please explain. __ Yes __ No


List three personal references, not related to you, who have known you for more than one year.
Name: Occupation/Employer:
Address: Phone No. Years Known:

Name: Occupation/Employer:
Address: Phone No. Years Known:

Name: Occupation/Employer:
Address: Phone No. Years Known:

I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing

questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand that any false statements or any required information withheld from this
form may provide grounds for dismissal from the company, if hired.


RF-HRU-JAF Issue No. 01 Rev. No. 02

2/F Vidal A. Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St., University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: 920-2080 / 512-15204362217 / 981-8500 loc. 4468 to 4469 Email: itdc_info@up.edu.ph Website: http://itdc.up.edu.ph

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