Genetic Algorithm Based Optimized Routing Methodology Through Big Data Analytics in Manet

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2019 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON)

Galgotias University, Greater Noida, UP, India. Sep 27-28, 2019

Genetic Algorithm Based Optimized Routing

Methodology through Big Data Analytics in
Satarupa Biswas Siddhartha Biswas Sherin Zafar Mohd. Abdul Ahad
Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Computer Department of Computer
Science, Science, Science, Science,
School of Engineering School of Engineering School of Engineering School of Engineering
Sciences & Technology, Sciences & Technology, Sciences & Technology, Sciences & Technology,
Jamia Hamdard Jamia Hamdard Jamia Hamdard Jamia Hamdard

Abstract- MANET faces topology dynamics due to its i.e., no centralised access point which can help to coordinate
infrastructure less nature and faces issues of energy all these different nodes. Two devices in the network can
conservation and node movement that requires the concept of only communicate if they are within the communication
dynamic load balancing based routing coming through the range of each other. Neighbour nodes can communicate
structure of big data analytics. The lifetime of a network is directly and no routing is required. The circles denotes the
governed through the concept of load balancing and QOS based transmission(communication) range of node A, B and C
data transfer governed by effective routing. Application of respectively. In the case of node A, within the circle range of
genetic algorithm helps optimizing the networks performance A, node B is positioned. This means that A and B are in
and accumulated the changes of topology. Genetic algorithm communication range and thus can directly transmit among
helps to select the energy efficient cluster for maintaining the
each other. Similarly node B and C are also neighbours and
load balance routes the data efficiently. Simulation results of the
can communicate with each other. Now if node A needs to
proposed “Genetic Algorithm Based Optimized Routing
communicate with node C(which is not in the range of A),
Methodology through Big Data Analytics in MANET” increases
the networks lifetime by QOS optimization
node A have to take help of node B as order to have. The
message that it needs to deliver to node C. Thus node B have
Keywords: MANET, Genetic Algorithm, Big Data, Routing. to cooperate with node A in order to delver the message to
node C. Now if we consider another node D, which is
neighbour to node A, then we get two possible
I. INTRODUCTION communication path, one is A-B-C and the other is A-D-C.
A. MANET In such case routing protocol is required to find the optimised
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET), also known as and better path for transmission of the data packet from node
wireless ad-hoc network, is a self configurable, peer-to-peer A to node C.
structured, self-forming, self-healable, less infra-structured
network for mobile devices that can be connected wirelessly.
MANET does not have any fixed configuration. Each and
every device(node) in MANET can move readily and
independently in any direction and can also change their links
with each other and with other devices continuously. Each
device(node) acts as a router by forwarding the traffic to
other specified nodes unrelated to its own use. As MANET
has no fixed infrastructure, we consider each of the nodes as
a host and a router at the same time during routing of data
packets. MANET is highly dynamic and also an autonomous
topology because the network may be operated by
themselves or may be connected to the larger Internet and Fig. 1. Transmission process of MANET
they also contain different transceivers between nodes that
can both transmit and receive communication. MANET is Routing is a functionality of network layer. Routing
usually classified into three protocols: Proactive, Reactive means establishing the routes that data packets take from a
and Hybrid protocols. MANET has become a popular particular source to destination. This is mainly the network
research topic due to the growth of laptops and wifi and other topology or we can say the setup of hardware that relay the
wireless networks. This technology is used in a wide range as
data. Routing protocols must have the properties for
like vehicular ad hoc communications, road safety, disaster
designing a MANET are: (i) Distributed in nature, (ii) Energy
rescue operation, defence, robots, etc. We have a connection
efficient, (iii) It must be both unidirectional and bidirectional
of different wireless nodes which basically co-operate the
way they work as these nodes mayn’t be able to talk to one link, (iv) Secured, (v) Hybrid network protocols, 0(vi) A
another directly but there are some intermediate nodes which routing protocol must also be aware of the Quality of Service
cooperate with one another and they engage with each other, (QOS), so that the real-time applications can rely on it.

978-93-5351-098-5/19/$0.00@2019 Galgotias University 645

Categorization of routing protocols are: (i) Proactive routing and it may happen that all 50 of them have their third bit as
protocols, (ii) Reactive routing protocols, (iii) Hybrid routing zero. So we can see, in this case, all of the journey of these
protocols. set will stop at the third bit when I becomes 0. To cater to
this condition, we do mutation for the sake of completeness.
A. Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithm is the idea which works with
populations of candidates. Steps included in genetic
algorithm are:

1. Encode- We are working in the solution space and thus

we have to encode a solution as a string(chromosomes). So,
basically we will work with the population of initial
randomly generated candidates and then try to mix up them
to produce new candidate for a better result.
P(1) ………… P(n) = Population of n elements.
Fitness function = f(n). The fitness function s strict for
a particular given problem i.e., f(x)≥0, where f(x)=0 if and
only if x is the solution.

2. Selection- This step selects the candidate having Fig. 2. Roulette Wheel Selection
maximum fitness function for further process. This selection
is done by the following:
Original Copies
P1 P1’
P2 P2’
… …
Pn Pn’

All the original (P1….Pn) are the candidates and for each
of them we have a fitness function. We cold the population
with respect to their fitness, i.e., we will make more copies of
fit candidates and less. Copies or even no copies of unfit
candidates. This can be visualised as a wheel where we
assign sectors for the candidates according to their fitness.
The copied elements P1’…..Pn’ is generated after rotating
the wheel n times. P(n)= f(n)/∑ j=1 f(j) is the Roulette wheel
selection formula.

3. Crossover- We randomly pair the copied population

and then randomly mixup their genes. This mixing of genes
is called crossover.
Let, say Pi is made up of genes called
X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9 and Pj is made up of genes
Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Y7Y8Y9. So Pi and Pj are the two pair we
have made by mixing the random pairs of copied new
Fig. 3. Flowchart of Genetic Algorithm
population P1’,P2’,…..Pn’. Now, in Pi and Pj, take a random
number of chromosomes as first population genes and the
B. Big Data Analytics
rest as second population genes. Then make their children as
follows: C1= X1X2X3X4Y5Y6Y7Y8Y9 and C2= Big data is mainly a collection of data sets that are very
Y1Y2Y3Y4X5X6X7X8X9. These children are the result of large and complex in nature. They are structured and
single point crossover. unstructured data which are growing larger so rapidly that
they are becoming immanageable by our traditional relational
4. Mutation- Mutation means random or rare event. Every database systems or by our conventional statistical tools.
once in a while we have changed one genes randomly in one Thus the growth of data challenges the Relational Database
individual. This is basically done for allowing new genes to Management System to manage , store and fast utilisation of
combine the fitness population. For example, if we have a data. Characteristics go big data are: (i) Variety= As big data
population of the set of the problem we have discussed so far is both structured and unstructured data, thus handling of
of Pi and Pj and suppose we get 50 candidates out of them these becomes a challenging factor, (ii) Velocity= data is
growing really fast, (iii) Volume= this feature denotes that

the data available are in large volumes, such as terabytes or power and sum of the distances of a node in ad-hoc
zettabytes. Almost everyday, we create 2.5 quintillion the question arise how to determine the fitness
(1*108) byte of data and about 90% of world’s data was function for a better solution of a given problem which is
created in past 2years where about 80% of the data is subsequently used by the Genetic Algorithm for evolution
unstructured. For analysis, we generally take the data and process. L. Haldurai, T. Madhubala and R. Rajalakshmi [5]
apply some logic or mathematics to bind knowledge from the gives a brief description of Genetic Algorithm and its
day that could be more useful in our future generation. Thus combination with other various methods and protocols to get
we mainly get an explanatory and predictive models. Once an optimized solution.As this algorithm is generally
the model is ready, that will allow s to get the information so developed for improvement of natural selection and genetic
that we can work further and deeply with the related topic ideas, there must be some basic algorithm which are used to
and act on the complex issues. So through big data analysis, generate optimised solution for the natural evolution
we collect the data, organise them in a certain fashion based techniques like selection, crossover, mutation and
on some definite characteristics and then analyse the inheritance. Pushpendra Kumar Yadav, Dr.N.L.Prajapati [6]
organised data to discover some patterns or some shows how this algorithm become the basic and most used
information. platform in our changing real world and complex
So this part of out paper gives the brief idea about environment. Also a repository of data is being generated
MANET and Genetic Algorithm along with their usage and everyday from digital technology, such as IOT and cloud,
properties. The rest of this paper is organized as follow: In and modern information system. This massive data analysis
Section 2 Literature reviews are given where we have also requires a lot of effort and knowledge extraction process
discussed about the various past research ideas and thus the for decision making. D. P. Acharjya and Kauser Ahmed P [7]
challenges faced by the researchers are being given in focuses on the impact of big data and its challenges, open
Section 3. A brief overview of utilisation of Genetic research issues and many more. Nada Elgendy and Ahmed
Algorithm In MANET and how to optimise routing Elragal [8] describes the idea and the process that how to
techniques in Section 4 and finally, Section 5 and Section 6 analyse the virtuous big data analytical methods and also the
shows that how our proposed work can be used for optimised tools which can be applied to big data as well. Also the
routing of MANET using Genetic Algorithm. Section 7 opportunities given by the application of big data analytics in
concludes the work and gives the scope of future work. various decision domain.


As we know, wireless ad-hoc network actively perform Challenges of MANET that makes the traditional routing
without any particular infrastructure. So this wireless algorithm protocols or schemes (which are already available
network designing is a huge challenge. Harshpreet Kaur and on internet) unusable in these environment specified as: (i)
Sukhjeet Kaur [1] research is based on the proactive, reactive Trouble is mainly enabling each device to continuously keep
and hybrid protocols which has been used in MANET for the track of information that required to route the traffic in
information transmission process from a source to proper manner. (ii) Challenges are posed by the environment
destination. As most of the routing methods are not able to like its a decentralised and highly mobile environment,
find the optimal path between source and destination due to distributed environment, lossy environment, etc. (iii) Security
which an optimisation approaches has been designed by the of these network due to the multi hop nature. (iv) Use of
researchers. Research is also done on the basis of nature timer interval sometimes may not conclude with the best
inspiring the routing protocols which can remove at least one routing path, thus lower performance and lower efficiency
or more problems in the area such as battery life, under highly dynamic condition of networks in MANETs. (v)
maintenance, adaptability, scalability, survivability, etc,. M. Some protocols needs to be configured manually by the
Sailaja, R. Kiran Kumar, P. Sita Rama Murty, and P E S N administrators. (vi) The network conditions of MANET is
Krishna Prasad [2] presents the routing algorithm derived unaware and thus a fixed configurable protocol is not suitable
from Ant Colonies and Bee Colonies oriented towards the for those changing conditions. (vii) The bidirectional link or
MANET where they tried to bring the potential of symmetric metrics affects the routing state. The proactive
networking inspired by nature in developing solution to the routing protocol always need to maintain and update
wide array of challenges of routing and network information regularly at each and every node.
management. Many researchers also deal with the adaptive
and non-adaptive routing algorithm. Sumitha J. [3] concluded V. PROBLEM FORMULATION
upon the survey on the basis of performance metrics like s A. Utilization of Genetic Algorithm in MANET
peed, computing time, redundancy that adaptive routing
algorithms are more effective and efficient than non adaptive In routing schemes, Genetic algorithm selects the optimal
routing algorithms. Researchers [4] also studied on the basis path for the flow of data from its source to destination. This
of the idea of weighted clustering algorithm with the help of is done by the following: Selection- Genetic algorithm selects
Genetic Algorithm. Choosing of Cluster-Head is. great two path for same source and destination. Next step is the
challenge in MANET and they shown the optimisation crossover and mutation step where it apply crossover
technique for minimisation of Cluster-Head based on few between the two defined paths followed by mutation
parameters like degree-difference, degree of mobility, battery procedure in which the existing node in the routing path is

replaced by a new node. Genetic algorithm organises the 2. Then the selection , crossover and mutation operations
network in several groups or clusters so that the topology of GA is being applied till an optimized value of route is
data transfer in the network becomes less. We prefer to use achieved: a1 = a*(size(matrix,1) - 1);
Genetic Algorithm because the search space of this algorithm 3. a1 = mod(round(abs(a1)),size(matrix,1)) + 1;
is huge but even complicated, there is no mathematical 4. a1 = [start_loc a1 end_loc];
complications, we can even narrow our search space by 5. if length(unique(a1)) == length(a) + 2
narrowing or selecting a particular range of population for 6. for i = 1:length(a1) - 1
encoding. Genetic Algorithm has its own rules that works 7. routing_cost = matrix(a1(i),a1(i+1)) + routing_cost;
internally and we need not be worried about the function of 8. end
those rules and protocols. For this reason Genetic Algorithm 9. f = routing_cost;
is considered the best for any complicated or loosely defined 10. else
problem. As this algorithm works from the population of 11. f = size(matrix,1)*100 + 100;
chromosomes(strings) simultaneously and produces 12. end
successive population of chromosomes, thus the algorithm 13. end
find the actual or nearest optimised better solution
irrespective of finding the false path or the long path. Hereditary calculation (Genetic Algorithm) is misused as
Moreover Genetic Algorithm is also utilised in a major way an answer for the dynamic briefest way directing issue and
because of its characteristics: (i) Parameter set is being considers MANET working inside a settled geological locale.
encoded in total, not the individual parameters, (ii) GA It is displayed by an associated and undirected topology
search he population of chromosomes, not the single diagram Gi (Vi, Ei) where Vi represents the arrangement of
chromosome. (iii) GA does not use the auxiliary or derivative remote hubs (switches) and Ei are the arrangement of
knowledges, rather use the objective of different correspondence interfaces that interface with two
problem(function). (iv) Applicable for discrete search space neighboring switches that fall into the radio transmission run.
set. The probabilistic rule of transition makes this algorithmA correspondence connect (I, j) can't be used for bundle
popular because it runs various methods in parallel and find transmission except if the two hubs I and j have a radio
he best optimised solution from source to destination. interface, each having a typical channel. In this way, the
dynamic briefest way steering issue that is being tackled by
The process of Genetic Algorithm is as follows: use of hereditary calculation is expressed as pursues: Initially
Step1: The number of the chromosomes, generation, value of a system of remote switches is being given having a postpone
crossover rate and mutation rate is being determined. upper bound, a source and goal hub and it is gotten to locate
Step2: Evaluate fitness values of the chromosomes. a least cost circle freeway on the topology chart.
Step3: Selection of chromosomes.
Step4: Crossover. VI. RESULT
Step5: Mutation.
A MATLAB simulator is implemented with following
Step6: Repeat step 3-5 if the required generation number is
parameters to produce optimized routing results for the
not met.
proposed approach: Simulation Time is 100s, Network
Step7: Solution (the best chromosomes).
Length is 50m, Network Width is 50m, Total Number of
Nodes is 40, Maximum Node Transmission Range is 10m,
Minimum Node Transmission Range is 5m, Maximum Node
A. Genetic Algorithm Based Optimized Routing Methodology Speed is5 m/s, Minimum Node Speed is 2 m/s, Maximum
Node Data Rate is 20 mbps, Minimum Node Data Rate is 10
The data travelling around the internet takes the form of
mbps, Maximum Node Traffic is 20 packets/s, Minimum
big data having huge amount of velocity, veracity and
Node Traffic is 10 packets/s, Speed Variation Factor is 0.2,
volume. In case of emergency infrastructure-less situations
Angle Variation Factor is 0.2
where MANET is being deployed certain optimized routing
methodology must be applied so that big data is routed
consistently across the network. The proposed genetic
algorithm based optimized routing methodology discussed in
this research study compares the shortest path traditional
methodology with the optimized one through Average Packet
Drop Rate, Packet Delivery Ratio, End-to-End Delay and
Hop Counts parameters. The algorithm below presents the
application of GA for big data in MANET.

First an objective function is generated: function [f] =

obj_func(x, matrix, start_loc, end_loc)
1. Routing cost is then initialized to 0: routing_cost = 0;
Fig..4 Average packet drop rate, Packet Delivery ratio, End-to-end Delay
and Hop Counts Results of Shortest Path Routing Approach Taking Node
Traffic as Comparison Parameter

hubs traffic, speed variety factor and point variety factor in
the system setup board just as number of hubs, recreation
time and averaging circle an incentive in the reproduction
board which can be can be adaptably changed giving viable
arrangements and keeps up QOS which is the most basic
necessity for MANET.

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