Framework For QOS Optimization in MANET Using GA-ACO Techniques

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2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)

Framework for QOS Optimization in MANET using

GA-ACO Techniques
Department of CSE
SRMIST, Kattankulathur
Tamilnadu, India

Abstract— MANET(Mobile Adhoc Network) is dynamically Motivated by the natural behavior of ant colonies, Ant
configured network that consist of collection of wireless mobile Colony Optimization (ACO) based algorithms were
Since the mobile nodes are dynamically configured, frequent developed to estimate the shortest path to the food reserves
changes occur in its topology and they form unpredictable [2]. It is based on Swarm intelligence. In this, chemical
behavior, leading to routing overhead. In any wireless network,
when node size is increased, the performance deteriorate. So as to
agent called pheromones are used by the ants for
support scalability, it is essential to optimize the QoS parameters. communication and sense their fellow members with the
The proposed algorithm uses GA-ACO (Genetic Algorithm- Any smell on their body. . The ants follow shorter optimal
Colony Optimization) which optimize the Quality of Service (QoS) paths.This nature of ant colonies can be used to attack
parameters like node speed, link delay, power and bandwidth. In combinatorial and optimization problems by developing
the proposed model, secure agent based multicast routing scheme stochastic search heuristics based on probability density
is used which optimizes the parameters based on hybrid GA and functions. The ACO algorithms make use of routing
ACO techniques. The Proposed algorithm outperforms the existing information by sampling of paths using communication
OLSR and AODV protocols and it yields 12.25% and 7.41% packets named as ants. The ants are replicated in every
improvement in Throughput, 5.63% and 4.22% improvement in
energy consumption , 45.34% and 42.01% improvement in drop
nodes to gather information about the quality of a path.
packet. They make use of this information during their journey from
destination to source to alter the routing information both at
Keywords— Mobile ad hoc network, GA,ACO,Optimal the intermediate nodes and at the source.
The paper is streamlined as follows: Section II brief
I. INTRODUCTION about the related work. In Section III, proposed model is
summarized. In Section IV, the performance of the
A fuzzy neural network is a learning machine that make use experiments were monitored and analyzed via simulation
of approximation techniques from neural networks to experiments.
calculate the fuzzy system parameters. Adaptive-Network-
based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) [3] is a fuzzy
inference system originated from adaptive networks. It
includes a set of software agents like Multicast Administer
Santhi et al. (2010)[4] have provided an on-demand QoS
Agent(MAA), ANFIS Agent (AA), Route Inventing Agent
routing method for MANETs based on ant colony meta-
(RIA), and Guard Agent (GA). It forms route discovery and
heuristic. Santhi & Nachiappan (2010) [4] have used QoS
maintenance process very quickly. In this model, fuzzy if-
aware paths to discover an essential multicast route through
then rules forms input- output mapping which is based on
the intermediate nodes and the paths are determined. Rai et
both human knowledge and stipulated input-output data
al. (2010) have presented a scheme that embeds a fuzzy-
pairs. The structure make use of 3 inputs, 4 rules, one
output.Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a machine learning model based selection method to initialize the QoS parameter
values for every instance of multicasting. Kharraz et al.
that has a behaviour similar to the mechanisms that evolve
(2012) [6] have elucidated about a multicasting technique in
in nature. The individuals forms the candidate solutions
flooding. The flooding make use of delay characteristics of
which serves as the base for solving the optimization
the contributing nodes which in turn flood the join-query
problem and they are modelled by n-bit binary vectors [1],
where research space is proportionate to an n-dimensional
[2] have propounded Ant-Dynamic MANET On-
Boolean space. It is a heuristic method based on natural
demand (Ant-DYMO) routing protocol, which uses ant-
selection and genetics designed to solve optimization and based technique in its proactive phase. It is categorized into
search problems. It holds a population of candidate solutions artificial ants namely, Explorer ANT (EANT) for
called chromosomes. GA produces individuals for the next developing routes to its source and Find Ant (FANT).
generation by performing fitness-dependent probabilistic Sailaja et al. (2011) [7] have realized five factors for
selection of individuals from the current population. The streamlining routing protocols such as reachability, energy
selected individuals is selected for the next level genetic consumption, load balancing effective routing and
operators for generating further new individuals that would congestion avoidance. Wankhade & Ali (2011) [8] make use
act for next generation. of ant colony methods in a fuzzy style and have showed the
effectiveness of new ant protocol. Data packets that pass
through the nodes towards the broken link will end with

978-1-5386-9533-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 529

2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)

being lost due to time deficiency in updating the routing average of the inverse of the cost, in terms of both
table (Kumar et al. 2011) [9]. Woo (2011) has formed a estimated time and number of hops.
recent ant based routing method named Efficient Ant based
Routing (EAR) method to improvize the performance best • Algorithm Steps
path selection. STEP 1: From the source node, the pheromone value
[6] uses an on-demand multicast routing protocol with is computed for the neighbour node.
competent route discovery which multiplies the performance STEP 2: The node path with highest pheromone
and efficiency of On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol conserve is selected. The routing table is updated for
(ODMRP). The technique is a limited flooding that has every node until the destination is reached.
improved the multicasting method by efficiently handling
flooding based on the delay characteristics of the STEP 3:If more than one neighbour node has the
contributing nodes. same highest pheromone value, they are selected.

(2011) and Pankajavalli & Arumugam (2011) [10] STEP 4: Finally, data transmission takes place only
propounded changes to DSR protocol making use of ants through the path with highest global reserve..
and bees They discussed the success of Swarm Intelligence
(SI) inspired protocols in contrast to conventional MANET B. Identifying the fitness value using GA
protocols. Sharvani et al. (2012) [11] have presented the The fitness value for selecting the optimal path for
usage of ant based routing to control the stagnation by transmission is identified. The shortest path identified by
altering the routes internally and tuning the pheromone ACO is given as input to the GA. The initial population
attention. They use this technique for increased the includes a path used to measure the fitness for each path. GA
throughput., reduced end-to-end delay and overhead. consists of following processes namely, Selection,
Crossover, and Mutation. Selection decides the optimal
III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY fitness path. Crossover is to determine a new path and
Mutation modifies or recombines a new path to obtain an
The following section elucidate the proposed work. In optimal shortest path. The fitness of each path is determined
this work, Quality of Service (QoS) determines the overall based on the cost of each node in the randomly selected path.
performance of the network. To quantitatively measure QoS, The population is trimmed by discarding the worst shortest
several features like bandwidth, throughput,delay are taken path based on the fitness value. Finally, paths with the best
into consideration. fitness value are obtained. After the selection of pairs of
paths, crossover is applied. The path pairs are considered as
A. Optimized Routing parents, which are crossed over to produce children referred
To provide better scalability and security, secure agent as new paths. After obtaining the new path, the mutation
based multicast routing scheme is proposed. It deals with operator is applied to modify and obtain an optimal path.
optimization of QoS parameters and routing based on hybrid
GA and ACO. Secure agents are configured in every node in Hybrid optimization using GA-ACO
the network. These agents consider an assumptions which is ACO finds the shortest path using the distance value. The
based on the defined learning to predict the environment set of paths obtained by ACO are given as inputs to GA. GA
behavior. A hybrid GA-ACO based routing protocol is is capable of solving the problems with no prior knowledge.
proposed which combines Genetic Algorithm (GA) with Ant The QoS of the paths is based on performance metrics such
Colony Optimization (ACO). During transmission, it as end-to-end delay, throughput, PLR, PDR, control
provides an alternate path based on pheromone and fitness overhead etc.GA-ACO provides alternate paths using
values so as to improve the performance of the network. pheromone and fitness value.
• Selection of optimal path using ACO • Algorithm Steps
The neighbours are identified based on the STEP 1: The shortest path determined by ACO is
pheromone value, followed by the computation of applied to GA module.
global highest pheromone value and selection of a
path for transmission using the ACO algorithm. STEP 2: If there is a failure in the sending path or if
the node is out of range, then GA finds fitness values
• Pheromone value calculation of all the paths in the ant colony except the failure
The pheromone conserve at each node is determined
from the source node to its neighbours, and the STEP 3: Two best paths are selected based on
neighbour with highest pheromone reserve is fitness, and crossover is applied and the path is
selected. At each stage of crossing the neighbor node, generated.
the backward ants virtually establish the path towards
the destination. The routing table entries are created STEP 4: If the newly generated path is not valid, then
or updated. The ants make an entry of the previous mutation is applied to modify the path.
node visited as the next hop node to reach the STEP 5: Newly created path is selected for data
destination. Each entry has a pheromone value, which transmission using GA.
signifies the goodness of the path over the next hop
node. To reach the destination node, it calculates the

2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)


Fig. 1 illustrates the lifetime comparison of proposed
algorithm with AODV and OLSR protocol. The proposed
algorithm offers better throughput when compared to
existing AODV and OLSR.

Fig. 4. Performance Improvement of proposed model

In Fig 1, when the node size is increased from 20 to 40,

both AODV and the proposed remains constant in
throughput. But when increased from 40 to 70, there exists
Fig. 1 Throughput Vs Number of Nodes drastic improvement in both the models. The proposed
algorithm gives better Throughput in contrast to existing
OLSR and AODV. It yields 12.25 and 7.41% improved
throughput. In Fig. 2, the performance of proposed algorithm
is examined in terms of RE and it is compared with the
existing OLSR and AODV protocols by varying number of
nodes. OLSR and AODV preserves more energy and hence
have short RE compared to the proposed model.
Fig. 3 shows the overall execution improvement of the
proposed algorithm with existing AODV and OLSR
protocol. When the node size are moved from 20 to 40,
existing OLSR and AODV shows steep rise in delay. Hence,
dropping of packets are frequent for the AODV and OLSR.
But the proposed model shows constant delay and it
involves 45.34 and 42.01 % less delay in contrast to OLSR
and AODV protocols respectively.

Fig. 2. Energy Consumption Vs Number of Nodes The author thank the management of SRM for giving the
continuous support in completion of the work.

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2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2019)

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