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2016 International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Evaluation Study of Performance Comparison of

Topology based Routing Protocol; AODV and
Mohd. Imran, Mohammed Abdul Qadeer
Department of Computer Engineering,
Zakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India
{mimran.ce, maqadeer}

Abstract --- Science of networking is still a relatively multi-hop wireless connectivity and its efficient dynamic
immature area. Proposing an efficient dynamic routing routing mechanism.
protocol for MANET is an arduous and provoking task. With the continuous growth in mobile population it is
Various protocols for routing phenomenon have been inevitable that in near future, many of the wireless hotspot
proposed to IETF [1]. Considering an ad-hoc network technologies will be part of our daily life. The gathering of
which is specified by frequently changing topology and such a vast number of mobile nodes in a closed locations
infrastructure less connectivity, a protocol must be tested arises the concept of an autonomous network where every
under realistic conditions but also it should not be limited node has the freedom to move arbitrary without any hardware
and a sensible transmission range for communication connectivity with the promise of more efficient
must be taken into account. Furthermore to exploit such communication. This is changing the perspective of
potentialities simulation modelling and theoretical connectivity to internet towards reading, sending e-mail
analysis have to be complemented. Many of these messages, sharing information in meetings and so on [4].
protocols have been simulated and its performance have
been evaluated against numerous metrics such as delay, II. MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network)
packet delivery fractions and jitter. This paper compares
the characteristics of AODV and DSDV using the ns-2 MANET is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network and it is built,
simulator and the trace file has been analysed using operated and maintained by its own constituent’s mobile
tracegraph tool. The result shows that AODV achieves nodes. Since it is independent of any pre-deployed
higher efficiency and performance under high mobility infrastructure, the randomness is inherited in the nodes. All
scenario than DSDV. the nodes in an ad-hoc network can be connected dynamically
in any arbitrary manner. Each mobile node behaves as a
Keywords—ns-2; WSN; AODV; DSDV; WRP; MANET. router in the network and plays vital role in the path discovery
and maintenance of the routes to the neighboring nodes in the
I. Introduction network [3, 5]. Since the transmission range of mobile nodes
Mobile Ad-hoc wireless network is a ubiquitous approach are limited, hence each node has dependency on the
nowadays for the establishment of connectivity anytime and neighboring node for packet forwarding. Additional nodes in
anywhere. It holds its promise to the future with its the network may cause complexity, hence specially
extravagance features. Due to which a lot of research efforts configured routing protocols have been proposed that take
have been imposed on mobile Ad-hoc networks. Since ad hoc care of the routing and exchange of packets between the
network is an autonomous infrastructure that doesn`t rely on mobile nodes that aren’t able to communicate together
any existing infrastructure [2], it makes it most promising and directly.
suitable candidate of communication and for the deployment
in vast hostile environments [2, 3] like battlefield or flooded In MANET [6], the concern is more to configuration and one
areas where need of pre-installed infrastructure is of the important elements that can affect the performance in
unimaginable. A mobile ad-hoc network is characterized by configuration is routing. Power consumption [1, 7] is another
its frequently changing topology, robust communication, vital issue in WSN [8] based Ad-hoc routing protocol since
the nodes in the MANET rely on batteries or other

978-1-5090-3411-6/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 208

DOI 10.1109/ICMETE.2016.100
exhaustible means for their energy requirement. Moreover,
designing a new protocol which is best suited for arbitrary
nature of routing mechanism and optimized for the energy
conservations is still a challenging issue for the researcher. A
mobile Ad-hoc network must be able to decide the best path
between the nodes, minimize the time and overhead of
bandwidth required to coverage after change in topology.
Existing routing protocols [3, 4] for ad-hoc networks can be
classified as proactive, reactive or hybrid. The pro-active
routing protocol is also known as table driven routing
protocol as it continuously evaluates the routes within the
network, so whenever the nodes are agreed to exchange the Fig 1: Ad-hoc Routing Protocols
packets, the route is already determined and immediately
sent. Some of the example of proactive routing protocols are
DSDV [9], WRP [10] etc. In contrary with pro-active
protocols, the reactive protocols are much energy optimized A. Table driven routing protocol: (DSR)
as they invoke only when the packet forwarding is needed. The table driven routing protocol is also known as proactive
As a result they are also known as on-demand protocols routing protocol which keep an up-to- date topological map
whose path finding mechanism is to flood the entire network of the entire network. With the help of this map it is easy to
with the route query. This process is also known route request find the suitable and optimum path for the data packet
and after the determination of suitable path packet forwarding whenever it is needed. Distributed bellman-ford protocol is
is initiated. This protocol includes AODV [11], TORA and former protocol in this category but suffered from lack of
DSR etc. coverage from “Counting to infinity” problem. As a solution
In comparison with proactive routing mechanism, the on- to this problem, DSDV [9, 13] protocol was proposed. In
demand route discovery method results much less traffic [3, DSDV, each mobile node maintain the routing table that
1] within the network especially when the innovative route include all the possible destinations and the no of hops
maintenance method is deployed. Each protocol is configured (intermediate node) to them in the network. A sequence no is
with its own routing mechanism which have certain benefits associated with each route mapping to the destination and
over others. Here comes the concept of protocol route with highest sequence number is used for data
hybridization. This process formulates or configures the forwarding that helps in avoiding the problem of loop
protocol with advantages of proactive and reactive while formation. The entire network is swamped with the packets
suppressing the drawbacks. Some of the hybridized protocols that stores information about changes happened in the
are ZRP (Zone routing Protocol) and FSR (FISHEYE network for example any break linkage in the path, deletion
STATE ROUTING) protocol. of a node or addition of a new node. Basically there are two
types of packet for the maintenance of the route i) full dump
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section III ii) incremental packet.
provides details of routing protocols in Ad-hoc network; All the information about change in the network is stored
Section IV provides our simulation methodology. The within the Full dump packet while incremental packet consist
performance evaluation and analysis will be explained in of occasionally changed made in the network map.
section V. The last section VI concludes the paper.
B. Reactive Routing Protocol: (AODV)

III. ROUTING IN AD-HOC NETWORK This is On-demand routing protocol in which the
communication is initiated on demand of the mobile nodes.
The routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc network can be These protocol has the ability of quick adaption of dynamic
classified in two categories according to the need of reaction link conditions and lower network utilization property. Since
from dynamic topology. the exchange of packet occurs when nodes are ready, hence
packet density in the route network map is lesser in
A. Table driven routing protocols comparison with proactive routing protocol where the
B. Reactive routing protocols network is flooded all the time with packets for periodic
monitoring of the change in the route map. The nodes do not
AODV and DSR are more familiar and interested routing maintain any routing information. AODV uses the
protocol among researcher. destination sequence number to guarantee the route freshness

and loop freedom of the route. Similar to the DSR, AODV
also two phase routing mechanism: route discovery and route

Fig 2: Tracegraph tool graph generator


A. Simulation tools

We evaluated the performance of MANET by using ns-2

simulator. It is a distinct event-driven tool that performs the
simulation of network for studying the dynamic nature of
communication networks. It provides a highly modular
Fig 2: Flowchart of AODV protocol platform for wired and wireless simulations supporting
different network elements, protocols, traffic, and routing
maintenance. When the two nodes are ready to handshake for types [12, 13]. It consists of two simulation tools. The
communication while they do not have any route information, network simulator (NS) contains all commonly used IP
phase 1 is initiated. The route request packet RREQ is protocols. The network animator (NAM) is used to visualize
broadcasted to the neighboring nodes. They propagate the simulations as shown in fig 2. NS-2 fully simulates a
through entire network until they do not reach the destination layered network from the physical radio transmission channel
node or the node which contain the information about the to high-level applications. It was initially developed as an
destination. The neighboring node acknowledges the RREQ object-oriented extension of the Tool command language
packet by sending route reply message to source node if it is (Tcl) [13].
the destination node otherwise it increments it hop count field
and broadcast the RREQ message to another. If it receive The simulation graph has been plotted by using Tracegraph
route request error RERR, it assumes that either the tool. Trace graph is a free network trace file analyzer
destination node is note active or the link is broken. developed for network simulator ns-2 trace processing. Trace
graph can support any trace format if converted to its own or
TABLE 1 ns-2 trace format. Trace graph is supported by Windows,
Linux, UNIX and MAC OS systems. Trace converter
processes traces over 80x faster and is available to buy.
1. Pre communication No table required
routing information before
communication Supported ns-2 trace file formats:
2. Constant and periodic No periodic updates [1] wired
propagation of route required. [2] satellite
maintenance packet [3] wireless (old and new trace)
3. More power Lower power [4] new trace
consumption consumption [5] Wired - wireless.
4. Less Energy Efficient Energy Efficient
B. Simulation parameter
5. Substantial traffic in Less traffic to the
route network due to route map TABLE 2
6. Less latency for first Latency is more
transmitted packet

Routing Protocol AODV, DSDV
Channel Type Channel/Wireless Channel
Antenna Type Omni Antenna
Mobility Model Random Waypoint Model
Maximum Packet in 50
Interface queue
Number of nodes 10,20
Simulation Time 5.52sec
Pause Time 5ms
Environment Size 1800 x 840 Fig 4 (a): Transmission Throughput of AODV
Traffic Size CBR(Constant Bit rate)
Packet Size 512 bytes
Packet rate 5 packets/sec
Simulator NS 2.31


The main key parameter used in this paper for the evaluation
of Ad-hoc network and performance comparison of AODV Fig 4 (b): Transmission throughput of DSDV
and DSDV are transmission Throughput, receiving
throughput, and end to end delay [13].

Throughput: It is the number of packet that is passing

through the channel in a particular unit of time. This
performance metric show the total number of packets that
have been successfully delivered from source node to
destination node and it can be improved with increasing node
density. The throughput is usually measured in bits per
second (bits/sec). A throughput with a higher value is more
often an absolute choice in every network.

Fig. 4 presents the graph of the transmission throughput for

Fig 5 (a): Receiver throughput of AODV
both of protocol. Fig 4 (a) represent the transmission
throughput of the AODV channel while 4 (b) is representing
the same for DSDV. It is observed that sending throughput is
maximum in the time interval 0 to 5 for both of the routing
protocol. And rest of the time sending throughput is almost
constant. Here, it is observed that AODV performance is
better than DSDV in terms of sending throughput.

Fig. 5 presents the graph of the receiving throughput for both

of protocol. Fig 5 (a) represent graph of AODV channel while
5 (b) is representing the same for DSDV. It is visible that
receiving throughput is maximum in the time interval 4 to 5 Fig 5 (b): Receiver throughput of DSDV
for both of the protocol but with increasing simulation time
interval, AODV performance rate sequentially increasing in
comparison with DSDV.

End to End delay Cumulative distribution: throughput. But receiving throughput is maximum for DSDV
protocol because, it maintains periodic table which broadcast
Fig 6 (a) and 6(b) are representing the end to end delay routing table continuously to its neighbor for update. For the
cumulative distribution. From the graph it is clear that delay same time interval AODV decrease because of less active
is high initially in AODV but after some time it is very low. route. It is interesting to note that the average delay in AODV
But in the case of DSDV, it is very low at starting and decreases as the mobility increases but for DSDV it increases
increase gradually specially for packets. With delay time gradually. So we can conclude that AODV indicating its
increasing, the cumulative delay increases and after some highest efficiency and performance under high mobility than
time remain constant. It is interesting to note that the average DSDV. Simulation results show the performance of both
delay in AODV decreases as the mobility increases. protocol with respect to the average end to end delay,
throughput. Finally, it is concluded that the performance of
AODV is better than DSDV routing protocol for real time
applications. In future, it would be interesting to note and
analyze the behavior of MANET on real life test-bed.


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