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Ms. Janene T.

Alvarez Group 1

Entrep1 Insights

The Environment of Organizations and Managers

The Environment of Organizations and Managers discuss the nature of the organizational
environment and identify the environments of interest to most organizations. It Describe
the components of the general and task environments and discuss their impact on
organizations. It is also Identify the components of the internal environment and discuss
their impact on organizations, identify and describe how the environment affects
organizations and how organizations adapt to their environment and lastly to express the
meaning of and approaches to organizational effectiveness.

Organizational Culture

Culture is not stagnant; nor is it something that can ever be “achieved.” While you can
always seek to improve your organizational culture, you should never approach it as an
end point. It shifts and grows, and the best thing that you can do as a leader is to foster that
growth. Though planning an organizational culture is a complex and not easily predictable
process with many variables, it can be fostered through better communication and
alignment. Communication helps navigate the “how we do things” from the first quote
above while alignment is that “glue” from the second quote. Finally, it is important for all
CEOs, executives and managers to have their finger on the pulse of the organization in
order to continuously assess that dynamic component of the ever-changing culture as
implied. If you create a smooth rhythm of knowing the pulse of your organization weekly
and combine it with transparent communication and alignment among all the executives,
managers and employees, you’ll develop a great culture and especially one of high
performance. Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs,
which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong
influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform
their jobs.

Change Management the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip and support
individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational transitions
resulting in the realization of change.

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