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Improving Performance

Safety Hazards Case Study

Kat Kluluss is a production manager in FBR Foods Ltd processing plant. She has three years’
experience. Her responsibilities include ensuring a healthy, safe and productive working

Last week, safety officer Barton Bandayd completed his annual assessment, which revealed
losses of £250,000 during the last fiscal year due to lost time accidents, claims and statutory
penalties for safety violations. Being a conscientious manager, Kat is surprised and
disappointed with these results.

Kat: So, safety is a real problem.

Barton: Yes, it is. Last year, we lost £250,000 because of

accidents. Do you think workers can recognise safety

Kat: Of course they can. Most of them have been around for
some time, so they should know what’s what.

Barton: Sure. But do they know how to report safety hazards?

Kat: Yes. But they still don’t do it. And they really should,
you know. After all, it’s for their own good. If only we
could just get them to be more safety conscious.

After this conversation, Barton and Kat agree it’s time to be seen to be taking action. They
put up some safety posters around the plant and on the notice board. They also order some
training videos from the Heath and Safety Executive and show them to everyone on a regular
and mandatory basis.

1. What effect do you think these actions will have on the accident rate?

2. Is this situation due to a skill or knowledge deficiency?

3. What are some possible causes of these safety problems?

4. Can you relate this scenario to problems you’ve experienced in the workplace?

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